#outofgoop; (ooc)
crownedflora · 3 years
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crownedflora · 3 years
List your fav characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
The actual contents are under read-more because of spoiler raisins and-and-and...!!! ...Wait, what was I saying? I legit spaced out and lost my- 
NO, WAIT, I ‘MEMBER NOW! Aside from the length of the post itself, the read-more is also dedicated to my absolutely mortifying behavior that’ll be involved in this post and regret including here later, probably. 
A Hat in Time - Badge Seller, C.A.W Agents, DJ Grooves, The Conductor, The Empress, The Snatcher, Walrus Captain, White Seal Crew 
Dota 2 - Aghanim, Auroth, Beatrix (GUN GRANDMA), Donté, Hoodwink, Mireska, Mortimer, Nerif, Raigor, Rubick, Valora, Zet Okay, me stop here for this one.
Dragalia Lost - Euden, Euden, Euden, Euden, Euden, and Euden. Oh, and did I mention Euden? yes henlo are there any Eudens out there that are interested in interacting with my botanical boy? Preferably ones that involve in-game events/character arcs and Dragalia Life comics (especially/specifically if the Euden finds my flower child cute) in their portrayals for serious, crack, fluff, angst, or anything in between (4th wall-breaking and meta/gameplay-based shenanigans and/or interactions may also likely apply). Monster lovers/[redacted] that happen to muse this (too) nice-and-friendly prince/king man, please DO apply. In spite of previous sentence, intimate platonic ship full of the aforementioned stuff is the main goal. ...For here at least. Anything beyond that is a HUMONGOUS bonus (how do I black out a portion of text on here like a spoiler mark/tag??? I feel so exposed even though I did this to myself. ohgoddon’tlookatme.  I SAID STOP IT!)!!! Anyway, time for the rest of the list: Akasha, Alberius, Albert, Aldred, Brunhilda (Pre-Euden mainly/only tbh. Shocking considering what’s been said, right?), Cat Sìth, Chelle, Chthonius, Ciella, Delphi, Epimetheus, Eugene, Grace, Ieyasu, Leif, Lowen, Mascula (I know I’m super late with this but my lack of access to [INSERT ACCOUNT/PLATFORM] on top of everything else means I can express it here now- YEEESSS!!! ADVENTURER MASCULA IS REAL!!!! EAT IT, NAYSAYERS! EAT. IT!!!! HedidcostmemoreofmystashthatstillneededtoberecoveredsinceIhadtosparkforhimtho. Cygames, PLEASE, HAVEMERCY!!!) , Meene, Melsa, Nedrick (yes henlo are ther), Nevin, Noelle, Notte, Odetta, Pele, Prometheus, Seimei, Silke, Siren, Tartarus (Bro, I finally get around to semi-consistently soloing you on Master difficulty and now I’m broke af from trying to MUB all the Light Agito weapons. I HAVE MORE POWER NOW BUT AT THE PRICE OF BEING POOR. HELP-) Yaten, Yoshitsune (GUN GRANDMA!), Zodiark- No, I’m sorry, even if it PAINS me to leave out plenty more names that are left to list here (-sniffle- I’m sorry my beloveds), I HAVE to stop there for DL.
Genshin Impact - Albedo, Aether/Traveler, Bennett, Chongyun, Dvalin, Klee, Madame Ping, Paimon, Qiqi, Rosaria, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Venti, Zhongli
Hades - Asterius, Chaos, Charon, Demeter, Dusa, Eurydice, Hades, Hermes, Megaera, Nyx, Persephone, Skelly, Thanatos, Zagreus 
Overwatch (I forgot to buy all the now-cheaper old event skins I lacked before the Anni event ended nooooo-) - Ana (GUN GRAAANDMAAAAAA!!!!!), Bastion, Brigitte, Dae-hyun, Genji, Hammond, Hana, Jamison, Lena, Mako, Mei, Moira, Olivia, Orisa, Seung-hwa, Winston 
Shovel Knight - King Knight, (King Knight’s) Mom, Oolong, Plague Knight, Specter Knight, Treasure Knight
SINoALICE (so far) - Dullahan, Gretel, Pinnocchio, Sleeping Beauty
StarCraft (2) - Abathur, Alarak, Dehaka, Talandar, Tychus, Zagara, Zeratul
Team Fortress 2 (The current state of this and a majority of other Valve’s games/IPs saddens and infuriates me. Blizzard games/IPs, too. Ugh...) - Jeremy, Ludwig, Pauling, Pyro, Spy
TAGGING :  Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
#outofgoop; (ooc)#Like-- at least two of you are aware of and probably knew what was going to happen the moment you saw a particular fandom listed LMAO#Wait... Stardust did you know I'd list... HIM??? DID U EXPECT THIS???? DID U DO THIS????? DID OO???????#If so then................... GOOD. THANK YOU FOR ENABLING ME. AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I HAVE OUTED MYSELF AS A EUDRONE/EUDEN LOVER!#I can feel the shame and regret crawling up my spine rn for my initially unabashed display of... whatever you wanna call it.#LISTEN. I HAVE COMFORT CHARACTERS AND OUTLANDISH FANTASIES AND DESIRES TOO! I'M NOT GONNA DENY THAT.#EVEN IF A GOOD CHUNK OF SAID FANTASIES AND DESIRES CONSISTS OF MAINLY OR AT LEAST (INTIMATE) PLATONIC SHIPS!#This list's supposed to be comprised of fav charas that I'm interested in having (strictly) platonic or--in the case of others--romantic#AND/or platonic ships mixed with others I just enjoy and/or might play as but not... really do eitherof the aforementioned stuff right...?#Sorry- Meme assignment became too confusing for my brainrotting mind so you get this convoluted mess instead.#Alsotechnicallydidn'tlistthemallorsomeofthemfallmoreunder'appreciate'or'like'butIslapped'emonthereanyway-#It's easy to tell which ones belong to which category right?#Maybe even to the point where you could guess which ones are missing or other fandoms I might've included instead?#...Unless you don't know me very well or well enough maybe.#But whoa- Check out this [REAL] (NOT FAKE!!11!!) leak of some potential future muses for my multi!#Picking the final fandom to include was too hard. There were like at least 3 obvious ones but avoided doing so because of particular raisins#I like too many things and too many characters... Though brainrot makes me tend to focus on a specific few more than others these days.#Wait a second...............................................................................................................................#I'm... I'm not gonna show up in the search since I put it all under 'read-more' right? ....RIGHT?#Upon further and incredibly brief experimentation... I seem to be safe! As for someone finding this post through other means is unclear tho.
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crownedflora · 3 years
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crownedflora · 3 years
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Unfollowing/Soft blocking spree. <3
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crownedflora · 4 years
tagged by: @toestalucia Thank you, friend!!! Istillfindpeoplemistakingyoururlforsomethingelsehilarious everysingletimeHaAHahhdAHehaeahedasjdf- plsneverchangeit. unlessyoureallywanttoofcourse tagging: Feel free to steal it from me!
ONE ( ALIAS / NAME ): I've gone by many names over the course of my time on the internet, but none of them reeaallly stick. So, if you've known me as somethin' from elsewhere/before, feel free to use that name. Otherwise, give me one, I guess (honestly, I'm so bad at coming up with names)??? If I got a problem with you calling me by a certain name though, I'll probably tell you. There's only one person who knows certain names/aliases from long ago that are forbidden from being publicly uttered, but I don't think I'll have to worry about them ever doing that, so I doubt there's going to be many I'll actually have an issue with. I think. ...Actually, better yet, should probably check in with me if it's okay to use another alias/name in public just in case, please.
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): March 8th
FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 172.72cm
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Aside from writing? Playing video games, listening to music, watching stuff, reading comics/webcomics/etc. ...I should really get back into drawing...
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): Ha ha ahaha ha ha... I don't remember. It's been a while since I've actually read a novel. ...Huh? I'm just feeling self-conscious over my real answer? Now whatever gave you that idea...?
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): Green Garden First heard this song in an anthropology course I took years ago. The instructor would play this song almost every morning before the start of class. Even though I was super tired, my face buried into my arms on the desk, I'd still somewhat try to rhythmically move to it. It hadn't taken long for me to decide that I HAD TO find out what it was called, but instead of asking my instructor (haha, social anxiety), I tried to pay attention to the lyrics, store 'em in my head for later, and then attempted to search the song using said lyrics when I got home. And now it's become a permanent addition to the list of songs I'll listen to every so often. Plus, I like to think it's a song that fits my Petey. Have definitely listened to it in the past while writing starters/replies or just working on various pages/info before.
NINE ( LAST SHOW WATCHED ): SO, I just finished watching-- Uhhh... Don't worry about it. All you need to know is I've watched many things, and am still juggling through several other things that I'm currently watching, and keep considering adding even more to the list.
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): Music tends to play a part in inspiration. It used to have a larger role when I'd listen to his boss themes years ago and it'd get me all pumped and ready to write! It also depended on the scenario for the RP, too. Like if it was a more peaceful encounter/interaction, my usual go-to was 'Have a Nice Talk' from Bowser's Inside Story (even though Petey never appeared in that game). Otherwise, if it was something more battle or action-y oriented, then I'd listen to something at least somewhat fitting! If the interaction's a crossover one (which will be the case a majority of the time), I might listen to something fitting from whatever my partner's muse's series for the scenario (if applicable, and I like the theme and/or think it fits the tone/mood). These days, music doesn't have as big of an effect as before, and the music used for inspiration is more varied. Otherwise--whether they're directly related to the muse I'm playing or not--watching stuff, reading things, playing games, and listening to voicelines also plays a role in drawing inspiration.
ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): Matching URL with my friend! Also refers to my portrayal of Petey being a prince/king/royalty from headcanons and the story we were thinking about doing here together.
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crownedflora · 3 years
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#outofgoop; (ooc)#What... a rollercoaster of a week... weeks? Sometimes feels longer. Other times shorter. Time has blurred together for me.#It's funny how much this post changed on what and how much it entailed. Even the fkin icon LOL.#From me of essentially being locked out of my twt because of a stupidly convoluted phone issues linked to a certain family member#and because of said phone issues I basically I have no phone for basic calling/texting purposes lmao#or minor-ish (to others probably at least) RP issues and pet peeves--mostly OOC-related but IC too--piling up on me#to having my reluctance to sharing issues and stuff with a close friend of mine validated and reinforced thanks to him invalidating#and dismissing my feelings and trauma entirely. And I could never forget about my poor poultry pals; the unfortunate fate of my children...#But at least I'm (hopefully) mostly done with this incredibly exhausting process of moving and can maybe finally relax...#My moods keep being scrambled and it's... somethin'. The tone of my posts/muse is probably going to be all over because of it all looool#Y'know it's kinda wild how much my botanical boy's managed to develop--for better or for worse--in various areas even if I probably won't be#able to comfortably write/show most of that on here. And even when toned down or disabled these sort of developments try to creep back in#if only slightly and it never seems to truly go away. Whether it actually shows up in the final draft or not it'll at the very least pop up#at some point while writing replies for a thread/interaction. Most of the 'for worse' developments are mainly in regards to his well-being.#People probably: Where tf is this all this out of left field garbage coming from for this character??? Seems so random and sudden...#Honestly I don't know what to tell anyone aside from a good chunk of it's all related to events that happened outside of here??#It'll probably never be a satisfactory reason for anyone and everyone but that's just how it is-- that's just how HE is now.#... ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯#All I can do is try my best in... suppressing these 'undesired' changes for certain types of interactions or threads and#partners that may want him to be played in a certain way or want to avoid certain genres and tropes#but everyone's gotta keep in mind that I have to be up for it in the end.#Anyway-- I've vented and rambled on too much already so I'll stop here and... probably lie down and reflect or continue to mourn some things#or just absent-mindedly play games and/or watch stuff. Y'all have a good morning/day/night/etc. okay?#...BROOO MY TWT IS SUSPENDED BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE 'PROPER' ACCESS TO MY PHONE NUMBER. LOOOOOL AMAZING. Okay now I go for real.
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crownedflora · 3 years
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crownedflora · 3 years
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crownedflora · 3 years
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...wants to destroy me in Smash?
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crownedflora · 4 years
I’d like to thank everyone (that’s left) for welcoming me back and supporting me (messages, likes, or even offering to be my ‘safety net’ for here). I kinda feel like crying...
Sorry, sorry--I know this site’s supposed to be a “no bummin’” zone.
It’s taking me a while--please stay with me, muse but uh, with info (specifically a bio) for at least two of my verses (Endlessly Hungry and Guardin’ the Garden, specifically) available now, I think my state as an RP blog should at least be considered ‘acceptable’ to play with. I hope.
...Maybe I’ll make a starter call soon or something? I’m gonna get around to reviewing everyone’s guidelines and try to keep it all in mind when interacting.
How do I do stuff on this site again? Gosh, I hope my writing doesn’t instantly decay- 
I’d say or ask some more stuff, but my mind’s kinda occupied by stuff.
I dunno. I might try to ask some stuff before or while interacting, m-maybe...
Mm, you know what? I’ll give a shoutout to those that made me feel welcome. If it bothers you that I @’d you, though, I’m sorry and I’ll try not to do it again without permission. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff I don’t normally do these past months...
Anyway, here’s the list (in no particular order):
@cantusecho​ @toestalucia​ @everglow-synth​ and @roberttheglitcherino​.
Sorry again if this annoys you or something. I’d be interested in interacting with you all--but only if you want to! My ask box and DMs are open for discussing, plotting, or even in character interactions.
The same goes for any mutuals (that are still around--maybe a few non-mutuals, too) that come across this post.
The quality and length of my writing may vary, though, but I’ll still try my best.
Um...That’s all for now, I think? This turned out longer than I’d intended, sorry.
Thanks for taking the time to read through all of this, and I hope you all have a great day/night/life!
Edit:...How does this stuff workwajfasdjfdskafksda--I AM A FOOL-Nevermind, I fixed it
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crownedflora · 4 years
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...Starter call?
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crownedflora · 4 years
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#outofgoop; (ooc)#.....I remember actually having something very distinct to say but I think my current mood might've had something to do with me forgetting.#Probably for the best. ...Inb4 something happens (again) that stirs up those feelings... AGAIN.#That stuff's unrelated to anything here soooo#Anyway has anyone seen my Guardin' the Garden muse?#If so please tell him to come back home. That boy's been missing for so long and I need him to help me finish stuff I owe.#Now to debate on whether to actually work on asks or rules or bio pages or the verse page itself or do a starter call or--#Hmm... I think I'm going to finally make a multimuse sideblog of my own.#(while hopefully doing at least some of that aforementioned stuff too)#Even if it's not as consistent there are times where I feel sudden surges and spikes of a muse I might wanna play#or at least just spout out something into the wind.#...Or maybe I'll actually log out of this blog for once and make an entirely new blog#just for the benefit of being able to send asks and like starter calls and follow blogs independently from this one.#We'll see- I'll probably just have the link to it available at some point on the blog where I was going to put the 'guest muse' page.#I've also discovered finished replies that I've kept stored for a while DO NOT age like--#stuff that's meant to be better with age (you know the stuff... maybe).#Wow my thoughts are so unorganized but that's nothing new.#Know what? I think I'm just gonna listen to music and stare until...?????????????????????????#Anyway hope everyone's been faring well!#Have a good day/night!
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crownedflora · 4 years
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crownedflora · 4 years
it’s time I finally return...?
There's still so much work to do, and I just...
No bummin’. No bummin’. No bummin’!
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