#paige bueckers
bueckersfive · 3 days
party p is in her own little world lmaoo
azzi was fed up and wanted some attention 😭
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caitlinsclark · 3 days
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NOT CASUAL caitlin clark ² caitlin clark x reader | summary: it was never casual for Caitlin. part one ✰ bree's notes: i don't know if I did this justice, but this is the longest fic i've done so i hope you guys like it!! word count: 4.4k masterlist and tag list
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The world had seemed to spin on its head when you walked away from Caitlin. Because you truly had begun to act as if it all had been casual. Kate was the sole witness as you indulged in a full fledged factory reset, waking up early to run drills in replacement of the early morning runs you used to go on with Caitlin.
In fact, you hadn’t wallowed for a single second and you didn’t feel the need to. The frustration only fueled more energy, energy that would be used on much more efficient things than Caitlin’s exhausting presence.
This newfound composure was tested at the first practice since the blowout you two had. You were far too determined to let it slip. Coach Bluder had first called for drills which you ran through with ease, able to block out the overwhelming glares Caitlin sent your way. At least, that’s what they felt like in your eyes. In reality, the brunette was staring at you longingly from her position on the other court, thinking that if you were focused you wouldn’t notice.
Her straight face was a disguise, hiding all the depressingly aching thoughts that flooded her entire body with disappointment. She wasn’t expecting for your words to hold the weight they did. Honestly, she had half expected you to eagerly pick her for the 1v1s you had run during practice but you didn’t even look in her direction when you picked Gabbie.
No matter how many times she turned over the argument in her head, she only heard the harsh words that flew from her own mouth. The reporters were right in their critique when they said she wasn’t great at defense, and that didn’t only extend to basketball.
“Money!” You cheered excitedly when you drained a 3 effortlessly, chest bumping with Kate who shared in your enthusiasm as you both landed back on the ground with smiles. Caitlin turned her back to you when she started to smile herself and shot her own 3, staying quiet as it swished around before falling into the basket. She silently celebrated along with you as if your cheers were for her too, since she wasn’t sure she’d hear them anytime soon.
After practice, you were in the locker room beaming as your phone went off. You gave a reaction that drew in attention, a little dramatic just for a ringtone. But it made sense once you answered the call and greeted the blonde on the other side of the phone.
“Hey, P!” You sent her a jokingly flirty wave with a huge grin, matching the energy of the extroverted girl on the other end.
She had a similar smile on her face, biting her lip to keep it down but failing, “Hi, ma.” 
“Say hi to the team!” You flipped the camera to show the rest of the team who said hi and allowed the blonde to greet them back. They exchanged a few casualties as Caitlin stared hard at the athlete on the phone.
You didn’t see, but Paige blushed at the realization that the entire team had heard the way she greeted you with so much adoration. Your presence was capturing and she had been another to get succumbed by it.
The way you spoke held hope, “You’re gonna be coming to the game right?” Your eyes glimmered in the locker room lights and Caitlin wanted to cover her own ears at the sweet tone she hadn’t heard in days. She couldn’t help but torture herself with wondering how long this had been planned. Why were the two of you speaking with such familiarity?
“Me, KK, and Azzi,” Paige added as if you forgetting how many people supported you was ridiculous, “But mostly me.” The extra words invoked a small laugh out of you that endeared your teammates. They all shared matching knowing looks, minus Caitlin who wanted to avoid it all together.
Minutes later, It was only you and the brunette left in the locker room, but you didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered by it. You continued tapping at your phone with an eager pace and a grin. The girl who was normally glued to her own phone felt herself judging you bitterly, “You know she’s not just a friend, she’s into you.” 
“At least she cares about me like a friend first.” You laughed it off like she was ridiculous, and she was in the moment. You both knew it when it rendered her speechless. 
“I deserve that,” The brunette gave in, “but you know that’s not true, you were always my friend.” Her facade seemed to break the most you’d seen since that night. But you couldn’t stop the painful reminder about the absolute disregard it took for her to knowingly play with your feelings.
“I don’t know that, Caitlin,” You patted her shoulder as you corrected her, talking to her like a child who didn’t understand a complicated concept, “In fact, you’ve never even said otherwise til now.”
And you walked out right out the door, staring expectantly at your phone with a bitten bottom lip, highlighting your anticipation. 
Her head fell into her hands and a line of tears threatened to spill out of her waterline. You believed that she didn’t internalize every time your hands held on a little too long, the time she covered your eyes so you didn’t see your favorite character die in a show, the time she almost felt the urge to get down on one knee when watching you juke her brothers out at soccer.
Despite her words, there were so many moments the two of you had shared. Caitlin knew that the no attachments rule was a load of bullshit the second that the two of you kissed. You pulled away far too quickly for her liking and she found herself greedily pulling you back in, enamored with the way you tasted, consumed by you entirely in a way she’d never experienced.
With a cleared throat, she attempted to shake it off and noticed your left open locker, leaning over to shut it for you.
Her movements slowed at the picture, somewhat hidden in the back of your locker, of the two of you cuddled up at her family’s house in Long Beach. That was the weekend that she knew the two of you had slowly been developing into something more.
The weekend that fear enveloped her being when she realized how much attention was truly on the two of you already. How much the two of you had to lose when you were able to separate yourselves from the pressure you usually had on you. 
But that didn’t hold a candle to the pressure building up in her chest at the thought of you currently being swept away.
You and Paige had gotten closer since the first time you met during an intense match against her team. The game against UCONN was an energizing and highly anticipated one. 
You’d been conscious enough to look at their roster before hand and scope out their starting players. It was easy to find previously taped games to analyze their usual game play.
So you weren’t surprised when Paige came in, a force to be reckoned with that left you impressed despite your team’s win. Impressed enough to find her after the game and offer her a good game personally.
“You gave me a run for my money,” You complimented with wide eyes, truly impressed at her IQ on the court. 
She chuckled, lifting her jersey to wipe her hairline slowly. Your eyes might have slipped down a little at the action and you were not quick enough to lift them all the way back to her eyes. 
The blonde just smirked, wordlessly holding her hand out for you to shake. You accepted and allowed your hands to stay connected for a few extra seconds.
“Anymore compliments?” She raised her eyebrows teasingly, “I’m always accepting from pretty girls.” Her flirty personality immediately popped out and you knew that she was dangerous.
“Oh, you’re good!” Your head shook in disbelief and allowed a laugh to escape as she did the same.
She rubbed her hands together jokingly and you shoved them down quickly, laughing along side her goofily, “Nah, stop the rizz hands! They’ll work!” The two of you hadn’t realized how close you got in the process, but it felt like a natural gravitational pull.
“Hey, I’m Caitlin,” A hand lightly appeared and rested on your waist, easily seen and very protective. But the brunette held her other hand out to Paige in a friendly manor even though you knew better, and Paige accepted happily. And that was the end of it.
You’d always thought she was attractive, how could you not? But there was something about the pull you felt to Caitlin that never let those thoughts stray too far without adjusting to the brunette. Now fear also played a factor in allowing yourself to give into anything of that nature.
Though your adoration for her was genuine, and you two had many discussions about the state of your opinion on dating basketball players. 
It was prompted over a live with Azzi that you joined with a level of excitement to see your girls.
“Hi!” You waved, setting the phone down on your table. The girls waved back and were quick to ask you how the season was going. It was later in the live that Azzi squinted at the chat and said your name.
“They wanna know if you’ll go to their sorority formal with them, they’re a basketball player so apparently you’re soulmates,” Paige read out with a bitten lip, holding back a laugh as she waited for you to respond.
“Nah basketball players are sworn off romantically,” You made an ‘x’ with your arms and shook your head in distaste, “I’d break their ego in a 1v1 and we’d break up.” You played off the real reason and deflected when the girls laughed with you.
Paige had made a mental note to ask you about that later, and you assumed her intentions were simply coming from the place of a worried friend. You were comfortable enough to dive into the intimate details of yours and Caitlin’s falling out.
And you were met with nothing but support, which you expected from the girl. She’d been another outlet for you to maintain the composure you needed in order to function on a team with Caitlin.
The crowd was buzzing on both sides, Iowa and LSU. You were quick to scan your home side upon exiting the tunnel and going onto the court.
It was the first game since yours and Caitlin’s falling out which added a level of nervousness. In the sea of 22 jerseys, you were shocked to find one of your own draped on the pretty blonde you’d invited. This was at the same time that the cameraman also seemed to be made aware of her presence as she appeared on the big screen.
The cheers of the crowd summarized your reaction to a tee, especially as Paige stood up to turn around and point to make sure the camera would capture your last name on her back.
When Paige sat back down, she had the most satisfied smile playing on her face and it took everything in your willpower not to collapse at the wink she sent your way afterward.
Caitlin had to hide her face in Kate’s shoulder to ignore the scene, being overtaken by the pain in her heart. The blonde could only pat her friend’s head sympathetically, shielding her.
The game was intense from the get go, and your frustration with Caitlin only made you play harder. You were driving to the net with a tenacity that she had to admire even in your rough patch. You were much stronger than her considering she’d been missing almost every shot she’d taken. It was to the point where she’d just given the ball back to you when she got possession, too scared to fuck up even more.
Because of your handle on the ball, the opposing coach had been smart to have her players begin to guard you more consciously. It led to one of your opponents sending you flying to the ground during a layup, a groan leaving your lips as you fell flat to the ground.
You ignored the hand that Caitlin held out to you, trying to lift yourself up slowly on your own. Caitlin sighed at your pettiness, deciding to at least help you by giving you more time. She kneeled to tie her shoe, only standing up once you were settled back on your feet. 
The game continued back and forth with a nail biting second half. Ultimately, Caitlin got pulled to the bench and you were deservingly still out on the court. The most frustrating part was that your team had still won, with your help as opposed to hers. With 10 assists, 25 points, and being speedy with practically every rebound, you had completely carried them to win the game despite the brunette’s multiple turnovers and fouls. 
You were at the top of your game while she was at the bottom of hers. Caitlin watched as the team crowded around you from a distance, nodding appreciatively at you once you glanced in her direction. She ultimately chose to let you be as she turned and returned back to the locker room, body language unlike someone who just won a game.
You were so distracted by the girl waiting for you at the end of the hallway that you didn’t notice the one approaching from behind you.
With a grasp on your arm, Caitlin halted your movements to speak, “I need to talk to you.” Her posture was sluggish and slumped showing the same exhaustion she’d had on the court.
“Sorry, our work relations and window to talk finished the moment the buzzer went off!” You smiled curtly and plucked your arm to continue walking with Paige who tried to not look as amused as she was.
“Funny,” She deadpanned, rolling her eyes at the pettiness you were doing a great job at showing. This aggression was a complete flip from the affection you usually approached her with, it felt like a new person.
“No, my funny side is reserved for people that mean more than being a teammate to me.” You opted for checking your reflection in the mirror on the wall beside you, adjusting your hair just a bit. Caitlin was beginning to see red, but tried her best to push it down. She couldn’t help but get a last jab in though.
“What, like her?” Caitlin nodded to the blonde waiting for you down the hall. The thought of you agreeing had a pit growing in the brunette’s stomach. You followed her gesture and gazed at Paige, admiring the way her hair cascaded down her back in soft waves and framed her growing smirk at the sight of you giving her attention. She seemed secure as ever with her arms crossed loosely, raising an expectant eyebrow at you as if she knew what you were going to choose.
“Actually,” You kept looking in admiration at Paige despite Caitlin’s heavy stare on you, “yeah, exactly like her.” Finally, you graced the brunette with your eye contact to show the honesty behind your words, content on the way her shoulders slumped in response.
Caitlin��s grip on you loosened to a non existent one, accepting to physically let you go in her now weakened state from your words. But that didn’t mean she was going to let you go completely.
Her aching heart was only a fueling factor as she watched you prance happily over to the other athlete. That couldn’t be the end.
“Almost like there’s some kinda tension between you guys,” Paige side eyed you playfully, still managing to keep the air light and easy. You craved that breezy feeling as opposed to the way your heart clenched with the brunette you left in your trails.
You wiggled your eyebrows at her, “Some could say there’s tension between me and you, does that make it true, Bueckers?” It was a clear fish for something and your glance down to her lips as her tongue darted out to wet them seemed intentional. It was.
Caitlin could be called a sadist with the way she refused to move her eyes from the two of you. Her mind was a cruel force to be reckoned with as it began to compare the stark differences. Paige’s extroverted personality easily captivated you, shown by the way you leaned into her enticingly, biting your lip like you had to hold yourself back from being completely taken by her.
Caitlin had never been bold enough to give into you in that way, fearful of being rejected for her genuine personality than the one she put on.
The only similarity was the enamored look on Paige’s face, Caitlin hated to admit it was the one she caught herself giving you more times than not. Those tiny moments she indulged herself in what you two could’ve been. All sweet things that could be easily ripped away once things got serious.
The entire team was buzzing, taking up the living room in a cozy haze. You’d taken a few celebratory shots and had stepped outside with Paige to get a couple fresh breaths of air.
You were close as ever, your legs draped over her lap in a comfortable and cozy position. Your upper half leaned against the back of the couch, tilting toward her with a drunken imbalance.
It seemed like the perfect, quiet moment to let yourself indulge in the pretty blonde who seemed to welcome your closeness.
The scene was karmic at best, timing on no one’s side at all. As your lips got dangerously close, all it took was one finish push, you heard as the backdoor opened and slammed shut subsequently. By the time your eyes opened, you caught the sight of Caitlin walking past the glass door back into the house.
“On TruTV’s Most Awkward Moments,” She narrated and patiently leaned back, waiting for you to chase after her. Her tone didn’t seem angry, not even offended.
“I don’t have to go handle that.” You assured her, shaking it off and sitting back down on the chair. Her eyes burned into you with suspicion like she knew you would break.
You sighed, “I have to go handle that.” She smiled at you, a genuine smile, and leaned in to give you a tight hug. Paige squeezed you and you squeezed back, wishing that things could just be simple.
The light environment returned, despite the situation you’d been in moments ago. But Paige let a smirk take over her features again as she teased you when you pulled away
“If you guys ever need a third..” She trailed off and licked her lips dramatically, still able to make you laugh despite the situation you were heading into.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” You squeezed her arm before turning and heading toward the door Caitlin had disappeared behind.
“Good luck,” she called out, lacking any resentment and you felt like you genuinely needed it. You thanked her with a smile and went inside, searching for the emotionally challenged brunette.
Caitlin didn’t even look up at you from her phone once you’d entered the otherwise empty room she occupied, “Oh, don’t let me interrupt.” You walked over and plucked the device from her grasp, ignoring the incredulous look she sent you.
“You did interrupt,” you said plainly as you sat down in front of her, “Same way I interrupted the day you had someone leaving your dorm, except I’m going to handle it a lot differently because this was the grace I deserved.”
Her demeanor changed, a frown settling on her face, though she didn’t make a move to argue. She even nodded in agreement, staying silent as she waited for you to go on.
“We’re teammates, you have no right to get mad,” You reiterated what you said to her the last time. It was firm and took all of your strength to hold it together.
Caitlin tried to challenge you, shaking her head, “We’re more than that.” Finally hearing her say it made you want to jump up and down, but it wasn’t that easy.
You crossed your arms over your chest to protect yourself, “Are we? Because last I checked we’re barely even that.” It hurt that she hadn’t corrected you until then.
The reality check clicked somewhere in her brain, the thought of you truly believing that it all was reduced to nothing making her ill. 
“I’m sorry I lied to you when I said it was casual,” Caitlin confessed weakly with a shallow breath, “It was not casual. You’re the only person I kept looking to today for reassurance, and when I realized you were looking to someone else for yours, I wanted to collapse.” The admission was easy, a scary leap from when she couldn’t even acknowledge the weight behind your physical relations.
“So another competitive thing?” You raised an eyebrow, hesitant to believe the quick change in attitude like some kind of epiphany. 
“Not at all,” and with the way she looked offended at the insinuation made you want to believe her, “I was taking advantage of how understanding you were. You were there to ground me and basically be a girlfriend without me giving you the same validation. I couldn’t show you then, but you deserve to know the feelings were there, if any of that matters.”
You didn’t know if it did matter, couldn’t tell when your heart was buried under the emotions of the last few days. 
“I was definitely jealous too. I’ve been jealous of Paige since the day you met.” Caitlin rubbed her eyes roughly like that could get her to say the next words easier and you pushed her hands away from her face, “But getting you away from her was never my angle. You should go back out there.”
You weren’t expecting the follow up confession, scrunching up your face while she looked away from you. You and Paige had met practically worlds before you and Caitlin had even started your agreement. 
She knew you’d put two and two together, and you did. Her feelings had gone on for a lot longer than yours did. Caitlin took the advantage of you staying with her for a few more moments at least.
Her voice reduced to a whisper, looking at you with her head settled defeatedly on her fist, “Is this what you felt every time?” 
“Yeah.” You sighed and moved to sit next to her, allowing yourself to sink comfortably into the couch within her presence. There was still a lot of room between you, a responsible amount.
“I’m sorry I was a coward,” She went to reach for your hand out of habit, but stopped midway where her hand dropped on the couch between you, “I didn’t deserve to have you come after me.” Caitlin toyed with the thread of the cushion to distract herself from the urge she had to be close to you.
“But I don’t think you deserved to see that either, same way I didn’t deserve to see it when I went to your dorm.” You reasoned, filling her heart with warmth at the way you still cared, despite the reasons she gave you not to. 
A sympathy she was not qualified to receive after the way she’d treated you.
She shook her head at the generosity you were offering her, “No, I did. I was really shitty to you and that was payback for it. I got karma.” 
You offered her a small smile, feeling like she’d suffered enough over the last day with Paige.
“Yeah, a little,” you agreed teasingly, grasping the hand she’d left lingering in between you two. You played with her fingers and she let you, too scared to scare you off with even a subtle move.
“Paige said she’d be a willing third if we ever needed,” You wiggled your eyebrows at her in a daring moment of silence.
Caitlin threw her head back in a genuine laugh, the comfortable environment returning that you hadn’t gotten even a glimpse at in a few weeks. You couldn’t help but giggle alongside her, squeezing her hand in a simple gesture.
Your head lolled to the side, taking a silent moment to gaze at her features appreciatively as she did the same. You were the one to break, to surge forward and interlock your lips with a searing and much missed intensity. 
But the shortness of the kiss shocked you, full of sweetness and desire but no more than a few seconds until the brunette pulled away. You expected her to possessively push you back, show some sort of dominance to initiate something further. 
But Caitlin cared more about showering the rest of your face with attention, craving to memorize every little detail that she’d missed out on thus far.
“I’m not doing anything with you for like two weeks,” You vowed as a warning to test the waters, pulling away slightly as she kept kissing all around your face, trying to get a word in through your interrupting laughs.
“I’ll wait,” She hummed, switching so she could hold your jaw, prohibiting you from squirming away now.
“Three weeks.” You changed your mind, staring at her to gauge her reaction. 
She didn’t even twitch, still staring at you with an adoring smile, “Okay.” 
“Four weeks,” You squinted at her suspiciously, waiting for a sprout of disappointment or hesitance.
“Five weeks,” You challenged once more, though she gave the same response as she looked at you with amusement written on her features. 
“Really, nothing? Five weeks and you’re okay? Are you obsessed with me or something?” You quirked an eyebrow, putting your hands on her shoulders to add a little bit of separation. But her hands made quick work of grabbing your waist to pull you back in as she made a loud noise of agreement, the warmth of a chaste kiss on your jaw following it.
“Not very casual of you.” You grimaced playfully, gently tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, twirling it between your finger tips as you switched to a happy grin.
“Not at all.” Her voice dripped in happiness as she leaned into you, accepting the way you pushed up to meet her halfway once more.
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TAGLIST! @lovermcres @glorioushamsterqueen @miedmead @blueagle45 @pbloverr @cavillary @elizabethkitley @1-800-fantasy @into-f0lkl0re @mysticchildsuit @sapphicmermaid
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wbblover · 1 day
Azzi is so funny😭
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liyahin4k · 1 day
“Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up”
𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐅𝐈𝐓: https://pin.it/1Zw4U5kuF your welcome to imagine something else.
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Paige’s eyes were on you the whole time you too were getting ready, you were done with makeup and hair now you’re were getting dressed in the room next to Paige’s. Her attention was on her phone when you walked back in her room, her eye snapped up.
Your head was down as you fixed the bracelets on your wrist,due to that you didn’t notice Paige’s eyes on you. She bit her lip when you looked up your eyes meeting “hi” you smiled “hi” she smirked standing up.
She walked towards you pulling you in by your waist about to pull you into a kiss “don’t even” Brittany your and Paige’s stylist stoped her “you’re gonna mess up her makeup” she walked over and pulled you too apart making you laugh “but-“ Paige pouted “no puts the car will be here in five minutes” Brittany cut her off.
She walked out leaving you too alone, the second the door closed Paige walked forward “no” you smirked putting your hand oh her chest stopping her form coming closer “no touching”.
“I can’t make any promises” Paige smirked, she took your hand from her chest and placed kisses on it “car’s here” Brittany walked in.
“What did I say” you whispered removing Paige’s hand from your thigh, you too were sat in the back of the car ”and what did I say, I can’t make any promises” Paige smirked placing her hand back on your thigh rubbing it softly.
“Paige it took me 45 minutes to get all dressed up, if you think your about to ruin my makeup and dress your wrong”.
“Ok,ok but I can’t control my hands or what happens tonight” Paige smirks leaning down to place a kiss on your neck, you let out a sigh at the filling of her lips on your neck.
“So Paige you excited for next season” the interview asked, Paige didn’t reply due to her eyes on you. You were being interviewed and were laughing and smiling at something they said.
“I’m sorry what” Paige looked down at the woman in front of her “are you ready for next season” the woman asked again “oh yeah, uh I’ve been practicing a lot and been really focused” her eye moved back to you. You smiled at the reporter and told her something before making your way towards Paige.
Her face lit up when you did, “hi” you smiled warping your arms around Paige’s arm “hi” the reporter smiled back “I was just asking Paige some questions” you nodded “but if you don’t mind, could you answer a few” she asked.
“Sure” you replied, you were answering questions as Paige just looked down at you, admiring you “thank you so much, have a nice night” the reporter smiled then walked away.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight” Paige looked down at you “no” you giggled “well you look fuckin amazing” she whispered trying to pull you into a kiss “no, remember no touching” you stopped her making her pout “when we get home..right” you smirk.
She smirked back “right”
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kamii-2 · 3 days
paige taking care of you on your period hcs
warning(s): period
genre: fluff
pairing(s): paige bueckers x on period!reader
does what ever you want
before she comes over she gets a bunch of snacks
if you ask for food she gets up immediately and goes to get it
cuddles with you all day long
runs baths for you every time your cramps get really bad
bought a heating pad just for you
if you get mad she tries her best to not make you more mad than you already are
sometimes she gets mad bc you’re being rude to her
won’t go to practice to stay with you and help you when you need it
you say the most freakiest stuff known to man on your period and it gets her so worked up 😭
gives you massages
when she can’t be with you she facetimes/texts you
always looking up ways to make ur period shorter or make your cramps go down
uses them for herself as well
i hope you guys enjoyed this and i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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azzibuckets · 23 hours
anything you want [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: fluffy blurb based off this moment last year when paige dressed azzi in her entire outfit at the sza concert then lent her her jacket
a/n: dedicated to @clairosrealwife for messaging me on 4 different places asking for a new fic like the overbearing annoying ass she is
word count: 1.1k
Paige, Jana, and Aaliyah peered through the doorway of Azzi’s room, all exchanging glances at the sight before them. Azzi was slumped on the floor, face down in a pile of clothes while shirts and sweaters were strewn all over her bed, furniture, and closet.
They’d been eating snacks in the kitchen before muffed groans had pierced the peaceful silence of the dorm. Azzi had been in a mood all day, and no one on the team dared to bother her when she was pissed off. But it was becoming hard to enjoy their Lays when Azzi was huffing and storming around in the other room, so they made a mutual agreement to approach the girl together by having strength in numbers.
“Azzarae,” Aaliyah said gently, always having a soft spot for her younger roommate. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find anything cute to wear for the concert,” Azzi groaned. “This is literally the worst day of my life. I failed my exam in accounting this morning and then I got a smoothie to console myself but then I fucking spilled the entire thing-,”
Paige glared at her teammates as they slowly started to creep away from the door. “Your girlfriend, your problem,” Aaliyah mouthed before she and Jana took off, giggling as they returned back to their snacks.
Fatties, Paige thought bitterly to herself before entering the room and shutting the door. “You know the entire team is scared of you whenever you’re mad?”
A small smirk slid its way onto Azzi’s face. “I know. They leave me alone for once. I get peace and quiet.”
Paige rolled her eyes fondly. She grabbed Azzi’s hand and folded it between hers, rubbing soothing circles across Azzi’s palm with her thumbs. “I got some new shit in the mail a few days ago. Come over and try them on?”
Azzi nodded gratefully. On their way out, Aaliyah and Jana were still laughing like hyenas, fingers flying across their screens as they texted the group chat about how they’d left Paige to her own devices. But as soon as Azzi sent them a withering stare, they both immediately shut up. “You’re such a pussy,” Jana whispered to Aaliyah. “You’re literally older than her.” Without looking up from her phone, Aaliyah jabbed Jana in the stomach.
Azzi made herself comfortable on Paige’s bed as the older girl started rummaging through some boxes in her closet. “Here.” Paige tossed a pile of plastic wrapped packages at Azzi.
Azzi’s hands hovered over the clothes. “You sure? You haven’t even gotten the chance to wear them yourself yet.”
Paige leaned down and pressed a kiss to Azzi’s neck, letting her lips linger on the sensitive pulse point that she knew made Azzi shudder. “Stop being so unselfish all the time,” she murmured, “or I’m gonna start making out with you and we’ll never make it to the concert.”
A rosy blush fell over Azzi’s cheeks. “That doesn’t sound half bad,” she admitted, tucking an unruly strand of blonde hair behind her girlfriend’s ear.
Paige playfully bit down on Azzi’s shoulder, earning a squeal from the dark haired girl. Smirking, she drew back and punched Azzi’s shoulder. “Try the clothes on, dumbass.”
“A full Supreme outfit outfit? Really?” Azzi wrinkled her nose in the mirror as she experimented with her shirt, tucking it in and scrunching up one side to see what would look best.
“It’s gonna be cold.” Paige tossed her a puffer vest. “This would go nice with the sweats.”
Azzi shrugged on the puffer vest. Tilting her head thoughtfully in the mirror, she rolled her shirt up to above her belly button, making it look like a cropped top. “Much better.”
“You tryna make people faint?” Paige complained, eyes glued to the shiny piercing on Azzi’s stomach.
Azzi grinned, hand gesturing across her body. “You like it?”
“You know I think you look good in everything.” Paige approached Azzi from behind, hands sneakily sliding under the vest to make contact with Azzi’s bare abdomen. Paige savored the way Azzi’s muscles contracted at her touch. “But you look better in this than I would, trust.” She nestled her chin on Azzi’s shoulder, her gaze meeting brown doe eyes in the mirror. “You look so pretty, baby.”
Azzi turned and planted a kiss on Paige’s cheek. “Wanna match? You can wear your other Supreme shirt?” She smiled at Paige, that goddamn smile reserved solely for the person she loved most in the world, and Paige had seen that smile and that dimple almost every day for six years now, but she swore her knees still went weak at the sight.
Paige’s thumb brushed the expanse of Azzi’s skin, dipping just below the waistline of her pants in a slow circle. “Anything you want.”
“You know I can walk just fine by myself?”
Paige’s hands ghosted Azzi’s waist for the hundredth time that night. “I know.”
Thankful that Paige was behind her and couldn’t see her face, Azzi smiled. She would never admit it, but she loved whenever Paige got unnecessarily protective whenever they were in public, guiding her through crowds with a hand firmly planted on the small of her back. Their relationship was private to the point where they could never kiss or show affection in front of other people, but this was one subtle way Paige reminded Azzi of how much she loved her, and Azzi appreciated it.
“You’re shivering.” Azzi hadn’t even noticed how cold she was until Paige pointed it out, but suddenly she could feel the late night chill in her bones despite the body heat radiating from the crowd pressed against them.
“I’m fine,” Azzi brushed her off. “I’ll go buy a hot chocolate or something later.”
“You’re gonna get sick,” Paige murmured, hand reaching out to steady Azzi as she zipped up her girlfriend’s puffer.
“Can you guys stop being cute for once?” Aubrey grumbled from behind them.
Both of them ignored her.
When she noticed how Azzi was still trying to rub her hands together for warmth, Paige immediately took off her jacket and pushed it into Azzi’s hands.
“No,” Azzi insisted, trying to give the jacket back. “You’re literally in only a shirt Paige.”
“Well, I’m not cold at all,” Paige said stubbornly, refusing to accept the jacket. “Are you forgetting I grew up in Minnesota?”
“I’m not cold anymore,” Azzi lied.
Paige cocked an eyebrow. “So your lips aren’t trembling?”
Sighing in defeat, Azzi hesitated before slipping on the black coat over her puffer. Paige smirked, adjusting the collar so that it sat comfortably on Azzi’s shoulders. “Better?” she asked softly.
Azzi nodded, glancing around before bringing Paige’s hand to her mouth and pressing a fleeting kiss to her knuckles. “If you start getting cold I’m taking this jacket off,” she warned.
“I’m actually pretty warm,” Paige said breezily. “But I wouldn’t mind some extra body heat, if you know what I mean,” she said with an exaggerated wink.
Azzi rolled her eyes, biting back a smile as she huddled closer to her girlfriend, pressing her entire body against the blonde’s. Her fingers fumbled around before finding Paige’s hand and tangling them together.
“See? Perfect.”
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diamond-champagne · 3 days
10. I Love You
Paige Bueckers x Azzi Fudd
Warnings: None
Summary: In which things are figured out and confessed.
A/N: Shoutout to 🌟 for holding me accountable! Feedback is always welcome!
The smallest words are the most powerful. They often have the most impact. Intense and large emotions and experiences welded into a string of four letters. Hate. Love. Lust. Fate.
Fate. The development of events beyond a person’s control. The idea of it is entirely funny because honestly, how could it not be? 
Or at least, that’s what Azzi thinks.
She sits at her dining room table with her family, surrounded by Katie, Tim, Jon, Jose and Paige. The blonde girl that makes her laugh at that silly four letter word. 
How could it be that fate is beyond a person’s control? Azzi felt in control when she talked to Paige the entire plane ride back to Minneasota when they were younger. She felt in control when she answered every facetime call after said plane ride. She even felt in control when she shared a constant space with the girl after the pandemic. So the thought of this possibly not being in her control is laughable. However she only thinks of the word because it’s the only one that describes how perfectly Paige just fits. She has her own seat at the dinner table and her name is on the abandoned chore chart on the refrigerator. Paige is factored into movie nights, dinners, and holidays. Almost like it she was fated to be there and Azzi can only marvel at how easy it was for this to be a new normal. 
Beneath her ability to take that word seriously, Azzi feels warm and fuzzy. She is overcome with a sense of familiarity and softness that only seems to appear when a particular pair of blue eyes and a head full of blonde hair appear. So she revels in it. 
At least, that’s what she’s trying to do before she hears a throat clear. Quite loudly. 
“Are you listening to me?” Tim asks.
Suddenly Azzi realizes that there are several pairs of eyes on her. It makes her flush and muster an apologetic look. 
“Yeah, dad. Be up at 8am. Got it”
That seems to satisfy the table as the majority return their focus back to Tim as he gives a detailed description of their itinerary for the following morning. Tomorrow, the Fudds are hosting a camp for the elementary schools in the area. It’s something that they partake in monthly, helping the younger children grow their skills. So while you’d never know it from the way her dad is animatedly talking, Azzi knows the routine.  
She looks down at her plate, still full of the vegetables that she’s pushed around for the last thirty minutes. Azzi can feel Paige’s eyes on her. When she looks up, she’s met with deep pools of blue filled with concern.
“Are you okay, Az?” Paige asks. Her voice was laced with sincerity. 
“I’m fine.” Azzi replies surely while never breaking eye contact. The pair continue to stare at each other. Emotions swim in both of their eyes that are begging to be voiced into the world. It feels like forever and not long enough that they continue their staring contest before Jon breaks the moment between them to mention some tik tok video that he saw earlier that day. 
The rest of dinner is smooth but Azzi is antsy. She needs to talk to Paige immediately so she takes her shower and gets settled into bed while she waits for her best friend while rehearsing what she could possibly say. Immediately she thinks back to when it all made sense to her. 
Azzi thinks it’s been a long two weeks.
Actually, Azzi knows it's been a long two weeks because she hasn’t stopped thinking about the kiss in the bar bathroom.
It’s not that the two haven’t kissed before because well, they’ve had more than their fair share. This kiss though, was under the premise of something much larger than a secret night between the two. It was laced with the feeling of forever and provided such a high that they both wanted to chase for the end of time. Azzi wanted to chase Paige until the end of time. 
So, it’s been a long two weeks and she’s impatient. Azzi also wants to cuddle. 
She’s tired and all she wants to do is hug her best friend and bury her face in a head full of blonde hair. That’s why she flops on her bed as she lets out a groan that probably echoes through the stratosphere.
Well that and the fact that someone is knocking on her door. The brown haired girl pushes herself up and makes her way to the front door. She’s prepared to fully be an unwelcoming host; choosing to greet whoever with an eye roll and a voice that drips in annoyance but it’s her favorite pair of blue eyes on the other side of the door. 
“Hi,” Paige says. It’s a bit quiet and shy but it sounds perfect to Azzi. 
“H-Hi” the brown eyed girl stutters. She wants to ask what Paige is doing but her attention has been redirected to the bags in the blonde’s hands. It only confuses her more when she looks up and is met with a sheepish look on her best friend’s face.
“I missed you,” Paige blurts out before explaining further. “I thought maybe we could hang out because we’re still friends. We’ll always be best friends.”
“I miss you too,” Azzi confesses. “I always miss you.”
Azzi can feel herself smile at the words. It sends her heart soaring in ways she could have only imagined. She thinks this is what love songs must feel like. But then she watches Paige smile and she thinks it’s something she could watch for the rest of her life. But Azzi isn’t sure what to say. She isn’t sure that the words to explain what she feels for the older girl have been invented yet. So instead, she grabs the wrist of her blonde-haired forever and drags her into the kitchen.
As the brown-haired girl unpacks the bags, she discovers ice cream and her chipotle order. In the other bag, sits a hardcopy of “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” which she vaguely recalls talking about.
The gesture is small but moving. It’s what makes everything click.
Azzi can feel tears well up in her eyes so she’s quick to wipe them before hugging Paige. She can only hope that she’s able to feel the gratitude that rolls off of the curly-haired girl in waves. But it’s Paige so of course she feels it and of course she pulls Azzi closer to hug her tighter.
They aren’t sure how long they stand in the kitchen, simply enjoying each other’s embrace. But the sound of stomachs grumbling disturbed the moment and resulted in giggles from each of the basketball players. Soon, they’re sitting on the couch, while watching Frozen.
The empty chipotle bowls sit on the counter along with the ice cream that is surely forgotten about by now. That much doesn’t matter though because Azzi is laying on the couch with Paige in her arms. She isn’t paying attention to the movie though because all she can do is focus on the blonde on top of her and how happy she is at this very moment. 
It’s that thought that segways into feeling like this everyday. This being a light, giddy feeling that casts a protective bubble over the two whenever they share a space together. The feeling that has since replaced the fear that once left her helpless and unmoving.
Azzi thinks she can get used to Paige loving her. It’s like a warm blanket that feels like home. Her eyes are soft and her Azzi smile is a permanent fixture on her beautiful face. The brown-haired girl thinks about all the ways they can be more intertwined than they already are. She thinks about seeing her stuff in the bathroom and moving clothes into each other’s closet. The younger girl imagines mini bottles of gatorade next to her water in the refrigerator. She imagines blonde strands of hair tickling her while she’s sleeping and never having any sense of personal space because Paige is a 6’0 baby. 
At the same time, she imagines not having any of it. That feeling of discontentment that had once wormed its way into her heart is back. It’s a bitter and heavy feeling that makes Azzi shift in discomfort. That terrifies her and suddenly she realizes that not having Paige is scarier than anything she could possibly imagine. Maybe the thought of losing Paige is what paralyzingly scarred her. 
Though as she lays on the couch, on the brink of sleep, she thinks of how fate brought them together from miles away. She thinks being scared means that this is something worth having. 
Paige is worth having. 
Azzi is broken from her daydream by the sound of her door knob rattling. Paige is in her room dressed in an old shirt and shorts with hair that is still dripping wet from her shower. The blonde stands in front of the mirror while she begins to brush her hair and all the younger girl can do is watch. It takes a bit for her staring to capture Paige’s attention but when it does, the blue-eyed girl immediately turns to her friend. 
“What’s wrong?”
The brown-eyed girl feels like a fish out of water. A wave of emotion engulfs her and it’s too much but not enough all at the same time. There’s love and longing and admiration that swim so deep in her heart and mind that she blurts out the first thing that comes to mind before she even realizes it. 
“I love you.”
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not once but twice 👀
EDIT: I think it's actually THREE times
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lexipoo · 12 hours
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Paige and flaujae!
More of this duo please
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bueckersfive · 3 days
don’t know if it’s just me being delulu but i feel like they read that comment.. what y’all think
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mayghosts · 21 hours
enemies to lovers with paige. buuuuut they were used to be best friends but something happened between them
Snow Angel: Flurries (1) Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: How does a class project repair your broken friendship, and how does a friendship turn into something more?
Warnings: unhealthy alcohol usage,
AN: my life is not in shambles anymore! Heres to posting multiple times a week!! I can’t believe I'm writing ANOTHER series??? Hello???
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January 7th, 2024:
Sitting in the back of your Friday afternoon astronomy class, you gazed out the window, letting your eyes drift across the snow covered campus. You always had a hard time focusing in this class, mainly due to the blonde who always sat a few rows away from you. However, today was different. Paige was missing from her regular seat, which you now knew was because of the basketball game against Gerogetown. Her absence seemed to have a similar effect on you as to when she was actually present. Instead of constantly staring at the back of her head and wondering what went wrong, you stared out the window and wondered over and over where did we go wrong?
(Flashback) October 31st, 2022:
“Paigeeeee, are you ready to go?” you giggled, stumbling into your dorm living room and wrapping your arms around her neck. You swayed side to side, already feeling the buzz of the shots you had taken with Nika a few minutes ago. “Jesus, Nika! How many shots did you give her!!” You could hear the concern laced in Paiges voice as she stabilized your hips and unwound your hands from her neck. You melted under her touch, god she was pretty.
You had never been much of a drinker, all throughout highschool when you and Paige would go out to parties she would drink and you would stay sober so you could drive home. However, this year had been hard on you, and lately drinking has been your saving grace after a long day.
You were absolutely hammered by the time the party started winding down. Stumbling around in your cowboy boots and someone elses costume cape, the last thing you remember was clinging to Paiges arm she gently helped you into the back of the Uber.
Waking up the next morning, your head was pulsing and your could already feel the hangover anxiety eating away at your stomach. Squinting your eyes at the light from your phone, you opened your texts. However, you were met with a big paragraph from Nika and a short but tense text from Azzi. Nothing from Paige. Scanning over the texts quickly, you immediately found yourself calling Paige.
Your call going straight to voice mail didn't help the queasy feeling in your stomache at all. 
Slipping out of bed, you dragged your feet into the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth and wash your face. The bathroom tiles were icey cold, even with socks on your feet were freezing. As you scrubbed at the crusted on makeup, you racked your brain to try and remember the events of last night. You slid your slides on, making your way out of your dorm and down the hall to Paige and Nikas dorm. Knocking quietly, you felt the anxiety eating at you again. You heard shuffling before the door opened to reveal a clean and practice ready Nika.
“What are you doing here?” her harsh tone took you by surprise. You blinked absently at her for a moment, “uhh… I just wanted to ask what happened? Last night? And see if Paige is okay, my call to her didn’t go through and-” you could see her getting more irritated as you kept talking before she interrupted you. “She dosen’t want to see you right now okay? And neither do I, you really fucked up last night and honestly your behavior lately has been ridiculous. I need to go to practice and I don’t want to see you again until you can get your shit together.” Pushing past you, she walked straight into the stairwell, letting the dorm door slam behind her.
More confused than ever, you made your way back to your dorm and crawled right back into bed. You knew you weren't really the same person you were when you met them, but you never considered the change to be a bad thing. If anything you were more confident and more comfterable in your body. So what if you go out a few times a week. Honestly, you weren't even sure if that was what she was talking about. Regardless, you spent the next month trying to fix something you didn’t understand. You scoured the texts Azzi and Nika had sent you for any details or clues, but the most you could figure out was that you said something to Paige.
You sent countless texts until yu found out you were blocked. After that you tried emails, Instagram DMs, waiting outside classes, and even tried to befriend the media girl, just for a chance to talk to Paige. However, the blonde was basically untouchable. Between her teammates constantly watching you and her persistence with blocking you on every possible internet platform, you found yourself friendless and worst of all Paige-less.
January 7th, 2024:
You were pulled from your day dream as you heard your professor say your last name “… you will be working with…” he dug his hand around in the little bucket on his desk. You assumed this was for another partner project “Paige Bueckers!” shit.
Stepping out of the lecture hall, you felt a similar sense of dread in your stomach as you dragged your feet towards the dining hall. As you walked you pulled out your phone and started drafting a text to send to Paige. Standing in line for your smoothie, you were once again met with the brutal realization that your were stilll blocked. Guess we can just start on Monday?
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restlesspazzi04 · 23 hours
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Love Island: A Pazzi Fic
Part 1: Day 3
Genre: I've somehow managed to think up a forbidden love/enemies to lovers/reformed player/slow burn love island fic all together so imma pat myself on the back bc ive been getting so many asks for all five
This is just the introduction chapter to a series that will be very loosely updated as it's more of a fun project i'm working on but hope you guys enjoy because this is just me riding off the love island hyperfixation im in lol
Extra Note: this is will be on tumblr only mainly bc this series will be trash and purely for my self entertainment so idc as much. slow falling will remain on ao3 only :)
ik some people have difficulty reading on tumblr tho so if i get enough asks i will put this on ao3 if its easier
word count: 3.2k (this will fluctuate depending on my mood)
Format Clarification:
When the contestant name is in front of the text, that means it's a cutaway and not actually said in the villa!
anything in italics is to be read in Iain Stirling voice please i love him
Day 3:
It's day 3 and it's heating up in the villa! Will the current couples pass the test of temptation as two new bombshells enter for the ultimate challenge? Find out here on Love Island USA: WLW Sports Edition! 
When Paige first got the call that she was nominated for Love Island, she knew who put her name in the sea of women’s athletes picked for the show. With her social media agents wanting to get the “player” allegations away from her image to make herself more marketable, she was a shoo-in for the show. 
Paige was confident in her coupling. Ellie, the Olympic swimmer from Australia, was up her ally of girls: hot, brunette, and gay. They had been going strong for the first three days in the villa, with Ellie picking Paige on Day 1 coupling. In the mess of drama the other couples were whirlwind into, they had remained together as a voice of reason. 
“I’m just not really feeling her I don’t know,” Kate groans, slapping the ping pong ball back to Paige. 
“Bro it’s been three days and you’re already tired of your match? Couldn’t be me.” Paige responds, returning the ball. 
Kate and Paige being the only WNBA athletes in the villa naturally stuck together as close friends, being each other's confidants on Love Island. They had the common ground of basketball solidifying their sisterhood and frequently took each other's advice.
“It’s not that. I just feel like there’s no spark. Sarah is great and all, but I can’t imagine spending the rest of my villa time with her.”
“Why don’t you explore your options tonight if we recouple? That’ll start some crazy drama.” Paige laughs mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows at an unamused Kate Martin. 
“All the other couples are pretty locked in and I don’t wanna be a homewrecker… plus they’re probably bringing in new bombshells today if I got the formula right. Hopefully, they’re my type because I don’t think it’s working out for me and Sarah. ” 
“New bombshells? I mean none of them better be basketball players. That’s Ellie’s type to a T. It was hard enough fighting against you.” Paige jokes, slightly concerned at the idea of new people. It wasn’t like she and Ellie were completely locked in, but Paige knew she’d be at risk of getting kicked off the show if any of the new bombshells coupled up with Ellie.
“Ellie is not my type. She’s too nice. I need some passion in my girl." 
“I like nice. She’s sweet and brings me orange juice in the morning.” Paige says, dropping her paddle when Kate sends the ball flying past her head, "Drama stresses me out. That's why Ellie is perfect for me."
“Nah, I like a little fight. It’s hot when a girl is mad at you… you should know better than me ‘Miss Star Point Guard on the Golden State Valkyries’. Aren’t women always fighting over you?” 
“I already told you I’m not a player in the real world or the villa. Why does no one on the island believe me?” Paige exclaims, plopping down on the way-to-colorful couch in the Villa playroom. 
“I don’t know… maybe you’re insane eye contact with everyone you meet?” Kate says sarcastically, taking her seat next to Paige. 
“Blame my parents! They’re the ones who told me that eye contact is respectful." Paige argues before adding, "I can’t help I got beautiful eyes.” 
“Shut u-"
Kate is effectively cut off when KK Harvey starts screaming "I GOT A TEXT" throughout the entire villa, everyone making their way to the poolside where she was sitting.
"Islanders please gather at the fire pit for a surprise! #WatchOutCouples #Bout to drop a bomb!" KK reads loudly, the whole villa shouting in response.
"Welp, I guess this is your moment to find a new girl." Paige sighs, making her way over to the fire pit.
"Not yours?"
"Nope, I'm pretty happy with Ellie."
"You sure about that? Not even keeping an open eye?" Kate teased, ragging on Paige's loyalty.
"I'm definitely not re-coupling with some newcomer." Paige asserts firmly. 
"If you say so." 
As the Islanders all flock to the firepit, taking their seats next to their partners, they await for further instruction. 
“I GOT A TEXT!” Kate hoots out as the other islanders get excited, “It says ‘Get ready as your two new bombshells join you guys in the villa! #AreYouReady?’”
Paige looks over at Ellie, who’s already gripping tighter on Paige’s arm at the news of Bombshells. 
“I hope they’re not your type,” Ellie whispers shyly into Paige’s ear. It was a cute gesture, one that should’ve made Paige blush. Paige just gives her a reassuring squeeze on the arm, leaning in to whisper back. 
“I already got a beautiful girl, don’t worr-”
Paige is interrupted as shouting rings through the villa as two new girls make their way into the villa. 
“Bro, can you see her?” Kate says, pulling Paige up immediately as two figures appear in the distance. 
“Not with you jumping on my shoulders.” Paige retorts back, leaning up to get a better look, “They’re tall.”  
“Wait, I think I recognize one of them,” Kate says with her eyes squinted
Kate: You guys are ruthless in bringing my exact type. Fuck, I want to stay loyal to Sarah but I do still want to keep my options open, you know?
Paige has to brace herself for this entrance. She recognized the two bombshells immediately as they got closer. The WNBA world was small and both of these contestants were prominent figures in the league. Azzi Fudd and Nika Muhl, the star guards for the LA Sparks would be joining the girls on the island. 
“No way they brought in more girls from the league!” Kate whispers into Paige’s ear. 
“Did they run out of gays for other sports? Or is the league just super gay?” Paige responds in a nervous whisper. Ellie had literally told Paige on the first day that her type was basketball girls and it was one of the main reasons why Ellie had picked her. It was not to Paige’s advantage to have multiple girls chasing after her girl. 
“Wait, I know both of them. We worked out together at Kelsey Plum’s dawg class for a few days. She’s super hot not gonna lie.” Kate whispered lowly so Sarah wouldn’t hear. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve met them a few times. Did you know that they both were gonna come to UCONN but chose UCLA last minute?” Paige droned on, her eyes oddly trained on Azzi as they finally reached the fire pit. It suddenly dawned on Paige that she had never seen the younger girl in a bikini and it set an uncomfortable fire ablaze in her stomach. 
Azzi: Hi, my name is Azzi Fudd and I’m a 5’ 11” shooting guard for the Sparks. I wanted to come to Love Island to find my future wife and make a strong connection with someone. I have been in a lot of relationships and they don’t seem to go well for me, so I hope I find my match here!
Nika: I’m Nika Muhl and I’m a 6’ foo-
Azzi: 5’ 10” don’t lie Nika
Nika: Don’t cut me off! Anyway, I’m a point guard for the LA Sparks and I wanted to come to Love Island to finally find my love match and establish a strong connection. I’m super excited to meet the Islanders. 
Another text sound rings through the air, coming from Azzi’s hand. 
“Bombshell’s Azzi and Nika, Pick two people to go on dates with tomorrow before bed tonight. Have fun getting to know everyone tonight in the villa! #newcomers #shootyourshot!” Azzi read out, inciting excitement through the villa again. 
“Hey you’re Azzi and Nika, right? Guard’s on the Sparks?” Coco asks, making room for them around the fire pit to welcome them. 
“Yeah, we’re shocked they picked us to go together since we knew each other. You’re Coco Gauff. I’m a big fan.” Azzi gushes, hugging Coco. 
“Hey Kate,” Nika says, acknowledging the blonde in the crowd as she scans around, “How’s the island?” 
“Good. Surprised to see you guys here but I’m hyped. We need more basketball representation in here.” Kate jokes. 
“We get enough ‘basketball is the best sport’ debating from these two. Now we got more.” KK Harvey jokes, motioning to the two basketball blondes in the pit. 
“Basketball is amazing though, you gotta admit.” Azzi plays along, earning a few lighthearted groans from the rest of the villa. 
“Just promise you shut up Paige before she goes on a whole rant. Kate just eggs on that little pest.” Coco groans. 
“I’m never wrong Coco, don’t play with me. Tennis is fun but basketball is art.” Paige says, earning more groans from the group. “Do you guys know who you wanna pull for chats?” Ellie asks the two bombshells, jutting into the conversation. 
“Um, I have my eyes on a few people but I’m gonna see for the next few hours as I get to know more people on the island,” Nika responds. 
“We know you guys are in couples right now, but we just wanted to wait until we got to know more people’s vibes,” Azzi adds, looking around all the girls in the pit. A few couples had already gone off to different parts of the villa, but she was getting a good look at everyone left. There were a few people on her radar and a few people who weren’t. 
Azzi: Kate was making some pretty clear eye contact with me, but she’s on my “pulling for chats” roster.
The group spends the next few minutes getting to know each other and filling in the two on the island news. Paige tried to focus on Ellie squeezing her arm, but she was distracted by things she couldn’t comprehend. 
Things such as Azzi Fudd making flashing bouts of eye contact with her to no end. Paige was not one to falter at strong eye contact, but she couldn’t help but grow slightly nervous under the shooting guard's gaze. It wasn’t rare for Paige to catch the eye of someone. New people entering the villa the past few days had flocked to her, but she rejected them to no avail to remain loyal to Ellie. It was still fun flirting and making stable eye contact was one of her specialties. But Azzi Fudd seemed to be looking at her with a specific glint that Paige couldn’t pinpoint. 
Paige: Did you guys see the way she was looking at me? I can’t tell if she wants me in her bed or wants me dead.  
Annoyance? Lust? Hatred? C’mon Paige tell us what you see!
“So you guys want a little villa tour?” Kate asks suddenly while stepping slightly closer to Azzi, “It’s super nice.” 
The group makes their way around the villa, showing the two new islanders all the spots. Ellie and Paige stayed hand-in-hand as they walked, Ellie refusing to let go. Even when Paige got closer to Azzi coincidentally, the shooting guard would make it a point to take two steps away and it didn’t help that Ellie was pulling her in the other direction. They end up at the rooms as they finish off the night, the girls entering their assigned makeup rooms to get ready for bed. Azzi is put into Paige, Kate, Coco, and KK’s room, getting spilt up from Nika. 
“So Azzi, what do you think of the villa?” Coco asks while wiping her makeup off. 
“It’s nice, bigger than I expected. Soul ties are a lot more secretive than I thought.” Azzi answers, unpacking her bags. 
“Yeah, a lot of shit goes down there. If you go to soul ties at night we know you’re fucking or something.” KK laughs. 
“Do you know who you’re picking for your dates tomorrow? You get two right?” Paige asks, speaking up for the first time. 
“Yeah, two. I’m not sure who I’m picking yet. I think they’re asking me to pick in an hour so I have time to think in the shower.” 
“What’s your type?” Kate asks Azzi boldly, getting an approval look from Paige. 
“Uhh, I tend to focus a lot on personality. Just someone who can match my competitiveness and my energy. But if we’re talking looks, I tend to go for tall blondes.” Azzi says casually, immediately getting Kate to snap her eyes to Paige. 
Paige: Is Azzi flirting with me or Kate? If it’s me, I’m in trouble. Ellie is not going to be happy if I go on a date tomorrow. 
“Is there a separate shower room? I need to unpack my bottles.” Azzi says while standing up.
“Yeah, it’s down the hall to the left. That’s where our group showers.” Coco instructs, getting a nod of thank you before Azzi leaves. 
“Hold up, was she talking about me?” Kate polls the group the second Azzi safely leaves the room, “Or was she walking about the other two blondies?” 
“I think she was just stating her type buddy.” KK Harvey jokes, “Plus, she’s totally talking about me. She’s been giving me the eyes.”  
“Really?” Paige chimes in curiously, “Like slightly angry but confusingly hot?” 
“No, like she wanna look into my soul…What type of looks is she giving you?” KK questions. 
“Nothing… she wasn’t really looking at me, just wondering,” Paige adds quickly. She was probably just overthinking due to the reveal of her type. 
“Back off KK, you’re happy with Kylie. Sarah and I have been distant for days.” Kate playfully challenges. 
“Kylie’s great, but Azzi and Nika are hot, not going to lie. I kinda hope I get to go on the date with them. Don’t tell Kylie though, she might kill me.” 
“As long as you don’t tell Sarah. I wanna test my connection with the bombshells but I don’t want to blindside Sarah.” 
“You guys are acting like Azzi and Nika want you guys. She could be talking about girls in the other room.” Coco jokes, butting into the heated debate.
“Please, Coco. We get it. You and Paige are in happy little couples and don’t need to worry about recoupling. I would say Kylie would leave me the second another hockey girl comes in here.” KK says sarcastically before adding, “I’ve never gone for a basketball girl before.” 
“I have. And I know them better than you loser. Azzi said tall, that means basketball. She was clearly talking about me.” Kate argues back. 
“I’ll be right back,” Paige says suddenly, jumping from her makeup chair. 
“Where are you going?” Kate asks as Paige starts exiting the room. 
“Just going to chat with Azzi for a bit. Nothing serious. I’ll be back in 30 seconds.” Paige says quickly, ignoring any questioning she got from the group. 
Paige makes her way down the hall, knocking twice on the shower room door before it slowly squeaks open.
“It’s unlocked,” Azzi says simply, her composure even. 
“Oh. Some people are uncomfortable with people coming in during showers so I always knock. Wasn’t sure if you were showering.” 
“Nope, just unpacking,” Azzi says shortly, confusing Paige again, “Do you need to shower? I can leave.” 
“Oh, no. I actually wanted to talk to you real quick before you pick your dates for tomorrow.” Paige starts. 
“Sure, what did you want to talk about?” Azzi asks cautiously, continuing to organize her skincare on her shelf. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m in a pretty solid connection with Ellie and I don’t want you to waste your date on me because I’m mostly taken. You can still pick me, but I just want to be transparent from the beginning before we get to know each other.” Paige says while sitting up on the sink.
Azzi stood up from her packing, giving Paige a focused look of mild confusion. 
“What makes you think I’m picking you?” Azzi asks with an even tone, eyes unwavering from Paige’s. 
“Well, you said tall blondes are your type and that’s only me and Kate. So I assumed you’d use your two picks on us.” Paige says, slightly less confident.
Azzi steps closer to Paige, closing the gap between them. 
“Is it true that if you take off your top they can’t air it because it’s nudity?” Azzi whispers into Paige’s ear, pulling the blonde in. 
“Uh, yeah? They can’t air it. But they get kinda annoyed when we do it and talk about villa stuff.” Paige whispers shakily into Azzi’s ear. 
“Turn your head,” Azzi says as she takes two steps back, swiftly taking off her bikini top.
Paige had never swiveled so hard, almost falling off the sink counter. Paige turned her head halfway before she realized she could see Azzi in the mirror reflection, leading her to close her eyes as fast as possible.
“I know your reputation in the league, but I’m not trying to air out your business on TV, so I’m going to speak like this,” Azzi yells out before turning around, “You can turn around now, it’s just my back.” 
Paige opens her eyes to see Azzi’s long braids flowing down her bare back, the only article of clothing being her bottom bikini. Azzi turned her head to speak. 
“How are you going to judge me on my so-called reputation?” Paige questioned back, getting offended at the “Player” accusations she hated. 
“You ghosted one of my friends, so don’t act surprised I’m cautious of you. I came to the Villa to find love and take home the win.” 
“So did I. You haven’t seen me with Ellie. I have a lot of layers, you’d be surprised.” Paige says with a smirk, her voice growing bolder. 
“Layers? Yeah, ten layers of player. I know what you did to Alyssa.” 
“Alyssa? Who’s that?” Paige asks, racking her brain for possible Alyssa’s in her past.
“Jesus, you don’t even remember her. That’s crazy.” Azzi scoffs accusatorily, “Anyway, don’t worry. I won’t pick you for the date, I’m not going to intrude on you and Ellie. Seems like you guys are happy.” 
Paige watches as Azzi slips her bikini back on. Watching the muscles on her back contract as she pulls her top over her head. Her bare skin was addicting to look 
So addicting, Paige was caught red-handed admiring her as Azzi turned back around. 
“You sure you're happy with Ellie?” Azzi jokes dryly. 
“Very. She’s a great girl. Exactly my type.” Paige challenges back, leaning her body toward Azzi. 
“What is your type, Paige?” 
“Hot, Brunette, Pretty Eyes,” Paige says a little quieter as Azzi steps a little too close for comfort. 
“I see,” Azzi answers, nodding her head. 
“Don’t think I’m calling you my type. You just happen to fit it.” Paige adds weakly. 
“You saying I got pretty eyes? I know I'm the other two.” Azzi asks playfully, opening the door to the shower room. 
“Maybe. Let me look into them longer and I’ll decide.” Paige chirps back, a surge of confidence coursing through her. 
“In your dreams, Bueckers.” Azzi sings out with a laugh as she takes her exit, leaving a mildly dazed Paige on the sink. 
This was certainly going to be an interesting summer in the Villa for Paige. 
A/N: I apologize if this is shit, this is just funny for me.
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bballlvr8 · 2 days
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was this not all the proof we needed??
the fact this was after the live like again right in our faces fr.
167 notes · View notes
dabsbrat · 3 days
my brother in christ she always posted up like a whole ass certified loud and proud dyke
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i love that for her 🥰
207 notes · View notes
rehanasa · 2 days
pls i love them 😭😭😭😭😭
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christiniawcb · 2 days
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damn how low this girl sagging
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