chryzuree · 9 months
alice poking at the bite mark azure left on chrysi’s neck, then very seriously, with jst a note of panic, goes, “vampires are real.”
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
break is literally chrysi’s older brother btw??? he says he’s not, that he doesn’t care abt chrysi at all, but he’ll follow her whenever she’s on her dates so he can decide if the boy is worth it!!! he crashed all her dates w jacks because he cannot fucking STAND jacks.
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chryzuree · 10 months
🌍 + Pandora Hearts
🌍 - chrysi and break are so frequently mistaken for siblings that at this point, they don’t even argue. instead, they jst make up embarrassing sibling stories abt the other. yeah, he used to sleep w his baby blanket up until he was 30. yeah, she once knocked over all the bookshelves in the library like dominoes. fuck it, nobody’s going to know!!
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chryzuree · 1 year
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siblingcore break moment. chrysi returns the favor when he’s literally choking up blood & going blind like “HEYYYYYYY. oh you’re actually dying.”
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chryzuree · 1 year
vv funny the way i dealt w the inadequacy of gil’s passion for chrysi. like, yeah, he would always choose to protect oz over chrysi, but unfortunately for gil, OZ decided he wanted chrysi to be his sister-in-law so bad that he’s forcing gil to fall in love w chrysi. no exceptions. new command from his master, i guess!!
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chryzuree · 1 year
i literally NEED to sit down and eventually write the parent trap style shenanigans alice and oz go through to get gil and chrysi together… chrysi knows precisely what they’re doing, but it flusters gil and she thinks flustered gil is so cute, so she’ll let it slide. also it’s funny watching alice and oz try to sneak around and b subtle abt it. guys, she can see you.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
never once figured out my bone witch au all the way through because chrysi didn’t have a brother she was close to that she could bring back from the dead. this is now untrue!!! break is her older brother + he died + chrysi was distressed enough over it to bring him back to life!!!
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
how does break/george show their care for chrysi? and how does chrysi show her care for them? what games do u think would oz and alice enjoy…
break shows his care for her by calling her out on her bullshit <3 he knows that it’s all her self-destructive tendencies speaking whenever she claims she doesn’t want to get anybody else in trouble. he’s been there. he doesn’t want her to make his same mistakes.
honestly, a lot of break’s caring for chrysi stems from him trying to prep her for when he’s going to be dead. he’s the only one that can read her and understand her, and so he has to be the one to set her to rights and get her on the right path before he’s gone. he shudders to think of what’ll happen if he doesn’t.
(though what happens if chrysi were to die first? what then?)
george shows his care for chrysi via brusquely keeping her company. he’ll clean her room for her, even if he’ll complain a bit as he does it, and he’ll bluntly tell her hey, he’s concerned for her on account of her being an idiot. but in the end, he can’t tell her to do anything. he jst indirectly lets her know that he’s worried for her, he thinks she’s making bad decisions, and he wants her to be better soon……. vv little brother behavior………… he’ll also leave her some homemade meal and a comic he thinks she might like 🥺 just to distract her.
(side note: i think out of all her boyfriends, george might like gil the most???? hmmmmm. perhaps mordred too, since mordred would defend chrysi w his life……….)
chrysi shows her care for break by attacking him like a wild animal. it’s mostly jst banter between the two of them, but when it comes down to it, they can communicate to each other pretty clearly. they’re not really ones for physical contact, but their company is secretly appreciated :)
with george, chrysi will DOTE ON HIM. getting him his fav treats, new comics, sending him silly calendars each new year, OH MY GOD, THE GAG GIFTS……. she’ll take him out on the town for one-on-one time w him. that is her baby brother!!!!
i got sidetracked a moment bc i was imagining oz and alice playing kh and yk what…. they’d fucking love it. also nitw? i feel oz would rlly appreciate it and alice would like it when he plays it because she jst falls asleep to it.
in terms of board games, i think chrysi would force both of them to play talisman so many times that now they love it. and whenever it’s cloudy out, they start bothering chrysi because they want to play talisman!! it’s talisman weather!! she’s going to murder them.
OMG THEY’D LOVE PLAYING MYSTERIUM. THAT WOULD BE SO FUN. funnily, alice is the best at being the spirit and choosing the spirit cards. chrysi suspects that alice’s stint in the abyss makes it easier, but she’s not entirely certain….
as for card games, slapjack…… chrysi’s not allowed to play, but honestly, alice hits harder than chrysi does. also, they love garbage + bullshit. they’re all easy games to learn and play rlly fast hehe.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
George and Break meet up. How does this go? 👀
so, first things first, there’s a major difference in the way they view chrysi being a sister is that one) break doesn’t admit that chrysi’s his little sister figure to himself, and two) george has a more amiable sibling relationship w chrysi versus break being the most annoying older brother known to mankind.
so, as for how their first meeting goes… hmmmmmm. george doesn’t trust break. period. end of conversation, and for good reason. he can’t precisely put words to it, but i mean, come on—look at that guy. absolutely not. in addition to that, there’s the fact that break is part of an organization and he works for higher ups.
break thinks that george is annoying. he wants him to go awayyyyy, he’s literally a kid and he doesn’t know what he’s talking abt. honestly, he sees a bit of himself in george and it’s even more obnoxious. shoo, shoo, little annoyance.
but beyond first impressions, i think george and break would eventually learn that they get along? like, george realizes break actually does his own thing and likes breaking the rules, and break’s a bit fascinated by george’s macabre interests.
chrysi leaves them while they’re at each other’s throats, and then she comes back to them drinking tea together while george is baking little treats for break + chrysi feels like she entered an episode of the twilight zone. why are you getting along? she doesn’t like it, knock it off.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
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tiny daughter!!! let her out!!!!
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
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literally SO sibling coded???????
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
gil asks break for help on how to charm chrysi and break refuses up and down. older brother instincts kick in and he thinks gil isn’t good enough for his baby sister 😤……… er, his coworker.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
whenever oz is stressed that gil will end up w dahlia in that short story, it’s because he actually wants gil to be with chrysi instead. hope this clears things up :)
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
chrysi lends oz a bunch of horror novels and then she gets a call from gil at 2 in the morning because apparently oz is having nightmares from the books he read. chrysi feels somewhat bad, but gil chastising her just makes her laugh.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
I’ve been cooking all day and thinking of your October series and the first part that’s been posted, and I wanna ask- how is Alice in the kitchen? Cause in my mind she is NOT allowed… she reached into pans with cooking things in them… she knocks things off shelves and reorganizes the spice cabinet… a true force of chaos
you would be correct!! she is not good at it. she makes a mess. best she can do is eat the food that is being prepared 😌 BUT REARRANGING THE SPICES BC SHES BORED AND SHE LIKES CAUSING CHAOS IS SO INSPIRED. GENIUS. OF COURSE SHE DOES.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
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familee….. gaggle of the littles + gil…..
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