#p: maeda kentaro
lovetune · 1 year
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Ikki: Today is Valentine's Day! Special Offer for couples.
George: Can I get a special offer? If you know what I mean...
Ikki: George... That'll happen right after closing time.
Hiromi and Daiji: *eye rolls*
Lovekov: *gives Valentines cards to Hiromi and Daiji*
HiroDaiji: Awww... Thanks Love-chan. *pets her head*
Lovekov: Love!
Tamaki and Hikaru: Where did the girls go?
Mama-san: Those went to somewhere special.
Papa-san: A better theme park this time.
Vice: Is it Disneyland or Universal Studio Japan?! I ALWAYS WANT TO GO THERE!
Papa and Mama-san: Perhaps...
Kagerou: Oi... how come you're not with them.
Lovekov: I wanted them to have some alone and romantic time together. I'll just be a third wheel which no one likes to be. Kuzu.
Sakura and Hana: Oh Come on! It's freaking Valentines day.
Sakura: It's barely the afternoon too.
Motw and mooks: *evil laughter* Take that you punks.
Motw: Time to destroy Valentine's day and make everyone heartbroken! As well as fighting. *evil laughter* Heartbroken Beam! Fighting Beam! *laughing*
Sakura: Thanks for the back up.
Hiromi and Daiji: You're welcome.
Hana: Except you two who were too horny to do anything.
Lovekov: Kuzu!
George and Ikki: He knows how to turn me on.
Them: *hits them with a comically large hammer*
Ikki and George: We're blasting off again. *ding*
They then land in front of the bathhouse door.
Mama-san: Alright you two... Time to work again. Customers are waiting.
Ikki and George: *groaning* Yes, ma'am.
No rest for the wicked, Ikki and George :P
HanaSaku definitely deserves that amusement park date... Even Ikki thinks so! (As per the Final Stage where he exposes himself as a HanaSaku shipper)
Aw, Lovekov... I don't think they'll mind you being their third wheel, but the thought still counts :)) And ofc the girls are still gonna kick ass even while on a lovey dovey date XD
Ngl though that just reminds me of Junya Komatsu and Kentaro Maeda going to Tokyo Disneyland last New Year... and then out of the blue Wataru Hyuga ends up in a CM for the rival USJ! Did he get jealous of Ken-chan or something? After all #hyujun was supposed to be their thing... lol
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ichigoichiesworld · 10 months
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Kentaro's story: I went to Jun-kun's stage "Ju-on THE LIVE". This is the face of a terrified Maeda" (P/s: He's scared of ghosts and that's a horror stage)
Komatsu Junya's story: "Cute!!! lol. Even though you said you're scared, you still came. Thanks for Ken's big love."
Kentaro also went to watch the stage with Hyuga Wataru
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narashikari · 2 years
Is it me or has Junya been gathering a harem
Like... there was that pic of Kentaro Maeda sleeping on his lap... those pics in the onsen he was really touchy with Wataru Hyuga... then some days ago, that video with the commander... and now this with Hamao Noritaka...
The power that he holds is...
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Netflix Festival Japan 2021: tutte le novità del Live Action Day
Annunciati il cast della serie di One Piece e la data di debutto della serie di Yu Yu Hakusho!
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Durante lo showcase del Netflix Festival Japan 2021, Netflix ha colto l’occasione per dare qualche aggiornamento non solo sulle produzioni nipponiche, ma anche sui live action di stampo occidentale che ha in cantiere da tempo.
Prima di lasciarvi ai dettagli, vi ricordo che ieri c’è stata una grande carrellata di novità con protagonisti gli anime, che si apprestano ad arrivare sulla popolare piattaforma di streaming.
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Svelato il cast principale dell’adattamento in chiave live action dall’epocale manga firmato da Eiichiro Oda, edito in Italia da Star Comics. 
Nella serie prodotta in collaborazione con Tomorrow Studios (Snowpiercer, Hanna), la Ciurma di Cappello di Paglia sarà composta da:
Monkey D. Luffy: Inaki Godoy 
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Roronoa Zoro: Mackenyu 
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Nami: Emily Rudd
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Usopp: Jacob Romero Gibson
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Sanji: Taz Skylar 
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Qua il breve video di presentazione con gli attori.
Tuttora, la prima stagione di 10 episodi della serie non ha una data di uscita, ma è stato confermato che partirà dall’inizio, con l’arco narrativo di East Blue.
Come showrunner e produttore esecutivo è stato messo in campo Steven Maeda (Lost, CSI: Miami), affiancato alla sceneggiatura da Matt Owens (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Luke Cage). Fra i produttori in capo al progetto troviamo anche Marty Adelstein (Prison Break, Teen Wolf), Becky Clements (Aquarius, L’uomo di casa) ed Eiichiro Oda stesso.
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Per la seconda stagione del survival thriller, diretto da Shinsuke Sato (regista dei live action di Bleach, Kingdom, Gantz, Inuyashiki e I am a Hero), ci sarà da aspettare un po’: i nuovi episodi sbarcheranno su Netflix nel dicembre 2022.
Un appassionato di videogiochi e i suoi due amici si ritrovano in una Tokyo parallela, dove per sopravvivere sono costretti a partecipare a una serie di giochi sadici.
La serie si basa sull’omnimo manga di Haro Aso, del quale uscirà una nuova edizione italiana a cura di J-POP Manga, comprensiva del sequel Retry.
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Sembra che la serie live action, ispirata al celebre manga “Yu degli Spettri” di Yoshihiro Togashi (Hunter x Hunter, Level E), pubblicato in Italia da Star Comics, sia ancora in alto mare. Il debutto dell’adattamento targato Netflix è, infatti, fissato per dicembre 2023. 
Il produttore esecutivo dietro al progetto è Kazutaka Sakamoto (A.I.C.O. Incarnation), direttore acquisti del colosso americano, mentre Akira Morii (Wild 7, Brave Heart Umizaru, Alice in Borderland) si occupa della produzione presso lo studio ROBOT.
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Mostrato un primo breve trailer per la serie live action tratta dal manga “Hiyama Kentaro no Ninshin” (Hiyama Kentaro è incinto) di Eri Sakai, che vede Takumi Saito nei panni del protagonista, Kentaro Hiyama, e Juri Ueno nel ruolo della compagna Aki Seto.
La storia è ambientata in un mondo in cui in rari casi gli uomini possono concepire e partorire. Kentaro Hiyama è un pubblicitario di alto livello che un giorno scopre di essere "incinto". La compagna Aki Seto non aveva mai pensato che sarebbe diventata madre e la coppia è inizialmente confusa dall'evento inaspettato. Kentaro finisce sotto lo sguardo indagatore della società e dell'azienda per cui lavora e in questo modo mette in luce le difficoltà vissute dalle donne in dolce attesa. Di fronte alle numerose difficoltà legate alla gravidanza e al parto al giorno d'oggi, la coppia dovrà affrontare la realtà e decidere se avere un figlio o no.
La serie diretta da Yuko Hakota e Takeo Kikuchi arriverà su Netflix nel corso del 2022. 
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Ecco la prima immagine teaser per il film ispirato all’iconica saga mecha sci-fi di “Mobile Suit Gundam”, nato dalla collaborazione fra SUNRISE (Mobile Suit Gundam, Code Geass, Love Live!) e lo studio cinematografico statunitense LEGENDARY PICTURES (Pacific Rim, Godzilla vs Kong, Pokémon Detective Pikachu).
A dirigere l’adattamento con attori in carne ed ossa, ad ora senza un periodo di debutto ufficiale, c’è Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Kong: Skull Island, Metal Gear Solid), mentre della sceneggiatura si sta occupando il fumettista e sceneggiatore Brian K. Vaughan (Y - L'ultimo uomo sulla Terra, Runaways, Ex Machina).
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Autore: SilenziO)))
FONTE: [1] [2] [3] [4]
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go-sentai-rider · 3 years
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// 06/09/2021 // [ 06/09/1999 ] 22 Years Happy Birthday to Kentaro Maeda [ 前田 拳太郎 ] - Ikki Igarashi [ Kamen Rider Revi ] // Kamen Rider Revice [ 2021 ] Via - https://instagram.com/kentaro_maeda_official - https://www.ldh.co.jp/management/maeda_k/ #前田拳太郎 #前田拳太郎生誕祭 #前田拳太郎誕生祭 #前田拳太郎生誕祭2021 #仮面ライダーリバイス https://www.instagram.com/p/CTdUTv0hffg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Asdfghjkl lmao
What are they doing you may ask? They were fucking around with makeup, that's what. Then Wataru posted the pics with their "hot makeup". They're like girls at a sleepover, my god.
And then Kentaro Maeda commented that they looked like they were bruised and Wataru was like... "Yeah I overdid it :P"
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Minific : Sougo and Takeru become kids again
and Ikki had to babysit them..
Takeru somewhat a bit jealous that Sougo called "Ikki-nii chan" while Sougo call him nii chan accidentally on group chat once and never call him that again
Just me wanting Takeru have a bit jealousy lmao
So apparently, Kentaro Maeda has recently said that Ikki's 22 years old, which would actually make him and Sougo the same age. On the other hand, that's not actually been confirmed by the show itself, or by the writer, so it's technically still non-canon.
So I'll stick to my hc of him being 24 for now :P
"Ikki-nii! Ikki-nii! Can I have more rubber duckies, please?" Sougo asked, puppy-dog eyes out in full force as he looked up at the other Rider.
Ikki chuckled. "Okay, okay. Here you go, Sougo." He dumped a whole basin of rubber duckies near Sougo, who giggled cutely and splashed about in the tub playing with them. "Takeru-san, don't you want more rubber duckies too?"
The slightly older child shook his head, and looked down on the water. "I'm fine, thanks."
Ikki frowned, and put the basin down to sit at the edge of the tub by Takeru's side, making sure to keep Sougo in his line of sight just in case. "Hey, what's wrong? You seem awfully grumpy, senpai."
"Don't call me that right now, it's really weird with me like this." Takeru harrumphed. Ikki snorted. "Aside from the fact that I'm fifteen years younger than I should be, thanks to that mad scientist... I guess I'm a little jealous of you."
"H-Huh?" Ikki asked, bewildered. "Why would you be?"
"It's ridiculous, honestly." Takeru sighed. "But... Sougo never called me Takeru-nii-chan on purpose. He did it once, by accident, but he never did it again because he said it was embarrassing." He pouted. "But he doesn't seem to have problems calling you Ikki-nii..."
"Well... there isn't a peanut gallery here to make fun of him, after all." Ikki replied thoughtfully, looking at Sougo who somehow stayed oblivious to their discussion. "You know how it is with those guys. You call your senpai 'nii-chan' once and they call you the Baby Rider for life."
Takeru snorted. "I guess that's true," he admitted. "They never let me live down accidentally calling Hojo-sensei 'mom' on the group chat..."
"...Wait, you actually did that?" Ikki couldn't resist the laugh that came out of his mouth. Takeru glared at him with disappointment. "I'm sorry, senpai, it's just... you really called him 'mom'?"
Takeru pouted. "You know what, I take it back, I'm not jealous anymore..."
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asknarashikari · 2 years
I was casually browsing sailor-cresselia's age spreadsheet. And yes, Kentaor Maeda did say Ikki's 22... in 2021. That would make Ikki a year older than Sougo :p who should be 21 in 2021 :p
Hmm, yes, apparently Sam took Kentaro's word as canon, and used what he said as the Igarashi sibs' age- Ikki is 22, Daiji 20, and Sakura 18. Though, note that while the ages are perfectly plausible, this hasn't been confirmed by any other official source. Most of the time we get Rider ages through official supplementary materials, like character sheets in photobooks, side manga or the official website. Sometimes we get more specific details in the show, like dossiers showing birth dates.
On the other hand, while Ikki could be actually younger than Sougo... I don't think the dynamic is gonna change much. Ikki, as an older brother, would act like an older brother still, despite being younger than his "sibling". And it certainly wouldn't change how Sougo is a Baby Rider to the Parent Friends.
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go-sentai-rider · 3 years
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// 03/09/2021 // [ 05/09/2021 ] Countdown in 2 Day Kamen Rider Revice [ 仮面ライダーリバイス ] Episode 01 [ First Episode ] : "Family! Contract! The Devil Whispers!" First Episode Broadcast on TV Asahi [ Main Double Rider Revice ] - Ikki Igarashi (#五十嵐一輝 ) : Kamen Rider Revi // Kentaro Maeda (#前田拳太郎) - Vice (#バイス ) : Kamen Rider Vice // Subaru Kimura (#木村昴) #KamenRiderRevice #仮面ライダーリバイス https://www.instagram.com/p/CTV9H9ShuJS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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