suffcring · 7 months
@p0pestar <3'd for... random and the wheel provided Aether after trying to pick Rabbit three times
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Hard to look him in the eye; Aether is not a coward by any means but he is not a fool, either. He knows when he isn't wanted, when he has been summoned to fill a space that should not have been open -- his own existence meant to accomplish one task, but his Papa can't stand to look at him.
Not while he stands where another had stood.
"Does it... ever get better?"
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iomadachd · 10 months
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@p0pestar asked: hold my drink. / for dew...
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The water ghoul takes the drink without a fuss more out of surprise that the Third had just ordered him to do something. He's used to Papa relying on Omega or Alpha.
He leans forward and lifts his mask once Papa has stepped away, sniffing at the contents and stealing a curious sip. Papa said hold it, and never said anything about not drinking it.
Immediately, he spits it out on the ground, glamour flickering as he frantically tries to wipe his tongue.
"Spicy!" he yelps, holding the drink at arm's length and trying to figure out why his Papa is drinking poison.
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tooxldtorememxer · 7 months
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@p0pestar wrote: ❛ if i’m slipping, i’m totally blaming you. ❜ / omega
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Omega looked over to the man clinging desperately to his arm and chuckled softly. “It’s alright, Cardinal, I’ve got you,” he said gently, patting one of his hands with his own, his tail coming up to wrap around his waist. The ghoul’s tails were a lot stronger than they looked and just by sheer size there was very little chance Terzo would be able to slip while wrapped up in it. Out here they didn’t have to be as careful with touching, there was literally nobody here except for the two of them, just enjoying a snowy day.
“Although, you might consider getting better shoes next time,” he teased as he looked down at Terzo’s snow-covered feet. They must be cold and they must be wet, he thought, and he had no doubt in his mind that they were not made for this kind of weather, making even the paths or grass surrounding the ministry slippery. Omega’s heavy boots had no problem finding friction in the crunchy fresh snow, there was only a low chance that he might slip.
The thin habit he wore as his uniform did little for insulation, but he didn’t really feel the cold. A bit chilly perhaps, but nothing more. He couldn’t resist blowing smoke rings when his breath fogged in the cold though. “Come, let’s continue, then we can get you back inside and on a slip-free surface,” he teased again.
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muutos · 4 months
“ tell me what you want. “ / for judith
🍒 @p0pestar . *      ―    ﴾  𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠  𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜  ﴿   :    𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒  𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘  𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.
her mouth dries up like the sahara, but not out of disinterest. quite the contrary, indeed. her shocked &. open orifice curled just-so at the corners. the flush in her face growing hot beneath his close gaze.
his finger is providing guidance to her chin, whilst she's in such a vulnerable position. lacy, silky pink patching bra &. panties on display, with her long hair prettily hanging by her shoulders. styled, despite having been under her habit. perhaps she knew she would be visited by the unholy audience, today.
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"i wouldn't --" she begins, laughing softly. her fluttering lashes lowered with a sudden overflow of her smile. "i'm afraid i wouldn't even know, myself. if i'm honest." she finally musters the courage to look up at him with doe eyes. "you understand, don't you?" she asks, though still she reaches behind her with powdered doves to unclasp her bra. the pink straps falling to reveal little breasts. eager, heaving. "i want you to show me how."
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mtngh0ul · 6 months
@p0pestar : 📏 … 159cm send me a ruler + your muse's height / accepting .
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sorry i cackled
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trapton · 8 months
🔧 @p0pestar !
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"𝚜𝚘 -- 𝚙𝚊𝚙𝚊 𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍, 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚝?" he asks, arms lying on the table between them with a spark in his grey eyes. narrowed in his lopsided smirk whilst he lifts his teabag from his cup. he allows it to drip with some weighted prompting, before settling it upon the saucer below. "i understand you're looking for the key to immortality. is that right?" he asks, tucking his brunette strands behind his ear while he hunches over to take a sip from the hot, steeped liquid.
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solarisgod · 6 months
You are an absolutely bright light on the dash. Your creativity blows me away every day & reading your lore , your information … it is so well thought through and unique and quite frankly : it is an honor to be mutuals and friends with you . I hope 2024 treats you kindly and beautifully . You deserve nothing but the best in the world 💖
ENDING 2023 CONFESSION TIME ✧ / @p0pestar ♡
Cas, our sweetest and most beloved star peach! 🌟🍑 We adore you so so so much, thank you for your kind words here and everything, including giving us this beautiful friendship! You are one of the most nicest and talented and considerate people to exist, like, ever and in the whole multiverse, so surely. You're always brightening up the dash with your most lovely and chill self, and you're always sharing such excellent writings and thoughts relating to your muses. Plus, you make phenomenal and interesting original characters while you develop your canon muses so amazingly well. You're just so much fun and delightful to write with and talk to, even when just exchanging a few comments in each other's post. We can still vaguely remember becoming mutuals with you via your beloved Summer's blog and our experience with you have been so full of joys and lights. It's so amazing seeing you grow as a creator and person across the months, and we want you to know just as you would be so to many others because of how kind and innovative you are, you're a huge inspiration to us as a creator and person. We are so glad we gave you warm memories in the past that we can not recall, and we are just as so we can give you more now. We're thankful we could (re)connect because, getting to meet you is one thing, but being friends with you is one of the greatest honorable things one could have. We're forever most happy and thankful we could meet and be friends, and you exist. You mean everything to us, always. May the year ahead of you and the rest brings you every good songs and comics and more contents relating to your special interests like G.host and D.eadpool. All of the joys and comforts and kindly more that you so deserve. Thank you for being amazing as always while you make the world a brighter one. Much love and light. 💖✨
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suffcring · 5 months
“Are you wondering where I’ve been?“ / okay but for sister from my terzo verse back from the dead ...
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Slow tick, tick, tick of the clock in her office, hanging overhead like a noose. Time has come for her, over and over again -- the greatest advisory of all man.
I am no man--
Slowly, carefully, she folds her hands in front of her upon the old desk. Once upon a time, it had been Nihil's, though rarely used even in his prime -- and Primo's after.
Imperator wonders if his dead eyes can recognize the significance, or if he's capable of such a thing as sentiment.
"I must confess, Terzo, I have not. Your head will certainly be easier to remove, now, though. You know how it is -- something breaks once, it's likely to break again.
And all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again.
But they have certainly tried, haven't they?"
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iomadachd · 8 months
@p0pestar liked the starter call
Trick r Treat - Day 11: Dreaming of scraping nails against the window glass, and waking to still hear it
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It had been a long night, longer than Secondo would admit to most, and his dreams were troubled, dark even.
His sleep was plagued by memories of Otranto, of his mother, of endless hallways lined with the bones of the long dead.
He can hear the moans of the dead, the grinding of bones against each other, and the scraping of nails against the stained glass. The sound drags through him from head to toe, sending shivers down his spine.
Something is coming for him, for them all.
He wakes with a low gasp, but the scraping hasn't stopped and sounds ten times worse in his ears.
Looking for the source of the sound, he spies Terzo and his damned gloves and groans, dropping an arm over his eyes.
"Fratello, I beg of you, shut the fuck up."
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tooxldtorememxer · 9 months
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@p0pestar wrote: [ inspection ] sender holds receiver's face while inspecting an injury they got / but reverse this <3 for any muse you feel
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Alpha tsked as his eyes flicked across the face of his Papa, firmly but gently manipulating his head this way and that way to take in and access the damage. This man, this silly little man, seemed to have less coordination than a toddler at times and he even fell off the tiny little moch stage they kept at the ministry. That usually only resulted in twisted ankles or hurt pride, but falling off a full stage was a different story.
Why he had to play nursemaid for the fool was beyond him but, obviously, he wasn’t Omega. Omega who was probably out there talking tostage hands and designers to make sure it didn’t happen again on the next show. “You don’t feel dizzy, confused, see double, fuzzy, none of that shit, right?” it was a head injury, it hadn't looked comfortable, so he had to ask. He also had to wipe that blood away before someone like Dew came bouncing in to lick it. “Here,” he produced an actual, honest-to-good, handkerchief from his uniform pocket and pushed it against his hairline before raising Terzo’s own hand to place it on top. “Kepp that there and don’t move and make it bleed more unless you want to be swarmed by ghouls,” he warned.
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monstriiss · 10 months
he lays there , but he does not sleep . he has not slept in a good while , not since he returned from the dead . not since she brought him back . his eyes are fixed on nothing in particular , he simply is looking at the wall , then the stained glass window , then the wall again . then , he hears steps approach &. while she is silent , he knows that she is here . ❝ you ... ❞ his voice does not sound like it used to , it is dry and blunt , lacks is usual carefree demeanor . ❝ you have come to kill me , have you not . ❞
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FOOTFALLS ARE SOFT as the monster approaches, announced only by the telltale click of talons upon stone. She knew he wouldn't be the same; it was always the way when one returns from the dead, but she hadn't anticipated. . . this. The Third's vessel walks and talks, but he isn't there. All he does is stare, but he doesn't see, as he is now. There is nothing behind mismatched eyes that are so dull when they once shone bright, no recognition, always miles away. He speaks, his musical voice is flat- lifeless, words stab straight to the heart of the matter, and while the hollow cavity of her chest is empty; she is certain this is what heartbreak feels like. Seems he is still perceptive though. Perhaps it is because he knows what it is to have someone look upon him with the intent to KILL.
Coming to a halt before @p0pestar, she kneels at his side. She cannot lie to him. A breath is drawn, and held, she knows it will hurt her more than it will him when she says it, so she does. " Yes, " Drathenia answers, her usually steadfast voice wavers. The admission sears white-hot, she knew it would hurt but it still knocks the wind from her. It makes it real, it confirms that she must do what she has to. " It was I that brought this upon you, my dear. " And the guilt is a heavy burden she must bear, it weighs upon her body and mind beyond any other force could compare. In his unlife, he has only known MISERY, and it is she that is responsible for it. It is the cost of breaking the natural way, she knew better yet she still did it, and now it is Terzo who pays the price. The soft pad of her fingertip ghosts over his knuckles, his skin is bitterly cold, like hers. " Perhaps you will finally find the peace you deserve. " Eyeless gaze lifts to meet his, hoping to see a glimmer of something, anything to give her an excuse to change her mind. There is none. Now she must be responsible and set things right.
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" You shall not suffer. . . " That much she can promise, she won't harm him any more than she already has. He has suffered enough. Claws curl around unresponsive fingers and squeeze, her voice is steady with certainty now. " I will not allow it. "
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muutos · 10 months
@p0pestar / asked for mountain
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ʜᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ɪɴ ᴄᴀssᴏᴄᴋ. his blond hair over his shoulder, combed & looking presentable despite his slight apprehension. it is his first day on the job, though amidst all of this turmoil? it is mildly distressing. among the only earth ghouls equipped enough to handle their kit, he's now found himself washed & preened with sticks curled in either fist. poised in front of his stomach, as narrowed brows facilitate eyes closing in a bow of his head.
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neverrcryarch · 7 months
🥺 💖
@p0pestar : send a 🥺 and I will write one thing I like about you/your writing/your blog, accepting.
cas i adore you. seriously. you are such a talented writer and i eat your headcanon/meta posts up. as well as just everything you write. you really do care about the muses you write and it shines through every post. you're also just such a positive force on the dash and i love chatting with you. i cannot wait to write with you more! i truly have a blast interacting with you. thank you for always being so kind <3 my dash doesn't feel right without you on it!
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americanedpsycho · 7 months
❛  you’re  making  me  worshipping  something  i  didn’t  know  was  there  in  the  first  place,  and  i  am  not  liking  it.  ❜
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@p0pestar liked for one line starter.
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” we didn’t really celebrate birthdays at home , so …” silence , for a moment . He could sing ; he could dance ; he could try and make the other laugh but — “ happy birthday .” That’s all.
❛  many  thanks.    ❜  it  was  better  than  having  to  deal  with  sean  on  the  phone  who  didn’t  want  to  know  anything  about  him  but  he  didn’t  care  for  his  younger  brother.  ❛  you  know  there  are  many  ways  that  you  could  …  make  it  even  better.  ❜  he  glances  at  his  lips  for  a  brief  moment  before  he  takes  a  sip  of  his  whiskey  from  his  glass.
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solarisgod · 8 months
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❝ your loss , not mine . ❞ how these harsh words of dead midnight cut micah deep , with a sanguine truth to it bringing them to flinch away from brutality , eyes burning . micah can not be surprised to receive such carelessness from one like @p0pestar , cosmic killing while darkest living , although it is their celestial heart that is so easy to ache from anything and anyone . the world is forever cruel and micah is too soft . this is how the world is , and then there is micah : all light bearing and kind bringing , with a heart that is vast , loveful , still killable in the end . still , they open their heart to terzo despite his grand golden claws and sharp teeth , his presence life consuming .
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your loss , not mine . they did recently lose many to the eternal sanguine dreams , as with one of their close friends . your loss , n o t m i n e . ❝ no matter who and what you are , terzo , however you see me as i am , i - i - i truly hope you do not ever have to be in this much pain as i have been for the longest of time , ❞ micah whispers , wiping their tears with a shaky arm , unafraid to appear vulnerable to terzo himself . ❝ it is my loss and i know you can care less for the fact , but i want you to know if you face such things like this , i am here as you have my most understanding . ❞
( my loss , my grief , my burning . i will lose more and i will grieve more and i will burn more , but i will only love , still and forever . )
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