itsaiba · 5 months
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anciient-robot-blog · 7 years
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//Yooooo guys! Potato here! Could yall like/reblog if you’re okay with interacting with a Megaman OC? I can do all timelines and eras. Just lemmie know whatcha wanna do. Her default verse is the Megaman X verse for now, and I’ll have what she’s doing in each era/timeline in a separate page when i get around to it.//
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aix2-blog1 · 7 years
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//Yo guys! Can you like/reblog this post if you’re interested in RPing with an AU Blade Wolf and a MGSRR OC? I don't really know too much about the series outside of MGS2 (Or just the one that introduces Raiden) and MGSRR but i want to learn so please be patient with me if I am unaware of something in the series that is common knowledge. Thanks!
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itsaiba · 7 months
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throwback to my old aiba art. still find it baffling it got rt'd by the assistant director
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it's old 2022 art but i still love it a lot. ngl the mixed media of traditional sketch and touch-up/colours digitally worked out. bur srsly think it's rad the assistant director rt'd this.
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itsaiba · 7 months
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cackling. it didn't take long before tumblr started recommending me my own blogs haha. surprised my art blog is the first one recommended tho. woulda thunk magilou or phel would be first bahaha
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itsaiba · 7 months
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you know i've been gone a while when my mun page says i'm 26 when i'm 30 turning 31 this year . . .
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itsaiba · 4 years
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itsaiba · 5 years
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itsaiba · 5 years
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someone pls get me to stop listening to invincible rainbow arrow on repeat. i can’t stop--
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itsaiba · 4 years
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so i got bored in ac today and made iris’ outfit
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itsaiba · 5 years
psyncin-in-the-restrain a réagi à votre photo : i doodled aiba
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merci~ i’ve been drawing since i was young and even went to post-secondary school for graphic design and animation. so i’d like to believe i’m somewhat decent.
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aix2-blog1 · 7 years
//In terms to why my Blade Wolf is AU, it is because of my other OC, Eona. I’ll write down the backstory of the two here and this is the main story of this blog.//
The year is 2018. Years of advancements have proved great for science and technology. Especially after the Desperado incident, where many children were scarred in the name of science and war advancements. It is here where our story is continuing, inside the walls of Solis Space & Aeronautics. Two robots with the most advanced AI of their time work here, surrounded by not only the love of their families but each other. Yes, These two are actually the first AIs to attempt a resemblance to dating. Blade Wolf is the male in the relationship, and Eona is the female. Eona is the most Human of the two, always telling her partner different things about the human life and psyche. Terms and words, mannerisms and thoughts were all on the agenda. In terms of who is more human, it is Eona. Some say that she herself has a human soul. She is completely capable of showing all ranges of human emotion.   
It was not always so happy, however. For Eona it started long before Blade Wolf came into existence. She does not remember where she came from or how she got to this planet, but it is plain to see in her design that she was not made on this planet. It was the same with her twin brother Deltos. The two were a pair that had a very close bond. The first memory the two shared was of a young boy who found them crashed nearby his house. He called himself Samuel Rodrigues, but they could just call him Sam. At first the boy tried to keep them a secret from his parents while they recovered, but his father soon discovered Eona and Deltos. 
Instead of killing them, he offered them a place to stay while they recovered. The only reason why the father took interest in them is why Sam did. Their eyes were full of life just like a humans, even though they were clearly machines. 
Years went by and the two now dubbed Eon Twins were raised by the family along with Sam. Since Sam did not have any brothers and sisters, this came as a great surprise! He got siblings and playmates. The town at first was weary of the strange creatures, but soon grew to adore them through the two’s attitudes. Eona was the sweetest friend. Always there to lend a hand and a shoulder to cry on. Deltos was more reserved in his emotions, but his help in moving and transporting goods was unparalleled. With the Eon Twins’s strange looks and abilities, word started to slowly spread about strange and powerful new technology they possessed. It was unlike anything any human had ever seen before.
It was not long before Big Technology Companies and Governments were checking out the small town that the Eon Twins lived in. The Eons usually became frightened of the humans and only approached those with good intentions that they could read and sense. One company, Desperado grew extremely interested in the Eon Twins, and send a representative out to meet them. 
Things did not go well. The representative tried to forcefully capture the twins and force them to go back to the HQ for proper testing. Eona and Deltos were ambushed while flying back home from having a nice relaxing time in the mountains. Missiles were fired and bullets shot as the two preformed their first evasive maneuvers. The two were getting closer to home by the minute, and Desperado was running out of time. Desperate, they noticed that the blue one took any shots that the yellow one could not dodge. If they couldn't get both, then just one would do. Three missiles were fired at Eona, who couldn't dodge fast enough.
Deltos pushed her away and suffered severe damage from the attack. He fell from the sky, Eona screeching as she flew down after him. The planes started to land nearby as Deltos crashed to the ground hard. Eona rushed over to his side, trying to get him up and floating again. 
It was not successful. Deltos gave his precious sister a soft smile and nudged her away. If they were so adamant on having the technology he was glad to give it. As long as his sister was safe, he didn’t care. “Go.” He said. “Go and live for me.” 
Eona had no choice. She would not deny her brother’s dying wish. She vanished into the night and out of sight.
Deltos was never seen again.
The family was grief stricken, as was the town. Deltos was such a kindhearted soul... Why did he die? Eona could never explain what happened. She felt that it was her fault Deltos died. All because she couldn't move fast enough. Since Eona never told who fired missiles at them, Desperado Inc. was never prosecuted.
Sam’s father gave him the red blade of his family before going off to war, and they lost him too. Only Sam, Eona and the mother remained. Since Desperado was not found out to be the killers of Deltos, Sam joined them in his adult years. Telling Eona to stay home with mother. It was too dangerous for her to be out and about when a war was about to start. Then Sam left. It was just Eona and her mother now. 
Like Deltos, once Sam was gone, he wasn't seen for years. No letter or emails. nothing.
Eona did not know of his death till some strange visitors arrived at the door. A Cyborg male named Raiden and a robot with advanced AI like her named Blade Wolf. Blade Wolf carried Sam’s sword in his mouth and handed it to Sam’s mother who burst into tears.
They explained that Sam died during the confrontation between Desperado and the US government. 
Eona knew she had to move on, but mother just couldn't. She was found dead the next morning with an near empty pill bottle at her bedside.
Eona was distraught. What was she to do?! 
Blade Wolf made the offer for Eona to come with him to a friendly place that would protect her. With no better options, what was she to do? She took the offer and flew to Solis Space & Aeronautics. She worked anywhere she could to return the favor to Blade Wolf. The two were very curious of each other and often spent time asking each other questions about the other and talking about Sam, who Blade Wolf apparently knew. 
It was nearly 3 years since the two had met and Eona realized that she felt affection and love for Blade Wolf. She had never talked with an AI quite like him, and felt emotions for him. But would Blade Wolf return her emotions?
Turns out that Blade Wolf had similar thoughts but could not define them into a particular feeing. He wanted to tell Eona something, but what? What could he possibly tell her that had already been said? Their next discussion was on the topic of love. Eona described some of the basic feelings of love when Blade Wolf asked. He asked if she felt any of those feelings for someone, and she said yes. He responded with the same feelings. The two realized they had developed feelings for each other with Blade Wolf learning from Eona about that kind of thing. So the two of them became what the humans called a couple. 
It’s been that way for a while now. Hopefully nothing changes the happiness.      
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aix2-blog1 · 7 years
first of all, thank you so much for reading this page! it really means a lot to me!
mun and muses are 18+, but will never smut with minors! no age/approximate age on your blog somewhere? no smut!
 first of all, Eona and Blade wolf are in a relationship together. This is the blogs only ship. Please respect this. I will not be shipping either character with anyone else.
there are other types of ships besides romantic ones! if your muse would like to befriend Eona and Blade wolf or be a rival or whatever then tell me! humans are free to request these kinds of ships with me.
please don’t godmod! i try not to make my character super powerful and neither should you. it makes the rping less fun!
please don’t infomod either! infomodding for those who don’t know is when your character knows things about another character that they shouldn’t. it may be in my about page, but those are for the muns to see and understand. unless our characters already have an established relationship, do not assume your character knows anything about Eona and Blade Wolf, thank you!
mun has a life outside or tumblr too! if i do not respond immediately to any threads please do not pester me. start reminding me a few days after your initial reply. i may have forgotten about it, or tumblr might have not notified me. i may also be working on it, but it is taking me a bit.
please be patient with me on reply speed as i have said in the rule above. i am not a fast writer and can get distracted easily.
i will always read the rules pages of other rpers, so please don’t worry about that.
i have no triggers, but i will tag triggers if requested or stated in the rules pages of my mutuals.
The only thing I require for you to do if you want to RP with me is TRIM YOUR POSTS! Please for the love of god how i hate seeing a long rp post that I have to scroll past and its not trimmed. In my eyes trimming posts is tumblr etiquette thing and I will not thread rp with you if you do not trim them. But everyone does that... right?
those are all my rules for now. no need to send in any passwords, but it would be nice to let me know that you’ve read them.
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anciient-robot-blog · 7 years
first of all, thank you so much for reading this page! it really means a lot to me!
mun and muse are 18+, but will never smut with minors! no age/approximate age on your blog somewhere? no smut!
first of all, Eona is technically an animaloid. i will not be engaging in sexual relationships or romantic ships with any humans, but other reploids are fine.
in regards to my rule above, Reploids or animal-like creatures who want to ship romantically are perfectly fine to ask. most of the time i may actually ship it too!
i only ship with chemistry! please respect this!
there are other types of ships besides romantic ones! if your muse would like to befriend Eona or be a rival or whatever then tell me! humans are free to request these kinds of ships with me. i just don’t do romantic ships with humans. sorry guys…
please don’t godmod! i try not to make my character super powerful and neither should you. it makes the rping less fun!
please don’t infomod either! infomodding for those who don’t know is when your character knows things about another character that they shouldn’t. it may be in my about page, but those are for the muns to see and understand. unless our characters already have an established relationship, do not assume your character knows anything about Eona, thank you!
mun has a life outside or tumblr too! if i do not respond immediately to any threads please do not pester me. start reminding me a few days after your initial reply. i may have forgotten about it, or tumblr might have not notified me. i may also be working on it, but it is taking me a bit.
please be patient with me on reply speed as i have said in the rule above. i am not a fast writer and can get distracted easily.
i will always read the rules pages of other rpers, so please don’t worry about that.
i have no triggers, but i will tag triggers if requested or stated in the rules pages of my mutuals.
those are all my rules for now. no need to send in any passwords, but it would be nice to let me know that you’ve read them.
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anciient-robot-blog · 7 years
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Name: Eona Age: Unknown Height: 4′7″ Type: Technically Reploid, but since she was created before X she is unsure why she has a Reploid AI.  Function: Original function is unknown. Depending on the timeline and era, this is subject to change. Builder: Unknown Eyes: Green Hair: Doesn't have hair Military position: Depends on timeline/era and who she is working for. Personality: 
Eona is a sweet, happy reploid most of the time. She’s always trying to help who she can when she can. She’s often seen around Abel City, doing some odd jobs when she has the time. As long as she can help and the job is legal she’s fine with doing it. Eona loves young children and other animals. If it comes down to it, she will do everything to protect them from harm. 
While her creator and original function is unknown, she has been found capable of not only Military reconnaissance and scouting but also fighting on the front lines. Eona can also function as a civilian unit and solve complex problems. It is unknown how Eona even floats above the ground and flies effortlessly. Scientists have tried for decades to determine a power source for her near-fantasy abilities, and have had no success. 
Not only can she fly, she can use a power never before seen in any reploid. Eona has the ability to use Psychokinesis. She can easily lift many things, sometimes many times her size with her mind. However she cannot lift everything. The larger and heavier the item lifted, the more strain it takes on her mind. It takes longer to move the item in question if it is very heavy or big. Eona cannot move buildings or anything like that.
Eona can also teleport things from one place to another. Humans and other organics included. However she can only teleport others besides herself to places she has already been to.
Eona cannot predict the future at all. But she does get bad feelings when something is about to go down. Eona is one that prefers to stay away from conflict and fighting. She can also make herself invisible to not only reploid and human eyes but most scans as well.  
Eona can also change her appearance into a human or reploid depending on where she is. She wants to blend in with the population after all. 
Speed in flying: It is unknown how fast Eona is exactly, as she never seems to push her flying limit. However it is known that she can fly faster than a fighting jet.
Other Weaponry: Eona has many weapons at her disposal. While she can only bite and scratch physically at opponents or ram into them, her long range capabilities are something to be feared. Using her mind, she can lift up and throw around opposing reploids, mechanaloids and ride armor with ease. The closer she is to her target, the easier this becomes. 
Eona can also fire what are known as Pulse Beams from her mouth. They are highly dangerous energy beams that rip through most material like paper. If Eona uses this attack, any personnel on her side are advised to stand clear of the beam’s firing range. While the Pulse Beams she fires from her mouth are powerful, the thicker and sturdier the material she is attacking; the longer it takes to destroy it. She also cannot keep the Pulse Beam continuously firing. While it only takes a few minutes to recharge each time, she is at a risk of overheating or melting whenever she fires the beam for too long.
Eona can conduct and produce Electricity within her body, making her able to recharge anything and potentially fry the circuits or whatever is attacking her. She can only produce electricity in a specific voltage range. Making it impossible to recharge certain appliances such as cell phones and some batteries. Mainly those that only need a small electrical charge will not be able to do so. Eona cannot charge appliances with low resistance to electricity overflow, as they will either stop working, explode or be permanently screwed up by the charges.   
One other type of beam can be produced from her body. Eona can fire off icy cold beams that are capable of freezing a reploid solid for a short period of time. She can also freeze water into ice when needed, like when those who cannot fly need to cross a lake without skirting around the shore. 
While Eona can produce an icy cold beam, she herself cannot take ice-based attacks very well. They do double damage to her and cause her to go into hibernation mode if the attack is cold enough. Other abilities include several special visions that allow her see in various modes: natural light, infra-red, ultra-violet or radar.
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