“Okay good we can move forward. Now he may be a little difficult to convince but that’s all on me. Now I was quite serious about getting you two to the next town over. I can find a place for rock climbing, Maui can borrow my car and get the two of you there and of course, you won’t need to spend a dime on this.
Tala would be seriously disappointed in Maui if he let Kida pay for anything in this.
“Now I was thinking about this being a day thing so do you have anything planned or scheduled coming up? Are you in school? Do you work?”
Kida listened attentively. Rock climbing--she could probably do, yeah. If it had come up before, her response must’ve been so flippant that she didn’t remember, just an easy, oh yeah sure sure I can do that. But faced with the actual concept, a seed of doubt sewed itself in her head.
It’d be fine. She could do the beginner’s wall and Maui could laugh at her. Whatever. 
“I work on my own schedule.” She supplied. “So pick a time any time and I can make it work. Really I’m the easy party in this--even if it’s last minute I can most likely make it.” 
Precursor Dates {Nana Tala & Kida}
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Kida! Right! Man, he definitely knew who she was, because Fu kept telling him he should make his social media presence more professional like hers. Jake told him he was in it for the follower count, not the professionalism and Fu said that follower count only got you so far (and they both rolled their eyes at a certain local demigod).
“Oh yo! I do follow you!” he said. “Idk if you follow me back, I’m not verified or anything. Well yet – I’m one of the contenders for the American Dragon.” He started to screw in the top screw, glancing back at Kida. This was normally when he gave the spiel about what the Order of the Dragon was and ya-da-ya-da (because even in a Magic Friendly Town, Jake had realized that not everyone knew what it was – probably the Order being all secret and stuff), but Kida seemed like the type of person who’d, like, know what it was, especially considering how #woke she was in her posts.
“My Guardian Dog is a big fan of your pieces,” he added. “I mean – not that I’m not, but he’s, like, 900 so his opinion weighs more than mine does – awh crap, does that look a little crooked?”
He eyed the gate, then turned back to Kida.
“But he liked the – the one you did before the last one a whole lot. He told me to read it for…I dunno I forgot the exact reason but I did read it.”
Kida narrowed her eyes at Jake for just a moment before the moment of realization dawned on her. 
Of course she knew about the American Dragon--in fact, she had met up with a couple people far more knowledgeable than herself on the subject the last time she had been in New York. It was a riveting thing, honestly, and Kida had heard of a certain Jake Long, she just hadn’t connected the dots that he’d be in Swynlake as well. 
It made sense, though. Everyone was in Swynlake for a reason. 
“Oh! Well, tell him I’m glad he likes my pieces. That’s a really great thing to hear.” It also filled her with questions. 900 year old guardian dog? Now there was some insight she’d love the chance to poke at. “ But uh--I don’t think i follow you back--I would’ve had I known you were in town. I like to keep broad connections.”
Connections were good. Connections were quotes in a story, info on a situation, a place to stay in a country you had never been to. 
“Tell me are you in town just for cleanup or is Swynlake a more long-term affair?” 
Teamwork makes the dream work || Jakida
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“Second coffee? Is that good for you?” Nana Tala fretted gently at who she suspected to be the younger woman but no matter what Nana Tala loved to Nana people and always would love to Nana people.
“We should yes.” Nana Tala spoke. “Now you must tell me if this is something that will make you uncomfortable. I’ve yet to tell Maui anything. In fact I’m a little worried about him after the whole disaster.” She spoke tapping her chin.
“Which is why I was thinking it would be more of a friend type of thing. Just to get everyone out there. Without the pressures of being Maui.”
Kida nodded, putting on her best journalist-taking-in-information face. It was a very good face; serious but not intimidating, interested but not wide-eyed in wonder, attentive, but not annoyingly so. She took another sip of coffee, just in case Nana Tala had anything else to add beyond her perceived final point. 
She didn’t. Alright. 
“Of course, of course, of course. Recent events have been... Particularly rough.” 
Kida remembered watching Maui on the screen back in the districts. She remembered pulling her lips together and shaking her head when he knocked the life out of that girl from three accidentally. Brute, she had said, anyone can be a brute. 
No wonder Nana Tala was worried about him. 
“I’m not uncomfortable with any part of the premise as of yet--and I see no problem with this just being a friendly thing, but continue, and I’ll stop you if I have anything to add.” 
Precursor Dates {Nana Tala & Kida}
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Clark sighed dreamily again as the montage of the horse living out her life in the stables played through his head. Getting her hooves cleaned, taking baths, surely someone would want to braid her hair as she had a lovely mane that could become a work of art, taking long rides through the forest. It’d be a wonderful life for her. 
And then the record of the soundtrack to the montage scratched as Kida’s voice cut in. He made a face, then looked over at her.
“Directly,” he said, reaching up to adjust the hat on his head. Now that all the ice and snow had melted and the long sleeves and layers of the outfit he had on were really taking in the heat the sun was giving off he felt his temperature pushing towards uncomfortable. 
“Although, this could be a tricky one,” he continued. “As long as they keep what I gave her on her, she should be able to stay in this time. Though…if it were to ever leave her she would go back to her original line.”
He looked at the stables for a moment, worry creasing his brow. Then he shrugged, turning off down the path that she had lead him up. “I’m sure she’ll be fine.” 
Okay so--not just time travel. But teleportation. 
Of course, it hadn’t just been time travel last time, either. They hadn’t been standing at the exact spot where the filming for Jurassic Park took place, which meant they had to get there first--or then again maybe it was all simultaneous. Couldn’t move through time without moving through space but you could move through space and not time. But then the first time they met, why hadn’t Clark just moved them through space and not time? 
Maybe he couldn’t really control his powers. 
Now there was a thought, though not one long-lasting since he was moving again, and this time Kida intended to do more than just follow.
She fell into step next to him. 
“What did you give her? Like an object? Can you tie your abilities to things?” 
A Horse With No Name|| Kida and Clark
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“Did I?” Nana Tala mused as if she hadn’t spent time looking up the name and all different pronunciations so she would offend the girl (who mind you was absolutely gorgeous).
“I’m absolutely wonderful. woke up with the sun. practiced a morning yoga session and now I’m meeting with you. How are you darling?” Nana Tala questioned reaching out and patting the girl’s hand.
She didn’t want to dive in too quickly.
Nana Tala said Did I? but the look on her face said Thank you, I know. 
Kida couldn’t shake the feeling that Nana reminded her of home. The more it lingered, the more she was certain that it wasn’t in the way that elders sometimes did. It was odd to think about too much. Kida was easily twice Nana’s age--not old enough to be her mother, by Atlantean standards, but old enough to have seen and remembered watching her grow. 
It made finding the proper thing to think a tricky task. Was she endeared by her efforts? Could it be translated into Atlantean childishness? Was she channelling the whimsy of a younger woman? 
Enough of that. 
She smiled as Nana went about describing her day, enamoured with the way she spoke. 
“I am excellent--on my second coffee of the morning,” She raised her glass. “And doing much better in those regards. Now--let’s get down to business, yes?” 
Precursor Dates {Nana Tala & Kida}
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A blog, huh? That was interesting seeing as Clark would never have been able to sit down to read something like that let alone sit down to write one and do all the up keep that it apparently needed. He blinked at reality bending demon because that was all the more interesting, and then she cut herself off as he was hanging on the edge of her words. 
He looked up, mouth falling open slightly in silent awe at the stables before them. Thank goodness they were here, he didn’t know how much longer he could take.
“Uhm,” Clark made a face, eyebrows furrowing as he contemplated it. “You’re probably right…but that seems like it would take a while so…”
His legs squeezed at the horses side and she stepped forwards, and they were gone. Or, really, they were stepping into a stall inside the stables. Clark waited a moment for the horse to get use to the fact they were inside, then dismounted, took off the saddle and reins. With a goodbye he turned back around, and stepped up next to Kida, sighing sadly.
“They grow up so fast.” 
Kida figured she was right, but she didn’t want to say as much without having an actual answer to that problem--Clark, of course, didn’t even let her get that far. 
He was trotting forwards and forwards and he was gone. Horse included. 
Part of her thought, well, this was a lovely walk to the stables for nothing, shame he left so quickly. But the other part of her knew that she should’ve seen it coming. Nothing she had seen from Clark should’ve lead her to believe that he would do anything but disappear on a whim. 
She was about to turn around, leaning to the side only once to peer into the darker stables, when she saw him. 
Well look at that. 
He came up to her--horseless--as if nothing had happened, and Kida’s head was back to buzzing with questions. 
“Did you just teleport that horse in there directly? Or did you go somewhere else in time first?” 
A Horse With No Name|| Kida and Clark
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It had been a couple days since Nana Tala had used the Sywnlake messaging system to her benefit and even that amount of time was too much to watch people wallowing in their sadness.
Sure maybe now wasn’t the time to plan dates but Nana Tala would tell everyone and anyone at this rate she was just setting up friend dates.
Today was time to work on Miss.Kida and Maui. That boy might as well have some fun before school really got underway.
Not that she really needed to be sneaky considering Kida was already expecting her. Still Nana Tala snuck out of her house (not hard considering Moana was in a dorm room) and slipped into her seat across from the girl she somewhat Internet searched. (Did you blame her she was setting them up…. On a friend date.”
“Good morning Kidagakash.”
Today was the day Kida was supposed to meet with Nana Tala. 
She--it was still a bit weird, a grandmother setting her up with her kid’s friend (that friend being Maui, no less), but it was all in good fun, wasn’t it? That’s what Kida kept telling herself. They were doing this for fun, she’d have fun, and then check arranged date off of her bucket list. 
Maybe it’d be continual, maybe it’d be a one time thing and a story to laugh about later. 
Who knew. 
At a glance, maybe Nana Tala did. As she approached, Kida could already feel that same feeling some of the elders shared back home. She wasn’t necessarily wise, but she looked the part. 
“Wow, good morning” She chirped. “you got my name perfectly on the first try. I don’t get that a lot. How are you, Nana Tala?”
Precursor Dates {Nana Tala & Kida}
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If Jake were some old-fashioned, maybe slightly problematic, heroic figure, he might’ve been offended that the person who’d leapt to his rescue was a girl. But Jake was forward-thinking, thank you very much, and though there was a moment of surprise – actually, it was more of annoyance towards the dudes in their group who were just sitting on their asses and doing nothing, really – he grinned.
“Thanks! It’s just such a weird thing to maneuver, ya know?” He shifted it and positioned the gate on the hinges, holding it steady so that it would align properly and he could grab the screwdriver he needed. “Hmm…I think that’s good. Oh, I’m Jake by the way!”
He reached for the screwdriver, waving it a bit in greeting.
“Sorry to distract you from what it was you were doing, but this gate’s definitely a two-person job so I totally appreciate it.” He flashed her another grin, then tilted his head towards her. “Hey – you look kinda familiar?” He squinted a little. “Do I follow you on Instagram, maybe? Or Twitter?”
There were a lot of people Jake followed without actually knowing – usually notable Magicks and pro-Magicks figures in the community – and he’d run into a few of them, like, in person and Fu always said it was a good networking opportunity.
(“I may be 900 years old, but I ain’t no stickler when it comes to social media,” he grunted, as he set up Jake’s twitter account. “It’s a valuable tool. Make connections. Don’t post anything stupid.”)
The gate was--heavy. Heavy-ish. Not too heavy that she couldn’t manage, but just heavy enough for Kida to be uncomfortable. She considered rigging helper drones just for occasions like these, where an extra set of hands (or claws) could be useful. 
But, you know, drone laws were so finnicky and drones themselves could be so expensive--not to mention how weird people could get around them, considering their spying abilities (not that they were any worse than cellphones or webcams) but--that was besides the point. 
“Nice to meet you, Jake!” Kida replied, in the brief break in sentences. 
Jake, as most teenage boys did, launched right into his next part before she could properly introduce herself. 
What a great segway, though. 
“Oh--maybe? You might, actually. I’m pretty active on both. My name’s Kida,” She did not remove a hand to wave, too caught up with the gate to risk it. Not everyone had... Lizard arms to help them support whole gates. 
“I do a lot of travel stuff, if that rings a bell. Magick rights stuff as well--a lot of amateur journalism, if you wanna call it that.” 
Teamwork makes the dream work || Jakida
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“Somewhere in America,” he squinted, “I believe it was the Northern one, though some spoke the language of the Southern one. And I believe we were traveling North from the South…or perhaps we were going East to West…”
Clark thought about it for another moment before shrugging. Didn’t much matter now because currently he were here! In Swynlake, in 2018, with Kida, on a horse. Couldn’t get much better than this. 
Although, they were taking a rather long time to get to the stables. It made his skin get all itchy, the urge to just press his heels into the horse and take off looming over him. But that would mean leaving his guide behind and that meant not knowing where he was going which would take up even more time and, ugh. He guessed he would just have to hold on, how awful.
“So!” he said brightly, wanting to get his mind off of how boring this all was, “Tell me! What have you been up to?” 
“Well--” See that was an interesting question, because Kida wasn’t really sure. She felt like these last few months she had been reacting more than she had been acting. To live in Swynlake you had to play the game, but that didn’t mean she had to stop making her own rules outright. 
Then again, it’s what everyone else was doing. She was living her best... Normal surface life by going with the flow. 
Course, that wasn’t really very interesting... 
“I’ve been keeping up with my blog, uh--the last time I sw you was post-reality-bending-demon, but there was that... I’m afraid I haven’t really been--” Before they even rounded the corner, Kida could already smell what could only be described as horse shit. “Oh! I think we’re there. Here. There.” 
The sidewalk opened up onto a little dirt path that led right to the stables. Somewhere inside a horse whinnied, and a voice rang out. Kida couldn’t tell what it was saying, but it did bring a question to mind. 
“D’you think they’re just gonna let you bring that horse in there? Wouldn’t you need a parking pass of some kind?” 
A Horse With No Name|| Kida and Clark
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Clark and the horse were following along painfully slowly behind her, which was not get fault by any means. Not like she was on a horse or should have to run along beside them in order to keep up. He took the opportunity to pull his notebook from its spot when she was turned away, flipping through until he found the page he had dog eared. 
Kida! Ah, yes, that did sound familiar, didn’t it? He closed it back up, but kept it in his hand as he took the reins back up. 
He smiled at her question, not thinking the wording of it was odd in the least because it made sense to him even if it didn’t anyone else. 
“1874,” he told her without having to look at what he had written down. It was still fresh in his mind from when he had asked the nice gentlemen and after a round of them making fun of how uppity he sounded and repeating his accent back to him, they told him the date. “January 17th, 1874 to be exact. Or, well, technically the 20th is where I just came from. I got a bit lost and it was snowing and well, I couldn’t abandon her out there so I brought her with me instead.”  
He gave a sigh, thinking about it for a good two seconds before asking her, “What year is it now? Twenty…first? century, yes?” 
That’s what he had been aiming for, anyways.
Kida would’ve been alive--but only just a kid, still some 150 years away from her surface walk. She was lucky, of course, to experience the world in this moment, at the pinnacle of technology and advancement, but at the same time she was jealous of Clark’s opportunity to go whenever he wanted. There were probably few people like him in the whole wide world--fewer even that Kida actually even stood the chance of meeting. 
This was an incredibly lucky moment--it had been last time too. She had just been too annoyed to see it. 
“Yup, 2018.” She confirmed, looking back at him over her shoulder. The hum from her crystal told her they were heading left, out towards the lake and the park--it wouldn’t be long now. 
“Where were you? Or--do you know?”
A Horse With No Name|| Kida and Clark
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Naturally, Kida had signed up for volunteer work. 
That town-wide dream had left her feeling helpless and disconnected. In that other reality, she had known nothing of home. There was no such thing as Atlantis, or the Heart, and that soft buzzing that accompanied her everywhere was nowhere to be found. Realizing that upon waking up had been more jarring than the dream experience itself. Because well--dreams were dreams. But she had felt that silence resonating inside of herself even once it was done. 
Then it the buzzing was back, and Kida didn’t feel so alone. 
(And if the silence lasted a moment longer than it should, Kida had been too relieved to notice.)
The disconnect was resolved, leaving her only with the feeling of helplessness. Which, again--volunteering. 
Kida was more than happy to help out in the Woods, eager to get to doing something concrete. She picked litter out of the front bushes along with part of her team, while a couple others worked on the gate, all while watching the kid with the incredible shifted arms out of the corner of her eyes. 
Though she couldn’t help herself--her curiosity wasn’t going to get in the way of her need to help, and so she sprang to action when called upon, latching onto the bottom of the gate to help hold it in place. 
“Er--yeah, no problem! It’s a bit of a tricky one with all the spikes and stuff, isn’t it? Better off with two people probably.” 
Teamwork makes the dream work || Jakida
Jake had volunteered for clean-up duty right away. Part of it was the goodness of his own heart; the other part was that he knew Fu (and the rest of the Order) would want to and that he probably should do it. But also – goodness of his heart. And also, Deb was doing it, so it was some time to spend with her.
Unfortunately, though, Jake was assigned a different part of town to clean up and he’d internally protested a bit, but outwardly gave Deb a kiss on the cheek and told her that whoever finished cleaning last would owe the other a milkshake!
Anyway, here he was, by The Woods (which okay, they were all rich enough to hire people there, weren’t they? He’d be doing so much more actual help if he was in the Southern Isles or Tortuga or whatever) trying to repair  up one of the fancy iron-wrought gates on the house that was slightly south of Edelweiss Estate. The gate had been overrun with vines and unhinged and step one of the day was rehinging it.
Which was dumb.
There was also a ton of litter that had swept in on this house’s lawn, but the lady of the house was very adamant that they fix her gate first off.
So Jake was trying to lift the gate (with his Dragon arms) and position it, when it started to wobble.
“Whoa! Can you grab that?” He turned to one of the other people assigned to his team. “Thanks!”
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Princess ‘Kida’ Kidagakash
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Meddling Take Two {Nana Tala & Kida}
Nana: Then it looks like I've found my volunteers!!
Nana: We'll have to meet alright?? And then well we'll go from there
Kida: That sounds good to me! I make my own schedule, so whenever you'd like to meet works just fine
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Clark nodded with a little, “Oh, good!” 
Then deflated a little when she admitted to not knowing where they were because, honestly, Clark didn’t either. Things like that tended to slip through the cracks only to be remembered when they wanted to be, not when they were particularly needed.
He slumped forwards to rest his chin his hand, upper lip jutting out as he pouted. Then something interesting happened that had him sitting up slowly, blinking his eyes wide as the gem around her neck lit up for a moment.
And here he was thinking it was just a tasteful accessory of the times.
He looked back up to the woman, whose name he would know as soon as she turned away so he could console the notebook in his trousers, and grinned.
“Splendid!” he said and flourished his hand towards the horses nose and then took up the reins in both hands. “Lead onward!” 
Kida was glad that he hadn’t questioned her little display--of course, not that she had anything to hide. It wasn’t beyond her to explain her crystal to a curious acquaintance. She quite liked it, actually. There was something particularly fulfilling about seeing people’s faces light up in wonder. 
At the same time, she liked how in this town, her crystal could just be the status quo. just another part of the scenery. Nothing odd here. 
You could only ever have one or the other, and Kida was surprisingly okay with that. 
She lead onwards, down Main Street towards the lake and the park and, most importantly, the stables. There was no good excuse for her to have not gone there before, in fact, she’d wager enjoying spending some time with some horses. She hadn’t ridden one in so long. That--besides the point. 
“When exactly did you go to get yourself a horse?” Kida questioned, glancing over her shoulder. And that was when, not where. Because when was a far more interesting question. 
A Horse With No Name|| Kida and Clark
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Meddling Take Two {Nana Tala & Kida}
Nana: Oh deary would that be awkward for you? It could just be a fun night out?
Nana: Something adventurous! Rock climbing in the next town over?
Kida: Oh no no it wouldn't be awkward at all, we get along well
Kida: That does sound very exciting, though
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Meddling Take Two {Nana Tala & Kida}
Nana: Well it absolutely gorgeous! I hope I speak it justice when we meet!
Nana: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Nana: I have to be with that stubborn boy
Nana: Maui! He only goes by Maui
Kida: I'm sure you will!
Kida [unsent]: aknfaoignwaogubagnepgIepnagianhpbianhpbanfb
Kida: Oh! Maui! I know him! We're
Kida: Friends
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