#outta saigon
wonderingwendy · 1 year
Last day in Melbourne - thanks for the AO, the coffee, the delicious food and dining, the 20 something degree weather perfect for watching tennis 🎾, the river cruise to discover Williamstown, the free trams, the live music and the art 🖼️. See you again soon.
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transmasc-malleus · 2 months
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the only part of miss saigon i enjoyed
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missguomeiyun · 1 year
desserts @ Chocorrant
Tina & Andrew took me to this place after having our lunch at Saigon Taste =]
Located on 124th Street, Chocorrant is a fancy (by fancy, I mean $$$$) cafe that’s known for their little treats.
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The interior is small but they use the space well. The cafe itself is very long & narrow (slim entrance/store front but extends deep), & they chose an L-shaped style to arrange to tables & chairs/benches. The whole place was very bright & the large window gives the space plenty of natural lighting. The 3 of us sat in *that* corner just in front of their chalkboard.
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They’re constantly baking, apparently. During our short-ish time spent there, they brought out 2 more batches of croissants. They have sweet & savoury ones. The one that Tina wanted is not in photo bcos at the time, they were actually still baking it. Will show you what we got later!
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Little cakes & tarts. They’re all so pretty. Reminded me Carlo’s Bakery in Vegas. They have now opened several ‘locations’ in Edmonton BTW. The vending machine concept is pretty cool!
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Andrew chose the mandarin yuzu tart for me bcos they were treating me again. Thank you!!!
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So my tart & the 2 croissants. Andrew ordered the matcha one & Tina ordered the salted egg croissant. Both croissants had a runny/syrup-y filling; but the salted egg one was just oozinggggg haha Andrew got the matcha one heated up too but maybe bcos the salted egg one was like straight outta the oven, so it was more rich & flowing? I don’t know! They both liked it but it was like . .. “good, might recommend, likely will try other things next time”. You know what I mean?
As for my mandarin yuzu tart. .. 8.2/10~ I think the topping portion with the yellow & green chocolate petal/leaf was very tasty. It was both light & a little tart/sour. It was refreshing, to say the least. But the actual tart pastry portion on the bottom. .. Kinda dry & hard. If this was in cake form, ie without the tart but the topping & cream in between layers of cake, I would undoubtedly order again (maybe even to-go & bring some home!). But the tart was. ..  =/
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insideoutvietnam · 1 year
Asian cuisines highlighted at Sheraton Saigon
HCMC – Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers has launched its international guest chef series named “Straight Outta Asia,” promoting the finest tastes of food cultures across the Asia Pacific. The program starts with “Straight Outta Bangkok,” running from March 16 to 25, celebrating an authentic taste of Thailand with Thai guest chef Burin Pongchang from Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers…
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derekklenadaily · 3 years
NEWS: According to IMBD and many other sources, 'Pretty Little Liars' will be rebooting off as a third series sometime in 2022 on HBO MAX! It will be called 'Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin'. The cast shows Lea Salonga (Yellow Rose, Mulan and Miss Saigon), Sharon Leal (Dream Girls), and Elena Goode (Straight Outta Compton) are set as series regulars and Carly Pope (Demonic) and Zakiya Young (Orange is the New Black) join the Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin cast as recurring. They will appear opposite stars Chandler Kinney, Maia Reficco, Bailee Madison, Zaria, Malia Pyles, Alex Aiono, Mallory Bechtel and Eric Johnson.
Derek will be appearing in Episode One called "Spirit Week" as the character named Wes.
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ask-eugene-h-krabs · 4 years
What is your views on mermaid man and barnacle boy, Mr. Krabs?
Oi, them blow’ards, eh? Well, strap in, ‘cause that’s a bit o’ a complicated subject fer me.
See, back in th’ 50s er so, Ernie McHale and Tim Parker were just a couple o’ errant humans what done wandered in from up above, an’ thanks ter some cosmic fuckery er somethin’, they ended up wit’ some kind o’ superpowers. Was nice, ‘avin’ th’ two around, helped keep th’ streets clean an’ gave people somethin’ ter believe in, symbols o’ justice er some pie-in-the-sky shite like that. Weren’t harmin’ nobody, plus they were kinda eye candy, so o’ course I took ter em pretty fine.
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Then comes th’ 60s, an’ these two meat’eads end up gittin’ themselves a telervision show fer coral’s sake! What a career path, ye might say, from refugees ter crime fighters ter actors! Ye couldn’t say th’ two o’ them weren’t loved nothin’, either, two o’ them ‘ad more screamin’ fans than them four dumb sluts from Liverpool. I remember th’ gals used ter toss them bras up o’er the red carpet line as they passed… ah, bless their ‘earts, was a diff’rent time, nobody understood quite what th’ two o’ them had…
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But then comes ‘64, an th’ Gulf o’ Tonkin. Now I don’t mean ter digress too much, but fer ye young folks out there who dinnae know, I gots ter stress: th’ August 4th attacks what got America’s Congress ter sign th’ bill what sent 58,000 GIs ter their deaths an’ killed millions o’ civvies in th’ carnage… it were all a sonar glitch, an’ Lyndon Johnson knew it. I ain’t got a clue what they be teachin’ ya in schools these days, maybe ye all know this by now, but us common folk weren’t clued in at th’ time. Fer all we knew, it were now open war wit’ North Vietnam.
Now, in those days, the Marshall Islands did belong to Uncle Sam, an’ so wit’ Johnson’s resolution, we bottom-feeders down under in Bikini Bottom were part o’ the war, too. Now I could spin ye a tale o’ how I were just a poor feller who got ‘is draft card pulled, an’ got dragged inter a rich man’s war kickin’ an’ screamin’, but I ain’t ‘ere ter bullshit yas. No, I enlisted on me own accord, an’ it were Ernie an’ Tim what convinced me ter do it.
See, though Bikini Bottom weren’t th’ most populous ecosystem, them bastards in th’ beltway figgered they’d git a coupla us gill-breathers ter die in th’ place o’ them red-blooded American boys. So they extended their recruitin’ efforts down inter our briny depths, an’ let any Bottomite jumped up on red-scarin’ rage sign ‘is own death warrant afore jumpin’ em on them steely graveyards.
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But thing is, us sea-dwellers cannae give two shits uva sea bear’s tail fin what politics be like on dry land, an’ that made enlistin’ us a moron’s errand. It weren’t goin’ ter be possible ter git more than a handful o’ hormonal sea-hawks ter join their so-called “volunteer navy”, not wit’out some serious properganding. An’ yet, lo an’ behold, down wit’ us salty suckers were a duo o’ humans jus’ like them, feelin’ alienated from their kind an’ itchin’ ter serve their community. It were all one big ado when Ernie an’ Tim, now well-established by them stage names “Mermaid Man” an’ “Barnacle Boy”, announced they’d be leavin’ our lil’ patch o’ Atlantis fer a time ter return ter America as naval cadets. One last season o’ their show were filmed, transparently war properganda if ever there’d been any, an’ then they were off, an’ like th’ school o’ guppies that we were, it became a regular feedin’ frenzy ter follow in their wake trails.
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I… don’t want ter get too deep inter what went on in me years o’ service. Sufficer ter say, I came out o’ the fightin’ a changed man, me an’ all me crew were. I don’t look back on th’ time fondly, an’ I don’t make excuses fer what I’d done. When orders ter withdraw came, I’d done enough damage ter meself an’ th’ people o’ that country that I’d’ve been wise ter ‘ave turned me back an’ never look behind, but there’d been one loose end which none o’ us from Bikini Bottom could shake: Ernie an’ Tim, last seen in Saigon, ‘ad never come home.
Disregardin’ orders, me crew an’ I hitched up wit’ some GIs marchin’ inland. I’ll never ferget Saigon, not till me dyin’ day. Fer th’ people trapped inside the city limits, it coulda been th’ end o’ th’ world. It were what little good we could do ter help organize th’ evacuatin’, but all o’ me boys knew our ulterior motives: We ‘ad ter find Mermaid Man an’ Barnacle Boy, they ‘ad ter be alive somewhere.
In those last few days o’ April, durin’ Frequent Wind, it seemed as though all hope were lost. The NVAs ‘ad th’ city surrounded, panic on th’ streets were so bad ye couldn’t pedal a bicycle down th’ block. We’d be ter evacuate on the next helicopter outta th’ city, nothin’ more we could do. Wit’ a ‘eavy ‘eart an’ a ‘eavier conscience, Armor Abs Krabs an’ ‘is crew were ter leave Vietnam fer good.
Then, from o’er th’ raucous yellin’, I ‘eard it. A voice, one which I’d ‘eard night after dreary night on me ship’s projector.  A voice I never thought I’d ‘ear wit’out th’ familiar ‘um o’ film grain.
“Wait!” it cried, “don’t leave! We’re military, just like you!”
It were Ernie, wit’ Tim on ‘is ‘eels.
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Th’ look upon th’ once proud Mermaid Man’s face, robbed o’ youth an’ optimism since committin’ it ter film stock, were one o’ abject horror. Barnacle Boy, no more a boy than a shell-shocked man whose soul were thirty years ‘is senior, hustled forward wit’ nae a trace o’ mirth on what ‘ad once been ‘is trademark babyface. Sparin’ not a moment ter greet th’ sea creatures what’d once been their neighbors what’d come all this way ter find em, they clambored inter the helicopter an’ cowered. Tim were near catatonic when we strapped ‘im inter ‘is restraints. Ernie could only rock back an’ force, holding ‘is knees in ‘is arms.
I ne’er knew just ‘ow long th’ two o’ them ‘ad been out there. Officially, there’d been ceasefire from America fer th’ better part o’ two years when Saigon fell. ‘Ad th’ two been separated from their unit an’ left ter wander the jungles all that time? Er ‘ad they’d stayed behind ter fight against th’ orders o’ high command? Though I’d remained a presence in th’ two’s lives fer a time after Vietnam, ‘elpin’ em reacclimate ter civilian life an’ cope wit’ their demons, I never did get straight answers outta them. I learned quickly not ter ask Ernie ‘bout ‘is time on dry land, th’ flashbacks came too fast an’ too cruel fer that man. Tim, I could never bring myself ter ask, not knowin’ what it’d done ter the older man. I’d enjoy not knowin’ what’d wiped th’ smile from th’ Boy Wonder’s face. When each o’ them passed these last few years, me navy buddies an’ I gave em a hero’s goodbye, but ter this day I wonder, I think all o’ us wonder, if they really deserved it.
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Anyway, this ol’ man’s let ‘is story git away from ‘im, just look at th’ time. Been ramblin’, I been, an’ I don’t got a clue if I e’er answered yer original question. But then again, I don’t suppose I’d really know meself. It’s like I’d said, it’s a complicated subject, an’ not one I think anyone could say fer sure. All the same, thank ye fer listenin’, an’ I hope ye’ve considered what this ol’ krab ‘as ‘ad ter say.
Now are ye gonna order somethin’, er do I gotta get th’ broom ‘andle again?
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jackisreallycool · 4 years
More songs that glee would have torn
More songs that Glee should have done
Miley Cyrus - Rooting for My Baby
Miley Cyrus - Mother’s Daughter
Fame - I Sing The Body Electric
Spice Girls - Wannabe
Spice Girls - 2 Become 1
Spice Girls - Viva Forever
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (like imagine this as a straight Rachel ballad with ironic Finn backup adlibs...the actual serve)
Joni Mitchell - California
Dolly Parton - Here You Come Again
Dolly Parton - Silver Dagger
Dolly Parton - Islands in the Stream
Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You
Robyn - Indestructible
Xanadu - Magic
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen (the collapse of Sue performing this at a graduation scene)
Gwen Stefani - Cool
A Chorus Line - One
Selena - Dreaming of You
Paula Abdul - Rush Rush
Tamia - Officially Missing You
Faith Hill - This Kiss
Miss Saigon - I’d Give My Life For You
South Pacific - I’m Gonna Wash That Man Outta My Hair
Smash - Let Me Be Your Star
Grease 2 - Who’s That Guy?
Grease 2 - Cool Rider
Grease 2 - Score Tonight
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 4 Roundup!  Some good stuff lies ahead, so go find it!
Title: Just Before Dawn Collaborator: grimeysociety Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Isolated or Trapped Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: Brief mentions of animal cruelty, Fluff and Crack, Magical Realism Summary: One day, Darcy rescues a dog and then a gorgeous naked man appears in her living room that night. Word Count: 6148
Title: The Stark Robo Sucker 5000 Collaborator: crazycatt71 Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - Sensation Play Ship: WinterHawk, Bucky/Clint/Steve/Tony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Fucking machines, exhibitionism, Dom/sub undertones, orgasm denial, wrist cuffs Summary: Clint & Bucky put on a show with the Stark Robo Sucker 5000 Word Count: 1174
Title: Dummy’s faboulous ideas Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 - Sidekick Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Matchmaker bots, fluff Summary: Dummy is determined to help the people he cares for. Jarvis is concerned, Bucky is amused. Word Count: 744
Title: Nutritional Value Collaborator: Judy_The_Dreamer Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Bucky/Steve Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: a/b/o dynamics, PWP, power dynamics and kinks, past mpreg Summary: Sometimes the first taste is not enough and you find yourself hungering for more. Tony, Steve and Bucky come to terms with what transpired in Joystick. Word Count: 13,739
Title: Let Someone See Right Through Collaborator: avintagekiss24 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Kink: One Night Stand Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Explicit Major Tags: drinking, implied mention of death, past infidelity, smut, sex, a little bit of angst, oral sex (female receiving) Summary: Two strangers meet at a bar on their birthday. Word Count: 4446
Title: Darcy, Bucky and the Hundred Acre Wood Collaborator: grimeysociety Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Sunshowers Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Darcy and Bucky are transported into the world of the Hundred Acre Wood. Word Count: 2163
Title: Into the unknown - Chapter 1 Collaborator: diner_drama Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - little sister Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Frozen AU Summary: Bucky has everything under control. He's the hereditary leader of a small and prosperous country. He lives with his beloved sister and her fiancé in a beautiful castle, and his people are safe and well. He also happens to be in control of the power of ice, but he's got that working for him now, so that's not an issue. But when he closes his eyes, he can hear a siren's song calling him from the far North. Word Count: 800
Title: Taps Collaborator: Ribbonsflying Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Vulnerability Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: flashback to deaths of unnamed characters, some blood obviously because vampires, drinking blood Summary: Bucky nosed into Steve’s neck and rested his head on his shoulder. “Now I know why you refilled my juice without being asked.” “No, it’s because I’m a sweetheart," Bucky protested. Steve scoffed playfully. “Sweetheart, my ass. There’s nothing sweet about you.” Word Count: 2357
Title: Petals - Chapter 1 Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - hanahaki disease Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hanahaki Disease Summary: Steve Rogers knows what it's like to be sick. With actual illnesses that exist, like the asthma that always gets worse in the spring. But when he starts coughing up flower petals, rational explanations fly out the window. But is it really possible that he's contracted a fatal case of lovesickness? Word Count: 681
Title: What About Us? Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - One Night Stand Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Canon Divergent, Tower Fic, A/B/O dynamics, explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky's come in from the cold, Steve is being Steve, Tony wants to throw a party and Bucky has no idea who the Alpha is who asked him to dance (or why, when Bucky's been hiding in the corner all night to avoid people), but it suddenly looks like more than dancing is on the menu. Word Count: 3091
Title: The Road To You Has Been Fractured With Torment Collaborator: visionarygalaxy Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - Bondage Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Dom/sub, Kink negotiation. fluff Summary: Bucky and Steve reconnect after everything they've been through, slowly and carefully. Word Count: 1284
Title: and now, the end is near - Chapter 3: Three: Clint Collaborator: hawksonfire Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - Heat Ship: Bucky/Steve/Clint Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: A three-part tale in which our boys are content. Word Count: 4316
Title: Petals - Chapter 2: Don't forget to tip your barista Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - pining Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: mild blood/gore sickfic ( hanahaki disease) Summary: Bucky wasn’t even supposed to be here this afternoon. He was supposed to be at the library working on his Urban Policy lab project. But that was neither here nor there; it’s not like Darcy had up and come down with the flu on purpose. Besides, he reminded himself, he could use the money. He could always use the money. -- War veteran turned grad student and barista Bucky Barnes has a thing for a certain Brooklyn twink. Word Count: 2791
Title: And I Will Wend My Way With You Collaborator: mariana_oconnor Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Chapter 1 - B2: Bucky/Clint Chapter 2 - U5: Jealousy Chapter 3 - Y5: Hair Braiding Chapter 4 - K4: Sharing Clothes Chapter 5 - K2: Kink: Wall Pinning Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Fantasy AU, Mild Dub-con, Slavery, Violence, implied/referenced rape/non-con, explicit sexual content Summary: After four long years, Bucky's mission is finally complete. All he needs to do is leave the Hydra Empire and make his way back to the Kingdom of Brooklyn with the information he has obtained. He definitely doesn't need the added complication of a slave, especially not one as angry and handsome as Clint Barton. Word Count: 29,653
Title: A Bad Day With Coffee Is Better Than A Good Day Without It - Chapter 1 Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: Pre-Slash, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Human Disaster Clint Barton, Deaf Clint Barton, Not Canon Compliant, Not Beta Read Summary: Clint has a terrible, no good, day... Bucky tries to make it better. Word Count: 2491
Title: End Of All Days - Chapter 11: Part X Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: U5 – AU: Adventurers/Explorers Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: violence Summary: Captain Steve Rogers had thought his military days were behind him, left in the bloody nightmare that was Saigon. Retired and working as a History Professor, the last thing he expected was to get caught up in a cataclysmic Slavic prophesy foreshadowing the end of the known world.With Cold War tensions running high, Steve finds himself in need of a guide and translator to get him behind the Iron Curtain and into the isolated snowdrifts of Siberia. It’s deep in the heart of Bucharest’s resistance fighters that Steve finds the ideal candidate, but swaying the enigmatic ex-operative known as The Winter Soldier proves to be complicated. Trust is hard-won, especially in the world of espionage, and with a KGB death squad nipping at his heels, the Soldier has countless reasons to stay presumably dead. As the lines between right, wrong and the supernatural begin to blur, Steve is forced to reconsider everything he’s ever believed, right from the sanctity of his own country to the very foundations of creation itself .--- Aka the Indiana Jones/Atomic Blonde lovechild of a fic that literally no one ever asked for but you’re bloody well going to get anyway. Word Count: 47,940
Title: Siren - Chapter 1: Do you think I'm stuck up 'cause I'm always picking fights? Collaborator: Writing_mermaid Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C3 - Free square Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Mature Major Tags: siren AU Summary: Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past. Word Count: 1479
Title: What, Like It's Hard? Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - crack Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Legally Blonde fusion Summary: “Hey Buck, w-what’re ya doing with that?” Steve’s looking at him like he’s just grown a third head or something. Shit. What the fuck did I do now? “Sorry, pal, I was just trying to help out a little around here.” Bucky lets go of the handle, letting the big, ugly hammer drop to the floor. “Just clearing things off the floor so I could do a little cleaning before we drown in cat fur.”Big old viking shouldn’t leave his shit all over if he don’t want people manhandling it outta their way. -- Or, Bucky moves Mjölnir while he's cleaning, and doesn't understand what the big deal is. Legally Blonde meets the Avengers. Word Count: 559
Title: Don't Forget To Write Collaborator: The_Alias (Artemis_Day) Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Secret Admirer Ship: Bucky/Jane Foster Rating: Teen Major Tags: secret admirer Summary: 'The tenth time, there is no note. Just him.' Jane has a secret admirer, but who could it possibly be? Word Count: 6072
Title: The reason Nick Fury doesn't do vacations.  Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Rescue Mission Ship: WinterIronFury Rating: Teen Major Tags: Vacation gone wrong, Happy ending, crack(ish), Hydra, mention of animal experiments, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Summary: Tony and Bucky wanted to go on a trip with their third Nicholas Fury. However Nick refused, Bucky and Tony got abducted and… Tony never thought he would see tigers in that state. Word Count: 5473
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deadgaywaitress · 5 years
hamilton dream cast
this does not include the obc in the roles that they played. however some swings / understudies are included. pls let me know if any of these people are controversial for any reason and i will change it, i have a million options for each character
hamilton - oscar isaac (inside llewyn davis)
other option : sam mackay
burr - ramin karimloo (the phantom of the opera)
other option : john legend
eliza - lea salonga (miss saigon)
other option : beyoncé
jefferson - idris elba (the wire)
other option : ramin karimloo
lafayette - donald glover (30 rock)
other option : todrick hall
angelica - cynthia erivo (the color purple)
other option : gina torres
washington - norm lewis (dessa rose)
other option : common
mulligan - o’shea jackson jr. (straight outta compton)
madison - drake (degrassi: the next generation)
king george - neil patrick harris (doogie howser m.d.)
other option : michael ball
peggy - rihanna (music of the sun)
maria - leigh anne pinnock (little mix)
other option : eva noblezada
laurens - michael b. jordan (fruitvale station)
philip - chance the rapper (acid rap)
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influencegetem · 3 years
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🔱🤴🏾👉🏿 Major love to @shade45 @djeclipsersc @djriznyc @rapisouttacntrl for airing our new joint last night. It feels good to be back in rotation with the greats. "THE HEIST PART 2" PRODUCED BY @navi_the_north #undergroundhiphopartist #undergroundKings #undergroundhiphop #KeepersOfTheElements #INFLUENCEGETEM #IMAPROBLEM #ITSFLUSEASON #ITSFLUSEEEZON #IMSICKWITIT #Hannabal 🚧 Reposted from @rapisouttacntrl "Rap Is Outta Control" 8/29/21 Playlist 1. Benny The Butcher "Flood The Block (prod. by Chop-La-Rock & Rare Scrilla, cuts by DJ Ambideckstriks) 2. Boldy James & The Alchemist feat. Benny The Butcher "Brickmile To Montana" (prod. by Alchemist) 3. Ransom & Big Ghost Ltd feat. Lou From Paradise, Vinnie Paz & ILL BILL "Off With His Head" (prod. by Big Ghost Ltd) 4. BodyBagBen & Rick Hyde feat. GoToMar$ "Skywalker OG Freestyle" (prod. by BodyBagBen) 5. M Doc Diego x Crotona P x Manzu Beatz feat. Bub Styles "The Big Cut" (prod. by ManZu Beatz) 6. The Quarter Inch Kings x Zagnif Nori "Look At I" (prod. by The Quarter Inch Kings) 7. Papoose feat. Saigon "Heavy Science" (prod. by Gem Crates) 8. Frost Gamble feat. Rah Digga "Memories" (prod. by Frost Gamble) 9. NEMS "Bing Bong" (prod. by Vinny Idol) 10. Recognize Ali "Welcome To The Light" (prod. by Sultan Mir) 11. Torchington "Hope" (prod. by L. David) 12. Mickey Factz, Blu, Nottz "Roll Up" (prod. by Nottz) 13. Napoleon Da Legend "BOLO YUENG" (prod. by DUS) 14. Peedi Crakk "Sportsmode" 15. Solo for Dolo "CALLATE" (prod. by Domingo) 16. nAvi the NORTH feat. Influence Getem "The Heist Pt. 2" (prod. by nAvi the NORTH) 17. M.A.V. & Swab feat. Rob Gates & Machacha "Pet Cemetary" (prod. by Swab) 18. Filthy Heir (Tha Soloist x A Dusty Cinema) "Shadow of Death" (prod. by A Dusty Cinema) 19. Bang Belushi x Wavy Da Ghawd "Lights Camera Action" (prod. by Wavy Da Ghawd) 20. P.Genz "Keep On" (prod. by J One) 21. Nems feat. Eddie Kaine, ILL BILL & Rim "Tha Boro" (prod. by Deli Beatz) 22. Josiah The Gift "Rob Joint Pt. II" (prod. by Rob Deniro) 23. Frost Gamble feat. Tragedy Khadafi "Fox and Wolf" (prod. by Frost Gamble) 24. Neek The Exotic + Large Professor feat. Q-Tip "Borough Of Queens (Q.U.)" (prod. by Large Professor etc. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTNGqlPHJlN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cliffywalk · 6 years
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I was just walking down the street, minding my own business, when this unseen rooster crowed at high volume and scared the shit outta me. #Saigon
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wonderingwendy · 1 year
At last Day one of AO 2023 - three, no make that four Canadians in action too. Crickey should be a cracker. Weather has been cooler, currently 16 with a high of 31 and some wind in the forecast - better for players and spectators if we avoid those mid 30s.
Managed to get in our first swim yesterday in the outdoor pool. Had the place to ourselves so I guess we were the crazy Canadians swimming in 24 degrees. Ate at Straight Outta Saigon last night - definitely crave worthy crispy tofu and broccolini on coconut rice. It’s taking us some time to get our bearings even though we’ve been here before. The city core has grown and we staying right in the middle of it. I’m reminded of Waikiki crowds and have my fingers crossed that we don’t have the same Covid results.
Wondering who will advance today. Go Canadians Go!
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Straight outta Saigon ⭐⭐⭐
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setitoffau247 · 4 years
Straight Outta Saigon Interior Wall Art
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A graffiti mural for a Vietnamese interior feature wall, displaying a custom made neon sign on the raw brick wall compliments the mural setting with unique lighting. Furthermore, maintaining a grey-scale colour scheme relative to their interior and current fit-out. Allows for the artwork to sit on the feature wall and combine influences with the décor. The composition and balance of this piece remain well executed with the portrait sitting one third to the left and mountain ranges with water spanning the remaining of the wall.
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Songs I’d Like to Have a Professional Recording of Laura Singing:
Please bear in mind that this list is in no way complete. She has sang some of these songs, but again, professional recording. Please feel free to add to the list! 
Animated Movies (Mostly Disney)
Part of Your World
Love Is an Open Door- Duet/Santino Fontana
If I Never Knew You- Duet/Jeremy Jordan
For the First Time in Forever- Duet/Idina Menzel
I See the Light- Duet/Corey Cott
God Help the Outcasts
Beauty & the Beast
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
When You Wish Upon a Star
Colors of the Wind
Baby Mine
Someday My Prince Will Come
Far Longer Than Forever (Not Disney, but…)/duet Aaron Tveit
So This Is Love
Let It Go
Can You Feel the Love Tonight- Duet/Darren Criss
When You Believe (Not Disney, But…)
I’ll Try
You’ll Be In My Heart
Once Upon a December (Not Disney, but…)
Journey To the Past (Not Disney, but…)
Soon- Thumbelina (Not Disney, but…)
Stay Awake
Feed the Birds
Let It Go
How Far I’ll Go
O Holy Night
Hark! The Herald Angel Sing
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
As Long as There’s Christmas
The First Noel
Little Drummer Boy
We Three Kings
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Silent Night
Away In a Manger
Angels We Have Heard on High
Let It Snow
Jingle Bells
What Child is This
The Christmas Song
Auld Lang Syne
Joy To the World
O’ Christmas Tree
Mary Did You Know
I’ll Be Home For Christmas
White Christmas- W/Corey Cott
The Holly & the Ivy
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Blue Christmas
Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town
I Wonder As I Wander
Yes Virginia
Fly Fly Away- Catch Me If You Can
Safer- First Date
Someone Like You- Jekyll & Hyde
A New Life- Jekyll & Hyde
No One Knows Who I Am/Good & Evil- Jekyll & Hyde
Dangerous Game- Duet/Jeremy- Jekyll & Hyde
In His Eyes- Duet/Sierra- Jekyll & Hyde
I Dreamed a Dream- Les Miserables
On My Own- Les Miserables
A Heart Full of Love- Duet/Corey Cott- Les Miserables
Whispering- Spring Awakening
I’m Not That Girl- Wicked
For Good- Duet/Sierra Boggess- Wicked
As Long As You’re Mine- Duet/Aaron- Wicked
Once More I Can See- Wonderland
Memory- Cats
The Wizard & I- Wicked
Tonight- Duet/Aaron Tveit- West Side Story
I Whistle A Happy Tune- The King & I
Shall We Dance- The King & I
I Cain’t Say No- Oklahoma
Many a New Day- Oklahoma
The Sound of Music- The Sound of Music
Gonna Wash That Man Outta My Hair- South Pacific
What I Did For Love- A Chorus Line
All I Ask of You- Duet/Santino or Jeremy - Phantom
Green Finch & Linnet Bird- Sweeney Todd
You’ll Never Walk Alone- Carousel
I Have Dreamed- Duet/Derek Klena- The King & I
Come What May-Duet/Aaron Tveit- Moulin Rouge
One Day I’ll Fly Away- Moulin Rouge
Still Hurting- The Last 5 Years
The Last Midnight- Into the Woods
On the Steps of the Palace- Into the Woods
All That Matters- Finding Neverland
What You Mean to Me- Duet/Derek Klena- Finding Neverland
That Would Be Enough- Hamilton
Burn- Hamilton
The Movie In My Mind- Miss Saigon
No One Else- Great Comet of 1812
I Don’t Know How To Love Him- Jesus Christ Superstar
Over the Rainbow- The Wizard of Oz
All That Jazz- Chicago
Maybe This Time- Cabaret
A Change In Me- Beauty & the Beast
Home- Beauty & the Beast
High Enough- Duet/Aaron Tveit or Jeremy Jordan- Rock of Ages
My Favorite Things- Sound of Music
Something Good- Duet/Derek Klena- Sound of Music
In My Dreams- Anastasia
In a Crowd of Thousands- Duet/Derek Klena
Tell Me Why- Amazing Grace
If I Loved You- Duet/Aaron Tveit- Carousel
You’ll Never Walk Alone
Pure Imagination- Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
 Random Songs
Falling In Love With Love- R&H
I’ll Be Seeing You- Frank Sinatra
My Funny Valentine- R&H
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Ave Maria
Danny Boy
You Raise Me Up- Josh Groban
Amazing Grace
Beyond the Sea
The Water Is Wide
Alone- Heart
New York State of Mind- Billy Joel
Don’t Dream It’s Over- Crowded House
The Rose
A Thousand Years- Christina Perri
Wake Me Up- Avicii
Jar of Hearts- Christina Perri
A Thousand Miles- Vanessa Carlton
Landslide- Fleetwood Mac
Let It Be- The Beatles
Yesterday- The Beatles
Breakaway- Kelly Clarkson
Hallelujah- Leonard Cohen
Can’t Help Falling In Love With You- Elvis Presley
Second Hand White Baby Grand- Smash
Let Me Be Your Star- Smash
Reach For Me- Smash
Heart Shaped Wreckage- Duet/Jeremy Jordan- Smash
Lavender’s Blue Dilly Dilly- Lullaby from Disney’s Cinderella
Somebody to Love- Queen
Titanium- David Guetta
At Last- Etta James
Holdin’ Out For a Hero (Slow Version)
Moon River- Breakfast at Tiffany’s
My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion
Who Wants To Live Forever- Quartet- Aaron Tveit, Megan Hilty/Sam Barks, Jeremy Jordan- Queen
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The Movie in My Mind: Wicked
The Movie in My Mind: Wicked
WELCOME!! To a new post segment called The Movie in My Mind where I will be dream casting movie adaptations of musicals/plays. And as a bonus for my loyal followers/fans, I will be explaining my reasoning behind the casting. This post gets is name from my favorite musical Miss Saigon. Now before everyone attacks me please know this is solely my opinion and I would be open to having a discussion about this just DM me and be polite about it. Now, this is in no way official this is all just my opinion none of these people have actually been cast or have been considered for the roles as far as I’m aware of.
Now before we start this endeavor for this cast list my thoughts were the two lead women need to be veteran stage actresses. At first I tried to think of Hollywood names who could do the roles of Elphaba/G(a)linda, but I felt the best thing for this movie was to fill up the supporting characters with big names while the two female leads are Straight Outta Broadway (That was a bad joke... Sorry.) In the Honorable mentions, I did list several Hollywood big names who could potentially do the role as well. Please let me know what you think and DM me if you want to chat about it otherwise reblog and leave your comments. No hate when you do comment let’s keep this civil people.
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Jessica Keenan Wynn as Elphaba
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I don’t think you guys realize just how difficult it was for me to cast this role. This was extremely difficult! I kept going back and forth between either Hollywood actresses and Broadway actresses. I even once thought of maybe using a former Elphaba and then I realized “No let’s get some fresh blood up in here.” This casting choice was so extremely difficult! I ultimately ended up going with a stage actress because their voices would be best suited for the role of Elphaba. I ended up going with Jessica Keenan Wynn for the role because with her recently announced turn as Young Tanya in Mamma Mia and her star turn as Heather Chandler in Heathers proves she can be a fierce, belting warrior. I think Keenan Wynn would prove to be a formidable force as Elphaba. She can no doubt hit the high notes required while also acting her ass off as the green girl. I think her Elphaba would be superb and haunting while also hilarious and heartwarming. Also a plus as a way to promote the movie she can do the show on Broadway.
Honorable Mentions- Anna Kendrick, Lena Hall, Naya Rivera, Nicole Scherzinger, Samantha Barks
Sierra Boggess as Glinda
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Boggess is perhaps best known for being in several productions of The Phantom of the Opera as Christine as well as portraying her in the sequel Love Never Dies. I think the role of Glinda has to be done by someone with stage experience because of the vocal range required for the role and I think Boggess would knock the role out of the park. Plus since she was Christine we know she can hit those high notes in “No One Mourns the Wicked” and “Thank Goodness” and she wouldn’t be the first woman to go from Christine to Glinda. Other actresses who have done this are Annalene Beechey, Asako Tomado, Gina Beck, Kim So-Hyun, Maria Coyne, Sara Jean Ford, Tamami Sai and Valerie Link. While she may not be a big Hollywood name I think that is better off for Glinda to be a veteran stage actress. Also just like Keenan Wynn as a way to promote the movie she can do the stage show as well.
Honorable Mentions- Brittany Snow, Emmy Rossum
Brendon Urie as Fiyero
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Urie has wanted to broaden his horizons and he recently finished a stint as Charlie Price in Kinky Boots and his ridiculous fans would bring in tons of money. Plus from the bootlegs I’ve seen of him in Kinky Boots he’s actually not that bad.
Honorable Mentions- Adam Lambert, Zac Efron
Christopher Walken as The Wizard
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Christopher Walken would bring in the older generations and he is no stranger to playing the villain in a show. He has also been in Peter Pan Live! and Hairspray so he has musical abilities.
Honorable Mentions- John Travolta, Mark Hamill
Jessica Lange as Madam Morrible
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It’s Jessica Lange... Is there really any more I need to say? She has a cult fan base...
Honorable Mentions- Imelda Staunton, Liza Minnelli
Ben Platt as Boq
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As much as I don’t like Dear Evan Hansen and how much Tony love it didn’t deserve Ben Platt did deserve the win. He is a good actor and his Pitch Perfect, as well as Dear Evan Hansen fame, would also draw a good audience.
Melissa Benoist as Nessarose
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Besides the fact that she would bring in a wave of Glee fans she would honestly be thrilling to watch in this role. I have no idea why, but something about the thought of Melissa Benoist belting “Just her and me! The Wicked Witch of the East! We deserve each other.” Sends chills down my spine.
Honorable Mention- Auli'i Cravalho
Brian d’Arcy James as Doctor Dillamond
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I think it would be nice if they gave this role to a veteran stage actor as well. Also with James having been in two cult shows 13 Reasons Why and Hamilton so he’d bring in a massive audience.
Honorable Mention- Robin Williams (I know he’s dead, but he would have been an amazing Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked Alumni Cameo’s
Idina Menzel as Witch’s Mother
Norbert Leo Butz as Witch’s Father
Kristin Chenoweth as Glinda’s Mom *I know it’s not a role in the show, but it would be cute if they added her in via picture or maybe dropping Glinda off at Shiz. It would be especially cute with Idina playing Elphaba’s Mom*
Jessica Vosk as Midwife
Others as Citizens of Oz, Emerald City residents, Students/Professors at Shiz University.
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