#over thy robot kingdom rule
It’s been a month and I’m still not over the Robot Prince of Auchtertool
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angus-mcfife-xiii · 1 year
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thegenderdruid · 6 months
in an effort to get more people to listen to my favorite band, Gloryhammer, here's a compilation of some of my favorite lines out of context from the latest album:
"The dying screams of a malevolent sorcerer materialized"
"Unto the wizard of ire"
"Masters of evil that come from the moon"
"It's the invocation of the thaumaturge"
"good for nothing goblonic asses"
"Sword Lord of the Goblin Horde"
"The cavern shakes with ancient crystal fire, so dire"
"I've seen it inside of my dreams, the Vorpal Laserblaster of Pittenweem!"
"Pathetic mortal scum"
"He's a sorcerer, nefarious"
"Mighty double wizard"
"Over thy robot kingdom rule"
"We'll conjoin ourselves at the brain"
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rebuiltbionicle · 6 years
Brotherhood of Makuta
The Brotherhood of Makuta was the organisation of which the Makuta species belonged and operated. The organisation was intended as a simple eco-scientist fraternity, but evolved out of necessity into a militarised peacekeeping force that kept increasing its own powers until it became caught up in its own sense of importance and attempted to replace Mata Nui as the supreme rulers of the universe.
After their creation, Mata Nui directed them to set up their home on an island of their choosing, to which they chose Destral. With help from Matoran labourers, the Makuta established their laboratories and set to work creating Rahi and flora. As their construction of the ecosystem took place, they visited many lands as they dispensed and updated Rahi Fabricators. This got them quickly acquainted to the political situation. As the political situation became untenable with the disbanding of the Hand of Artakha, the Makuta resolved to act as mediators through the universe.
With good intentions, Makuta Icarax and Mutran attempted to resolve trade disputes with Xia, which was price-gouging traders and blockading Metru Nui goods. The Makuta attempted to find a mutally beneficial situation, but the Vortixx were in a position where any compromise would be a loss, and stood their ground. Eventually the Vortixx attempted to have the Makuta forcibly evicted. Icarax lost his patience and leveled a Xian district. The Vortixx quickly lowered their prices and dropped the Metru Nui blockade.
The negotiations had taken some months, distracting Icarax and Mutran from their duties creating Rahi, and the violent outcome drove cynicism into many Makuta. Miserix resolved to begin creating an army for the Brotherhood to deal with violent disputes while diverting minimal attention from the Makuta. The army was largely composed of Rahkshi and Rahi, commanded by volunteer officers from across the universe. More servants would be added over the millennia.
Interventions by the Brotherhood remained few and far in between, and they remained mostly known as ecologists. This changed at the zenith of the League of the Six Kingdoms, which the Brotherhood had learned was preparing to overthrow Mata Nui.  Led by Makuta Teridax, the Brotherhood’s army, along with a legion of Toa, made a quick decisive invasion of Hagah Nui, seizing the League’s capital and taking the Barraki prisoner. Although the Barraki were whisked away by mysterious forces, the League was disbanded and the Makuta made themselves known as enforcers and peacekeepers.
The next test for the Makuta was the Matoran Civil War in Metru Nui. Attempts at mediation once again failed, and Makuta Teridax chose once again that a decisive singular battle was the solution. The resulting Archives Massacre terrified the Matoran back into line, and brought peace back to Metru Nui. It also destroyed the Makuta’s reputation in the city, and caused the Toa to begin recording information about the Brotherhood on the Makoki stone, in case the Makuta were to become corrupted.
After the Civil War, Miserix decided to focus the Brotherhood primarily on peacekeeping, and assigned the Makuta to various regions across the universe. Notably, Teridax was given Metru Nui, and Miserix as leader of the Brotherhood symbolically given Destral. The Makuta reacted to the assignments in various ways; some neglecting their charges, while others took serious interest in the politics of the universe. Despite Miserix’s intentions, this only served to further the growing ambitions of the Makuta. It was also at this time the Makuta began having Toa Hagah escort them.
Several Makuta, still taking the peacekeeping role with sincerity, began to report the presence of the Cult of Tren Krom, and while Miserix determined the Cult was harmless, they decided it was the Brotherhood’s duty to determine if Tren Krom himself was real and if he was a threat. The search took several years until Makuta Mutran was able to track Tren Krom done. The experience was traumatising, and left Mutran with a comprehension of the universe’s workings unprecedented in any of its biomechanical denizens.
Mutran relayed this information to Teridax, and from there the concept of truly overthrowing Mata Nui, as the Barraki had once tried, became a genuine possibility. Jaded by the growing instability of the universe in spite of the Makuta’s efforts, Teridax decided that absolute rule by the Makuta was a necessity.
Calling a Convocation, he unveiled his plan to the other Makuta. Miserix attempted to dissuade the Makuta from such a path, they saw it as simply a continuation of the policy of assigning them regions to overlook, and where confused why Miserix had such a problem. By popular vote, Miserix was deposed and Teridax installed as leader of the Brotherhood. Miserix was ordered executed, though Makuta Krika chose to simply imprison him in the Southern Lands. The Brotherhood claimed Miserix was killed in an accident. The Makuta that had sided with Miserix were slowly picked off in the following years, also made to look like accidents.
The Brotherhood began preparing to take over the universe. They began increasing their military power, including increasing the Rahkshi population and having robotic legions constructed. The Visorak horde and the disastrous Skakdi experiment occurred during this era. The Makuta manipulated the universe’s politics into a far more hostile one to justify the military buildup. They also began sponsoring mining projects across the Southern Continent as a veiled attempt to locate Karda Nui.
This process was briefly interrupted by the Makuta’s surprise mutation into fluidic lifeforms, which necessitated an upgrade to their armour to accommodate their new forms.
The Makuta orchestrated the Toa decline. Initially an attempt to purge Toa of Iron and Magnetism that would be a threat to their armour, after purchasing the Makoki stone from the Dark Hunters, the Makuta determined the Toa to be their biggest threat and orchestrated a decline as a species. Toa teams would be wiped out by events that took them by surprise or were more threatening than they anticipated. Zyglak uprisings and Rahi swarms (including the Visorak) dented the Toa population, and public faith in the Toa waned. By the time the Makuta uprising began in earnest, there were less than a hundred Toa left.
Learning of Artakha’s creation of the Kanohi Avokhii, Makuta Kojol led an invasion of the island. The Avokhii was seized, but the invasion force suffered almost total losses, and the Brotherhood’s malevolence exposed to several groups. Over the course of the next few months, the Time Slip occurred. While the Makuta were able to resist attempts to recover the Avokhii, their memories of Artakha’s location and all their maps were wiped. Kojol was assassinated by Artakha. The Order of Mata Nui took the time to spread Av-Matoran across the universe as a contingency against further Brotherhood hostility. At the end of the event, the entire universe’s memories for the last few months were wiped. The Brotherhood discovered Kojol and a few legions missing, their maps (and the rest of the universes’) altered, and a strange Kanohi in their possession.
It was eventually extrapolated that they had attacked Artakha. Teridax’s Toa Hagah discovered this and led a rebellion against the Brotherhood. One of the Brotherhood’s officers, a Xian named Roodaka, mutated them into the Rahaga, but the Rahagah were able to escape with the Avokhii and the Makoki stone anyway. After that event, the Makuta re-evaluated the role of the Toa Hagah. They became the test subjects for the draining of light from beings, eventually creating a Kra-Toa army.
Teridax eventually implemented his plan, poisoning Mata Nui and covertly taking control of Metru Nui. Mata Nui was plunged into slumber, causing the Great Cataclysm. Teridax experience a setback with the local Toa, and required the Visorak horde to occupy Metru Nui. The situation in Metru Nui rapidly became untenable, culminating in the loss of the Horde and open war with the Dark Hunters, but Teridax telepathically assured the Brotherhood that they should proceed with the plan.
Karda Nui was discovered, and a Makuta strike team led by Antroz invaded and began subverting the Matoran there. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood began expanding under false pretenses: under Icarax the war with the Dark Hunters proved a perfect cover for military conquest with good PR, while the Brotherhood used rebuilding efforts from the Great Cataclysm to expand as well. Once thy had established a suitable foothold, the pretense was dropped and the Brotherhood’s armies made their earnest attempt to conquer the universe.
It was at this time the Order of Mata Nui chose to reveal themselves and declare war on the Brotherhood. The Order did not have a formal military, but waged war using alliances with the Dark Hunters, a unified Skakdi army, and the resurgent Barraki. The Brotherhood was taken by surprise and lost much of its footing, especially since Icarax withdrew to Karda Nui and Teridax was lurking in the Great Spirit Robot’s brain.
The Order lured the Brotherhood’s army into a trap at Metru Nui, and local uprisings were dislodging Brotherhood control. The Toa Nuva were able to reawaken Mata Nui, the Makuta in Karda Nui wiped out by the energy storms, and the armies of the Brotherhood were in disarray. However, Makuta Teridax had supplanted his spirit for Mata Nui’s, and effectively became the universe.
The war was swiftly over the in the Makuta’s favour, though the nature of the Brotherhood radically changed from thereon. Teridax had all his fellow Makuta reduced to living Kraata factories until he figured out how to make the GSR make them itself, after which he killed the Makuta. With only himself and Miserix left, the Brotherhood as a fraternity of the Makuta ceased to exist.
The Brotherhood’s servants continued to exist, and became the occupying force through which Teridax maintained his rule. The officers, still loyal though rather shaken by the turn of events, became puppet rulers across the universe. They waged a war against the guerilla resistance during the Reign of Shadows , and attempted to prevent the universal evacuation during the Battle of Bara Magna.
After Teridax’s death there ceased to be a functional Brotherhood. The armies largely reverted to a primal state, while the officers joined the evacuation. Some were caught and made to face trial. Others have successfully faded into society unrecognised, and others have fled, attempting to join the Dark Hunters or other disreputable organisations.
Miserix has expressed interest in creating new Makuta and recreating the Brotherhood in its original, passive form. Nobody is particularly comfortable with the idea.
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ajourneythroughtime · 6 years
Keep in mind, this is about the time commercial air travel began as well...
And NO, I am not saying that space is fake. Any ignorant being can easily jump to an instant polarity. If that is your thought process, then you are entangled within this dualist snare that is so difficult for us humans to exceed due to our linear thinking. Clearly space is all around us. It’s what we exist in and move through right here, right now.
It’s a realm. The answers are all around you. Symbolism too. Sit back with your instant opinions and judgments and begin to observe without your emotional, reactive mind and things will fall right into place.
We’re about to move to the next dimension, that seems to be quite accurate. Put on some VR googles and you might be able to add more than just one dimension. Look... all we’re doing is putting on more clothing, adding to the layers of confusion. (This meat puppet is one of them.)
We blast forward without even thinking or understanding the core of our being. The WHY’s behind EVERYTHING that we do. Just flowing with the stream of society and the majority. Follow the Script... You could spend 20 years growing up and learning about this world and then another 60 into understanding your deeper motives and you wouldn’t even begin to scratch the surface of your true motives. Not to mention the layers of the mind that we’re only beginning to understand.
How’s that for space!? The mind, tell me where that fucker is located huh??
You don’t even have any idea where that is, do you? Yet.. It’s the very basis and quantum core of every single thing you (think you) are and do! It’s the beginning of all creation--for humans at least. Every awesome thing that you are aware of today is because somebody thought of it--First. All creation begins in the mind. Yet we still don’t know where that motherfucker is. How ironic...
Humans didn’t know that we were naked until the serpent pointed it out. Since then we’ve been piling on the layers of clothing, masks, and attachments that we think are us. (Well, you, as an individual. Us as a collective. Thanks einstein for your keys to relativity & perspective.)
My point is that space is real. But what the fuck does real even mean??
Thinking that we knew or had any legitimate logic to our reasoning was our first mistake. Real? C’mon. We come into this blank slate and just get plastered with fucking insanity. Ideas, beliefs, morals of all sizes and colors rape our virgin entrance into the world and by the time we might be able to even begin to have the ability to think for ourselves--it’s already too fucking late. Those ideologies and rules are ingrained images straight into our subconscious.
So it’s the undoing that need be done...
We build on to this thing wayyyy faster than we can comprehend. Hell, we can’t even focus for more than a couple minutes. We’re confused, distracted, and everywhere but here and now. Congratulations. We are the zombies. But fuck we love those movies don’t we? The truth in plain sight...
So it’s the undoing that need be done...
Programmed to consume. Programmed to FEAR. Conditioned to obey.
So it’s the undoing that need be done...
Shadow work should be your core. Explore your very own darkness. Quantum should be your lack of entanglement. Yes, You are Good. Yes, You are Evil. Relative. Your Mom. Your Dad. Keys to the serpent.
Why did you do those things that you don’t like about yourself? Why do you keep following routines and falling back into old habits? Are you a robot?? What makes you different, human? Oh yeah, you’re psecial?
Waiting for Heaven? ...you don’t even know what that looks like, do you?
It’s like when you find the perfect job, right? Except you start it and then you begin to pick it apart.
Or how about that perfect lady friend? That cute guy you’ve always dreamed of? Yeah, they were great. Until you started to judge and point out the things that your perfect self didn’t like. Huh.
Maybe that perfect car or house?? Yeah, nobody ever told you about all those things that were wrong with them, did they!?!?!
HEAVEN is a place that humans are destined to chase throughout the end of time. Do you know why? Because we can’t make up our minds. No-thing is ever good enough because we’re judgmental pricks. The purpose of your life and being is whatever you believe it to be. Well, until of course--it’s not enough. Main point here is that it doesn’t matter. Go ahead and try and swallow that for a minute or hour or day. Can you imagine how many couldn’t handle such a truth? It also does matter as much as you want it to. Whatever you need to hold on to for your own sense of security and well-being.
Take the angels for example. The Deathbringer that killed the Creator. Thy Kingdom Come(s). They have been trying soooo hard to create that perfection. Except it doesn’t ever turn out as they imagined. There just always seems to be a...glitch. Hmmm...They hijacked (lots of hacking news lately..) the core code and have been searching #SPACE for eons. That’s why all of these realms were created. Yet, still, perfection seems to elude it’s creation and Creator. Why is that?
Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to create a heaven for all of humanity?? And that is why we are lost in the abyss of creation. Fighting over all of abundance for a taste of our own sanity and selfish desires.
We build up just to have it all come crashing down.
That’s Gravity, folks.
And THAT, is why it’s called Falling In Love.
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lewisgabriel84z31 · 7 years
Know Your Customer: Are we in the 21st Century Yet?
Know Your Customer: Are we in the 21st Century Yet?
  Know thy neighbor   People have not always needed to formally verify each other’s identity – throughout human history, when people mostly stayed within their own communities, it was enough that other residents knew them. But the world is not static – over time, with advancements in science and technology, populations have grown beyond self-contained communities, and everyone has become increasingly mobile. As a result, other forms of identification became required for people to know who is passing through their territory. This is why passports and other forms of identification papers were introduced several hundred years ago. These documents were not unified, and each country issued (and still issues) them in its own fashion. But today, we live in an online world that is becoming progressively more complex– and in this new reality, methods of identification must be standardized and streamlined to be useful globally.   The issue of identity verification has gradually become an important and urgent problem. To be able to use certain services – especially financial services, which have always been the driver of major changes – a person’s identity needs to be properly, securely, and definitively verified. Existing systems are cumbersome and technologically outdated. For a regular person in this global digital world, the idea of taking the time to physically go to the bank to present her papers seems absurd – if we can connect with just about anyone in the world within seconds, broadcast our location within 10 feet, and stream live videos of incredible quality, surely there must be an easier and better way to confirm one’s identity.   The need for a better solution   Today, the requirement to verify a person’s identity is pervasive – wherever we go, we have to produce various IDs, passwords, tickets, etc. to prove that we are indeed who we claim to be. The frequent need to undergo this procedure results in wasted time, costs and problem-solving, and a lost bank PIN code can cost you dearly.   “People are quickly coming to realize that there is a need for systemic solutions, which should first of all work for them, saving time, money and energy,” says Sergei Bekrenev, Co-Founder of KYC.LEGAL, a project working on developing the right solution. “What needs to be done is clear: we need to create and implement a secure, universal, and user-friendly digital verification and authentication system, which will meet the needs of both users and service providers.”   How other people do it   Digitizing identification information and automating verification processes will allow all of us to dramatically improve the reliability, speed, and affordability of personal identification. Even the United Nations is advocating for the digitization of identifying information, including birth records, and urges national governments to digitize civil registration and vital statistics by 2030.   The concept of digital identification started to develop from two different sources –government-run initiatives and private systems. This division was not accidental: government-run digital ID systems perform primarily a utility function that meets the needs of the state, and its set of values for verification is quite different from the needs of businesses to verify personal information .   According to KYC.LEGAL Co-Founder Daniil Rausov, “There is still no consensus in the world concerning the solutions that would combine the benefits of government-run and private digital identification systems, and this is due to the differences between originally set goals. We proceeded from the assumption that it was possible to evaluate the best solutions developed by each of these branches and create something comprehensive and useful for all involved.”   State-run digital identification systems are being actively implemented all over the European Union: for instance, the United Kingdom is developing its National DNA database, Estonia is issuing electronic IDs bearing a person’s signature, and Italy is introducing new electronic biometric documents. The European Union ensures member states’ mutual acknowledgment of digital IDs via its eID system.   The U.S. is developing a unified digital ID system which is intended to combine all important information about residents and replace drivers’ licenses, social security numbers, etc. Russia uses the Unified system of Identification and Authentication. Accounts in this system may be considered a de facto digital passport identifying a user in electronic interactions with governmental agencies.   Also well known are business identification systems, such as Microsoft’s Windows Live ID and Apple ID which rely on fingerprint ID, while UBER uses facial recognition to verify its drivers.   India chose an interesting synergistic digital ID path. In 2009, the Indian government established a special authority, the UIDAI, which was tasked with introducing Aadhaar – a unique ID number for every resident of the country. Aadhaar has now become a fully functional digital means of identification widely used both for interacting with state authorities and in people’s daily lives. In its first year, Aadhaar saved the government over $1.5 billion just in fuel costs!   “The example of Aadhaar brilliantly illustrates the positive effects of introducing digital ID systems for business interests: $1.5 billion in added efficiency from using an electronic KYC system – and that’s just in microlending,” says David Drake, blockchain and fintech expert and President of Soho Loft Media Group.   One of the most impressive identification and verification scalability solutions introduced to date was presented by the team of KYC.LEGAL, which is developing an electronic KYC system based on a distributed ledger (blockchain) platform. Unlike their Indian colleagues, the project primarily focuses on the interaction between private users and agencies, although the system is well suited to be used in a much wider range of scenarios. The use of blockchain technology makes it extremely secure, reliable and user-friendly.   What does the law say?   Contemporary international law does not mandate a standard for state-of-the-art digital ID and civil registration technologies used by national governments or private companies. Neither does it define any special rights to digital identity. However, the law of multiple jurisdictions does protect each person’s personal data. Specifically, the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data signed on January 28, 1981 in Strasbourg requires member states “to secure in the territory of each Party for every individual, whatever his nationality or residence, respect for his rights and fundamental freedoms, and in particular his right to privacy, with regard to automatic processing of personal data relating to him.”   The European Court of Human Rights has noted that disputes concerning the names and last names of individuals are also subject to Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ETS № 5) (Rome, November 04, 1950).   In contemporary law, the concept of personal data is defined broadly, and the term can mean any information on a defined or definable individual (“data subject”). In other words, any handling of data from the person’s digital profile without the owner’s express consent violates her rights. And if the owner consents to having her data handled as part of Big Data, the legal meaning of personal data protection gets completely lost.   “There is a clear inconsistency between the existing provisions of international, not even mentioning national, laws, and the current state of technological development and social relationships. There is no ultimate answer to this problem, as the issue is still being defined within the context of administration of law, from one complex case to the other,” says Vladimir Annikov, an innovative projects expert at the European Legal Service.   Where are we going?   In August 2016, experts comprising the International Economic Forum’s working group released a report titled “Blueprint of Digital Identity”, in which they indicated several potential e-KYC development models. In one of these, platforms developed by the business community which operate in accordance with certain rules and standards act as digital identification providers. Blockchain technology has now made the creation and operation of such platforms feasible.   In the nearest future, the market should expect certain standards to be established for the financial sector’s user interface platforms. We are seeing the World Bank already pursuing this development trajectory.   The example of India is a prime example of the beneficial convergence between private and state-run digital ID systems, which captivated the attention of numerous national governments. At this junction, it appears reasonable to expect other unification measures to follow.   In the near future, some experts predict we can expect to see the emergence of a verifiable “digital personhood,” the rights to which will belong to actual individual owning the identity. And it is possible to imagine that groups of collective users or even robots like the recently introduced Sophia may acquire their own distinct digital personhoods.
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