#outdoor security lights nz
lauridsenibsen49 · 6 months
Great Advice On Landscape Projects For Your Home
Everyone wants a piece of that American dream. The white picket fence, the 2.5 kids and dog running around in the pile of dirt? NO! The landscaping on your home is just as much of an important factor on that dream than anything else is. If you need some direction, this article can help lead the way. Always look to incorporate native plants in your landscape design. When choosing plants, native plants are a perfect fit because they will thrive in your climate. Local plants will do better in their native soil. They will require less water and be more likely to avoid disease and sickness no matter the weather conditions. Before you buy anything, take the time to draw a detailed sketch of your garden. You should know exactly where things go in addition to which order you will proceed to create your landscape. Give yourself a few weeks to review your sketches and make a few changes, if you need to. If you are planting flowers,and other greenery as part of your landscaping efforts, group similar plants together. Identify plants with similar needs in terms of watering, sunlight and required soil type. This way, you can ensure that you treat all of your plants properly, and can organize your landscaping work more easily. Plant companion plants in your garden. These plants naturally work together to help each other repel pests and diseases. This can help you to have a healthier garden without the use of pesticides. You can find a lot of information on companion plants through a quick Internet search. Before choosing a type of grass for your yard, consult a local landscaper. There are outdoor security lights nz of grass seed and sod, and some will do better than others in different areas of the country. Some grasses prefer heat, while others need a dormant cold period. If you do not choose the right variety, you will spend a lot of time trying to maintain your yard. Landscape according to how much time you can commit. While an elaborate landscape might look good on paper, remember that it requires constant upkeep. When designing your garden think about your available time, your physical condition, and your budget. Only take on the responsibilities of a garden that you can easily cope with. Use walls and fences in your design. Select a nice fence that will go well with your design and paint it with a harmonious color. You can use walls to suspend plants or even to paint scenes of your creation. Your design will look more finished if you use your walls and fences. Don't assume that you must complete your entire landscaping project at one time. Dividing your project into several steps that can be completed over a number of years will not only make your project more manageable, but will also save you the money you would have paid in interest if you took out a loan to complete the project in one go. Before you embark on a large landscaping project, contact your homeowner's association, if you have one. Many neighborhoods have guidelines and specifications regarding what you can or cannot do to parts of your property that are visible to other neighbors. They can even force you to change things, if you are in violation of set rules. If your landscape includes a waterfall or pond, it is important you surround these areas with decorative stones and flowers that will not cover up the design of your structure. Make sure that any water items you have are complimented nicely so that it doesn't take away from their natural appeal. When you select plants, pay attention to their texture and branching patterns. Color is not everything. Choose plants with different shapes and textures to create an interesting design that you will never get tired of looking at. You should also keep in mind that a plant will have different branching structures throughout its growth. Don't let your lack of knowledge regarding plants and flowers stop you from having that beautiful yard to go along with your beautiful life. Landscaping is easy if you have the right information and a little bit of know-how. The ideas from this article should, at least, start you out on the right track.
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kennedymckenzie50 · 1 year
Enhance Your Lawn And Garden With These Landscaping Ideas
If you've ever thought about planting some trees in your yard or adding different types of flowers to your flower garden, you have a landscaper's mind. Landscaping requires you to learn techniques for making your yard as beautiful and unique as possible. Read this article for some advice about how to get started. If you are trying to install a patio that is made of concrete you should make sure that it is not incredibly large. The average patio size is 12 to 14 feet and having something that is much larger than that will only lead to the creation of more heat. Make sure you plan thoroughly before you begin landscaping. It is a great idea to sketch out your landscaping design when it's still a plan, so you can get a good mental idea of what it is going to look like. Make notes of the plants, flowers, shrubs, etc. that you plan on using to improve your landscape. Create outdoor security lights nz -seasonal landscape design that you can enjoy all year round. Pick plants that can bloom in every season, depending on your area. It is also possible to utilize trees that offer beautiful foliage as well as evergreen specimens so that your outdoor space looks good any time of year. Use balance, not symmetry. A balanced distribution of plants creates a focal point, but the garden should never be symmetrical. For example, a large tree to the left of the garden can be balanced by two smaller trees to the right. This creates a much more desirable effect in the garden, whereas a symmetrical look appears completely unnatural. Try to use several types of plants when landscaping. This is beneficial in protecting your yard just in case a disease or insect invades. If you only use one type of plant in your yard, they will most likely all be lost. Maintaining diversity with your landscaping is very important to the overall health of all of its inhabitants. Do not forget your hardscape when it comes to your landscaping plans. A deck or patio is an important aspect in your landscape's appearance. There are many options for decks and patios that include rock designs or woods that coordinate with the colors of your trees, shrubs and flowers. Do not forget this important aspect. Keep all four seasons in mind as you design your landscaping. This means you should have different plants that will blossom throughout the spring and the summer, and perhaps some pine trees to keep your yard green during the winter months. Take the time to learn more about which plants do well in which seasons. When planning out your landscape design, carefully consider the colors of the flowers, trees and grasses that you intend to use. You may discover that limiting your palette to only one or two colors has the greatest visual impact. Choosing too many contrasting colors may make your landscaping appear disheveled and wild. A good landscaping project need not be limited to plants and flowers. For a low-maintenance, earthy look, consider incorporating rocks, water or wooden structures into your lawn, and garden designs. These elements are ideal for parts of the country with low annual rainfall. Many projects of this nature are simple, and can be completed without the help of a professional. For best results, choose landscaping elements that are primarily native to your climate, soil type and annual rainfall. This will significantly reduce maintenance costs, improve appearance and promote longevity. It also ensures that your lawn and garden complement your home in its natural environment. This is ideal for those who enjoy attracting native wildlife like birds and butterflies. If you want to spice up the look of your outdoor space, you may want to consider installing a rock garden. Not only are they rather inexpensive to create, but they are also easy to set up yourself. You could even use stones, or rocks that are already on your property. Now that you've learned the basics of how to landscape, think about what changes you'd like to make to your yard. As soon as you've finished planning, you can try out the tips that you have just read, in your own yard. Soon, you will have a yard that is unique and most importantly, uniquely YOU.
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sparkyshopnz · 1 month
Top Reasons to Choose LED Battens for Outdoor Lighting in New Zealand
When it comes to illuminating your outdoor space in New Zealand, functionality and durability are paramount. You need lighting that can withstand the elements – rain, wind, and everything in between – while providing bright, efficient illumination. Enter LED battens: a modern and versatile solution for outdoor lighting in NZ.
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This blog delves into the compelling reasons why LED battens should be your go-to choice for outdoor lighting in New Zealand.
Unveiling the Advantages of LED Battens:
LED battens offer a multitude of benefits compared to traditional outdoor lighting options. Here's why they shine:
Energy Efficiency: LED battens are renowned for their exceptional energy efficiency. They consume significantly less power than traditional options like fluorescent battens, translating to lower electricity bills and a reduced environmental footprint.
Long Lifespan: LED battens boast a remarkably long lifespan, often exceeding 50,000 hours. This translates to fewer replacements and lower maintenance costs over time.
Durability: Built to withstand the harsh New Zealand climate, LED battens are constructed with robust materials that resist corrosion and weather damage. Their sturdy design ensures reliable performance for years to come.
Illuminating the Benefits Specific to NZ Conditions:
New Zealand's unique climate, with its fair share of rain and wind, necessitates outdoor lighting solutions that can handle the elements. LED battens excel in these conditions:
Waterproof Options: Look for LED batten lights [LED Batten Light NZ] with an IP (Ingress Protection) rating suitable for outdoor use. An IP rating of IP65 or higher signifies protection against water jets and dust ingress, making them ideal for withstanding the elements.
Low Maintenance: Unlike traditional options that require frequent bulb replacements, LED battens' long lifespan minimizes maintenance needs. This translates to less hassle and frees up valuable time.
Beyond Durability: Exploring the Versatility of LED Battens:
LED battens offer more than just durability and weather resistance. They provide a variety of benefits that enhance your outdoor space:
Versatility: LED battens come in a wide range of sizes, including popular options like the 5ft LED batten light [LED Batten Light 5ft NZ]. This variety allows you to choose the perfect size to illuminate different areas of your outdoor space.
Brightness: LED battens deliver bright, clear illumination, ensuring excellent visibility around your property. This enhances security and safety, especially during the darker evenings.
Design Aesthetics: LED battens come in various styles, from sleek and modern to more industrial designs. You can find battens that complement the overall aesthetic of your outdoor space.
Choosing the Right Outdoor LED Battens in New Zealand:
When selecting LED battens for your outdoor space in New Zealand, consider these factors:
Size and Wattage: Choose the appropriate size and wattage based on the area you wish to illuminate.
IP Rating: Ensure the IP rating is suitable for your intended location. Opt for IP65 or higher for areas exposed to rain or water spray.
Color Temperature: Consider warm white (around 3000K) for a more inviting ambiance or cool white (around 4000K) for improved visibility in security-conscious areas.
Sensor Options: Explore LED battens with built-in motion sensors for added security and convenience. The lights will automatically activate when motion is detected.
Sparky Shop: Your One-Stop Shop for Outdoor LED Battens in NZ
Sparky Shop, a leading provider of lighting solutions in New Zealand, offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality outdoor LED battens. They cater to various needs and budgets, with options including waterproof LED battens [ Waterproof LED Batten NZ], energy-efficient models, and even LED batten lights in popular sizes like 5ft.
Shop now at Sparky Shop and discover the perfect outdoor LED battens to illuminate your New Zealand home. With their extensive selection, competitive prices, and commitment to quality, Sparky Shop empowers you to create a safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space. Transform your backyard, patio, or driveway with the power of efficient and reliable LED batten lighting.
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friishermann61 · 2 months
For many of us, our home represents our greatest financial asset. Although many people believe that home repair is something that only trained professionals are capable of doing, that is often far from the case. Many home repair jobs can easily be done by the average person, with just a little guidance.
If you don't already have some, install some ceiling fans in all your rooms. You can use these to cool rooms and circulate the air, reducing the need to use your air conditioning unit. This in turn will save you money on your electric bill and most likely increase the life expectancy of your air conditioner. Make sure that you keep an eye out for all types of contractors. You want to make sure that you get a contractor with a good reputation, as well as, an affordable price before you have them improve your home. You don't want to be stuck with paying a bill that you can't afford or a project that's half finished because the contractor decided to stop coming, half-way through the project. Whenever you paint, it is important that you always protect the floor. If you don't, you will have quite a mess on your wood floors or carpeting. Layering newspapers in one inexpensive option. Alternatively, you can use plastic sheeting or a painter's tarp to keep paint drips off of your floors. Focus on exterior lighting for your next home improvement project. Installing an outdoor motion detector is a good choice; the sensor will ensure that the light only comes on when you need it to. Not only does this save you money on energy bills, but the motion detector is also a good security feature. It alerts you if anyone is walking around your property. asbestos testing nz to use as cord keepers! Smaller bottles like pill bottles work well to keep small appliance cords from tangling and bigger bottles like those vehicle oil come in work great for big shop extension cords. Just clean the bottles thoroughly, cut off the top and bottom, and use the resulting sleeve for your cords. When you are fixing up your real estate, don't waste money buying commercially made primer paint. Go to your local home improvement store and buy several cans of the paint that they mixed that someone did not like. Have them pour it all into a larger bucket and mix it to a medium shade of gray. This will save you more than half of what you would have paid. Keep your home and family safe by properly installing a smoke detector in your home. Smoke detectors detect unsafe and hazardous smoke before you do. Stay on the safe side and purchase a new smoke detector. Make sure to check the batteries every month to ensure that it is working correctly when tragedy strikes. Tame you clutter and label it practically for free. Sometimes we spend too much time thinking about organization and not enough time doing it. Go ahead, sort the jumble of clutter into free cardboard boxes and label the outsides with masking tape and an indelible marker. You can perfect it all later! Those who live in a dry climate are better off with white or red cedar fences. Cedar wood is known to be one of the safest choices in areas prone to fire, and has the added benefit of being durable and smelling great. Are the fans in your home looking a bit overworked? Why not buy new fan blades and replace the old ones, so that your home looks clean. Dirty fan blades can make your home look dirty. If you are looking for an easy way to keep your home clean, try putting in new fan blades. Do not get too personal. When you over-personalize your home to fit the way you want it to look, it is very doubtful that you will be able to recover your investments once you attempt to sell your home. Opt instead for a timeless look that you still enjoy, and you will quickly make your money back if you have to sell. Your home is one of your most valuable financial assets, and it is the place where you spend a majority of your time. So the next time you spot something that could use a little maintenance, you owe it to yourself, and to your wallet, to try your hand at fixing up your home!
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bradyevans58 · 4 months
Discover the Best Site to Buy Deck Lights Online for Your Home Improvement Project in New Zealand
Deck lights are an essential aspect of any home improvement project, adding an elegant touch to your outdoor living space while also providing safety and security. In New Zealand, there are various options available for purchasing deck lights online. However, selecting the best site can be a daunting task. This article will guide you through the process of finding the perfect platform to deck lights nz for your home improvement project in New Zealand.
Why Choose Online Platforms for Deck Lights?
There are several advantages to purchasing deck lights online, including:
1. Convenience: Online shopping allows you to browse through a wide selection of deck lights from the comfort of your home, without the hassle of visiting multiple stores. 2. Competitive Pricing: Online platforms often offer competitive prices due to lower overhead costs, enabling you to find the best deals on high-quality deck lights. 3. Access to a Greater Variety: Online stores provide access to a broader range of deck lights, including unique designs and cutting-edge technology, ensuring you find the perfect option for your needs.
How to Choose the Best Site for Deck Lights in New Zealand
To find the best site for purchasing deck lights online in New Zealand, consider the following factors:
1. Product Range: A wide variety of deck lights, including different styles, designs, and technologies, is essential to choose from when selecting the ideal option for your outdoor living space. 2. Quality and Durability: Ensuring that the deck lights you purchase are of high quality and built to withstand New Zealand's unique weather conditions is crucial for long-lasting use. 3. Customer Reviews: Reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of products, shipping times, and customer service, helping you make an informed decision. 4. Return Policy: A transparent and hassle-free return policy is essential, especially if your deck lights do not meet your expectations or require repairs. 5. Delivery and Shipping: Ensuring the site offers fast and reliable shipping to your location in New Zealand is crucial for timely delivery and efficient installation.
Best Site to Buy Deck Lights in New Zealand - Based on the Factors Above, We Recommend:
After thorough research and analysis, we recommend [Insert Website Name] as the best site to buy deck lights online in New Zealand. This platform offers a wide range of high-quality deck lights, competitive pricing, and excellent customer reviews. Their customer service is responsive, and they offer a transparent return policy and fast, reliable shipping to various locations across the country.
Purchasing deck lights online is a convenient and cost-effective way to enhance your outdoor living space while ensuring safety and security. By considering the factors outlined in this article and choosing the best site for your needs, you can find the perfect deck lights to complete your home improvement project in New Zealand. Visit [Insert Website Name] today to browse their extensive selection of deck lights and experience the benefits of online shopping for your home improvement needs.
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kristensenpetty42 · 4 months
Transform Your Outdoor Space with Ease
As the warm and inviting New Zealand summer approaches, many of us are eager to spend more time outdoors, enjoying the beauty of our gardens and creating memorable moments with our loved ones. To enhance the ambiance and aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space, adding a variety of garden lights is an excellent way to create a warm, inviting atmosphere while also illuminating the key features of your landscape. In this article, we will explore the best online site to garden lights nz in New Zealand, focusing on home improvement and how to make your outdoor space truly shine.
Best Online Site to Buy Garden Lights in New Zealand
One of the most reputable and reliable online stores for purchasing garden lights in New Zealand is [website name]. This popular online destination offers an extensive range of high-quality garden lights designed to meet the unique needs of your outdoor space. With a focus on customer satisfaction and a passion for home improvement, [website name] has established itself as the go-to source for garden lighting solutions in New Zealand.
At [website name], you can expect to find a wide selection of garden lights, including solar, battery-operated, and mains-powered options, all designed to complement and enhance your garden's existing features. Whether you're looking to add a touch of elegance with stylish outdoor lamps or illuminate your pathways and garden features with functional and practical lights, you're sure to find the perfect solution at [website name].
What Sets [Website Name] Apart?
There are several factors that set [website name] apart from other online retailers in New Zealand when it comes to garden lights:
1. Expertise: With a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about home improvement and garden design, [website name] offers invaluable guidance and support when it comes to selecting the perfect garden lights for your space. 2. High-Quality Products: All of the garden lights available at [website name] are sourced from reputable manufacturers and are meticulously tested to ensure optimal performance and durability. This means that you can rest assured that your investment will provide long-lasting, reliable lighting for your outdoor space. 3. Competitive Pricing: [Website Name] offers competitive prices on a wide range of garden lights, making it easy for customers to find excellent value without compromising on quality. 4. Excellent Customer Service: With a commitment to providing exceptional customer service, [website name] offers fast and friendly support, ensuring that your shopping experience is nothing short of exceptional. 5. Easy and Secure Shopping: The website is designed to make shopping for garden lights as simple and secure as possible, with easy navigation, secure payment options, and hassle-free shipping to your doorstep.
How to Choose the Right Garden Lights for Your Space
Choosing the right garden lights for your outdoor space can be a daunting task, but with a little guidance, you can make the right choice to enhance the overall look and feel of your garden. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting garden lights for your space:
1. Purpose: Determine the primary purpose of the garden lights - whether they are intended to provide functional illumination, enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden, or create a specific mood or atmosphere. 2. Space: Consider the size of your outdoor space and the layout of your garden when selecting garden lights. This will help you to choose the appropriate type and number of lights that will effectively illuminate your space without appearing overwhelming. 3. Design: Evaluate the existing design elements of your garden and select lighting options that complement these features while also making a statement on their own. 4. Durability: Choose garden lights that are constructed from high-quality materials and are designed to withstand the elements, ensuring that they remain a beautiful and functional addition to your outdoor space for years to come. 5. Energy Efficiency: Opt for energy-efficient garden lights, such as solar-powered or LED options, to reduce your environmental impact and lower your energy bills.
In conclusion, transforming your outdoor space into a stunning and inviting haven has never been easier thanks to the exceptional range of garden lights available at [website name]. With a focus on customer satisfaction, quality products, and competitive prices, [website name] is the go-to online site for garden lighting solutions in New Zealand. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can ensure that your outdoor space becomes a true masterpiece that you and your loved ones can enjoy for years to come.
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larsonpenn19 · 4 months
Transform Your Outdoor Space with Garden and Outdoor Lighting in Auckland
As the days grow shorter and the nights draw in, outdoor lighting nz becomes increasingly essential in creating a comfortable and well-lit space for your home. In Auckland, New Zealand, there are a variety of options available to enhance the aesthetic and functionality of your outdoor area. In this article, we will explore the importance of outdoor lighting, the different types of outdoor lighting available in Auckland, and tips for creating a well-lit outdoor space.
The Importance of Outdoor Lighting:
Outdoor lighting plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall appearance and functionality of your garden and outdoor living spaces. It not only creates a safe and welcoming environment for you and your family but also adds a touch of elegance and ambiance to your outdoor space. Properly designed outdoor lighting can help you make the most of your outdoor space, providing a functional space for entertaining, dining, and relaxing.
Different Types of Outdoor Lighting in Auckland:
1. Solar-powered lighting: Solar-powered lighting is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective option for outdoor lighting. These lights use solar panels to charge during the day and provide light at night. There is a wide range of solar-powered lighting options available in Auckland, including spotlights, pathway lights, and security lights. 2. Halogen lighting: Halogen lighting is a popular choice for outdoor lighting due to its bright and clear light. It is suitable for both ambient and task lighting and is available in a variety of styles and designs. Halogen lighting is a great option for highlighting specific features in your garden, such as statues or water features. 3. LED lighting: LED lighting is a highly efficient and long-lasting option for outdoor lighting. It provides bright, white light with minimal energy consumption. LED lighting is available in a range of styles, including spotlights, pathway lights, and security lights, and can be controlled through smart technology. 4. In-ground lighting: In-ground lighting is a visually appealing and functional option for outdoor lighting. These lights are recessed into the ground and emit light upwards, creating a soft and ambient glow. In-ground lighting is suitable for highlighting specific features in your garden, such as steps or walkways. 5. String lights: String lights are a popular and versatile option for outdoor lighting. They are available in a wide range of styles, including fairy lights, festoon lights, and bistro lights, and can be used to create a relaxed and romantic atmosphere in your outdoor space.
Tips for Creating a Well-Lit Outdoor Space:
1. Plan your lighting layout: Before you begin installing outdoor lighting, it's essential to plan your lighting layout. Consider your outdoor space and how you want to use it. Identify areas where you want to add light, such as walkways, seating areas, and garden features. 2. Consider the different types of lighting: As mentioned above, there are several types of outdoor lighting available in Auckland. Consider the different options and how they can be used to enhance your outdoor space. 3. Evaluate the brightness and color temperature of the lights: Consider the brightness and color temperature of the lights you choose. Brighter lights are suitable for task lighting, while softer lights create a more relaxed atmosphere. 4. Use a combination of lighting types: To create a well-rounded lighting scheme, use a combination of different lighting types. For example, you could use pathway lights to illuminate walkways, in-ground lights to highlight garden features, and string lights to create a cozy atmosphere. 5. Use smart technology: Smart technology can help you control your outdoor lighting, allowing you to adjust the brightness and timings of your lights from your smartphone or tablet.
Outdoor lighting is an essential aspect of any garden or outdoor living space. With the wide range of options available in Auckland, you can create a well-lit and functional outdoor space that enhances the aesthetic and functionality of your home. By considering the different types of outdoor lighting available and following these tips, you can create a beautiful and inviting outdoor space that is perfect for entertaining, dining, and relaxing.
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lauridsenibsen49 · 6 months
Doing the landscaping on your home can seem like a menial task that no one else will ever appreciate more than you. The issue is, that the landscaping on your home will affect how your neighbors, passersby, guests and even, potential buyers view your home. It says a lot about the condition and care that the home has received. Use this article to make sure that you are showing off, just how much you care for your home.
Do not settle for a cheap design such as a patio or a deck if you are not going to use it. It might be worth it to pay a professional designer to help you create the kind of space and design you will use and enjoy throughout different seasons. You do not have to hire a professional to design your landscape for you, but it might be worth your time and money to quickly meet with an architect. You will get a better idea of how much your project will cost and perhaps avoid mistakes that would end up costing you money. Think about whether or not you need to have a design for your project. It might cost less money to create a deck that is in a rectangular shape, but if you do not like the end result, you probably won't use the space. Spending a bit of money to hire a designer could help you get exactly what you want. Landscaping is more than just planting flowers, grasses and trees. Landscaping also incorporates decorative elements like benches or garden structures. Use decks, archways and pergolas to create attractive looks that are complex, beautiful and visually interesting. You can purchase these things in many different price ranges to accommodate your budget. Contrary to what most people believe, it isn't necessary to have a designer or landscaper do your landscape. You will probably end up paying far more than necessary, especially if you are capable of doing the labor yourself. However, it can never hurt to speak with landscaper who can set you in the right direction as far as what you should do. Think about the existing structures around the landscaping project before starting on it. Check out where your gutters, cables, air conditioning units, and things of that sort are located; you want to make sure you don't interfere with where they're at. Check with your city or county prior to digging so that you know you won't be damaging any underground lines. Consider growing a hedge or bamboo plants to add privacy to your hard. Bamboo is a hardy grass, and it grows very quickly. It can add a lot of beauty to your property, and also give you a privacy barrier from neighbors or noisy streets. Just be cautious when growing bamboo as it does grow very quickly, meaning you will have to prune it regularly to keep it from becoming over grown. Whenever outdoor security lights nz are landscaping yourself, it is important to include things other than plant life in your landscape. Things like decorative stones, bird baths, and lighting can really enhance the look of your landscape. Make sure you don't make your space too crowded, by adding to many extras. Always use odd numbers of plant groupings. It is more pleasing to the eye and more natural looking to see groups of 3, 5 or 7 plants than groups of 2, 4 or 6. Aim for plantings that are more triangle-shaped than square-shaped, and your landscaping will have more eye appeal. Create a softer look in your yard with curved borders. Curves are more visually appealing and can add interest and depth to your yard. The curved landscape borders offer a nice complement to the rigidity of the sides of your driveway and house. If you are a pet owner, and you will be using chemicals to take care of your landscaping needs, be aware of which products you are using. Many of these chemical can make your pet sick, and some could even kill them. If you are unsure of which products are safe, ask the store in which you are purchasing them. You know what you want people to think about you and your home, but sometimes, that is hard to communicate the way you want to. By using landscaping, you can show the world just how much pride you take in your home and how well you care for it. This article has shown you lots of great ways to make sure this happens.
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erichsenditlevsen53 · 4 months
When your home is landscaped properly, it will definitely be more appealing. However, if you are like most people, you may be curious as to what you can do yourself to make your landscaping better. Read this article to learn more about landscaping, so you can make the outside of your home more attractive.Trim your bushes and hedges regularly. If you trim a hedge,or a bush when it is just starting to become over grown, it will be a quick and easy process. If you wait until the bush is completely over grown, you can expect the project to take all day. Regular maintenance is the easiest way to keep your landscaping looking great.<br/><br/>Use stones, and pebbles to decrease the amount of grass on your lawn. Stones and pebbles are attractive additions to any yard, and they do not require regular maintenance. Grass requires regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Reducing the amount of grass in your yard can help to save you time, and energy.<br/><br/>When it comes to landscaping, the timing of your purchases can mean everything. Buying certain items during certain seasons can mean paying much less for those items. Make sure you are paying attention to sales, but at the same time, you must also make sure you are sticking with your plan as well.<br/><br/>Always use odd numbers of plant groupings. It is more pleasing to the eye and more natural looking to see groups of 3, 5 or 7 plants than groups of 2, 4 or 6. Aim for plantings that are more triangle-shaped than square-shaped, and your landscaping will have more eye appeal.<br/><br/>If you have a very small house, watch your use of big trees. Big trees can be overwhelming when they are placed in the yard of a very small house. They can distract from the house, and might even make it look smaller than it actually is. Choose smaller varieties instead.<br/><br/>Always wear proper safety gear when doing any landscaping projects. This includes wearing good strong gloves to protect your hands. Wear eye protection when using any power saws or tools. And remember to protect your skin from the sun by wearing long-sleeved shirts or a good sun screen lotion and a hat.<br/><br/>Be sure that the lawnmower you choose is one of a good quality. Many times, people just buy whichever lawnmower is cheapest or on sale. Generally, these lawnmowers do not cut through grass properly, and they may break easier. Even though it may be more costly, a high-quality mower will usually do the job.<br/><br/>Don't overlook the impact that certain types of landscaping can have on your yard and home. Certain trees' root systems can damage your underground pipes. In addition, putting plants in some areas can affect the line of site for traffic or your driveway, creating a safety hazard. Think about this stuff carefully before beginning to landscape.<br/><br/>For flowers, or garden beds that you add to your landscape, go for a narrow approach. You will need to weed, and maintain these beds throughout the year. A thinner bed is easier to reach across, and requires less moving around. Remember, to keep them wide enough to prevent plants from overgrowing the boundaries of the bed too quickly.<br/><br/>Determine your expected costs before you begin your landscaping project. <a href="http://teafish.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=3021790">outdoor security lights nz</a> are seasonally priced, and could change in cost a good deal in just a few weeks. Know the seasons for plants, and get firm costs on your project. This will also help you to save money, as you can orient your plans towards saving money on seasonal plants.<br/><br/>If you are planning to hire a landscape professional to design your yard, be certain to get a price quote in writing. Many landscapers under-bid a project to get the business and then find they have to ask for more money. If the quote is in writing, they must honor their original price.<br/><br/>As mentioned in the beginning of this article, your home is more attractive looking when it has the proper landscaping outside. However, many people are not aware of what they can do to achieve this look. You do not have to worry about that now that you have read this article. You are on the right path to having the best landscaping on the block.
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swimfun-nz · 8 months
Your Swimming Experience with Prescription Swimming Goggles in NZ
When it comes to swimming, precision and clarity are paramount. SwimFun New Zealand understands the importance of clear vision in the water. Our high-quality prescription swimming goggles are designed to provide a crystal-clear view while swimming, whether you're training, racing, or simply enjoying the water. Explore the world of Prescription Swimming Goggles NZ and discover how they can take your aquatic experience to the next level.
The Power of Prescription Goggles
Prescription swimming goggles offer a revolutionary solution for swimmers with vision impairments. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you know the limitations they can pose when in the water. Our prescription goggles are designed to replace traditional eyewear while providing the same level of vision correction. No more worrying about losing your glasses or dealing with the discomfort of contact lenses in the water. With our prescription goggles, you can see clearly without compromise.
Suitable for Various Needs
SwimFun New Zealand caters to both shortsighted and longsighted individuals. Our extensive range of prescription swimming goggles ensures we have the perfect pair for everyone. Whether you're a professional swimmer training for a competition, a recreational swimmer, or just want to see clearly during water activities, our goggles have you covered. You can choose the prescription strength that suits your specific requirements.
Goggles for All Ages
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the benefits of prescription swimming goggles. That's why we offer a wide selection of goggles designed for adults, kids, and teenagers. Our prescription goggles come in a range of styles and sizes to accommodate various face shapes and sizes. SwimFun New Zealand is dedicated to providing a comprehensive one-stop solution for prescription goggles and masks.
Diverse Range of Goggles
Our product range includes popular models like G1, G1B, N1C, N1B, SF1, N2B, and N2G, each with unique features designed to enhance your swimming experience. These goggles offer a secure and comfortable fit, adjustable nose bridges to suit different face shapes, and even mirrored lenses for outdoor swimming in bright light. We also offer plain lens goggles and polarized mirrored lenses for those looking for extra protection from strong sunshine.
Quality Meets Affordability
At SwimFun New Zealand, we believe that quality should not come at a high price. We are committed to providing top-quality prescription swimming goggles at competitive prices. We understand that clear vision is essential for swimmers, and we want to make sure that everyone can benefit from prescription goggles without breaking the bank.
Your Ultimate Destination for Prescription Goggles
SwimFun New Zealand aims to be your one-stop-shop for prescription swimming goggles and snorkel masks. We are dedicated to enhancing your aquatic experience with high-quality products. With our extensive range of prescription swimming goggles, we provide an option for everyone. Say goodbye to blurry vision and enjoy the water like never before.
Discover the World of Clear Vision
Experience the freedom of clear vision while swimming with prescription swimming goggles in NZ. SwimFun New Zealand's commitment to quality, affordability, and diversity ensures that you'll find the perfect pair of goggles to suit your needs. Dive into the world of clear vision today!
Order Your Prescription Swimming Goggles Now
Elevate your swimming experience with prescription swimming goggles from SwimFun New Zealand. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional eyewear in the water and hello to clear, uncompromised vision. Dive in with confidence and enjoy every moment in the water. Your clear vision is just a click away!
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jaeconz · 9 months
Complete your doors with superior pull handles
Upgrade the look and feel of your doors with premium pull handles! Pull handles are a chic and useful option whether you're wanting to update the hardware on interior doors, brighten up your foyer, or remodel your cabinets handles in NZ. We'll go through the several pull handle options that are available in New Zealand in this blog post, along with the reasons that buying high-quality pulls is well worth the money. Along with care and maintenance advice, we'll make sure your pull handles look just as beautiful as the day you put them. Now let's explore the world of beautiful door hardware and see how it may change your room!
Drawer Pulls for All Door Styles
There are countless alternatives available to you when selecting pull handles for your doors. An ideal pull handle is waiting for you, regardless of your preference for a more conventional or sleek modern design.
Think of minimalist and clean-lined designs for modern spaces. For a sophisticated look, choose brushed nickel or sleek stainless steel finishes. These pull handle designs will still stand out but still mix in perfectly with the overall scheme.
Look at options like oil-rubbed bronze or antique brass pulls if your taste is more rustic or vintage-inspired. These treatments provide a rustic appeal that quickly improves any door's appearance.
A great option for people who want a little glitz and sophistication are pull handles in NZ made of crystal or glass. The glittering facets give any place an opulent air while exquisitely catching the light.
Of course, functionality should not be overlooked! To get door hardware that is both fashionable and functional, opt for pull handles that include integrated locks or keyholes. In this manner, you may guarantee flair and security without sacrificing either.
Whatever kind of door you have—interior, outdoor, cupboards, or wardrobes—there is definitely a beautiful array of pull handles in New Zealand that will completely fit your demands and preferences. Thus, spend some time experimenting with various looks and materials until you discover those that suit your own style!
The Advantages of Superior Pull Handles
The overall look and use of your doors can be greatly improved with high-quality pull handles. It is always worthwhile to invest in high-quality pull handles for your cabinet, wardrobe, or entrance doors.
Remarkable pull handles are made to last. Because they are composed of sturdy materials like solid brass or stainless steel, they will last even after frequent usage. It follows that you won't need to bother about constantly replacing them.
You can open and close your doors with superior comfort and grip thanks to these pull handles. Easy gripping is made possible by the ergonomic design, which prevents hand or finger strain. This is particularly crucial if you have heavy doors or if you live with someone who is not very mobile.
Additionally, a broad range of styles and finishes are available for high-quality pull handles to match any style of door or theme of interior décor. There is something for everyone, ranging from elegant vintage-inspired options to sleek modern designs.
Additionally, upgrading to better pull handles raises the worth of your house. The property's exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail will be greatly appreciated by potential buyers.
Opting for high-quality pull handles not only increases the visual appeal of your doors but also delivers durability and functionality that will endure the test of time. Thus, instead of settling for subpar, choose superior pull handles to improve your door experience.
Pull Handle Upkeep and Repair
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To guarantee your pull handles' longevity and maintain their attractive appearance, proper maintenance is required. Here are some pointers for appropriate upkeep and care:
Frequent Cleaning: Over time, dust and debris can build up on pull handles, dulling their appearance. Just use a soft cloth wet with mild soap or a non-abrasive solution to clean the surface. Steer clear of harsh chemicals since they can harm the finish.
Polishing: If your pull handles have a metal finish, you can use a polishing cloth to restore their sheen. Be cautious to follow the manufacturer's directions and avoid excessive pressure that could scratch the surface.
Lubrication: Over time, hinges and moving elements of pull handles may become stiff or squeaky. Applying lubricant specifically intended for door hardware will assist ensure smooth performance.
Avoid Harsh Treatment: Pull handles should not be subjected to excessive force or rough treatment, as this can cause damage or loosening of screws.
5.Protective Measures: To stop metal surfaces exposed to moisture in bathrooms or outdoor spaces from oxidizing or tarnishing, think about using protective coatings or clear lacquer.
Pull handles can last longer and continue to appear fashionable and useful for many years if you take care of them according to these recommended cleaning and maintenance procedures.
In summary
Selecting premium pull handles for your doors can significantly improve the room's overall design and use. Every kind of door can be complemented with a pull handle, whether it is modern or classic.
Purchasing high-quality pull handles has several advantages. They offer endurance and durability, so your doors will still look amazing for many years to come. Furthermore, these handles provide increased convenience and security, which makes them a crucial component of any door hardware design.
Taking appropriate care of your pull handles is essential to preserving their quality and functionality. Frequent washing with a mild soap and water solution can aid in eliminating dirt and grime while averting corrosion or rust. Additionally, it's critical to routinely check the screws and tighten them as needed.
When selecting pull handles in New Zealand, it is advisable to take into account reliable suppliers such as [Company Name]. Its extensive selection and dedication to offering premium goods let you to locate the ideal pulls that satisfy both your aesthetic tastes and practical requirements.
Therefore, instead of settling for boring, upgrade your doors with fashionable, long-lasting pull handles. Upgrade the aesthetics of your house or place of business right now by choosing premium pull handles from reliable vendors!
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selfcontainmentj · 10 months
Understanding the Essential Self-Containment Requirements for Caravans
Caravanning has become an increasingly popular way for individuals and families to explore the great outdoors while enjoying the comforts of home on wheels. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or new to the world of caravanning, understanding Self Containment Requirements for Caravans. In this article, we will explore the essential self-containment requirements for caravans to help you navigate the regulatory landscape and make your trips enjoyable and eco-friendly.
What is Self-Containment?
Self-containment refers to a caravan's ability to operate independently without relying on external resources for an extended period. This includes providing all the essential amenities for living and traveling comfortably, such as fresh water, wastewater storage, cooking facilities, and a sanitary system. Self-contained caravans are designed to minimize their environmental impact and comply with specific regulations in many countries to ensure responsible and sustainable traveling.
Essential Self-Containment Requirements
Fresh Water Supply: A self-contained caravan must have an onboard water supply system. This typically involves a freshwater tank, a pump, and faucets. The tank's capacity should be sufficient for your needs during your travels, taking into account drinking, cooking, and cleaning requirements.
Wastewater Storage: Caravans must also have a system for containing and storing wastewater. Graywater (from sinks and showers) and blackwater (from toilets) should be stored in separate tanks. These tanks should have adequate capacity and be securely sealed to prevent leaks or contamination.
Toilet Facilities: A self-contained caravan must include a toilet facility. There are various options available, including portable toilets or built-in systems. Regardless of the type, it should be sanitary and easily emptied at approved disposal points.
Cooking Facilities: Caravans should have cooking facilities, such as a gas stove or electric cooktop, and a sink for food preparation and dishwashing. These facilities should be functional and safe for use during your travels.
Gas System: If your caravan relies on gas for cooking or heating, it should comply with safety standards. Gas appliances should be properly installed, regularly inspected, and have an emergency shut-off valve.
Power Supply: While not always required, many self-contained caravans include a power supply system. This may involve batteries, solar panels, or a generator to provide electricity for lighting, appliances, and charging devices.
Waste Disposal: Responsible waste management is a crucial aspect of self-containment. Caravanners should be prepared to dispose of their waste properly at designated dump stations or facilities.
Certification: In many countries, self-contained caravans must meet specific certification standards to ensure they adhere to self-containment requirements. Look for certification labels on your caravan, indicating compliance with local regulations.
Compliance with Local Regulations: Different countries may have varying self-containment requirements and regulations. It's essential to research and understand the specific requirements for the regions you plan to visit and ensure your caravan complies with them.
For more info:-
Self Contained Units for Caravan
Self Containment Officer NZ
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koffman422 · 1 year
Stylish and Secure: Aluminium Entrance Doors In New Zealand
A Christchurch home's entrance can play a big role in its overall look and feel. If your door is cracking, warped and rotting from the elements, it can make a negative impact on your property's look and value. Thankfully, there are alternatives. Aluminium doors offer a solid, strong design that will not split, warp or swell. They also require less maintenance and will not require repainting from sun, rain or age.
Aluminium is one of the most eco-friendly metals to use in home construction. It’s low maintenance, lightweight and highly durable, and it’s easy to recycle. It’s also a good choice for homeowners who want to add a contemporary touch to their home, as it is sleek and stylish without being overly bulky.
Our top pick for aluminium entrance doors Christchurch is the Axis range from Altus Windows. This series of aluminium doors is designed to stand the test of time, offering a wide variety of styles and options to suit the needs of your home.
These solid aluminium entrance doors are filled with high-density polystyrene to provide thermal efficiency and sound dampening. They are also available in dual Velux Skylights NZ so you can choose a different colour for the inside and outside of your door.
The Axis range also offers a wide selection of security glazing, so you can have peace of mind that your home is safe from prying eyes and intruders. There are a range of designs to choose from, including full length tongue and groove treatments and glazed inserts.
There are also a number of other great features that can be found in aluminium entrance doors Christchurch, such as the ability to open up your home to natural light and fresh air with bi-folding doors. Combined with fanlights, these can be an efficient way of maximising your space and making the most of the view you have.
As a bonus, these doors are rated to have a better thermal rating than timber and aluminium front doors, so they will help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. They also feature a polyurethane core which provides better insulation than wood, so they are great for those who live in climates where heating and cooling costs can add up quickly.
The Axis series has plenty of other features to enjoy as well, including a modern linear design and a range of contemporary mouldings and hardware. The most exciting feature is probably the fact that this range can be customised to create the exact look you want, whether it’s a themed, contrasting or subtle design.
Our entrance doors Christchurch are designed and manufactured to complement any home design, with a wide range of styles, configurations and hardware available. Try our virtual door creator and see your dream entrance doors come to life before you.
Our residential range of Upvc Flush Sash Window entrance doors offer a choice of designs that fit any architectural taste, with 35 panel styles on offer and multiple customisable configurations. Choose to add a glass panel for natural light or privacy, and enhance indoor/outdoor flow with bi-folding doors or stacking hinged and French doors.
When a clean, smooth architectural look is desired, the Plasma range offers the option of powdercoating your aluminium door in a variety of colours. Or opt for an economical Slimline Plasma that retains the clean, flat sheet aluminium look but with a lower price point.
Aquila entrance doors are an innovative design that arrays flush tongue and groove planks with adjoining flush stiles for a sleek all-aluminium panel that emulates one of the most popular timber door designs. A horizontal glazed insert is also possible to complete the look.
With a choice of colour finishes, this door is the perfect solution for any residential property in Christchurch. The ultra-clear glass with a stable opaque Colourbak finish comes with a 10-year colour-fast warranty, and can be customised to a specific tone.
Origin’s range of residential aluminium doors are built to last, backed by a 20-year guarantee and PAS 24 security. The Therminax core and thermal efficiency of high-grade aluminium keep the bad weather out, while a multi-point locking system increases security to ensure you’re safe from intruders.
If you’re looking to make a bold statement in your entranceway, consider choosing one of the brightly coloured power coat finishes we have on offer. Our six bright colours are a stunning choice for any home or building, and provide real impact to the entrance way.
Our doors are made locally from Vantage Windows & Doors, a New Zealand company with over 30 years of experience. They pride themselves on delivering high quality joinery and are always refining and innovating solutions to meet the changing needs of their customers.
Glass Plasma
Plasma panels are made from special glass that's tempered to be strong but thin. These panels are used in computer monitors, TVs, and other electronic devices, and are available in different sizes and colors.
The phosphors in these display panels are usually placed between two dielectric layers lined with electrodes. Each pixel is made up of a phosphor-lined rib that's sealed between the two dielectric layers, which are separated by nipples in the "motherglass" -- a large piece of glass that's precision-cut for each panel. This glass is then fused together using a mixture of xenon and neon gases, which change into a plasma state at high enough voltages to activate the phosphors.
This process creates a very bright and colorful phosphor-lined rib that's just right for the display, but it also requires a very precise gas mixture to fill the nipple. Typically, the gas mixture contains more xenon than neon, although helium can be added in small amounts. This mixture changes the phosphors into a more compact, less-dense, and therefore, more-efficient light source.
However, plasma's biggest drawback is that it's not very durable. It has a relatively short life span, which is why it's often replaced by LCDs and OLEDs with longer-lasting phosphors.
To help extend the life of these displays, plasma manufacturers are working to improve their technology. One is to increase the amount of xenon in the gas mixture, which extends pixel lifespans. Another is to use a more efficient phosphor.
Several other issues are also being worked on, including improved power supply efficiency and newer technology that can help protect against overheating. But these new technologies aren't cheap, and are only a temporary fix to the long-term problems that plague the plasma industry.
With the tightening regulations on heavy toxic metals in manufactured goods, it's becoming more important than ever for companies to find safer solutions to these problems. And while plasma can't solve all of these problems, it's a promising alternative that could lead to a new generation of affordable flat-panel displays.
Aside from the many applications that plasma technology can have in the electronics world, it's been proven to be a great tool for manufacturing decorative products as well. Whether it's a wall-mounted plasma art display, a custom shaped plasma glass window, or a simple, flat-panel plasma door for your entryway, plasma is sure to make a bold statement and catch people's attention.
For example, we recently created a series of plasma entrance doors that were clad on both sides with flat sheet aluminium, giving the door a smooth, flush architectural look. These are available in a variety of colours and can be powder coated or anodised for an extra touch of luxury.
Our Plasma door range comes in a range of different styles and sizes, and can be clad with horizontal lines ('negative details') for even more aesthetic impact. We also offer economical Slimline Plasma options that are an ideal choice for a budget-conscious entrance door.
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apollogrip · 2 years
Wedding Supplies That You Can't Miss Out on Your Big Day
Getting wholesale wedding supplies Auckland is a great way you can keep your budget in check. We gathered our favorite inexpensive ideas that let you shop online. Sticking to a budget can be one of the most challenging parts of planning the big day. But, the last thing you want for your ceremony is to look like it has been put together using cheap wedding decorations. What if we tell you that there are ways to elegantly decorate your big day without Breaking the bank.
Inexpensive wedding decor can be as gorgeous as the high-end options. We are here to show you that there are plenty of ways to cut corners and pull off a gorgeous celebration.
The first step is to set a budget for wholesale party bags Auckland. You need to find vendors that will help you plan accordingly. Besides, you need to look for cheap wedding masterpieces. You can even try brainstorming ideas with your florist for a cost-effective option. If you want to search for more affordable ways to supplement your decor, isn't surprised to know how much you can do with the same tissue papers and string lights.
You can shop for the best budget wedding decor for any style. Know how to make your big day stand out.
Ring bearer pillow
Kick off your celebration in style with ceremony decor that matches your theme. You can get a burlap pillow that will keep your rings safe and secure on the big day.
Heart-shaped balloons
You can stage the scene of love with simple and classy heart-shaped balloons. It is big and bold, a great way to fill your space.
You can get a 17-inch white balloon.
It will cost you a few dollars for a set.
Paper lanterns
If you want to search for outdoor wedding decor on a budget, you can come to our store. Look no further than stunning paper-made lanterns. You can turn your backyard wedding into another unforgettable affair with wholesale costume and party supplies NZ.
Confetti is another viable option when it comes to cheap wedding decor. for more inspiration, you can turn to
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kyrrahbird · 4 years
Tagged by @inessencedevided​ - thank you, and sending good vibes your way <33
How is everyone holding up?  
I say fine a lot. I’m fine. It’s fine. It could be worse. In the scheme of things I am doing okay, and I have the support of my friends and family when i’m not doing so great. But I’m a real proponent of bottle everything up until it goes away so that’s why. I’m fine.
Mostly, i’m avoiding thinking of the future. I finish uni in less than a month, and im going to need a job if i want to stay out of my parents house. Of course, its a great time to be job hunting!!! /not. But I have a bit of time, and savings, so wish me luck. I’ll figure it out. 
What are you doing to keep healthy?
Lots of walking and outdoor time. I’m finding my mood is highly reliant on how much sun i get, which I’ve never noticed before. But I have some lovely bushland about 10 minute walk away, so i’ve been doing loops around that. It’s amazing how soothing i find trees and dirt. 
Also there’s lizards and birds which is Awesome.
I’m not much of an exercise person otherwise, but i get... apathetic if i spend too long inside.
Are you working, not working, working from home?
I’m studying! My masters currently, which was supposed to involve lots of travel... so. It hasn’t been what I might have wished but on the other hand. It provides a certain measure of security and i get to meet new people through uni. I can safely say though that zoom intensive courses are the Worst and I am never ever doing an online course again if i can avoid it.
Anyone caring for kids or elders?
Nope! In fact, I just moved out of my parents place at the start of the year. I’m happy for the independence but im also very happy travel restrictions have loosened and I can see them more often. I’m not lonely, but i miss having pets around.
What was you best/worst day?
Best day - probably the last week, as we’re finally getting to do the thing that this uni course promised us: go out to schools and perform science shows. Obviously we can’t travel far afield, but since my state has had pretty much 0 cases in yonks, we’re allowed to travel to local schools. Kids are just so delightful and unpredictable and they say the funniest shit, but most it’s just. really good to have a purpose again. Something to do. It’s also really really good to see people in person, and I truly feel for everyone who isn’t able to. 
Worst day - about a month ago, when I got pulled from my shows because my teammate got (non-covid) sick. I was tired, frustrated, and just so over this year pulling the plug out from under me. We’ve - unsurprisingly - had a year of cancelled plans and ruined expectations, but I had held it together until then. I really hate ‘what-ifs’ so mostly i just. roll with it. But even I have my limit.
What inspires you?
Can i say the sun again. It sounds trite, but just. This year has been a year of social upheaval. I’ve been physically isolated from my friends, my family, we can’t plan any events, everything we have planned has fallen through etc etc. 
But at the end of the day, we made it to spring. The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing, and there are SO MANY DANG FLOWERS (i feel for people with hayfever, i really do). And if i get outside each day, i remember that this day happened, and things are still green and growing. And this is about the only thing that brings me peace.
Are you taking up hobbies?
Hah i always get especially productive when im procrastinating. I got quite a bit of art done for me - mostly for an arpg called Those Who Went Missing on deviantart.
I also have read a ton of untamed and svsss fanfiction, plus some fantasy novels for a book club i have with friends (on zoom ;n;). These count as hobbies, yes?
And I’m watching stuff, on and off: svsss but only weekly, binge-watching kings avatar, rewatching fmab and cql, and contemplating a third watch through of nirvana in fire when im done.
What kind of content helps keep the joy on your dash?
Gosh i reblog most of it haha - the untamed gifs, pretty pictures, BIRDS, plus other interests when they pop up. I like pretty things :3c
Has life gone back to “normal” where you are?
Yes, in a local sense. Australia isn’t doing as well as NZ, but like I said before, my state has had zero cases for a long time, so day-to-day things have opened up. All big gatherings are a no though, and graduation has been cancelled so.
But at least I should be able to get back to spend new years with my family.
What are you doing for fun?
I have been playing a lot of Sky: Children of Light on my phone. Its pretty and escapist and what more could I want. When im not doing that im reading. Sometimes i remember i actually like doing art, and I spend an entire morning drawing arpg stuff before being like. I need to go outside.
Rinse and repeat and my assignments just. never get done.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aaah thanks for reading my rambles. I’m being lazy and tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it themselves ^^ 
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erichsenditlevsen53 · 4 months
A homeowners landscape can tell you a lot about that person. A lot of people don't pay attention to their home's landscaping, thinking that it isn't important. This couldn't be further from the truth. If you are ready to make some changes in your yard, then this article can help you get started.
You do not have to hire a professional to design your landscape for you, but it might be worth your time and money to quickly meet with an architect. You will get a better idea of how much your project will cost and perhaps avoid mistakes that would end up costing you money. When planning a landscaping project for your house, consider breaking your entire project down into much smaller jobs. This is important if you are not able to afford the entire project at one time. Doing so will let you tackle your project bit by bit, and not have your yard look like a mess in the meantime. When it comes to landscaping, the timing of your purchases can mean everything. Buying certain items during certain seasons can mean paying much less for those items. Make sure you are paying attention to sales, but at the same time, you must also make sure you are sticking with your plan as well. Do not forget your hardscape when it comes to your landscaping plans. A deck or patio is an important aspect in your landscape's appearance. There are many options for decks and patios that include rock designs or woods that coordinate with the colors of your trees, shrubs and flowers. Do not forget this important aspect. If you choose to landscape your property by yourself, sit down and figure out what the costs will be. Plan out your entire project, writing down a list containing everything you are going to need. Then, figure out where you will be buying your materials. Depending on where you live, prices can vary greatly. Call around to find the best prices available in your area. If your landscape includes a waterfall or pond, it is important you surround these areas with decorative stones and flowers that will not cover up the design of your structure. Make sure that any water items you have are complimented nicely so that it doesn't take away from their natural appeal. Rather than purchasing plant seeds at a store, you may want to think of getting them online. There are many websites that not only offer these seeds for a discounted price, but they will also provide you with information on how to care for them. There are many kinds of seeds you can get on the Internet. Think about how big your plants will eventually get, before deciding where to place them, or whether you should use them at all. This is vital, so that you do not use plants that end up outgrowing their planting space, and overshadowing their neighbor plants. Plan now so you do not have to move plants around later. At nighttime, if you want to show off your lawn, plants, and other aspects of your outdoor area, you may want to invest in landscape lighting. These lights can be placed above your walkway, your lawn, or sidewalk and they can be purchased at many home improvement stores in your area. When planning a landscaping project for your yard, be sure that you consider the layout in terms of how the plants will mature. This is important because you want to make sure that everything looks orderly and also that you do not have some plants growing over and hiding your other plants. Know what items can be purchased cheaply at your local home-improvement store and which ones you should spend top dollar on. It makes sense to purchase common items, such as mulch, pavers and ordinary perennials, at a big-box store. Specialty items and exotic plants should be purchased from a store that has a knowledgeable staff capable of advising you on the correct installation procedures or care of your purchase. You should now feel a lot more confident in changing your home's landscape and drawing in people to appreciate the beauty of your home. outdoor security lights nz has the potential to look more beautiful than it currently is. So take some time to landscape your home and see how much it can improve for the whole family.
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