#overruled: indecent liaisons fic
Title: OverRuled: Indecent Liaisons {2}***
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Title: OverRuled: Indecent Liaisons {2}***
Alfie Enoch x Reader/OC “Nova Joy” x Wes Gibbins AU
Warning: Plot, Cursing, NSFW, 18+ Mature Content, PLENTY OF WORDS, 
Words: 6k
Synopsis: What started as a way to escape her controlling father and suffocating family legacy turned into a real liberating and eye-opening experience for Nova Joy. Now she has returned from her travels as a travel lawyer who contract worked at some of the biggest named Law Firms across the world for the last three years and is home in Washington where she will join the G&E Group, the best firm specializing in nothing but everything. It is also the home of the two most famous attorneys in the biz who happen to be hot as hellfire, two attorneys who most women would kill for to become a client of theirs just to get close to them no matter if the risk of prison was on the table. To them it would be worth it.
In Nova’s life she has two goals, live her life for herself and no one else no matter what and never compromise her morals no matter what for no one. However, in Washington where scandal and crime run in the same circles can she do that while being the daughter that she is expected to be especially when her worldwide view is blown wide open by two of the most unexpected forces who show Nova, she may not know herself as well as she thought, and one’s morals are ever changing.
There is a very fine line between indecency and propriety and it all boils down to the bedfellows you keep.
Note: And we’re here with something that was not planned and is completely experimental. I could not get this idea out of my head, so I stopped trying to. I hope you enjoy it.
Note II: Italic text is a memory.
 As always, thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!
 ****NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL****
Previous Chapters: {1} | 
Chapter Two: If It May Please Me
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Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun- Dah-Dah-Dah.
 The climactic suspenseful music started off soft. It was so soft it barely broke through your subconscious enough to pull you from your sleep. Though it wasn’t incredibly loud, you still felt your body stir. Flipping onto your belly, you sprawled your arms out across the bed and moaned.
 Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun- Dah-Dah-Dah.
 The sound became much louder which prompted a groan, then a mumble.
 However, it didn’t stop. It got really loud breaking through every subconscious barrier. Your brain knew this tune, your body immediately tensed knowing just who had called you. Like some creature of the night, you sprang from your bed ignoring that your body actually had a spine. You crouched into some ungodly position as if ready to pounce like a wild animal listing to the call of the wild which was in fact, Wagner’s “Ride of The Valkyries.” You stared at your phone on your bedside table but didn’t move.
 After another round it stopped and slowly you began to relax. Lowering yourself, you crawled along the length of your king-sized bed to the headboard where you leaned your back against. Feeling as if you’d dodged a bullet, you let out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, the universe had a stellar sense of humor. “Ride of The Valkyries” began again. You groaned. The plan wasn’t to talk to him until at least the day after tomorrow or even the end of the week when he’d gotten wind of where you’d winded up. However, true to his personality and his aggressive assertiveness he didn’t want to wait. The man was insufferable. How you’d come from that tree, you didn’t know.
 After one set of ringing, it ended. The quietness in your bedroom stretched on for thirty seconds, then a minute. Once you’d reached two whole minutes without a call you sighed, confident he wouldn’t make a third attempt. One thing your father was if not a hard ass, was predictable. He was now under the assumption that you would be the one to place the next call. He was in for a rude awakening when he realized he had to be the one to call so he could berate you for going against him yet again.
 A smile stretched across your face as you pictured the large vein he had in his forehead popping out as his right eye twitched from how angry he was. Unable to control yourself, you snorted out then laughed. You wondered if he had any idea who you were those years ago when he gave you your first ultimatum which prompted your leaving Washington to spread your wings. He didn’t then, but you guessed he was beginning to see the fibers of what you were made of. Soon it would be crystal. He’d started a war.
 You sank down into the still warm sheets and stretched, allowing every vertebra and muscle to elongate fully. As your joints cracked and body opened up you became aware of the aches and soreness throughout your body. You paused and took note of them one by one. Tight thighs, aching back, tender abs, sore nether regions.
 “Oh my god,” you said through a smile that grew with each passing second.
 When you were full on cheesing from the memories of the night before you rolled onto your belly and kicked your legs as a you squealed into the plush sheets. After ending your gleeful freakout on a scream, you flipped back over and stared at the ceiling.
 “Fuck. You are pure art. I could never have my fill. You are wonderland.”
 Your smile grew.
 “How is it possible for every inch of you to be absolutely gorgeous?”
 You clenched your bottom lip between your teeth as you dove further down the rabbit hole of your memory.
 “Please don’t stop.”
 The feel of your hand between your legs took you by surprise. A soft gasp escaped you as your back slightly arched off the bed.
 “Have mercy,”
 You moaned. Though most of his features were cloaked in shadow, you remembered his amber eyes. They were absolutely unforgettable. He looked at you in a unique way. It almost seemed as if he were looking through you, seeing all the way to your very heart and soul. The entire night you were enraptured by that look and the ease he commanded your body to his will. Your fingers sped and the room filled with the sound of your breathy pants.
 “I’ve never tasted anything as delicious as you.”
 The memory of his face between your thighs fueled you on and within seconds you were chasing your released. Your fingers mirrored what you remembered of his mouth’s movements. Though it wasn’t a perfect match it was enough, as long as you didn’t lose the memory of his shadowed face. Your panting grew louder until you were whining.
 “You looked like you liked to ride,”
 You dipped two of your fingers inside of your core. Rather than tense up from the discomfort of soreness you felt, your body erupted, sending you over the edge and into the soft clouds of your climax.
 It was a shriek that echoed throughout the room, but you weren’t present enough to care if anyone else heard it. Through the haze in your brain, you heard your phone ringing again. Without looking you reached for it and placed it to your ear.
 Your eyes snapped open, instantly recognizing the masculine voice. You didn’t move one inch, instead you stayed as still as a corpse as if they were now somehow in the room looking for signs of life.
 You didn’t answer. Your body’s weight returned to you as did every other weight you carried daily.
 “I—I know you’re there Nova. You don’t have to say anything, just listen. I’ve been calling for months; you don’t answer my calls. I wouldn’t have had this number if it weren’t for Georgie. Look, I know you probably don’t want to hear from me but—I—I miss you No bear.”
 You shuddered at the nickname and every memory it brought back. As you opened your mouth to speak you heard a hissing sound inside your head. It was the hiss of a snake.
 “I know I fucked up and I’m sorry. I swear it never meant I didn’t love you.”
 It was a snake you knew. Pulling the phone from your ear you ended the call and flung the phone across the bed. Your brain fired off like fireworks going over multiple things at once. Your history, the last several months, the reason for your recent celibacy and the epic end of that celibacy. Annoyance filled you so suddenly you sprung up. Just when you were beginning to let it go like Elsa and keep rolling on the river like Tina here this came.
 “I’m going to fucking kill Georgie.”
 You grabbed your phone again and shot a message off.
 MSG: What a way to throw a bitch under the bus. You’re fucking dead to me.
 You walked to the bathroom while stripping off your long lace chemise and leaving it on the floor. Once inside, you turned on the water in the shower then went about gathering your things. It was day two back in D.C, but you still hadn’t unpacked. You knew it wouldn’t be gotten to until damn near close to the middle of next month. Unpacking was the worst. Your phone went off on the bathroom counter bringing your attention to it.
 MSG Georgie: *Dramatic gasp* Wow. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
 Snorting, you tapped out your reply.
 MSG: I have better people to be kissing, like a particular brown eyed brit from last night but you’re dead to me.
MSG Georgie: No, back it up, back it up. what brown eyed brit from last night? Is that why your ass didn’t call or text me back? were you on your knees for some rando?
MSG: On my knees, back, side, elbows, shins, fuck fingertips and toes too. 😝
MSG Georgie: Aaaaaaaaah! WTF, WTF? Who? Also how does one get on fingertips?
 Your giggle echoed in the bathroom.
 MSG: Downward dog bitch!
 The gif of Cardi B that came in was a bit of an insider joke that never got old.
 MSG: Getting in the shower, meet at Knox on Perth in 40 minutes. Make sure you wear what you want to be buried in.
 With that, you placed your phone down and got in the shower, you planned on getting some answers from Georgie.
 -One Hour Later-
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“What!? I most certainly did not give that miniature dick having piece of shit your number!”
 You raised a brow as you took her in. You’d known Georgie since day one of law school. She’d actually been one of the many to know who you were and resent you for it. However, after the first four months of school and being paired together for a major moot court that you ended up winning, she learned a lot about you, mainly how much you weren’t anything like how she’d thought. Since that day you’d been besties and after graduating she accompanied you on your international spread your wings law trip. She’d been in D.C for almost eight months now since joining a different firm with a very lucrative wooing package.
 “You didn’t?”
 “Hell no! Why would I do that? I hate his ass too.”
 “Do you? Then why did you sing his praises for a good three months after we broke up?”
 “I wasn’t. He came off like a good guy. It totally blindsided me when he turned out to be such an ass.”
 A few seconds later, Georgie gasped. “Wait, I think he did get your number from me. He’d been at the table with the party I was with, turns out he knew them too. I went to the bar and left my purse hanging off the chair. I thought it would be safe especially since I would only be gone for five minutes. When I came back my purse was resting on the seat and my phone on the table. I didn’t even think about it, I thought I’d just drank too much to remember. Oh my god, Nova, I think he went through my phone for your number.”
 She looked so guilty, but you instantly reached your hand out to rest on hers. “It’s okay Georgie. How were you to know?”
 “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
 “It’s fine. I’m not mad now. I’ll just block him.”
 “And if he keeps calling?”
 “Change my number. It’s all good. Let’s move on.”
 You dropped your eyes to the plates that had just been delivered to the table and tried to decide which one you were going to start with.
 “This avocado toast looks amazing.”
 You grabbed a slice then moaned as your teeth sunk into the thick brioche bread that was topped with diced tomatoes, fire roasted corn, cilantro, and crumbly blue cheese. As the flavors burst over your tongue you moaned and nodded your head.
 “Try it,”
 Georgie grabbed a slice, as you made a plate with a few options from the plated scattered around the table. The two of you ate in silence for a few minutes, both getting lost in one of the many things you had in common—food. Before long, Georgie piped up.
 “So how long until you spill your unholy guts and tell me who was in them guts last night?”
 You busted out laughing fighting hard to keep the food in your mouth and not splattered over the table or her face.
 “Really, Georgie?”
 “What? He wasn’t in the guts? The colon?”
 She slapped her hand across her mouth emulating faux shock.
 “Finally dabbling in the multiple ways of pleasure you’ve neglected and written off?”
 “Oh my god, Gigi!”
 Her laugh would have made Gru proud because it was definitely on evil mastermind level.
 “Spill it! What’s his name?”
 Fighting a smile, you took a long sip from your glass.
 Georgie gagged. “What a horrible name. Is it short for something?”
 You shrugged. “Maybe.”
 “Eooow, no talking just straight f--.
 “Aht, aht, aht! Behave.”
 After another bite of food, you told her everything with censor. You knew she could read into the censored parts, that’s how well you knew each other. With every detail you revealed her eyes widened more and more. From the smile on your face, she got even giddier. By the time you got to the haiku he recited, she’d melted and remained a complete puddle until the very end.
 “Holy shit, Nova! That’s fucking hot!”
 Nodding, you took another sip of your drink.
 “When do you see him next?”
 You shrugged. “We didn’t exchange information.”
 “He obviously lives in the complex. Find out which one.”
 “What? No. It was clearly a one-night thing. If I just show up somehow out the blue, he’s gonna think I’m a nutjob and run. Also, there are like four penthouses, I’m not gonna go knocking at each of them.”
 “Why? Girl, clearly last night was amazing for you and even more so for him.”
 “How do you know that?”
 “Uh hello, my best-fren knows how to put it down, that I have no doubt of.”
 You smiled then sat up straighter as you waved around to an imaginary audience of admirers. She was always hyping you up.
 “So, I am sure he is having the best memories today. This could be an opportunity for you to officially move on from--.”
 You lifted your hand holding it up while shaking your head.
 “I’ve been way over that. I just wanted to focus on work.”
 “Right, so now that you’re back maybe a relationship could develop.”
 She knew she was just wasting her breath at this point. Months ago, the thought of a relationship made you anxious and break out in hives, now not much had changed. It wasn’t something you felt you wanted to put yourself through. There were too many variables, too many things that could wrong. Facts were the cornerstone of your life, facts and the truth. Relationships didn’t have any of those. One’s facts could be different for the other party while the truth was always subjective, everyone always had their own version of it. What was the point.
 “Let’s just leave it at an amazing night, a night that is long overdue. Be happy I’ve gotten back on the horse.”
 She snorted.
 “Sounds like he might actually be a horse, ol’ Seabiscuit looking ass.”
 “He was big. It’s been a long time since I woke up sore.”
 The look Georgie gave you made you laugh so hard—too hard.
 “I’ll let you rejoice in your one night of slutdome, but I want it known that I think you should see him again and see where things go. Now that I’ve said my piece let’s drink to you finally wiping away those cob webs off your cooch.”
 Your loud laugh echoed around the restaurant and brought plenty of eyes. Rather than caring, you and Georgie tapped glasses and drank your cocktails. For the remainder of brunch, she gave you the rundown of her firm—Malooney, O’Rourke & Norwood which was a big-name firm in its own right. They took plenty of high profiled criminal cases and their track record was always impressive. They managed to stay on the right side of ninety percent which was relatively unheard of in criminal law.
 After brunch the two of you went shopping. While you had enough clothes you wanted to update your D.C fashion so you’d fit in while standing out. You’d learned long ago that being an attorney your appearance mattered almost as much as the law you were representing. Your appearance could win the case for you by intimidating the opposing counsel while impressing the judge. A good outfit had never steered you wrong.
 Once you’d spent a small fortune on more than enough outfits complete with shoes and accessories you and Georgie split up with promises to meet up that night. You then proceeded to knock out a few errands on your to do list that would jumpstart your work week. Mostly everything had been handled over the phone or online, so it only left things that required a more personal touch. At the grocery store, you filled your carts then set up home delivery for later that evening, then stopped by the florist to pick out and schedule a few bouquets to also be delivered that evening. Once those were complete, you zoomed through your visit to the pharmacy and the bank to ensure everything had switched seamlessly.
 By the time you got back home, you were just in time to receive the deliveries. It took more time than you’d expected to pack them away and set up the flowers just where you wanted them. You finished just in time to watch the sunset over the Potomac which again took your breath away. You sat in front of the large panoramic windows with a glass of wine and lost yourself in the serenity of it all while using the quiet to look over the final paperwork in prep for your first day at G&E.
 You’d lost track of the time by the time your phone chimed.
 MSG Vi: Are you gonna be late? I feel like you will be. You’re always late? Has that changed about you?”
 You glanced at the time then sprang to your feet.
 MSG: Nope. I will be on time thank you very much!
 You closed your laptop and hurried around tidying up after yourself, then hurried to get yourself together. You had forty minutes to get to the location that was just pin dropped to you. If you were honest, it would be a miracle if you weren’t late.
 -Two Hour Later-
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“I am so glad you’re back; it’s been too long since we’ve done this,” Nadine said as she threw her arms around your neck for the fifth time.
 “I missed you too Didi.”
 She’s changed a lot in the last three years. You didn’t know if it was the job or your parents. She’d managed to get away to a degree but that didn’t mean she your father still didn’t pull his strings like he was the puppet master.
 She smiled wide and hugged you again. When you’d gotten there five measly minutes late, they were already on round three of drinks. Now you all had ingested your fair share of alcohol and it was beginning to take effect. None of you cared what you drank, the only policy was the stronger the better. The drinks flowed, the music blasted and the four of you including Georgie danced your asses off not caring who wanted to watch or snap pictures. Most knew what the Joy sisters looked like, for all your lives you’d been harassed by paps and your pictures had been posted in several newspaper as well as blogs. The only time you got a reprieve was the last three years as you traveled. No one cared about an American judge’s offspring. Now being back you loathed to think it would start up again.
 After losing rock, paper, scissors you trudged through the crowd to the bar to claim another round of drinks. As you waited for your large order you scrolled through your phone and took a few selfies. Across the bar on the opposite side, you caught a pair of eyes on you. Pretending as if you didn’t know, you struck another pose and took a few more selfies. Slyly, you glanced across the way but could barely make out who you saw. The very dim lights in the club made it impossible to make out anything but a strong jawline, full lips, and a trim nose. Somehow though, recognition scratched at the back of your brain.
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Squinting, you focused trying to stave off your foggy vision to try to make out more of the stranger who was wearing a tie in a club. Who wore a tie in a club? Fighting back a laugh, you leaned forward but your view was blocked by a body in front of you.
 “From the gentleman across the way. He says if you want to see more all you have to do is come over.”
 You smirked as you looked inside the glass that was before you. It smelled like gin.
 “What’s this?”
 “Negroni—says you look like the sweet and spicy type.”
 You peered around the bartender’s body and found a smirk on his lips, but it didn’t look like one of cockiness, it looked like amusement. You lifted the glass to your lips and took a hearty sip then moaned. The sweet of the orange and the spice of the gin worked well together. Tonight, he was right.
 “Tell the gentleman that no matter how much I’d like to see more, I go to no man.”
 You knocked the rest of the drink back and raised the empty glass to him before placing it on the bar.
 “Thank him for the drink though.”
 Before walking off with your trey of drinks, you dipped your fingers into the empty glass and popped the orange wedge into your mouth. As you walked away, you could feel his eyes on your ass which only made you swing it more.
 Two hours passed with you enjoying your life. You drank, danced, laughed, and mingled and the entire time when you looked out you found his eyes on you. It didn’t matter where you were, you found him. Whenever your eyes met, they lingered but no matter where he was, the shadows still embraced him, the same they’d done last night. You never got a clear view of his face and the longer it went on the more you liked it. You could feel the electric chemistry between you from across the club, it was astonishing.
 A while later when your song played, you jumped up and backed onto the dancefloor with your sisters and Georgie. While lost in the music and having the best time out you’d had in a long time you felt an arm wrap around your waist. Shock overtook you, making you spin around ready to throw a punch but when you gazed into the pair of amber eyes several inches over you, you stopped. Those eyes, you thought.
 Again, recognition picked at you. He looked familiar, but not at the same time. His clean-shaven face gave him an almost youthful barely out of law school look, but his eyes spoke of years of pain, love, experience, and knowledge—so much knowledge. He looked so familiar. Those eyes brought you back to the night before with Al. The features you’d made out were similar.
 “Do—do we know—.”
 “Dance with me?”
 The assertiveness in his voice came across as he pulled you toward his body. You didn’t fight him because it felt familiar, but different. You couldn’t understand how. One thing you understood was it must have been Al, but his accent was gone. He sounded American.
 The music changed to some sultry house and hip hop mix, and you allowed him to put his hand on your hips. Slowly, you swayed to the rhythm, slowly you moved your body along with his, against his and in perfect harmony. Your eyes locked and everyone else faded away. It was just the two of you in a smoky room swaying your bodies against each other, communicating in a primal way. It didn’t take long for your faces to make it to each other’s. His forehead pressed to yours while his scent enveloped you. He smelled like cinnamon, cinnabar, orange, jasmine, and something spicy like turmeric or cloves. He smelled good enough to eat.
 “I’ve been unable to keep my eyes off of you all night.”
 “Sounds like your misfortune.”
 “And yours,” he replied.
 His hand wrapped around you pulling you more against him. You could feel his palm pressed to the small of your back, with his fingertips digging into you. It was a power hold.
 “Because no one else has my attention, only you. Like a tiger, once I have something I want in my sights it’s impossible to let it go.”
 Shit, you thought. What a line. You snaked your tongue out and darted it across your lips. His eyes dropped to them and watched as you did it.
 “So you want me?”
 “Can’t you tell?”
 You shook your head.
 “There are so many beautiful women around.
 Pulling you closer, your chest pressed against his as he brought his lips to your ear. “I only have eyes for you.”
 You didn’t know what the hell was wrong with you. It was like last night had kicked off the covering of a geyser—the geyser of desire you’d kept covered over the last several years. Now you were insatiable. Last night you’d done something so out of character with a practical stranger and here you were tonight wanting to do it again, though deep down you knew he wasn’t a stranger, he couldn’t be. This was Al. Perhaps he’d used a fake accent, or maybe tonight he was covering his accent. Maybe he was toying with you and wanted to roleplay like strangers.
 It didn’t matter, you crashed your lips to his but his felt different, he tasted different. You wrapped your arms around his neck and opened for him to take control. Though slightly different from last night, he kissed with power, authority, and demand. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. It was a quality that turned you on. Moaning, you delved your tongue into his mouth and took control.
 “Would you like to get out of here?”
 You smirked on his lips but bit the bottom one. His groan made you hotter.
 “Bathroom five minutes.”
 With that you walked off disappearing in the crowd pushing your way through to the bathroom you’d gone to earlier. Thankfully, it was empty by the time you got there. You looked yourself over in the mirror the best you could in the room that was darker than the club itself. When the door opened, you watched through the mirror as he walked inside and locked the door behind him.
 “The bathroom? You know I can take you somewhere else—somewhere better.”
 You smirked and turned to face him.
 “Been there, done that.”
 You grabbed his tie and pulled him and his lips to yours. Instantly the fevered way he kissed you took your breath and the way his large hands cupped your ass brought you back to the night before. There was something when you bit his lip again, he groaned and pulled you from him turning you to the mirror before he latched onto your neck.
 From behind, you could feel the urgent press of his hardened length against your ass and anticipation filled you. Long gone was the reality of your soreness, long gone were the thoughts of the aches of your body, all that remained was your ever mounting desire for the man behind you. You wiggled your ass against him rubbing his cock as your eyes held his in the mirror.
 “What a tease.”
 You smirked then raised your dress so he could see the thong you wore. His groan was guttural as his eyes feasted on the exposed flesh before him.
 “So perfect.”
 He squeezed your ass then slapped it making you toss your head back. His large hand gripped your shoulder then pushed you down, so you were sprawled across the counter before you. Feeling him pull your underwear to the side you prepared yourself for him but instead you felt his tongue slice through your folds until he sucked your bud into his mouth.
 “Oh yes”
 His tongue was gentle, soothing but maddening all at once.
 “Mmm, delicious.”
 “Fuck you’re gonna drive me insane.”
 “You’ve been driving me insane all night. I’d say it’s payback and it’s entirely fair.”
 Again, he slurped your flesh, making your back arch upward like a scared cayote.
 He slowly increased the pressure of his lips making you see spots of light before you. Your breathing became raspy and short and when he dipped his tongue inside of you your knees turned to jelly.
 “I gotcha.”
 His large hands held you in place, pinned between the sink and his mouth. He didn’t give you any reprieve, instead he licked, sucked, and nibbled bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Just when you thought you were going to shatter into a million pieces, you felt him slide inside of you. Your body stretched to accommodate him as he nestled himself right where you wanted him.
 The strain in his voice spoke volumes. He was also close to the edge. His lips pressed along your back to your neck before he moved inside of you. His movements were slow, and deliberate. You sank your teeth into your bottom lip and let the pleasure build until a mewl escaped you. He felt so good.
 “Mmm, yes, right there!”
 His thrusts sped and soon your body was jerking from the force and speed that he was plowing into you. You threw your hand out to brace yourself on the mirror and locked eyes with him.
 “Yes, fuck me!”
 That was just what he did. His pace went between fast with shallow thrusts to slow with deeper thrusts, he never let you get used to either before he was switching it up. You didn’t know if it was the pace, the depth or the constant eye contact that was making it impossible to breathe. From the look on his face, you knew he was feeling it too.
 Suddenly, he turned your body so you were facing him then he lifted you in his arms and sank you down his length. You threw your head back and held onto him letting him do what he pleased. His lips kissed across your neck before he made it to your chin.
 Your eyes locked again and that was when his thrusts slowed. You bit his bottom lip, and he stilled letting you do what you wanted. It was almost like he wanted to see how far you’d go. Wrong move, you thought as you dropped your lips to his neck and bit making sure to leave a mark. For some reason, you wanted to brand him, to stake your claim. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he groaned loudly and slammed into you. By the time you realized it he’d cotched himself at the edge of the sink, leaving you dangling in the air with just the tip of his intrusion teasing your core. You were impressed by his strength. His frame did not allude to any obvious muscleman strength but right now he was exhibiting it and turning you on wildly.
 With your eyes locked on one another, he slowly lowered you, so you took him in inch by inch, and he watched every little face you made. When he’d sheathed himself fully, he groaned. You balanced your heeled feet at the edge of the sink with your arms around the back of his neck hanging on like he was the horse and you the cowgirl. The angle was perfect enough for you to feel everything no matter if you moved or not. Using his neck as an anchor, you rolled your body up then down rocking like the ebb of the ocean tide and the flow of free water.
 “Awwwwww fuuuuck!”
 His head lulled back exposing his neck to you. Again, you lowered your lips and bit where his Adam’s apple was. His strong hands squeezed around you as his hips forcefully nudged up. Your head dropped back which gave him access to your neck and he took full advantage. His lips worked perfectly to tease your flesh, heightening your pleasure. As your body rocked and rolled on him using him as you pleased, he held you tighter and tighter. You soon began to realize that it wasn’t from his fear of you falling it was him trying to maintain some form of composure.
 “Jesus, you feel so good.”
 Pulling yourself up, you brought your face to his and kissed him. “You too!”
 Putting your knees to the sink counter you changed trajectory and bounced on him, loving every second. Before you realized it, the ball of tension in your gut had expanded taking over everything making it harder to remain composed. All you wanted was your release. He must have sensed your urgency and how close you were because he took control then and within seconds, he was slamming into you sending you closer and closer to ecstasy. Gripping his tie, you pulled just when the ball within you exploded.
 Joining you moments later he held on to you so tightly you were worried you’d bruise. For several long moments, the two of you panted wildly trying to catch your breaths and return to your bodies. For the second day in forever you found yourself at a complete loss for words for a rationalization for your behavior. You were completely stunned but felt no regret or remorse. Chuckling, you leaned your head back.
 “Mm, something funny?”
 “No. this was—amazing. You’re amazing. I just—I don’t do things like this—ever ever.”
 He nodded and dropped a kiss at the nape of your neck. You took a deep breath, inhaling his scent that was so familiar and new at the same time.
 “I get what you mean. This is new for me too. I’ve never lost control like this.”
 You smirked. “Is that your way of saying I’m—special?”
 He chuckled and nudged upward once again making you suck in a breath.
 “I think you should feel just how special you are.”
 Just like that you could feel him hardening once again inside of you.
 “Oh my god. Seriously?”
 “What can I say, I can’t seem to get enough of you.”
 He circled his hips lighting the spark of a flame within you. Before your lips met again, the banging at the door broke the two of you out of your haze.
 “Looks like round two isn’t in the cards,” you said.
 Scoffing, he nodded as he lowered you to your feet. While you adjusted yourselves the silence in the room was a comfortable one, one that didn’t speak of expectations or awkwardness. Everything felt normal as if you’d done this before and could do it over and over again. Once you’d fixed your makeup and dress to relative perfection, you have him a look and a nod then the two of you walked to the door to unlock it. Once it was, a line of people barged in giving you both quizzical looks that both of you avoided keeping your heads low.
 Once out in the bustle of the crowd you felt his hand on your hip. He pulled you back right against his hard chest then lowered his lips to your ear.
 “Thank you.”
 “Giving me a challenge I think I will enjoy for the foreseeable future.”
 “And what challenge is that?”
 His lips pressed to your neck again and the graze of his teeth against you sent such a powerful electric charge through you that you thought about dragging him back to the bathroom for round two, fuck an audience.
 “The challenge of making you all—mine in every possible way.”
 He pressed another kiss to your ear then walked off leaving you standing there stunned. You looked in the direction he walked but he quickly got lost in the crowd only giving you the view of his perfectly broadened shoulders and trim athletic frame. He looked good up close but walking away was just as nice. Biting back the smile on your lips you played his words over in your head. Did you hear him right?
 “What the fuck?”
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