chryzuree · 11 months
ughhh. l&c universe chryzurejacks is so upsetting after azure dies. the whole lead-up, before azure told them, he spent a lot of time writing letters and setting them out to post on all anniversaries and birthdays in the coming years… and every time, jacks would ask what could possibly be keeping azure so busy when he should’ve been resting.
the first letter jacks receives after azure dies says, “today you asked me what it is i’ve been off doing. the answer: this.” and jacks immediately calls chrysi, because he can’t do this alone.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
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having a normal one, i think.
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chryzuree · 11 months
thinking that azure probably ultimately dies from his prolonged possession. he manages to survive another couple years after chrysi and jacks save him, but he’s known from the start that mordecai controlling him shaved decades off his life. his insides are scarred to hell and back, his nerves are damaged, and there’s never enough sleep to make him feel rested. but he was happy for those last couple years, and that’s good enough for him. out of all his tragic endings, this one was the sweetest. he’s so happy chrysi and jacks were there for him every morning, and he’s so happy he was warm with them. goodbye. he loves you both.
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chryzuree · 11 months
azure wakes up frm his coma post-possession to chrysi curled up on his chest and jacks in the visitor’s chair, somehow even more curled up than chrysi. for the first time since he got possessed, azure feels warm 🥺
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chryzuree · 11 months
after mordecai is removed frm azure’s body, azure, like, nearly dies on the spot. by that point, he’s been pushed to his limit. his internal organs are failing. he’s so cold. he was running on spit and glue and a fucking prayer. he made peace with dying, so long as he could see his actual chryseis before he died. and it’s everything he wished for—he knew the fake dreams mordecai made of her were a pale imitation of her… he was so happy she found him at the party and woke him up jst long enough to kiss… that was all he needed to survive for a little longer… until now. he’s okay to die now, freely, in chrysi’s arms.
but absolutely not!!!! chrysi is NOT letting that happen!!!! you fucking asshole, she didn’t jst save you for you to die on her!!! when the paramedics arrive, they try to take azure to the hospital separately frm chrysi—like, c’mon. ma’am, you’re a random stranger and this man is the ceo of a silver manufacturing company. you’re not allowed.. OH OKAY NO ITS FINE YOU CAN COME WITH, NO KILLING PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! …& chrysi spend the whole ride, her head on azure’s chest, trying to warm him up. she’s never ever letting him go again!!
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chryzuree · 11 months
wow. i was so insane for the chryzure l&c universe where azure’s possessed by his father. let me add to that: he has permanent internal scarring from having a ghost inside of him for almost two years and also he can never quite get warm (chryzurejacks curling up together so azure can try and get warm…) and he’s always kissing chrysi’s wrists where mordecai nearly broke her bones, because he feels so horrible he couldn’t stop it. he’s so scared of sleeping. he always needs to be near chrysi. he’s a man traumatized by what he went through and he knows he will never quite return to normal.. it’s okay. even george is being nice to him for once. showing up w homemade food and pastries and such, to warm azure up. :((
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
WAIT. TELL ME ABOUT JACKS IN THE L&C UNIVERSE WHERE DOES HE FIT AND HOW DOES HE FEEL ABT GHOSTS (And while we're on the subject I've been meaning to ask if Chrysi's ability to see ghosts is changed in any way in this universe–is it a well known and miraculous fact that she can still see ghosts after growing up or is it a secret she keeps to herself?)
SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!! jacks is still chrysi’s “childhood” friend (sorta.. when she started her exchange program, he was p much her first friend, since he was the one that showed her around the school. super fun…), but his own psychic powers were p minor. he was jst a night watch kid, whereas chrysi became an agent bc of how strong her abilities were. this doesn’t make jacks feel inadequate at all (lying)
well, generally speaking, jacks isn’t too frightened of ghosts. he knows how to keep himself safe, and by god, he’ll manage to do that (running away like a coward). it’s more like he’s scared of the danger chrysi’s going to get herself into w ghosts.
honestly, i’ve been playing w a relic man business jacks runs when he gets older + his psychic powers fade.. he’s not a good person. so yeah, he’s willing to sell off artifacts and such. but he’s forced to do it semi-ethically, since chrysi’s rlly annoying abt what he does + once he did it unethically and george’s annoying friends (lucy and lockwood) were there and they reported to chrysi. he nearly lost his life at chrysi’s hands <///3 feel sorry for him ;;; (DON’T)
((SO GLAD YOU ASKED. chrysi keeps her ability to see ghosts to a trusted few, which includes… george and azure 💀 she didn’t tell jacks bc she knew he’d use her abilities to his advantage. it’s p miraculous that she can still see ghosts, but… eh, don’t worry about it. george is trying to uncover the reason why, but it’s mostly jst that chrysi was psychic in a way that would’ve been obvious even in a world without the problem.))
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
i saw some fanart of montagu hugging the l&c three and i burst into tears
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
now see, i’m tumbling a bit too far into the montagu/chrysi concept…………………. imagine chrysi, still used to living in the us, blurting out that she’d like to take montagu out to dinner, only to stop and say, “oh wait, you don’t do dinner here, huh? since nightfall brings ghosts out….” and montagu jst goes, “no, let’s do dinner. you can stay the night at my place, if it makes you feel safe.” HELLO!!!! HELLO!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
hey, stop crying. chrysi wearing montagu’s leather jacket.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
also kicking my feet and having an excellent time having george jst be chrysi’s little brother that visits them all the time. he shows up every saturday morning. he’s forced to go on errands w chrysi. he accidentally made too many muffins w her and now he and chrysi are desperately trying to give them to all their friends before azure comes home and finds out they might just be eating muffins as all their meals for the next three weeks. he’s going to help chrysi save her soulmate because even though he’s had his reservations abt azure, that’s still going to be his brother-in-law and he cares abt him!!!!!!!!!!!
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
george being like “what are your intentions w my sister >:(“ and azure going “to make her happy and safe and to be happy and safe with her. that’s all i want” and george is actively trying not to throw up at that
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
gnawing my hand to the bone, okay, WHAT IF instead of penelope fittes being possessed by her grandmother + l&c fighting her,,,,,,, what if. what if it were azure possessed by his dad and george has to get over his inherent dislike of azure to save him. for his older sister’s happiness………….. what then……………….
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
i think that george would actually like archie, since archie can’t lie. he’s like, “he’s self-absorbed, a womanizer, hedonistic to a revolting degree, and prone to shunting his emotions behind a smile, but DAMN if he isn’t honest.” and honestly, can’t blame him
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