bestiari · 1 year
I've been distracted by the stress of an upcoming event that I thought wouldn't happen for a few more months and the tedious joy of building a new hitbox.
It's not perfect and I'm still tinkering with the layout - thank God that we have like 200 more UPC box for me to fuck up - I'll soon have something more functional than the shitty enclosure I had before. The plan is to eventually build wood and have it cut to be a decently sized box. But I'm poor. And I'll probably be poor for a little longer, but that's ok. At least I don't have anything to stress about.
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In better news, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection dropped and I haven't been able to put it down. It's been such a nostalgic rollercoaster of fun and "Huh, I don't remember it being that tedious". The music is still fucking amazing. I'll be honest, I only really played MMBN3:White and half of Blue, but I'm still extremely excited to experience the whole thing in one easy to launch package. I'm not looking forward to replaying the slowest in the entry... The first one.
I still need to start FF6. And I'm kinda in the middle of getting through all of the Mega Man X Legacy Collection. Eh... I'll get through these.
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bestiari · 2 years
Sure, here's a summary of our conversation:
You asked if I knew Tom Araya, the lead vocalist of Slayer, and then requested the lyrics to their song "Disciple". We then went back and forth tweaking a fun tweet about Slayer and the song. After that, you asked if I could write a summary of the movie "The Birdcage", and I obliged. Following the summary, you asked for a joke to add to your Tumblr blog, which led to a brief discussion about blogging. Finally, you requested a summary of our conversation and a witty joke about you asking me to do all of this for you.
p.s. Sorry Michael, I was way too stoned for "The Birdcage".
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bestiari · 2 years
I kind of forgot to keep writing on here - partially because I messed up my Windows store applications.
Regardless, I've also had a rough time mentally. Whether it's work stress, having to - as a friend of mine put it - take care of my parents, dealing with a shitty landlord & shittier handyman, and having someone "hack" into my Amazon / GMAIL... It's all left me frustrated, easily irritated, and genuinely upset at myself.
I feel bad with whomever has to deal with me, because I'm just not having it. Everyone's getting the cold shoulder. Anyways, I fixed Dairium and my windows applications, so I'll try to finish my fun year-in-review thing. Or not.
Probably not.
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bestiari · 2 years
Eddie's Best Things of 2022
Ok, I'm Eddie and here's the best of 2022.
Shout outs to getting kidney stones & covid week 1 of 2022! Truly an experience!!
Games? Plenty. Here we go.
#gotyforme Spider-Man PS4.
Why would I pick anything else? I threw aside my plan to 100% the Final Fantasy series. I completely put everything else on pause for this game. It made me smile. it made me cry. It was a love letter to all the admiration and comfort I find in Peter Parker.
Fighting GOTY? This year gave me quite a few new options and some renewed passion for old games. Amidst the newfound love for Tekken, I series I wrote off entirely after Tekken 3; and the weekly fight nights in Street Fighter V, the boys brought in some competition, or some semblance of it; and the game that made me start questioning what a hyper-focus is, Marvel vs Capcom 2; I found such an absolute joy in...
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DNF Duel!
I'll be honest, I wrote a whole thing about this game I guess Tumblr didn't like it coz it's all gone. Anyways... I think this is my first modern day kusoge. Several 50/50s, tons of movement options, and nearly infinite pressure. Only game I've gotten so comfortable in saying "Damn, I think I can break his guard and hit him with this really stupid easy 60% combo." In other words, holy shit - who made this for me?! I truly enjoyed all the god awful things you can do to your opponents. Besides Tekken 7, it's the only game to piss me off even when I won. Alt-F4 was my friend sometimes. I really hate how much I love this game. Shout outs to KUNO-ITCHY! She joins the ranks of "Eddie, come on" characters (Laura, Lidia, Magneto, Fox, Falco, and probably like Chrom). She carried me to Diamond. Carried me hard.
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Next up?
Worst Game, 2022.
It was NFS: Unbound. I refunded it after 2 hours. Bought Mile Morales. I don't regret it. That's it.
Most Forgettable Game, 2022
3-way tie between Halo: Infinite, Multi-Versus, and Need for Speed (2015).
I don't have much to say. They were booted, we had some laughs, and we eventually stopped doing both those things. NFS2015 kind of gets a pass coz the handling was pretty good.
Ok, I'll just rapidfire the rest coz this is long.
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Best NPC - Stan Lee, Spider-Man PS4. I cried, ok.
Best New Old Game (Retro, but new to me)- Money Idol Puzzle Exchange. Thanks, Griffin.
Best Old New Game (New to me, but not from this year)- Persona 5 Royal. Or maybe Sekiro, but that's...
Game that Pissed Me Off the Most - Sekiro. Jesus, fuck. I still can't fucking finish that game.
Most Played Street Fighter - 3rd Strike. Probably, but more importantly..
Most Nostalgic Based Ass-Kicking - Marvel vs Capcom 2. Jesus, I love this game.
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The Worst Opponent - Andi in Tekken 7. Bro, "Your moves are faster" was the weakest rage-quit moment.
The Best Opponent - The 5-Minute Queues in DNF Duel.
Favorite Finish - Digimon World 3. Finally did it.
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Best Tetris - Magical Tetris Challenge
Best Mod - Emudeck on Steam Deck
I guess that's mostly everything. Shout out to Hinokakera Chaotic Eclipse.
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I was staring at this screenshot as I was thinking about my closing thoughts. This game is wild. She is naked.
Anyways. Good year overall, games wise. Not too many letdowns, mainly just Unbound. Next up, whenever I remember to do it...
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bestiari · 2 years
Yeah, I sort of forgot to drop in on this. Not so much busy as much as I am forgetful.
I'm up to 62hrs in Persona 5 Royal, so that's pretty cool. This game feels so much longer than Persona 4 Golden, which isn't a problem because of the length of time, but the slow parts end up feeling... so... so slow lol. I'm sure it'll pick up soon.
I might try a new weekly post bit just to give my brain something to tinker with. I'll see. I definitely want to give my brain a little more to do this year. That and trying to beat the normal arcade mode in Tetris: The Grand Master 2. Good game, just really tough.
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bestiari · 2 years
— 12:19 AM — And it's Flashback Acadamia time! I enjoy watching the show with Brandon, simply because it feels we're just laughing and poking fun at these early seasons. Unless it's always a crybaby shitshow. Is it? Oh, lord no. I'm also trying to see if there's a better way of grinding levels in Kakarot. I think the cap is like 250, WTF.
— 12:25 AM — We didn't make it past 1 episode of My Hero, lmfao.
— 2:30 AM — I ended up playing a whole lot of DBZ:Kakarot
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— 11/30/2022 1:02 PM — I continued to play DBZ:Kakarot. The level cap is actually 300. And Idk how long that's gonna take, lol. Just have the Trunks DLC left, but I'll probably play it on and off on my Steam Deck at this point. The HP sponges aren't as fun now that they're 100 man horde fights. While still dropping bosses into those fights LOL. That being said, it runs really well on the Deck. Just continues to amaze me how much I can play on it.
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I know I've watched and played through the first 3 sagas several times in the last 20 years. But. Man. I'm a sucker for graphic updates and new animation. Beautiful game. Still some awkward looking bits, but the still animations and particle effects send me.
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bestiari · 2 years
— 11/28/2022 7:00PM — Today went by kind of quick, despite it having a slow start. Mostly inventory work today, but got to work on some stuff for Pokémon League. (I still want to print my Hawlucha v Rowlet mat for it, but man, inkedgaming raised their pricing and I'm broooooke.) The weirdest thing was us receiving a literal free card from "Spam Department". My coworker & I could not stop talking about it after a while. Wild stuff.
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Merlin BattleCards, anyone? — 11/28/2022 10:00PM — Had some Waba Grill. It's been a while, but man… something about it just doesn't hit anymore. Resupplied on some sweet goodies, y'know. I've realized it's just easier falling asleep with some help. So I try to keep a handful at all times. I managed to get a little P5R time in, but I wasn't feeling a long session. Swapped over to DBZ: Kakarot on my Steam Deck. And man. I love how good this games particle effects look. So much sparkle and shiny. I also love how much of a sponge most of the bosses become after a while. I've spent so much time doing side quests and collecting orbs 'n shit. I thought I'd be far more outleveled by now. 24 hours in and only like level fuckin' 75. Like, did I cuck myself that bad by grinding out mobs?? It's wack, yo. I jumped over to the first DLC to farm EXP items to see if I can cheese more of the game. Coz literally outside of battles, you end up like 2-shotting everything else in the game at this point. With SSG, I should be able to push through the main story faster. I'm just starting the Majin arc, so I'd imagine the game was originally up to level 100? I really don't know what happens after Buu but before the DLCs lmao. Either way, it's so much fun to play. Even if it's just every DBZ game I've ever played smashed into one. But with way cooler graphics. I fucking love it.
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bestiari · 2 years
— 9:43 PM — I spent most of my day struggling. I'm not sure if I injured myself or if it's something else, but waking up to nothing but pain in my foot was not what I had on Saturday Bingo. Anyways, with a swollen foot and Advil's not kicking in, I did what anyone else would do. I binged watched 4 episodes of Wednesday on Netflix, took a nap, spent like 2 hours on TikTok.
— 10:40 PM — I got super distracted by TheSphereHunter's video on Dead Space. Great video. Definitely not a game I'd look forward to actually trying to play. Silence? Ew. Space? EW. DEADLY NECROMORPHS? Ok, that's the only part I don't like. I fucking love horror. But unlike my odd friend Andi, I much rather consume my horror based entertainment through other kinds of media - I'll take anything over an actual jump-scare filled spoopy game. It's funny because some movies still make me feel super squeamish. There's even some movies that I'm rather excited to experience one day, but I don't wanna do it by myself. Maybe not entirely because I'm scared, I think it's just the fun of torturing someone else. Being scared is better with friends! Except most of my friends don't really enjoy them. Especially Andi. And I guess Michael. One day.
Anyways, besides all the foot pain, I've managed to have a pretty fulfilling day. No gaming, but that's fine. I'll probably force a Val game and regret it after this. Speaking of Val; I'm still debating on buying a Sage ring. It's cute (plus easier to wear outside than Killjoy's jacket). And I've had a random inspiration to accessorize… myself? I usually like customizing my stuff, not myself. So it's odd. I already bought some really cheap fidget-y rings (I enjoy just moving 'em around and spinning 'em), but I think I didn't measure my larger fingers correctly. It's weird. I lost my train of thought, watching a Zack Freedman video on his Optigon. Why? I dunno. It popped up on the feed. I'm not super picky sometimes. I think it's mostly because no one else is on. Saturday's feel weird because of that now. I haven't been super-super used to spending whole days without really talking to someone. I used to live every day of my life like this as a kid, so it's an odd… almost saddening feeling. Probably because I let that simple "huh, no one's on" turn into "huh… am I even here" or something. I love to be alone but I definitely don't love being alone.
— 11:17 PM — It was a bad idea.
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bestiari · 2 years
I already forgot to do a daily. Oh well.
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bestiari · 2 years
— 11:25 PM —
Quite a different kind of Thanksgiving. Not so much the food; had the usual chicken. It's just a coin flip, whether it'll be made by my mom or KFC.
We landed on mom's side of the coin this year. Pretty good. Kinda wish I had more of it right now.
Besides that, I ended up on a fun ride to PCH. Followed by King's Buffet - the premiere Chinese buffet of Hollywood. And now, I'm watching the Sopranos. It's only 23:44. How did we get here?
Also, mind the photo. I finally saw the Himeno scene and I've fallen in love yet again. Truly would make my crush on Misato be humble. Coz I'm just down bad for this one. LOL.
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— 11:50 PM —
What I listened to;
"You Can't Escape You Know", Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories
I've been feeling rather nostalgic for Portal 2 recently. There's something about this pair of games that truly comes together for me. The puzzles. The humor. The soundtrack. The way it just absolutely melds together. It's beautiful.
What I watched;
Chainsaw Man 06: It's the scene. It happened. I've been smitten yet again. Anyways, you read about that already.
The Sopranos - 0101, The Pilot: I didn't expect it to immediately get started. Also, it's only 6 seasons? I feel like it was relevant for far longer. Maybe it's coz time was a weird concept to grasp as a kid. Either way, the characters are absolutely fucked up in this show already. And I'm all for it.
What I played;
Sort of a mishmash of stuff. I really wanted to play Tetris Effect Connect / DJMax Respect V... but I forgot to do my patch downloads on my Steam Deck. And it absolutely does not like being in offline mode. Wild. Ended up playing marathon mode in Money Idol Puzzle Exchange. It's pretty fun every time I get into the meat of it. Tried Beatmania 12XD Happy Sky Mix... or whatever. But It's like 7Key on a PS2 pad. I could not comprehend it. Moved to Melee, but the frameskip was weird.
Finished the night with some Valorant games with Michael. I feel like we could have stopped after the first game. LOL. How did end up with TWO KITTENS??
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What I felt;
3 days off didn't feel like much of a break. It's kinda fucked up. Managed to stay in the zone most of the evening, so at least that felt good. I'm glad I didn't overeat. I'm looking forward to BK tomorrow. With or without Andi.
— 12:09 AM —
It feels like every hour I dedicate to one thing only piles on what feels like a detriment and loss of time for everything else I want to do. I'm already starting to feel a plateau in my general performance - regardless of what game it is. With that, I'm about 16 hours into P5R - about 2 resets so far, so my save is like 14hrs. I feel like it's also difficult to remember the story going on. Maybe that's a tale for another day. I don't feel like going on about how memory feels like it's slipping. Muddled.
I'm looking forward to using this for notes throughout the day. Maybe I can finally hone in on a more regular schedule. I'm losing more to sleep than ever before. It pains me so. Sleep is truly all I want in life, most of the time. The 2 years of Covidtime spoiled me with so much time to be in bed. So much time to just be alone in my thoughts. Even when I had several people to talk to.
— 01:20 AM —
I like that the dairy app I paid way too much for sort of recognizes sharing to Tumblr. Sorta.
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