sometimeslondon · 3 days
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Tradesmen's entrance. Spotted on some railings in Belgravia.
So if you've come to do the plumbing, don't use the front door. That said if you are a plumber in London these days you should be entitled to use whatever entrance you like- you are now rarer in London than a Russian Oligarch...and probably richer!
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behonart · 7 months
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doctorecrz · 6 months
All Ben 10k Chaquetrix
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raph13th · 11 months
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Thats quite the clog.
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thegoodmorningman · 2 months
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Good Morning! Hope this message puts a smile on your face this Morning. At least if you know what's Good for you...
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francoisl-artblog · 2 years
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He's a plumber, and he have his Plumber's tools ! 2nd trailer was awesome, what can I say ? The Mario fan that reside deep in my soul is really happy with this. And we got more Luigi ! Just have little time to make a little something with him (Took me some time, compared to the first one Movie fan art). (Sorry, My rhythm in drawing is practically destroyed recently, I hope things will eventually got better on my side...) Nintendo and Mario movie (c) Nintendo and Illumination. Artwork made by me
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wolfdeutschland · 10 months
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plumber life 👨🏻‍🔧
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wild-saber1337 · 1 month
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BREAKING NEWS!!!! New York City in shock!!! After a large gorilla kidnapped local woman a battle ensued on top of unfinished high-rise when local plumber attempted rescue of the fair maiden!!! After a long battle the ape was vanquished after the plumber fell the beast with a mallet knocking the beast off the high-rise to it's doom, camera man catches picture of the aftermath.
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lovely--swan · 9 months
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LITTTTERALLY ME AND MY MAN...plumber wife tings
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grapefaygodude69 · 3 months
TC: eRrR...
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day 113
and then water attacks him or something lmfao
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fitbearcatcher · 10 months
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I suddenly need a pipe fixed! Gorgeous 😍
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cultofgalaxy · 1 year
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What if you called a plumber to come fix your pipes and this guy showed up? 🪠⭐
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nerdyperday · 11 months
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Day 2544 Mario
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roanimations · 1 year
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thanks soldier
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bl00dy-blur · 3 months
*Spoopy Omniverse theme plays*
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logicgunn · 3 months
plumbing (the depths of nowhere in particular)
On AO3
“Don’t you have people for that?” 
John nods at the chaos surrounding Rodney. “The plumbing. Hell, I have people for that if you want to take a break.” 
Tempting, but... “I'm hiding. Radek’s hovering again.” 
“Something you need?” 
“I just, uh...wanted to say thanks.” 
“What for?” 
John holds out his arm, and Rodney spots the knitted fabric, stark black against John's tanned wrist. 
“You’re welcome. Why’d your wrists get so cold, anyway?” 
John’s laugh echoes around the maintenance corridor, drowning the creaking of ancient pipes. Rodney reconsiders his offer. 
“Up for a game?” 
“Sure. Let's go, buddy.” 
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