call-me-stiles · 4 years
Stiles had finally had time to go to FBI training but now he was back and he was extremely happy. He loved his time in training but he had missed Lydia like crazy. Even though they had been able to video chat some and text and call as much as possible, being with her was always going to be preferable. His suitcase still hadn’t been completely emptied but he just didn’t feel like doing it. He was ready to see Lydia. He figured she would be home soon from her classes and there was something he wanted to talk to her about. They had been living on their own for a while now. Of course he wanted them to buy a house eventually but the apartment worked for the time being. They were both home enough that he thought they might just need to add an addition to the family. That’s what he wanted to talk to Lydia about. The door opened and Stiles bounded towards his girlfriend. “Hey, Lydia!”
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jack--valentine · 3 years
When the bake-off had started, Jack had been sure to grab all the big things that he needed. He had gotten to work, but realized that he had forgotten on of the smaller things, vanilla of all things. He was just grabbing it and went to turn around, almost running right into Lydia. “Ah! Sorry!” Jack said, jumping back slightly, nearly bumping into the cart, but managing to stop short. “Sorry about that, I was so laser focused on getting back to the table that I forgot to look around for other people” He said with a small laugh, scratching the back of his head. “Uh, can I grab you something from behind me? So you don’t run into the same problem?”
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aurora-prince · 6 years
“You’re not human, are you?” The words had left her lips before she thought about it. She wasn’t one to blurt things out so once they did leave her eyes grew wide and she took a deep breath, hoping the other redhead didn’t think she was being rude. Ever since Talia had told her that the supernatural did exist, Rory was trying to figure out who was who in a way. At least, who was human and who wasn’t. Not to do harm, of course, but for her own curiosity. “I’m sorry. That sounded rude. I didn’t mean for it to be so rude but...I’m pretty sure the boy you are always with...the one with the moles and freckles on his face...is human. But...you...you’re not. Not completely, right?”
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ayy-jayy-siciliani · 3 years
AJ + Lydia || Therapy
When: Late February 2021 
Where: AJ’s therapist’s office, Downtown Santa Monica
Major Warnings: Mental Health / Mental Illness, Suggestive comments (lmao I mean come on)
Featuring: Lydia Belmonte @lydiabelmonte
It was that time of the week again in which AJ would go to therapy right after working out and then he'd head home or go swing by to bug Lydia. He didn't tell her about therapy yet, mostly because it seemed like whenever he talked about going to therapy, there was always an awkward or weird reaction and then he'd have to mention the fact that he experienced trauma. Sunny, happy-go-lucky AJ going through trauma was unheard of, so, he decided not to mention it. Except today, he was surprised when Lydia asked to meet up, and as a quick scapegoat, he said he'd swing by Lola's to check up on her. On the one hand, her apartment was right next door to the building, on the other hand, he hated lying, but figured today he'd at least tell her the truth after the fact. However, upon leaving his session...he'd have to blurt it out fast when he saw Lydia standing in the lobby. "Lydia, hey. What're you...doing here?" He asked carefully.
lydia b.
Lydia was starting to find AJ being sketchy as of lately, she tried her hardest to trust him, but she was only human and the bugging voice in her head whispering that he was cheating on her, with a troublesome past relationships and the way her parents were, Lydia found herself going to the place AJ went. As she entered and looked around the office to see AJ come out and she raised her eyebrows before turning back around to outside. she couldn’t decide what hurt more, the fact AJ didn’t feel comfortable telling her about this or the fact he lied to her.
AJ could feel his stomach drop at Lydia's expression, between that and the way she turned to head outside, he knew today was going to be a day. Instead of making a scene, he followed after her until he knew he could catch up and block her off. Once he got to that point, he sprinted, stood in front of her and said, "Just--hear me out for a sec, okay?" He breathed out. "My mental health, isn't the best like everyone perceives it to be. I got my own demons to battle and, I don't want to burden you with all that. I know I shouldn't have lied in that moment, but I was going to tell you, don't think I wasn't. If you don't believe me, here," He handed over his navy blue journal. "That's why the top drawer's locked. I'm not cheating on you."
lydia b.
Lydia should have figured that AJ would run after her, he wasn’t anything like her last boyfriend where they’d ignore each other until one of them caved in. She knew she was still getting used to this new healthy coping but sometimes like this, facing things head on always made her fight or flight kick in. “I don’t want to read your journal Anthony, the fact you lied to me—you didn’t trust me enough to know that you’re seeing a therapist,” she snapped pushing the journal back onto his chest, “you know how I feel about liars—I thought you were cheating, you know how ready I was to catch you in the act, figure out plans on to avoid getting my heart broken?” She tried to side step them, wanting to get out of the public’s eyes and perhaps not see the look he was giving her, that would make her cave in easily.
This was not going to be an easy fight knowing very damn well how Lydia's temper was and...AJ's was completely shut off for the most part. "I do trust you, but I wasn't ready to tell you yet because it's not as easy as it seems," He sighed, shaking his head. When the journal was shoved back into his chest, he could already feel his heart sinking even more. This was such a shitty feeling. "Why would I cheat on you, Lydia? After everything, why would I throw that away? I care about you, I don't want to hurt you and I was just protecting you for a little bit longer from learning about all the dark and sad shit cause--you've been so happy and that's all I want to see you, is happy. I hate that I lied, okay? I'm sorry," He called out. He knew that they were in public and even though there was no one around, last thing he wanted was this to escalate to Gossip God. "Lydia, can we, just talk it out in the car, please?"
lydia b.
“Protecting me from what? If you haven’t noticed I don’t come from a good home and I sure as hell don’t expect my life to turn into a damn fairytale over night.” Lydia looked at AJ, staring at him in silence, she didn’t want to talk things out, she wanted to run, gather her thoughts quietly to herself and curl up in her bed. But that wasn’t the case for this moment, she could feel her old self wanting to push him, rile something up inside him, make the worse of himself come out. Maybe she wasn’t ever going to get over her toxic ways, at this point she didn’t know whether to accept it or not. “No...I don’t want to talk it out in a car, you can get in the car and I’ll catch a Lyft.”
"Neither did I!" AJ fired back, feeling the frustration rise in his chest. It was the first time he didn't bounce around the talk about family nor sugar coat the situation. "I'm protecting you from the not so good parts of me and you might not understand, but I didn't come from the most happiest home either. Not til much later. It's why I'd rather talk shit out than let it fester because I'm busting my ass off to not wind up like my dad, who hurt my mom, my sisters, and me," He began to choke out and cleared his throat. "Least I can do is wait for the Lyft to get here to know you're safe. You don't have to say anything else. I get it."
lydia b.
Lydia didn’t know much about AJ or his family, other than the fact that his dad wasn’t around and they all had their own ways of coping with the loss of a father figure. She understood that, except with her mother, which was probably why she didn’t have good mother instincts or whatever the reason she was the way she was. She silently turned her gaze away from him and looked down at their feet, clenching and unclenching her hands on the sides of her body, breathing out. “where’s your car.”
AJ hoped there was a sliver of understanding with Lydia, even though their situations were different, they were both raised by single parents and their grandparents, at least that was what they had in common. It was AJ's true story after all, he just left out the part of his dad, for good reason. He had to learn to cope. "This way," AJ quietly said as he motioned towards the navy blue jeep that was a few cars down.
lydia b.
Lydia didn’t want to follow Aj, she wanted to walk past him and make her way to the nearest bar to throw back a few shots. But the fact she was trying to make things work was rather hard especially with what she was used too. She didn’t utter another word as she followed after him towards the car, crossing her arms over her chest and chewed the inside of her cheek as she walked to the passenger side door, waiting until he opened it and got inside to look straight ahead in silence.
The walk to the car was a painfully silent one. It was a walk in which AJ fought the tears that threatened to fall. He tried focusing on his footsteps and his breathing, even just the most ragged of breaths could upset the calm before the storm and cause it to rage before they even made it to the car. When they made it, he opened the car door for her and then hopped into the driver's side and took a breath. "I go to therapy every Wednesday after the gym. Lola knows, Ivy...not so much. We don't talk about what happened with our dad, but we all have our scars. Some of us physical, but mostly emotional. I get nightmares every now and again. I don't know how to properly express negative emotion except by running and if I can't run, I pace my room and don't sleep."
lydia b.
she didn’t expect their conversation to end up like this, she didn’t want to pressure AJ into telling her about his dad when he wasn’t ready. Yet it appeared her anger got the best of her as she stayed silent and let him continue talking. Lydia wanted to reach over and comfort him, but she wanted to hear more, wanted to know more about AJs life, learn more about him that he doesn’t show in front of her.
It was a hard conversation that needed to be had, even though AJ wished that things weren't so tense so it'd be easier for him to open up, but here he was, staring blankly at his hands that would grip and release the steering wheel each and every time to get him to feel something and keep him centered. "I protected my mom and my sisters, a lot from him. I'd cause distractions to buy Ivy time to get Lola and hide. I'd jump in front of my mom so he wouldn't hit her, it's why I got the scar on my chin, actually. I tell magazines and reporters it was from a bike," He chuckled lightly and took a breath. "I don't share this side because it's a side that I need to learn to cope with first, above all else. I get scared to get angry because I've seen that man angry and...I don't want that for myself, for the people I care about. I don't want to be a monster. That's why I come here, every Wednesday. Learn healthy coping mechanisms, talk about life."
lydia b.
AJ opening a whole new can of worms and confession had her looking at him, her dark eyes widen at the news, the fact him and his sisters had to deal with along with his mom. It was no wonder he didn’t get upset when she tried to push him to get upset, she started to feel guilty for how she continued pushing him out of the comfort zone he was in while as she knew he was trying and she needed to try as well. Lydia knew therapy was good for some people, she just wasn’t one of those people due to being put in therapy at eight years old due to her parents decision. “Anything else?” She asked softly, her eyes looking at the side of his face before looking back outside.
"That's um...pretty much it," AJ responded just as softly. It was for the first time, in a very long time, he had felt vulnerable. None of his past exes knew about the darker side of his family life, none of his friends knew. It was always something kept within the family, aside his therapist. So now, he could feel the anxiety surge through him. He couldn't even turn to look at Lydia, afraid of how she might react. All he could do was focus on his breathing at the present moment and now the rushing thoughts in his mind, or the guilt that continued to eat at him.
lydia b.
Lydia nodded her head quietly, the silence in the car deafening, mostly her just processing the man she assumed she knew just came out of the shell he tried to perfect into seeming unhurt by anything. Lydia was starting to realize that she didn’t deserve AJ, he deserved someone who would love him and be that shiny person with a good heart, which she didn’t have or at least she believed she didn’t. “I think we should break up,” she said, maybe it was cruel for her to utter those words in a moment like this but she wanted to see something, be a bully but other than that, she would come clean and pull him into a hug.
AJ hated the silence in the car but he had nothing else to say from there on out. Mostly because it was him trying to gather his thoughts together, trying to keep from suffocating in his own mind. It was hard, opening up to someone like Lydia, who was already hurt by the world, but remained tall and managed to work her way through it the best way she knew how. That was what he admired about her, after all. Except...when he heard the words that came out of her mouth next, it was like a punch to the gut. He felt the tears coming on, but still kept a blank face and didn't turn to her when he said, "If...you think that's what's best for you, I wont stop you," He breathed out, trying to steady his voice as best as he could.
lydia b.
Lydia wasn’t sure what to expect, but his words, she wasn’t expecting one bit. She thought he would at least try and convince her not too, not agreeing willingly. “Just like that...you won’t even fight for us?” Lydia turned to face him fully, her heart squeezing at the fact he probably was hurting and yet here she was adding salt to the wound.
AJ's mind was wracking through the countless hours of therapy now of how to properly react when someone hurts you as he tried to even out his breathing. Even one wrong breath and he'd be a mess of tears and humiliate himself even further. "You wanted to know everything and you're...dumping me. I don't know what else you want me to say. I can't really...force you to stay, you know?"
lydia b.
Lydia stared at AJ, gaping at the fact he so easily waved his white flag, it annoyed her but another part of her enjoyed that side of him. Lydia reached forward and grabbed his chin, pulling his face to hers, staring him in his eyes, “you’re an idiot, you really think I would end things because of a sad past? I’m sorry that your father did that to your family, sorry that you had to lie to me about seeing a therapist—theres nothing wrong with that, it’s actually healthy, and most of all....I love you.”
AJ was caught off guard when Lydia pulled his face to look her in the eyes. "That's not funny or okay to do, Lydia--" He began to scold Lydia for the cruel joke but paused and took a breath to hear her out. At Lydia's apology and love confession he blinked at her for a second. Now he really thought he was being punk'd. "Lydia, seriously--that's not something to play with. I mean, I appreciate the apology but...don't just say that because I'm down."
lydia b.
Lydia wondered if it was the good time to utter those three words out, the same three words she vowed to not say ever again, that she used all the love she had to one guy and he broke it. The words alone felt different and the fact she was okay with saying it to AJ. “You should know I never even tell my friends I love them, this isn’t some spur of the moment because I’m always worried about being cheated on.”
AJ was completely in shock at Lydia's confession and let out a chuckle, it was that relief that lifted from his shoulders and slowly, the knot in his throat began to lessen and he felt like he could breathe again. "Damn, I feel pretty damn special then," He teased. "You beat me to the punch though, because I love you. And I'm not saying too as an echo, this is me saying, that I love you, and you drive me up the wall with your sadistic ass, but," He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek, "I can't imagine not having you."
lydia b.
Lydia smiled, she never would’ve guess that she would utter those words out to him in this sort of fashion. She figured she would be in a desperate moment and confesses, she realized maybe she should lay off the romantic movies for a bit. “I think you’ll survive, if you could do it before, definitely can do it after.” Her hand reaching up to squeeze his forearm, “does that mean I can’t go and screw parker one last time?” She jokingly asked.
AJ let out the loudest sigh as his hands cupped Lydia’s face carefully after her both remarks. “Lydia, you have to let me love you and not kill this moment,” He said in a more serious tone. “I know you hate romance but, at least just take in this moment, right here, right now. Cause this is it right here, there’s no going back. I know you’ve been hurt before, so you have to joke in moments like these to protect yourself, but I’m saying let me in. I’m not going to hurt you, Lydia.”
lydia b.
Lydia stared into his eyes, her heart fluttering at the serious look he held in those eyes of his. She knew it was wrong to joke around but it was what she knew best to do in situation like this. “Correction you did hurt me, should I remind you of the little secret you kept from me? How can you ask me to trust you when you do something like this?” She pointed out, she wanted nothing more than to do just that, let him in for once, now that she knew her true feelings for AJ she believed she could.
AJ took a breath and nodded, “I did, and I’m sorry for hurting you by hiding where I was going. It won’t happen again, you know unless it’s Christmas and I’m trying to hide from you to buy your present or your birthday—But it doesn’t take away from the fact that, this isn’t a joke, Lydia. I know you’re scared because you just said what you said. You can’t vocalize vulnerability and just before I make it to the door you shut me out, y’know? If this means I’m back outside of your wall, let me know, I know I have shit to work on, but I just want you to be sure, and I guess, I want to be sure too, that I’m what you want,” He admitted. “You don’t have to let down all your walls right away, but I’m just asking for you to sit in the moment.”
lydia b.
“You’re asking a lot from me AJ,” she felt the quiver in her tone, clearing her throat, “I just told you I love you and your past, but if you can’t accept the way I handle my own uncomfortable situations then maybe we need to take a breather. I’m not breaking up with you and you’re nothing like my ex but I know sometimes you feel as if I would leave you for him. I won’t, yes parker and I have a past. I can’t change that, I have a heart that I’m still repairing. It may take sometime but I will let you inside.”
“Yeah...I think we do need to take a breath—“ AJ attempted to say before his lips quivered into a smile. “Fuck I can’t do it with a straight face!” He laughed softly. “Lydia, I know you need time, okay? I just got frustrated for a sec cause I thought you were still joking, but you’re not—and you’re right. Lowkey, sometimes I think, you’ll go back because of that past yknow? But,” He looked at her with sincerity, “Take your time. I know this won’t be a cake walk. I got you.”
lydia b.
“Then quit getting mad at me because I won’t let you in right away,” Lydia slapped his shoulder and moved away from his grasp, looking out the window. “I love you but you’re a big pain in my ass sometimes, you know how ready I was to attack a bitch you we’re screwing? I could have end up in jail.”
AJ laughed, shaking his head, rubbing his shoulder when Lydia had moved away. She had a hard hit. “Didn’t like the tables turned on ya huh?” He teased. “But no I just thought you were fuckin’ with me, so that’s why I got flustered, I’m sorry baaaabe,” He called out to her for the first time as he went to pull her towards him. “I love you, but just know I can carry you before you murder anyone for staring at me,” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’ll even make it up to you. You could...” He whispered in her ear “Peg me or I could let you sit on my face?”
lydia b.
Lydia felt a shiver go down her spine at his suggestion, the little devil on her shoulder suggested to cave in, but her stubborn side wanted to pout a little longer. “Don’t be using sex against me, you know that’s my strategy,” she grumbled and turned her face away from his, sitting there with her arms over her chest. “It doesn’t help that I have to glare at these bitches for gawking at you and you giving them a smile.”
AJ chuckled at Lydia’s stubbornness. She was endearing like that. “You can’t say it didn’t rile you up a little,” He smirked, pressing kisses to her cheek and neck. “But I don’t smile at them the way I smile at you. I’m all yours, you know that.”
lydia b.
Lydia sighed and rolled her eyes, typical answer for him, she was still iffy but that was just her insecurities that one day AJ would get tired of her shit and break it off with her. She didn’t share those thoughts due to him probably saying that he loves her and only sees her type of bullshit. “Maybe I’ll flash my own pretty smile at both men and women that hit on me, giving you a taste of your own medicine.”
AJ turned Lydia to face him and he gave her a more sincere look. "Lydia," He said softly. "I will literally fuck the shit out of you if you try and make me jealous, I hope you know that," he began with a mischievous look, but then followed up with, "It's also normal to worry. You're gonna need a lot of reassurance, and that's okay. I'll show you every damn day, that I love you, even when you drive me up the wall. I'll be gentle with you...outside of the sheets."
lydia b.
her eyes widen slightly at his words, she always forgot that this part of him always comes through when tested by her. She just never expected for him to say those words, but it excited her to see if he would fall through with his promise. Her eyes twinkled with mischief and smiled, “at least I said it first and now you can stop over thinking if I do like you, I love you, until you try what you did again then I will cut you off so fast.”
AJ had to try to bite back a smirk when he noticed Lydia's eyes go wide at the sudden switch up. He liked casually reminding her at the worst times about how much of a freak he was. The only downside was they were in his jeep...in front of his sister's apartment. "I know, I know," He chuckled. "I promise, it won't happen again. I'll be honest with you. I love you."
0 notes
jennacolore-blog · 8 years
Clone Dinners | Jenna&Lydia
Jenna could go back to work at any point. She was in the midst of working out a way to convince James she could handle being his partner again, but that would come later. She was still a Forensic Technician, and she could handle that much. However, it didn’t take long for her to realize that she had made one too many headlines. Her name wasn’t used at the request of her and her family, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who they were writing about when they used terms like “novice agent” in their articles. Needless to say, Jenna was avoiding facing the world as much as she possibly could for the time being. But what she told her boss was that she was still on the pain killers, and she wasn’t sure she was in the right state of mind to be working. She was still taking them, but only at night. So while it was a lie, Jenna comforted herself in knowing it wasn’t a complete lie. 
Jenna heard a knock at the door, and sighed. James had gone to work, and Jenna had managed to convince Sutton to at least take a nap for a few hours in her own apartment. She figured it was one of the two of them checking in on her like they seemed to do nonstop lately. “I told you, I’m fi--” She started as she swung open the door, seeing Lydia standing on the other side. “Oh, Lydia. Hi, come in.” Jenna offered, stepping out of the way of her work friend.
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thehuxible-blog · 8 years
non-believers | lydia & hux
( @lydia-fairchild )
The fire in the heath was dying down by the time Hux looked up from what he was doing. The Slytherin common room had been full after dinner - students had been studying, talking, and playing games of chess, the sound of laughter occasionally filtering through Hux’s concentration. Now, and it appeared that it had been this way for quite some time, the common room was almost empty - save for the lone figure of Lydia Fairchild pouring over her books. It was a familiar sight, the brunette studying well into the evening and most of the others retiring before her. Hux knew he should be in bed - Professor Markle was almost impossible to stomach on no sleep - but his mind was elsewhere occupied. Perched as he was on the floor, legs stretched out beneath the coffee table, the divining arts were calling to him quite strongly tonight. Normally he could turn it on and off, decide when he wanted to tune in and ask some questions and get a feel for the state of things. Tonight it was as though he was plugged straight into some kind of cosmic computer - everything was humming, alive, frenetic, and Hux couldn’t deal the cards fast enough.
After staring at them for so long, testing multiple questions, Hux stretched his arms over his head before grabbing the bag of bones that he kept on him. They were sparrow bones, often more useful than normal chicken bones, and Hux cradled them in his palm for a moment, eyes closed. When he released the bones, they clattered to the table, the sound loud and harsh in the quiet, and Hux watched them fall with a frown. Unclear. He picked them up against, shaking the rattling bones in his palm for a moment before letting them clatter to the table’s hard wood once more, the sound loud and his eyes trained on the placement of each. Trouble. “Huh,” Hux said quietly, scraping the bones together once more before shaking them between his cupped palms. “Me?” he asked out loud before releasing the bones, the click click click of bone against wood filling the common room as he leaned forward to analyse them, tucking his long hair behind his ear.
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blakeallisontessler · 9 years
Snow Angels || Blake + Lydia
Blake was still stuck in the hospital, bruised and still mostly broken, she was struggling to find something worthwhile to do besides homework because she was pretty sure that any more math homework would drive her insane. 
She was still anxiously looking at the clock. Lydia was going to be here soon. Soon. She couldn’t wait. She couldn’t hold back excitement. She’d sketched some more swans on the sketchbook that Lydia had given her and she wanted Lydia to draw the water around them and cuddle her gently and make the healing time go faster. 
She couldn’t sleep. Lydia was going to be here in fifteen minutes. Her mind was racing. She couldn’t concentrate on the book she was reading, which wasn’t surprising considering it was Watership Down, perhaps the most wordy book on the planet that her literature teacher was forcing on the students.
Her head ached with anticipation and alertness. She couldn’t sit still. She checked her hidden bag of gummy worms. She hoped that Lydia was bringing more. There were only 4 left. Not nearly enough. 
The clock ticked on the wall across the hospital room. Lydia. Lydia. Lydia.
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ariadnehaven · 9 years
Reduced to Ashes
Characters Included:
Notes: Ariadne, Pylyp and Lydia take out the Volthoom threatening the werewolves’ lives.
Date: August 23rd 2015
Trigger Warnings: Some fire related plant violence but it’s nothing too wild.
Ariadne: Both she and Pylyp had left the station with only a couple of stops along the way. One was for Ariadne to grab a couple of things she promised were necessary. The other was when Pylyp recognised a girl along the way. Lydia. She was a banshee? Ariadne figured that that could come in handy when you were trying to find a beast from purgatory. Technically it was undead, after all. They pulled up at the preserve and exited the vehicle and she guided them around to the back, popping the trunk to show them what she'd promised Pylyp was necessary. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're making you both a molotov cocktail. Self igniting. I hope your aim is good. You throw, we light the beast on fire and I will intensify that." She said as confidently as she could.
Papa Stilinski: Pylyp wasn't entirely for bringing along Lydia. The sheriff in him wanted to minimalise casualties, but his authority as a sheriff had no role in the supernatural. Besides, if she helps get rid of the plant of angry lust, than it's better she is there. When Ariadne opened the trunk and mentioned molotov cocktails, Pylyp raised his eyebrows. This was definitely not what he had expected. Then again, he wasn't expecting a plant either. "Well this is definitely going to be interesting," Pylyp said. Truth be told, he was terrified but there was no way he was going to let anyone know that.
lydia: Lydia was never all too sure how useful she could exactly be. It's not like being a banshee was the most straight forward thing. She still had learning to do, but nonetheless she couldn't sit idly by and do nothing. She has to help her friends..or at least try. Looking over at Sheriff and then Ariadne she raised her brows. "Well that'll definitely be...impressionable." She said a bit skeptical.
Ariadne: Already putting the ingredients together as necessary, she smiled a little at Lydia and her skepticism. "It's a plant. Fire seems like the best way to deal with it, with the lack of a specific spell." She handed each person what they needed. "Let's go. Let us know if you feel anything?" She said to Lydia. Before they left, Ariadne tugged off her sling and tossed it in the trunk before pushing it shut. Her shoulder wasn't at 100% but she was determined not to show any weakness, nodding at both before leading the way in.
Papa Stilinski: Pylyp tightly gripped onto the molotov cocktail. Silently, he was praying that he wouldn't drop it because that would just be the most anti-climactic mission ever. And he would potentially die. "I still don't know why we can't just use a super-sized lawn mower," he muttered to himself. He still wasn't pleased about this. He probably never would be. But a job had to be done so Pylyp was going to make sure it got done. He swallowed his doubt and followed Ariadne's lead. She was the person in charge of this operation.
lydia: "Seems simple considering...which is a bit of a relief," She said momentarily thinking about the previous track record. The petite strawberry blonde followed the two with one of the cocktails in hand, "Never took you for much of a gardener, though in this case I'm not sure that would do us much good."
Ariadne: "Maybe if I owned a super-sized lawn mower." She half teased. Ariadne was a little nervous, knowing what would happen if they didn't get this done but she was in relatively good spirits thanks to finally knowing what they were up against. Her shoulder twinged a little but she wasn't too worried about it, watching where she put her feet. Without any real idea of where they were going, she just kept them going. There was a heaviness in the air - she followed it.
Papa Stilinski: "So, um... It's not going to try and eat us, is it? I mean, you said it wants to eat the werewolves, but we obviously weren't affected by it, so we're not going to end up being its fertiliser, are we?" Pylyp asked. It was probably a stupid question, but the supernatural stuff just stressed him out. It also didn't help that he had no idea what this thing looked like or where it was. It could be the shrub on the right for all he knew. "Do you feel anything, Lydia?"
lydia: Lydia let out a chuckle though soon enough a discomforting feeling began to set in, partly attributed to not fully knowing what she was getting herself into but then again..when did they ever? "Well I would presume not but I guess well find out soon enough wont we?" She said with her typical humor that was always laced in sarcasm. "No-" She said before cutting herself off, her head immediately snapping to the left. "Did you hear that?"
Ariadne: "Um.. Well I don't think it can lure us in but I would advise you to avoid the mouth." She said, "Maybe aim a cocktail there. I won't let you get eaten, boss." She promised, offering him an affectionate smile. When he mentioned Lydia, she glanced over at her as well, though she was fairly sure that they were on the right path. Then Lydia asked if they heard something, looking to their left. "No.." But there was a low sound that followed and she took the lead again and led them past a couple of trees, stopping in her tracks when she saw it. It was bigger than she had expected and the smell made her stomach turn. "Throw them. Now!"
Papa Stilinski: "A mouth..." Pylyp said weakly. It made sense that this carnivorous plant from Purgatory would have a mouth, how else would it eat the werewolves? Still, the mental image sent shivers through Pylyp. "No," Pylyp said at the same time as Ariadne. But then within a few more seconds, he could hear something. It was like a combination of a grumble and a growl. And the smell... The smell was horrific. It took a lot of focus to not gag and throw up. The size of the thing was... well, it definitely wasn't the size of a shrub. The thing was big, disgusting and alive. Pylyp launched his molotov cocktail at the plant. Smash! Flames exploded outward, right on the mouth (or what he assumed was a mouth).
lydia: Lydia became wary as she knew she was hearing something but she wasn't all quite sure what when they walked forward a bit, it finally revealed itself and it quite honestly wasn't what she was expecting. "Talk about overgrown weed," she remarked looking at it in the most disturbing of ways. Using her best of aim she threw the cocktail, laughing it towards the plant.
Ariadne: Taking a deep breath, she stared the plant down and focused on the flames - fire was her specialty and she hardly had to think to make the flames burn more intensely. The plant screeched and it made her wince from the sheet volume. It was getting hot for them too but she made sure to protect them from the flame. Ariadne could feel it draining her, putting one hand to her injured shoulder as it throbbed. She could see it starting to wilt, starting to fall but she didn't let up, not yet. Not until it started turning to ash, and then she knew she had to reduce the flame. It faded and she sidestepped, stumbling and falling into Pylyp.
Papa Stilinski: Pylyp thought the thing was alive before, but that was nothing compared to when it was on fire, especially Ariadne's fire. Tendrils weren't just snaking around of their own accord, they were vining around wildly. The plant was literally screaming. It was... it was downright disgusting. The plant began to char before it started crumbling into a pile of ash. When the flame died down or Ariadne slowed it or whatever had happened, Pylyp caught his falling deputy. "Are you okay?" he asked, lowering her gently to the forest floor.
lydia: Lydia's attention seemed to be spit two different ways. On one hand she was watching the plant deteriorate before her and on the other she started taking a notice in Ariadne who looked as if it was all taking a visible toll on her. It wasn't til she collapsed that she rushed over to Pylyps side and looking down at the other girl. "Is she alright? Maybe we should get her out of here."
Ariadne: "I'm okay." She rushed to say, although she wasn't going anywhere without help. "Just tired.." And she sounded it. Glancing at her shoulder, she was aware the wound had started bleeding again. That was okay, she could do more to help herself later. "It's dead. The werewolves.. they should be themselves now. They'll probably be tired but.. they're not in danger from it anymore. Let's.. let's get out of here."
Papa Stilinski: "Good riddance," Pylyp said. But he was concerned about his deputy, especially given that she was bleeding again. She looked exhausted. "Lydia, I'm going to need you to help me get her out of here. Do you remember the way back?" Pylyp hoisted Ariadne up with Lydia's help and took most of the deputy's weight. "You did good, deputy," Pylyp said softly to her.
lydia: Lydia nodded over at him, "Yeah I believe so," She said before helping him to pick her up as they made there way back, leaving the remnants of the sinister plant behind.
Ariadne: She groaned a little as they helped to lift her up off the ground, good arm around Pylyp's shoulders. She glanced behind them at the ashes and smiled a little before following Lydia back out of the preserve to the car. Volthoom was dead. This particular threat was gone.
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neverwholelahey · 9 years
You + Me and the world || thebansheeofthepack
It wasn’t the first time he had to dodge the questions of an interviewer. This time it was a group interview for the movie he had shot together with Lydia, and a few hours. The only questions asked of him and her were about their on screen chemistry, and if it was something that was true in their real lives as well. A question Isaac was so bored of by now. One he always gave the same answer to. An answer that in all truth was a lie. “We are just friends, nothing more.” He answered and gave them his charming smile, as always. 
He forced himself to not look over at Lydia, like he wanted as he answered the question. They were more than friends, they were as close as best friends, but they also loved one another. They were a couple, they had just decided to keep it from the public. Isaac really didn’t like the idea of the whole world knowing about what went on his private life. He was a very private person.
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blueeyedreyes-blog · 9 years
Might of an Alpha, fear of an omega||Lydia
Erica got home from her little walk with the three boys. Of course she had stopped at the McCalls with them and as of right now that was a stupid idea on her part but she couldn’t help it when she was scared. Erica needed help and she wasn’t always sure how to go about it most of the time. The blonde put Tobias down in his carrier as she began working out getting Mason and Lukaz out of the stroller. 
The omega partly hopped that the red head was out so it would give her enough time for her to bathe the children to rid some of the scent of the new pack’s enemy. 
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call-me-stiles · 4 years
The past few weeks seemed like a whirlwind. Everything was happening and yet he felt like they needed an escape. Stiles was going to take Lydia away for a while because she needed it. Hell, they both needed it. Stiles felt like he was drowning at times and he couldn’t imagine how Lydia must be feeling. He grabbed his suitcase and took it down to the jeep before going back to their apartment and grabbing hers. Once they were both in the jeep, he headed back up to make sure that Lydia was ready - this time with the legal papers in hand. He wanted to drop them off to be notarized and filed before the left Beacon Hills. Stiles found Lydia in their bedroom and he approached her. “Almost ready?” he asked her before leaning down to kiss her cheek. “Before we go...I think we should go ahead and sign these papers.” It wasn’t fun. There was nothing fun about having to sign something saying that someone could make medical decisions on your behalf if it was necessary. The main reason Stiles wanted it done was so that her father - for whatever reason - could never have any say again. He had also got papers for himself so that it wasn’t just her medical decisions they were discussing. Stiles knew his father would make sure and do what was best for him but extending the same level of trust to Lydia as he was asking her to extend to him was important. “So...we have to sign these and we will be the only ones that can make any medical decisions unless something happens to both of us. Dad has already signed that he will be the one for both of us just in case.” He reached out and rubbed her arm. He wanted to get it over with so they could take their trip down to the beach. He had rented a small one bedroom vacation house for them about an hour away on the beach just so they could get away for a bit.
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aurora-prince · 6 years
Send me 🗝 for a starter of our characters trapped somewhere together @lydisms
School had resumed, sort of, since the power went out. They went a few hours every morning and then were released after everyone had been accounted for. No one wanted a student locked in somewhere when cell phone service did not even work. It was near the end of the day and Rory had gone to the bathroom. Though there was no electricity, the plumbing worked. Thankfully. She headed out of the stall to wash her hands when she saw Lydia. The redhead smiled at her friend and quickly washed her hands. “This weird two hour school thing is getting old,” she commented as she grabbed some paper towels. She threw them away after drying her hands and walked to the door. After pulling it twice she turned towards Lydia. “Um...I think...I think we’ve been locked in.”
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ayy-jayy-siciliani · 3 years
AJ + Lydia || Meet the Parents
When: Mid-April 2021
Where: AJ’s Apartment, Pico District 
Major Warnings: N/A
Featuring: Lydia Belmonte @lydiabelmonte​
AJ had to admit that he was nervous, while Lydia had mentioned to him he had nothing to worry about when meeting her parents, he still wanted to make a good impression on them and hopefully not look like a complete bumbling idiot in front of them. He paced nervously after setting up his apartment for a nice dinner with Lydia and her parents until he heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" He called out as he straightened his posture and opened the door with a big grin.
lydia b.
Lydia stared at her parents, the fact they were here in Santa Monica together, was kind of suspicious but none the less she was happy to see her dad the most. While she has some terrible feelings towards her mother, she still missed her. “Please be nice, I know I should have told you guys that I broke it off with Parker but I was busy and didn’t want to worry you.” She shared and turned to face the door, smiling when she noticed AJ right away. “This is AJ, he’s my boyfriend—be nice,” Lydia emphasized and gave them a pointed stare.
AJ could feel everyone's stares on him like it was one of those post-game press conferences, so he smiled widely and said, "Hey, how's it goin' everyone? Come on in, make yourself at home!" He grinned as he stepped aside to let everyone in and gave Lydia a big grin and a thumbs up. It was gonna be good. He made a nice dinner for everyone that he'd hope they enjoyed. He was optimistic.
lydia b.
Haley tried to bite back a laugh but instead she let out a chuckle and nodded her head at AJ, following inside as she glanced around, “nice home,” Lydia groaned at how awkward her mom could be and looked at her dad with pleading eyes as he rolled them and grabbed Haley by the shoulders and moved them into the living room. Lydia turned to look at AJ and sighed, “heads up, my mom is weird and doesn’t have a filter, still makes me wonder how my dad and step dad fell in love with that train wreck.” She pulled a smile and walked towards AJ to give him a quick kiss, “did you need help with anything, besides you know, saving you from awkward questions.”
AJ grinned proudly and nodded, "Thank you. I can't really take all the credit, my sisters helped me fix up the place." At least he was honest...and hopefully not putting his foot in his mouth. As both parents entered, he looked over at Lydia who already appeared to have an exasperated expression and he smiled, "Alright, noted. Uh...do I try to laugh off any of the lack of filter stuff or do I just kinda...nod along?" He asked curiously. He smiled at Lydia's quick kiss and then perked up, "Actually, I'm gonna bring out the antipasto platter, you wanna help me bring out the wine and the wine glasses?"
lydia b.
Lydia let out a sigh and smiled, “I think if you end up laughing at the bluntness she will be quite happy, you see she thinks she’s the most funniest person the world when really...she’s not.” Haley waved her arm around Bryce and made a noise, “kids...are you going to flirt all day in there? If so, Bryce and I could simply leave to give you privacy?” Lydia let out a groan and nodded her head, “I’ll grab the wine and glasses.” She went toward where everything was as she entered the dining area.
"Goootcha," AJ nodded with a knowing grin. "I appreciate the tips, Lyds. Not gonna lie, I'm lowkey kinda nervous," He admitted with a chuckle. At Haley's comment, AJ tried not to snort and laugh immediately, but it was a pretty funny comment, and Lydia's reaction was also slightly comical...but he also didn't want to die on the spot. "We're on our way, sorry about that!" He called out politely. "Thanks babe, you're the best," He grinned as he went to the fridge to take out the appetizers and followed behind Lydia.
lydia b.
Lydia shakes her head at her mom who gave back a suggestive eyebrow wiggle in which her dad nudges her side and they both shared a look. A look of longing and sadness. Her heart hurts at the fact they weren’t able to mend their relationship and become a real family, but she didn’t regret having a little brother, and she knew her mom loved her now husband Spencer who couldn’t make it due to work. Clearing her throat and set the glasses down, pouring some for everyone and took a long sip. “So...AJ, as you know is my boyfriend. AJ these are my parents—“ Lydia was cut off by Haley and in return she let out a sigh. “So how did you guys meet and who confessed first?”
AJ smiled at the playful interaction between Lydia and her parents. He was glad to see that even in the aftermath of being separated that her parents were able to be friends in a way. He reached to grab a bite of one of the prosciutto wrapped breadsticks as he listened and nodded to Lydia's statement until he nearly choked on the bite he had taken. Clearing his throat he looked over at Lydia and grinned, then back to Haley and Bryce, "We met through a few mutual friends and well..." He trailed off, "I'd say we mutually confessed in a way?"
lydia b.
Haley grinned and nodded her head as she listened intently, she knew her ex husband wanted to know as well but all he was doing was narrowing his eyes to look intimidating. Lydia brought the glass of wine to her lips and took a long sip, she was happy that AJ kept the actual story hidden from her parents, she could kiss him right now but instead she laughed, “if my memory serves me correctly, you had tears in your eyes claiming you love me,” Lydia joking said, her dark eyes glancing over at him and turned to her mom who in turn couldn’t help but to laugh as well. “Well, all I can say is, we are glad she separated from her last boyfriend, we were quite concerned.” Haley shared, “Actually it was more of her father than me, and perhaps her step dad.”
AJ knew it’d be best to leave out the chaos part of their relationship in which sure, both her and Lydia were friends with the Maxwells and Eric, but one of his best friends just so happened to be Parker which made things...complicated. He didn’t want to give off the wrong impression or embarrass Lydia. Especially with the way Bryce was looking at him. He was pretty sure that man could take him down in a heartbeat. “I’m pretty sure it was allergies,” AJ teased with a laugh. “In all realness, there was definitely some tears, I’ll admit that,” he truthfully responded. At Haley’s response, he nodded, listening intently. “I understand,” he responded softly. “I kinda had a rough relationship before Lydia too, so one thing I’ve told her a lot of times is that, she can take her time opening up because of the hurt she’s gone through. I know relationships aren’t always going to be a walk in the park, realistically, but, I always reassure her that she’s safe with me and that she’s loved.”
lydia b.
Lydia couldn’t stop herself from staring after Aj, the smile upon her face never letting down, and the fact his cheesy response made her own face heat up as she turned her eyes away from his face towards her wine glass, avoiding the look on Haley’s face that held a goofy smile. “Aww...I remember being young and in love, except I don’t think Bryce ever said something that incredibly cheesy—Lydia, you found yourself a good one.” Haley gushed and rolled her eyes at her ex husband, “don’t give me that look. You know his response was way better than all her previous exes.”
AJ had to admit, he might’ve sprinkled on the cheese too much, but he meant every word and wanted Lydia’s parents to know how much he truly cared for her. Taking a sip of his wine, his focus returned back fully to Haley and Bryce. He could feel the slight relief, but he still wondered what Bryce thought of him. “For what it’s worth, everything I’m saying is something I never said before or rehearsed...I usually tend to put my foot in my mouth, truthfully.”
lydia b.
Lydia laughed into her glass of wine, she couldn't help it with the way AJ was practically trying to woo her parents, she already knew that her mom was won over and from the look on her fathers face, he was still skeptical which was normal considering she was his only daughter. "Dad...AJ won't hurt me--in all honest truth, it will be me hurting him, I mean I bully him often," She shrugged her shoulders and notice the small smile appear on her dads face before nodding his head and turning his attention back on AJ, "Make her happy and we won't have a problem."
When Lydia laughed, AJ wanted to reach over and purposely squish her cheeks for putting him on the spot like that, but instead he gave her an endearing smile, cause she was just that cute. "She's not wrong there," He agreed with a chuckle as he took another bite of the appetizer in his hand. At the appearance of Bryce's grin, it was almost like a breath of fresh air...but he still needed to impress with dinner. "I will sir, you've got my word," He nodded with a grin. "So...I made a fam favorite of mine, chicken parm pizza and some linguine on the side, aside the appetizers, who's hungry?"
lydia b.
Lydia felt the corner of her lips curl into a small smile, hearing what AJ cooked made her stomach growl at the thought of good food, she was just thankful he agreed to cook instead of herself. Sure she can cook simple dishes but nothing like what AJ can cook. Haley raised her eyebrows impressed by the food choices AJ mentioned, looking over at Bryce, "Guess our kid really takes after me, dating men who can cook." The brunette grinned and rolled her eyes as Bryce replied back, "You mean because you never learned how to cook and never taught our daughter to cook basic foods besides ramen or fast food."
AJ grinned back at Lydia, although he was pretty much starving himself and couldn’t wait to get a bite of that goodness. While he loved Lydia’s cooking, he was pretty sure out of the two of them, he’d be the one cooking. At Bryce and Haley’s comments at each other, AJ had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. He could definitely see where Lydia gets her sarcastic sense of humor from. “You both don’t mind if I steal Lydia away real quick so she can help me bring in the plates, right?”
lydia b.
Haley turned away from the bickering she was having with Bryce and looked over at AJ then onto her daughter, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips before nodding her head. "Of course, but just so you know, Bryce will be timing how long you're gone, just make it quick, there's a reason it's called a quickie." Lydia groaned out, "mom, can we not?" She said as she stood up and tugged at AJ's shirt as she walked towards the kitchen, she should have known that her mother wasn't exactly....decent or graceful. She was the total opposite of that and she still questions how the hell she managed to land herself not one but two marriages. "I warned you...now you see what I deal with."
AJ quickly pressed his lips together and he pretended to cough to suppress a laugh at Haley's suggestive comment about him and Lydia. While he knew that Lydia was absolutely mortified, the way that they were called out, put through the wringer, just like that made the laughter of mortification to come out, but, he held it in as best as he could. "N-No, we wouldn't, I promise," He clarified after clearing his throat. As he was dragged to the kitchen, AJ let out a quiet laugh and shook his head, "Yo...your mom's too funny though. God, that's--woo." He pressed a kiss to Lydia's lips. "I love you and this has been a pretty fun experience, y'know despite the awkward moments and stuff. Hopefully the food wins 'em over."
lydia b.
Lydia smiled lightly at the peck he gave her, which had her grabbing onto his waist and pull him closer towards her, standing up on the tip of her toes to press her lips against his and gave him a good kiss. pulling away before she actually tried anything that would have her mother giving a full on smirk. "You already won my mom over and soon enough my dad...even if they didn't like you, they don't matter because I love you." She lift her hand up to caress his cheek and pecked his lips once more.
AJ smiled and pulled in Lydia closer to him as a response of her pulling him in closer and smiled into the kiss. It was a short moment of bliss but he had to remind himself to definitely not prove Haley right. “Baby steps right?” He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I know, I know, but, it’d be cool to like get to eventually talk with your parents and be comfortable with it just like you’re comfortable talking to my ma, you know?” He smiled and put a hand to her cheek for a moment and sighed. “Well babe, time to go eat. I dunno about you but I’m starving.”
lydia b.
Lydia knew that AJ wanted nothing more than to get along with her parents, she wanted that as well, especially with her dad. But as he stated, baby steps, she already knew her mom already liked AJ but that was only because he cooked and she liked anyone who gave her food, like a dog. She leaned into his touch and sighed softly, nodding her head and realized too was starving. “I am...and other things,” her eyes going down between them then back up, flashing him a smirk. “Let’s go before I decide to prove my mom right.” She pulled away and gathered the items to bring into the dinning room.
AJ was glad that things were going well for the most part, although he knew it'd take time for Bryce to warm up to him, as he was rightfully protective of her. He could at least say...for the most part, he won Haley over. He chuckled at Lydia's suggestion and shook his head, "Definitely not when you're parents are in the other room but later...that's another story." He had a coy smirk, just to purposely egg her on and grabbed the rest of the things to head into the dining room. "Best behavior babe," He teased.
lydia b.
"Tease," she grumbled and walked back into the dining room to see her dad still held a longing look at her mom, it pained her to see that he would still love Haley while as Lydia kept telling him to go out and date other people. "I hope you guys are excited for AJ's cooking because I might have more than two plates." Lydia commented, dismissing the worried feeling she had for her parents.
"You love me," He chuckled as he followed her into the room. He could saw the longing look that Bryce had towards Haley and, it kinda sucked to know that things didn't work out the way they did...not that he knew much about it anyways. Looking back over at Lydia he beamed. "Now you're just buttering me up," AJ chuckled. "But, I hope everyone likes it and I got some chili flakes in the middle too in case you like it with a little heat. My Pops does, all the time."
lydia b.
Lydia looked over at AJ and grinned, “Ah yes, my dad enjoys spicy food and sometimes my mom. But she’s weak.” She grinned and glanced over at Haley who had her mouth gawked open. “Damn being attacked by my own child...sorry I can’t have fire breathing taste buds.” The brunette rolled her eyes at them, Lydia chuckled softly under her breathe and handed out the plates towards her parents as she took a seat as well.
AJ bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing but the knowing look on his face towards Lydia was a signal that he nearly wanted to burst into laughter. "For what it's worth, I was like that too until I moved here, I had like zero tolerance for any type of spice," He chuckled. He carefully set the food down alongside the utensils and cutlery and then said, "Alright, dig on in!"
lydia b.
Lydia glanced over at AJ, “You don’t need to say that just to make Haley feel better,” Bryce spoke up, his voice deep and raspy, Lydia assumed it was from singing. Lydia ended up laughing while as Haley slapped Bryce’s arm. “ANYWAYS, let’s enjoy this lovely dinner that AJ slayed in the kitchen for, because we all know I would only order take out because well less dishes.” Lydia reached out and started dishing herself, already feeling her stomach growling.
"I wish I were saying that, but I got roasted when I couldn't stomach sweet chili wings when I went with out with my homeboys. Took me a whole year to build up that tolerance," AJ admitted with a chuckle, but he was glad that Bryce had spoken to him a bit. AJ chuckled at Lydia's remark and followed after her to serve himself, excitedly going in to get a piece for himself...as if he didn't try a prototype piece just hours earlier in a sandwich.
lydia b.
Lydia was feeling her shoulders relax at the fact that things were perhaps working for the best. She knew her mom already loved her and her dad was slowly coming to accept it, she also knew her parents would like anyone besides her ex boyfriend who they detested. “So AJ, do you love Lydia—let me rephrase this, is this some sort of fling or are you two serious about each other?” Her father asked, cutting the awkward tense like a knife, Haley paused with the fork in hand and glanced over at Bryce then back to AJ and Lydia.
AJ could feel himself relaxing a little bit more now that things weren't so completely awkward. He really did hope that Haley and Bryce thought well of him and he knew while he didn't have big shoes to fill, he knew that he'd have to work a little bit after the lasting impression Parker had given them and he knew it wasn't going to be super easy. At Bryce's question, AJ nodded to let the man know he had taken the question in and wasn't going to just blurt out whatever. "Truthfully, I'd say we're pretty serious," AJ looked over to Lydia and then grinned. "You know, despite the fact that she roasts me to no end, I love her and I know it's gonna be a journey, together, but I do see myself with her in the long run."
lydia b.
Lydia felt her mouth going dry, part of her was happy at his words but the other part, the fear of things failing. She didn’t want history to repeat itself, marriage made it scary due to the failed marriage of her parents. Her mom leaving when she only a baby. Lydia knew AJ wasn’t like that, he constantly made her feel comfortable, showed her love and everything. “You guys are only in your twenties, we’ll see about that in several more years,” Bryce commented and Haley being the hopeless romantic sighed and looked over at AJ then Lydia. “If you two are that in love, then I believe you can make it work.”
AJ could see the happiness but the fear in Lydia's eyes. It was a scary thought, the future. He had a realistic out look about their relationship, that they'd take their time throughout, not rush things or go into things head first. Overall, it was all about making sure Lydia was happy. "Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, I'm a big believer in taking everything a day at a time, which, you know is kinda contradictory. But, I'm a very live in the moment, but I've got faith and I know it might seem naive...I think we've got a shot," He responded with a grin.
lydia b.
Lydia smiled at AJ, if she could she would kiss him but in respect for her dad, she held back. Bryce nodded his head, “as long as you know sometimes things change—feelings change.” Lydia realized that he was only saying that due to the history of her mom and him. She set her fork down and leaned forward, “Dad...AJ and I are in love, we don’t know what the future holds, but we are taking things one day at a time, AJ is always making sure I’m okay with things and I love that about him.”
AJ looked over at Lydia and smiled. If he could kiss her right now, he would, but last thing he needed was to give off a bad impression. He turned back to Bryce and nodded. "I understand," He said with a more serious expression to let the older man know that he truly did understand. When Lydia set her fork down, AJ knew she meant business and he respected that. He looked over at her with admiration, but made sure that he was looking back at her parents too...even though he was pretty sure they caught him staring a little too long at her.
lydia b.
Bryce and Haley stayed silent, mostly due to the seriousness between the younger couple. Haley could almost see herself in Lydia, especially the way she backed up AJ. It was like when she was trying to be serious with her own father about her first then second marriage. “Well, Bryce...does that answer your question because I believe that our daughter is quite serious and if you asked AJ to run across country to get cheese in Italy he would—not that you should because that’s ridiculous but c’mon.” Haley motioned between the kids and brought the glass of wine to her mouth drinking in response. Bryce pressed his lips together before signing, “Fine...but it’s a dads duty to scare off the poor idiot who decided to date this bossy girl of ours.” “okay—wow, I didn’t ask to be attacked like this.” Lydia added with a roll of her eyes.
There was a moment of silence between the parents until Haley spoke up again. He could definitely see the contrast in both parents, which, in a way, he could see Lydia's both sides easily. Bryce was very realistic and straight to the point, which was what the world often saw. Then Haley's idealism, her sarcasm...was definitely Lydia. He figured that'd be something he'd keep to himself, however. He took a sip of his own wine, mostly to not laugh at Lydia's reaction, but he loved her either way.
lydia b.
Lydia was glad that at least now it was so tense but that was because her dad was slowly accepting it. She wanted them to love AJ and see why she fell in love, she met his family and now he was meeting hers. All that was left was to meet her step dad and brother. She knew she wanted AJ to at least her parents first before everyone else just like when he brought her to meet his mom and sisters.
AJ was pretty glad that things went the way that they did and that everyone was pretty honest about what each other's intentions were. Overall, AJ admired both Bryce and Haley, although sure, their relationship seemed strained--maybe even showing a glimmer of what could've been, he enjoyed getting to meet the two that brought Lydia into the world in the first place. He looked over at Lydia and reached for her free hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze with a smile.
lydia b.
Lydia returned the squeeze and smiled into the wine. Hearing her parents starting to bicker between each other that she turned toward AJ and flashed him a grin, “see...things turned out good,” she said softly, to have a conversation between the both of them while her parents were arguing over something stupid.
AJ could hear the bickering in the background but his sights were set on Lydia. “I’m really glad it did. They seem to really like the food, actually,” He chuckled between them. Relieved he was able to have a conversation between just them for the moment. “We might need to celebrate later,” He leaned in to whisper as if it was over something dumb.
lydia b.
Lydia raised her eyebrow at his suggestion, just the image alone in her head, had her wanting to kick her parents out sooner. “Now you choose the time to put the idea in my head?” She whispered and shot him a playful glare. Turning her attention back to her mom who asked a question. “So AJ do you have any siblings?”
AJ let out a laugh and smiled innocently. “What can I say, I like a little thrill,” He teased Lydia with an innocent smile. His attention went back to Lydia’s mom and he nodded with a smile. “Two sisters. Ivy’s older and Lola’s the youngest.”
lydia b.
Lydia set the glass back onto the table, “his older sister hates me, but I mean, it was a messy time before AJ and I made things official. Another time to tell the story though.” She waved off the look of Haley wanting to ask more. Lydia realized that now maybe she should talk with Vanessa and even apologize.
AJ nodded in agreement, “Yeah, there’s some strain that needs to get worked through but, I’d say they both can work it out.” He nodded with a confident smile, although he really hoped, especially as they neared the six month mark of everything going down, that things could be fixed.
𝐥𝐲𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞 .
“but his mom loves me and she’s pretty bad ass—maybe dad could probably date her—wait never mind, that would be weird,” she quickly changed her mind and the look on Haley’s face said it all, she didn’t approve which had Lydia laughing.
AJ nearly choked on air at Lydia’s attempt of trying to set up his mom and her dad together. Haley’s face has also said it all too. All he could do was take a sip of wine to clear his throat before he keeled over at Lydia’s comment.
lydia b.
Lydia knew she was riling up her mother, but it wasn’t like she had a right to approve of who Bryce dated or not. “Oh c’mon mom, you can’t really think dad would stay single forever while you are happy with your own family? That’s a bit selfish.” “Lydia.” Bryce voice warned and shakes his head. “Okay you two, who I want to date or don’t date isn’t any of your guys choice. If I do...then that’s that but this conversation should be held as a family matter. You’re making AJ uncomfortable.”
At Lydia’s daggered remark, AJ leaned to pat Lydia’s hand as if to say “that’s enough, don’t go too far.” He was really relieved that Bryce had chimed in at the conversation before it went too far. It wasn’t really his place to say anything anyways, but it was definitely getting tense and not in the way he was thinking it would be.
lydia b.
Lydia met Haley’s stare, not backing down. She knew she still had some sort of resentment towards her mother, something she was still working on. “Sorry Dad,” she turned back to her food.
AJ could feel the tension between mother and daughter and he felt bad...he wish there was something he could do to make the situation easier. But instead he took another bite of his food and exchanged a look to Lydia to see if she was okay
lydia b.
Lydia avoided AJs eyes and finished up her plate, “thank you for food AJ but I think it’s time we get going, Haley’s flight is in three hours so I need to get her to the airport. You’re more than invited to come visit in Wilmington.”
Bryce nodded his head towards the two and put his plate over Haley’s empty plate.
AJ knew things weren’t going the best at the moment so he opted to finish eating. “Absolutely! Thank you for stopping by again, it was a pleasure to meet you both,” He smiled widely. “I’d love to visit Wilmington someday if Lydia’s down for it,” He looked over to her with a smile. “I can take these to the kitchen and give you all a moment,” he nodded.
lydia b.
Lydia nodded her head and kissed his cheek, before turning to her parents. “Thank you for meeting AJ, I know you weren’t the best of fans for Parker, but AJ is different and I’m hoping that you will see that.” Bryce messed up Lydias hair and smiled, “So far I can tell he cares a lot for you and as your mom pointed out that he clearly loves you by the way he looks at you. I’m just happy that you’re happy, you finally met someone who can show you how to love.” Lydia felt her eyes well up at those words before wrapping her arms around his waist and nodded her head. “I love and miss you dad, I’ll come by to visit soon.”
AJ smiled and kissed Lydia’s cheek before grabbing the plates and heading into the kitchen to clean up. He headed back into the dining room and overheard some of the conversation as he grabbed the remaining left overs and saw the precious moment she shared with her and her dad as he headed back to the kitchen. He was glad things worked out the way that they did, and that’s what mattered most.
lydia b.
Lydia seen her parents out the apartment, accepting the hugs and kisses on her face from both parents, still a little stiff from Haley but allowed her mom to give her affection. Shutting the door behind them and sighed, before making her way back into AJs apartment, help clean up the table and walked into the kitchen to place the remaining dishes in the sink. “Well that went okay...minus the jab I threw at my mom.”
AJ had finished cleaning up most of the dishes and put away most of the plates and the food, only leaving a few things behind, unintentionally, but he was very grateful that Lydia had come in to help. "Yeah, I'd say so...but whew...that was...a hard jab. I didn't know that happened, actually, babe," He put a dried his hand with a paper towel and put his hand on her cheek. "You okay?"
lydia b.
Lydia leaned into his touch and nodded her head, she stayed silent as she listened to her thoughts that were racing around. Part of her wanted to sabotage the relationship between her parents but she also didn’t want to mess up the peace her parents made. “Sorry for that...it’s just...there’s still unsolved resentment towards her, something I’m slowly working on but...I also don’t want too...you know?”
AJ let Lydia take her time. He could tell that there was a lot on her mind at the current moment, so he'd be there for her until she was ready to talk about it. "I understand. I remember you mentioning you and your mom had a rocky relationship, I just didn't realize how rocky," He said. "It's hard to forgive and forget, you know? Things like that take time, but you gotta do what feels best for you, and for your dad, okay?"
lydia b.
A soft sigh escapes as she shrugged, “my dad is always going to be hopelessly in love with her.” Lydia said sadly before shaking her head, leaning to kiss the inside of his palm that was near her face. “Besides, I can’t believe you said those sort of comments when you know it turns me on.”
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underthewxter-blog · 10 years
"Si se lo significa pero eso no quiere decir que lo haga"
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"¿Y por qué no?" Su voz tenía aquél tono inquisitivo y su mirada no se separó ni un momento de la pelirroja. "No vas a romper una tradición navideña como esta..." Un paso. Otro más. La distancia iba desapareciendo conforme el beta se acercaba, una ligera inclinación y sus labios quedaron justamente en el oído de la ojiverde. "... o si?"
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blakeallisontessler · 9 years
Sweet Birthday//Lydia+Blake
Blake swung her backpack onto her shoulder and winced at the impact. She put her phone back in her sweatshirt pocket after reading her mom’s reply: “Yes”. She started walking out of the classroom with Lydia. “How are we getting there and who’s driving?” She smiled.
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call-me-stiles · 5 years
Going to work while Lydia was healing was not ideal. He didn’t want to do it but he acknowledged that they needed money as well as the job. They were very understanding, of course, but he didn’t want to take advantage of that. He finished for the day and headed home to their shared apartment. “Hey, I’m home,” he said as he walked in. Stiles put down his wallet and keys before going to the couch where Lydia was sitting. “So, I’ve been trying to- hey, you don’t look okay...” The thing was, he was noticing that Lydia was not healing as fast she normally did. That was definitely concerning for him. It would probably be concerning for everyone who knew her. He sat down beside her and pulled her close to him. “Has today been a bit harder on you?” he asked her, the convern easily seen on his face. “Nothing mattered more to him than making sure she was okay and getting better.”
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