books-in-trees · 7 years
Ask Me(me) Anything
@athousandwords tagged me!
1) Always post the rules. 2) Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3) Write 11 questions of your own. 4) Tag 11 people.
1. What’s one thing about your job that you are super proud of? (or, if there’s nothing you like about your work, what’s something in your life you’re proud of?)
Teaching side: I’m always super proud whenever students leave my class less frightened by writing. I also really love when I help students brainstorm their essays. Scholarship side: I love when I find little, minor instances of what I study (ie, literary trees) and they still adhere to my dissertation argument. It makes me feel like I actually have a point and that I am not just making stuff up.
2. What’s your favorite time of day?
I love early mornings. I actually really like working in the early mornings, right before sunrise.
3. Do you prefer watching tv on a computer or on a larger screen?
I actually prefer to watch TV on my computer or my tablet makes it is easier for me to knit. When TV is on the TV monitor, I get a crick in my neck.
4. What’s your perfect day?
I go to sleep early the night before, I wake up sometime between 6 am and 6:30 am, work until my husband gets up (between 10 and 11), we go out for breakfast, then we go do something together--hike, go find new plants for the garden, etc etc. Then we get home, I take a nap, we cook dinner, and I knit while we watch a movie/TV shows until bedtime. 
5. What’s an au trope you really don’t like?
So, I really don’t understand the appeal of the high school AU. I hated high school and I don’t understand why it is so popular.
6. What will probably be the next thing you eat?
I just finished dinner! So I bet the next thing I’ll eat will be breakfast tomorrow--which will probably be leftover oatmeal pancakes!
7. In pb and j’s: chunky or smooth peanut butter? jam or jelly? (or do you hate pb&j?)
I don’t mind what kind of peanut butter I use, but I hate jam/jelly.
8. What series did you used to love before you realised how problematic it is? Do you still love it, while recognizing its flaws, or did it disgust you?
So, sadly, I think the Harry Potter series now falls under this category. It is a hot mess when you remove your nostalgia glasses and I haven’t let myself reread it for about 5-6 years now because I’m not ready to let it go. I’ve given up on several TV shows because they became way too problematic for me. I no longer watch “Supernatural” or “Sherlock” because both of them disgust me so much now.
9. What is your favorite nickname, for yourself or for others?
Mr. Books-in-Trees calls me “loverly” because he kept mistyping “lovely” whenever we were texting, and I really like that. A couple childhood friends still call me “G,” but not many.
10. What organism would you chose to forever protect from extinction?
humans, mostly. But less anthropocentrically, I’d love to forever protect bees, quaking aspens (particularly Pando), and manatees. Also, all whales.
11. How do you feel about gelatinous foods (gummy bears, gnochii, thick rice noodles)?
I love gummy foods, but I hate gelatin. So, gnocchi, noodles, etc are great, but jello is gross.
 My questions!
1. What do you look for when you are picking a new TV show?
2. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
3. What’s your favorite tree and why?
4. What’s your all-time favorite article of clothing?
5. What’s your favorite painting and have you ever seen it in person?
6. Which mythological figure(s) do you respect the most?
7. What is your favorite climate?
8. Do you name your cars? Your electronic devices?
9. Favorite restaurant and/or type of food to eat out?
10. If you could pull any prank, what sort of thing would you do and who would you do it to?
11. Which book/song/TV episode/movie/whatever would you like everyone to experience?
Because I’m a little shit, the only person I’m actually tagging is @athousandwords. Anyone else who wants to can respond!
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authormalevi · 7 years
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A possible match? Either way, I love the painting. Look at her eyes, there’s a story behind them. #googleartsandcultureapp #art #portraits #fun #athousandwords
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Hi hi! May I go on hiatus from the third to eighth please? I have AP exams. Thanks so much!
No problem! good luck!
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Hi hi! May I request a hiatus starting Saturday (March 28th) to Sunday (April 5th)? I'm going to be on vacation for a bit and won't really have time/ability to access the Internet. Thanks so much!!
Sorry for the late response; but you got it!
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