#nickell plays destiny
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Lunar Pyramid, Moon
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I had an idea
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starcurtain · 23 days
I guess it's because his Warp is called 'gilded imprisonment', and the phonecall with Jade where he says 'I don't wanna bet anything just to escape your clutches'.
Kinda makes him a foil to Robin and warped parallel to Sunday in a way I think if you see him as thinking of his job as a gilded cage. It may not really be true, maybe he can walk away anytime he wants I'm sure he has the power and ability to even if hed be up for silencing if he left the Stonehearts, but he has nowhere else to go so he may just be trapping himself there with his own apathy. Hope that made sense lol
Always enjoy reading your thoughts ty for the food 🙏
(Will answer the part about the character foils in a different post because that is a whole long thing of its own!!)
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See, I definitely think this is the issue, because I have had people say that exact thing to me "Well his warp is called gilded imprisonment so that has to be referring to the IPC!" Like... Do people think the IPC has a monopoly on the word "gilded" or something? Or that "gilded" can only refer to literal gold coins and not any of the many, many metaphors for being a prisoner to destiny that are swirling around Aventurine?
"To gild" means to "cover thinly with gold." It doesn't mean to create wealth, to imply actual money, or even to relate at all to the concept of "golden handcuffs" (which is what people seem to be mistaking it for). Gilding could more accurately be described as a process of taking something cheap--like low-quality nickel--and plating it over with the thinnest layer of gold, to try to make the item seem much better than it is. Gilding something is often like dressing up a pig--you can make it look pretty on the outside, but on the inside, it's still a pig.
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Just the thinnest layer of gold over a darker interior...
There's nothing about "gilded imprisonment" that automatically has anything to do with the IPC, unless you're already coming in with the impression that Aventurine is a prisoner of the IPC. If you start with a preconceived notion of what "imprisonment" means for Aventurine, then and only then do we make the jump to "Oh, this must be in reference to the IPC." Take that preconception out and there's zero connection lol.
Even the Chinese name of the warp, "囚石铸金" (lit. "Prison stones cast [in] gold") and other languages' translation of the banner name (like German's "Stein zu Gold," lit. "Stone to gold") imply that the most important element of the banner is "coating over something bad with something good"--i.e., turning prison walls into gold, turning the "stone" of his dark past into something shining. (This actually makes a nice irony in several languages, because he turned the rocky desert of his homeland and the stone walls of a prison into gold by... earning a Cornerstone and becoming a "Stoneheart"--or, that is, he himself is a "worthless" stone that has been thinly coated over in shiny wealth.)
But personally, if we really want to go by the English name of the banner, I would argue that it is much more likely Aventurine's banner name is a reference to his own troubled relationship with the concept of "blessings" and "destiny" than anything to do with the IPC.
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From the beginning of his life, Kakavasha was told he was "blessed" and that he was the "chosen one." He was favored by a goddess, born on the day of her rebirth, and told that he will be the savior of his people. So, we can literally say he's the Avgin "golden child," which is further supported by the constant connection between Aventurine and gold colors (his golden-haired appearance, his mother's gold accessories with him since his birth, the word "Avgin" itself even meaning [golden] honey). So as the "golden child," we have this perception that his power of incredible luck, gifted to him by a goddess, must be a blessing, a good thing.
And yet that's not how it plays out for him. What his family tells him is a blessing ends up functioning more like a curse for Aventurine, when it becomes clear he can't use that luck of his to protect those who mean the most to him. He might be the goddess's golden child, the chosen one--but no one else is chosen with him. He's a failed savior, an incapable hero, and there is no escape from the destiny which has been decided for him.
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There's a reason his lightcone is called "Inherently Unjust Destiny." His own destiny, decided when he was born favored of an aeon, makes him a prisoner of the suffering that he can survive but never avoid.
We see how much this haunts him constantly throughout his experiences in 2.1...
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To me, I would interpret the English banner name "Gilded Imprisonment" as much more related to how Aventurine's blessing, which is supposed to make him the favored, lucky, golden child, is actually nothing more than a thin veneer over the terrible destiny that binds him, continually costing him everything and everyone he loves.
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On to the other point entirely, I think people might also really be misinterpreting that sentence about "escaping Jade's clutches." Again, I think this relates a lot to the fact that people are coming into Aventurine's character with this preconception of him as a prisoner to the IPC, so they're interpreting this sentence in the most literal way possible ("I want to get away from you"), but that is actually not what Aventurine is saying at all there.
Jade's rank in the IPC is P46. If Aventurine is promoted to P46, he would no longer be her subordinate. Therefore, when he says "I don't want to bet anything just to escape your clutches," this is actually a (vaguely snarky, to be sure) compliment. Aventurine is saying "I don't want you to think I'm engaging in a bet [that I know I'll win] because I dislike working for you."
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It's supposed to be flattery. He's saying "Don't think I'm trying to get away from you, oh great Madam Jade. I wouldn't try to make any bets just to get out of being your underling."
I think it's got a healthy dose of sarcasm to be sure, because Jade herself would have trained Aventurine to snatch every chance to get ahead. So now he's in the hilarious situation of having to balance the expected respect to his mentor ("Of course I would never want to leave you! You're the best boss!") with the fact that his own mentor wants him to be cut-throat at all costs lolol.
It's irony-laced flattery for sure.
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That's why his next line is "Well, if it's just a friendly bet though, then sure, I'll engage." He's saying "So long as you know I'm not betting because I dislike working for you, sure, I'll play along." Because he knows that's what he's supposed to do--as a Stoneheart, he should be seizing every opportunity to advance. He virtually has to make this bet that he'll be promoted just to demonstrate the desirous personality that Jade would be expecting.
And honestly, it's supposed to be a callback to their first scene together too. They literally add that to text so people can't miss it. Kakavasha came to Jade as a person "hungry" to rise up the chain, to change his circumstances. He's making the same bet again to suggest to her that he hasn't changed in the slightest even after his experiences in Penacony.
(Now, why he's trying to act like he hasn't changed in front of Jade is another story, and "Aventurine is out to destroy the IPC" conspiracy theorists can run wild with this one for sure.)
But yeah. That line... really does not mean what people think it means, apparently.
Anddddd I'll get to the character foils in another post; this was already long enough as-is! 😂
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alastair-1205 · 2 months
Episode 18 reactions
Oh my fucking god he fucking dead
Damn he’s like fucked up fucked up
I do kinda love how Geo’s just been around with the ninja tho. That’s been nice
Lloyd: fucking in a coma Me: haha gay ppl
Valid tho
Stfu Z 
Arin is gonna stab someone calling it now
Wyld is shocked at the audacity of this bitch lmao
Yea taking her powers was smart lmao good fro you Robie
Damn deja vu lol. She must hate being dragged away like that again
She’s got a crush and Arin has suspisions. I still don’t think it’s him tho
I respect her mindset tbh like fuck yea prove ur man inst evil
That wasn’t what ur parents meant Arin. Arin no-
LMAO I FUCKING LOVE WYLDFYRE. Seeing her and Arin interact is so fun 
Sora v Frack!
They’ve gotta have more than 4 elements by now stop lying to me show 
Hey she remembered Jordy’s name!!
Badass fight is badass
Oh Ras is gonna murder a teenager
You good Sora??
I love himmmmmm he just wanted to learnnnnn
Jordy knows she’ll be able to solve it that’s so cool yes I love that
Ha the 5 don’t know math L
They like each other this is fucking precious
Ooh that was a cool transition
Maybe it was Bleckt. Or Ras. He’s still a viable option for me.
What game is this?? I wanna play it lol
This is adorable I like them together 
He’s so sneaky! The sneakiest!
They don’t tolerate each others bullshit I love it
Damn. You know what yea fair enough that tracks 
Rip Lloyd. Hi Geo. Theme of this episode
Props to Arin for putting his anger aside for the mission 
I think destiny keeps kicking him out so he can talk to the dragons tbh
They could have given him bandages at least to show it 
If I had a nickel for every time Lloyd woke up like this 
But damn those stakes are upped now
That man is not doing good-
LMAO COLE I love him so much
Killer jellyfish?
Lowkey that’s her fucking dad 
God he can never catch a break. Let Lloyd rest 2024 christ 
He’s fought worse odds. I believe
I take it back. Don’t let Lloyd rest. Cuz now Sora’s gotta get her ass beat 
I love Robie’s delivery here lol. But yea Lloyd must look like hell warmed over 
Lloyd would have won. I believe 
Oh I really don’t trust someone else having Lloyds powers tbh 
Like that feels like a really bad idea 
2/2 on biology saving the day 
Speaking of are Kai and Bonzel ok??
Also Cole has a cool outfit 
This is totally cheating but I’m ok with that 
MotM music is my favorite in the whole show man it goes so hard every time 
We got Wu before Pixal :(
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silverpelt3600 · 11 months
Watched a play through of MW:3 yesterday, and still haven’t stopped thinking about it.
If I had a nickel for every time my favorite character in a video game series got killed just as a little plot boost, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s FUCKED that it’s happened twice.
Destiny 2 and MW live rent free in my head, and they are SO not getting their deposit back after the damages they’ve caused me.
Fr, can I just have ONE silly goofy BAMF character LIVE?!?!?
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thecornwall · 3 months
Cornwall's Random Card of the Day #920: Multani's Decree
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If I had a nickel for every common enchantment wrath I've come across doing this thing, I would have two coins I can't spend. But it's weird that it happened tice.
Multani's Decree is a common from Urza's Destiny. Now, you might not know, but Urza's block was meant to be an enchantment block. This is apparently evident in limited and nowhere else, since all the broken artifacts overshadowed the enchantments. That said, having an enchantment wrath at common seems like a really bad idea. It's RELEVANT enough to be common, sure, but do you WANT players being able to bomb the enchantments of this set back to the stone age? Seems a bit much. Imagine if there was an artifact wrath at common in Mirrodin, you'd have a much harder time convincing players to play into the theme.
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
I love rambling and I think I'm hyperfixating on kin stuff, so why not answer a bunch of ask games all at once?
Canon Lost Mems - Ah for me I think it would be being on stage and playing guitar. As Klavier Gavin, playing my guitar and absolutely shredding was an adrenaline rush and burst of joy. It felt so nice to hear people go crazy when I was on stage, and... while it can be recreated it would take me years to learn it (which I AM willing to do, but at my current state it's a bit hard). Alternatively, I wish I could see more edits of me below tweets and stuff. Unfortunately, real life footage of me as Klavier Gavin Does not Exist in this world
Canon Clothes - Jewelry! I love you jewelry! During a Klavier shift rings are like, my best friends. I love rings and silver items. I have a fidget ring that is exactly like the fidget ring I used to wear on my thumb as Klav. It makes me happy. I also have a suit that's nearly identical in feeling and looks to the court outfit I used to have! Only issue is that the actual jacket part is... black, and not purple. Things were much more colorful back in Japanifornia, for sure
Canon Voices - I've got a bit of story behind this one. Oh boy do I. In AA4, my voice is perfect. It's the closest I can get, aside from like, that one particular Love Love Guilty rendition (that isn't the really off key one. I shudder at that one). I'm not going to complain about the fact that in game the english voice doesn't have a notable german accent in their objection because I do not care you don't really hear me otherwise. But Dual Destinies? Oh Dual Destinies. Dual Destinies when I catch you Dual Destinies. The minute I heard the new voice actor I physically recoiled and gagged. There was no german accent, the voice was way too... I don't know how else to describe it other than TikTok Influencer Voice. Absolutely awful. They couldn't even get someone to like, imitate a german accent? Really? Nothing??
Canon Nickels - If I had a nickel for every time I was some sort of musician or had some music-related quality, I'd have 11 nickels. Eleven. In my friend's words, I was "put on this earth to sing a silly little tune".
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pennamesmith · 2 years
I just watched the live-action Masters of the Universe movie from 1987 for the first time and had way more fun than I was expecting. A few off-the-cuff impressions:
The casting is actually great. Dolph Lundgren’s accent is a little silly but helps sell him as a benevolent and slightly alien meathead (and, uh, he definitely looks the part 😳). Frank Langella is incredible as Skeletor and manages a surprising amount of face acting from under several inches of basically-immobile makeup. Meg Foster steals every scene she’s in as Evil-Lyn and 1000% deserves the “and” spot she gets in the opening credits.
The practical effects and props are loads of fun, especially all the Eternia set pieces. Big Dark Crystal vibes. I wanna play with all those goofy gadgets and their big chunky buttons.
Teela not knowing what cooked meat is (she wonders what the “little white sticks” are) is hilarious to me, not for the obvious reasons but because Man-At-Arms, the only one in the group not grossed out by it, advises her to “never think when you’re hungry” and only minutes earlier had boasted about surviving a 30-day siege without rations. Live-action Duncan definitely knows what human tastes like, is what I’m saying.
He-Man says ACAB (there is a police detective character who is rude, wears one of those tasteless tie-tacks shaped like a pair of handcuffs, and does nothing but hinder the protagonists; he does get a shoehorned-in happy ending but it involves him quitting the force and leaving Earth forever so I’d call that a net win).
I Do Not Care about the Earth teenagers, but seeing He-Man and friends interact with 80s American suburbia is pretty delightful.
Gwildor is a poor replacement for Orko but I actually didn’t hate him as much as I thought I would.
If I had a nickel for every time He-Man had a convenient grappling hook in his loincloth….
Skeletor wears gloves with little skulls on the fingertips and I just love that.
“Men who crave power look back over the mistakes of their lives, pile them all together, and call it destiny” is one HELL of a line and I cannot believe it came from this movie.
All in all, if you love the cheesiness of other MOTU stuff, like to laugh, and were curious about this version, it’s definitely worth 100 minutes of your time. Good journey!
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grovey · 2 years
wobbledogs intermission: the ballad of ms pain
last time i sunk way too much time playing on the weekend and thus told myself i'd stop for the work week. the thing is. as it turned out my internet was so bad sometimes i couldn't do work. only wobbledogs. but thankfully i had less super long binges and kept it chiller.
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we will return to the king's quest clan shortly. this is the ballad of MS Pain.
for my more relaxed sessions i'd usually have my main dogs cocoon'd/in storage and let the game run while farming default dogs for eggs and their inevitable destiny as edible cores. here (current) in my great cruelty i'm tryna get dud eggs.
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but a little before the scaph experiments, we hatched a dog with really, really ugly colors after being tiny littered and losing markings.
MS Pain was the banished child of Pirate Bay and Steel Samurai, exiled to the core farm.
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I decided I would let her live her life on her own terms and just left out a bunch of desserts. I decided if she somehow mutated into something passable by the end I would consider memorializing her.
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She was not alone at least. I made sure she had a default buddy in Mr Excel and they lived their lives without my interference, mostly.
MS Pain barely changed colors by the time she became an adult so her fate of being Chewy Core'd was sealed.
I planned never to breed her but as she reached her last minutes, eh I thought, why not haha i probably won't get anything wait is that a one-winged dog.
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i was not expecting to get this achievement this early. colors are a lil nicer too.
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ultimately MS Pain passed and her fate of being Consumed didn't change. However I was originally planning to feed her core to her much more aesthetically pleasing full brother Nickel Samurai to really rub it in that she was the prodigal child.
but instead she granted her life to her own pup Microsoft Excel, who will be allowed to return to the upper world of the Main Cast. perhaps the most poignant end?
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thus ends the ballad of MS Pain. this is my only family photo lmao
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harpersheroes · 2 years
If i had a nickel for every campaign i was in where i played butch lesbian who dislikes and despises the idea of fate and destiny who also is crushing on a magic user who is DIRECTLY tied to fate, i would have two nickels!! Which isnt a lot but those are very specific nickels.
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Guardians make their own fate.
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garuda4321 · 3 months
Weekly Reset for July 2 - 9
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Everything should be fine, no amendments should be necessary unless someone trips over the “make it Prophecy” button. Seriously, if I had a nickel for every time they changed this stuff on me, I’d have five nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s sad it’s happened five times (twice in the same Act even).
We have Shadow Price back, no regular control (thanks Saladin), and not much else. Though, as someone that doesn’t play too heavily and then catches up last minute, having the acts as small chunks feels nice.
Also, First Descendant is out! Apparently it “has a similar feel to both Warframe and Destiny” according to a beta player friend of mine (those are their exact words too). To which I say the following.
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vargamornight · 6 months
if i had a nickel for every time i wasn't sure a recently single guy i met by playing destiny 2 was flirting with me via discord until he sent me blatant fetish art featuring an anime character i do not recognize, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but jesus christ.
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finalshaper · 8 months
God if I had a nickel for every time someone in the destiny community (especially on Twitter) called me a dickrider or a white knight or a bungie employee for saying “hey if this game makes you this miserable maybe play something else for a little while because your miserableness is genuinely negatively impacting those around you and even your wider community” I would be a millionaire at this point
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Ok so I’m watching two TTRPG actual plays right now. The Seven by Dimension 20 and Day of Destiny an introduction to the new Power Rangers RPG system. And I just noticed both have cars that talk named Sebastian. Like a real I’d have two nickels, but weird that it happened twice situation.
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initiala · 3 years
Things I say here probably every year:
If I had a nickel for every time Elizabeth Mitchell has played a woman whose life/destiny is tied to snow, I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
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