#over the span of 10+ years i looked at these freaks with their mildly fucked up lives and i said what if i made it worse actually
304wv66 · 4 months
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anyway here are some of my ocs in their first iterations with the original drawings and their current iterations
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Sero Week Day 1
Older Sero / Embarrassed
The Legend of DKFSTA
(posted on WST cuz I couldn’t wait on mine)
This Fic is trash—beautiful trash which I adore and would die for—but trash nonetheless. This fic has not been beta’d in any way, shape or form. Expect type-os, punctuation abnormalities, continuity issues and possible/probable OOC issues. At the end of this fic I will give you the template in order to play this dumb game. (it’s the same one I posted last night.)
Also, I was going to add reaction images but they were breaking up the story so I left ‘em out, if you want the reaction image version hit me up and I shall post it. 
Anyway you guys have been warned lol rated T Word Count: 4.4k    
Read it on Ao3
“I’m sorry this game is called what now?” Sero asked incredulously as he joined Mina, Momo, Jirou, Tooru, Uraraka and Tsu in common room. He agreed to join in on their collective sleepover for no other reason than to make sure certain “individuals” (one individual if we’re being honest) wouldn’t mess with them. However, the girls decided to sweeten the deal by promising to watch one of Sero’s favorite movies. It was kind of a guilty pleasure movie, so the offer was pretty appealing. And well  look it may seem like a small thing but… the kid was a little lonely lately, and he was sure that this would be the one thing to cheer him up! Right?
What he would soon discover, was that there was a catch. Of course there was. Poor Sero… This is the tale of how he got dragged into playing the insidious game he would ever be cursed to participate in.  
“I told you it’s called D-K-F-S-T-A.” Mina rolled her eyes
“That is not the name you used at all.” Sero said pointedly
“Well, whatever. Look it’s fun I promise.” Mina’s demonic like grin suggested that this game in particular was anything but fun.
“Mina, I love you, but your definition of “fun” is far different from others’.”
“He’s got a point.” Jirou said in a bored tone, “Although, I gotta admit the game is kind of fun. In a very dumb way. Unless you’re too chicken.”
“Are you trying to pull a me right now?” Ser asked, “I’ve done this enough times to Bakugou to know what you’re doing. But hell I don’t see the harm if you it’s alright...”
“SERIOUSLY?!” Mina screeched, “I’ve been your bestie since year one and you trust Jirou’s opinion over mine?!?!???”
“Mina.” Sero eyes locked onto hers, “Do me a favor and, think back to last week when you and Kaminari thought it would be fun to—
Mina put her hand over Sero’s mouth,“Ok-OK! Fair point! We don’t need to talk about that.”
Momo, Jirou, Uraraka, Tsu and Tooru all gave the two of them the most terrified glance. They sort of  wanted to know what Sero was going to say but at the same time… they didn’t want to know. So they just left it at that, and hopefully the actual event was not as insane as what they were imaging, but knowing the meme queens...
“Alright fine, whatever so like how to I play this? Is it like MKF?” Sero’s eyes widened when all of the girls groaned at the same time.
“Why the hell didn’t we just play it like that!?” Tooru yelled
Uraraka face palmed, “That would have saved so much time.”
“Because it’s not as scientific that way!” exclaimed Mina
“Oh yes, because the ancient method of Mash is much more “scientifically accurate.” Jirou said complete with air quotes as Momo chuckled beside her.
“Scientifically accurate?” Sero asked.
“It determines your soulmate DUH, same as MASH, but you know better.” said Mina.
“This is too silly I’m going to bed, night guys.” Tsu said going to sleep for the night. Everyone wished her a good night and Sero wanting this to be over so they could just watch the dang movie already. He again picked his favorite guilty pleasure movie—a romantic comedy—what? He’s allowed to like ‘em jeez! Half the damned reason he agreed to this was because a) he knew he wouldn’t be judged and b) he wanted someone to watch it with him and this was the perfect place! Oh well, this game can’t take that long right?
“Okay, guys seriously? Just tell me how to play.”
“You got it my Office Supply Guy!” Mina beamed as Sero shook his head, “So here is how you play. You give me a list of 10 people you like as platonically ONLY. Then you give me a list of another 10 people but this time it’s people you find hot—or well: attractive, aesthetically pleasing and/or who you would hypothetically/potentially would want to date. Then, you give me 2 sets of numbers 1-10, then a set of 6 numbers in random order from 1-10.”
Sero was trying very, very hard not to laugh, this sounded fucking ridiculous, “Oh, is that all?”
Jirou smirked as Tooru, Uraraka and Momo stifled their giggles
“You guys—just come on okay? I’ve been trying to get the guys to play this but Kirishima knows better, Bakugou would never and Kaminari doesn’t have the attention span for it.”
“Mina. I barely have the attention span for this, so what am I supposed to do again? List 10 friends or whatever? Also wait what do you mean Kirishima knows better, cuz I’m not gonna lie that is more than mildly concerning.”
“Duh, Kirishima and I went to the same middle school, remember?! We all got bored and played it there all the time.” said Mina “But to answer your other question yeah, give me 10 people you aren’t attracted to.”
“Okay easy: You, Kaminari, Bakugou, Kirishima—
“Noooo you can’t put Bakugou and Kirishima on the same list.”
“What? Why?”
“Because they’re dating! You match up people in the first set you name with the second—trust me it’ll all be clear when we start.”
“Mina, none of this is clear, you do realize that, right??” Sero said feeling like his eyes were ready to roll out of their sockets
“In Mina’s defense it does make more sense as you play.” Uraraka smirked. See that should have been the first sign that something was wrong with this game. Uraraka never smirked, and if he were being honest… it was the most terrifying thing he’d ever seen.
Sero sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “okay fine, so leave them off?”
“Or you put one on this list and the other one on the, people you wouldn’t mind dating list.”
“Or the ‘hotties list’ as she called it when we she made me play it.” Jirou rolled her eyes.
“Right, okay so my list of friends who I do not want to date take two: You, Kaminari, Jirou—”
“Ouch, me I get but you’re putting Jirou on the platonic list?”
Sero went red, “I—I don’t mean I don’t think Jirou’s unattractive I just—Jirou and I fist bump, I feel like once you’re in the fist bump zone that means you’re buddies for life and that’s kind of it and I—”
“Mina, can you stop torturing him?” Momo asked.
“Yeah, otherwise we’ll never get to the actual game and then no movie.” Jirou yelled in Sero’s defense, “No worries Sero, I feel exactly the same way.” Jirou fist bumped him in solidarity, besides she’s ashamed to admit it but she was pretty excited to see who Sero would be matched up with in the end.
“Okay. Fiiiiiiiine. So Sero on your first list you have: me, Kaminari, Jirou and you need 7 more people.
“Seven… right, uh…Tokoyami, Tetsutetsu… um… shit this is hard!”
“Right?!” Tooru squeaked, “It’s actually really hard to list all of these people! Oh but yeah you can totally list us under the friends list.”
Sero blushed, “Well… like what if I dunno I’ve had a crush or two on some of you—from like first year.”
“Oooooh who?!”
“Uraraka and Momo…”
Momo and Uraraka blushed, “Aw Sero!” Mina squealed.
Sero, realized he should have trusted his instincts. This insidious “game” was a trap. “H-heh, so okay how many more people do you need?” look into editing
“Well, let’s see, we have you—
“What? I didn’t list myself.”
“Yeah, I listed you—MASH rules the host can add one person to each list—now shush. You have listed: You, Me, Kaminari, Jirou, Tokoyami, Tetsutetsu. Great! Four more to go!”
“Tooru, Uhhhh… Oh! Camie, Inasa, and Shinsou! Done.”
“With the first list you are, and aww I’m glad you and Shinsou are friends! I feel badly that he didn’t get moved up to the Hero class sooner.”
“Yeah me too he’s a really great guy, and wait I gotta do the same thing in the other list?”
“Yep! So if you would please list of the people you could potentially see yourself being with, and/or you find cute.”
“Aw Jeez, what is this the most complicated game known to man?” Sero said exasperated AF, “Fine. But Mina? I’m giving you this list once and only once and if you miss somebody then that’s your fault and you have to fill in the damn gap.”
“Ok, ok, I got it… go!”
“Uhhhhh, ok, Momo, Kendou, Uraraka, Iida, Shouji, Ojiro, Awase, Shindou, and um… um. N-Natsuo?”
“Natsuo… as in Todoroki’s older brother?”
“Yeah, I mean, I guess? I mean he’s pretty cute, and I’m running out of people to name.”
“He’s four years older!”
“Again, you said people I thought were cute! He’s cute it totally counts! I’m not saying I’m gonna jump his bones or anything! Anyway, that’s ten right?”
“Nope that’s nine but since you choose a slightly older Todoroki, I am putting our Todoroki.”
“Y-You can’t do that.”
“Oooooh yes I can and I am.”
“Fine, I change those last two, to um—um…”
“Nope, no take backs and you took way too long on the friends list, this is the list of hotties you are stuck with.” Mina gave a mock innocent smile
“You’re only freaking out about it because you have to deal with Todoroki being on the list.” said Jirou struggling to hold back a laugh
“And the only reason he only put Natsuo on because it’s safer option.” Momo said coyly, “ You chose him because it means you wouldn’t have to say Shouto.”
Sero went red, “What does that have to do with anything?”
“That you like him… a lot” Uraraka chirped
“I do not. I mean yeah we’re friends, just friends.”
“Mhmm… sure.” Tooru laughed
“You guuuuuys!”
“Ugh, sure whatever you say can we just finish the stupid game? Random numbers?”
“Yep 10 random numbers 1-10 2x plus 6 random numbers 1-10” Mina clicked her pen a couple of times and Sero rolled his eyes for probably the umpteenth million time during this dumb game and spouted out numbers. What the actual fuck had he been thinking when he agreed to this shit?
“Alright! Now we can start!” Mina squealed with glee, “So here’s what’s going on, the first two number sequences you gave me? Well, they match up to names on either of the two lists. So I’m going to give you two names aaaaaand you’re going to tell me if you’d think they’d be a good couple or not.”
Sero blinked, “What?”
“Sero, you’re not a dumb guy, stop acting like it. Okay, you for example got paired up with oooooh Shouji.”
“I’m going to say this again. What?”
“So your name was first on the friends list, and when you gave me the list of 10 numbers you said the number 2 first. That effectively gave you the number 2 and on the other list, you named Shouji fifth but in the number sequence you said the number 2 fifth. Hence you getting paired with Shouji. So now I’m going to give you couples based on number matches and lol you’re going to tell me if you think they’d be a cute couple or not, and I record your answer as yes or no.”
“Okay, I suppose that makes sense… so what the fuck does D-K-F-S-T-A stand for.” Sero filled with dread the likes of which he had never felt before, When Mina answered. “Oh that, heh you’ll see.”
Sero swallowed hard, “O-Okay?”
“Great, so do you see you and Shouji together?”
Sero did not miss the fact that they were all silently laughing at his misery, he also didn’t miss that he was going to have a fun time explaining all of his answers, “Yes…”
“Oh my god I knew it.” Tooru squealed
Sero groaned, “He’s a nice guy okay?!”
“Right and kissing him during truth or dare last month has nothing to do with it?” Jirou playfully punched his arm.
“Sh-Shut up Jirou! Unless you want me to pull out some receipts on all of you.”
“Fair enough.”
“Ok, ok next, oh oh wow lol nope,” Mina laughed.
“Me and Ojiro.”
“Oh, definitely not, Ojiro deserves better.”
The room burst out in fits of giggles.
“Kaminari and Iida.”
“Huh, yeah kinda—wait actually nope, def not. They get along super well and I love both of them a lot but I feel like they’d be missing chemistry?”
“Oh same,” said Ochako.
“Right?” said Sero
Mina wanted to get to the “good” part of the game so she interrupted, “Jirou and HA! Natsuo.”
Before Jirou could even open her mouth Sero said “No. I didn’t realize it was gonna be like this, you guys were right he’s way too old.”
“Not old enough for you to have a semi crush on him.” Jirou smirked
“No, that’s Todoroki Shouto you’re thinking of.” Momo giggled
“Would you guys shut up about that? Look okay yes, I’ve stayed over at his house a couple of times and yes—”
Mina’s widened in shock “He let you stay at his house?!”
“Well uh—yeah when his dad’s not home. Listen remember during our last break? My parents got the dates all mixed up, and they were out of the country. I was just gonna stay at the UA dorms but Endeavor was on a mission in Osaka and Todoroki insisted I come home with him. Natsuo and Fuyumi are really nice, I actually owe them my weight’s worth in grocery money for sure but they wouldn’t let me pay for anything. So—why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Oh nothing” Momo smiled oh-not-so-innocently
“Absolutely Nothing.” Jirou shrugged her shoulders
“Not a thing.” Uraraka said her hand propping up her chin in mock contemplation.
“Nothing at all.” Tooru hummed
Mina didn’t care about subtlety and just plunged in, “So... you’re like sure there’s nothing going on with you and Todoroki?”
“Is this seriously what we’re going to be talking about the whole night?” Sero said desperately trying to calm himself down to rid his cheeks of the epic blush that was currently decorating his face.
“Depends, when you uh stayed over at his place… did you guys sleep in his room?”
Sero opened his mouth to offer some sort of a response but his words died before they could reach his lips. He instantly made a tight lipped smile and refused to look at any of them.
“It wasn’t like that!”
“Honestly Sero, you are hopeless.” Mina shook her head, “Okay, Tooru and Kendou.”
“No, not really, you guys don’t talk enough.”
“Yeah that’s fair.” Tooru yawned in agreement, “Aw man... guys I hate to tap out early but I’m exhausted, pleeeeease you have to tell me how this ends.”
“Oh you know it girl, sweet dreams!”
They all wished Tooru good night which luckily let Sero have enough time to collect himself for the next onslaught of questions. He thought he was prepared, he thought it must be close to finishing right? He could do this… well that’s what he thought before he heard Mina cackle.
“Oh god who with who” Sero dreaded asking.
“Tokoyami and Uraraka.”
Everyone cracked up at that because well no matter who Uraraka ended up with, unless it was with Midoriya it was gonna be a no (and the boy wasn’t even listed).
“Lol nope, she has eyes for only one person on this earth.”
“Sh-Shut up!”
“Oooooh ok, I see, so it’s okay to humiliate me, but not you.”
“Well duh I’m not the one playing the game.”
“Yeah well—
“Sero stop arguing with Uraraka, the faster we get through this the faster we can—Oh My God,” Mina struggled to keep a straight face, “Shinsou and Shindou.”
Everyone cackled, and admitted to himself internally that maybe this game wasn’t that bad.
“You know what? Weirdly enough, I kinda see it. If only for the reason that Shinsou wouldn’t let that smug good looking asshole get away with shit.”
“You do realize you and Shindou kinda look alike,”  Momo offered.
“No we don’t?”
“You kinda do though,” said Jirou.
“We do not, what drugs are you all taking?”
“We aren’t on drugs, you guys do look a little alike and It’s not a bad thing.” Ochako chimed in.
“I’m aware, he’s nice looking, but I mean we don’t.”
“Sero…” Mina for the first time that night gave him a soft look.
“We know why you’re saying that, you’re good looking!”
“I’m fine looking.”
“Moving on please.”
“Ugh fine, oh! Camie and Momo!”
“Awwww, that would be kind of adorable.”
“She is pretty…” Momo sighed wistfully
“You know I could set something up, right?” said Sero
“No no! That’s okay!”
“You sure?”
“I could set you up with Todoroki,” Momo countered.
“We room next to each other so like lol if that were ever to become a thing, which it won’t. I swear I’m a big boy, I’m more than capable to do it on my own.”
“Yes, because you’re so good at telling someone you like them,” said Jirou.
“You know what Jirou? Those who live in glass houses…” He gave her a pointed look causing her to mutter some choice insult phrases Sero’s way.
“Moving on,” Mina hastily smoothed over, “Oh! Inasa and Todoroki.”
“Yeah I can see it heh,” Sero shrugged, “considering they dated for a bit this summer.”
“Yeah, they like had a lot of fun and like I-I dunno they kept trying to make it work and it was really hard though... because of the distance. But yeah like yeah they were a thing, I think they ended it for good but I don't know...” Sero shrugged, "I'm pretty sure Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima were supposed to meet up with Inasa tonight, maybe Camie too. They might get back together, and like that would be nice..."
“Oh Sero…”
“Why are you “Oh Sero-ing” me? They make each other happy, plus it’s not like I have a stake in this.”
“Sero, it’s okay you can admit you like him, who are we going to tell?” Momo asked gently placing her hand on his back. Sero couldn’t look at her so he just responded with, “He’s my friend. How many times do I have to say that? Of course I like him, but like just as a friend. I didn’t put him on the other list you guys did, anyway...” The girls gave him a look but Sero gave them his winning smile, “who is next in this crazy game or is that it?”
“Alright…” Mina hesitated, wanting so very desperately to make sure Sero was okay. Yeah they messed with each other a lot but Sero was family to her… but the boy was stubborn as hell so she just moved forward. “Okay! Oh god! Satou and Awase!”
“LOL nope. They’d like run out of things to talk about in 5 minutes or less, so is that it?”
“No! Now, we get to the really fun part.”
“The really fun part? Oh hell, the fuck is “the fun part.””
“Yup give me 6 random numbers 1-10.”
“Mina, you totally made this game up.”
“I DID NOT! You can ask Kirishima!! I swear! We played this in middle school all the time!!!”
“What hell dimension did you guys go to middle school???”
“Oh just come on!!! You’re taking forever!”
“Because you keep talking!”
“This is ridiculous,” said Momo, “Give me the notebook Mina I’ll do it from here.”
“Oh good idea he’ll answer you without a fuss.”
“I’m not making a fuss!”
“Kinda are.”
Sero rolled his eyes and gave the random numbers to Momo, “Ok what do I need to do now?”
“Answers these honestly AND you have to explain your answer.”
“Would you date Ojiro?”
“No, I mean he’s awesome but… it’s just… I know he has a crush on someone else and it would feel really weird if I went in there and asked him out. Like it just seems very inconsiderate and like… you know why bother asking a friend you know isn’t into you out? It will just wreck the friendship, and yeah, like who wants that, you know?”
There was a collective aw from all of the girls and Ochako reached out for Sero’s hand, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about feelings you may or may not have for someone?”
Sero sighed, “I appreciate your attempt at ambiguity Uraraka, but um, lol yeah we’re not going there, because there are only so many times I can tell you all he’s just a friend without taping you all to the ceiling.”
“Okay would you kiss...” Momo blinked before continuing. “Oh me!”
“I would.” Sero smiled and kissed Momo on the cheek.
Momo giggled, “Aw shucks Sero.”
He snorted, “Never say that again.”
“Yeah I regretted it the instant I said it, thank you for the kiss.” She playfully shoved his shoulder with his.
“Oh anytime lol.”
“Okay would you go to First Base with Natsuo.”
Sero’s eyes bugged out of his skull, “Nooooo. DEAR GOD NO! Like you guys said he’s like 4 years older! AND I DIDN’T  REALIZE IT WAS GONNA BE LIKE THIS!!!”
“Right well, now you know for next time.”
“What makes you think I’m ever playing this stupid game ever again?”
“Because it’s ridiculous, it’s fun, and again it will determine your soulmate!" Mina said in a sing-songy tone, "Now. Would you go to second base with Awase.”
Sero went pale as a sheet, looked away and mumbled out his answer.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I said… w-well, since it’s already happened I guess I gotta say yes.” Sero rubbed the back of his neck
“I’m so sorry, what?!?!!!?” They collectively screeched
“Uh. Details. Now. When the heck did this happen?!?!?!!!” Jirou demanded
"Ugh, ok... so... remember that time we had training with 2-b last trimester? The one off campus? We had that party? Awase and I got matched up for seven minutes in heaven and like neither of us had really kissed someone with tongue before… So like yeah we um started kissing and um then… u-um well... like we progressed to um making out and it was n-nice.” Sero swallowed hard, “And OK SURE maybe we got a little carried away in the moment—but like!!! IT WAS ONLY THAT LIKE ONE TIME AND NOTHING HAPPENED WE JUST MADE OUT and had somewanderinghands BUT NOTHING BELOW THE BELT!!!”
“Oh my god this makes so much sense now, you looked like a rumpled mess. Did you guys ever try dating after?” Momo pressed.
“W-we might have made out a couple more times, but that was it. There was kind of no romantic feels there, as much as I wanted there to be then I could have just moved on from–”
“From?” asked Jirou.
“Nothing, no one, it doesn’t matter. Next question?”
“Would you go to Third with HA omfg Shindou.”
“Well for one, ew no. You guys said he looks like me and I can’t ever unsee that and it’s so weird to think about now. And two, he is much of an asshole as he is amazing to look at, absolutely not. Can you imagine? He’d allude it to everyone anyway. Not say it outright because you know “his image™.”
“Oh god what a nightmare yeah, besides he doesn’t deserve you.”
“Awwwwwww Mina, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Uh-huh after you’re done torturing me that is.”
Mina gaped at him like he’d just slapped her, “RUDE.”
“Okay Sero, last one.” Momo laughed and then her eyes widened, “Oh my god. Okay just know that I did not do this on purpose. This is actually just who you got.”
“Would you go all the way with Todoroki?”
“Would you–
Sero blinked, and interrupted, “No, I’m not answering that. There is no right answer for that. If I say no, you’re going to say I’m in denial or some bullshit.”
“You are totally in denial,” said Mina.
Sero glared, at Mina before sighing, “And if I give you my logical answer, you’re gonna make a big deal out of it and I’d rather not do this. It’s–look can we just pretend that like I said whatever you want me to say and we can move onto the movie or something?”
“But after you finish this one then we calculate your “soulmate”, with you know science.” Jirou smiled
“Right. Science. Weren’t you the one to point out how BS this concept of “MASH science” is?”
“Well yeah but this is the last one and like we don’t mean to actually bother you about this.”
“Aw yeah, come on Sero, we promise we won’t make this into a big deal. Besides it’s not fun to poke fun if you’re not actually having fun ya know?” Mina gave a very OVER enthusiastic grin, which melted Sero’s misgivings
“Oh alright.” He took in a deep breath, and rubbed the back of his neck. “Hypothetically? I would–hypothetically–b-because we’re friends and I know he wouldn’t laugh at me, or make me feel more self conscious than I already am. And that yeah, it would be awkward as hell, and sure it would be ridiculous, but it would be like nice? I don’t know, I just trust him, and I think if hypothetically we would do that… then like it would maybe even be fun? Or… I don’t know I just can’t really see even saying yes to anyone but him...” When he looked up he saw the girls’ mouths gaping, and he instantly looked away completely missing the girls’ waving and signaling for him to STOP.
“I-It like wouldn’t be weird I guess? Again, like I trust him and I-I dunno. I just think going all the way with Todoroki would feel natural instead of… terrifying ya know? And--”
Finally Mina screeched, “HI TODOROKI HOW’RE YOU DOING?!”
Everyone went completely still as Sero turned around with a breakneck speed only to see that Todoroki was not in fact out with Kirishima, Bakugou, Camie and Inasa. He was instead, standing right behind him looking pretty bewildered slapped across his face. All that could be heard next was Sero softly uttering, “o-oh fuck.”
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