#p.s. her design was super inspired by the design of Skadi from the Persona games
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One of the big questions of Time is whether she existed before everything else (even before all other eidolons and deities), or if she came into her physical existence once humans became aware of time and how to measure it.
The answer is of course, both. Many eidolons are 'born' once specific conditions are met, and Time was given a physical form the moment she was perceived as a constant facet of existence. But time has always just... been.
When in her eidolon form, one would be able to hear her presence through an ominous, cosmic ticking clock, despite never actually seeing her. (I put together a really quick audio 'illustration' of this, and it's best listened to with earphones c: ) This happens rarely, but now the humans have this bizarre rumour that hearing her is a sign of impending doom. Which, she supposes, they're technically not wrong.
She moves in and out of her form, returning to her original abstract nature every now and again, but has also really taken to having a human body. Being constantly aware of the pasts, presents and futures of all things everywhere at all times can get quite boring, and the nice thing about being human is that they aren't physically or mentally capable of any of that. She finds it funny how, purely by the nature of their own existence, humans simply have no choice but to live in the present moment, focused on a single point in her time. It's limiting beyond belief, but also quite freeing. She finds it meditative.
Her human form, Thyme (she's not particularly creative) lives her life simply. In a hut by a beach, where she feeds her beloved chickens and admires the fruits of her own magic. Chickens hatch from eggs, become cute little chicks, they grow and become large and fat and develop personalities. And then they lay more eggs and more hatch from those.
She's heard humans mention their 'chicken and egg' dilemma, and finds it relatable to her own nature as the deity of time. Her favourite chicken was the first she ever raised as Thyme. True to her creativity, she thought it fitting to call it Chicken. But the local human children thought it was funny and stupid, and suggested the name Peep instead.
Being the pet of Time, death was pretty much out of the question. Now Peep lives as an immortal divine chicken.
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