#page 7936
pesterloglog · 9 months
John Egbert, Roxy Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 7929-7936
JOHN: hey, they're back!
JOHN: how'd it go?
ROXY: went cool
ROXY: dropped callie off with jade + mayor
ROXY: gave kanaya space egg
ROXY: shit is shaping the heck up
JOHN: nice!
JOHN: hehe.
JOHN: hello, hummingbird.
ROXY: :)
ROXY: hay whats happening to skaia
KANAYA: It Looks Like Someone Has Finally Released The Grist
KANAYA: Its Ready To Receive Echidnas Offering Now
KANAYA: If Someone Is Able To Light The Forge That Is
ROXY: oh
ROXY: soo...
ROXY: how do we do that again?
KANAYA: In Our Session By This Time It Was Trivial
KANAYA: Under Present Circumstances I Think It Will Be
KANAYA: Tricky
JOHN: huh?
KANAYA: Every Magic Ring I Am Aware Of Is Currently In Use
KANAYA: Some By Friends And Some By Foes
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: well, i wouldn't worry about it right now.
JOHN: there are more pressing things to think about, like fighting a lot of bad guys.
JOHN: by the way... where's karkat?
ROXY: hes meditating
JOHN: what? meditating??
KANAYA: Inside A Pretty And Spiritual Cave
ROXY: echidna really blitzed his chakras apparently
JOHN: what the fuck is a chakra.
ROXY: shrug
ROXY: some soul junk that gets blitzed in the presence of a snake goddess??
JOHN: um.
JOHN: this doesn't sound like something karkat would do.
JOHN: are you sure this isn't some sort of bullshit?
KANAYA: Its Definitely True And Not Bullshit Lets Change The Topic
ROSE: Agreed.
ROSE: I think I speak for all of us when I say we've indulged in entirely enough bullshit already.
ROSE: Let's get on with this.
ROSE: John, you're our leader. And if you try to deny that one more time, so help me god, I will acrobatically pirouette so hard off this lilypad, I'll perform a supersonic swan dive through Skaia and impregnate the battlefield with my own incredulous torso.
ROSE: Now please tell us what to do.
JOHN: wow, ok! i won't say i'm not your leader anymore, jeez.
JOHN: i think it's about time to get going!
JOHN: by my estimation, all the bad guys should be getting here any minute.
JOHN: so we should go find the condesce and ambush her.
JOHN: she's supposed to be on derse, right?
ROXY: yup
JOHN: alright, then let's go.
JOHN: i think we are as ready as we are going to get.
JOHN: we all have weapons, cool powers, a plan of attack, and most importantly of all, each other.
JOHN: never forget, team work is our secret weapon here.
JOHN: probably the most powerful weapon we have!
JOHN: second ONLY, perhaps, to the power of friendship itself.
JOHN: remember that, guys.
JOHN: as long as we have team work, friendship, and cool powers on our side, we can't lose.
JOHN: you are my best friends ever... rose and roxy, and kanaya and terezi, and dave and jade and karkat, and also jane and dirk and jake, and...
ROSE: John.
JOHN: hold on, rose, i'm almost done...
JOHN: and callie, and tavros, and cat rose, and um, the sweaty guy, uh, PROBABLY not the clown in the fridge though... oh, yeah, and even probably vriska.
JOHN: oh, and the mayor! he's great too.
JOHN: did i miss anybody? i think that's it.
JOHN: anyway, i believe in you all, and i know we can do this together.
JOHN: now let's go kick some ass!
ROXY: mmm thas good shit
ROXY: very leadery :)
ROSE: ...
JOHN: how was that, rose?
ROSE: I don't know what I expected.
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: wait, did i say something dumb?
ROSE: No, it was fine.
ROSE: Roxy's right. It was very leadery. Very... "John".
ROSE: I'm just wondering now, if you're really going to embrace this business of leadership,
ROSE: Maybe you'd consider hiring a speech writer?
JOHN: a speech writer??
JOHN: i dunno, rose. i think i'd be pretty bad at memorizing speeches.
JOHN: especially ones YOU wrote. :p
ROSE: Touché.
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ROXY: ......
ROSE: ......
JOHN: heh.
JOHN: sorry, i guess i got carried away.
JOHN: no offense.
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hettydiep · 5 months
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Dive into the allure of timeless classics and contemporary designs that add a touch of Glamour to any outfit. Visit our showroom in West Hollywood, CA, and adorn yourself with the brilliance of our exquisite necklaces.
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caninescanning · 2 years
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gffa · 4 years
You asked for this! I've got timeline specific questions because I'm struggling either because I can't do math or because it's sw maybe both. Anyway. If Obi-Wan was born in 50 BBY then what is his birthdate called in times of tcw when BBY didn't exist yet? What's the calender before BBY called but also what's Obi-Wans birthdate!! I've been losing my mind over this and I'm actually so frustrated. Help lumi 🥺
*HAND SHOOTS UP*  I CAN HELP WITH THIS. BUT FIRST THE LINER NOTES: - This is sourced to only one reference book, BUT it was an in-canon reference book, meaning it was written as a text that exists within the GFFA, not as an omniscient Doylist reference book. - It’s never specifically said this is the dating system used, but in lieu of having literally nothing else, I actually love it. - Everyone is perfectly free to ignore this niche content and do whatever works best for your fic!!! So, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious had several pages on the prequels:
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This system of numbers is called the C.R.C. in the book! We don’t know what that stands for (probably something like Centralized Republic Calendar or Common Republic Calendar maybe?) and we’re doing a lot of guesswork, but those numbers line up exactly with the BBY dates used out-of-universe. Using the BBY/ABY system, we know: - Attack of the Clones takes place in 22 BBY (Padme’s assassination attempt) - Nack Movers died in 21 BBY - Rogue One takes place in 0 BBY - A New Hope takes place in 0 BBY / ABY (destruction of the Death Star, Leia’s arrest warrant), the film was also released in 1977 in our world - Empire Strikes Back takes place in 3 ABY (Han Solo frozen in carbonite) Now compare these to the dates we have for some of these (mostly) known events in Scum and Villainy with what we know of the BBY/ABY events: - 7951.131.6 is a Quinlan Vos security image (26 BBY) - 7955.314.3 is a security image of a Coco Town Eatery (Dex’s Diner) (22 BBY) - 7955.422.1 is Padme’s assassination attempt (22 BBY) - 7956.101.2 is Nack Movers’ death from TCW s02e11 Lightsaber Lost - 7656.103.1 is when Boba Fett was first imprisoned by the Judiciary from TCW s02e22 Lethal Trackdown (21 ABY) - 7956.123.2 is the Moogan tea from TCW s03e05 Corruption on Mandalore - 7956.901.3 is “Rako Hardeen’s” arrest from TCW s04e15-s04e18 (20 BBY) - 7956.881.4 is Moralo Eval’s intake holo/arrest (21 BBY) - 7956.919.5 is Han Solo’s arrest warrant (21 BBY) - 7957.101.4 is Bail Organa and Mon Mothma security image (20 BBY) - 7957.338.1 is a Hondo Ohnaka security image (20 BBY) - 7957.910.3 is a Senate District Law Enforcement Recruitment Poster (20 BBY) - 7957.203.3 is the Jedi Temple bombing from TCW s05e17 (19 BBY) - 7973.121.0 is the date on Ketsu Onyo’s bounty hunter profile (4 BBY) - 7976.994.5 is Jyn Erso’s arrest warrant, which was set before Rogue One (1 BBY) - 7977.331.3 is Leia’s arrest warrant which happened after the events of ANH (0 BBY / 0 ABY) - 7977.934.1 is Aphra’s wanted file (0 BBY / 0 ABY) - 7980.421.2 is Han being sealed in carbonite, which happened during ESB (3 ABY) - 8009.332.1 is a patrol of New Republic guards (32 ABY) So, I’m cribbing from myself from this post if you want a longer, more detailed version of the different calendars used in the GFFA (and what they change to once the Empire takes over, then once the New Republic takes over) as well as @glompcat has a lot of excellent posts on their Scum and Villainy tag. But the basic gist of it seems to be that the Republic during the PT (again, in lieu of anything else that has ever touched on this!) would be to say it took place in the ‘50s or ‘950s CRC. So, if someone asked, “When were you born?”, Obi-Wan would answer with, “I was born in ‘18.” or “I was born in 7918.” (Or “‘918″, maybe?  Go with what feels natural.) since he was born in 57 BBY. (At least according to the trading cards, I think?  But 57 sounds about right for how old he was when he died.) Some helpful numbers to give you a scope of things: - Obi-Wan was born in 7918 CRC - Anakin and Grogu were born in 7936 CRC - The Phantom Menace takes place in 7945 CRC - Attack of the Clones takes place/The Clone Wars starts in 7955 CRC - Revenge of the Sith takes place in 7958 CRC - The war in TCW lasts from 7955 CRC to 7958 CRC
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And laborious yourself at the treadmill. It's a dead-give up .
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Sock Sneakers Market To Grow With an Impressive CAGR During the Forecast Period
Innovative product launches are driving the growth in Global Sock Sneakers Market in the forecast period, 2022-2026.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Sock Sneakers Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity and Forecast, 2016-2026, Segmented By Product Type (Adult Sock Sneakers & Children Sock Sneakers), By Distribution Channel (Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets, Apparel & Footwear Stores, Online and Others (Specialty Stores, Exclusive Stores, etc.), By Region”, the global sock sneakers market would potentially project an impressive growth in the forecast period, 2022-2026, with an impressive CAGR on the account of rapidly increasing demand for the technologically advanced product manufacturing. Global market players are launching innovative products and that is actively driving the growth of the global sock sneakers market in the upcoming five years. Moreover, expanding fashion industry & footwear sector and its influence over the younger generation is further supporting the growth of the global sock sneakers market in the next five years. Also, working population is expected to splurge in these products and thus aiding the growth of the global sock sneakers market in the future five years. Additionally, growing consciousness regarding aesthetics and rising incidence of foot & skin diseases globally is further substantiating the growth of the global sock sneakers market in the forecast period until 2026. Also, rising disposable income among the younger population is further aiding to the growth of the global sock sneakers market in the forecast years.
Browse over XX market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on " Global Sock Sneakers Market"
The global sock sneakers market is segmented by product type, distribution channel, regional distribution, and competitive landscape.
Based on distribution channel, the market is bifurcated supermarkets/hypermarkets, apparel & footwear stores, online and other channels like specialty stores, exclusive stores, etc. Apparel & footwear stores are anticipated to register largest revenue shares in the next five years and dominate the market segment on the account of availability of the innovative and advanced products. Also, consumers are currently preferring to purchase from apparel and footwear stores and stock availability is also influencing the further growth of the global sock sneakers market in the next five years. Online stores are expected to register fastest growing CAGR value in the future five years due to changing consumer preferences toward online shopping.
Adidas AG, Nike Inc., Benetton Group S.r.l., ASICS, PUMA SE, Skechers USA, Inc., Under Armour Inc., Li Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., Ltd., New Balance Athletics Inc., Kurt Geiger Ltd., are some of the market players holding the major shares of the global Sock sneakers market. Market players are actively involved in the research and technological development in the product developments. The advanced technology has made it possible for the industry to provide excellent services through Sock sneakers. Further advancement would aid the market value and brand establishment in the future five years. New market players may focus on the research and development to provide options that satisfies the consumer demand as well as benefits the market players in building their brand value. Other competitive strategies include mergers & acquisitions and new product developments.
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“Asia Pacific region is anticipated to hold the largest revenue shares of the market and dominate the global segmentation of the sock sneakers market in the upcoming five years. Population growth, and rising disposable income is actively supporting the future growth of the sock sneakers market in the future time period. Urbanization in the developing countries including China, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan is also supporting the growth of the global sock sneakers market in the next five years. The market growth is highly dependent on the evolving product lines. Innovative product development through extensive research and technological advancement is anticipated to further substantiate the growth of the global sock sneakers market. Countries like China, South Korea, and Japan are highly involved in the latest product launches thus supporting the future growth of the market. Global giants are actively responsible for this expected growth. New market players may focus on studying the consumer demands and extended research along with the smart product launches thus aiding their brand establishment,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based Global management consulting firm.
“Global Sock Sneakers Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity and Forecast, 2016-2026, Segmented By Product Type (Adult Sock Sneakers & Children Sock Sneakers), By Distribution Channel (Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets, Apparel & Footwear Stores, Online and Others (Specialty Stores, Exclusive Stores, etc.), By Region”, has evaluated the future growth potential of global sock sneakers and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in global sock sneakers market.
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kumarneeraj111 · 3 years
Cartoning Equipment Market is Projected to Increase at a Considerable Rate with COVID-19 Impact |
QMS Research has published a new addition of comprehensive analysis titled Cartoning Equipment market to its extensive repository. Among the several objectives of the research study, it provides a detailed description of recent trends, technological advancements, and various platforms, which further are beneficial to improve the performance of the companies. The primary and secondary research techniques have also been used to analyze the data, thus stimulating erudite business decisions.
To Know More Details About This Report, Get Sample @  https://www.qmsresearch.com/request-for-sample-pages/?reportId=7936
Among other salient features of the report, it provides information on top level companies in order to attain insightful data about successful strategies adopted by important market players, in addition to shedding light on bargaining power of suppliers and buyers.
To present the strong and effective business outlook lucidly various graphical presentation techniques such as graphs, charts, tables, and pictures have been used while curating the report.
Major Key Players Covered In This Report:
SaintyCo, Mpac Group, Fargo Automation, ECONOCORP, RAMA, ADCO Manufacturing, Econocorp, Bosch, Optima, PMI Cartoning, LoeschPack, Serpa Packaging Solutions, ECI Packaging, Kliklok-Woodman, Douglas Machine, Bradman Lake, Packaging Digest, Delkor Systems, Inc.
The specified segments and sub-sections of the market are explained below:
By Product Type:
Horizontal, Vertical, Top Load
By Application/End-user:
Food Industry, Personal Care Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Household Products Industry
By country/region:
North America
South America
Middle East and Africa
The study covers a blend of major points, which are either fueling or limiting the growth of the companies. In addition to this, it also focuses on some crucial points, which help to discover global opportunities rapidly. Furthermore, the report discusses the new project’s SWOT analysis to get a complete overview of current scenarios. Upstream and downstream of the businesses have been further analyzed to direct readers towards attaining fruitful market performance.
The report closely studies various approaches, which help to build and develop sales strategies to boost company outcome.
If You Have Any Query, Ask Our Experts @ https://www.qmsresearch.com/inquiry-before-buy/?reportId=7936
Frequently Asked Questions about This Market Research Report:
What are the latest trends, and strategies followed by leadings companies?
What is the market share of each Major Players specified in this report?
What are opportunities for Cartoning Equipment investors and market aspirants?
What are the major product types and which applications are known?
Which countries are analyzed in this report?
What is the market size, and demand for Cartoning Equipment on a global level?
What is the CAGR value of Cartoning Equipment Market?
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tech2guides · 5 years
Mychart Henry Ford | Henry Ford Mychart Login at mychart.hfhs.org
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Just follow the Below Guide to learn Mychart Henry Ford Login at the employee portal @ mychart.hfhs.org. Not Only about the Login Guide, but you will also get the Solutions for Resetting the Password and the User name for Mychart Henry Ford login.   The only thing that you should have little time to Go through this guide and learn how to Login into the Mychart Henry Ford. As most of the People struggling with the Forgotten User name and Password. Even if you are also worrying then you will get the Solution once you follow this guide. Because you will be able to see all the solutions here.   Starting from the chart Henry Ford login to Reset the Login Credentials. This is one of the easy Guide to Have the solution in a very Simplistic way for sure. We have explained this complete guide in a very easy and Step by step Guide format so that you can easily able to learn quickly.   You May Also Like:Kinnser login My Virtual Workplace PMI Blackboard    
What is Henry Ford Health System?
The Henry Ford Health System(HFHS) is integrated with the company, not for profit(NPO) health organization in Metro Detroit. The Founder of this Company is Heney Ford you see in the company name Title and as most of the People know he is also the Founder of Ford Motor Company.   Henry Ford is one of the big Company in his field as they have other services which they will Provide the Insurances which on the name Health Alliance Plan. Coming to the Health category of the Hospital they have Huge data and the services that they provided too more than 4.3 million patient contacts yearly and much more than 110,000 patients are admitted to Henry Ford hospitals for a year. So you can estimate their services.   Henry Ford founded this health care system in the year 1915 and now they have 17-member board of trustees and they have 6  Hospitals inside the health care system and those Hospitals are Henry Ford Hospital(Detroit), Henry Ford Kingswood Hospital(Ferndale), Henry Ford Macomb Hospital – Clinton Campus(Clinton Township), Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital(West Bloomfield), Henry Ford Allegiance Health(Jackson) and Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital(Wyandotte). They will easily do more than 100,200 surgeries yearly.  
Mychart Henry Ford Login Benefits:
Now coming to the Mychart Henry Ford Benefits as you are being an Employee of this company you will have the multiple benefits when it comes to the services and the Offers that they have for the employees. And you are being an employee its very important to know these benefits because then only you will be able to Utilise them without any issue. You will be able to get then solutions for all your doubts from the home. Just login into the Mychart Henry and start having a conversation with the doctor. You can also request medical prescriptions renewal request from the home itself. You will also be going to get all the information about your health, medical conditions, symptoms, tests and treatments. There is also a chance to ask for a doctor about the test results which you don't need to wait for a doctor's call which takes lots of time to call right. But here you can contact him directly from the Mychart Henry Ford Portal. Also, check your Appointments dates when it wil be and also vie our past Appointsmennts including the Future too. You will be able to check the billing details, letters, and payments on the Mychart HFHS Portal.   To access the Mychart Henry Ford Portal then you have to be an employee or an authorized user of the Henry Ford Health System and you had to register to the online account. Then only you will be to access the Account after you have logged with the valid Login credentials.  
What is needed for Mychart Henry Ford Login:
To login to the Official Mychart Henry Ford Login Portal, you have to have some requirements so that you will be able to finish the Login successfully and done your work easily. The very first thing is the Fast and secure internet connection. The Browser is updated to the latest version. Right and Valid website URL mychart.hfhs.org. The right Mychart Henry Ford password without any Mistakes. These are the requirement when you wants to Login to the  
Mychart Henry Ford login Step by step Guide:
Now let's check How you can easily get into the Mychart Henry Ford account. You Just have to Follow the Below Guide where you can simply learn the whole process. I have explained in a step by Guide where you will be learn easily without any issues. The very first thing that you have to do is Go to The Official website, Henry Ford. Find the website here.  
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  After you have opened the website from the above link, you will see a Login Page. Now you have to enter your Mychart Henry Ford username and password in the fields given there. Once you have filled the User name and Password in the respective fields then simply Click on the SIGN IN Button which is just Located below of these two fields. That's all Now you have successfully logged into the account. Now you wil be able to access all the Features and Benefits that Mychart Henry Ford Offers.   We hope that you have successfully logged into your account and able to access the benefits that Mychart Henry Ford offers. But if you are facing difficulties in to get into the account then do check the website URL which is one of the main issues of any website. Then the Login a credential that you have entered Do check the Mychart Henry Ford username and the password mainly the spelling mistakes. But if you have forgotten the Login credentials then do follow the below Guide.  
ReGet Your Username?
As most of the people do Even if you have forgotten Your Password and not able to recover it. Then here is the Guide where you can easily find the Solution for your doubt that Recovers the Forgotten User Name. Just follow the below steps to get your User name back.   First Got the Official login page from the Above method or else already if you are on the Login page then simply stay there only. Next, click on the Forgot User Name? The link is just below the SIGN IN link.  
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  Now you will be redirected to a page where you can Fill out some details such as first name, last name, a medical record number and your date of birth in the available Fields.  
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  Once you have entered all the details then simply Click on SUBMIT the simply Follow the Online Screen Instructions. That's all now you have successfully gained your User name. Now simply login into the Account of henry ford Mychart.   This is how you can easily get your "Mychart Henry Ford" User name back. So there are the people who worry if they have forgotten their User ID. So now you Cloud realize that there is no need to worry after you went through this process.
Reset your  Forgotten Password?
If you have forgotten your Mychart Henry Ford Password then simply Reset the password by following the Guide below. This is a very easy and simple process where you can get all the Information about the Password reset. In the Process of Reset, Mychart Henry Ford Password Stay on the Logi page. From there you can simply click on the "forgot password?" Link, which is just below the Sign In button.  
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  Now you will be asked for the Verification from Mychart and that verification contains the details like Mychart username, your medical record number and your date of birth.  
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    Do fill all these Details correctly in the Required Fields. After this simply Click on Next button that is looking on the screen. That's all now you have done with resetting your password of Mychart henry ford the Login portal.   Most of the people are having this issue even if you have not A valid email address on the file. This will actually happen when you don't remember the details. In this case, you have to take help from MyChart help desk at 1-800-HENRY FORD (436-7936). You will be helped by these people for sure using this contact Number.  
To pay as Guest:
If you want to pay them as a Guest when you, not an Authorised User. Then you can use this service. So simply start to use this service and start your Payments. Stay on the Mychart Henry Ford Login page then click on the Pay as a Guest. after you have clicked on the Pay as a Guest then simply you will be reached to the First Step and that is look up your account. Here you have to Provide the Guarantor account and the last name in the provide Fields. Next Step is simply Click on the "Lookup" button.  
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    Now it will Look for your Account then you will be able to gain access to your account by simply following the Account on the screen. That's all now your Work will be done by following this Complete Guide.   You don't need to worry about the security on the Bill payments because you will be able to see the Guarantor who wil take all the responsibility for your Bill payments. You will find the Guarantor’s name and account number on your statement. By checking on the statement you will know their Contact number then You can go for the next procedure.  
Final Words:
This is the complete guide about the "Mychart Henry Ford" online account login and we hope that you have understood everything about this guide. Also, we have mentioned all the details guide including all the information about Mychart Henry Ford. Still, if you have any doubts regarding this Guide do let us know in the comment section below. Read the full article
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Senate Democrats say they’ll sue if they don’t get documents from Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh
Senate Democrats say they’ll sue if they don’t get documents from Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats said Thursday they will file a federal lawsuit next month if government agencies deny their requests for documents from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s days as an aide to President George W. Bush.
The threat represents Democrats’ latest attempt to focus the public — and perhaps more importantly, senators — on potential game-changers they hope are hidden in millions of unreleased pages from Kavanaugh’s White House days.
So far, Republican leaders have said they expect Senate approval of Kavanaugh by the Oct. 1 start of the court’s new term. Democrats’ effort to head that off has so far seemed uphill.
READ MORE: Who is Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee?
The GOP has a slender 50-49 Senate majority, due to ailing GOP Arizona Sen. John McCain’s absence. The votes of two Republican and at least six Democratic senators remain unclear, with a simple majority required for Kavanaugh’s approval.
“We don’t know if there’s some sort of revelatory bombshell,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.
Kavanaugh served under Bush from 2001 to 2006. Democrats hope to find documents that would reveal his views on high-profile issues including the torture of terrorism suspects and abortion rights.
Blumenthal said Democratic senators who would file the suit, all of them members of the Judiciary Committee, would pay its costs from “our own pockets” and not use taxpayers’ money. He said they are also allowed to use campaign funds for this expense.
“We don’t know if there’s some sort of revelatory bombshell.”
Republicans have allowed the release of well over 100,000 pages of Kavanaugh’s papers, including papers from his time as a White House counsel to Bush, his later work as an appellate judge and his earlier time as aide to special counsel Kenneth Starr, who investigated President Bill Clinton. More are on track to be released.
Democrats want the release of all Kavanaugh documents, including his three years as White House staff secretary, which Republicans have refused to request from the National Archives. The Archives says those alone could total several million pages.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the GOP’s refusal to seek those papers is “one of the worst moments” in Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s time as Senate leader, “and history will show it.”
READ MORE: The left’s strategy to block Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court
Democrats have complained that most of the released documents have come from Bush’s lawyer, Bill Burck, who is vetting them, rather than the traditional process conducted by the National Archives. They say Burck could well be withholding potentially embarrassing items.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has said he’s not asked the Archives to provide documents from Kavanaugh’s time as White House secretary because they are sensitive and “at the heart of executive privilege.”
Democrats filed Freedom of Information Act requests last week with four federal agencies requesting the papers. They say they’ll file their lawsuit if those documents aren’t provided within the legal deadline of 20 days.
Grassley has scheduled four days of confirmation hearings beginning Sept. 4.
Read full story here
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mbateam · 7 years
This NY Times study “The Psychology of Sharing, Why do People Share Online,” was published in 2011.  It was online through 2016.
Websites and blogs still cite this publication as a reference for why people share.  Broken are hundreds of links to the report.  The report’s website was taken down in 2016.  Hence it created an undesirable impact on the SEO and credibility of the websites that link to the page.
We set up this page as a backstop until there is a new study on “Why people share online.”
Therefore, feel free to link to the page as a reference.
The Psychology of Sharing, Why do People Share Online
The Psychology of Sharing: Why do People Share Online?
The Psychology of sharing: What is this study about? A first-of-its-kind inquiry into the motivations behind why we share. Understanding the motivational forces behind the act of sharing will help marketers get their content shared.
Why do consumers share content online?
Overview: 1) Methodology, 2) Motivations for Sharing, 3) Online Sharing Personas, 4) Key Guidelines for Getting Shared, 5) Consumer Categories
We worked with Latitude Research to conduct a three-phase study to understand by people share content online.
Methodology – Phase 1) Ethnographies: In-person interviews in New York, Chicago and San Francisco
Methodology – Phase 2) Immersion/Deprivation: One-week sharing panel
Methodology – Phase 3) Quantitative Survey a) Survey of 2,500 medium/heavy online sharers, b) conducted segmentation to identify main types of sharers
Sharing content is not new.
“In the past, people shared at lunch with their girlfriends when they saw someone with something cool. We still share things when it’s relevant… we just share more and online.” – Ethnography participant, Female
Sharing is not new, it’s human nature: Self-actualization, Esteem, Love / Belonging, Safety, Physiological
What’s changed? We now live in the Information Age. We share MORE content, From MORE sources, With MORE people, MORE often, MORE quickly
“I have a hard time imagining how much more to-the-minute information can become. With twitter, instant FB updates, email updates, what would have been considered fast even five years ago is obsolete.” – Deprivation participant, female
From Broadcasters to Sharecasters: Mashing up, Receiving, Combining, Redistributing, Creating and Recreating
Sharing acts as “information management” a) 85% say reading other peoples responses helps them understand and process information and events. b) 73% say they process information more deeply, thoroughly and thoughtfully when they share it. “Sharing information helps me do my job. I remember products and information sources better when I share them and am more likely to use them.” – Deprivation participant, male
Motivations for sharing
To bring valuable and entertaining content to others: a) 94% carefully consider how the information they share will be useful to the recipient. b) 49% say sharing allows them to inform others of the products they care about and potentially change opinions or encourage action. “[I share] to enrich the lives of those around me.” – Immersion participant, female
To define ourselves to others: 68% share to give people a better sense of who they are and what they care about. “I try to share only information that will reinforce the image I’d like to present: thoughtful, reasoned, kind, interested and passionate about certain things.” – Deprivation participant, male
To grow and nourish our relationships: a) 78% share information online because it lets them stay connected to people they may not otherwise stay in touch with. 73% share information because it helps them connect with others who share their interests. “I miss the companionship and conversations on Facebook. I feel like I’m probably missing out on some things without the connection.” – Deprivation participant, male
Self-fulfillment: a) 69% share information because it allows them to feel more involved in the world, b) I enjoy getting comments that I sent great information and that my friends will forward it to thier friends becuase it’s so helpful. It makes me feel valuable.” Ethnography participant, female
To get the word out about causes or brands: 84% share because it is a way to support causes or issues they care about. “I forwarded an article about Proposition B to everyone in my union. I wanted them to learn about the issue and rally against it. – Ethnography participant, male
Sharing is all about relationships: 1) To bring valuable and entertaining content to others, 2) To define ourselves to others, 3) To grow and nourish our relationships, 4) Self-fulfillment, 5) To get the word out about causes or brands
6 Personas of Sharers
Six personas of online sharers: 1) Altruists, 2) Careerists, 3) Hipsters, 4) Boomerangs, 5) Connectors, 6) Selectives. Segments are defined by: a) Emotional motivations, b) Desired presentation of self, c) Role of sharing in life, d) Value of being first to share
Altruists: Helpful, Reliable, E-mail, Thoughtful, Connected
Altruists: “I sent a couple of articles on nutrition an wellness to a friend with health issues. She e-mailed me to thank me; she appreciated that I had been thinking about her.” – Ethnography participant, female
Hipsters: Less likely to e-mail, Cutting Edge, Creative, Identity, Young Popular
Hipsters: “Sharing is actually part of who I am.” – Deprivation participant, male
Boomerangs: Reaction, Validation, Empowered, Twitter, Facebook
Boomerangs: “When I post controversial things, it makes me look engaged and provocative, and I want to be perceived that way. If I don’t get a response then I know I’ve missed my mark.” – Ethnography participant, male
Careerists: LinkedIn, Valuable, Intelligent, Network
Careerists: “[I share things related to] business interests and exchange ideas on how to improve our company’s offerings to our customers.” – Immersion participant, male
Connectors: Creative, Relaxed, Thoughtful, Making Plans, E-mail, Facebook
Connectors: “I got a deal to the bar at the Gansevoort Hotel e-mailed to me. I forwarded it to a bunch of friends and we turned it into a girls night out.” – Ethnography participant, female
Selectives: Resourceful, Careful, Thoughtful, Informative, E-mail
Selectives: ” I only share things with someone specific if I think they will enjoy it. If they aren’t relevant to the material, there is no point in sharing it with them.” – Immersion participant, male
Key Guidelines For Getting Content Shared
Key factors to influence sharing: 1) Appeal to consumers’ motivation to connect with each other – not just with your brand
Key factors to influence sharing: 2) Trust is the cost of entry for getting shared
Key factors to influence sharing: 3) Keep it simple…and it will get shared…and it won’t get muddled
Key factors to influence sharing: 4) Appeal to their sense of humor
Key factors to influence sharing: 5) Embrace a sense of urgency
Key factors to influence sharing: 6) Getting your content shared is just the beginning. a) Get shared, Get shared again, Listen, Get credit for responding, Respond
Key factors to influence sharing: 7) E-mail is still #1
You can also download the original PDF below.
NY Times Study: the Psychology of sharing, why people share online.
We also used this as a reference in our article: Learn how to go viral on Facebook by posting sharable content.  We hope it helps you with your social media marketing.
NY Times Study: The Psychology of Sharing, Why do People Share Online Duplicated from 7936 This NY Times study "The Psychology of Sharing, Why do People Share Online," was published in 2011. 
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