trolltaken-blog · 9 years
✫ ✽ ✤ ( @xomago )
✫:Why you began RPing.
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    you can all blame Impy for my presence as a roleplayer in the world.    I met her when we were like. 13? 12? IDFK. Grade 8, in any case --     && regardless of the age, she’s the one who introduced me to the     hobby. Granted, back then, we just called it ‘writing stories’ because    neither of us really knew what it was called. We’d write back & forth    on MSN, then moved into Gaia, and when that site began to spiral    down the shithole we came to Tumblr. 
✽:Favorite season?
    I’m a big fan of Fall, but I also enjoy late spring. Anywhere between    getting my ass frozen off by winter & dying of heat stroke in the     summer is good by my books -- but moreso fall than spring, lately.    It’s actually why I chose September to get married in~
✤:Favorite kind of food
    Is any an option? Lmao, kidding -- mostly. I am a glutton, can’t deny it,    but I do prefer foods with seafood in it? I also like heavier foods, with    cream & butter & cheese and all that fatty goodness.     I guess the term for what I like is ‘comfort’ food? I don’t really know bahaha.    Because I’m super down for alfredo but also cabbage rolls & perogis &     ugh. Food. Give me all of it
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solarsurfed-blog · 9 years
Gogo bc why not
&. | jim rates ur hotness
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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burnedbits-blog · 9 years
       @xomago liked ╳ and plotted
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              OUT OF ALL THE welcomes he’s gotten, THIS had to be the... how could he say it politely, most INTERESTING. Not that it could even be called a w e l c o m e as the door had been WIDE OPEN, showing the small living room of his new apartment to the rest of the HALL. One hand clutching the slightly crumbled flyer, the other secured tightly to his bag Tadashi stared at his new roommate, who seemed to be in the process of shouting at the tattered looking coffee table. 
              ❛ ummm... are you Robyn ?? ❜
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trolltaken-blog · 9 years
[ text ]:The only way he could ever pleasure me is if he lit himself on fire and let me watch (@xomago )
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   [text to: trouble] unrelated to that statement   [text to: trouble] do you own matches, or a lighter?   [text to: trouble] because if you do I’m gonna need them. 
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nianderful · 9 years
//: Hey there! Just popping in to let you know I've finished making the icons and just made a post for them! c:
thank you very much! ❤️❤️
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nerdschooled-blog · 9 years
♧ ✘
♧Any part of their canon portrayal you dislike?
Honestly, nah. None that immediately leap to mind, anyway. Like I said before, I like sticking pretty close to canon, and if I didn’t like something about the way Hiro is in canon I probably wouldn’t play him.
The only thing I can really think of is Hiro’s supposed “crush” on Honey Lemon, but that’s more fanon than canon anyway since they nixed that during production. Which I’m glad for. Nothing about the outdated info Rotoscopers was trying to pass off as canon for pageviews 6+ months before the movie came out wasn’t gross af, from the underage love interest to the pitting Gogo and Honey against each other.
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
Hiro is not a precious cinnamon roll, too good, too pure. That’s Tadashi you’re thinking of. Hiro’s a shit.
Honestly tho I hate how people make him out to be this pweshus cutesy shota baby and erase all the things that make him a compelling, complex character in the process. The movie opens with him in the middle of illegal gambling. He nearly kills a dude. He’s flawed. He’s fourteen years old and acts like it; he’s obnoxious, immature, rude, impulsive, thoughtless, obsessive, arrogant. These are growing pains, of course, and he matures a lot by the end of the movie, but “more mature” =/= “all those flaws are now ironed out and he’s a perfect flawless angel forever.” 
How Hiro learns and grows, how those flaws play out as he becomes more self-aware and takes steps to repair them, those are interesting things to play with post-canon. They create conflict. He has the potential to be a lot like his brother, someday, but it’s all part of the process and the process is half the fun. Why would you anyone want to throw that out for a flat, one-dimensional and frankly out of character ~precious cinnamon roll~?
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solarsurfed-blog · 9 years
[text] Bailing on me again? You suck.
&. |  text jim — accepting.
[ TEXT TO: GOGO ] ;;  there was a problem[ TEXT TO: GOGO ] ;;  …. flame shame. don’t want to talk about it
[ TEXT TO: GOGO ] ;;  have fun with the nerds
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chemiicalpriincess · 9 years
//: *slides url in* welp
send me a url; | accepting 1 or 2 more
[ ♛ ] xomago;
my opinion on;
character in general: Gogo is a badass. I love that her catchphrase is ‘woman up’ as apposed to the usual ‘badass female’ stereotype where they to stop ‘acting like a girl’. It just makes me really happy.how they play them: Ooooh my goodness, mun knows their Gogo. Their interpretation has her more reserved which just makes it more fun to have Honey around her! And their writing really is art.the mun: Haven’t talked to mun much, but they seem like a sweetheart!
do i;
follow them: YES!rp with them: We have a thread going!want to rp with them:ship their character with mine: I ship HoneyGogo but we’d have to see if our two muses click like that c:
what is my;
overall opinion: AAAAHMAYZING blog! I admire all of their work and feel honored that they even follow my blog
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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hxneylemon · 9 years
send me a ship!
Answered HERE!
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imamountainman · 9 years
Ugh science projects, especially partnered ones were the worst. Luckily he didn’t have to worry about the awkwardness of finding a partner since they were assigned. His partner was Robyn. Of course he didn’t know her personally, he didn’t know anyone in the class personally, but he was pretty sure that he’d lucked out and been assigned one of the smart kids.
“Hi...umm are you Robyn? I’m Kristoff, your project partner” he held his hand out for her to shake.
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xultrakaiju · 9 years
“Are you going to kiss me, or am I going to have to lie in my journal?”
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solarsurfed-blog · 9 years
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       LIKE THE ELEMENT, EXTINGUISHING the flames that licked his skin took patience ( and a little bit of water — but it’s more of a last resort kind of thing. the sizzling is what leaves the marks. )  He peaks out of the washroom, a pair of baggy cargo shorts loosely shrugging just below his hips ; his hand clutches the center of the billowing fabric at the zipper every now and then, keeping them up. If turning full fireball in front of Gogo hadn’t been detrimental enough ( and that’s a fucking stretch on its own, ) his wardrobe BURNING off definitely took home the cake.
                                                ❝  So, uh ... —-  I, I know what you saw, just now, is                                                      a lil’ crazy, even for this entire school, but ———-                                                                          you gotta keep this on the down low.  ❞
(  he’s still moving around, fishing for a shirt.  )
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chemiicalpriincess · 9 years
Send “✖” If you think that I’m playing my character properly.
{{ meep, thank you so much!!! i can’t even handle all of this love rn. too many beautiful blogs sending love, i think i’m going to implode }}
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bxddypine-blog · 9 years
sinnamon roll
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