borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
2, 4, 6, 8 (WHO DO I APPRECIATE YOU?) (i am so funny)
lol omg seath2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? D: no hard question bad. you and haley tbh? but since i’m pretty sure that’s going to happen eventually bc i will make it happen, i am going to choose the tw cast. which i also hope to make happen, but that’s a bit more far-fetched. although i still think i would trouble accepting that i don’t get to hang out with them forever, bc i want and deserve that tbh.
4) What do you think about most? um, Teen Wolf, my mom, my friends, my lack of social life, and how much my life sucks right now. whoo healthy thinking!!
6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with, i actually really hate sleeping without any article of clothing on, eg i can’t even sleep in a big t-shirt or st.8) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence) girls are cute and lovely. boys are cute and lovely when they’re not assholes. (true about girls too obvs but i’m not nearly as scared of a bunch of drunk girls walking into the hotel right now as i am of a bunch of drunk boys. they’re usually nice and maybe a little flirty, but it could so easily go another way.) also, people who don’t identify as girls or boys are cute and lovely too. :)
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ohnishinoya · 11 years
The "winners" of my giveaway have 24 hours to respond and are:
1.softywolf 2.otpack 3.packcestuous 4.sterekboberek 5.youshinebrighter21
Your requests will be fulfilled first, congratulations I guess woo
The following people will also get requests filled, eventually~
6.bralpha 7.squattmccall 8.pacific-wolf 9.[not following] 10.kazekagays 11.miss-franntastic 12.alphapact 13.stilesanderek 14.dylan-obriyum 15.sharmadness 16.watchthewolvesrun 17.bewaretheglowcloud 18.j4ya 19.thesaltywolf 20.robotlesbianenjolras 21.tacoposey
I'll message you all, yay~
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
shameless or teen wolf?!
even with 3a, still teen wolf. :P
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
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fan challenge [2/10] male characters: derek hale, part two of two
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
packcestuous replied to your post “lol i read an article about how to deal with coworkers who say ___ist...”
As a manager of a bunch of rowdy boys who seriously can't control their mouths, I honestly just call them out on it? But be gentle about it? Does that make sense?? I don't know how to explain without an example but I can't think of anything right now
but if you have one I'll tell you how I respond to it in my workplace??
ah yeah, i appreciate it, but i think the main issue is my position? i'm brand new, i've only worked three shifts and imo the most blatant comment was made by a manager, so at this point i think if i said anything, no matter what the tone, it would be taken super negatively. maybe in a couple weeks-months, if i can last that long, i think what you described might work. honestly at this point i'm just going to try and scrape by until my medication appointment in october and re-evaluate things then. i know i'm not overreacting, but i don't think i could handle a situation like that right now, especially since if i lose this job, i'm afraid i might go to a place mentally i can't come back from. :P
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
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"Stiles and I both feel it. Every day. Just like you said we would. And it makes me think about that quote Jennifer used to start our first class. Cause when I feel it, it's like... I'm looking into the heart of an immense darkness."
"So what do you do instead?"
"I look for my friends."
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
packcestuous replied to your post: hey i finally organized my st...
i need to implement a new tagging system but?? and i have to set up my tag system for shameless in my tags section but?? lazy and not sure what to do???
yeah, organizing is hard and i don't like it. i didn't even realize how badly i needed it for my graphics though, i had a bunch of different fandoms in there that i'd forgotten about. :P
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
I think you all should know that I just had a very painful biopsy done on the lump in my neck and I thought of sterek to get through the pain
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
packcestuous replied to your post: [[MOR] packcestuous replied to your post: yeah...
it’s cool i mean i felt like that too before~ yeah i’d literally unfollow everyone you don’t personally love and adore and start from scratch. xD
yeah i'm gonna wait until tomorrow night and see how i feel, but that seems like the best course of action right now
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
packcestuous replied to your post: yeah i already feel semi-ridiculous about that,...
maybe restart your blog??
maybe idk i'm considering it or just unfollowing every personal blog that i don't consider to be a close friend. i feel ridiculously sad about the thought of restarting though, mostly bc i have worked really hard to get the very small number of followers i have and the idea of starting from single digits again makes it not even seem worth having a tumblr, which is the most shallow thing ever but there you go. :P
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borderlinedindjarin · 11 years
packcestuous replied to your post: ah so maybe tag viewer was a bad idea because...
i couldn’t get it to work?? but i knew there had to be some stuff i’d hate. like the alpha kali gifset i made? i checked some of the tags just on a whim and the amount of people talking about daniel or isaac/focusing on isaac/making it about isaac
made me so angry oh my god???
yep yeah that's pretty typical ugh or talking about poor derek. :P i'm sorry it upset you though. <3 
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