raphaelarider · 4 years
Neon Nuptials || Ryghts
“Okay, there’s a flight leaving in an hour,” Raphi scrolled through ticket prices on her phone, her hands shaking as adrenaline rushed through her veins. “I’m gonna book it.” Raphi and Flynn had decided just moments before that they would get engaged and fly across the country to get married in the same 24 hours, without telling any of their friends where they were going or what they were doing. “Should I have Corny open the store tomorrow? She has a key...” Raph wasn’t sure if she was actually asking or just thinking out loud, “No, I want it to be a surprise. We can stay closed for a day.” She clicked book now and her heart skipped a beat. A wide grin stretched her cheeks as she looked up at her soon to be husband. “We’re getting married!”
The two of them hopped a cab to the airport, stealing soft kisses and enchanted glances the whole way there. Since Costa Serena was just a small town, they had to travel a ways to the nearest airport. By the time they arrived, they were forced to sprint to the gate, though the excitement that buzzed between them was enough energy to get them there just in time for their departure. “Flight UA5820, Tampa to Las Vegas, prepare for boarding.”
The five hour flight seemed to take at least a hundred years. Raphi let her head rest on Flynn’s shoulder for a while, but she never fell asleep, as she wanted to remember each and every moment. “So, what’s the plan, just find the first chapel open when we get there?” She pulled her phone out again, “Should we go shopping, too? I kind of want to find a dress...”
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risingsunsugar · 5 years
describe finn in one sentence?
Finn Hudson is the sweetest guy on the planet, he’s also incredibly sexy, funny, kind, a great kisser and always keeps me on my toes (both literally and figuratively!)
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ryes-up · 7 years
Family is Family || Finn & Rye
Nightshade Row was far from Rye’s first choice of places to spend his time. Prostitutes smiled wider, attempting to turn on their charms more when they saw someone of high standing, hoping for a well-paid night. Drunks stumbled from one bar into the next, or out into the street with a drink still in hand.
Rye’s gaze passed over the Hollow. It was always his second stop, when he was looking to find his cousin. He preferred to find Finn gambling away his life at the House of Snow. It saved him a lot of trouble and bribing of bouncers and prostitutes. Luckily enough, or maybe not so lucky, Rye wasn’t sure how Finn’s streak was going tonight, his cousin was at the House of Snow. The man running the table looked up when Rye approached, offering a large smile. “Good of you to join us, Sir. Roland, take what few chips you have left elsewhere. Make room.”
“No need,” Rye said, waving away the offer and offering an apologetic smile to the patron that he was trying to kick from the table. Often when he came, it was on less interesting business, more out of boredom and a lack of having seen Finn for some time. So he would usually join in the gambling for a short time. Today he came with more of a purpose, though. “Just looking for my cousin.” He rested a hand on Finn’s back and leaned over his shoulder to see how his game was going. “What’s it say, Finn, that I come here to look for you before even trying your home? We do need to catch up. What do you say, come and have a drink with me?”
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Mysteries & Libraries || Favannah
The first time it happened to her she’d been confused, uncertain what to think about the whole situation. For one second she assumed it was some of her classmates pulling a prank on her, but when it happened once again the follow day, she started to get suspicious. It took her exactly three weeks to get used to their ritual, and another three days to accept it. However, she found herself appreciating their gestures more and more each day that passed, and she came to a point where she desperately craved to know who did this to her. It even kept her up at night, even though she wouldn’t admit it.
So when she got to library on a beautiful Friday afternoon, Sav bit her lower lip. There was a new book laying on the table where she usually sat herself, with a blue post-it sticking on it. “Do you think Jay is really dead? Let’s find out... Here’s part two! :-)” The girl chuckled and grabbed the book, inspecting its cover before starting to read the first few pages. However, this time she found herself having difficulties with concentrating since she just kept looking up at the slightest of sounds, wondering who had been giving her books for the past month. She felt like there had been an outspoken bond between her and that stranger, but the more time that passed, the more she wanted to know who they were. Was it a girl? Did she knew them? How did they know her? And most importantly; why did they had such an excellent taste in books?
It had come to a point where she’d leave at night, writing a small letter and placing it on top of the book so Savannah could let them know what she thought of it. And when she returned, she often found post-its on her table. It was odd, really, how she spend an awful lot more time in the library just because a part of her felt excited to read what they’d had to say next. But she also felt a bit pathetic, because after all this time they still hadn’t showed themselves. So when she was finally able to get into the story, she suddenly looked up when she noticed a boy seating himself next to her.
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doctors-ordcrs-blog · 9 years
a bit of competition never hurt anyone { finn & will }
Having been completely banned from the hospital for the next week or so as he recovered (except for a few checkups here and there), Will found himself with a lot more spare time on his hands. He decided to use this time to wander the streets of New Rome, growing more accustomed to each business and its owners and employees. Dauntless, in particular, had become a surprising favorite; Will had thought that he’d like Club Olympus the best, but it was nice sometimes to just disappear into a relatively quiet place and gather his thoughts. Marion Ravenwood was an effective patron, and kept the place happily running.
Will was just finishing the last of his burger as something- or rather someone- caught his eye. Spotting a familiar black-haired guy, Will quickly chewed and swallowed his bite, and left the money on the table before walking over to the other demigod. “Hey,” he said, grinning. “Finn, right?”
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raphaelarider · 7 years
Downhill || Ryghts
It was a roller coaster of a day for Raphi. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her, though, especially when winter came along. Her work kept her busy, especially with the day’s huge shipment of poinsettias. But, as she walked back to her dorm, a familiar cloud shaded her cheery disposition. She pulled her coat tighter around her shoulders, hugging herself as she hopped up the stairs to her room. Once inside, Raph changed out of her wet clothes. She didn’t bother turning the lights on. If she was honest, she wasn’t even sure if what she put on matched. She didn’t care. She curled up on the couch, tugging her lilac blanket over her head. After a few minutes of sitting in the darkness, the girl reached for her phone. She texted the only person she knew could bring her out of the funk she was in, squinting at the bright screen through the first hints of tears. Pulling the blanket off her head, she turned on the TV, waiting for him to reply. She didn’t expect him to come over or anything, just talking to him would make her feel a little better. The knock at the door made her jump. Sniffling, she wrapped the blanket tighter around herself as she shuffled to answer. “H-hi,” she said softly, pulling the blanket back over her head.
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risingsunsugar · 5 years
If you weren’t with Finn, who are the top 3 people you would consider next?
I’m not going to answer this, because I am with Finn, I love him and respect our relationship too much to play games like this.
1. @thepuckrmn
2. @peytonhudson
3. @wanderingclark
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ryes-up · 6 years
Secrets Between Us || Finn & Rye
It occurred to Rye somewhere around the time that the bartender handed him a second drink and Finn’s third— fourth? More? He’d lost count—that he really shouldn't be surprised how he ended up here anymore. Pretty often, as of late, Rye would end up somewhere with Finn, both drunk, the latter seeming to be much more so, and something unspoken hanging in the air.
Rye felt guilty over it, not entirely sure if it would always be this way now. Since they weren’t children anymore, unmarked by war and its effects. Before rumors of a bastard child were being whispered in Court as well as back alleys. Before Rye had disowned his brother; not publicly of course. But to those that knew Oberon’s true side. Robin, the Nighthawks. The only people that knew secrets Rye wouldn’t dare let himself get drunk enough to spill. If one of the two was going to break over their respective secrets, Rye sure as hell wasn’t going to be the first; too many other lives were tied to his. That was why he limited himself now during these outings to only two drinks. If Finn pushed—well, Rye knew the bartender, and knew he could get her to claim a glass of juice was some mixture of a drink she’d been ‘experimenting’ with. Not a drop of alcohol, but by then Rye was always betting that Finn had had too much to notice.
Guilt and secrets aside, Rye let himself enjoy these nights with Finn. Always, for at least a few short spans, a few minutes at a time maybe, when Rye slurred and stumbled over a simple phrase and sent Finn into a fit of laughter as he tried to choke out what he meant to say, or when Finn was attempting to flirt with someone at the bar, sometimes just then, he could pretend it was like before. Cousins, carefree and unscarred by war, not caring about what happened outside of the tavern walls.
Making his way back over to Finn, an easy smile tugged at his lips. He misjudged the distance though, and bumped into Finn’s back, laughing at himself a bit as he held the drinks high to keep them from spilling. “I was only gone for a minute, I hope you didn’t manage to get yourself into trouble yet,” he teased, before lifting one of the glasses to take a sip of his drink, and pressing the other towards Finn.
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
Tu Restes Fiers || Finn & Noah
Noah strolled into the dining hall, straightening up his jacket and making sure it lay properly before snatching up a copy of the Daily Prophet from a younger student.  He ignored the younger male's protests, instead stashing the paper under his arm and scanning the room for a familiar face to talk to.  One person stood out, a familiar head of red hair catching his eyes, and he grinned, heading over to talk to one of his few close friends.  "Hello, Finn," he started, swinging into the empty seat next to the second level student and opening the paper, eyes catching on a headline about the recent attacks on muggleborns at the school.  He skimmed the article quickly, waiting for Finn to respond, before placing the still-open paper on the table in front of them, folding his arms.  "So the attacks are getting worse," Noah commented bluntly, turning to look at his friend with a sigh.  "I'm starting to think the school itself doesn't want all the new students.  Which is a bit of a shame, really."
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corvinbaines · 11 years
A Turn Up For The Books || Corvin & Finn
 Corvin stacked the last of the books on top of the already precariously teetering pile and with no small amount of effort hefted the stack into his arms, swearing under his breath as he took the weight. Taking a moment to adjust his grip and use his chin to nudge several errant volumes back into line, he steadied himself and began to carefully make his way to the reading area.
 It might have come as something of a surprise to those who knew him that, despite his generally less-than-studious attitude, Corvin was actually quite fond of Durmstrang's library. Not the entire thing, of course - the myriad of textbooks and treatises on utterly trivial subjects like magical history and transfiguration held no appeal - but specifically the Dark Arts section, which had perhaps the most extensive collection in Europe, if not the world.
 Honestly, he could spend hours sitting in the stacks, pouring through book after book. Not that he ever would, of course - he preferred to do his reading in comfort, away from the penetrating gaze of Professor Sumida who, Corvin felt, had never really warmed to him. Granted, the librarian did have good reason to dislike him, but it had been three years since the... incident, which was surely enough time to get over it?
 Finally, after several close calls and more than a few wobbles, Corvin turned a corner into the reading area. Beginning to sag under the weight of the books, Corvin hurried towards the nearest table and put the stack onto the surface with a dull thud and then, oblivious to his surroundings or to who might be sitting at the table, he flopped down next to the books with a weary sigh.
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milo-ryan-blog · 11 years
for once (i might belong) || milo & finn
Milo left the dorm hall looking for someplace to get away from the two people he'd just met - the two people he'd be sharing a room with for the rest of the year.  And although it just confirmed what Milo had been predicting people would think of him being a muggleborn here, the meeting had left him a little shaken.  Maybe he just needed to walk away for a bit; maybe he'd be able to react a little better after some time to think about how to proceed.  
As he hit the main hall, he slowed down, shoving his hands in his pockets and forcing a deep breath.  It'd be alright, he'd faced prejudiced students before - he could do it again.  If anything, he could use his roommates outdated ideals to fuel his own drive to improve.  In any case, he just needed to get some fresh air to clear his head after the disastrous encounters with his roommates.  "I'll be okay," he murmured under his breath, as he passed through the main hall to a side corridor and kept on walking.
He turned down another corridor, took another deep breath, and rolled his shoulders to get rid of the tension that had been creeping up on him since he'd met Corvin and Joyce.  Once that was done, Milo returned to people-watching, trying to figure out who was who in the castle.  Apparently one student was jealous of another's trip to Australia over break, and was tempted to play a prank on him in order to get him to stop bragging.  Sounds just like back at Hogwarts, Milo thought, grinning.
He was so lost in thought and his attempts to place other students that when he rounded yet another corner, he didn't see the other student standing there.  Milo collided with the other boy, yelping in surprise as his feet got tangled up in each other, causing him to trip and hit the ground with a quiet grunt.  Almost immediately, he was back up on his feet, ready to help the other up if necessary.  "I'm so sorry!" he said, the words coming out in a quick rush.  "Are you okay?"
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a-thornedrose · 11 years
Friendly Meeting → Hudrose
TAGGING: Marley Rose & Finn Hudson
TIME: Tuesday, September 10th
PLACE: The Football Field
SUMMARY: Finn and Marley meet for the first time in person to have a friendly talk.
After the class, the brunette went to the kitchen to talk to her mother so Millie wouldn't be worried if she didn't get home in time. As she was walking to the football field, she wondered if that would be actually a good idea. Of course Finn seemed to be a nice guy, but she also knew football players weren't very nice. Finn and Puck were probably exceptions, specially by the way they were treating her. She wasn't used at all to that kind of treatment.
When she got there, there were still some players in the field - or probably the whole time, she couldn't tell since she knew nothing about Football - so she decided to wait on the bleachers. After she had sat on the bleachers, Marley looked to the football players, she didn't know most of them, their faces weren't very familiar either, she should probably pay more attention in the hallways instead of look to her own feet. But as a new girl in school, she didn't want to call attention or cause any trouble.
Marley finally saw Finn. After some time, it wasn't really hard to find out who he was, after all of them had taken off their helmets, not just because of his picture, but well, he was tall. All of the football players were as well, but Finn was taller than the rest, it was his differential from the others in therms of appearance that Marley could notice until now since she hasn't really paid attention to the football players until that moment..
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ohitszoella · 11 years
movies and popcorn || Zoe & Finn
Zoe had been in her pajamas all day, feeling lazier than ever. She wasn't always like this, but today had seemed like one of those days to kick back and relax for a while. As soon as Finn offered to be her company though, she decided to get up before he arrived at her room. She wouldn't let anyone see her how she was; over-sized pj's and messy hair. Quickly, Zoe threw on a pair of leggings and the first tank-top she found, finishing off by tying her hair up in a much nicer looking bun. She was finally a bit presentable, all there was left to do was wait until Finn showed up.
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cassidy-lynn-lsu · 11 years
Studio Sessions || Finn and Cassidy
Pushing a few buttons on the wide board in front of her Cassidy let out a little sigh. She felt like she'd been tweaking and re recording the same track for the last hour. She'd gotten up that morning pretty early, wanting to make it in the studio before anyone else got there, as well as to give her enough time before her other classes. The project was due the following week, but the perfectionist in her couldn't get her from trying to make it perfect the moment the assignment they were given. Enjoying the peace and quiet, she checked her phone, checking her tumblr to see that her coffee delivery person for the day was on his way. Very grateful for the gesture and the coffee that was coming, she turned her attention back to the sound bit she was working on, waiting for her company to arrive, already preparing to ask what he thought of the work she'd already done.
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sweetromenpotts · 11 years
Salvation || Romen & Finn
Romen was curled up in a bunch of pillows at the far corner of the room, as far away as possible from her unexpected and disgusting visitor that had just made itself home, already making a spiderweb near the door. 
Once Zane had come for the first spider, she had been able to rest a little. Her eyes could finally rest and watch some other thing than the horrible spider, but after 10 minutes of getting herself distracted by braiding her hair and reading a book she could no longer resist. She looked at the spot where the spider had been and surprise, surprise, it turned out that monster had a not so little friend. 
So there she was, waiting for her savior to come and kill the 3 inches long spider. On brighter news, she would be able to get to know a little more of yet another person. recently a lot of people had arrived to Disland Prep, and as pleased as she was about it, she would never be able to meet them all in one day...
And with that thought in mind she continued watching the spider, holding her breath every time it moved, and every 10 minutes taking a quick glance at her surroundings just to make sure it was the last spider she had to deal with for today.
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