#outdoor plumbing repair
Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks: A Comprehensive Guide to Outdoor Plumbing Repair
Are you tired of dealing with outdoor plumbing issues? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with essential troubleshooting tips and tricks for outdoor plumbing repair, with a special focus on pipe repair.
Pipes are the lifelines of your outdoor plumbing system, but they can develop leaks or cracks over time. The first step is to locate the source of the problem. Check for any visible signs of water leakage or dampness in your yard. Once you've identified the area, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
One of the most effective methods for pipe repair is using a pipe clamp or a pipe patch kit. These handy tools can quickly seal off leaks and prevent further damage. Make sure to clean the damaged area before applying the patch for better adhesion.
Remember, prevention is key! Regularly inspect your outdoor plumbing system for any signs of wear and tear. Take prompt action to fix minor issues before they escalate into major headaches.
By following these troubleshooting tips and tricks, you can become a DIY outdoor plumbing repair expert and ensure a smoothly functioning plumbing system for years to come.
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plumbertucson · 1 year
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commitmentissue · 8 months
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zombie aftermath challenge - adjusted
i'm absolutely obsessed with all things zombie related, and i've always been dying to try the apocalypse challenge. it looks extremely fun, but i find the original challenge to be a little too hard for my play style, and the aftermath challenge a bit too short. so here's my version of it based off the original apocalypse challenge and this one from cannibalcupcake. the biggest change i've made is that there are much less restrictions. if it's not listed as a restriction, you can do it. my challenge is also a little different, because it gets slightly harder as you move on. there's also only 5 generations because there's really only so much you can do until you're just playing a regular legacy again. i would highly recommend playing with vector if you want actual zombies, along with this mod and this one if you want weapons to kill them. you may use any other violence/weapon mods if you wish. if not, you may use cheats to get around killing them or any sims. this is pretty long, so everything is included under the cut 🧟‍♂️
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to start off with, any surviving sims and heirs must have at least one survival trait. if they get any non-survival trait, they must be killed off when they reach young adult. you may only choose the founder's traits, the rest of your sims have to be randomized. any other traits not listed are fine, i tried to go with what the original list had and my own personal opinions on what would work.
survival traits
-adventurous -angler -athletic -brave -daredevil -disciplined -eccentric -eco-friendly -family oriented (all sims who give birth must have this trait, if they do not, they must be killed off after giving birth. the children may survive) -gatherer -genius -green thumb -handy -kleptomaniac -light sleeper -lucky -natural cook -never nude -nurturing (they may also have this instead of family oriented, but same rules apply) -perceptive -technophobe -vegetarian
non-survival traits
-absent minded -brooding -clumsy -coward -hates the outdoors -heavy sleeper -insane -loser -neurotic -couch potato -hot-headed -over-emotional -unlucky -unstable
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stage zero - infection
the world as we know it has fallen- no more electricity, no more jobs, no more people. there's zombies roaming around, after all. however, you managed to survive the end of the world, and now it's up to you to rebuild it.
to survive stage zero;
start off with two young adult sims, can have any traits but must have at least one survival trait. these will be the only sims whose traits you can choose, so pick wisely!
must live in a fenced in lot, if a sim leaves the lot for any reason besides an expedition or killing loitering zombies, they must be killed off
must grow your own food, there's no supermarket
must produce a surviving heir, have has many kids as you need to until you can do this. you also must try for a baby every time your sims want to woohoo
your sims may not have a job or be self-employed. money is obsolete now. you cannot sell anything in your inventory
you cannot interact with any sims outside of the family, they're all zombies!
cannot use any electricity. a stove and refrigerator are fine, they just have to be the cheapest one, you also cannot upgrade anything to unbreakable. you cannot repair or replace anything unless your sim is handy or has mastered the handiness skill. once it breaks, it's gone.
if you can justify something as battery powered, it is allowed, but if it breaks it cannot be fixed or replaced
may use plumbing, but no showers (yes, even the outdoor shower unless you don't like mods). sponge baths only. same rules as electricity
may go on expeditions outside the lot once a week, but once you have children only one sim may go outside until you get a teenager
this stage will be completed once your heir has aged up to a young adult.
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stage one - lawless land
you and your family thought you had this survival thing down, until other survivors came pouring into town. now you have to defend yourself not just from the zombies, but from other people as well.
to survive stage one;
your heir must join the criminal career and until they are level 5, they must pay a $300 tax to the gangs every week
you may only marry and talk to other sims in the criminal career
you can only join the thief branch, your sim isn't the big bad guy
you can no longer use any plumbing or electrical items, the gangs have tainted the water and have completely shut off all power
can still go on weekly expeditions, but now you must roll a die on whether or not the sim will die. even for life, odd for death
you may also only leave during the night now, as the gangs patrol the streets
you can only have two children, but if neither survive you can try again. your sims must try for a baby every time they woohoo, so be careful, any extra children must be killed off
master the athletic skill
master the logic skill
reach the top of the criminal career
this stage will be completed once you have topped the criminal career and your heir has aged up to a young adult.
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stage two - military power
you grew up knowing that all hope was lost and the past was in the past, until one day the military rolled into town and announced they were taking over. they've vowed to wipe out all the zombies across simlandia, but can you really trust them?
to survive stage two;
your heir must join the military career, and until they reach the top of the career they must pay a weekly $100 tax for each sim in the household (5 sims = $500)
you may only marry and talk to other sims in the military career
you may now use plumbing again, but only from 2PM-5PM
you can use electricity after reaching level 5 in the career, the military provides you with a generator. they must be the cheapest items
you can now use the cell phone again, but only for calls (treat it like a walkie-talkie or radio)
all food must be rationed, you can only keep 5 of each type of produce/meat. the rest must be 'donated' to the military (aka just throw it out, no selling!)
you can have as many kids as you want, but keep the taxes in mind. you can still only try for a baby when woohooing
you may now go on as many expeditions as you'd like at any time of day, but you still must role a die on your chances. even for life, odd for death
master the athletic skill
master the handiness skill
this stage will be completed once you have topped the military career and your heir has aged up to a young adult.
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stage three - the cure
the military has announced that the only way to get rid of the zombies is to set off bombs. but this means you and your family could die, and all that they've worked for will be destroyed. it's up to you to save simanity.
your heir must join either the medical or science careers, but these are no longer jobs- you are a volunteer and money earned must be given back to the career of your choice. you can save $50 each payday
every promotion you get you must roll a die to decide if you lived or died while attempting to create the cure. even for life, odd for death. after 3 successful attempts, the cure has been made
you can now marry and talk to sims outside of your career, but no one from the military
plumbing is now unrestricted
electricity is now unrestricted, but you can still only use the cheapest items
sims no longer need family orientated/nurturing to give birth now that the hospital has been set up. you also no longer have to try for a baby every time they want to woohoo
food is no longer rationed, but you don't trust the meat the military provides. your family must be vegetarian (does not need the trait)
have as many children as you can, you're trying to repopulate and also make sure someone else can take over for you in case you fail at creating the vaccine
master gardening skill
master handiness skill
this stage will be completed once you have successfully created the cure and your heir has aged up to a young adult.
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stage four - survival of the fittest
your parent's cure has been spread around the world, and the zombies have been wiped out. the world is ready to return to normal, but what is normal? you were born into a world of survival, you don't know anything else.
your heir may now join any self-employed career
your sims will no longer need to be killed off for having a non-survival trait, but they must be kicked out at young adulthood
all plumbing and electricity has been fixed and you can now afford nicer things- but do you really want them at this point?
your sim must live off the land, no buying things from stores, you don't trust anything from outside your own garden or what you've caught yourself
you can leave the lot whenever you want and no longer need to worry about rolling a die- it's safe outside!
do not get married
master gardening, inventing, and fishing
reach level 5 in 3 other skills of your choice
raise a spoiled child, they don't have to worry about their life anymore, so they're nothing like you. do not have a close relationship with your children
as an elder, move to a city to see what the new world has become. it's up to you what to do next
this stage will be completed once your heir dies.
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and then that's it! you're welcome to continue the legacy past this however you'd like, but that's where i'm going to end it at. if you try this challenge you can @ me, i'd love to see it 💚 any feedback is much appreciated
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mochibdsm · 3 months
some services s-types may offer
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Make beds.
Collect and take out trash and recycling, manage containers for them, and handle trash and recycling services.
Collect, wash, dry, put away, and care for dishes.
Clean and disinfect surfaces.
Wash mirrors and windows.
Clean appliances.
Clean furniture.
Clean walls.
Clean toilets, showers, and baths.
Ensure toothbrushes/heads are changed regularly.
Manage clutter, tidy up, and organize things.
Make cleaning solutions.
Polish silver.
Clean, vacuum, sweep, and mop floors.
Home Maintenance/Repair
Fix and install light bulbs and fixtures.
Paint walls and hang wallpaper.
Fix and install plumbing-related things.
Change air filters.
Test household safety features.
Rotate mattresses.
Fix and install appliances.
Fix, assemble, and make furniture.
Do construction, plumbing, and electrical jobs.
Handle working with tradesmen.
Plant, grow, and maintain a lawn.
Plant and grow any other desired plants.
Clear trash and blockages from exterior areas.
Weed an area.
Prune plants.
Maintain a pool.
Arrange and maintain bouquets and floral arrangements.
Collect, sort, wash, dry, and put away laundry.
Remove stains.
Clean and maintain leather items; bootblack.
Mend clothes.
Tailor clothes.
Design and sew, knit, and crochet projects.
Do embroidery and applique.
Cook everyday and fancier foods for whatever number of people is required.
Create nice food and drink presentation.
Serve food and drink gracefully.
Make coffee, tea, and cocoa.
Set the table for various situations; fold napkins.
Sharpen knives.
Match alcohol and make alcoholic drinks.
Check expiration dates and clear out old food.
Put together menus, meal plans, keep food inventory, and make shopping lists.
Warm or cool plates, cups, and bowls.
Handle special diets.
Handle food preservation.
Pack, especially for air travel.
Plan for and use public transportation.
Handle arrangements for lodging, meals, and transportation.
Find desired shops and services.
Navigate with a map or GPS.
Handle passport, currency, language, cultural, and legal issues.
Handle entertainment, visiting tourist destinations, and going to events.
Maintain a valid driver’s license and safe driving skills; drive/chauffeur.
Maintain a car: change oil, get fuel, check fluids, change wiper blades, check tire pressure, and change tires.
Host events and guests, including overnight.
Be a dungeon monitor.
Maintain collections.
Provide cigar service, needed tasks related to marijuana/nicotine/tobacco use (lighting, emptying ashtrays, rolling joints, etc.)
Film and photograph requested occasions.
Recommend/curate media.
Play a desired multiplayer game or sport.
Provide entertainment (performing arts, etc.)
Handle and answer electronic written communications, calls, mail, papers, and visitors; take messages.
Proofread, edit, format, and provide feedback on various projects.
Keep a calendar and manage scheduling.
Keep records.
Type up or scan physical notes and records.
Assist with gifting.
Shop online and in-store.
Manage groceries and basic items.
Manage couponing, sale-finding, item comparing, and negotiating.
Do product and store research.
Handle paperwork and related items.
Give reminders.
Give tech support.
Design websites.
Research assigned topics and share a report.
Set up electronics.
Budget, track spending, and handle taxes.
Give massages.
Make beauty products.
Lay out desired outfits in advance; have a basic knowledge of fashion/give advice.
Give manicures and pedicures.
Help with bathing; run a bath.
Wash, dry, brush, style, and cut hair; barber.
Help with shaving, waxing, and plucking.
Do makeup.
Apply daily SPF and/or moisturizer; help with skincare.
Maintain certification/skills in first aid and CPR.
Handle medications.
Take vitals.
Do caretaking for illness, disability, and injury.
Feed animals and make sure they have water.
Train animals.
Clean animal habitats and bathrooms.
Provide animal health care.
Groom animals.
Exercise, walk, and play with animals.
Assist with moving (business, home, etc.)
Create requested art or decor.
Keep anything desired well stocked throughout the household.
Assist with “prepping” (food/water/survival gear storage, etc.)
Child care (a list unto itself).
Provide security services.
Homeschooling or tutoring.
Oversee other s-types.
AM and PM routines such as closing/opening or locking/unlocking windows and doors, closing/opening blinds, turndown service, and shutting/turning on lights.
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