rkxrm · 5 years
Fighting Across ||
Tension was at an all time with Minhyuk. He was so tightly wound that he could potentially break down and explode in moments. There were many reasons as to why Minhyuk was so tightly wound. He had just come off a holiday week with his parents and his extended family and all of their professional friends . God how he hated being reminded of what an absolute mess that he was. Your rapping career will go nowhere, your looks will fade, why aren’t you using your good looks, you should be more kind to people... .blah blah blah the same bullshit that he heard weekly. He was so annoyed that his annoyed mood carried over into the new year and going back to practice was irritating. All he wanted to do was just to flop down and not do anything and just happily drink his coffees. 
But oh, god bless his luck or maybe a curse from satan, he was herded into a room with a few others on the first day of the month and was told that they were going to be an experimental group. Here at this moment, his annoyance turned to irritation and mild frustration. They were sent off back to practice and it was easy to avoid taemin for the first few days of the month, but of course, minhyuk couldn’t avoid him forever, and it all came to a crash when they were all practicing for the eval. 
minhyuk was not a dancer. that wasn’t his major talent and if he had to be honest, dancing was his weakest, but he was pretty charismatic and could command a stage but of course, his lack of talents was enough to set it off. “i don’t like this eval. dancing is hard and i’m not having a good time.” he said, sighing. He had been over the choreo for the past several hours and he was making mistakes, but this was frustrating. He would have preferred a vocal group or even a more vocal song. he wanted to rap, he didn’t want to dance. 
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