#ozy seeing nebka just thriving: -clenches his chest-]
ardenssolis · 2 years
@nvrcmplt​ said (inbox):
He walks amongst them, padding with gentle bulk - head, turning and taking in the state of his new grounds of protection and claim of home. The smell of sands and wine, pristine walls and floors covered in nothing but flora of species he wasn't either knowledgeable upon but loved nonetheless. Wings healed enough to remain out of bandaged and ointments but too weak to fly with just yet held tight to his sides as he stepped down steps and waded through waters warmed by the sun itself, it almost felt like.
Humming in a low tune, his lashes flutter and bliss shudders throughout his being as he slows and sits upon hunches of lion and flutters his wings to clean feathers in a splashy display of falcon feathers blessed by sandy blondes and browns with whites. No longer did they bore the crimson from bloody gash nor broken bone...
Movement to his left had his lashes part with ease, staring upon the oddity of a creature's face blessed by Nut's reign, as it sparkled with stars and night, almost as if Kuk too reigned within the swirling unknown. But he needed little to understand what he was gazing upon - as they too bore the headdress of gold, paws and tail --- They were what he was, but more --- odd. Still, like most prides of his species, though rare they were, he chuffed only in polite tones and rose his wings to cover the smaller children of this place to cover them and tease with the wet rain drops from his feather tips.
This place, was a good place.
So it wasn't a surprise that after a soak, that the beast and his cubs were to be found outside their temple of healing, resting in the direct sunlight to dry all the way between their toes. To sleep with little fear or wariness of those that came to pray and see what a rarity Nebka was.
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     NEBKA’S RECOVERY HAD COME along wonderfully, and for that, Ramses was pleased. There had been no words that were enough for the rage he had felt upon seeing the state of that great sphinx. However, if one were to look upon them now, it was clear that they were quite content. Leaning against one of the stone pillars of his palace, sunlight filtered through, its warmth partially touching his form as he watched from a distance. Their wing would require far more time before it fully healed, and even then, the healers had not been sure the distance that Nebka would be able to fly. Even so, that was far better than not being able to fly at all. Ramses could not think of any crueler fate for one born of the sky than to be completely and utterly grounded. ❝It was good that Zateros found you.❞ Thanks to her, the damage that had been done had a far better chance of being wiped away; both on Nebka’s psyche and on his body. Lips curled into a smile, his gaze shifting away to rest upon that distant horizon. Ah, what his father have said upon seeing Egypt now, he wondered?
     Would he have been in awe to have been able to see a sphinx with his own two eyes? To be able to stand in the presence of such a being when they were so elusive in this vast country? ❝I will make Egypt greater,❞ he said to none in particular save for the sun itself, determination flashing, for a moment, within bright gold. He was already on the path towards greatness, wasn’t he? Surely even the gods were pleased to bear witness to the path he had continued to treat, right? The Divine were quite quick to make their displeasure known, yet he could not recall a time that any had appeared before him with words of warning. If anything, their praise had been enough to elevate his confidence, what unease he might have felt a long time ago upon being given this heavy burden of ruling, now like a distant memory – a child’s unease and fears. Not that of a proud pharaoh. Not that of a child of Ra like himself. ❝Continue to be at peace with the young ones, Nebka.❞ They need not worry about anything.
     He would have his Golden Age.
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