bakingupastorm · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post “overloadedoriginals replied to your post “⚡️ Did Claire enjoy getting...”
There's no waiting where comeuppance is concerned. At least she'll be decent enough to make it whatever flavor ice cream Claire prefers instead of plain vanilla.
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She’s a sucker for mint chocolate and cookie dough ice cream. And there will be return fire... once she’s able to get her heart to stop thumping so hard.
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overloadedoriginals replied to your post “overloadedoriginals replied to your post “Now Makoto’s gotta catch up...”
Well that too, but I more meant it creeps up on the poor girl while she's studying for exams or something. Miss Studious and all might not connect the dots until *after* exams.
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She usually prides herself on paying attention, but cramming for college exams tends to distract people.
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doughyduo · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post “overloadedoriginals: Rumor has it Clare’s been helping Hana keep...”
You're asking the impossible there too.
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“So I can cuddle with Dolly?!~”
Now you’ve just excited her and done the opposite of what Dolly wants.
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gluttonygirls · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post: overloadedoriginals replied to your post: ...
“…she looks like a dork.”
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A dork, that, if it weren’t for all the humans around, would draw her flaming sword and make something as petty as a Sin eat those words.
...Actually, never mind, she’s probably into eating anything.
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sewingandsnacking · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post “Looks like the redhead is back, and with another bag of clothes. At...”
“Nah, I should be fine with just a little let-out. I think it was only a couple pounds this time...I’m usually way worse about catching this.” Eva chuckled, setting the bag on the counter and smiling at Shiki. “After all, the work you did before’s doing a great job. Nobody’s said anything, and it was only when I forgot I didn’t get everything changed that I realized oh yeah, my butt’s too huge for some of my skirts.”
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“Alright, you’ve got it. I think I can pull your old order out, and let these out, accordingly. You ready to negotiate? You’re leaving a little more stuff to take care of, than last time.”
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tubbotums · 5 years
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overloadedoriginals replied to your post “overloadedoriginals replied to your post “overloadedoriginals replied...”
Whichever you think would be more fun with the fatso.
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She’s not a fatso
Britannian food is just stupidly good and she hates it
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oceanicmaster · 5 years
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“Dolly? You here?” As the night’s chill follows her inside, Aqua closes the back door of the blonde chef’s restaurant, seeking out the owner. Never hurts to check if she’s there, even if they don’t strictly need to see each other, for nightly restocking.
Regardless of whether she’s here, Aqua’s got some dough to mix and set to rising, for tomorrow’s bread baking! Into the kitchen she goes.
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chubbymoonbunny · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post: “Don’t read my dream journal.”
“Not my fault you leave it out.”
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“It’s still private. I mean, just because you and the others are in them doesn’t give you the right to read them.”
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fatthighsvtuber · 5 years
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overloadedoriginals replied to your post “Blueberry Muffins for Maki *because*.”
Because someone'll think it's sexy?
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“And just why do I care about who finds it sexy if there’s no one actually around that would or would even care?”
She’s grumbling and shoving the last bit of the muffin down despite her shirt growing tighter quickly. Was this one more potent than the last ones? She idly wondered these things but ultimately not really caring much otherwise. What’s done is done, after all.
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corpulentcomics · 5 years
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overloadedoriginals replied to your post “Give it a week before Emma's heading up her own branch of the X-men...”
*angry southern sounds*
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“Please try and tell me it’s not true. Bare in mind I can read that porky mind of yours, so trying to tell me eight pounds of southern barbecue brisket isn’t on your mind right now is a fools errand darling~”
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“Hmm...” Dreams were never too foreign for a magician, but this one was a fun one nonetheless. 
Splayed out on her stomach, the massive librarian was cradled in a sea of books, open pages of words cushioning her and spreading out, a rainbow of hardbacks and paperbacks spreading out over the horizon. Idly kicking her legs back, her sheer nightgown ruffling around her tankard shaped thighs, the blob of a woman brought a finger down on one of the pages.
From the page sprang up a tree, the roots of it quickly sinking down between the spines and the leaves giving her shade. Tapping another word, bubbles popped out from the paper, gently floating up to mingle with the branches. Whatever the librarian tapped, that word became real. It was a game she’d play, randomly turning books over and tapping to see what came out, playfully enjoy fountains of water and gusts of fire as the elements danced for her.
Bringing a fat palm to shield her eyes, the mage brought down her hand again on another random word. Opening it, she glanced at the choice, just before it started to glow.
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Immediately, cotton candy surged up from the book, spilling outwards as it spun around Patchouli. Waving her hands as it lifted her up, the purple girl was lost as it overwhelmed her, pink floss wrapped around her. She could feel it between her toes and her fingers, filling up every little space around her, but more than anything she could taste it. The candy pushed itself past her lips, the sheer volume weighing it down and making her chew. The librarian could feel it, the endless surge of sugar filling up her belly, and-
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Opening her eyes, blearily blinking against the morning sun, Patchouli glanced down. Wrapped in her arms was her pillow, and judging from the drool it was the reason she’d been dreaming of biting into fluff. Tossing it aside, rubbing her face, the mage yawned.
“I must stop having these kinds of dreams... I’m becoming as bad as Remi and Flan...”
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bakingupastorm · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post “At least those work outs are being encouraged by one. While the other...”
"More like both sabotagin' from time t' time..."
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“What can I say, sometimes I make some extra of Tina’s snacks for you to indulge in. I do try to make it up with something better for your diet.”
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“Aw, c’mon, y’know ya love snackin’ with me!”
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overloadedoriginals replied to your post “overloadedoriginals replied to your post “Insert “queen-sized” joke...”
Then here's hoping a certain demon isn't using Sae's palace as a vacation spot when Makoto bursts in.
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“That’s a much stronger one than most of the others in here...” She’d probably try her best to avoid contact, but it would be just her luck, along with the fact that she’s technically going against the group’s rules on going into Palaces alone. Mistakes may or may not have been made.
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doughyduo · 5 years
overloadedoriginals: post
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gluttonygirls · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post: is this where the angel gets stuffed with angel...
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“Why? It’s not like you’re moving in with me, so why care about any of that stuff? How is it your problem how I keep my apartment?”
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sewingandsnacking · 5 years
overloadedoriginals replied to your post ““Serious debate time. What’s the best kind of soft drink? I say melon...”
"Root beer since you can have so many different styles."
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“What the hell ARE you?”
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