#idk what that says about us as a society haha
pinazee · 5 months
Woman seeking dead husband, smokers okay, no pets (what a title but also this woman is a monster. Smokers okay but no pets??)
Genuinely has one of my fave psychic Shawn moments. Cause the guy is all prove it (threatening) how many fingers am i holding up? I meaaannn, 1. Thats how you want him to prove hes psychic?? 2. The look on Gus’s face when he shifted in front of him and he could see how many fingers now was priceless!
The beginning of Gus’s very questionable taste in women. They’re either the murderer or absolutely unhinged
The outtakes in this ep where james is just riffing- i genuinely think he’s a very talented person. He’s got the comedy chops for sure but I also watched him in A Million Little Things too and he did a phenomenal job dramatically (his character made me cry all the goddamn time). You can definitely tell where james influence comes in, as he tends to be a bit more mature.
Sidenote: I know its a family show but i would have loved to let our cast curse. I feel like shawn would actually cuss very little but it would always serve a purpose (usually to make someone laugh). Gus would curse only under his breath, and typically directed at Shawn. Lassiter is a free curser, letting the fucks fly as they please. Juliet privately curses like a sailor but she’s not very good at hiding it. Henry and Karen are both too professional to curse but both will let it rip when shit hits the fan.
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fairuzfan · 6 months
shalom sister. i love your blog and your writing. reading your posts always fills me with fire, i can tell you have a good heart. donating to your campaign makes me feel so good because i trust you and truly you are doing gds work. anyway i wanted to ask you a question!
when i hear new things from gaza, stories of hamas doing X and IOF doing Y, i ask around and i’m not sure what parts of that story is true, if any. anyway idk what to believe all i know is that israel is committing acts of genocide and while the rest of the world is allowing this greatest evil, israel pretends that to be jewish is to be a colonizer. anyway some of my family are zionists, but i cannot sway them because they only know farsi persian and hebrew, aka only trust extremely biased sources.
anyway i am fluent in english farsi and hebrew but my arabic is trash ): so i feel like i can’t get the full picture from palestinians. all i can read are bonkers iranian papers and the disgusting zionist articles, it’s horrible because i know they’re both lying, just about different things. a palestinian opinion is the only opinion i care about right now! anyway it got me thinking. i just wanted to know if you have tips for verifying online research? or go-to non arabic websites? or even a translation app haha. i just want my family to see the truth!
shalom! thank you so much for reaching out, i really appreciate it.
personally, i use different sources for different material. i use middle east eye (specifically maha hussaini) and also mahmoud abusalama for videos of what it's like in the north. i use the electronic intifada interview podcasts to learn about specific things happening (i just finished watching this one about the collapse of healthcare in gaza). i would check out @northgazaupdates on here too. there's euromedmonitor as well.
and really, there are a lot of diaspora palestinians who are relaying what their family tells them, and they post on twitter a lot. someone i know does this is samah fadil. there's also @el-shab-hussein who translates things from Mona. here's mohammad smiry who is in gaza and tweets primarily in english. dr. mustafa elmasri also tweets in english too.
i would use al-jazeera, i have a fact checking guide here about any news source really. i don't use it as much but there's also the palestine chronicle. sometimes i use quds news network.
i really don't know much about hebrew media so i can't really tell you about sources i recommend there. i don't know if @bringmemyrocks or @rodeodeparis can perhaps provide some input?
i will say, if you're looking for hebrew palestinian media, i dont think there's too much because there's a ridiculous amount of censorship in '48 right now (honestly it's been going on for years atp) but what a lot of palestinians are doing is relying on internal networks. if you want, there are some israeli historians like Ilan Pappe and Avi Shlaim but I'm not sure if they write in hebrew. but they for sure write in english and provide a historical perspective from within israeli society itself.
this is what comes to mind rn honestly, but i haven't even touched on instagram because i haven't been on it in a while. i might add on later if i remember any really vital ones that i recommend.
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
What do you think of Slade and Dick’s relationship ok the comics? Dick somewhat killed his first child, was friends with his second and mentored his third so idk about you but I’d feel like Slade would have some pretty twisted feelings towards him by then even without the whole apprenticeship thing
It's weird? I can't really pin it down because Slade and Dick are kinda everything. They're enemies, allies, friends, as well as mentor and student. Dick is the one that Slade is closest to in the entire family. They're so close that Bruce actually called Dick to ask him for information about Slade.
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #7
"Dick--I need information. Tell me about Deathstroke. I remembered you fought against him several times...as well as fighting alongside him recently."
Bruce...do you need that calming tea because you're mad at criminals or because you're mad that Dick had dealings with Deathstroke?
Anyways, after Bruce hangs up on Dick, guess who Dick calls?
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #7
Who also lies to Adeline about someone calling Slade because she's mad at him.
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #7
So Dick and Slade have a tight mutual enemies but also friends relationship. And this was after joey died.
After Grant died, Slade was furious at the Titans and hated them for a while
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #2
He then uses this hate to plan and trap the Titans into the way of a specialized bomb but the titans escape. Afterwards comes the Judas Contract where he tries to kill all of them but fails.
However between Grant's death and the formation of Nightwing in Judas contract there's a very important scene between Dick and Slade. Even though Slade hates the Titans and blames from for Grant's passing, he still respects Dick an incredible amount. A year after Grant dies, Slade seeks out Dick individually.
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Deathstroke (2016) Issue #19
So basically he finds out about Rose and the first thing he does is dump her on Dick. This ties into Dick's comic Renegade era because Dick as Robin has trained Rose when she was a kid in the rights and wrongs and how to be a good person but Slade as usual has the conscience of a goldfish so he changed his mind after he grew a little more separated after Grant's death. He now decided to push Rose into his ways.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #112
Instead of morals, he now wants Dick to teach her skills, tactics, and fighting techniques because even at his maddest moments, Slade has always respected Dick.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #80
The change from Slade asking Dick to teach Rose only his moral to teaching her his everything is a testament to how much Dick has grown from Robin to Nightwing. One of the most formidable villains ever is asking his long time enemy to teach his daughter. That's-there aren't enough words to express the weight of these scenes.
So Slade heavily respects Dick. He actually respects him the most out of the family despite what happened with Grant.
He respects Dick so much he was absolutely furious at Dick that he got himself shot and got amnesia.
How do we know this? It came out against his fight with Batman.
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Batman Secret Files Issue #3
Wait, who's the great man that lost everything?
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Batman Secret Files Issue #3
"You're going to got try and kidnap somebody you think I care about. So get to it. What do you think you can offer me? Why would I say yes?"
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Batman Secret Files Issue #3
He got himself involved so he could control the damage without seeming like he cares too much because he has a reputation to upkeep.
Slade really cares about Dick.
That's not to say he doesn't hate Dick at times. When Dick turned his daughter away from him, he got so furious he made a society of supervillains just to bomb Bludhaven. His rage was explosive (haha). He even used Damian to get to Dick.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
Talia gets it.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
But at this point Dick's just like seriously? screw off.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
At this point Dick literally doesn't give a shit-he's just so done with everything.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
Going back to post Grant's death, Slade still kinda sees himself as a mentor or like an older friend to Dick.
After the JL failed to contain Deathstroke, the Titans had to step in and Slade's thoughts about Dick are so funny
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #14
More than hating each other, it's more like Slade is a nuisance to Dick and he really only acts out when he thinks Dick's taken away one of his kids. They have a really long and complex history where their stories are deeply interwoven with each other. Dick has influenced the pivotal moments of Slade's life and Slade has done the same to Dick.
This moment from their team up in the Titans (1999) comic explains their dynamic best
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Titans (1999) Issue #10
Dick keeps all of Slade's stuff to study but treats him with a healthy amount of suspicion while still helping him out and being on opposite sides.
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Titans (1999) Issue #10
Dick is sort of responsible for Grant's death, yes, but also Dick is Joey's best friend, Rose's second parent, allies with Wintergree, and helped save Adeline. He's involved with Slade's entire family.
Yeah Slade's feelings toward Dick are pretty confusing but I guess you can think of Slade's relationship with him as Slade's hero confidant. He also feels some sort of responsibility over Dick which is weird. Their history is too tight and closely connected for Slade to ever permanently hate Dick but his bouts of rage mainly come from him feeling betrayed by Dick.
Overall, Slade just wants Dick's attention, and Dick for the most part just wants Slade to stop pestering him.
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forecast0ctopus · 7 months
Any advice on drawing McCoy? I’m not used to drawing ancient wrinkley bastards (affectionate) and it’s surprisingly tough v-v
FOR SURE lmao i made. a diagram. just a warning that i am going to be irritating and long winded because u just hit a topic i really like sorry lmao
so first off i did some traces just to show whats there vs redraws to show my interpretation
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ive said this on other asks but again jsyk, tracing isnt bad!! its a tool. theres some stuff with intellectual property and whatnot but using tracing to study shapes and forms is a really valuable practice.
also just taking some time to learn facial structures and anatomy is super useful, reading what bones and muscles are where and how they interact with one another. taking this info and staring in the mirror and moving your face around and thinking about it. just really furthers understanding of how the face works. trying to sound normal about this but i love anatomy and motion and physics and whatever
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anyways im going to go through all the numbered points so there's no confusion. 1. forehead lines - self explanatory. more prominent when brows are raised 2. crows feet - at the outer corners of the eyes, more prominent when smiling or squinting 3. nasolabial folds - the folds that go from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. more prominent when the mouth is wide, like smiling 4. brow furrow - self explanatory, most prominent when brows are furrowed. mccoy tends to have two right next to his eyebrows, kirk has one in the middle. everyones face works different lmao 5. chin crease - caused by how the chin and lower lip interact. 6. nasojugal groove - start from the inner corners of the eye and can extent over the cheeks. everyone has these and idk why people dont like them i think theyre really cool!!!! but Society. i guess. :/ 7. eye bags - caused by the skin sagging beneath the eyes. mccoy isnt even that old in tos i think hes meant to be mid 40s by the end of the 5 year mission, hes just got really prominent eye bags lmao 8. idk what the name is for these, but when the mouth is wide and pushes the skin to the sides, these folds sometimes form outside of the nasolabial folds 9. philtrum - the groove above the upper lip. i dont usually draw this but mccoy's struck me as prominent enough that i usually draw it on him 10. masseter - the muscle that moves the jaw up and down. its a pretty rugged muscle and while i wouldnt say mccoy's is especially prominent, it kind of extends that nasojugal groove from certain angles/positions 11. orbicularis oris - mouth muscle, usually easier to see when lips are pursed or frowns are pulled. mccoy's is pretty prominent from 3/4ths or side, his mouth tends to protrude in profile 12. this isnt a muscle but more of a line defining the planes of the face, but since i drew it i felt i should explain lmao
a few points:
im an animator i tend to exaggerate and emphasize certain things so i usually make him more square.
i like to combine eyebags and crows feet for brevity/flow, same with nasojugal grooves, eyebags, and masseter lines. my approach is always subject to change based on pose, expression, reference image, etc.
i take out details that i deem redundant or cluttering and keep what details i need to make things feel Right
all this info is applicable to any character of any age, its just in how you apply it and facial proportions that willl change how old a character is perceived to be
there's a lot more with drawing a Character rather than an Actor, just because the features are there doesnt necessarily mean things will feel correct? its very much in the mannerisms and poses and expressions
i only went over my approach to his likeness but not really body type or posing or anything idk if u want that i could always try to answer that later haha
anyways all that info kind of exists nebulously in my brain while i draw its not like im sitting there thinking Must Draw. Nasolabial Fold...... i jsut do what feels right with the visual info i have. also i love specificity in faces.... i dont like to be a hater but when every character is drawn the same it pisses me off a little lmao. so
also dont take my word as The Only Way to do anything i just draw how i like to draw and no one should feel like these are things that Must be done to be a good artist or anything do whatever the hell u wanna do
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makingqueerhistory · 9 months
For the AMA: I've sent this before but idk if it's lost to time due to not being during an AMA so I'm sending it again, sorry if that's annoying!
Anyways do you know about the Queer Zine Archive (QZAP)? https://archive.qzap.org/index.php/Splash/Index . I forgot what else I said last time but I just got really into making zines in, like, November of 2023 so I have soooo many links about zines now haha, and I've made so many, and I think they're really neat! And I think people should know about this aspect of history. Many public and academic libraries have zine collections now, and you can find queer zines in them b/c the whole Thing with zines is that they're self-published and free of censorship b/c of that.
Have a great day, I love what you're doing and I direct people your way when they ask me about queer history! <3
I was just editing our tatiana de la tierra article, and I found this quote from Sara Gregory: “Zines matter to marginalized folk because they offer alternative, non-hierarchical spaces of healing, resistance, and knowledge. They respond to wider cultural and institutional ills with creative, radical, and celebratory fragments of truth. For queers, women, gender non-conforming folk, and POC (none of which are mutually exclusive) they creative and force open what is never offered in wider society: accurate, multiplicitous, and contradictory representations of lives lived in the margins. Zine culture resists and replaces the heterosexism, racism, ableism, and xenophobia around us with creativity, celebration, and survival strategies.”
And it got me really into the idea of making my own zine, so I am likely going to do that soon. All of this to say, this ask has perfect timing, and I can't wait to explore this resource!
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barrenclan · 3 months
Chonny Jash's cover of The Moss seems very patfw-core to me. I think someone's brought it up before but I'd like to specifically point out some of the new/changed lyrics that I think fit
But everything you see isn't everything that is
Every thing you think to be, every thought you can't dismiss
The lives we try to lead and the time we try to give
Well it's all a fallacy, we continue to relive
^ Cats like Pinepaw and Rainhaze's curiosity about what's beyond Barrenclan territory, how cats like Cootstorm try to discourage that type of thinking and how their actions unintentionally lead them to their fates. Also very cyclecore
And every thing will live, just as every thing will die
Every foe that you forgive, and every friend that you deny
Every single first hello, and every single last goodbye
Every smile that you show, every tear that you hide
^ In my head I'm picturing an amv/pmv and for this part I'm very much imagining a sort of slideshow section about contrasts and various events: Barrenclan/Defiance, Rainhaze and Ranger/Rainhaze and Asphodelpaw, Pinepaw and Saturn/Pinepaw and Wild Rose, Slugpelt and Cashew/Slugpelt and Dustfeather. Idk if that makes sense
Well, legend has it that we're all just doomed
And we've ruined our society
Well, legend has it that we dug our tomb
Which we'll lie in for all eternity
^ Barrenclan's whole staying as punishment for their cowardice ideology
Well legend has it that, the world once knew a whole palette of lovely blues and greens
Well legend has it that, our corpses lie a foundation of insincerity
^ what Barrenclan's territory used to be - blue and green - and what it is now - on a foundation of corpses
*Attempts to Jashify Raz* *Attempts to Jashify Raz* *Attempts to Jashify Raz—
I've seen a lot of people in the server talking about Chonny Jash, he seems pretty fun. But if I'm honest, I'm more of a Johnny Cash fan. :P
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Ooh, yes! You've targeted me with a TMBG suggestion, I actually went ahead and added "Don't Let's Start" to the playlist but I love this song too.
Even when you're out of work you still have a job to do Even when you don't know what it is Your job knows what it is What it is is it's coming to get you
And when you wake up you can feel your hair grow Crawl out of your cave and you can watch your shadow Creep across the ground until the day is done All the while the planet circles 'round the sun
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Haha, that is funny irony. But I agree with you! Isn't it interesting how despite being named that way, "Defiance" doesn't allow any of its members to defy Deepdark?
Compliance We just need your compliance You will feel no pain anymore No more defiance
Fall into line, you will do as you're told No choice fatigue, your blood is running cold We lose control, the world will fall apart Love of your life will mend your broken heart
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Will Wood is ever-popular, of course, though I never got really into him. I can see this is as a Pinepaw song!
All nightmares start as dreams and I hear my subconscious screaming They say that beauty's just skin deep So naturally, please show me your
Bones, bones, bones, let me see your bones Well, I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone If I come home, baby, will you show your bones?
They say that beauty's just skin deep So Ana stands and rends the rancid meat from her
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Oh... Rainhaze and Slugpelt song.
Are you dead or are you sleepin'? Are you dead or are you sleepin'? God, I sure hope you are dead
Well, you disappeared so often like you dissolved into coffee Are you here right now, or are there probably fossils under your meat?
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Defiance song! Spefically, I could see it as from Ranger/broader Defiance's perspective as he navigates the group.
We're at a revolution And we're baying for your blood We're laying down the law And your name's mud
Cause you say you fight for us Cross your heart and hope to die You're the bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry
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Oh yeah, I remember this song from the IncuriousCat PMV. I like it! "Nowhere King" is also a Deepdark song, so that creepy children's song-esque music does fit with the series. If anyone wanted to edit together a trailer it'd be cool!
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Perfect. No notes.
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Actually, someone's already made a PMV to the comic with the song! You can check it out here.
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I don't think it's been suggested yet! It's a Pinepaw song, of course.
I'll cut my hair (Ooh) to make you stare (Ooh) I'll hide my chest And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
I can't really think right now and this place Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead 'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
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nyerus · 1 year
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts about classism in TGCF, but specifically regarding XL. It surprised me to see people hating on XL for not knowing or doing better during his teenage years of luxury as the crown prince and making XL a complete villain because he didn't take down classism and restructure society despite still being a kid himself. It struck me as odd that the fandom is well aware of his 800 years in poverty but also not really addressing the fact that XL, too, is a victim of classism albeit a little different from someone like MQ.
Hi there! So sorry it's taken me this long to get to this ask, I've just been in sort of a funk for a few days haha.
But yeah, this is definitely a topic that comes up from time to time, with lots of discussion about. It surprises me that despite that, there are still people (maybe just newer fans? idk) who still hate on Xie Lian for his naive views as a 17yo. Especially since, despite being a naive 17yo, he still really wanted to help people less fortunate than himself. He didn't quite understand how to do this in the most effective ways (because he was a teenager), so it came off as somewhat patronizing as he was a person in a position of power compared to everyone else. Yet his desire to help people was genuine, and he didn't personally think of "common folk" as being any lesser than "royalty" -- even though in this case, there kind of literally was a difference. (E.g. when Lang Ying goes from being a commoner to a king, he gets a "kingly aura" that protects him!) So it's honestly kind of incredible that Xie Lian is willing to say things like "I think people are equal, even gods and humans, and if the Heavens disagree with me, then it's the Heavens that are wrong" with his entire heart.
I imagine a large part of the hate Xie Lian gets from certain fans is jealousy or resentment, due to the fact that Xie Lian was "born privileged." But on it's own, "privilege" is not "the great enemy" -- it's what said privilege means in the context of society, and what someone does/doesn't do with it that merits judgement. Xie Lian doesn't fully understand the privilege he had until he loses it (again: because he was 17!), but he still understood it enough to use it to protect and help people. That's more than many other characters can say. Him starting out as a prince doesn't automatically disqualify him from class struggles or the horrors of poverty. It's nonsensical to think so, when this is a character who literally spent almost 800 years busking for scraps, while sleeping in dirt outside and eating garbage….
On the flip side, as you mentioned Mu Qing -- yes, he was a victim of classism. But he's a very strange figure to use as the poster boy for that, though he often is by people who are critical of Xie Lian. This may be a controversial take, despite it being something I think that makes the character of Mu Qing really interesting: but he's a very "typical" guy within the concept of classism. He's someone who started off with a bad lot, but then ended up ascending to the highest point you pretty much can in that world/society. Which is great! He did that through hard work, and it paid off! But now, since he got his "happy ending," that's kind of it for him. He doesn't do anything to materially improve the lives of those less fortunate, especially those he has no personal connection with. This doesn't make him a bad person -- it's not really his job to that, even as a god. He's a martial god, so he's there to subdue threats and all that. Yet you can clearly see, that's exactly the type of person society values because such "rags to riches" stories give legitimacy to the whole system, and because they don't rock the boat once they're on top.
So then it's odd to be angry at Xie Lian but not Mu Qing (or others) for the lack of some "grand revolution" that some readers seem to want.
Ironically, Xie Lian used what power he had to try and help people -- and he was worse off for it. If he had done nothing, he would have been able to live a happy and carefree life. He would have lived and died as a rich prince/king with no troubles. Like, that's the point! The societies we live in punish those who want to broadly help others or make meaningful change, while rewarding those who quietly play the game for themselves -- because it helps keep the wheels turning. It doesn't matter at "what end" of the spectrum you start out on, the rules apply the same way. If you go against the establishment, there's a price to be paid.
Throughout Xie Lian's long journey, he learns this lesson the hard way. And the fact that in order to change it, he would somehow have to change the hearts and minds of pretty much everyone -- which is an impossible ask. How is he even supposed to that, or restructure society as a whole, without vast amounts of collateral damage? In the end, Xie Lian discovers that he was not wrong in his desire to help people, even if he cannot help everyone. He can still help people he meets in whatever ways he can, and that is still important. To show kindness, mercy, and empathy towards your fellow man is worth it. Helping your neighbors or complete strangers you meet once and then never again -- all that is still worth it.
I wish I had the time to sit down and really talk about this in a more organized way, but these disjointed thoughts are all I can manage at the moment! I hope it was still valuable to you in some way, and thank you for sending in the ask!
(Also, I recently reblogged a post that talked about something similar if you wanna check it out, Anon. It's right under the manhua highlights I think!)
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
You know what I don’t like about buddie? That it makes 3/5 of the main characters lgbtq and they’re coworkers. I’m bi and I can tell you that’s horribly unrealistic to have majority lgbtq folks in a work setting. At my last job, there were 4 out lgbtq people out of the 90-100 that worked there. Idk. That probably doesn’t make any sense. But it takes me out of the story a bit.
Hey nonnie. As another queer person, I do understand what you’re saying. However, I don’t think for me personally it reads very unrealistic. First off, 9-1-1 is not the most realistic show in existence. But also, I think the ratio of queer people in general society is becoming more common. More labels are coming out (haha) and also general acceptance (at least in the US) has gotten a lot better (not perfect, barely even good, but better). It might be unrealistic to have such an overwhelming ratio, but I think more people finding themselves within the community or being less afraid to be themselves (like Tommy) is less uncommon than one would think.
Also, perspectively speaking, there aren’t only five people on shift technically. It’s a larger firehouse, we just focus on five in particular.
Not trying to discount what you’re saying, nonnie, just countering it a bit.
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serenpedac · 3 months
With golden string
Since I finally made a personal astronomy tag a while ago, it seemed about time to make an actual post with N-related astronomy thoughts. Most of this has been shared before, but it's nice to have it all in one place.
Going to start nearby, because the sun is one of the first things that come to mind for me when thinking of N. I say “for me”, but I've seen N be compared to the sun/sunlight a lot, so I'm far from the only one, haha. They radiate such warmth, with their open affection and their genuine smiles.
Despite how open they are about their feelings, whether they are romanced or a friend, they do keep their past, their trauma (their tier X ability) close to themselves. There are layers there, underneath their kind, warm exterior! Also here, the comparison to the sun is very apt, because that sunlight that warms us here on Earth comes only from the sun's outermost layer. Before a photon can escape the sun, it has been emitted, absorbed and re-emitted countless of times in the dense layers hidden underneath.
What I love about this is how it's not darkness that is hidden, but it's heat, something turbulent, something intense. And that again fits N's intensity so so well. (Okay, that one might be stretching it but, idk, there's something there)
Something more related to N's own life is how during N's existence, the universe has become so much larger. Yes, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto have been discovered after they were born, but there's also the discovery that galaxies exist outside of our Milky Way. Although it was already hypothesized in 1755 by Kant (yes, the Kant) that the Milky Way is one of many galaxies, it wasn't until the 1910s-1920s that his was confirmed by measurements. Before this time, it, just like the other galaxies that had been observed, was thought to be a “nebula” located within the outskirts of the MW. As it turned out, the blurry appearance was because those objects were so very distant, yet large enough to be observed.
Nate would have been familiar with the stars and constellations from navigating at sea, and I can't help but think that Nat would also have loved looking at the stars, learning the constellations as she learned the myths associated with them. Maybe little N used to look up at night and forget about their issues with their health as they marvelled at the immensity of that starry sky. To then learn, lifetimes later, that some of those objects they thought they knew are entire other galaxies, to learn that the universe is even larger than than they thought, larger than they could have ever dreamed of, would that have inspired that same sense of awe they had as a child?
I'm being entirely self-indulgent here, but I like to think that N does enjoy following discoveries in science over the years, despite their dislike of modern technology. Maybe more so in the past, attending gatherings of academic societies in coffee houses (yes, this is me hinting at my own fic, but I'm also thinking about this ask that said N might have been a college professor in an alternate universe). So, I can see them following these theories, seeing some disproven, while others turn out to be correct, and let themselves be amazed at it all. And in that amazement, they might once more feel so very close to the humans they share it with, because what does it matter whether you're a vampire or a human in the context of the entire universe? Here I have to credit the most wonderful @evilbunnyking, who worded this sentiment beautifully: “Not understanding the technology but the moment! To experience that! How alive it is to feel with all other human beings!”
These discoveries don't change everyday life, but I wonder if it changes how we think about ourselves, about our place in it all. Oh, what I wouldn't give to hear N's thoughts on this!
The title is from Sun by Sleeping At Last
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badaziraphaletakes · 4 months
In which some poor innocent unsuspecting reader submitted an ask and I respond by throwing an entire textbook at them
Like seriously i won’t even be upset if no one reads this PhD dissertation, like actually what is wrong with me omg
The ask:
I want to start by saying I love this account and really appreciate the rebuttals I see here to some of the messed up stuff the fandom’s spit out over the past few years. That being said, the most recent post about “the creepiest take you’ve ever seen,” was one I disagreed with strongly. It’s entirely normal to enjoy watching media where characters have breakdowns. It is not a desire to see a person breakdown. It is a desire to watch a good story.
(Edit: Just realized I somehow omitted to include the full text of the ask here. I apologize for the error! Will fix it soon. -Mod X)
My response:
Hi and thank you for your kind words! (Also idk why there is this huge gap in the text here, sorry haha!) If it were a necessary part of the story, or a part of the story that made sense, I would agree. But it’s not necessary (esp not at this point in the story) and therefore wouldn’t be “good”, if we are defining good art as being emotional truthful, which I imagine is a pretty uncontroversial definition.
Side note: We already saw him have this exact shattering breakdown in Uz. So that renders most of what I am about to say (and arguably some of what you have said) somewhat moot. But I’m going to continue anyway because some of the points brought up here touch on issues that I think bear re-visiting often.
It’s cathartic, it’s engaging, and it helps people who’ve been through the same thing see themselves reflected. For example, I like watching someone on tv hit rock bottom with their addiction because I’ve been through that, and seeing them finally realize they have to work on recovery and actually do it is motivating and empowering.
I’m so sorry you’ve been through that. I haven’t (although I am estranged from an entire side of my family due to alcoholism and meth addiction, which is a whole fun thing), so I can’t comment on this too much.
But addiction is not the same as an ab*sive relationship. (I do have knowledge of those, both from life experience and from my previous job in ab*se research. I edited a newsletter about family violence research for several years.) Seeing a person suffering from addiction realize they want to work on recovery, and realize that the substance they are addicted to is messing up their life, can make sense. Especially if they're in a place where they're able to work on it and have the opportunity to try to change.
But seeing an ab*se survivor “realize they need to get away from their ab*ser because they’re evil and have a breakdown about it” doesn’t make sense, because being trapped in an absive situation is not about “motivation” or what they think about the abser or even, really, about "empowerment". (Side note that word is thrown a lot to delude women into thinking our capitalist system is working for us rather than oppressing us. But I digress.) It boils down to the fact that they are in danger if they leave. The situation is not within their control.
(This next part is not directed at you, but at the general readership, in case this is helpful discussion for anyone: A lot of addictions aren’t within people's control at all either. It depends very much on the drug we’re talking about, the health of the individual, the quantity and duration of the addiction, whether the person has access to the healthcare they need to be cured, and whether there’s a way for them to get free from the broader societal dysfunctions that led to them being trapped in this situation in the first place.)
Also, with addiction, people can absolutely get past that without losing their sense of self and their identity. If they go through that kind of crisis in the process of healing from addiction, I would argue that something is very wrong. (Not with them, but with the society around them). In a best-case scenario, a person suffering from addiction would have access to the kind of mental and physical healthcare and support system that lets you get free from that without a shattering breakdown or loss of sense of self.
Besides, not everyone who has an addiction has toxic beliefs about themselves or their own identity or other people, etc etc. (Babies who are born addicted come to mind, if we want to talk about the most extreme example.) So I find the idea that addiction is down to toxic beliefs about one's self very suspect. I would argue that 95% of the time, addiction happens because your life sucks. The mental health community is starting to have this conversation about depression and anxiety - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to work on one's "limiting beliefs" and "destructive thought patterns" can only do so much to help you feel better when your whole life is shit anyway. And it can actually make it WORSE if the victim is made to believe that their depression is the fault of their "Faulty thoughts" rather than a reasonable reaction to a shitty situation. Not necessarily saying we should throw CBT out the window altogether, but I am saying that mental healthcare will be a LOT more effective when it learns to truly take the broader societal context into account. I suspect, I hope, we'll soon be having a simialr conversation around addiction.)
And that’s doubly the case for ab*se survivors. They’re not stuck in that situation because there’s something wrong with them that they need to fix. They’re stuck in that situation because there’s something wrong with the ab*ser.
Regardless of the victim’s personal worth as an individual, regardless of whether they’re a good person or what-have-you, they don’t deserve to be ab*sed.
(I'm just waiting to hear about how some therapist tells a victim to work on their "limiting belief" that they need to stay with their ab*ser in order not to be killed, and/or tells them that fearing their ab*ser will kill them is a "cognitive distortion", and tells them to stand up to their ab*ser and/or leave, and then the ab*ser kills them. But I digress.)
And the loss of self when separating from a toxic system that’s defined your whole life is a real thing some people go through. It’s not bad consider that Aziraphale could also go through that, or to want to see that experience reflected.
I want to be very clear that I don’t have the smallest objection to people wanting to see that in a show. But a. that’s not what the person was saying, and b. they were also saying it’s necessary. IT’S NOT. I can’t emphasize this enough.
Loss of self is the worst-case scenario for how something like that goes. Nothing good comes from that. That is a side effect of ab*se (because the ab*ser’s the one who says that “Everything you are is bound up in me and you’re nothing with me"), not an integral part of the process of getting away.
Trauma is not necessary for character growth.
The way these things should go is that the person is able to gradually and mindfully work through the beliefs that are poisoning them with the help of a therapist, trusted friends, etc.
I know what I’m talking about. I worked in trauma research for over seven years. Please trust me on this one.
And again, Aziraphale can’t “separate” from them anyway. There’s nowhere he can go where they won’t find him. So his beliefs are irrelevant to his situation. And if the show implies that his beliefs “need to change” as part of the earth being set free from heaven-hell’s tyranny, or that he “needs to change” in order to be free, I will be writing a strongly-worded letter to the creators.
But more importantly, *they didn’t just say giddy.* They also said apprehensive. Perhaps they’re apprehensive because they know it could be painful to watch. Or because they don’t want to see it handled poorly.
“Giddily apprehensive” sounds an awful lot like “excited” to me. I admit it is ambiguous, though, so I’ll give you that one. I maintain that the OP expressed themselves with an exceptional lack of grace, however. And fwiw, they’d be FAR from the first person to want to see Aziraphale suffer because they are mad at him. I think I have good reason to believe that's what they're getting at here, given how many people in the poster's orbit say the same kinds of things and how many other things I've seen the OP say that are along those lines. I acknowledge I should have made that clearer in my original post.
They aren’t giving this advice (if one could call it that) to a human. They’re saying they’re excited to see a character breakdown. Character arcs like that are common and enticing for good reason.
I have yet to see a reason why I should believe that the things people say about Aziraphale are different than the things they say about people in real life.
I would point you to a couple lines down where you say yourself that we respond to characters the same way we respond to real people.
Personal growth ≠ character growth.
But what makes a good character is that they act like real people.
As an audience, character growth (even negative) is engaging.
Yes, absolutely. But we can absolutely do character growth in a way that does not spread harmful mindsets or misinformation about what ab*se and recovery from ab*se looks like. In fact, I would argue that character growth can’t happen if the writer doesn’t write the characters to behave in a way that is realistic to real life.
Characters follow the same rules, though. We respond to characters the same way we respond to real people. The same general rules of personal development and so forth apply.
The idea that “Aziraphale realizes his ab*sers are terrible” is something he needs to do for his “personal development” is highly objectionable. He doesn’t need to grow in this area. He just needs his ab*sers to leave him alone. Side note: We should give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he already does think they’re terrible and only stays with them because he is terrified. Even if this hadn’t been strongly and frequently hinted at in every episode going all the way back to S1E1 - almost every scene, in fact - we should still give him the benefit of the doubt.
Also, even if we say, for the sake of argument, that Aziraphale was a terrible, awful, horrible person - I know you’re not saying that, to be clear - even then, he still wouldn’t “need to realize his ab*sers are terrible” or “have a complete breakdown” or “lose himself” in order to grow. That's not how growth works. The best growth happens when people are at peace and safe and loved. Not frightened and confused and alone. He never chose them in the first place, he never wanted to be on their side. If he were left alone, he would just spend the rest of eternity reading his books and eating Eccles cakes and snuggling with his former-demon. That’s who he really is. There’s nothing about him as a person that needs to change. I agree a story where a person loses their sense of self after escaping from an ab*sive system would be interesting to watch, but I maintain that it does not make sense for the context of this particular story. And, such a story would NEED to make clear that the person wasn’t bad or wrong for deriving some part of their sense of self from the ab*ser and that they shouldn’t have had to have a catastrophic breakdown in order to develop their own sense of self. No one should have to go through that.
It’s not the same thing as asking for personal growth from a real human being.
Good characters do not operate according to different emotional and psychological rules than we do, though. If they didn't, we wouldn’t have millions of people sobbing about how real Aziraphale and Crowley feel to them. We would be the biggest dodos in the world if we were reacting this way to paper dolls 😄
Comparing the desire to see a character go through a dramatic storyline like that (and to come out of it strong and shining) to fundamentalist rhetoric is… just total bullshit.
You said this blog has been a good place for you and I want it to continue to be that way for you. So I want to give you a chance to revisit this part and see if you can say something more constructive. Because I've gotta admit, this really made me upset and I can't let it go without saying something. It’s not cool to call someone’s commentary “bullsh*t” like this.
I heard the line “we must die to ourselves” many, many times from the high-control religion of my childhood. It is a classic cult line. Hence why so many cults have "burial and rebirth" rituals, make people change their names, etc.
I am not just making up a comparison. This is a real phenomenon. Controlling ab*sers are the ones who’ve given us this idea that “death of the self” is character growth. It’s not. Character growth happens in spite of those excruciating emotional crises, not because of them.
Growing as a person is supposed to feel good overall. Not always easy, but on the whole, it should be a positive experience.
Also - Again, they said he “needs” to do it.
And they didn’t say anything about Aziraphale “coming out strong and shining”. You added that in. I think it's wonderful that you want to see that for him (so do I) but that’s not what this person was saying
If they'd said that, I wouldn't object to it at all. But they didn't. That part was left out. Which I think may be very telling in itself.
There are a myriad of reasons someone could have that desire, including having gone through something similar themselves.
Having gone through something similar doesn’t necessarily mean it makes sense for another character. It also doesn’t mean it’s necessary. And having been through something that went a certain way does NOT mean that it happening that way makes sense for someone else.
Deconstruction from a religious upbringing is different from leaving an ab*sive relationship
Aziraphale doesn’t have religious trauma. (I’m not going to talk much about religious trauma and deconstruction here, because it’s outside the scope of this blog, largely because - as attested by no less an authority than Neil Himself - Good Omens is not about religion. But I’ll say a little bit.)
Heaven and hell are not a “religion” in his world - they’re real. His fear of hell (and of heaven) is absolutely, one hundred percent, completely legitimate and appropriate, and NOT something he should be “reasoned” out of. Saying otherwise gives “your ab*ser isn’t actually that evil and scary”. But regardless, in either scenario, that kind of traumatic personal crisis is not a necessary part of the healing process. My heart aches for all the people whose deconstruction process was emotionally shattering. But what makes it ache even more is how for so many of them, the takeaway is somehow that that kind of crisis is necessary - rather than "dear god, i hope no one else ever has to go through that kind of hideous experience to get away from their shitty religion", which surely is what the takeaway should be (assuming there even is a lesson to be learned at all from an experience like that, which is doubtful) - and they go on to demand it of other survivors and gatekeep against people who haven't gone through the exact same thing they did in the process of getting away.
How, HOW did we get to a point where so many people’s deconstruction is a fucked-up, scarring experience that we think it’s inevitable for deconstruction to be that way????? I grieve.
I know the idea of killing one’s old self is inherently wrong to many people.
It’s not about whether it’s *wrong*. If that's valid for someone and they get where they need to be - you do you. It’s about the fact that it’s painful and it’s unnecessary to the process of growth.
Furthermore, it is the kind of thing ab*sers WANT to see happen to their victims when they leave. They want victims to think that they have to have that kind of crisis if they want to leave them. Because then they’re less likely to leave. When we encourage that kind of thinking, we are playing directly into their hands.
What should happen is that the victim should be given the opportunity to realize that all along there was much more to them than their ab*ser.
I don’t personally desire to watch Aziraphale do that, especially because there are so many wonderful aspects of the Angel he’s been since the beginning
But fwiw, this is giving a faint whiff of perfect victim syndrome. Even if he were an asshole, he still deserves to just have his ab*sers leave him alone, not to have some kind of shattering, soul-crushing emotional breakdown. They will always, always be worse than him.
but it’s not wrong to want to see that. People do go through it, and their stories are incredibly compelling.
I don’t disagree. For me it’s rather about the place this is coming from. OP was saying it’s necessary. There’s a difference between wanting to see a show address this issue overall because it’s interesting, and demanding that a specific character go through it because you think it’s necessary, or that their process of leaving and healing won't be legitimate (or whatever word we wanna use) if it doesn't happen.
And, as you said, it doesn’t make sense for Aziraphale. If the character is an asshole, I’d be able to see it a little more (although again, I still very much question the entire idea in the first place) But he's not an asshole. I find anyone’s thinking it “makes sense” for him to be highly questionable.
I know Aziraphale is much more than a character to many people
Speaking as a (very, very, very slightly, lol) professional writer and actor - every character should be “more than a character”, if they’re well-written. They should feel real if the writer and/or actor has done their job well. I like NG's line that "If you write someone who is utterly and completely themselves, you get people coming up to you and going 'Oh my God, you wrote my life!'
a desire to watch him go through a psychological breakdown is not some poorly concealed desire to watch real people go through that.
It may or may not be. I agree that it isn't always.
In this person’s case, though, I very much did get concerning vibes. Poorly concealed. (As an ab*se survivor, you start to know the vibe of victim-blamers after awhile.)
Regardless, though, the way we respond to characters is the way we respond to people in real life. Story is a primary vehicle through which people learn how to interact with one another and their environment. If it wasn’t, discussing media along these lines would be pointless, and I'd just spend all my time talking about how good David Tennant looks in those tight pants 😁 Or, probably, I would take up a different hobby altogether.
I wouldn’t have wasted my time starting this blog if the things people say about this story and especially about Aziraphale didn’t have real-world applications (not to mention making a lot of ab*se survivors feel very unsafe in the fandom - before we turned off anonymous asks, I got an average of two messages a day from ab*se survivors and other oppressed people telling them how this blog has made them feel so much safer in the fandom) - and if their views about the characters didn’t mirror the kinds of things they’d say about people in real life. (All the anti-Aziraphale autiphobic takes come to mind.) I flatter myself I have enough judgment that those takes wouldn't have troubled me so deeply if they weren't reflective of real-world societal problems and indicative of problematic attitudes in the people who write them.
In this case, the wording is identical to the kinds of problematic things people say about real-life victims/survivors. Yes, the person may not actually consciously want (or want at all) to see real-life ab*se victims/survivors suffer. But I absolutely, one hundred per cent guarantee you that anyone saying this has some major problematic biases/assumptions that are contributing to how ab*se survivors are maligned, degraded, and oppressed in our society. (I never want to see Disabled people suffer, but if I say ableist things, I’m contributing to it whether I mean to or not. I may not want to see women suffer, I am a woman, well more or less anyway lol, and I've identified as a feminist my entire adult life, but nevertheless there have certainly been times in the past when I've said sexist things. It's something all of us will always have to be vigilant against in ourselves. I suspect at this point I'm preaching to the choir, because you do not strike me at all as a bigoted or ignorant person, but I figured I'd re-iterate all that again anyway, because screaming it through a megaphone as often as possible is what this blog is for lol. :)
And what’s worse, they are spreading that rhetoric. I’ll be damned if I’ll let it go by without saying something.
Hope this makes sense and cleared some things up.
With love and respect,
Mod X.
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magicaii · 4 months
Need a spinneraki non-villain au where both of them are shut in losers. Like, shuichi is a college drop out who’s been a NEET for the past two years and has convinced himself that he will never fit into society so why even bothering trying and doesn’t even care enough to outside anymore and tomura never made it to college at all and just lives off of his rich dad’s (afo) income as he does nothing but stay home to game and browse the internet all day cause he’s addicted to league of legends and he’s a closet scaly.
so imagine tomura and shuichi meeting cause they ended up in the same game because tenko misclicked and chose the wrong tier, and because he’s a bit of a toxic gamer, when he notices shuichi’s character choice he turns on vc just to say, “seriously? fucking zilean in the jungle? you’re never gonna make it out of iron asshole” and he only said it be to be dick and ruin some guy’s day, but he actually ends up advising the guy to choose a better character because he’s weirdly innocent and clueless for a league of legends player and it completely takes tomura aback. he finds out the guy is a complete newbie, which kinda explains it.
and during the game, spinner (his online name) keeps asking him questions since he’s apparently just decided that tomura has signed up to be his guide. and tomura kinda just goes along with it, and they’re the only two talking in vc anyway, although he’s far from nice about it. (think: what the fuck? USE YOUR SKILL or SUPPORT ME IN TOP LANE IDIOT)
so after the game tomura is about to move on with his day but then spinner sends him a friend request and he’s like ??? why does this weirdo think I’d wanna be his friend. but the request comes with a message and it says “haha thx for the help today? I’m kinda new at this… wld appreciate some more guidance n stuff… hope I can be as good as u someday lolz” and now tomura is half convinced this guy is just a fucking troll or something, cause there’s just no way. but what the fuck else is he doing anyway? so they exchange discords to chat.
spinner is strange. sometimes spinner will say things like “why is everyone so nasty in this game :((” and tomura will be genuinely confused because?? everyone knows league of legends is a toxic cesspool?? one day he finally asks what spinner’s deal is and why he started playing, and spinner goes “well tbh I was looking for friends”. tomura just deadpans that he’s definitely looking for them in the wrong place. spinners like, “I thought it would be easy to talk to people since there’s a voice chat but turns out people just use it to yell at each other and get into arguments. why would anyone do that lol, crazy” tomura just pauses cause he doesn’t really know, either. he’s been getting into arguments with random people in voice chat for years, it’s practically become a routine at this point, but he never stopped to think about it much. it’s pretty much become his only source of social interaction apart from his dad. with a pit in his stomach, he just replies “maybe they’re lonely.”
sometimes weird background sounds will come out of tomura’s mic, and spinner, after a while, finally asks, “so I’ve been wondering for a while. sometimes it sounds like someone is being murdered in your basement, what is that” and tomura’s like “oh don’t mind that lmao, it’s just my dad. he’s an investment banker or some shit and he gets fucking tilted at the stock market. idk I mostly tune it out now” and spinner just goes really quiet and says “umm. ok!”
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Further Hazbin Hotel lore/worldbuilding : Tech demons/ Vox-like demons
A/N This is hella disorganised because I'm just kinda rambling my thoughts on stuff so yeah. I was reading back on stuff I wrote and just thunk a really fucked up thought about Vox. Idk how to label this properly - I'll say it's crossed haha.
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In Hazbin Hotel, there don't seem to be any demons who are much like Vox (what I refer to as tech demons). This could be because they just haven't been shown - which fair enough.
BUT. What if it's something else?
What if the reason why there aren't any/ many tech demons in hell is because they end up getting chopped up and sold for parts to places like Voxtek or to Carmine's weapon industry?
I mean, think about it.
With the progression of things like social media and how often people use devices in society, you'd think that there would way more demons who are like Vox. So like, why aren't there?
Also, there would be a lot of money in that. Hell is ever changing, and people want to get ahead and protect themselves in whatever way they can, so of course, everyone's going to be fighting to try to keep up to stay alive.
I was looking back at stuff, and this ask really stuck out to me and now i have an extra fucked up headcanon to boot. I mentioned that Vox can't be upgraded in some regards (at least in my headcanon here), and that pisses him off. I say it has angst potential. BUT.
What if the reason why tech demons like himself don't exist/ keep getting torn up is also because he specifically CALLS for them to be destroyed?
Vox doesn't want to be replaced by some newer, shinier model. He's from the 50's, and there are certain things about himself he will never be able to fully adapt in some ways.
There's surely going to be/ has been demons like Vox who are far more recent who are just as or even more capable. So where are they? Why has he stayed the only dominant technology based overlord when there would be demons falling into hell after things in the living world have surely allowed for demons who are higher tech than he could ever be?
I think it's because he is so insecure and deranged about this that he not only has his company purchase dismembered tech demons for his work but actually calls for people to actually kill them.
I'm talking straight up advertises everywhere how much his people will pay for tech demons for experimentation upon them so that he doesn't have competition.
I can also see him having full groups of people working to find them as they show up in hell. He would be terrified of being replaced by someone new. Someone better than he is. So he wants any demons who are technology based/AI-like in any way to be killed as soon as possible so they don't have any time to form a presence at all.
So yeah, now I'm thinking about Vox personally seeing to it that demons like him - who would logically understand him and be able to connect with him in ways other demons cannot - are put down and him getting a sadistic as fuck power trip off of it like: "you're supposed to be better then me yet you're getting fucking killed fucking loser LMAO"
I can see him sitting his broadcast room after hours watching footage of that shit happening and laughing like it's prime entertainment.
Maybe he'd even broadcast it as such himself.
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Okay time for the liveblogging of real life in order (liveblogging life SMP call that lifeblogging) I have never done this b4 be easy on me
I've already watched his perspective at like 5 in the morning but heyyyyy nothing wrong with rewatching with added non sleep deprived commentary but also not really memories of what I originally thought watching this too :^))
I remember being so stunned they called it real life and the anatomically correct heart 🫀tickled my funny bone heeheehoo hahaha
Thought when grian said replay 3rd life I thought they'd reenact it 😭
We live in a society taxes man (I could ramble about it)
has anyone fell over btw?
No lie that B can BIG
Reminds me of slimecicle jshitt and traves VR Minecraft where Travis got progressively shorter what a laugh
Does Scott ever see his scream
Is it take the Mick or take the nick love that idiom
Scar looks like a child doing that thing
Awww hug
scar take the headset off dzuh 🫀🫀🫀
Grian literally me balance issues
I called it, scar would say he's American 😎
I'm eating dinner while watching this at the same time what fun w
Giran called solidaritygaming jimmy no way + he died first fr this time + loud "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Perfectly timed his mic peaking is iconic
Ha haa!
He ear him bread
Really putting the mine in craft for Minecraft
reminds me of secret life EP 4 and scar is sweaty
*scar noises*
How did scar drop his phone???
Check your wrist? More like check your a- (tom cardy référence)
I love the way VR makes you hit stuff goofy
Can you run in game if you irl
(watch him die)
Haha he died
Why Jim is he sabotaging him
Jim Jim Jim gym gym
Doesn't Jim die here oh LMFAO he does
Jimmy you are famous to me
(scout voice) Chicken
How did scar die???
I love how vr makes them expressive Jim pointing to village house is so funny
There's only one bed
Wtf is happening in top right corner in 9min 30 sec
Ayyyyy there's grian the maniac love the casual position of the arms
Last life you can join me moment
Grian gaslighting
Jimmy you wanna dance quote of the year
PvP is so silly
Skizz is fighting a losing battle Jim killed him icon
I love how grian and Jim's yells overlap there's probably something music theory there idk
Awww scar he's so funny
Go pick him up from daycare haha
Facing away from the camera we live in a society
OHHHHH impulse big smart man Jimmy's arm movements are so smooth it's solly
Jimmy immediately leaving for fish cocomelon brain I agree
Love the arm movements
Lol they actually like down
It's okay grian scuffed is worth celebrating
Has anyone layed on their side
Friend just texted me about my monologue what am I doing man I have an audition tomorrow
Anyway Minecraft vr
The lying down model inventory so goofy
Rewatching the bread scene no wonder tumblr loves it looks like Jim jam actually has a mouth 👄
Impulsesv guess the build sheep flashbacks
Best sleepover
Polyamorous tony (died)
Sleepover reminds me of crazy Christmas w/gem and pearl
Grown men learn how to close doors
Minecraft fatshaming grian smh my head
Man thought it was more than Joel there + o2 max(xing) scar love it (i use maxxing ironically) (it's such a stupid suffix to me linguistically funny) (I hate incels) (don't cancel me tumblr) (I love all genders)
Two steps: die, and die
Jimmy isn't on fire??
Casual "it burns so much!" Love it
Wait right Jim still has a wooden sword
Joel Joel Joel Joel you know that one part in waiting for Godot where they just go back and forth in saying aideu yeah
So silly
Jim saying get in British people man
"noffing" - joel is it a British thing
Love Joel screaming he's so malding
Just remembered how scary heights are in VR because I thought for a second "why don't they jump down? are they stupid?" (Meme Reference) (Didn't actually think that) ("Stupid" is kinda stupid but I digress)
Boob stroke
Does scar enjoy the swimming
Why *does* swimming cause motion sickness anyway
Why bucket scar (this is a bucket)
Brain eating amoeba
Love Grian's arm movements I really did thonk Jim was gonna win for the funnies
He says come here weirdly
The joy of killing
Is Jim punching
It's okay hiking simulation
Go Jim go what a gamer boy
I remember the triple dog door dugout is like... Gem's? Joel's? Uhhhh I fotgor
Concussion era
Fresh meat
I just love their dynamics
JIM STOP SOUNDING LIKE THAT it's like his eyes are 🥺 and his mouth is boowomp spongebob like he's got tears in eyes scrimblo sounding ass
Ohhh there's my favourite theatre kids
Joel saying boys make me happy
Wait that can misinterpreted
Joel saying "boys" sounds pleasant to my ears
I remember watching this part and going GRIAN FIRST OUT HUH???
awww the funnies
Love the way gem says "we're the last Grians. Grians? Greens!" It's like... Spunky
Grian falling reminds me of my scuffed keyboard when it registers a button press as a hold and then I like never stop walking right *sigh*
The downward spiral by nine inch nials
Ascending is TRUE watcher lore
Oh the music is so cute
Bye scar! Bye Joel!
Okay never let me liveblog cook again i kinda listened to the vid instead of watching reading this does not make sense to anyone but me reference hell half formulated thoughts RIP BOZO HAHA
Maybe I'll like do it in 5 mins chunks for JJJJJJoel and the next ones onward I spent like an hour on this wayyyyy too long for incomplete sentences
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star-girl69 · 17 days
ok y’all mind if i vent for a second too bad you’re listening anyways
so like my ap chemistry class is literal hell. i love chemistry bc i’m a loser and i think it’s so fun and GOD i love organic chemistry my heart BROKE when i found out we don’t do any in ap but it’s okay anyways i love chemistry
and my teacher is super chill i love him
but like….. my fellow peers are not very fun! two instances:
i think i already talked about this one but basically we have to get into groups of like 4 i go up to this group of three one of the girls gets up to get something from her bag or smth and i ask “hey can i be in your group?” so one girl is gone, one of them doesn’t even look up at me to answer, and the other looks at me says “ummmm” looks around the room and sees that all the other groups are full and then the teacher said to start so i just sat down
anyways that was embarrassing as shit
and then the two girls across from me (the one who got up and the one who said umm) didn’t even let me and the girl who didn’t say anything participate in the activity i was like girl bffr 😭😭😭😭
ok second instance is that we had to do this lab and he tells us to get into groups of 2-3 or we can work by ourselves so my sorry ass just goes to an empty lab bench and works by myself 😭 bro that was embarrassing as shit i cant
like i mean it was fine tbh and i kinda like working alone but just i was the ONLY ONE working alone omg hell
okay and then this is unrelated to ap chem but basically i’m in my school’s national honor society YIPPEE!!!! and i’m the only person in like any of my friend groups to get in!!!! haha!!!!! ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD YOU JUST NEED A 93 GPA OR ABOVE LIKE I CANT anyways.
so i KINDA know two people who are also in it but like we’re just friends not even best friends yk
so we have to get into these groups of 6 for the next meeting so we can carve pumpkins or smth idk and well…. both of those people i kinda know they ofc are in groups with their besties!!!! their groups are both full!!!! so now idrk what to do 😭 i think i’m just going to tell the advisor i cant make it to that meeting and then i’ll do my own community service on the side or whatever i have to do
anyways thanks for listening to me yap
moral of the story i have no friends but it’s ok it is what it is 😜
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sashiavi · 3 days
Just wanted to say whenever I'm reading your hybrid bachelors posts I can't help but read with a completely normal human reader in mind and it's kinda funny bcs I imagine that only Stardew Valley has hybrid people so the reader didn't know about the existence of hybrids before moving there and is just this big supernatural revelation to her that she just has to deal with now.
Not only that but she also somehow started dating one of the hybrids (idk who would be more surprised here, she that is dating an hybrid person or the bachelor who somehow got a human for a mate) and doesn't know shit about them so when her lover is talking about common stuff about hybrids like it's basic knowledge she is just like "yes honey I totally knew that and didn't just learn about it right now😎"
And OMG when she first hears about ruts and is just like "what...😃" mildly stunned, possibly turned on, perhaps intrigued. Girly is going through emotions and is definetly enjoying them. Her being curious and getting used to the hybrid bits of their body, ears, tails, etc. Getting used to their stamina and libido too bcs omg..
The uncertainty if she can have his kids or not, and if yes would they be hybrids or fully humans? Would there be any complications? Can you imagine how much more protective they would get over their human lover😮‍💨
Also exploring a bit the angst, imagine her being insecure/anxious about not being a good mate since she is a human and doesn't know what the fuck she is doing, so she goes to the bachelorettes for advice on how to be a good mate and tries to act on their advice. And when he notices it he just reassures her that she doesn't need to pretend like that with him bcs he chose her as a human<3
Sorry for rambling too much I just couldn't help it😣
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Ahh! Never apologize for rambling! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts ♡♡
Gosh I got carried away- maybe I ought to write up some headcannons sometime... tysm for talking to me :3
Yes to all of this oh my goodness.. Truthfully I haven't properly sat down and thought of the SDV Hybrid world~ I totally agree with all of this!
I usually write with either a Human or some ambiguous Hybrid reader in mind (as open ended as I can be haha)
I can imagine in the big city like Zuzu there's a bit of a mix and mingle of Hybrids and Humans alike, maybe even Humans outweighing the population by a lot but Hybrids do definitely exist somewhere within the world. I also feel like there could be some semi-recent political issues about Hybrids and their place in society... and maybe a lack of education surrounding them - Heat/Rut cycles and such.
Pelican Town is a very Hybrid-Dense area in the Valley, I can imagine the townsfolk being a little weary initially with the new Human Farmer move-in.
I can imagine some shocks~
Cat!Sebastian has quite a rough tongue..
Puppy!Sam shows his emotions through his ears and tail.
Goat!Harvey has a nervous warbling "bahh" and sometimes gets the urge to headbutt things.
Or the fact that many seem to have a very keen sense of smell is something you have to get used to.
One thing for sure is they're all fiercely protective and doting if you're with child. I think there would be a 50/50 chance of inheriting Hybrid!Features.
I usually imagine them to have human bodies with added ears, tails, horns etc and maybe a change with their cocks hehe.. especially if they're a Wolf or Puppy- Knot! Knot! Knot!
Regardless- Doting, nesting, protecting, guarding- gosh all of it!
Even if it may be a little unconventional to you.. Cat!Seb or Bear!Shane licking you as a form of comfort- maybe a little weird at first but maybe you grow to like it.
Puppy!Sam or Bunny!Elliott making a comfy nest of blankets and pillows for you to snuggle up in- nice, safe, quiet and cozy for you.
Goat!Harvey and Bull!Alex always on top of feeding you, keeping you happy and nourished. Maybe even gently, playfully nudging a little headbutt into your belly while your baby kicks you.
Head full... rotted...
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mimikoolover · 2 months
*puts delulu cap on*
I’m with you, I do think it seemed like Jungkook was down for just being them on live and watch the world burn last year. What do you think prompted him to get to that point? I know we have no way of knowing his thought process haha and it’s not like it would be the first time he’s bold like that. But still, why so persistent🤣
Do you think maybe jimin’s resistance or some conversations they’ve had about how they appear when they’re on their own like that made him want it more?
I think he was pissed off about the enlistment (both him having to do it and also all the members having to as well) and at that point he probably felt some loss of control over his life which he was trying to get back by being more openly himself. I don't think jungkook takes too kindly to people telling him how to live his life, in this case it was the military obviously. and then the fans who have been doing that since they debuted...I can see that's why the 'dirty' convo happened about seven in particular. in the moment he probably didn't like the fans wanting to control what he can or cannot say. same with him deleting instagram, I think the didn't like the company wanting to dictate what they can/have to post about on their own individual insta (for example he probably would've had to post about CK and maybe they were also told what they can not post about) and even who they can follow ('bam' can follow jungkook's idol squad for example as opposed to bts only being allowed to follow each other). with jikook in particular, I think in the past they definitely held back showcasing how close they are (jimin saying 'dongsaeng' when asked what jungkook is to him is what I always think about) and I feel like jungkook probably felt inclined to show that he is close/closest to jimin esp. with them planning to enlist together.
another possibility (maybe in addition to the above) was that when korean men enlist, perhaps that's when they feel like they're truly growing up (since the majority enlist in their early 20s) so it could be that with enlistment looming he also felt like he was growing up. he had such an untraditional life in terms of becoming an adult that we have no idea how he handled and I think in society there's kind of 2 times when you grow up: when you start making your own money in a full time job and when you start having serious relationships/starting a family. I still think idols in general are held back on the second so the point is since they have such unique life circumstances and so much controlled by other people over their lives, it must be strange to 'become normal' while enlisting and maybe even as it was getting closer, jungkook felt like he was becoming 'more like us' or he just wanted to be, idk.
he generally has little control over his life or at least the life that us fans can see. with the military he lost even more control so he probably wanted to counteract it by being more open with us. not necessarily strictly Jikook-related but that was certainly a part of it since his relationship with jimin is a big part of his life.
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