#outbreak perfected. ace of spades. wish ender. osteo striga.
i’m never going to be normal about how d2 guns and armor are named. they’re so fucking COOL even when i don’t know 100% what the guns are named after. they’re just so goddamn cool sounding in name and when fired like. if you asked for a list of cool d2 weapon names i would simply open the collections tab of all of them.
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mal-luck · 3 years
Are our exotics one of a kind?
Edit: there is some wiggle room as to whether or not the Young Wolf actually has some of these exotics because they have not received them in an exotic quest (Sweet Business, Cloudstrike, Wardcliff Coil, etc). Ultimately it’s up to you as a player or creator whether or not your Young Wolf or other OC has one of these weapons.
Kinetics slot:
Sweet Buisness: unknown, but likely mass produced by a city foundry
Sturm + Drang: unique, gifted to Sigrun and gifted to Victor respectively; recovered by the YW.
Vigilance Wing: unknown, but likely mass produced by the Cult of Osiris
Rat King: unknown
MIDA Multi-Tool / Mini-Tool: come from a different timeline and then mass produced by The City foundries
Crimson: unknown, officially does not exist
The Jade Rabbit: mass produced by Daito
The Huckleberry: mass produced by Tex Mechanica
SUROS Regime: mass produced by Suros
Cerberus+1: technically unique amalgamation
Wish-Ender: unique belonging to Sjur Eido
Malfeasance: the original is ours, but later mass produced by The Drifter
Ace of Spades: unique and in our possession.
The Chaperone: mass produced by Tex Mechanica, inspired by the original that belonged to Amanda Holiday’s mother
Izanagi’s Burden: mass produced by the Black Armory, but no more can be currently made
The Last Word: we are currently in possession of the original, but it has been mass produced by Tex Mechanica
Arbalest: unknown, possibly created by The Drifter or one of his associates during the Dark Age
Thorn: the one we have is a mass produced Shadows of Yor copy, see Lumina
Outbreak Perfected: we possess the original recovered from the old tower, unknown if there are more copies
Bad Juju: I believe we possess the original as created by Toland, the Shattered
Lumina: unique, the original Thorn reforged in the Light by The Young Wolf.
Monte Carlo: mass produced after it’s tech was sold to a City foundry by the hunter Egon Bash
Bastion: unique paradox weapon recovered from Corridors of Time
Witherhoard: unknown, probably created by the Drifter.
Traveler’s Chosen: unique, sidearm we owned when the Red War’s assault on the Traveler took place.
No Time To Explain: weapon pulled from another timeline gifted to us by Elsie Bray. Timey wimey.
Hawkmoon: reforged by the Traveler and now unique.
Dead Man’s Tale: unique, custom Tex Mechanica weapon owned by Katabasis.
Cryothesia 77K: unknown if truly unique, gifted to us by Mithrax according to the Season of the Splicer bungie page.
Ager’s Scepter: unique, created by Mara for Uldren.
Forerunner: original was inoperable, new version created by Banshee.
Osteo Striga: created by Jana-14, unknown if unique.
Energy slot:
Coldheart: mass produced by Omolon.
Fighting Lion: unknown if unique, original created by Wei Ning
Sunshot: unknown if unique, original created by the sunbreaker Liu Feng.
Graviton Lance: unknown, but likely mass produced after it’s debut. Original was found in Old Chicago.
Skyburner’s Oath: not unique, recovered cabal weaponry
Riskrunner: origin is complicated, likely not unique
Hard Light: mass produced by Omolon
Merciless: unknown if unique, but probably.
Borealis: likely mass produced
Prometheus Lens: unknown if unique, likely mass produced. Created by the Cryptarchy
Telesto: origin is complicated, in D1 was made by the foundry Cassoid (makers of Invective) but seems to be made by the Awoken of the Reef now.
Polaris Lance: semi-unique, both Ana Bray and the YW have a copy. Created by Ana Bray.
Trinity Ghoul: once belonged to Marin Mansanas, unknown if unique.
Wavesplitter: mass produced by Omolon
Lord of Wolves: not unique, captured eliksni weaponry
Jotunn: mass produced by the Black Armory, but no more can currently be made.
Le Monarque: see Jotunn.
Tarrabah: unknown if unique
Eriana’s Vow: likely unique, maker’s mark suggests it was created by Cassoid
Divinity: unique vex weapon recovered from the Black Garden
Symmetry: unknown if unique
Devil’s Ruin: I believe it is unique, repaired by the YW and Saint
Cloudstrike: likely unique based on its lore
Tommy’s Matchbook: likely unique
The Fourth Horseman: technically not unique, but we recovered the original I believe
Ruinous Effigy: unique
Duality: unknown if unique, but I believe it to have been constructed by Crow.
Ticuu’s Divination: likely unique based on its lore
Vex Mythoclast: unknown if unique, recovered from the Vault of Glass
Lorentz Driver: unknown if unique, likely not. Ours is a stable prototype.
Exotic glavies: ???, but probably unique
Dead Messenger: not unique, likely made by Cassoid considering the maker’s mark.
Heavy slot:
The Prospector: mass produced by Tex Mechanica
Tractor Cannon: property of the Ishtar Collective, probably not unique
Legend of Acrius: not unique, recovered cabal shotgun
D.A.R.C.I.: unknown if unique, but probably
The Wardcliff Coil: likely mass produced after the original prototype was created
The Colony: mass produced by Veist
Worldline Zero: I believe it was created by Elsie Bray, likely unique
Sleeper Simulant: mass produced by Clovis Bray company / Rasputin
Whisper of the Worm: unique
One Thousand Voices: unique, created from Riven’s bones
Two-Tailed Fox: mass produced by Daito
Black Talon: unique, created by the Awoken of the Reef
The Queensbreaker: not unique, recovered Eliksni weapon
Thunderlord: unknown, but possibly unique?
Anarchy: likely unique, created by Siviks, Lost to None
Truth: technically not unique but our version is stolen, originally created by Crux-Lomar
Deathbringer: unique
Xenophage: unique, very angry
Leviathan’s Breath: likely unique
Heir Apparent: not unique, recovered cabal weaponry
Eyes of Tomorrow: possibly unique, created by Clovis Bray
Salvation’s Grip: unique, prototype stolen from House Salvation
The Lament: unique, created by Clovis Bray
Gjallarhorn: not unique, presumably we own the second recreated copy since we gave the first away.
Parasite: unique
Grand Overture: probably not unique, modified cabal weaponry
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I love Destiny lore. It's a game with wonderful and wonderfully complex lore, and I want to share some of it with you. To do that I have created the Compendium Armarum Exoticarum, the index of Destiny's exotic weapons. You don’t need to know anything about the game to appreciate these posts. You just need to know that these weapons have cool names and cool space powers and I want to tell you all about some neat future scifi space wizard gadgets and their stories.
Destiny items have five rarity tiers: common, uncommon, rare, legendary, and exotic. Exotic weapons and armor are super rare and far more unusual than other equipment. These are the weird ones, the gimmicks and game-breakers - guns that shoot black holes, vests that turn you invisible, swords that slice through spacetime. A character can only equip one exotic weapon and one piece of exotic armor at a time, so character loadouts are often built around the choice of exotics. Many exotics also have deep story connections or are rewards for lengthy questlines. So, because of their importance, they get the most attention from Bungie’s artists & writers. Each has a unique appearance & aesthetic, often with animations and particle effects, and about a page’s worth of unique associated lore - plus the best names.
Compendium Armarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Dead Messenger | Deathbringer | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time To Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
* I’ve elided the trait if it’s a standard one that also appears on legendary weapons, like Outlaw or Dragonfly.
** Names in parentheses are exotics previewed but not yet released in-game.
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Charge your soul and let the electrons sing.
Type: Submachine Gun
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Arc | Solar | Void
Perk: Arc Conductor - When taking Arc damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming Arc damage. Kills extend the time in this overcharged state.
Trait: Superconductor - When Arc Conductor is active, shots fired have a chance to become chain lightning and return ammo to the magazine.
Ornaments: Electric Violet, Summer Storm, The Third Rail, Cheerspreader, Leporine Jubilation
Origin & Description:
NOTE: The user must receive incoming damage to increase outgoing damage. However, the value we predict the user will receive in return for their discomfort far exceeds any momentary pain – assuming, of course, the user survives the attack.
In short: This may hurt. A lot.
Remember that scene in The Dark Knight where Batman drives a semi-truck towards the Joker and the Joker stands right in the middle of the road muttering, “Hit me, hit me, hit me,” under his breath? That’s what it feels like to wield Riskrunner. Its name also describes its playstyle: run the risk of making yourself a target in return for dishing out some truly spectacular Arc retribution. You stand out in the open, daring the enemy to hit you, and as soon as you take that first ping of Arc damage you open up on them like the hammer of Thor. Once you’ve triggered the Arc Conductor buff, every kill extends it, so you don’t have to take any more Arc damage to keep it going. And don’t be fooled by the “have a chance” wording of Superconductor - when Arc Conductor is active, you will never run out of ammo. In fact you’ll never get more than three or four rounds into the mag before it’s topped back up, even at the high fire rate of a submachine gun. You will run out of targets long before you run out of bullets. A player firing Riskrunner in full flow is less a person shooting a gun and more the source of a kind of lightning whip that lashes from enemy to enemy, frying them each in turn. These days Riskrunner is a staple exotic obtainable (with catalyst!) from the "Pain & Gain" quest given by Banshee to all new Guardians, which takes you to the Cosmodrome to raid an old stash of Cayde's. But no matter how common it is, when someone cuts loose it's always a sight to see.
All of Riskrunner's ornaments play on the theme of electricity and the spectacular lightning shows it can unleash.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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Thank you for using the Data Analysis, Reconnaissance, and Cooperative Intelligence device. You may call me Darci.
Type: Sniper Rifle
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Arc | Solar | Void
Perk: Personal Assistant - Aim at an enemy to view its health and other critical information on the scope.
Trait: Target Acquired - When Personal Assistant is active, this weapon has better target acquisition, deals significantly more precision damage, and jolts the target.
Ornaments: Mind of Its Own, Cleans Up Good, Cyberintellect
Origin & Description: This weapon’s lore tab begins with, “It is a fact generally understood that a Guardian must be searching for an exquisite weapon.” Yeah, “DARCI” is a straight-up Pride & Prejudice reference. It’s pretty great. DARCI itself wasn’t in D1, but its “Personal Assistant” perk is a callback to the D1 exotic Super Good Advice, a talking weapon created by a Guardian terrified of being alone after spending years lost in the spacetime-warping labyrinth of the Vex structure called the Vault of Glass. Neither Super Good Advice nor DARCI talk to you in-game, but DARCI’s scope helpfully pops up useful information about range, enemy shields, and enemy health when you aim at a target. Two of its ornaments visually reference other famous AI companions, HAL 9000 (“Mind of Its Own”) and KITT from Knight Rider (“Cleans Up Good”), and the third, "Cyberintellect," just looks cool.
Unfortunately DARCI is severely outclassed by more powerful long-range weapons like Sleeper Simulant and Whisper of the Worm, and it doesn’t see nearly as much play as it deserves. Masterworking it makes the gun extremely stable, virtually eliminating recoil, making it a great sniper rifle for new Guardians.
DARCI is also Destiny’s best ruler. It’s shockingly hard to measure things in-game, so DARCI’s ability to give you exact data on range to target, enemy light level, and enemy health is invaluable for players gathering statistics in a game that is notoriously terrible about coughing up numbers for anything.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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The Destiny 2 Compendium Exoticarum
I love Destiny lore. If this is a surprise, welcome to this blog, I hope you’re enjoying your first visit. Destiny has wonderful and wonderfully complex lore, and I want to share some of it with you. To do that I have created the Compendium Armarum Exoticarum, the index of Destiny's exotic weapons. You don’t need to know anything about the game to appreciate these posts. You just need to know that these weapons have cool names and cool space powers and I want to tell you all about some neat future scifi space wizard gadgets and their stories.
Destiny items have five rarity tiers: common, uncommon, rare, legendary, and exotic. Exotic weapons and armor are super rare and far more unusual than other equipment. These are the weird ones, the gimmicks and game-breakers - guns that shoot black holes, vests that turn you invisible, swords that slice through spacetime. A character can only equip one exotic weapon and one piece of exotic armor at a time, so character loadouts are often built around the choice of exotics. Many exotics also have deep story connections, and some are the culmination of lengthy questlines. So, because of their importance, they get the most attention from Bungie’s artists & writers. Each has a unique appearance & aesthetic, often with animations and particle effects, and about a page’s worth of unique associated lore - plus the best names.
Each weapon I’m going to talk about has an archetype (what kind of weapon it is); an equipment slot (players carry one each of Kinetic, Energy, and Heavy); an element if it does elemental damage (Kinetic weapons don’t); a perk, the special ability that makes this exotic unique; a trait, a secondary ability that augments the weapon*; a masterworked trait, a special ability unlocked by upgrading the weapon to a Masterwork; any ornaments, purely cosmetic items that change the weapon’s look; and finally the story of its origin and its role in the game.
Compendium Armarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Buried Bloodline | Centrifuse | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Choir of One | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Conditional Finality | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Dead Messenger | Deathbringer | Delicate Tomb | Deterministic Chaos | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Dragon's Breath | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Ergo Sum | Eriana’s Vow | Euphony | Ex Diris | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | Final Warning | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | Hierarchy of Needs | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | Khvostov 7G-0X | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | The Manticore | Merciless | Microcosm | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | The Navigator | Necrochasm | No Time To Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Quicksilver Storm | Rat King | Red Death Reformed | Revision Zero | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Still Hunt | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Tessellation | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Touch of Malice | Tractor Cannon | Trespasser | Traveler's Chosen | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Verglas Curve | Vex Mythoclast | Vexcalibur (yes, really) | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wicked Implement | Winterbite | Wish-Ender | Wish-Keeper | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
* I’ve elided the trait if it’s a standard one that also appears on legendary weapons, like Outlaw or Dragonfly.
** Names in parentheses are exotics previewed but not yet released in-game.
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MIDA Multi-Tool
Select application: Ballistic engagement. Entrenching tool. Avionics trawl. Troll smasher. Stellar sextant. List continues.
Type: Scout Rifle
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Kinetic | Stasis | Strand
Perk: MIDA Multi-Tool - This weapon boosts move speed.
Trait: MIDA Radar - Radar stays active while aiming down sights.
Masterworked Trait: No Distractions - Aiming this weapon for a short period reduces flinch.
Ornaments: MIDA Tactical, Desert Camo, Titanium Alloy, Digital Ops, MARA Multi-Tool
Origin & Description: The paired MIDA weapons are a deep cut for Bungie fans: their description and the acronym “MIDA”, like the perk name of Jade Rabbit, reference the world of Marathon, Bungie’s second FPS and a story sometimes considered the unofficial prequel to Halo. In Marathon's timeline, MIDA was a political party on Mars that sought power through increasingly violent means, finally achieving a coup and a brief yet remarkably vicious reign during which fully 10% of Mars' population was killed. After being deposed they retreated underground and continued to plague the solar system as its most well-funded and stable terrorist organization. The MIDA weapons were made for the operative on the go, and thus in theory their onboard AI could fulfill any function said operatives needed to survive in the Martian wilds. It's implied in Multi-Tool's lore tab that these examples of MIDA tech somehow crossed over from a separate timeline into ours ("therefore they're outside your jurisdiction to ban," as Shaxx told a concerned Zavala.)
MIDA is a pair of weapons, one exotic and one legendary, allowing both to be equipped at once. MIDA Multi-Tool is the exotic; MIDA Mini-Tool is the legendary. While either can be used on its own, the Mini-Tool grants additional speed bonuses when both are equipped, and their weapon archetypes synergize well - Multi-Tool is a long-range scout rifle while Mini-Tool is a short-range submachine gun good for finishing off opponents.
You can use the MIDA weapons however you want, but they're built for PvP; so much so that getting the Multi-tool's catalyst requires not just playing in the competitive PvP playlist but winning a significant amount of the time. You can get the catalyst from any match after reaching Mythic rank in Glory, with the chance increasing until it becomes a guaranteed drop at the vaunted heights of Legend. For reference? That is not an easy rank to hit.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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The Huckleberry
Nothin’ in the world that 30 rounds can’t solve.
Type: Submachine Gun
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Kinetic | Stasis | Strand
Perk: Ride the Bull - Increased rate of fire and recoil while you’re holding down the trigger. Kills with this weapon reload a portion of the magazine.
Masterworked Trait: Bull Rider - Kills with this weapon now reload the entire magazine.
Ornaments: The Devil’s Work, Snakebite, Dancing Harlequin
Origin & Description: Another Tex Mechanica product, the Huckleberry is a gun for when you need a gun and you need that gun to keep being a gun for a long time. There’s nothing flashy about the damage it does, but with care you’ll run out of targets before you run out of rounds in the magazine, and in some situations a Guardian just doesn’t have time to reload. As a submachine gun it already starts with a high rate of fire, and after a couple kills the Ride the Bull perk would drain its magazine in moments - except that kills also auto-reload part of the mag, so you can keep on shooting. It doesn’t get totally ludicrous until you complete its catalyst, which makes kills fully reload the magazine, and then you can just gun all day and all night. If that sounds like your jam (heh), the Huckleberry is here for you.
There's only one problem with Huckleberry: everything it does, Bad Juju did first and better. That was okay when Bad Juju hadn't yet been brought forward from D1 to D2, but now that it has...yeah. There's not much incentive to keep using this exotic. The changes to damage stacking for Rampage at the launch of Shadowkeep have boosted it somewhat, and maybe Bungie will update/tweak its perks to aim in a different direction, and it does have the cool ornament The Devil's Work - but until it gets significantly buffed or redesigned I'm afraid the Huckleberry's season has come and gone.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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The Colony
We outnumber you. We will find you. You are alone, and we are the colony.
Type: Grenade Launcher
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Arc | Solar | Void
Perk: Insectoid Robot Grenades - This weapon’s grenades are insectoid robots that chase targets and explode close to them.
Trait: Serve the Colony - Insectoid robot grenades quickly repopulate the magazine from reserves while The Colony is unequipped.
Ornaments: Sneak Attack, The Colony XZ812, Veist Silver, Blind Fury
Origin & Description: The City-based Veist Foundry’s contribution to the Guardian exotic arsenal, the Colony takes their obsession with venomous predators to an unsettling extreme. To quote from the weapon’s lore tab: “And now there’s the Colony. A grenade launcher packed with fully mobile, AI-controlled insectoid detonators, each one designed with a taste for blood. We’ve made some pretty messed-up stuff. You’ve probably seen it. You know. But we’ve never made anything like the Colony before.” Yes, that perk name is not a metaphor. When you fire this gun it fires a grenade that hits something and bursts and then tiny robot spiders come out and sprint along the floor and the walls and the ceiling and every other surface in search of a target to ram into and explode. It’s seriously unnerving to see in action, especially if it’s PvP and the spiders are coming for you. Those tiny robots want blood. As the kids say: big yikes.
Colony’s ornaments are fairly standard: “Sneak Attack” covers it in camo paint (camouflaging it from what?); “The Colony XZ812” is a “2.0” style look that slightly updates the aesthetic; “Veist Silver” is a shiny metallic silver; and "Blind Fury" is one of the Trials of Osiris-themed ornaments to recognize its role in top-tier PvP, where its high-speed homing ability helps players maximize their use precious heavy ammo.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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