#p: A Promposition
A Promposition || (Kiwi)
At the basis of all things. Kida had come to Swynlake in order to experience surface life at it’s--well, maybe not its purest, on account of the fact that she had chosen Swynlake instead of London or something--simplest, and yet so far she had continued doing everything she would’ve otherwise done anywhere else. That meant attending events as a reporter, or otherwise with foreign diplomats (even if Elena didn’t really count anymore), spending her days  fretting about the next post, and, albeit accidentally, stopping town-wide magical instances. 
It wasn’t really the common experience. 
She felt like she was failing her one purpose in the town, so--Kida wanted to go to prom.  She wanted to go with a date, wear a lovely dress, and post lovelier instagram photos of the night without an ulterior motive or the need to remind people that the link to her blog was in the description. That’s what Kida wanted
The first step in attaining this was, of course, the matter of a date. Thankfully, she had one person in mind. 
Kida found Maui not on campus, but down by the aptly named Atlantis lake. (Not quite home away from home, but uh, sure.) She waved him down from the path before meeting him halfway in the grass. She brought no attention to the flowers sticking out of her purse. 
“Mr. Hero to all, long time no see--I had a question for you.” 
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