#ouyang *leans into microphone*:
docholligay · 1 year
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Full review tomorrow or maybe Friday but
Short: I wanted to like this book more than I think I actually liked it (I kept checking my phone through the last quarter, which is unusual for me) and I need to think a bit on why. Horrible Garbage Traitor Petty Bitch Ouyang forever tho.
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weilongfu · 4 years
For @sarah-yyy Because why not.
The first spotting was surprisingly low key.
Well, at least it was low key for who did the spotting.
Lan Jingyi was not exactly known for being quiet, but when a pair of bunnies, one black with a red collar, and one white with a blue collar, wandered over Professor Lan Wangji’s hands, the most the perplexed student said was, “Oh!”
The simple exclamation drew no attention from the rest of the class, too taken by Professor Lan’s lecture (Lan Sizhui, Jin Ling, and Ouyang Zizhen), or too enamored with his face (everyone else but Lan Jingyi). So it was with a quiet glee that Lan Jingyi took a screenshot of the nuzzling bunnies that Professor Lan absentmindedly pet while pointing out the intricacies of ancient literature, before sending it into the private class group chat.
The picture ended up largely ignored except for Jin Ling telling Lan Jingyi to keep his pet pictures to himself and out of the class chat.
The second spotting was obvious, but not very clearly indicative. 
Professor Wei Wuxian had begun his lecture, as he always did. With a bit more of a bang than most would agree with in front of Dean Lan Qiren, but always appreciated behind his back. The Contemporary Lit professor held a black bunny aloft, as if it were a trophy or spoil of war, and continued his dramatic reading. At least until a white blur jumped up and bit his hand. 
With a yelp, Professor Wei had dropped the black bunny back on to his desk (fortunately not from a great height) and the pair had run off. The class had been too busy laughing at Professor Wei to even notice the collars on the bunnies or that the study behind Professor Wei looked an awful lot like Professor Lan’s.
Still, the meme from the incident had been circulated for a few days after, but nothing had clicked.
There after, the bunnies had seemed to become constant guests in Professor Lan and Professor Wei’s lectures. 
Always together. Always wearing the same collars. Always either used as nearly unwilling props or gently left alone.
Students had only barely begun to notice until the true situation with the bunnies sank in.
It was, surprisingly, not at all because of the bunnies.
Professor Lan was, once again, absentmindedly petting the two rabbits that happily nibbled on a plate of salad in front of him. He had acknowledged the bunnies this time and quietly introduced them.
The indication that something was amiss was the sight of a shirtless Professor Wei, sleepily walking into view to kiss Professor Lan on the cheek, kissing both bunnies on top of their heads, and blowing a kiss to the class (leading to what Lan Jingyi suspected was the sputtering of Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui’s polite coughs), before wandering off screen.
Professor Lan had narrowed his eyes and muted his microphone before wandering off screen to say something to Professor Wei, but nobody was blind enough to not notice the tips of his ears had turned red. Nor how the two bunnies had wrinkled their noses before running off the desk.
Everyone also politely ignored how it took another five minutes for Professor Lan to return and his sweater was significantly more wrinkled than before.
“Oh god...” Lan Jingyi said in his later video chat with his friends. “I should have known...”
Lan Sizhui only smiled. “What do you mean?”
Lan Jingyi leaned closer to his webcam. “YOU MEAN I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THE BUNNIES ARE THE SAME?”
Ouyang Zizhen spit up his sip of water. “THEY WERE THE SAME?!”
“You didn’t notice?!”
“I... But...”
“You’re both idiots.” Jin Ling scrubbed at his face. “Well and truly idiots.”
Lan Jingyi scrunched up his face in distaste at the accusation. “Well I didn’t see you-”
“Because I’ve been knowing Professor Lan and Professor Wei are dating, you dummy,” Jin Ling huffed. “Did you forget that unfortunately Professor Wei is my uncle?” Jin Ling rolled his eyes. “It’s why I don’t take Contemporary Lit with you.”
“Why should I?!” Jin Ling leaned away from his screen and camera. “Besides, aren’t you and Sizhui good friends? Shouldn’t he have told you too?”
Lan Jingyi’s face took on the quality of a computer blue screen before he whispered, “I forgot that Sizhui is the son of Professor Lan...”
The smile on Lan Sizhui’s face turned just a fraction strained. “That’s the reason why I’m not matriculated into the class for Ancient Lit or Contemporary Lit... It’d be a conflict of interest....”
“But...” Lan Jingyi pouted. “Bunnies?”
Lan Sizhui sighed. “Yes, they’re the same bunnies.”
“Professor Lan and Professor Wei?”
“Very happy that both of them are happy.”
“Are you done interrogating Sizhui now?” Jin Ling asked, drumming his fingers against his desk. “Can we go back to studying for the exam?”
Jin Ling’s reply was to kick Lan Jingyi out of the meeting room until the texts to let him back in were too annoying to ignore.
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