#December event 2023
mamamittens · 9 months
The Intent Matters
This is part 6/12 of December Event 2023 for @humanoid606
Platonic Yandere Straw Hats & Nonbinary Reader
Warnings: Implied toxic family, child abuse, and murder. Oh, and light yandere undertones.
Word Count: 2,625
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There was a chill in the air that mixed with the scent of warm spices. It lingered over your bedding as you buried your nose into your pillow, trying to sleep a little longer. Peace was a bit rare on the Thousand Sunny with the Straw Hat Pirates. So you tried to enjoy it as long as you could. But, as expected, it didn’t last long.
There was a gentle knocking.
“Are you awake, teaspoon?” Your nose wrinkled at the nickname. An odd one for Sanji. But sweet.
A little goes a long way, teaspoon.
“…Yeah. I’m awake.” You called back, receiving an amused huff.
“Get dressed and you can help with the Christmas rolls.” Sanji called. “As a treat.” That got you up and moving. The opportunity to help Sanji cook was rare, the chef protective over his kitchen—understandably with your menace of a captain liable to eat everything if given the chance. You made record time throwing on a sweater and taking care of hygiene. The chill present all on the ship despite the heating working hard. Something Franky was fixing since he apparently didn’t expect this level of persistent cold when originally planning the temperature control.
You nearly stumbled into the kitchen, Sanji smiling at your enthusiasm as he dipped his head towards a bowl.
“Mixing duty?” You asked, already knowing the answer as pre-measured bowls lined the counter. Dough from the looks of it. Sanji moved aside as you washed your hands with a pleased hum, glad you remembered your manners and didn’t touch food with dirty hands.
It was a quiet, pleasant atmosphere as you assisted in making rolls for breakfast and setting aside cookie dough for gingerbread later. Rolling, cutting, folding, and setting them in the oven under Sanji’s watchful eye. He even let you ice them.
“Don’t forget your gift, teaspoon.” Sanji reminded in a hushed tone as he set the food on platters for serving. You looked at him in confusion. Eyes looking around for an answer. It was there, suddenly, on the counter. A small box with a red bow on top. Sanji looking at you in amusement as you lifted the lid.
It was a neatly folded apron and a pair of oven mitts. White with little spoons embroidered on the edges, the front of the apron spelling out in delicate calligraphy ‘Little Helper’. You flushed, glancing at him in surprise.
“W-What’s this all about?” You asked softly. Sanji smiled, taking out his cigarette to tap out the ashes into a tray.
“Your own apron and mitts. You’re welcome in my kitchen anytime, teaspoon. Merry Christmas.” Sanji pulled you into a gentle hug. The unexpected affection lingered for a moment before Sanji pulled away with a wink. Or maybe he just blinked, it was hard to say with his hair still covering the other eye. “Chopper has his own gift for you next. After breakfast, though.”
Breakfast was received with the usual cheer and gusto, particularly from Luffy. He took off his hat and settled it on your head, much to your surprise.
“Merry Christmas—you can wear that today. Just today though!” Luffy declared through a mouthful of bacon and cinnamon rolls. You couldn’t help but smile in shock. Sure, Luffy was generally chill with his crew messing with his hat, but to wear it a whole day?
That was a surprising gift.
When everyone—even Luffy—finished eating, Chopper tugged you away to his office.
“I had to look around for a quality bag to hold it all!” Chopper lamented, “Nothing was good enough! Usopp ended up helping make the bag. Here, your gift!” Chopper offered a box between his hooves. Getting rather excited, you lifted the lid and found a canvas bag inside. A bit smaller than something you’d wear to carry your things in, meant more to be worn by your hip with a belt clip and thigh buckle to support it. You pulled it out, inspecting the soft white fabric with a red cross on the outside.
The bag could detach from the fastenings and unzip in a surprisingly display of ingenuity. Medical supplies carefully secured and labelled on every flap, including a pouch of ‘miracle medicines’ from Chopper’s own stash. Things meant only under dire circumstances. Short of literal surgery, you appeared to be set for anything life on board the Thousand Sunny could throw at you.
“Wow, this is… a lot! Shouldn’t you be the one to have all this though? I only know a little first aid after all.” You asked nervously. Chopper smiled, eyes gleaming with determination.
“Don’t worry, I plan to teach you how to use everything in here to it’s fullest potential! Just in case we’re ever separated, I wanted to know you could take care of yourself—or any of our troublesome crewmates!” Chopper laughed and you smiled. It would be handy to have an extra pair of hands in a medical emergency. “Maybe if you have a knack for it, you can even make your own medicine!”
It was rather heartwarming that Chopper had so much faith in your abilities.
“Thanks, Chopper. I love it.” You hugged him close and he chuffed, returning the embrace without even a hint of fake-disdain that he usually did when embarrassed. “I won’t let you down.”
Chopper clicked his tongue.
“As if you ever could! Now, I believe Franky had something for you next!” You snorted, setting him down.
“Am I going to be going to each of you today to get gifts? If I’d known, I would have gotten you all something too… though I don’t really celebrate.” You trailed off weakly, squeezing the bag as Chopper huffed, knowing what you were referring to.
“We know! Next year you can join in—but this year we wanted to show you that things are different here! Now, off you go!” Chopper gently ushered you out of his office. You left with a smile, taking a moment to secure the bag before going on to find Franky. Likely in the engine room, you’d know when you started to smell soda.
The cyborg was always surrounded by the scent of soda.
As expected, he was messing with the machinery deeper in the ship. Inspecting gears and gauges with an array of tools nearby. After a few moments, you knocked on the wall just loud enough to be heard over the mechanical workings. He jolted, looking back with pleased surprise.
“Oh! Hey there! Here for your gift, right?” Franky jerked his head off to the side against the wall where a colorful box waited. “It’s my part of what Usopp and I have been working on! An attachment for a weapon!” Franky laughed. You opened the box to find what like a thick barrel with a selection wheel around the base. Shapes you vaguely recognized as tool inserts for knuts, bolts, and screws along it.
When you clicked the wheel to what appeared to be a regular screw cross shape, a large piece of metal slid out. The tip of a screw, in fact, though clearly for a very large screw.
“Uh… how often am I meant to run into screws this big?” You asked loudly. Franky laughed.
“There’s a regular sized ones in there too that you can remove! But this is what you might find on bigger machines! You never know when you’ll need to tighten—or loosen—something!” Franky declared cheerfully. “Go to Usopp for the other half!”
“Alright, thanks, Franky!” You laughed, taking the box with you. At the very least Usopp can reuse it for something.
Usopp was in his studio, working on something quietly. He heard you coming in just fine and turned with a wide grin, spotting the rather heavy attachment in your arms.
“Oh! Sooner than expected, but that’s alright! I finished it just a few days ago!” Usopp grinned, standing up to rummage through a closet. He pulled out a pole about as tall as your waist. “It’s got some neat tricks. A taser, light, and even an emergency whistle that can be heard for miles around in a thick forest! And, of course, you attach Franky’s gift on the end here for more engineering problems!” Usopp twisted the top to flip through an electrified prong, a tube with a beam of light, and very briefly a whistle that automatically sounded. It was incredibly loud.
You handed him the attachment and it slid into place easily. Now suitably sized for you to use the oversized tools it gave you. With a flick of his hand, they even altered slightly to turn for you, though the screwdrivers didn’t need to for obvious reasons.
“Neat. Kinda hope I never need any of that though.” You commented lightly. Usopp nodded his head sagely.
“Of course! Of course! Still, I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s better to have it and never need it than to need it and never have it!” Usopp declared. “Like Chopper’s medical bag! Hopefully, you never need to open it for anything but an aspirin for headaches, hah!” Usopp laughed, handing the now sizable staff to you.
You weighed it in your hands, getting a feel for it. It was understandably quite hefty. But also just a little too much to carry around regularly. You weren’t exactly built before joining the crew after all.
“It’s nice but… I’m not sure how I’d use it. Or carry it around all the time.” You admitted quietly. Usopp clapped his hand over your shoulder with a reassuring smile.
“That’s where Zoro and Nami come in! Go to the training room, they’re waiting in there for you!” Usopp declared. Hopeful, if a little nervous, you nodded.
That wasn’t exactly the most reassuring combo you could ask for. But still, you made your way to the training room without any fuss.
Nami spotted you first.
“Oh! There you are! And wow, they really went all out with that staff, didn’t they?” Nami asked, holding out her hand. Despite her slender frame, she whipped it around easily, flicking through the various options with an absentminded nod of her head. “Good. Good. Well, as you may have guessed, we’re going to help train you to wield this! I’ll help with technique and Zoro will help with strength training!” Zoro looked up from his own absurdly large weights and nodded.
“By the time the witch and I are done, you’ll be a terror in your own right.” Zoro added with a grin. “Later, though. For now, here’s our actual gifts.”
Zoro tossed something at you and you nearly fell trying to catch it. It was a pair of fingerless gloves with metal on the knuckles. They fit perfectly and had padding for your hands. As you flexed them, getting a feel for the fabric, Nami placed a pouch in them. It was a bag that looked like an orange slice with the unmistakable weight of money in them.
“An allowance, interest free!” Nami winked. “Don’t spend it all in one place!” She warned.
“Oh. T-Thanks.” You said faintly, a little gob smacked that Nami gave you money. Without expecting it back, even! Out of words to say, you put the bag away. “I… I guess I go find Robin or Jinbe now?” you asked, feeling a little adrift at the unexpected gift giving you’d experienced all day.
“They’re both in the kitchen right now, I think, enjoying some tea.” Nami mused, putting the weapon on the wall. “We’ll keep this here until you’re ready to carry it all day. Wouldn’t want to hurt yourself!”
“Merry Christmas.” You called out faintly as you went to find Robin and Jinbe.
As Nami had said, they were in the kitchen taking a moment to themselves. Sanji likely watching over the helm for Jinbe while he was on break before lunch.
“There you are, dear. Come, join us!” Robin called softly, Jinbe smiling and pulling out a chair for you. “Our gifts are also to be enjoyed at the same time. I imagine you’ve had a surprising day.” Robin commented, gently brushing your back as you sat down. She pushed out a box of tea and Jinbe pushed a journal towards you. Both were clearly high quality.
“To write down your thoughts. It gets pretty chaotic around here. So I thought that you’d like the chance to collect yourself through this.” Jinbe added quietly with a soft smile of his own. The journal was made of dyed leather, ocean blue with waves along the cover and the silhouettes of fish swimming to and fro. On a plate was your name engraved, with a fancy pen slipped into a loop between the covers.
Taking a moment, you pulled out a bag of tea labeled ‘noon’. There was also a section of ‘morning’ and ‘bed’ teas. It smelled zesty and like unfamiliar herbs. Robin assisting in pouring a cup to steep the leaves in. While it did, you flipped open the book to look at the pages. They were completely blank, no lines, so you could sketch if you preferred without any interference. The pages also thick and smooth.
You noticed something sticking out of the top. A scrap of newspaper. Curious, you flipped through the book to find it.
It was a small, cut section from a paper. Dated a few weeks ago. It was terse and professional, expressing the condolences for the passing of…
Your family.
Your eyes watered. After all they’d done to you, it was surprising that you could feel mournful of their passing. But over all of that was the overwhelming feeling of relief. You’d never have to see them again. For real this time. Not a chance they could find their way back in your life to tell you those awful things or drag you into the horrible depression that plagued your every step under their roof.
You looked up at them in shock but they just smiled and drank their tea.
“Shishishishishishishi~” Luffy laughed unexpectedly in your ear. “It was hard to keep it a secret, but Sanji said it would be worth it!” Rubber arms wrapped around you as he hugged you, resting his chin on top of his hat.
“I still say we should have done the same for Sanji.” Robin mused. “At least his father…” she sighed. You could feel Luffy shake his head.
“Nah, seeing Sanji be the best cook in the world is better. Let that bitter ass stew in failure… if he tries another ‘whole cake’ again though, Sanji will just have to suck it up.” Luffy denied ominously. “You’re ours, but as long as they were alive, you’d always be on the look out for them. Afraid of the chance they’d show up and take you back. And now they won’t. Captain’s orders.”
You could hear the rest of the crew respond in kind as they came into the kitchen. Sanji entering your field of view to pull out his knives, ostensibly to cut up meat for lunch but the metal gleamed with warning in the light.
“Captain’s orders.”
There was an unfamiliar and almost oppressive weight to those words. Like there was another layer to the order.
You’re never leaving. Captain’s orders.
But you strangely didn’t feel threatened. They didn’t want to lock you in a room or beat you for ‘ruining things’. You were wanted here. Very much. They wanted you safe. They wanted you happy. And they were willing to go to extraordinary lengths to do it.
You should be afraid. But you weren’t. You relaxed in your chair as Luffy laughed softly above you. Hand over his arm as you finally responded.
“Captain’s orders…”
You weren’t going anywhere. Why would you?
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rafaelsilvasource · 9 months
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RAFAEL SILVA attends NALIP's end of year celebration honoring Latino excellence in film and TV at Sunset Room Hollywood - December 15, 2023 | Photo by Carlos Eric Lopez
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aftersector · 9 months
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my gift for @ilthit for the scum villain exchange!! based off of her “Sha Hualing reads Resentment of Chunshan and she has questions” prompt 📘👀
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quinloki · 9 months
Penguin - Kisses
Reader style - Afab she/her Time slot - Business Hours (technically, whew!) Client Name - (⌐■_■) Anonymous! CW: Kissing. I mean, KISSING, kissing.
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You’d asked on a whim, the words coming out of your mouth before your brain was able to stop them. The embarrassment that filled the air between the two of you was heavy quickly.
Shachi had choked on his drink, Penguin’s face had gone an incredible shade of red. He pulled his newsies cap lower for a moment, before clearing his throat.
“I’m not against it, Miss.” He says, confidence finding its way back into his voice and actions slowly. He raises his head a little as he moves closer to you. “It was just such an abrupt request.”
You swallow, the weight of your words sinking into the rest of you as Penguin’s fingers slipped between yours. You could feel the pace of your heart beat quicken, and you were positive he could too, as astute as he was.
“It… was, wasn’t it?” You agree nervously, letting your fingers slip between his, shifting just a little closer. Embarrassment or not you weren’t going to let the opportunity pass. “But since… you’re okay with it, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Well, there’s a few kinds,” Penguin points out, leaning in close enough that you can see the bright color of his eyes even shaded by the cap. “Am I working my way up to it, or just-.” His free hand comes up, finger under your chin, tilting it up a little. “Diving right in?”
“Wuh-work-working up to it.” You stammer, suddenly feeling a little out of your league.
Penguin was always so sweet, and sure he could be a goofball - especially when Shachi was around - but you had expected his response to be different. To be flustered, and unsure. That he’d laugh it off or say it was one of the addons of the club that he didn’t do. Or, no offense of course, didn’t want to do with you.
He uses the single finger under your chin to guide you, tilting his head a little as his lips brush against yours. The gentle action is warm and soft, fleeting for what you want, your own hunger pulling a quiet gasp from your lips as he leans back a little and smiles.
“More?” He hums and leans before you can answer kissing you softly. It’s more than the light brush of lips he started with, a little heat and weight behind it, a moment’s pause before he leans back again.
“More.” You murmur, lips barely moving, eyes shifting from his down to his lips.
He leans in again, finger under your chin shifting until his hand is caressing your face. His tongue slips along his lips before meeting yours. Warm, wet, pressed heavy against your own lips, soft hum in his chest vibrating against your lips.
When he leans back again you can feel your heart racing, you breathe in deep, the heat between you both leaving you dizzy. It wasn’t that you couldn’t breathe, but rather you forgot to even do so. Despite the rush, and the pleasure of it, your greed gets the better of you.
“More.” You say, clearly this time. Heatedly. Demanding.
Penguin grabs your head in his hands, leaning forward swiftly, and kissing you deeply. His lips press against yours so hotly that it’s almost crushing. He shifts your face, giving you the smallest chance for a breath, before his tongue licks across your lips and pushes into your mouth. In some way you feel like you gave him permission, but at the same time you feel like you’re being herded.
Controlled like a shoal of fish at the mercy of a creature far more in control than you.
Penguin’s tongue dances in your mouth, teasing and testing, stealing sense from you and leaving pleasure in its wake. Your desire for more is fully sated before he leans back again, leaving you to pant slightly, hazy eyes trying to find the beautiful bright color of his eyes that you’d seen before.
A toothy grin crosses his face, pleased with the job he’s done.
“I need you to kiss me like that.” Shachi says, and your daze shatters into near mortified clarity.
You’d forgotten he was there.
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Hey everyone!
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Anything fair game (familial, platonic, romantic, aged-up NSFW)! Any orientation or relationship style is welcome and encouraged!
Any creative works (writing, art, fics, head canons, incorrect quotes, etc.) are accepted.
Do one prompt! Do them all! Any participation is great! They just serve as ways to encourage that creativity. No Pressure.
Make sure you tag us so others can more easily see your work:
Questions? Send us a message/ask, or contact @izanae
Get creative and have fun! We all look forward to your participation and submissions!
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felipeandletizia · 9 months
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December 24, 2023: King Felipe Christmas Message
Like every Christmas Eve, I have the opportunity to congratulate you on Christmas and to convey to you, along with my family, our best wishes. It is a tradition that I like to maintain and that also allows me to bring to your homes some reflections on our present and on the challenges that we face as a country.
The economic and social difficulties that affect the daily lives of many Spaniards are a concern for everyone. A concern that is expressed, especially, in relation to employment, health, the quality of education, the price of basic services. Of course also with the unacceptable violence against women or, in the case of young people, with access to housing.
So, there are many specific questions that I would like to address with you today, although tonight I want to focus on others that also have a lot to do with the development of our collective life. It is to the Constitution and to Spain that I want to refer.
This year, our Constitution has turned 45 years old. During these years of democratic life, the Constitution, which the Princess of Asturias swore on last October 31, has been uninterruptedly present in our lives. And it is, without a doubt, the best example of union and coexistence between Spaniards.
We cannot forget that one of our great assets in democracy is, precisely, that coexistence based on shared feelings and the common search for the well-being and prosperity of all.
In Asturias last October, I pointed out - and I believe so - that it is with unity, with collective effort and with attitudes of solidarity that great works are built, those that transcend people, those that last and remain in the world. time. This is how a country progresses.
Naturally, in Spain every citizen has the right to think, express themselves and defend their ideas freely and with respect for others. But democracy also requires basic and broad consensus on the principles that we have shared and that have united us for several generations.
And that union, which has deep historical and cultural roots, must rest above all on the values that govern all democratic coexistence: freedom, justice, equality, political pluralism.
These are the values that unite us, that give strength and permanence to a democratic system like ours.
And this is how our Constitution defines and establishes them, which has been the greatest political success in our recent history, and which represented the culmination of a process that deserved extraordinary admiration and international recognition.
Thanks to it, Spain managed to build and consolidate a full, open and inclusive democracy, a Social and Democratic State of Law, which has ensured our coexistence and which has allowed us to overcome various and serious crises in recent years. That is the obvious reality of our recent constitutional history.
Thanks to the Constitution we managed to overcome the division, which has been the cause of many errors in our history; that opened wounds, fractured affections and distanced people. Overcoming this division, therefore, was our main success almost 5 decades ago. Therefore, preventing the germ of discord from ever establishing itself among us is a moral duty that we all have. Because we can't afford it.
And there is another dimension of the Constitution that we often do not notice, and that is undoubtedly also very important: The one that allows us to ensure our model of life, our way of living and understanding life. Expressing yourself freely, receiving an education, having a job, or protecting yourself from illness is undoubtedly key in our daily lives. It is also important to have access to housing, start a family, have social assistance or have a decent retirement… All of these daily events - and many more - are what the Constitution protects, guarantees and protects.
For this reason, I want to claim the Constitution not only as a democratic value for the present and future, but also as an essential instrument and guarantee so that the lives of Spaniards can continue to flow with confidence, with stability, with certainty. So that we can freely enjoy a life in which each one - with their circumstances - can see their legitimate expectations, ambitions, projects and needs reasonably satisfied.
But it is evident that for the Constitution to fully develop its mission, it is not only required that we respect it, but also that we preserve its identity, what defines it, what it means; its reason for being as a collective agreement of all and among all for a shared purpose.
And, finally, it demands that we preserve its integrity as a place of mutual recognition, acceptance and encounter approved by all Spaniards, as legitimate holders of national sovereignty.
Therefore, apart from respect for the Constitution there is no democracy or possible coexistence; there are no freedoms but imposition; There is no law, but arbitrariness. Outside the Constitution there is no Spain in peace and freedom.
And together with the Constitution, Spain.
We Spaniards began a new path almost half a century ago; we did it together, democratically, in a common project. We approve a shared vision of Spain that recognizes the right of everyone to feel and be respected in their own personality and culture; with their languages, traditions and institutions.
And today, Spain is a strong society, which has demonstrated many times the values that forge our meaning as a political community:
We have been in solidarity with those who have suffered adversity; We have had exemplary civic behavior in overcoming COVID; We have demonstrated courage, dignity and principles in the face of terrorism; And we have expressed and - above all - defended our constitutional values when these have been in question or put at risk.
And we have also done all of this together and in accordance with the constitutional framework, decided by all Spaniards.
The ultimate reason for our successes and progress in recent history has been precisely the unity of our country, based on our democratic values and cohesion, on the solid ties of the State with our Autonomous Communities and on the solidarity between all of them. Also based on our openness to the outside world with a deep Ibero-American and European vocation. Precisely, Spain has presided over the Council of the EU during the last semester, in which the unity of Europe has been reinforced.
I have no doubt that unity will also be the key for us to successfully face the serious and complex future challenges that Spain faces today.
To address this future, all State institutions have the duty to conduct ourselves with the greatest responsibility and always seek the general interests of all Spaniards with loyalty to the Constitution. Each institution, starting with the King, must place itself in the place that constitutionally corresponds to it, exercise the functions attributed to it and comply with the obligations and duties that the Constitution indicates to it.
We must also respect other institutions in the exercise of their own powers and mutually contribute to their strengthening and prestige. And finally we must always ensure the good name, dignity and respect of our country.
Throughout its history, for centuries, Spain has had the responsibility of influencing the course of Humanity. Likewise we've gone through periods of tragedy, silence, isolation and pain. But the Spanish people have always surpassed them; has managed to overcome, knowing how to choose its path with strength and with the pride of the people who are and want to be.
We should become more aware of the great country we have, in order to feel it more and take care of it together. In this way we will be able to better fulfill the obligation that I spoke about a few weeks ago in the Cortes: that of guaranteeing to the young generations the legacy of a united, cohesive Spain, with a will to understand, and solid in its democratic, civic and moral convictions; the legacy of a respected Spain, of a beloved Nation, in which they can continue to develop their lives freely, safely in an environment of stability and trust.
Spain will continue forward. With determination, with hope, we will do it together; aware of our historical and current reality, of our truth as a Nation. The Crown will always be on that path; not only because it is my duty as King, but also because it is my conviction.
Thank you for your time tonight and together with the Queen, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía we wish you a happy Christmas Eve, with a very special memory for those who, at this moment, with dedication, ensure the safety of everyone, and for the operation of public services.
To all, Merry Christmas, Eguberri on, Bon Nadal and Boas festas. Good night; and Happy and prosperous new year 2024.
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wangxianficrecs · 9 months
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Another Fandom Event Dropped!
Hello, stiltonbasket here! The interest check for the third volume of the MXTX food zine is open now; all the event information is in the first post at our mxtxfoodzine blog, right under the pinned post. The zine is open-entry to fans of all three of MXTX's works, digital, and free to download. Creator sign-ups open December 28, and we expect to release Volume 3 in October 2024. :) @stiltonbasket
MXTX Foodzine 2024
If you're interested in joining next year's MXTX Foodzine, make sure to say so in the interest check! You should also check out @mxtxfoodzine to find 2022's and 2023's foodzines - which were incredible - and to have all your questions surrounding the event answered.
*** REBLOG so everyone enjoy! ***
Wangxianficrecs doesn’t coordinate anything in our Eye on Events segment, we’re just letting everyone know about them.  If you have an event you want the fandom to participate in or know about, let us know, and we’ll make a post about it.
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kristen-stewart-news · 9 months
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artsybelle1015 · 10 months
TWSTECEMBER Day 8 (late): reindeer
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jennaorteganews · 10 months
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buckybarnesevents · 8 months
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Another month of beautiful creations for our Build-a-Bucky Bingo! Apologies for the delay in posting this, PLEASE give it up for our wonderful creators below:
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✩ Steve Rogers, PA by @sparkagrace [Flashback]
✩ Creator Spotlight by @metalbvcky [Social Media] ✩ Ten Revolutions Around The Sun Later by @endlesstwanted [Flashbacks] ✩Lost In The Depths by @smutconnoisseur [Flashbacks] ✩So Pretty, Hanging by @endlesstwanted [Anal Hooks] ✩[Untitled] by @dwarvishgeorge [Choking, Forced Orgasm, Sex Toys, and Anal Hooks] ✩Bucky's Instagram by @otpcutie [Social Media] ✩Codename: Winter Uncle by @im-95-not-dead [Babysitting] ✩It's In The way That You Use It by @polizwrites [Wingman] ✩What You Want by @buckets-and-trees [Flashbacks] ✩Lazy Evenings [Bloom!Verse] by @metalbvcky [Social Media] ✩Do I Know You? by @kingofsorrow20 [Sex Toys] ✩Finders Keepers (Chapter 2) by @late-to-the-party-81 [Flashbacks] ✩Practice by @purpleicedteas [Happily Ever After] ✩After Dark Work by @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Flashbacks] ✩the longest night by @toxiclxki [Flashbacks]
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Missed our announcement? Not to worry! It’s not too late to sign up - check out our blog for more info. If you've missed the previous month, you can see our roundup below:
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mamamittens · 9 months
A Big Day
This is part 12/12 of the December Event 2023 for @yanderefangirl
Not quite as imagined but it is here! Before 2024 even!
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rafaelsilvasource · 6 months
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RAFAEL SILVA attends NALIP’s end of year celebration honoring Latino excellence in film and TV at Sunset Room Hollywood - December 15, 2023 | [Source]
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nordsea-horizons · 2 years
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✨almost time for the new year✨
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quinloki · 10 months
Eustass Kid - Pleasure/Passion (+Killer)
Reader style - afab she/her (no pronouns used) Time slot - After hours Client Name - @thegrandlinesimp CW: No dialogue, double penetration, fingering, oral given
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The dance between you, Kid, and Killer was something a little more rushed than languid and a little less rushed than harried. The three of you moved easily between yourselves, kisses and hands slipping over bodies that shivered in pleasure, and burned with desire.
Kid and Killer worked well together, freeing buttons, belts, and zippers with ease and care. Whether they used their fingers, or their teeth. Kid unhooking your bra with a single motion was a surprise no matter how many times it happened, and more so when Killer was on his knees, teeth tugging at the thin panties that separated you from him.
Kid’s hands steadied you as Killer pulled the last of your clothes away, and once everything was set aside, there was far more passion to be had. Your surrender is absolute as the two move you in all the ways they please, lips and teeth leaving lipstick marks and soft teeth marks against your skin. There’s naught for you to do but let your fingers trail along muscled bodies when you can reach them, letting pleasing gasps and notes of pleasure tumble from your lips.
You were almost nothing more than a toy that dispensed sweet treats for them at their prodding, but simultaneously you were far more than that. Giving over yourself so completely was a sign of your trust in them, to treat you as something far more precious than a simple toy.
You were something nearly divine, to be worshiped with the most specific of care.
Killer murmured wordless prayers into your pussy, tongue pushing in deep as his lips teases your clit and his hands steadying you, as Kid worked behind you. One alabaster painted hand held you in place by your neck, his lips reciting soft praises into your ear as his other hand slowly and carefully worked your ass open.
Both urged you to cum for them, your body wet and trembling from the disquisition they drove into your very soul. In return you sang an evensong for them, voice reaching a heavens in which only the three of you resided.
There were no words of love, false or otherwise, for the connection between the three of you was something that seemed different. Something set aside from the phrases and expectations of the world outside the room where you feasted upon one another. Something that was both too complex and too simplistic for labels, and so you left those sort of words unsaid.
Laying against Killer’s chest as he laid down on the soft pillow-piled floor, he and Kid moved you with care and ease. Both of their thick, stiff cocks pushing into your wet and waiting holes at the same time. Four arms holding you firmly in place as they fill you up and stretch you. Carefully. Slowly. Soft words of praise as the sensations drown you from your loins to your eyes, shivering fingers carving your overwhelming pleasure into otherwise flawless skin.
Your legs move of their own accord as impossibly large, impossibly hard, nearly desperate beasts rut deep inside you. Gentle praising words mix with moans and grunts, hissing breaths against your skin, teeth and lips suck harder and sink deeper than before, leaving longer-lasting marks of devotion upon your body.
Your second song is a sweet mess of drool and sweat, hands gripping your skin more firmly, to keep you from slipping free from your perfect position. Effort and need squelch between your legs as tithes from your devoted leak down your legs.
The night is long, and mass is never brief, thus after reassurances are confirmed, your exultations begin again.
One Piece Host Club AU drabble event runs through December 2023
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camillerowep · 10 months
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December 3, 2023 — Camille Rowe attended the 3rd Annual Academy Museum Gala in Los Angeles! 📸: Getty Images
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