#overall though i tend to forget this ep exists haha
pinazee · 5 months
Woman seeking dead husband, smokers okay, no pets (what a title but also this woman is a monster. Smokers okay but no pets??)
Genuinely has one of my fave psychic Shawn moments. Cause the guy is all prove it (threatening) how many fingers am i holding up? I meaaannn, 1. Thats how you want him to prove hes psychic?? 2. The look on Gus’s face when he shifted in front of him and he could see how many fingers now was priceless!
The beginning of Gus’s very questionable taste in women. They’re either the murderer or absolutely unhinged
The outtakes in this ep where james is just riffing- i genuinely think he’s a very talented person. He’s got the comedy chops for sure but I also watched him in A Million Little Things too and he did a phenomenal job dramatically (his character made me cry all the goddamn time). You can definitely tell where james influence comes in, as he tends to be a bit more mature.
Sidenote: I know its a family show but i would have loved to let our cast curse. I feel like shawn would actually cuss very little but it would always serve a purpose (usually to make someone laugh). Gus would curse only under his breath, and typically directed at Shawn. Lassiter is a free curser, letting the fucks fly as they please. Juliet privately curses like a sailor but she’s not very good at hiding it. Henry and Karen are both too professional to curse but both will let it rip when shit hits the fan.
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