#Hetty Jewelry
hettydiep · 1 month
Unveiling the Radiance of Hetty Jewelry: A
Celebration of Timeless Elegance
Sparkle and Shine: Unveiling the Elegance of Necklace Collections.Discover the epitome of luxury and style with our curated necklace collections. From Delicate chains to extravagant pendants, explore a world where every neckline finds its perfect match.
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Dive into the allure of timeless classics and contemporary designs that add a touch of Glamour to any outfit. Visit our showroom in West Hollywood, CA, and adorn yourself with the brilliance of our exquisite necklaces.
Unveiling the Radiance of Hetty Jewelry: A Celebration of Timeless Elegance the realm of exquisite adornments, one name stands out for its unparalleled brilliance and allure:
Hetty Jewelry. Renowned for its commitment to craftsmanship and innovation, Hetty Jewelry has been synonymous with luxury and sophistication for generations. Let us delve into the enchanting world of Hetty Jewelry and discover the magic it holds.
The brand's signature style is characterized by delicate details, intricate craftsmanship, and a touch of opulence, ensuring that each creation is a work of art.
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Adorn Your Ears: The Artistry of Earrings Unveiled
Elevate your style with our stunning array of earrings, each crafted to perfection to accentuate your beauty. From dainty studs to statement chandeliers, explore the versatility of earring designs that speak volumes. Immerse yourself in the world of exquisite craftsmanship and intricate details. Visit us in West Hollywood, CA, and let your ears sparkle with elegance. Explore Our Jewelry Wonderland: Catalog Extravaganza Step into a world of enchantment with our latest jewelry catalog, where dreams meet reality. Explore page after page of exquisite treasures meticulously curated to inspire.
Hetty Jewelry embodies the perfect blend of timeless elegance and modern sophistication. Whether you're attending a glamorous soirée or a casual brunch, there's a Hetty piece to complement every occasion.
From shimmering necklaces to dazzling earrings, embark on a journey of discovery and style. Visit our showroom in West Hollywood, CA, and indulge in the luxury of our exclusive collections.
Make a Statement: The Power of Bold Necklace Designs Command attention and turn heads with our collection of statement necklaces designed to captivate. From oversized gems to intricate patterns, unleash your inner diva with necklaces that speak volumes.
Explore the artistry of bold designs and elevate your ensemble to new heights. Visit our showroom in West Hollywood, CA, and make a statement with our daring necklace collections.
Elegance Redefined: Discover the Magic of Diamond Earrings Experience the brilliance of diamond earrings that exude sophistication and charm.
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From timeless studs to contemporary drops, adorn your ears with the ultimate symbol of luxury.
Explore the enchanting world of diamonds and elevate your style with unmatched elegance. Visit us in West Hollywood, CA, and let the magic of diamond earrings illuminate your beauty.
Explore a treasure trove of sparkling diamonds, lustrous pearls, and vibrant gemstones,each exuding its own unique charm and allure.
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📍 Location: 2708 N Thomas Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90012
📞 Phone: 626-486-7936
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🕗 Hours: 8 AM-6 PM PST
🔗 Website: hettydiep.com
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The guest PT 23
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It had taken a month of bedrest before Sneed would allow you to be released from the hospital. In that time, the Professor had taken his retirement and Sneed taken over the head surgeon position. As yet he had denied Belle's requests to become a full-time doctor. However, Jack was now being paid a gracious wage and a simple house had been set up not too far away that would be yours once you were married.
Oliver Twist had called off his wedding to Fanny at the dockyard, when it was discovered that not only had he initially stolen the gold but then also lost it. The official story being he has been stitched up by Monks. Given that they were half brothers it was easy for others to believe.
Through her disappointment Fanny threw herself into arranging your wedding.
By the end of the first month you were released back to Government house where even Lady Jane tittered about your comfort. You hated that you still needed so much help with almost everything. Fanny would stay and read to you most days. On occasion Fagin or Hetty would come by and take you for a walk around the gardens. Every day you grow a little stronger.
In the evenings when Jack's shift at the hospice finished he would come by and spend time with you. Stealing small kisses when no one was looking. He had refused to move into the house until he could live there with you and so he would return to his room in the hospital each night.
Finally the day had come when you would become Mrs Dawkins. You awoke and stretched out your muscles. There was still an ache in the healing wound on your abdomen but it felt good to stretch. Your bedroom door opened and the sister came giggling into the room.
"Good morning." You smile at them. "The bath is being drawn, nice and warm just like you like it." Fanny jumped onto your bed, folding her legs below her. Belle rested against the bedpost.
"How are you feeling?" She asked you.
"I'm good, excited. A little nervous." You admit.
"Not to worry, we have kept it small, just as you requested and the garden is being set up now." Fanny said, the wide smile on her face seemingly unable to slip.
You thanked her and went to the bathroom, where you slid into the large rolltop bath. A maid helps to wash out your hair that had grown long over the last year. You make sure not to get your stitches too wet as you bathe. Once you returned to your room and you'd begun dressing Lady Jane appeared in your doorway.
"would you like some help?" She asked. You nodded and she crossed the room, helping to tie your corset. She made sure it fitted you well but did not pull it too tight.
"You know, you are not my daughter, but just as you have with my husband you have infiltrated this family in a most delightful way. I am glad to call you part of our family and you will be missed amongst these walls." She admitted, patting your hand, "I brought these with me. Both the girls have been assigned their family heirlooms. Still, I have these, they were my grandmothers and she wore them on her wedding day. I would be honoured if you would wear them today and pass them onto your own daughter." Lady Jane placed a velveteen box into your hands. You open it and see the most beautiful necklace and bracelet set. Two strings of pearls held together at the front with a silver medallion. The bracelet was the same only smaller.
"They are breathtaking, Lady Jane." You say and pull her into a hug that she happily returns.
"I will have the maids come in to get you dressed." She nods once before leaving again. You look at the jewelry and try to hold back your tears of joy. You really didn't understand how any of this could have happened. Not even a year ago you were a lonely doctor, living alone and now you were marrying the man of your dreams who had literally saved your life. You had a group of friends that loved you deeply. Belle came rushing into your room flinging our robe around your shoulders.
"Jack is walking up." She whispered to you and ran to the balcony window. You followed her and looked out. Jack was dressed in his Naval uniform, though it had definitely been altered to fit him a little better. Fagin walked beside him dressed in the nicest clothes you had ever seen on him. It was clearly a new suit. 'using his new money well' you thought to yourself. Jack's eyes found yours and his lips pulled up in a smile. Belle giggled and pulled you away.
"He looks very handsome." She says.
"He does." You sigh happily.
"Are you ready miss?" The maids had entered.
In the gardens Jack walked up to the gathered guests. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Sneed stepped up to him.
"Well I suppose the best man won." He admitted holding his hand out to Jack.
"Well you got the job I got the girl. I'd say we both won." Jack shook his hand. Over the last few months their working relationship had become easier, a flow between them just worked.
"After your honeymoon there is an invitation to the club." Sneed said. Jack thanked him and he moved on. Slowly he greeted each person as he made his way to the front of the small aisle. Several chairs had been set up on the back lawn and the priest, Crooky, stood at the head of them. Jack shook Crooky's hand, and he waited, Fagin beside him.
To his right, Fanny began to play the harp, the sweet tinkering indicating that you were about to appear. As the music played Belle walked slowly down the aisle as your bridesmaid and took her place to one side of the priest. You stood now waiting for your signal to move. Edmund appeared beside you, holding his arm out.
"Let me give you away?" He whispered.
"I'd be honoured." You reply and slide your hand around his elbow. The music changes just slightly and the two of you begin the slow walk. Jack turns and his eyes meet yours, his breath taken instantly. He marvelled at the way the veil drifted down your hair that had been mostly left down. Your cream dress was fitted perfectly to you. The sleeves dipped off your shoulders and a gold embroidery adorned the bottom of the skirt. Simple matching gloves reached to just above your elbow. He supposed it was as elaborate as you would allow but it suited you perfectly in his opinion.
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Inside him there was a little boy who was cold and frightened, who was sure he would die in a damp prison. That little boy could never have imagined that he would have a moment as simply perfect as this one.
Edmund passed your hand to Jack's and he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before taking a seat beside his wife.
You and Jack turn to Crooky.
"ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between this man and this woman in the eyes of our Lord God. Now Doctor, the vows."
Jack nodded and looked to you.
"I, Jack Dawkins, take thee, y/n y/l/n, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."
"y/n" Crooky looks to you.
" "I, y/n y/l/n, take thee, Jack Dawkins, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."
jack slid a ring onto your finger, Crooky announced you husband and wife and Jack leaned in to kiss you.
A loud bang rings through your ears and several people scream. Jack grabs your arms and lowers you, using his body to cover you. His eyes scan the crowd when he sees him. Monks, standing at the end of the aisle.
"You betrayed me!" He shouted pointing his revolver pistol at Jack.
"Monks, no..." Jack held up his hands in front of him.
"You and him did this!" Monks said through gritted teeth. "I'll kill you all."
"Arrest that man!" Edmund shouted to the guards who were standing close by. There is a flurry of movement. You can't be sure what is happening. More shots are fired. You hit the floor and look down at your dress. Blood covered the bodice and in your lap Jack lay.
"Jack, Jack? Help me!" You scream.
@afalls14universe @fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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lighthouseborn · 3 months
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DETAIL DIVE: Henry's Scar & Necklace(s)
Henry's (Face) Scar
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Result of a modified canon event. While possessed by the bloodthirsty Armando Salazar, Henry was forced to cross blades with Jack, and either of them went away from this encounter uninjured. Jack took a nasty cut to the collar, while Henry caught a experimental swipe across the face. By rights, it should not have been so awful. A cut, clean and simple, from a sharp edge. There wasn't even any real reason for it to scar. Except that possession is not a simple thing, and the edges of what was Henry and what was Salazar had been blurred. The cut spread after it landed, splintering out in a mimic of the ghost's decay that remained even after the Trident's power purged Salazar from Henry's body.
It’s not abundantly pronounced -it healed very nicely, in fact, after a little bit of initial drama (that might have had more to do with Henry running himself ragged than the cut itself, but I digress.) At a distance or a glance, only the blade mark is really visible, and even that may not draw that much attention. A much closer inspection will show what's left of the splinters, which healed in delicate, cobweb-like lines over his cheekbone and back toward his jaw. At any given moment, Henry is far more likely to be conscious of the full breadth of the scar than someone who is looking at it. The edges are really quite faint to the eye, but there is a part of Henry that still very much feels all that it was and continues to be to him.
For several years after the fact, he struggles to reconcile with bearing it — it doesn't feel like a part of himself, he didn't choose the actions that led to it or gain anything worth having in the course of it. It is born of what was, unquestionably, the worst experience of his life. It's not so fun to have a permanent reminder. Later in life it haunts him less (the only face his children know is the one with the scar: it being there is an inherent part of their definition of dad. That helps. A lot.) but it takes time and growth to get there.
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Henry's Necklace
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For several key years of his life, Henry defined himself by the necklace his father passed to him, and the vow it came to represent. So much so that when he completed the vow, achieved his goal, and returned the talisman to his father, he began to feel somewhat... off-balance. Truly it was about many more things than just a piece of jewelry, but nevertheless it became the sticking point. Henry became hyper-aware of its absence, and coming up empty handed when he reached for it tended to send his thoughts on a steep spiral, sometimes even causing panic. All through this, he maintained that he did not want to have the necklace back: the chapter was done, and it had never been his necklace anyhow. He was determined to simply power through. Luckily, his loved ones are well versed in his brand of stubborn, and the answer came along after a few weeks.
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A sea-heart; draped around his neck by Hetty, his oldest friend and closest confidant. She noticed right away that there was a part of Henry that missed the familiarity of his father’s necklace, and after he told her of his lingering fears and worries, the reasons why seemed perfectly clear to her. Thusly —and though he had not, truly, asked for her assistance— she devised her plan to help. Mere weeks after Henry’s reunion with his family, Hetty presented him with a fine leather cord, on which hung this etched sea heart charm.         Sea hearts (also called sea beans) are the seeds of the entada gigas plant. These seeds are carried by the ocean as part of the plant’s natural cycle, and typically wash up on beaches in and around the Caribbean. In Jamaican traditions they are considered good luck charms. It's said that these buoyant little seeds cross over entire seas unharmed, too strong but light to drown, and they likewise protect their owner from drowning and keep them in good health as they travel. The symbol etched into Henry’s is a Celtic shield knot: a ward against evil spirits primarily, though the protection is thought to extend to physical well-being too. Hetty’s mother helped polish and strengthen the sea heart, turning it into a sturdy pendant, and Hetty’s father provided guidance and assisted with the carving of the symbol. It is, ultimately, a token from the whole family, their blended good will for Henry encompassed in a token they all believe will help to keep him whole and well.
The whole thing got Henry thinking. Over the course of his life, he's been presented with a curious number of charms and talismans meant to provide protection and/or luck. Another person might think to be insulting (just how reckless do people think he is?) but Henry sees only fondness and well-wishes. And, in that moment, he saw something falling neatly together.
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A hag stone; pressed insistently into his palm by Thyra, a woman from the small town of the lighthouse island, the very day he returned home. She is regarded as the town’s healer and respected as a wise-woman; her husband is a farmer and likewise a pillar of the small community. She acted as midwife when Henry was born, and has ever after kept as much of an eye on him as she has the whole little village. As she puts it: she saw him here and has no wish to see him off.         Also called a mare stones or witch stones, hag stones are formed on pebbled beaches by nothing more than water and time. There are many legends and beliefs associated with hag stones, most commonly that looking through them will reveal various unseen things, fae or witches or spells, and that they offer the wearer one protection or another from these forces. This stone in particular was used by its previous owner in aid of spirit work and minor ailment healing. When she bestowed it to Henry’s care, she told him it was because of its ability to protect his sleep. She explained that nightmares attract the attention of evil forces, demons & their ilk, to the then-vulnerable souls of those who have them, and that while the stone would not prevent the unpleasant dreams, it would guard him against the dark things that seek to take advantage of them. If ever the stone splits in two, Henry is under instruction to return the broken pieces to the sea, and to seek Thyra out so that she can check on his spirit and replace the charm. A split of that nature supposedly means it prevented him being killed or otherwise claimed by the Mara, a powerful nightmare demon. To date Henry’s unsure how Thyra even knew he was having nightmares. Nevertheless, he wears the stone (and double checks for it before he goes to sleep.)
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A silver skull ring; handed to him by Captain Teague shortly before Henry sailed out on his quest for the Trident of Poseidon. Teague was the only one to know Henry was leaving before he disappeared on this venture. Perhaps owed to his many years watching over Henry, or his many more years watching over the Cove, keeping its code and secrets, spotting trouble before it boiled over. Whatever the case he saw the boy off with this grim grinning token and reminder to keep his wits and fists raised (or, if not both, then one or the other.)        Something of a legend among those who have set foot inside the Brethren Court's hall, the ring is said to have been powerfully spelled for the protection of the wearer by a voodoo priestess, though which priestess and by which spell and to what effect exactly, Henry cannot say. (That's the trouble with whispers, isn't it?) He has guessed, by the shape of it, it is meant to prevent the death of the wearer — though it could just as likely be that the design is purely ornamental. Originally, by combination of the fact that Henry does not like to wear rings and that this one does not fit him in the slightest, Henry kept the silver skull tucked into his pockets or looped onto the old necklace, though it never seemed to quite fit there. After being gifted his new necklace, Henry was quick to slide the ring into what felt like its rightful place.
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A poesy ring; paired with a kiss on the cheek from a highborn paramour (whose name he is very careful about not disclosing) some time after he aided her escape from an arranged and miserable marriage.         More of a token than a charm, posey (also spelled posy, posie) rings were given as gifts between both friends and lovers to represent the givers affection for the wearer. It has been said, too, that the golden ring serves as protection, as it represents or holds a prayer for safe travel. There is a small inscription of verse on the inside of Henry’s, oft hidden from view, and the relief around the outside of the band displays a winding bunch of forget-me-not flowers. Despite his dislike of wearing rings as intended, Henry did in fact briefly carry this token on the pointer finger of his left hand (the place he thought it least likely to impede him or vanish without his notice.) These days he wears it on a golden chain.
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A shell-shaped locket; gifted to him on a birthday by childhood friend Allie for no other reason than she hoped to make him smile.         The little golden locket is filled not by a portrait but by a thimble-measure of sand from the beaches of the lighthouse island. It is not so much a lucky charm, having no spells or prayers upon it as far as he is aware, but it is, undoubtedly, an embodied sentiment of great care and affection. A wish that he be content. A hope that he can carry good things, happy memories, with him wherever it is he roams. He has found that it makes for a very good grounding item, something to hold in hand which reminds him of his home (and of the island he was born on, too.) He wears this one on the golden chain as well.
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A jade pendant; passed to a young Henry for luck by Yijun, a young born-pirate sailor whom Henry met as a small boy and saw often when he was in Singapore with his mother. Henry wore it every day until, less than a year later, the ship Yijun was sailing on went down and he was presumed dead. He was only seventeen years old. Henry (who was thirteen) looked up to him greatly, and misses him still.         Considered the stone that represents the heart and “the jewel of Heaven” in Chinese folklore, jade is said to bring prosperity, wisdom, courage, and equity, as well as encouraging groundedness and -as this pendant is green jade, the color associated with the dead- spiritual wellness, protecting the bonds of the living to their ancestors. The ring shape is meant to work as a ward: only good things may pass through the circle, while bad things become trapped in the center and purified so that they can no longer cause harm. For many years after Yijun’s disappearance, the pendant resided in Henry’s attic bedroom at the lighthouse, tucked into a hiding place of the utmost secrecy. Partly, he was afraid to lose it. Largely, it made him sad to hold it. Though Henry never once forgot the charm, his memory of it was brought to the front of his mind by Hetty’s similar gesture, and Henry added it to his new necklace. It seemed a fitting place to carry it, since he is willing to again.
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A carved bone turtle; offered to him by imperial pirate lord Mistress Ching mere days before she announced she intended to pass her lordship on so that she could enter into a life of leisure in her final years. Seemingly, the act was spurred by nothing else than the fact that he asked her about it, after he’d seen her rubbing its shell in thought.         One of the four gods of Chinese folklore associated with the cardinal directions, the turtle(/tortoise) is associated with the northern point of a compass and considered a shaper and protector of the physical world. Associated with knowledge, perseverance, prosperity, and long life, the carving is meant to draw those things as well as encourage the wearer to keep these traits in their conscious mind when they are making decisions. A mixture, then, of good luck charm and reminder to utilize ones’ wits. When Henry asked what sort of bone it was carved from, Mistress Ching’s only answer was to smile quite widely and pat him on the cheek. Henry rediscovered the bone turtle there when he retrieved the jade pendant, having tucked it away in the same hiding space some years prior. Unlike the jade, Henry had quite forgotten it. After some deliberation, he decided that having something lucky and long-living resting over his heart to remind him to think wasn’t such a bad idea.
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A polished stone crab claw; a strange little charm Henry knows very little about at all, as it seemed to simply appear, carried to him in the surf of an incoming tide. Given all he has been through, and that a stone colored crab is one of Calypso's known forms & associated symbols, he thought it best to take it as a gift. (Or at the very least to take it. Shunning a sea goddess when your livelihood and -arguably- life itself rests with her would be plain stupidity.) Its unclear if the charm is carved from some type of grayish rock, or a fossil of the genuine thing. The surface is sooth, polished to an almost glassy shine. Henry had a metal loop affixed to the top so that it could be worn. Curiously, it always seems to be slightly cool to the touch.
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Additionally, while we're talking about grounding luck charms, Henry also wears a nazar bracelet, tied ‘round his wrist by fellow sailor Bashir on their parting after they spent several months as shipmates… and a bit more. Mutually understood and agreed to be more of a fling than anything else, they parted on perfectly amicable terms and in fact maintain a considerable amount of affection for each other. Their lives, though, continue to move in directions that seem opposed to each other.          The nazar is an eye-shaped amulet worn to protect a person from ‘the evil eye’, a malevolent or envious gaze from another person that can (sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally) inflict harm or a curse of bad luck on the subject. The charm is made of glass in the traditional shade of blue, and the band it is attached to was woven by Bashir himself during the voyage. He bestowed the bracelet with a quiet prayer. The next morning saw him on another ship, off into some flight of search that continues even now. While Henry always errs on the side of believing in magic and spiritual currents, the truth of this particular charm resides far more in the sentimental than protective value of it. He has worn in consistently since it was given to him and doesn’t plan to stop.
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
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       Over the course of his life, Henry has been presented with an curious number of charms and talismans meant to provide protection and/or luck. Another person might think to be insulted (just how reckless do people think he is?) but Henry sees only fondness and well-wishes, and a select few of them have become daily installments to his wear. This also serves another end: after achieving his goal and returning his father’s necklace as he always meant to Henry nevertheless began to feel somewhat... off-balance. While it was due to a great deal more than just a piece of jewelry, he was hyper aware of its absence in a way that became a focusing point for the feeling. At the same time, he didn’t want to turn back to something that had never been his anyway. The solution? Something new.
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1. A sea-heart; draped around his neck by Hetty, his oldest friend and closest confidant. She noticed right away that there was a part of Henry that missed the familiarity of his father’s necklace, and after he told her of his lingering fears and worries, the reasons why seemed perfectly clear to her. Thusly —and though he had not, truly, asked for her assistance— she devised her plan to help. A mere month and half after Henry’s reunion with his family, Hetty presented him with a fine leather cord, on which hung this etched sea heart charm.         Sea hearts (also called sea beans) are the seeds of the entada gigas plant. These seeds are carried by the ocean as part of the plant’s natural cycle, and typically wash up on beaches in and around the Caribbean. In Jamaican tradition they are considered good luck charms, in particular that having crossed over seas unharmed, they likewise protect their owner from drowning and keep them in good health as they travel. The symbol etched into Henry’s is a Celtic shield knot: a ward against evil spirits primarily, though the protection is thought to extend to physical well-being too. Hetty’s mother helped polish and strengthen the sea heart, turning it into a sturdy pendant, and Hetty’s father provided guidance and assisted with the carving of the symbol. It is, ultimately, a token from the whole family, their blended good will for Henry encompassed in a token they all believe will help to keep him whole and happy.
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2. A hag stone; pressed insistently into his palm by Thyra, a woman from the small town of the lighthouse island, the very week he returned home. She is regarded as the town’s healer and respected as a wise-woman; her husband is a farmer and likewise a pillar of the small community. She acted as midwife when Henry was born, and has ever after kept as much of an eye on him as she has the whole little village. As she puts it:, she saw him here and has no wish to see him off.         Also called a mare stones or witch stones, hag stones are formed on pebbled beaches by nothing more than water and time. There are many legends and beliefs associated with hag stones, most commonly that looking through them will reveal various unseen things, fae or witches or spells, and that they offer the wearer one protection or another from these forces. This stone in particular was used by its previous owner in aid of spirit work and minor ailment healing. When she bestowed it to Henry’s care, she told him it was because of its ability to protect his sleep. She explained that nightmares attract the attention of evil forces, demons & their ilk, to the then-vulnerable souls of those who have them, and that while the stone would not prevent the unpleasant dreams, it would guard him against the dark things that seek to take advantage of them. If ever the stone splits in two, Henry is under instruction to return the broken pieces to the sea, and to seek Thyra out so that she can check on his spirit and replace the charm — a split of that nature supposedly means it prevented him being killed or otherwise claimed by the Mara, a powerful nightmare demon. To date Henry’s unsure how Thyra even knew he was having nightmares. Nevertheless, he wears the stone (and double checks for it before he goes to sleep.)
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3. A silver skull ring; handed to him by Teague (@thecodekeeper​​​) shortly before Henry sailed for Saint Martin.        Said to have been powerfully spelled for the protection of the wearer by a voodoo priestess, though which priestess and by which spell and to what effect exactly, Henry cannot say. (He has guessed, by the shape of it, it is meant to prevent the death of the wearer — though it could just as likely be that the design is purely ornamental.) Originally, by combination of the fact that Henry does not like to wear rings and that this one does not fit him in the slightest, Henry kept the silver skull tucked into his pockets or tied to his wrist like a strange, heavy bracelet. After being gifted his new necklace, Henry was quick to slide the ring into what felt like its rightful place.
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4. A poesy ring; paired with a kiss on the cheek from childhood friend Wendy (@darlingflight​​) some time after he aided her escape from an arranged marriage.         More of a token than a charm, poesy (also spelled posy, posie) rings were given as gifts between both friends and lovers to represent the givers affection for the wearer. It has been said, too, that the golden ring serves as protection, as it represents a prayer for safe travel. There is a small inscription of verse on the inside of Henry’s, oft hidden from view, and the relief around the outside of the band displays a winding bunch of forget-me-not flowers. Despite his dislike of wearing rings as intended, Henry did in fact briefly carry this token on the pointer finger of his left hand (the place he thought it least likely to impede him or vanish without his notice.) These days he wears it on a golden chain.
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5. A shell-shaped locket; gifted to him on his birthday by Allie (@loetise​) for no other reason than she hoped to make him smile.         The little golden locket is filled not by a portrait but by a thimble-measure of sand from the beaches of the lighthouse island. It is not so much a lucky charm, having no spells or prayers upon it as far as he is aware, but it is, undoubtedly, an embodied sentiment of great care and affection. A wish that he be content. A hope that he can carry good things, happy memories, with him wherever it is he roams. He has found that it makes for a very good grounding item, something to hold in hand which reminds him of his home (and of the island he was born on, too.)
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6. A jade pendant; passed to a young Henry for luck by Ts'ai Shen, a young born-pirate sailor whom Henry met as a small boy and saw often when he was in Singapore with his mother. Henry wore it every day until, less than a year later, the ship Ts'ai Shen was sailing on went down and he was presumed dead. He was only seventeen years old (Henry was thirteen.)         Considered the stone that represents the heart and “the jewel of Heaven” in Chinese folklore, jade is said to bring prosperity, wisdom, courage, and  equity, as well as encouraging groundedness and -as this pendant is green jade, the color associated with the dead- spiritual wellness, protecting the bonds of the living to their ancestors. The ring shape is meant to work as a ward: only good things may pass through the circle, while bad things become trapped in the center and purified so that they can no longer cause harm. For many years after Ts'ai Shen’s disappearance, the pendant resided in Henry’s attic bedroom at the lighthouse, tucked into a hiding place of the utmost secrecy. Partly, he was afraid to lose it. Largely, it made him sad to hold it. Though Henry never once forgot the charm, his memory of it was brought to the front of his mind by Hetty’s similar gesture, and Henry added it to his new necklace. It seemed a fitting place to carry it, since he is willing to again.
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7. A carved bone turtle; offered to him by none other than the aged pirate lord Mistress Ching mere days before she announced she intended to pass her lordship on so that she could enter into a life of leisure in her final years. Seemingly, the act was spurred by nothing else than the fact that he asked her about it, after he’d seen her rubbing its shell in thought.         One of the four gods of Chinese folklore associated with the cardinal directions, the turtle(/tortoise) is associated with the northern point of a compass and considered a shaper and protector of the physical world. Associated with knowledge, perseverance, prosperity, and long life, the carving is meant to summon those things as well as encourage the wearer to keep these traits in their conscious mind when they are making decisions. A mixture, then, of good luck charm and reminder to utilize ones’ wits. When Henry asked what sort of bone it was carved from, Mistress Ching’s only answer was to smile quite widely and pat him on the cheek. Squirreled away to the selfsame hiding place, Henry rediscovered the bone turtle there when he retrieved the jade pendant. Unlike the jade, Henry had quite forgotten it. After some deliberation, he decided that having something lucky and long-living resting over his heart to remind him to think wasn’t such a bad idea.
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Additionally, Henry also wears a nazar bracelet, tied ‘round his wrist by fellow sailor Bashir on their parting after they spent several months as shipmates... and a bit more. Mutually understood and agreed to be more of a fling than anything else, they parted on perfectly amicable terms and in fact maintain a considerable amount of affection for each other. Their lives, though, continue to move in directions that seem opposed to each other.          The nazar is an eye-shaped amulet worn to protect a person from ‘the evil eye’, a malevolent or envious gaze from another person that can (sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally) inflict harm or a curse of bad luck on the subject of such a look. The charm is made of glass in the traditional shade of blue, and the band it is attached to was woven by Bashir himself during the voyage. He bestowed the bracelet with a quiet prayer. The next morning saw him on another ship, off into some flight of search that continues even now (some four years later.) While Henry always errs on the side of believing in magic and spiritual currents, the truth of this particular charm resides far more in the sentimental than protective value of it. He has worn in consistently since it was given to him and doesn’t plan to stop.
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talesgolden · 2 years
Character Outline
tagged: stole it from myself ! tagging: i support theft, this time largely because I don’t know who has/hasn’t done this one
Full Name:  Mahetabel “Hetty” MacPhaiden
Date of Birth:  15 April
Age: verse dependent, typically early twenties
Social Class: Working; but also, despite the fact that her family does not actively sail or raid, etc., she would be viewed as a pirate and, beyond this, as a result of having a racially mixed family, excluded from many ‘accepted’ social establishments.
Parents: Gavan & Irie MacPhaiden
Siblings: two younger sisters, Ferelith & Eilidh 
Height:  5′6″
Weight: no; Her build is average, a bit on the curvy side, and she is stronger than she looks, used to moving furniture around and lifting heavy objects
Distinguishing Features: The freckles & red curly hair single her out right away, and after that her accent (primarily Scottish with influence from her Jamaican mother) is pretty unique as well
Hair Color: Rich ruby red
Eye Color: Warm brown
What do they consider their best feature?: Her favorite feature is her hair for sure; she tends to leave it natural and sometimes ties away from her face or wrapped for protection, but mostly wears it loose and free because she likes the way it catches the light and bounces around when she moves and really loves the way it frames her face. She also really loves the way it reflects both her parents and in generally she just adores being fairly unique in terms of appearance. She and her sisters are recognizable and actually she quite likes that.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Mostly functional, an acceptable for a person of her age in her time. She has no desire to break from traditional norms here, and in fact quite likes being dressed Right for a setting/occasion. She doesn’t have a super wide closet (clothes are expensive) and she doesn’t have a lot of very fine fabrics/textiles (it just wouldn’t be practical, they’d get damaged) but she does aim to be put-together and wants to be viewed as a Lady, you know? She has a couple of nicer dresses for special occasions, but generally is going to be in well-tended working clothes.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Light on the jewelry, maybe a necklace or a bracelet, the occasional ring. She has some pieces she rotates through but they aren’t flashy, and mostly she saves them for special occasions. She has her ears pierced once, just traditional lobe piercings. She does not have any tattoos and isn’t likely to get any I don’t think.
Do they work out/exercise?: Nope. Her occupation is somewhat physically taxing, though, so she’s stronger than people might expect. She's no sword fighter, if you start trouble she can certainly hand it right back to you.
Level of Self Esteem: Moderate. She has her little world in her tavern, on Shipwreck, where she is self-assured. She knows her home and her community, the strengths and weaknesses, the accolades and dangers, and she moves through it with confidence. She’s comfortable fussing at pirate captains who start shit in her tavern, even throwing them out (with backup from her father (or Henry) of course.) If you were to take her out of her familiar surroundings, though, she’d second guess herself a lot more.
Known Languages: English, some Scots-Gaelic and Jamaican. Probably also the pidgin language common around Shipwreck.
How do they deal with stress?: Methodically. She might be having a meltdown internally, but externally she is very level-headed and steady, and good at compartmentalizing. Keeping focus and taking care of things one step at a time, as she can.
What do they do when upset?: She tends to get defensive and bossy, and very focused on being “right” instead of being kind or compassionate.
Do they believe in happy endings?: Yes. Tentatively, in a mildly guarded and realistic “they take work” way, but yes.
How do they feel about asking for help?: Accepting of it, generally. She doesn’t mind needing help with things in the least. Some things you only ask trusted people, though.
Optimist or Pessimist: Realist, she insists. (She quietly leans for optimism.)
Extrovert or Introvert: Introvert in the sense that people, eventually, wear her out, but she’s very friendly and likes creating social spaces for herself and others to enjoy.
Leader or Follower: Is there an option that’s like..... curator? Comforter? Home-base-runner?? I’m so stupid her like, official unofficial title is: Hearthkeeper. She’s not in any direct chain of command anywhere per se but she’s keeping things together, making sure there’s somewhere for the leader and the followers to land.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: She likes to claim that it’s logic, because she takes her time to think things through, but ultimately still tends to let her feelings lead her around.
Spontaneous or Planner: Planner, definitely. Capable of adapting, generally, but going to be cross about that her plans were dashed.
Thinker or Doer: I think...more of a doer? In every area except her romantic inclinations. She’s pretty practical, as a person.
Organized or Messy: Organized. Neat, even! (Neater than Henry, anyway.)
Worrier or Carefree: ....Planner? She isn’t carefree in the sense of not caring but she’s very prepared, and ready, and grounded. She doesn’t worry about things, per se, she prepares for what she thinks she needs to and then just. What comes, comes.
Artistic?: In a hands-on sort of way! She’s good at interior design, a decent seamstress, and good at hands-on crafts. No one in particular comes to mind but if it’s a like.... home-making sort of craft? She’s probably pretty good at it. She likes to decorate her spaces as her means of artistic expression.
Mathematical?: Not in an approach-to-life way, but in the sense that she’s good with numbers, yes! Very good at sums and book balancing and cost-tracking, etc. Her mental math skills are very good. She mostly applies it to maintaining the tavern, but if pressed could definitely apply it to like, general mathematics, etc.
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: Single. A bit cross about it.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): I don’t know if it’s me or her who hasn’t figured this one out, actually, but... good question. I am almost certain she is some sort of sapphic but I’m not sure if that’s like, exclusive or not.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): She is somewhat sheltered. Not exceptionally so, she knows the general functionality of things, but has no experience and a somewhat romanticized view of sex. She doesn’t have a strictly negative view of promiscuity, but it’s not something she wants for herself. She thinks sex should be saved for strong relationships you intend to keep, not as something flippant. 
Ever been in love?: Only with the idea of being in Love™
Do they fall in love easily?: No. She tends to romanticize people easily, but when it comes to actually building a bond and a relationship, it takes a lot.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?: Yes to both... I think? To marriage, anyway. Children is a little more of a grey area.
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: She doesn’t mind them, but particularly gratuitous displays make her uncomfortable. She doesn’t like it when people in the tavern get handsy and wouldn’t like it at all if a partner did that kind of thing in public.
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: You know I’m really not sure. She’s never really had a romantic relationship.
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): She tends to make a handful of close friends and keep to that circle. She isn’t likely to branch out without encouragement from one of those pre-existing connections. She likes her world and the order its in.
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?:  She is very warm and friendly, as a general rule! Most people aren’t going to get very super close to her, but that’s not a cold barrier, just a slow build. She is somewhat quiet and keeps herself for herself and her friends, but she’s not shy or aloof. She’s good at listening and people often open up to her before she opens up to them; she’ll let them know when they’re trying to hard to get her to, as well.
Argue or avoid conflict?: She is more likely to mediate and see multiple views than to argue, but she’s perfectly comfortable speaking her mind. She prefers peace to conflict but don’t for a second think that means she’ll tolerate bullshit.
Dreams: So many romantic daydreams, but her practical (and generally known one) is to run the tavern, elevating and expanding it.
Greatest Fears: Being separated away from her family; in a similar vein, their home being destroyed. That whole the-eitc-might-end-everything from her youth left some concerns in her. Her family is vulnerable in any world but this one, with its defenses and intentional division from most of Western society.
Biggest Regret: .... get back to me some time? I’m not sure.
What they most want  to change about their current life?: Absolutely nothing except maybe we’re back to that romantic daydream. It would be nice to be In Love™, ok?
Hobbies: Reading, building her library, a little bit of sewing/seamstressing, cooking to a certain extent (it is, technically, an aspect of her job, but she enjoys it as well)
Indoors or Outdoors?: Indoors
Favorite Color: I don’t know if it’s an IC thing but I definitely associate her with peachy oranges and pinks, some soft yellows
Favorite Smell: Woodsmoke
Favorite and least favorite food: I’m not sure yet
Coffee or Tea?: Tea
Favorite type of weather: Rain, but the gentle kind. The storm in the distance, not right overhead.
Favorite form of entertainment: Books. Maybe Henry being stupid.
How do they feel about traveling?: ...Not.... particularly favorable? It takes a lot of on-the-fly energy and that’s not... really her thing. She likes building her nest, and decorating it, and maybe has a little bit of a hoarding tendency. Maybe in theory there are some places that sound lovely and interesting but home is here and safe and fulfilling, why leave it?
What sort of gifts do they like?: You mostly can’t go wrong, but bring her a book and she will fawn about it forever. Little books, big books, poetry books, fiction books, nonfiction histories. Books! Also traditional like. Flowers. She wouldn’t be mad about jewelry, dresses, etc.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: No particularly strong feelings on either. She’s been known to drink a bit, but typically keeps her wits. Seeing her drunk would be really rare; she deals with a lot of people who drink to excess and become some variety of nuisance in the process, and doesn’t love the idea of becoming that kind of presence to others.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: She does not
Have they ever tried other drug? (which, what happened, consequences):  She never has but may have... sort of a passive interest? A background curiosity? A part of her that wonders very badly what it’s like, and could be persuaded to even if she also knows they’re generally not good for you and can be dangerous to explore.
Do they have any addictions?: Nope
Most important/defining event in life to date: I’m. unsure on this. A soft answer of when her father sort of... made an official show of bringing her into the fold of running the tavern?
Daily routine: Lots of work for the tavern, I really don’t think it would be interesting to list it tbh. She enjoys the work though! Likes being busy and keeping things in order, making this warm space for her family and others’ benefit. She also reguarly has errands to run around Shipwreck City, so she gets to go through the city and stuff, too.
Typical Saturday night: She is a reading-in-bed type, sorry. Every now and then Henry will convince her to go get into trouble, but mostly she has indoor activities she invests in. She is a simple girl (warm, complementary)
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): Organized! The tavern is kept pretty neat (as neat as she can manage, given the regular clientele) and her space tends to be neat as well, though sometimes her projects-in-process get a little explosive, as she tends to leave things out in close reach when something is still going. Her family is not excessively wealthy, so they don’t have a lot in terms of finery and ornamental objects, but they’ve accumulated things living in one place and working to build it, so Hetty has begun to collect things.
Pets? if not, do they want any?: No pets I don’t think? though I think about there being a Tavern Dog sometimes. Relaxed and sleepy, but who also serves as a night time guard. That sort. She’s neither here nor there about pets.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: She changes other peoples bedding as part of her occupation. (Yes.)
Do they know how to swim?: ..I........ Maybe not? She’s never really had a reason to learn, but also I feel like being so close to Henry might have introduced it? I dunno. Maybe a little but it’s not in her regular wheelhouse.
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: She can! She’s good at it, and frequently balances cooking with other tasks. When given the chance to slow down a bit, she likes to bake for fun as well.
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vampiretimes · 15 days
The Road to Vallaki: Part 3 - Guys This Place Has Toys
As the party approached the high walls and imposing gates of Vallaki, they were stopped by guards who questioned them about their origins and business in Vallaki. They seemed largely concerned about whether they had any connection to "the devil." Hettie explained that she was not created by the devil, but by a witch from the woods. This did not win the guards over, and they seemed hesitant to open the gates. Ireena used her position as part of a quasi-noble family to get them inside. The party also learned that the refugees who had fled from the village of Barovia were not being let in, and had mostly camped outside the walls near the lake gate.
Upon entering Vallaki their erstwhile companion Clue flew away, joining a trio of ravens as they flew past. The streets were entirely occupied by humans, that non-humans in Barovia were exceedingly rare. The mood of Vallaki seemed more upbeat and optimistic than the dreariness of the village Barovia, with several people smiling as they passed.
One person who introduced herself as Imelda was willing to give directions when asked, directing them to the Blue Water Inn as a place to stay while in town, and helpfully showing them a notice board upon which were written the laws of Vallaki. In addition to the basic laws one would expect in any city, the party noticed the following:
It is illegal to speak or write the devil's name within the walls of Vallaki.
All able citizens may be called on to assist with preparations or cleanup for Vallaki's festivals. They will be notified in advance if their help is expected.
Attendance at festivals is mandatory for all, citizens and residents alike.
The gates close at dusk and open at dawn. If you are caught outside when the gates close, you will not be allowed back in.
The spreading of "dissent, despair or doubt" within Vallaki's walls is considered criminal behavior and will be treated as such.
It also noted that silver was a material very important for the protection of Vallaki's citizens. Citizens and residents alike were strongly encouraged to bring any silver coins or jewelry to the guardhouse, to be exchanged for gold or copper of equal value.
The notice board also contained an old crumpled flyer advertising the Wolf's Head Festival. Several similar flyers were on the ground, being swept up along with some decorations and, indeed, old fly-covered wolf's heads on pikes were also being taken down. It seems the party had just missed the Wolf's Head Festival, though as they would soon learn, festivals in Vallaki are regular events. The notice board also contained other pieces of town business: the schedule of services for the local church, something about a book club, someone selling a broken loom, someone looking for a babysitter, an ad for dream pastries, ("made with the light and love of dreams,") and four separate advertisements for something called "Blinsky's Toy Shop."
After a brief stop outside the walls to see after the Barovian refugees, Ireena went to the burgomaster’s manor hoping to advocate for her people. Tomas gave her a feather and cast Enhance Ability on her, hopefully giving her an edge in conversation.
Meanwhile, the others decided to take a look at the stores. Their first stop was Blinsky's Toys, a shop that had not been getting much business lately. They met Gadof Blinsky, who dressed in a jester's costume and was very excited to have customers. The store was filled with whimsically morbid toys such as a doll with interchangeable heads, a transforming werewolf toy, a bag of marbles designed to look like eyeballs, and a puppet of Strahd Von Zarovich. Hettie bought herself several toys, as well as a wind up skull-shaped music box for Arabelle. Tomas and Granny noticed a small, unassuming dull sitting on a shelf behind the counter that bore an uncanny resemblance to Ireena.
They bought supplies from the general store, cleared out the discount shelf at the apothecary. While visiting Yonvich and Sons,(the local print shop) they overheard a conversation between the titular sons complaining about the Baron’s order of decorations for the upcoming Festival of the Blazing Sun, expressing concern about not being able to make enough purple ink in time. Looking for an opportunity to help (and make money) the party volunteered to go to Lake Zarovich and bring back some of the mollusks that the printers needed in order to make purple ink.
While there, Tomas bought a memoir written by one of the members of the city guard, Granny bought a book of prayers to the Morninglord and Mother Night, and Hettie bought a book of fairy tales.
The party found the Vistani camp in some degree of distress. When they asked about Arabelle, they were directed to two men who were arguing, one of whom was Arabelle's father Luvash. Luvash was growing more and more angry with a man named Arrigal who had apparently been watching her when she wandered off and went missing.
Carver spotted a few small footprints leading out into the woods, giving them a starting point for tracking her. Hettie noticed a shack on the lake that looked suspiciously like a place where a hag might live, and immediately suspected a connection to the missing child.
They knocked on the door, and a seemingly human woman answered, introducing herself as Jenny Greenteeth. Though she claimed ignorance as to Arabelle's whereabouts, Hettie was still suspicious and asked some probing questions. It did not take long for Jenny to reveal that yes, she was in fact a creature much like Hettie's mother, and familiar with Mad Myrtle Bonebrier. She pulled back her hair and revealed that the skin behind it was dry and cracked, the result of a curse that seemed to be Myrtle's handiwork. It seemed that while she was dying, Mad Myrtle had cursed every hag in Barovia, hoping that she might get the one that had cursed her.
Hettie noticed a cloth covered form on a table inside the shack, and remained suspicious that Jenny might be hiding the missing child. She tried to force her way in, but Jenny stopped her, picking her up with strong arms. She held her in the air and pointed out it was rude to enter someone's house without asking to come in and waiting for the answer.
Hettie asked if she could come in, and Jenny told her no. When Jenny put her down she forced her way in again. When Jenny irritably picked Hettie up a second time and asked what she was doing, Hettie pointed out that Jenny had told her that she needed to wait for the answer before going in, she hadn't said the answer needed to be yes. Jenny got an annoyed look on her face and said that Hettie had a point. A quick glance around Jenny's shack revealed no missing child, however.
Jenny told Hettie that her mother must have raised her well, as she was the most ill-mannered young lady she had ever met. But if it was true that Mad Myrtle Bonebrier had cursed every single hag in Barovia, then she suspected Hettie was in enough trouble without Jenny needing to do her any harm. With that, the party left to look for Arabelle elsewhere.
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tabswrites · 10 months
Jewelry and Notebook for Tombs of Light
Thanks for the ask!
3. What are considered luxury items in the world of your WIP?
A lot, haha! Anything made from silver, leather, silk, satin or fur. Tea, oil lanterns, horses, wagons. For some, like Hettie, certain foods like salmon, beef, apples. Sugar is also difficult to obtain without substantial money.
5. Share 7 lines!
From Ch. 7
The violet forest was even more stunning outside the shelter of the tree, and she could have gone mad trying to explore every last corner of it, but there was an object–a shadow, really, that had her focus. She followed the music, humming along with it under her breath, and stopped just below a large branch.
An owl had perched itself in the center of the branch, two black, shiny eyes staring at her from the center of its white, heart-shaped face–the only part of it that resembled an owl at all. Its amorphous body was black like the night sky and rippled like fabric when it moved. When it opened its tiny beak, the music grew louder, and Mara realized she had found the source.
“What are you?” she demanded, placing her hands on her hips.
Instead of responding, the creature took flight, moving through the air like smoke.
🌪️Random WIP Asks🌚
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 years
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Continuing Closet Cosplay: Mutuals’ OCs Edition, @praise-the-lord-im-dead‘s Hetty Brown from her short story “White Knuckle Grip.”
In the opening scene at the casino, Hetty is described as wearing a shiny secondhand indigo dress. I didn’t have anything quite that shade, but this blue dress gets the idea across. It’s rather wrinkled after a long night. Over it, she wears her grease-stained canvas work coat, approximated here by an old winter coat that could use a good wash. Her fancy heels have bows that tie in (sorry) with the bow on the dress’s belt; I doubt Hetty would give that any thought, but it works out well. A very costume-jewelry necklace completes the look. At her feet are a glass for apple cider and her winning hand of four cards, the highest of each suit (represented by Phase 10 cards because regrettably that’s all I had on hand someone please stop me with the terrible puns).
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fanaticfangirl001 · 3 years
Watching Ghosts(CBS)
Little nitpicks
Alberta’s jewelry(pearls look cheap)
Also with Hetty (she’s apparently died in 18th century) there were a few women’s only colleges at the time. I currently go to a former women’s college in Alabama.
Flower, love the character but again the costume looks like a Halloween one.
Pete’s uniform looks pretty good( I was a Girl Scout) maybe I’m wrong on how he dies but with that being said, he should not have been in charge of an archery center at a Girl Scout camp.
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typingtess · 3 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Twelve Rewatch:  “A Fait Accompli”
The basics:  The team tries to take down a criminal organization.  Deeks goes home while Callen goes to Anna.
Written by: R. Matt Klafter and Kyle Harimoto.  Klafter co-wrote “Smokescreen” part two with Harimoto.  Kyle Harimoto wrote “Omni”, “Merry Evasion”, “Chernoff, K”, “Command and Control” (episode 150), “Granger, O.”, “Ghost Gun”, “Kulinda”, “767”, “Se Murio El Payaso”, “Assets”/“Liabilities”, “Venganza”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us", "Let Fate Decide" (season 11 premiere), "Decoy", "Answers" and “Watch Over Me”.  He co-wrote “Three Hearts”, “Leipei”, “Humbug”, both ends of the “Matryoshka” two-parter, “Smokescreen” part two (with Klafter), "Searching" and “Cash Flow”.  
Directed by:  Eric Pot directed “Resurrection”, “Windfall”, “Traitor”, “Internal Affairs”, “Home is Where the Heart Is”, “Forasteira”, “Reentry”, “Hit List”, "The One Who Got Away", "Kill Beale Vol 1" and “Fortune Favors the Bold”.  
Guest stars of note:  Back from the last episode:  Erik Palladino as CIA Officer Vostanik Sabatino, Allen Theosky Rowe as Jimmy Fang and Godwin Asamoah Obeng as Musa Okoye.  Also back from earlier in season 12 are Kayla Smith as Kamran "Kam" Hanna and Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor.  Gerald McRaney joins season 12 as Retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilbride.  Other guest stars:  Johnny Jay Lee as Young Callen, Alyssa Jirrels as Jocelyn, Alina Brown as Angela Brown, David Carpenter as Clyde, Donna Feldman as Kendra and Kelemete Misipeka as Simi Latu
Our heroes:  The team adds a Deeks, Callen loses an Anna.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Left behind a peaceful life to learn about his family and his name. Sam:   Never wanted to be the measuring stick for Aiden and Kam’s successes. Kensi:    Planning to drive to Georgia to see Deeks graduate and drive the two of them home. Deeks: Graduated FLETC. Eric:   The artist formerly known as NCIS’s Technical Operator. Nell:   Absent. Fatima:  Primetime soap actress back in the day. Roundtree:  Tackling a homeless man to save the man’s life. Hetty:  Would not let anyone else tell Deeks he was joining NCIS.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Not quite left at the altar but close. Sam:   Skipping drinks with the Admiral to finish up paperwork. Kensi:   Advises the new kids on the team to rest when they can. Deeks:  Sore ribs, bruised ego but an NCIS Investigator. Eric:   Harmonized greetings with Kensi to Kilbride. Nell:   Absent. Fatima:  Porsche driver. Roundtree:   Thought Fatima’s acting was fine. Hetty:  Probably gave Deeks the worst plane flight of his life.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi and Deeks get to work together.  Callen and Anna have issues.
Who's down with BrOTP:  No Callen and Sam time today.  Sam and Kilbride have a mutual admiration thing going.  Kensi and Sabatino played well.  Fatima and Roundtree are becoming quick buddies.  
Any pressing need for a cranky retired Admiral?   He’s here!
Who is running the team this week?  A cranky retired Admiral doing a favor for Hetty.
Fashion review:   Kensi, Roundtree and Fatima start the episode in the clothes they were wearing in “Love Kills”.   Callen is in a red plaid button down shirt.  Black tee and jacket for Sam.  Grey sweater and green leather jacket for Kensi.  Deeks is in his FLETC gear (complete with bandages on his ribs) and then bright white tee and a blue zip hoodie in LA.  Fatima has a red and black turtleneck black floral print with a black cardigan.  Green tee and black denim jacket for Roundtree.  
Music:  This is like a season one episode – four songs.  “Punch Bag” by Yonaka is playing when Rountree is running after the van.  “Kai Tangata” by Alien Weaponry is playing behind Kensi and Deeks in the scrap yard.  “Cracking Up in Heare” by Richard Mead is playing in the jewelry store.  Quiet Riot’s “Cum on Feel The Noise” ends our time with Sabatino in this two-parter.
Any notable cut scene:   No.
Quote:  Kilbride:  “I didn't think you worked here anymore, Beale.” Eric:  “Oh, I don't. Uh, well, not exactly. - Mm. Um, uh, temporarily, yes, I do. Uh, I'm a technical consultant while we're beta testing Kaleidoscope.  But, uh, you can call me the Technical Operator Formerly Known as...” Kilbride:  “It was a statement, not a question.”
Anything else:    Previouslys are all about Jimmy Fang and Kensi and Sabatino being shot at the warehouse.  Kensi and Sabatino can’t see who is even shooting at them.  Kensi can’t get a good look and Sabatino is staying put because “this bun ain’t bulletproof.”  The men shooting jump in the their van and drive right out of the warehouse – not even opening the garage door.
As the van is racing down an alleyway, Fatima and Roundtree are standing where the alley turns onto the street.  They see a homeless man walk near the path of the van.  Roundtree races to save the man while Fatima fires her weapon into the van’s grill.  Fatima has to duck as the van driver was very willing to run her over to get to the street.  Kensi and Sabatino arrive – the van getting away was not the plan.
Kensi is giving orders as they walk back into the office.  Fang is part of the Chinese Triad according to Eric so they have to ID the men with him.  Fatima and Roundtree want to know what went wrong.  Kensi doesn’t have an answer while Sabatino is back at his hotel updating Langley.  While it looks like it was going to be a long night, Sam texts Kensi with orders to send everyone home.  Roundtree wants to work but Kensi tells him when you get a chance to rest on this job, do it.
The following morning, Sam is working on his phone in the couch area when Admiral Kilbride strolls in.  With all the enemies of the US trying to hack military communications, the Admiral is stunned Sam is “twittergramming” away.  Sam was texting his daughter.  The Admiral asks of the younger generation of Hannas.  Aiden will be the family’s first military aviator in the family and Kam is going to Annapolis.  The Admiral is rightly impressed, Sam is proud and grateful.
The Admiral tells Sam that being a Hanna child comes with some pressures.  Sam agrees but he and Michelle never wanted to be the measuring stick of his children – he wanted them to find their own way.  Sam asks about the Admiral’s son, an attorney – at least he was years ago.  The Admiral quickly changes the subject to being in Los Angeles – Hetty asked him to check in.  Sam asks about Hetty, whose mission “hit a snag” but is not in immediate danger.  Both Sam and the Admiral look uncomfortable.
As Sam is about to give the Admiral a sitrep, the Admiral assures Sam he’s up to speed.  He wants to know why Fang was in the warehouse.  Sam thinks the warehouse is connected to the counterfeit money.  Kilbride is interested in who turned NCIS onto the case.  Sam mentions a CIA agent the team dealt with in the past.  The Admiral uses Sabatino’s full name to prove NCIS’s familiarity with the CIA Agent.   The CIA working a case in the US is not good news to the Admiral but Sam promises Sabatino is more watching NCIS than working with NCIS.  Kilbride wants to know the connection between Fang and Daniel Lao.  Lao is with the FBI in DC.  For his final question, Kilbride asks about Callen who is off on personal business.
Sitting in his apartment, Callen is chasing down Anna’s work group, the SC-5.  He wants to surprise his girlfriend, he tells someone on the phone.  In a flashback, college Callen has really impressed his girlfriend’s father – he’s crazy about Callen.  Callen explains he has a talent for listening to people talk and making them feel comfortable so they keep talking.  The young woman is impressed – Callen has a job offer with a company in Chicago.
As she works on her weapons in the armory, Kensi gets a call from Deeks – “hey recruit.”  In Georgia, Deeks is wrapping up his ribs.  He’s hurt and Kensi can hear it.  The good news is Kensi is driving to FLETC to attend his graduation and they are driving back.  They are negotiating the amount of time Deeks has to be quiet every 100 miles – Kensi is thinking 10 minutes.  Deeks is worried about the safety issues and earns himself 15-minutes of silence.  Kensi is called to Ops and the two share “I love yous”.
After mocking the “free trade” coffee that was watered by the tears of snowflakes, the Admiral is greeted in stereo by an arriving Kensi and Eric.  Eric tries to explain his work situation to the Admiral and that goes as you’d expect.  Eric has a photo of a broken bracelet found at the crime scene.  Kensi recognizes the piece belonging to a specific a Hollywood jeweler.
With footage from the crime scene, Eric ID’s a man leaving through a different door during the shoot out – Musa Okoye.  Okoye is an aerospace engineer for Delta Seven Industries and a Nigerian national.  A lot of the military’s missile technology is from Delta Seven Industries and Okoye works on technology for intercepting missiles.  The Admiral wants Kensi to take the CIA observer to the jewelry place, he and Sam are going to Delta Seven Industries.  With Roundtree and Fatima, Eric is tasked with finding Okoye.
Watching TV in the armory, Roundtree is stunned – Fatima was a young adult soap star.  Fatima is with Roundtree as her character says her tag line - “Bye bitch” – and slaps her romantic rival.  The program ran five seasons.  Roundtree is surprised Fatima quit acting – she was good.  “it wasn’t for me,” she answers coolly.  Wondering if the team knows, Fatima reminds Roundtree that the team has every intel source known to mankind – they know.  Eric texts Roundtree – he found Musa Okoye’s home.  As they leave, Roundtree drops a “bye bitch” which earns a laughing double snap of Fatima’s fingers.
Sam and Kilbride go to the home of Ronald Lewis.  After Sam introduces himself and the Admiral goes out of his way not to, Lewis compliments Kilbride on his suit.  The Admiral wants Lewis to pay more attention to Sam. When Lewis is told that Okoye may have stolen military secrets, he finds that hard to believe.  His company runs extensive security analysis.  And Lewis is surprised by it being Okoye – “he’s not that guy.”  Okoye is brilliant hard working and never a problem.  The Admiral asks about Okoye’s friends at work – he really doesn’t have any.
Sam wants to know how hard it would be to steal classified files.  Explaining that all projects are segmented among the different teams to stop people from stealing classified material, Lewis does believe if someone is smart enough and driven enough, they could do it.  Sam asks what happens if that person is brilliant.
On the phone again with Kensi, Deeks is packing up his gear.  He was on track to graduate with his class and now he’s been pulled from the program – he’s washed out.  Deeks has no idea what’s going on.  Kensi tells Deeks she loves him – he’s flying home.  Sabatino arrives and asks about “lover boy”.  Kensi’s eyebrow lift is stellar.
Leaving Lewis’s home, Sam hears from Eric.  Okoye has been talking to an Angela Brown, a former Delta Seven Industries staffer.  The speak every day.  Sam wants Agent Castor to bring Brown to the boat shed.
Sharing a coffee on a bench, Sabatino is pro-Hollywood.  Not LA, just Hollywood.  He’s recording again – a musician.  Kensi is genuinely impressed.  He started with a band in the East Village.  The band wound up in LA, played some shows on the Strip and then everyone got real jobs.  Their music was rap music meets heavy metal – a music mix unfamiliar to  Kensi.  She does think that his hair “nubbin or nipple” has something to do with the bad.  Kensi sees a customer go into the jewelry store – she’s going too.  Singing, Sabatino is right behind her.
Fatima and Roundtree arrive at Okoye’s in a Porsche – which blows Roundtree away.  She doesn’t even like to drive.  Fatima has a better relationship with the guys in the motor pool.  A text comes in from Eric – they have a warrant to enter the house.  That’s good but unneeded since the door is open.  Fatima and Roundtree check the place – it’s empty.  So is the safe in the bedroom closet.   Roundtree notices a dust spot where Okoye’s computer would be.  If he has his computer and passport, Okoye is likely on the run.  Roundtree asks Eric to look at cameras in the area.
Kensi and Sabatino enter the jewelry store.  The saleswoman asks if Kensi and Sabatino are there to pick up a piece for their kid.   Kendra the saleswoman doesn’t think the pieces are age appropriate for Kensi and Sabatino.   Kensi breaks out the badge and shows the bracelet to Kendra.  She sold it, it was a custom piece.  When she doesn’t share the buyer’s name, Kensi promises to shut the place down and Sabatino includes throwing in an investigation to see if the store has been charging sale tax. That’s gets some cooperation.  Simi Latu bought the piece.
When Kensi calls in Latu’s name, Eric can’t find Latu but finds common ground with Sabatino and their love of Big Foot documentaries.  Kensi is not amused.  Latu is associated with a group that has done time for murder and he has their location.
Sam questions Angela Brown with Kilbride.  She’s cooperative answering questions about “Musa”, who is a friend of hers and her husband’s.  When told that Okoye may have stolen military secrets, Brown can’t believe that.  He eats with her family once a week – he is almost family.  Calling him shy, kind, sweet and honest – he doesn’t steal.  Sam asks about Okoye’s outside of work interests.  Brown tells him that Okoye has a few friends from Nigeria – they meet from time to time.  They talk about home, eat food from Nigeria.  “They seem nice.”  She’s worried that Okoye is in danger.
There are no security cameras at Okoye’s home or at his neighbors.  Finding a bluetooth keyboard, Fatima sees it is hooked up to the TV.  They can search is browser history through the set.  Roundtree is impressed. Maybe when they’re done, they can watch some more of her old show.  That’s fine with Fatima, she could use the residuals.  When Roundtree asks about residuals, she admits the Porsche isn’t from the NCIS motor pool.
At a scrap yard, Kensi and Sabatino are looking for Latu.  Two large men are working out.  When Kensi asks for Simi Latu, the men move toward them.  A huge Chevy pickup on tires five-foot tall suspension and tires pulls up with yet another large man inside.  Finally, a man larger than all the others walks up – he’s Simi Latu.  The largest man is offend that Kensi has her hand on her gun and by the “little ponytailed man” who is wielding a wrench.
Kensi asks the men to raise their hand if they’ve gone to jail.  Nobody raises their hand.  Kensi doesn’t believe them.  Offering a trade, Kensi thinks she can pick at out least one of the men whose gone to jail.  If she’s right, Latu has to talk.  Latu wants to know what he gets if she’s wrong.  Kensi has faith in Latu and his men.  One of them has gone to jail.  Latu likes Kensi.  When she starts to look at the men, Latu sends them away – they’ve all done time.  Kensi knows that.
Alone with Latu, Sabatino asks about the bracelet.  Latu claims it was stolen.  When Sabatino objects – Latu calls him Duran Duran – Kensi brings up Jimmy Fang.  Latu plays dumb.  Saying that Fang was paying Latu is counterfeit bills, law enforcement can talk to Latu and his men when they are caught passing bogus bills.  Latu is furious.  He wants Fang to go down.  Latu’s nephew works as a bodyguard from Fang.  Now Latu knows who stole his bracelet.  The nephew’s big skill is being a ghost.  
Both Roundtree and Fatima are freezing in Okoye’s house.  When Roundtree tries to lower the thermostat, it is set for 74.  Checking out the HVAC system, Okoye is in the little AC shed – he’s dead with a gunshot wound to the head.
As Sam is sending Brown home with Agent Castor, he gets the news about Okoye and shares it with her.
Kensi and Sabatino are staking out a music/electronics store Fang frequents.  Sabatino asks if Eric is really rich. Kensi confirms he is.  They watch Fang and an accomplice move boxes from the store.  They think he could have millions with him.
The Admiral thinks the fake bills were for buying the stolen military secrets.  By killing Okoye, Fang now has the secrets and the money.  Kensi and Sabatino start following Fang.  Sam and the Admiral are about to leave when Eric pops up on the boat shed screen.  The Nigerians Okoye would meet are all clean.  One, however, has a brother who is also a member of Boko Haram.   One person knew all of Okoye’s associates – Ron Lewis, Okoye’s boss.
Lewis is downtown – Kensi and Sabatino are following Fang who is also going downtown.  Fang doesn’t have the stolen military secrets, Lewis does.  This is an exchange meeting.  Sabatino didn’t like Lewis.  When Kensi points out that Sabatino never met Lewis, Sabatino says he went to USC and nobody likes people who go to USC.  
Eric sends Fatima and Roundtree to the meet as well.  With her Porsche, they are speeding to the meet.
Kensi and Sabatino follow Fang to a parking structure.  Lewis is on the roof.  Kensi arrives and this is a nice roof parking lot – lots of pretty big buildings in the background.  Kensi announces “federal agents” and because insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, the outcome is shooting ensues.
Fang takes Latu’s nephew hostage.  The nephew is then shot as Fang shoots at Kensi.   Sabatino hides with Lewis.   With an even bigger gun, Fang murders a Jeep but is taken out when Sabatino shoots him in the foot on the other side of Fang’s SUV.  Fang and “Trojan boy” Lewis are under arrest.
Using Okoye’s computer terminal, Lewis downloaded all of Delta Seven Industries’ missile technology.  They don’t need the proof – Lewis confessed, then wet himself.  Okoye was the scapegoat.
Fang and the Triad were moving the money but Sabatino is no closer to knowing who made the money than when he got to LA.  While the Secret Service usually looks into counterfeit money, if it is being used for terrorism, it is on the CIA’s radar.  He’s off to another place he’s not supposed to be.  Kensi and Sabatino sing “Cum on Feel the Noise” to end the crime scene.
Sam arrives in the office.  Kilbride is in the aquarium office upstairs – the only private place to make a call.  He notes that Hetty’s fingerprints are all over the office.  The Admiral is staying at the Chateau Marmont, a place he stayed way back in the 1980’s.  He offers to buy Sam a drink but Sam has paperwork to do.  Kilbride wishes Callen luck in his personal matter before departing.
At a motel north of LA, Callen arrived with the engagement ring.  He flashes back to breaking up with his college girlfriend.  She’s crying, heartbroken he’s leaving her behind.  He gets into a limo and announces he’s ready.  Hetty says Jocelyn is his chance for a nice, peaceful life.  Callen is having none of it.  He wants to know his past and his real name.  Warning him of a lonely existence, the two ride away.
A sad Deeks walks into the office with a not so sad Kensi.  Hetty wants to see him in her office – the one with creepy doll heads.  Hetty pops up on the screen, causing Deeks to want to change his underwear.  While bombs are blowing up around her, Hetty wants Deeks to open her top drawer.  His new NCIS badge is there.  Kensi was in on the surprise.  Deeks thinks what Hetty did was savage, inhumane, messed-up and greatest trick anyone ever pulled on him.  Strangers at FLETC were never giving Deeks that badge.  Hetty is throwing a party for Deeks Saturday.
Deeks wants to party now – his badge is 12-years in the making.  Kensi explains that Callen is out of town.  Deeks doesn’t care, he’s not that close to Callen – he can barely pronounce his name.  A near-tears Kensi is proud of Deeks.  Deeks is proud too.  Kensi pulls him in for a hug and touches his bruised ribs.  Kensi thinks that is what happens when you lie to your wife.
Callen talks to the manager of the motel where Anna was staying.  Or where she wasn’t staying.  Nobody from Rebuild USA has been to that town.  Callen is stunned.
Sam is at his desk when Kam calls.  She’s returning to LA the following weekend with news for her father.  When Kam hangs up, she’s grabbed from behind and dragged away, dropping her phone in the struggle.
What head canon can be formed from here:  Deeks is NCIS.  The Admiral starts hanging around more.  Fatima was a young television star and still gets checks from time to time for her work.
There are holes in the story. Okoye is innocent at the end but he’s at the warehouse where Jimmy Fang is shooting at Kensi and Sabatino.  Deeks is told he washed out when he actually gets his badge.
Episode number:  This is episode nine of season 12 – we’re at the midway point.  It is episode 271.
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bisluthq · 2 years
I wonder what boyz/girls get each other as gifts because what do you get someone who has everything lmao
I think most of them give each other weird sentimental crap tbh with the exception of Joshlie who give each other boring hetty people stuff like jewelry and clothes and he sends her flowers idk.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Headcanons Part Two!!!
My last headcanon post was all about Billy and Steve, but they won’t be the only ones showing up in my stories, so here’s some hcs for a few of the most recurring characters!
Starting with Max!!
My preferred middle name for Max is Nicole, because Maxine Nicole sounds pretty, but can double as being intimidating if someone was yelling at her. Also, she’s named after her aunt Nicole just because I can see Susan being like that.
Most important thing to know about Max in my writing is that she is ALWAYS autistic. I might not specify depending on the content of the story, but she is never ever ever meant to be allistic. I imagine her as being on a moderate support needs level, meaning for those who don’t know the term that she has highs and lows! There’s days where she can pass as allsitic and days where she can’t, and she maybe doesn’t need a lot of assistance in everyday life, but she still needs lots of stimming and has meltdowns and stuff!
Related to this fact is that in the 80s, autism was not a very common diagnosis at all, and so I don’t think she’d really have a word for it other than like, that just being the way she is. Because no one will give her the official diagnosis, Neil thinks she’s faking, so she gets told to stop stimming, isn’t treated fairly during a meltdown, told to “act normal” etc, etc, and she needs a lot of therapy in the future for it.
Her favorite ways to stim are rocking on her heels, humming, listening to loud noises (like sirens/car engines/lawn mowers, NOT things like music/Susan doing the dishes, those do the opposite) and dancing!
Her least favorite sensory things are raindrops touching her skin, her hair brushing her shoulders or her face, overwhelming smells (cologne, candles, food on the stove) and furniture that’s too firm! (like a memory foam mattress or a leather couch)
The first time she feels truly seen in the way she is is when Fraggle Rock starts airing in ‘82. Susan tells her to watch it because she thinks Max is still a baby no matter how old she is, but the minute she lays eyes on Wembley Fraggle she knows he’s like her. He stims vocally and with his hands, his friends don’t understand him, he’s empathetic, bad at choosing, gullible, and in every way just so much like her! Her and Billy have an inside joke where, if she’s putting something off or can’t make a decision, he’ll tell her to stop her Wemblin’ and sometimes he calls her Wembles without thinking!
There isn’t a lot of personalized furniture in the Hargrove-Mayfield, so I think it’s safe to say that she doesn’t really have any comfort items lying around. No favorite blankets or stuffed animals or toys of any kind, and I think because of that she clings to people. That’s why she is so insistent on getting in with the party, and why was so excited about having a brother in Runaway Max, because she relies on comfort people instead of objects.
She’s not very good at putting a name to her relationships. Like, she doesn’t really know how to describe how she feels about somebody, she just knows if she likes them or not. If she feels happy and sage with someone, that’s all that matters, she doesn’t feel the need to classify them beyond that. But she’s also aware that others don’t feel that way! And she feels pretty special when Lucas calls her his girlfriend!
In the future, there can be a lot of different outcomes for her.
If Billy stays dead, I can see Max ending up two ways, either staying in Hawkins because that’s where her brother is dead and buried and trying to move on in her own way, or leaving Hawkins entirely, just cutting ties completely with everyone and everything there to move away from the trauma that’s there, except for every year on B’s birthday when she comes back to visit.
If Billy lives though, I think there’s again two outcomes for her. One where she feels guilty about not noticing the mindflayer and her and Billy’s relationship gets a little strained, because they don’t cope well when they’re trying to pin the blame, or one where she is just grateful her brother isn’t dead and decides to live life to the fullest after that.
In any scenario, she would obviously get the happy ending she deserves, she just has to get there a totally different way.
And also, regardless of what path she takes, I think she’d make for an excellent writer in her future career. She’s smart, she’s got lots of story to tell and draw inspiration from, and it just seems right for her, because it isn’t super constricting and it’s a job most people who do it love!
Now onto Robin!
Her middle name is Leora!
For some reason I have this idea in my head that she doesn’t live with her parents anymore. Not that she got kicked out or anything, just that she moved out pretty early on.
I also think she isn’t from Hawkins. I like the idea that her family moved there just before high school from either Ohio or Maryland, not sure which.
In band, I think she’s a flute. She just gives me flute vibes but I got kicked out of the band so maybe I could be wrong.
It’s canon that she’s goth, wearing her spiky leather bracelet with her work uniform and all, but I think she also sometimes goes in the totally opposite fashion direction, like, sometimes she’s just feeling the patterns and fabrics and colors of the sixties and seventies her mom gave her.
One of her favorite things to do with her friends is go shopping! Not like, around malls, in part because other than Starcourt, the closest mall to Hawkins is forty five minutes away, but she likes to go out with her group and visit all the local thrift shops and cafés and stuff like that.
And she’s super crafty! She has embroidery hoops, beads, jewelry making kits, all of it scattered everywhere!
She has like, the tips of her hair bleached, they sort of look like highlights in a way, so I think it was her that convinced Steve to get his highlights done too.
Matter of fact, I think she teaches Steve a lot of things about himself without either of them realizing. She’s just so, not-superficial I guess, that it starts to rub off of him.
In my head she’s just always got like, a suuuuuper good read on people even if they just met, like, she just sees straight through everybody ever, and that’s why she even gives Steve a chance despite knowing how he treated her in school.
Her Scoops! shorts are pretty big while Steve’s are tight as heck, so I hc that those are his shorts. The uniform used to be a skimpy sailor skirt, but she’s seventeen and not particularly keen on being creeped on by older men when she gets hired there, so she refuses to wear it. She gets in trouble on the first day for wearing jeans, and Steve feels bad about it so he gives her the extra pair of shorts from his uniform!
Robin totally bottles up everything from Starcourt until she can’t anymore. Like, Steve is very open about his struggles with what happened under the mall because he wants help and he’s done it alone before, but she feels like she should be strong, grateful that they survived, and just, move on and forget about it. It doesn’t work and she ends up crashing hard. Like she goes from silently suffering to getting panic attacks all the time, and falling in a super deep depression rut. Obviously her friends are very supportive and provide her with the help she needs, and with time (lots and lots of time) she gets better!
Her middle name is Ernestine! It was her grandma's name!
I head canon that she is a lesbian and I ship her and Robin!
She calls Billy William all the time because she was raised to be formal and respectful, and Billy just doesn’t feel or sound right when she says it. Even though she insists her name is Heather and she doesn’t need a nickname, Billy calls her Hetty or H!
She wears clip on earrings! Her parents refuse to let her get her ears pierced because they say she needs to respect her image and all that, but she always felt like she was missing some accessories, and found out from one of her friends about clip ons, which they allow!
Even though she has popular girl vibes, I don’t think she was in high school. Just sort of a floater, and she liked it that way! She’s way too sweet to be in with Steve’s crowd, but had some things in common with pretty much everyone else. Once she’s graduated she sort of falls into that popular category around Hawkins because she’s rich and older now, but she’s still the same old Heather.
Heather is a super good baker and cook! Her mother always had her helping in the kitchen while her dad was staying late at work, and eventually she got really good! Sometimes she’ll just randomly bring her friends like, a load of banana bread or a hot dish because it makes everyone happy!
She's a very affectionate person! If she hasn’t seen her friends for a while she’ll kiss them all over, and everytime you see her you have to hug her (unless you don’t want to, she’s equally as understanding as she is lovey!)
I reject canon! Heather is not dead! I know it’s very unlikely but I think the clones in the upside down were like fail saves, and the real versions are all still alive somewhere!
In the case that this is true, when everything gets fixed I don’t think her memories of what happened to her would be intact, and I think that would be super traumatic for her. Almost worse than how she would be feeling if she knew.
In the future she wants to be in the entertainment industry! I can totally see her becoming a country singer or a soap opera actress or both!
Robin becomes a librarian at the same school that Steve works at when he becomes a teacher! She also does art commissions on the side. Sculpting, painting, charcoals, all of it, she’s good at all of it!
And last but not least, Tommy!!
My hc for Tommy’s middle name is Byrd. It was like a super common name at one point and then just sort of plummeted, and I like to think his parents thought they were being original choosing that one. All of his friends call him Tommy Bird to make fun of him, but he secretly doesn’t hate it.
Tommy and Steve didn’t really become friends until middle school! Hawkins has two elementary schools based on which region you live in, and because they live in like, opposite ends of town they go to different ones. But the first day of middle school when the two schools merge, they’re out for recess, Steve sees Tommy alone and approaches him, and they become instant besties!
Tommy is very insecure about his popularity. Steve is cool with letting his slip because he has other things to worry about, but Tommy doesn’t. His grades are alright and his home life is decent, and he’s not involved in upside down business, so when Steve ditches him and people start to lose interest in him, he gets extremely upset. It consumes him sort of, the fear that nobody likes him anymore. That ends up being why him and Carol break it off for good.
Another reason he thinks a reputation is so important is because he used to be picked on before being friends with Steve. When he was little he had giant glasses and dressed kinda lame, and he internalized that a lot. He’s scared that without Steve they’ll go back to that.
All of that is why he clings onto Billy so tight. Like, his best friend for the past six or seven years just walked out without looking back, and he’s terrified that he’s going to be bullied again. So when big tough guy Billy Hargrove rolls into town he’s like I have to be friends with this dude right now or I’ll die.
I ship him with Steve! A lot! But also I like the thought of Tommy and Steve and Billy, platonically and shippy-y!
As for where he’s from, I don’t think Tommy is Hawkins born and raised. He grew up down south, maybe Georgia, or Tennessee?, but then his uncle over in Indiana starts a snake oil business with his dad and they have to move.
I think he’s very much a lightweight. Alcohol isn’t really his thing because his dad was an alcoholic and it scares him that he’ll be like that, so he never really tried it and his tolerance is super low. He always designates himself the driver, only he doesn’t have a car of his own, he’s not allowed to until he’s on his way to college, so he always drives other people’s cars to their houses and walks home.
I don’t know if Tommy is able to avoid the upside down beyond st2. Maybe him and Billy try to keep in contact once school lets out, but he notices somethings off with him because he’s flayed. This could result in him also being flayed, depending on the situation, or if not he might get involved later, because he starts putting the pieces together after Starcourt.
Tommy owning up and joining Steve in monster hunting quests! Heck yeah!
If there is no involvement with all that mess though, I’d say it takes a few years out of high school for him to finally admit to being wrong. Like, he always maintained that he was right to be mad at Steve for driving away and right to be basically just a bully like he was, but once he’s older, mid twenties maybe, he realizes that wasn’t the way to be and calls a bunch of people up to apologize to them.
He goes to beauty school and becomes a hair stylist and makeup artist on television sets!
As for other background characters, like other party members or adults, I don’t have a whole lot of specific ideas that aren’t already canon! In the future if I write anything where they are more central characters that might change, but as of right now I don’t really have any headcanons for them!
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ejzah · 4 years
Prompt idea: Kensi and Deeks tell Hetty they're having their 1st baby
“You have done very well,” Hetty said approvingly, glancing around the Squid and Dagger. She was sipping at her second glass of bourbon, looking perfectly at home on one of the bar stools.
“Thank you, Hetty. That means a lot,” Deeks responded. Beside him, Kensi squeezed his shoulder.
“And as happy as I am that you invited me here, I can’t help but feel that you had ulterior motives.”
“You’re right, Hetty,” Kensi said, sharing a nervous but happy smile with Deeks who nodded for her to continue. She grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. “The reason we asked you here was because we have something for you.”
Deeks reached into his pocket and pulled out a slim, black jewelry box. He placed it in front of Hetty with a slightly nervous smile. One eyebrow slowly crept up Hetty’s forehead and she frowned.
“I don’t recall having had a birthday recently,” she commented and Deeks acknowledged that with a chuckle.
“It’s not, uh, a birthday present. I think it’ll make sense when you open it,” he explained. Hetty eased it open slowly, her expression changing to one of delight.
“Oh, how lovely,” she said, removing a small silver brooch. It had a flower design composed of small red jewels that glinted gently in the dim lights.
“Turn it over,” Kensi prompted, leaning forward in anticipation.
“Aunt Hetty.” She read the words slowly, mouthing them a couple times before she glanced up with the beginnings of a grin and reached for Kensi’s hand. She squeezed it firmly. “This is wonderful news my dears,” she said, patting the top of Deeks’ hand as well.
“We think so too,” Deeks said, unable stop himself from grinning as he wrapped her arm around Kensi’s waist.
“Oh what the hell, come and give me a hug. If any occasion deserves it, this is certainly one of them,” Hetty decided, gesturing for them to come around the bar. Hetty hugged them both each of them tightly.
“I hope you don’t mind us assuming,” Kensi said, gesturing to the brooch.
“Not at all. In fact, I’m delighted. Who better than me to teach the newest generation of Deeks the ways of the world?”
“Ok, I’m going to pretend that thought doesn’t completely terrify me,” Deeks commented and Kensi lightly smacked his shoulder.
“What Deeks is trying to say is that however our family changes, we want you to be a part of it,” she said. Hetty looked down for a moment. If it were anyone else, Deeks might have suspected she was about to cry. She recovered herself quickly and clapped her hands together.
“Well, I think this definitely calls for a drink,” she said, gesturing for Deeks to refill her glass. He grinned, pouring her a healthy amount of bourbon. He grabbed a bottle of beer for himself and a sparkling juice for Kensi. “To Kensi and Martin,” Hetty intoned grandly, “and your future family.”
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my-emotional-self · 6 years
The Viking and The Star Part 16 (Ivar x OC)
Pairings: Ivar x OC
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Blood, Death (**Spoilers: Major Character Death)
Summary: You and Floki bury Helga before you go to the celebratory feast with Ivar and his brothers.  
Numb. Incomplete.  Emptiness.  You watched as Floki placed beautiful gems, stones and jewelry onto Helga’s body. You could not move, could not think as a black hole filled your heart.  Helga was gone, your parents did not want you, and it seemed as though Ivar did not want you either after the fiasco with Sigurd.  Alone.  That was how you would live your life.  
Floki bent down over your sister’s lifeless body, his wails breaking your heart as your head lolled downward.  Everybody grieved differently; mourned their own way.  Yet here you were, tears no longer cascaded from your eyes.  
“Hettie,” Ubbe’s strong voice broke through your mind, turning your head sideways to get a glance at him.  His face was pained, sorrowful as he took in Floki’s trembling body.  “The feast is about to begin.  Ivar wants you there.”
Scoffing, you turned your head back around.  “Ivar does not wish me by his side.  Do not say such silly things Ubbe.”  
Ubbe walked over to you, placing his hand at your shoulder in a comforting way.  Normally you would shake off any man who dared to touch you besides Floki or Ivar, but today, right here and now, you did not care. You did not care of Thor himself struck down a lightning bolt at you; you would have gladly accepted death in this moment.  
“Please Hettie.  He wishes to speak to you before the victory feast begins.  Come, please,” Ubbe begged, steering you away from the hill and back towards the castle. The loud cheers of the army became quiet as you passed by with Ubbe.  Lifting your gaze you noticed many of them watching you, mournful faces staring back at you.  “Last door at the end of the hall,” Ubbe motioned to where Ivar had been waiting for you.  
Not even bothering to knock, you opened the large wooden door to see Ivar sat on the bed facing you. His head snapped up, a scowl in his face until he recognized it was you; his face quickly turning melancholy.  “Hettie,” he let out a breathy whisper, straightening up his back.  “Come here.” He rose his arm, wanting you to take his hand but you did not.  Keeping your head bent down, eyes on the floor you sat down next to him.  “How are you feeling?”
Alone.  That was the only word that swam in your head when it came to Ivar’s question.  Instead of speaking you shrugged your shoulders, your eyes glued to your hands placed in your lap; your hair falling around your face like a curtain.  
Ivar brushed your hair from your face, gently placing it behind your ear as you felt his eyes on you. The back of his hand traced lightly across your warm cheek, letting out a breath you had no realized you were holding. “Please say something.  I know how you feel Hettie.  Maybe I can help if you talk to me.”
“I will stay for the feast if you wish me to, but I am leaving after,” you said numbly.  
You felt Ivar stiffen beside you, a low growl emanating from his throat.  His hand cupped your chin, turning you to face him yet you kept your eyes closed.  “Look at me,” he coaxed.  But you rejected his command.  His grip on your chin tightened, shaking it.  “Open.  Your. Eyes!” he bellowed, his voice becoming deeper with authority.  Slowly, you obeyed as your eyes parted, gazing at his blue orbs; his own eyes narrowing.  “Explain yourself.”
“I am leaving Ivar,” you stated once again.  
His lips formed a tight line while his eyes turned sinister.  “Yes, you seem to have just repeated yourself.  But I asked you to EXPLAIN yourself.  Why are you leaving hmm?  And why do you think I would ever let you leave?”
His words felt like a slap to your face.  You did not belong to Ivar, you were not his wife so he had no hold over you whatsoever. You were a free woman, who could come and go as she pleased.  Anger boiled inside of you and after everything you had gone through in the past day and night, you snapped.  “Because I am ALONE Ivar!  I will forever be ALONE!  My parents did not want me, my sister was just killed, and from how you reacted this morning, well, I am sure you do not want me either!”  You were fuming, nostrils flaring as your chest rose and fell heavily.  
Ivar’s face became harsher, yet as your words began to sink in, his face grew softer.  “My star…” Ivar began to say but there was a knock on the door; Bjorn standing in the doorway.  
“Feast is ready,” was all he said before turning and walking down the stone hallway.  
Ivar let his grip go from your chin.  “This conversation is not over.  We will talk about this after the feast.  Now come.”
You were sat on a chair next to Ivar; Ubbe on your left as the rest of the sons of Ragnar sat around the table.  Ale and food littered the large wooden table as the rest of the army and friends gathered around tables below.  Bjorn stood in, cup of ale raised in his hand as he gave the victory speech about defeating the two Kings who brought Ragnar to his death.  Yet you could not bare to listen.  As you sat there, your eyes glazed over the table; your heart thrumming in your chest as you felt something wicked stirring.  It did not seem right.  Just like how you felt around Tanaruz, how something was off about her.
You could not bare to witness anymore death, but you were so numb, felt so empty and hollow that you did not even put up a fight to try.  Out of the corner of your eyes you kept seeing Ivar lift his glass, taking sip after sip of his ale.  
A loud snap broke you from your numb thoughts, looking over to see Ivar slamming his hand down onto the table.  While you shifted your head to watch him speak, you barely made out what he was talking about; something about staying, yet not farming, only raiding.  You just wanted to leave, wanted to be by yourself, or perhaps with Floki to mourn your sister; to grieve.  
Ivar’s voice grew louder, stronger, harsher as he began to stand up; using his hands on the table to steady himself; the entire crowd cheering at his words.  Your eyes danced between Ivar, the crowd and his brothers as your heart began to beat erratically; sweat prickling on your neck as you became increasingly anxious.  
“Don’t do this Ivar. We are all the sons of Ragnar, we have to stick together,” Sigurd said.
Ivar retorted, a sinister smile on his face as he made a smart ass comment to his brother; which, in your standards you did not care because you never cared for Sigurd.  He always seemed jealous of Ivar, jealous of the fact Aslaug spent more time and love doting on him.  
It was when Sigurd made his next comment, his next jibe towards Ivar that you knew things would never be the same.  “Well, maybe that’s because you are not really a man.  Are you, boneless?”
Ivar sneered, his face twisting into what looked like a mixture of pain and hostility.  Not knowing whether to comfort Ivar in this situation, or leave him be, you decided on the latter as you continued to stare at the table numbly, just listening to the bickering happening.  
“Poor Bjorn, it is YOU that doesn’t want to keep the army together.  It is YOU who wants to go away to sunny places.  Everyone else can follow me.”
Sigurd stood up, staring at Ivar.  “I do not want to follow you Ivar.  You are crazy!  You have the mind of a child.”
“And all you do is play music Sigurd.”                              
“I’m just as much a son of Ragnar as you are.”
“Ohhh I’m not so sure. As far as I remember, Ragnar did not play the oud .  And he certainly didn’t offer his ass to other men,” Ivar bellowed, the crowd ‘ooohing’ at his response.
“You make me laugh. Just like you do when you crawl around like a baby.”
“Shut your mouth!” Ivar growled as his fists slammed against the table causing you to jump.  This was not going good; this was getting way out of control, even for Ivar and Sigurd.  
“Something is going to happen,” you whispered, eyes glossed over as you felt a pang in your chest.  
Your words caught Ubbe’s attention as he leaned in closer to you, a worried expression on his face.  “What was that Hettie?”
You turned to face him, lips parted, your heart feeling like it was about to rip from your chest.  “Ubbe, something bad is going to happen.  I can feel it.”
“Enough,” Bjorn yowled from the crowd; mouth full of food.  
“This has nothing to do with you!” Ivar barked back.  
“What’s the matter, Ivar? You can’t take it?”
“Ivar, do not listen to him,” Ubbe begged.  
“No, I guess it must be hard for you now that your mommy’s dead, knowing she’s the only one who ever really loved you.  Hell, I am sure Hettie does not even love you like you think she does,” Sigurd said with a grin before sipping his ale.  Ivar looked murderous, his lips furrowed up, his eyes malicious.  
“Ivar.  IVAR!” Ubbe roared but it was too late.  Sigurd set Ivar off in a rage within Ivar as he picked up his axe, hurtling it towards Sigurd as it stuck in his chest, right below the heart.  Blood immediately began to seep from Sigurd’s wound and you let out a yelp, your hands covering your mouth.  While you had never cared for Sigurd before, especially after the events in the tent, you would never wish death upon any of his brothers.  
Sigurd pulled the axe from his chest as be began to slowly walk to towards Ivar; the axe rose in his hand, hell bent on using it on Ivar, yet he did not have the chance.  Sigurd fell to the ground dead at the foot of Ivar; Ubbe and Hvitserk rushing to their fallen brothers’ side.  Your gaze flitted from Ivar, to Sigurd’s lifeless body; your heart now hollow from all the death that surrounded the day.  
Tag List: @kanupps06 @potterhead1265 @miss-cap21 @pumbibaby @the-real-kellymonster @princess-evans-addict @mustbenot @remember-that-one-blog @libbitinasdeath @projectxhappiness @sophiealiice @badassbaker @supernatural-girl97 @jjlevin @hells-helvig @mcuimxgine @kenzieam @lovelynerdytraveler @scckzy @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @skeletoresinthebasement @imnotinsanehunny @vaisabu @kgbrenner @vbiggs03 @oddsnendsfanfics @romanchronicles @awesome-as-i-wanna-be @kawennote09 @forbidddden-snowflake @joybrett1001 @fortress-fiction @florenceivy
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oooocleo · 7 years
Tumblr media
poor charon trying 2 impress hetty... fic under cut
“Don’t leave,” he whispers. He doesn’t know if he’s angry, or sad, or half in love with her.
She stills with one hand on the doorframe, looking over her shoulder. Did she hear him? His expression snaps into shape, toothy grin and crinkled eyes worn like armor under the weight of her frown.
“I still have something for you,” he says, “You weren’t leaving before getting your present, right?”
It’s desperate, he knows. He wishes he didn’t have to tell her to stay, sometimes – but when she does, oh, he can feel his skin blooming with delight.
“A present? Why?” Hetty is still teetering on the threshold. Charon gets up with a flourish of fabric, striding over to the cabinet that houses his secret weapon.
“Why not?” It’s a risky move – he knows she doesn’t particularly like gift-giving, “It reminded me of you when I saw it at the market this morning.”
A-ha. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see her eyebrows lift in surprise. She turns back towards him and takes a few hesitant steps.
“Of me?”
He smiles widely, nods at her. He wonders when she will start believing people do think of her once she’s left their sight. Honestly, he’s not sure he’s stopped since the first time he saw her. Out of a little lockbox, he produces a dainty silver chain with a daisy motif dangling like a droplet from the center.
She looks at him suspiciously.
“How much was it?”
Charon tuts. “It was nothing, only a few coppers – don’t be surprised if it crumbles to dust after a few wears,” he lies. He can feel the telltale orange mock tickling at the edges of his tunic, which he surreptitiously adjusts.
Seemingly satisfied with that, Hetty holds out her hand for it. He motions for her to turn around with the twirl of a finger, laughing at the little huff she lets out. Really, it’s a miracle she’s accepting the jewelry at all – he’ll tell her it’s real worth soon, when she’s grown attached and won’t press it back in his hands.
He grimaces at the irony. She brushes her hair away from her neck so he can fasten the chain, then looks at him out of the corner of her eye.
“Thistle -” she starts. He’d bristle at the nickname if it didn’t fall so prettily from her lips, but he cuts off her predictable protest with practiced ease. She leaves with the necklace still on – a sounding success.
The same flower blooms from his throat down to his bellybutton when, months on, he notices a flash of silver peeking through the folds of her scarf.
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mashmaiden · 7 years
Mountebank thoughts cont.
Now THIS is what I was waiting for! 
Okay, definitely liked this episode a lot more than last weeks. This felt a lot more like the show as I’m used to it, even with Mosley being Mosley. Though, as I just rewatched the beginning of The Watchers this week, I think the biggest thing, is that Callen has issues with ANY authority that isn’t Hetty. I mean, he pushes back so hard - he did it with Hunter, he did it with Granger - to be honest, I’m surprised he still has a job (probably wouldn’t except for Hetty in at least the two previous scenarios) with that level of insubordination. The rest of the team seems to be operating as usual, just dealing with Mosley as she comes. They’re obviously not thrilled about it, but they’re keeping on keeping on. 
As always, Arkady was as GOLD as his jewelry.... but OMG Deeks, take off the bling! Yikes! I just love everything he brings every time he’s on. Many smiles here from me. 
I am definitely liking Hidoko, she’s blending well with the team, especially as there was less of the “I’m spying on them for the boss” feel like we had in previous eps. 
And I really liked that we seem to have some storylines that will continue throughout season starting up here, both with our main plotline and the B line. As probably obvious in my previous comment (re: Arkady’s house), I’m very much a 90s kid, and when Girl Meets World came out a few years ago, I had to watch it. The actor who played Dexter/Matt/Finn, was “Uncle Josh” to Riley on Girl Meets World and I really liked him on that, so it’ll be interesting to see if he comes back around our OSP gang. 
Well this got stupid-long and ramble-y, but unlike last week, tonight’s ep is DEFINITELY getting a re-watch tomorrow, so probably more thoughts then.  
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