trolltaken-blog · 9 years
✫ ✽ ✤ ( @xomago )
✫:Why you began RPing.
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    you can all blame Impy for my presence as a roleplayer in the world.    I met her when we were like. 13? 12? IDFK. Grade 8, in any case --     && regardless of the age, she’s the one who introduced me to the     hobby. Granted, back then, we just called it ‘writing stories’ because    neither of us really knew what it was called. We’d write back & forth    on MSN, then moved into Gaia, and when that site began to spiral    down the shithole we came to Tumblr. 
✽:Favorite season?
    I’m a big fan of Fall, but I also enjoy late spring. Anywhere between    getting my ass frozen off by winter & dying of heat stroke in the     summer is good by my books -- but moreso fall than spring, lately.    It’s actually why I chose September to get married in~
✤:Favorite kind of food
    Is any an option? Lmao, kidding -- mostly. I am a glutton, can’t deny it,    but I do prefer foods with seafood in it? I also like heavier foods, with    cream & butter & cheese and all that fatty goodness.     I guess the term for what I like is ‘comfort’ food? I don’t really know bahaha.    Because I’m super down for alfredo but also cabbage rolls & perogis &     ugh. Food. Give me all of it
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
Did you just imply that he fucked trolls lol
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     I was speaking more in general terms of mountain folk & other elfin creatures but I suppose if you want to go in that direction, it could be taken out of what I said, yeah.     I hold the headcanon that there are more than trolls in the woods, and even if Norwegian ‘fair folk’ (I say that in quotations, because I know they aren’t the same thing) aren’t the same as the sexually charged European ones, there are a lot of similarities between the two, particularly their sexual appetites. SO -- tl;dr -- yes. Yes, I did
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
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   oh gee damn look at all the shit I need to catch up on for this blog    posts a starter call anyway
   LIKE for a short starter while I try to figure out the mess I left here whoops
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
I'm not dead I just have no life Cry
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
My dentist calling me about appointments is basically just my reminder to cancel them
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
muse-related munday memes     STATUS: ACCEPTING
✖ - is it difficult for you to think of an autoplay for your muses in general?
Oh lawd yes. I don’t really listen to music? Like.. hum, how to I explain this.I listen to it, but I don’t sit there and think about the lyrics much, you know? Music, for me, is often something I keep playing to fill the silence while I’m drawing, or home alone. So, when it comes time to create a song list, I honestly draw a giant blank. 
    There’s also the fact that I really don’t like autoplay in general, though, that stands in the way, lmao.
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
So many people are sharing that garbage sketch Plz cremate me when I die of mortification
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
This fandom is so NICE aaaahhhhhh
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
Draw kristoff in the outfit sommerprins made for him uvu
Send me a fashion style or a character & I will draw my muse in their clothing!STATUS: ACCEPTING (as of 01/17/16)
DONE! You can find it hereNGL i actually started the sketch for this after the outfit was posted, haha&& I think his hair is too short but w/e not fixing it at this point haha
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
Survived inventory. Now all I've gotta do is make a cake & survive a ten year old's birthday party & I can get back do doing stuff on here. Ssdfggl
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
I would love a thread where a younger maybe colder but still desperate Elsa tries to go see the trolls for help, but they're asleep & all there is is Kristoff.
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
[★] Tagged by: @chocolateisms​
[★] B A S I C S Name: Caly Lolly Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: heterosexual Taken or Single: taken (engaged~) Three facts: 1- Just yesterday I ripped my toenail off for the fucking tenth time god damn it kill me      I like cats more than dogs 2- I am in the middle of building a portfolio for an Artist Alley booth (hopefully) 3- I could eat sushi for every single meal ever
[★] R P E X P E R I E N C E How long (months/years?): eleven years or so Platforms you’ve used: skype, MSN, Gaiaonline, e-mails, Tumblr
[★] M U S E P R E F E R E N C E S Gender: N/A - I’m an equal opportunity muse life ruin-er Favorite face: N/A - face has no bearing on who I play or play with Least favorite face: N/A - face has no bearing on who I play or play with
[★] W R I T I N G P R E F E R E N C E S Fluff, Angst or Smut: ANGSTY SMUT TBH Long or Short replies: Long and heart wrenching Best time to write: Early morning, but honestly any time I’m alone Are you like your muse(s): That has yet to be determined but I’m gonna go with probably kinda
[★] Tagging: @twilightiisms, @throwxaway, & uh. Ah. crap. everyone.
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
On mobile for some of today, so I shall get to things later, probably. Also gotta find a rl fc for my smelly troll child - I thought about using the one from OUAT but i haven't seen it & his nose, its so smol, I cannot.
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