#pacg: wotr
amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Amiri & Friends #44 - Transmogrification Central
Artist: @sheastandefer
One of the loot rewards in Wrath of the Righteous is a spell called Transmogrify. It is intended to allow a caster to weaken a powerful monster (usually a henchman or villain) by reducing its difficulty to defeat by your Arcane or Divine skill +1d6, so it is easier to combat for the win. Sometimes, you don’t have any other options, though.
With the prevalence of demons and undead in Wrath, Kyra got a little too reliant on her laser powers (recharging any spell or blessing for a powerful attack...but only against those creature types), and encountered a monster with no conventional means of fighting. Rather than take it on the chin, she used Transmogrify on the middling Cultist archer.
The trouble is, by the time you earn this loot spell, though, you are so powerful that casting it is a fairly ridiculous bonus, even against beefy villains. Against a standard monster, it was messy. Thanks to skill feats, mythic charges, and the Black Robes, Kyra’s Divine static bonus was already +12. After rolling max on d12 + d6, the Combat 14 archer had its difficulty reduced by 30. Needless to say, Kyra had no trouble then rolling her base strength to defeat it. 
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amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Welcom back, friends of Amiri! Apologies for the hiatus, but our artist is a working artist, and she has had, well, work, and not felt like drawing as much in her downtime. Understandable! In the meantime, Damiel, Oloch, and Lini successfully defeated the Hurricane King and have become reigning pirates in the Shackles, so we are off to the ever-brutal box Wrath of the Righteous! Goblin cutpurse Ekkie, human hunter Adowyn (and her faithful wolf Leryn), and Sarenrae’s devoted cleric Kyra are off to defend (and dare they hope, close?) the Worldwound as all manner of demons attempt to invade our world. No doubt hilarity will ensue!
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