#pair: dianthe x octavia
camelliagwerm · 2 years
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"Dianthe, I wanted to say something... just don't be surprised. This might sound strange, especially coming from me, but... but..." Octavia looks away, bites her lip and finally blurts out, "LET'S GET MARRIED!"
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
29 for azren/viconia and/or 7 for dianthe/octavia?
7. a kiss on the eyelid or undereye. | prompts | pairings | AO3 link this got nsfw for no reason real quick and for that i am absolutely not sorry.
These lazy mornings are few and far between for the Queens, and Dianthe takes each one of these precious moments of morning intimacy with her wife, savouring the haziness of their newly wedded bliss before their royal responsibilities come knocking on the bedchamber door.
Octavia moans against her lips, one set of fingers running through her dark curls, the other gripping the pillow beneath her, as Dianthe’s own brings her to her peak; her hips eagerly arch against the palm of her hand, thighs pressed around her wrist to keep her in place. Octavia’s silk and lace nightgown has risen above her stomach now as she writhes in pleasure, baring herself to the unusually cold spring morning. She pulls her lips away from Octavia, whispering sweet encouragements to her as she guides her through her climax.
As Octavia relaxes, she smiles. Underneath her, the half-elf’s legs slacken against the featherdown mattress, and the fingers in Dianthe’s hair drop to cup her cheek. A thumb brushes over golden freckles dusted over dark brown skin.
“Mmmm,” Octavia hums, the noise a pleasant thrum in the base of her throat, “good morning, Dia.”
Dianthe laughs softly, letting her soaked fingers caress her oversensitive folds to savour every post-orgasm shudder and tremble of her wife’s. She leans in to kiss her again, their tongues brushing over each other, letting Octavia taste herself on her mouth.
“Good morning to you too, my love,” she whispers as she pulls away. Her breath is hot against Octavia’s flushed skin, their foreheads resting against one another as Octavia takes precious moments of what little time they have before needing to hold court to catch her breath. They link hands, fingers flexing against one another. She savours the gentle dig of nails, in need of a slight trim, into her skin.
“What a pleasant way to start the day.” Octavia unwinds herself for a moment, stretching out to her full length before running her hands over Dianthe’s voluptuous form, under the light nightdress. “But now it’s my turn.”
Octavia rolls them over so Dianthe lies spread across their bed, her halo shimmering in anticipation. Bright brown hair falls around their faces as she leans down to kiss her sweetly - first on her forehead, then just beneath her bright green eyes and over her freckled cheeks.  The mischievous sparkle in Octaiva’s warm blue eyes and her parted lips makes desire curl in her belly, setting her heart racing in anticipation as Octavia pulls at her nightgown’s neckline to kiss a heavy breast, and her clever fingers slip between her legs.
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
B for Dianthe, V for Valerius, and O for both on the NSFW headcanon game please 👀
Thank you, Ash!
Headcanon Game (NSFW edition)
B - Bliss -  How big is the “big o” for them? How easy it is to bring them to it? 
Dianthe needs a lot of stimulation, lubrication and foreplay for her to have an orgasm, not that Octavia minds. She’s also not the loudest, but the easiest way to tell she is close is how vibrantly her halo will glow, how quickly it’ll fade in and out with every wave.
V - Virginity - How was that person/these people’s first time?
Valerius' first time was with a girl his mother had set him up with when he was about 17, and neither of them really knew what they were doing. It was clumsy and and awkward, a lot of fumbling and readjustments.
O - Oscar - Do they enjoy role-playing?
Dianthe: it’s not necessarily her sort of thing, but she would at least try if it’s something Octavia wanted to do. Though mind you, Octavia would find it difficult to keep in character for long and it would descend into laughter.
Valerius: he doesn’t do it often but he would do it if so inclined or if it’s what his partner wants. There’s certainly been times where Camellia wants him to bring his Ruthless Inquisitor Persona into the bedroom because it drives her wild.
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
G for Valmellia and P for Dia/Octavia!
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
She might not show it at times, but Camellia has always been grateful towards Valerius for helping and supporting her - unconditionally - during her questline, and that gives her that sense of security that's very important to her. So she is...very acutely aware of what he does for her, and she worries that sometimes she takes more from him than she gives. So it does lead to instances where later on, when they're in a committed relationship, that she tries to be a bit more considerate of his own needs: that he needs the same unconditional support from her that she needed from him - and he especially needs it emotionally, especially since he’s extremely prone to stress but very good at hiding or repressing it.
And he at least seems to recognize that she’s trying, even if she doesn’t know what to say. Sometimes just listening to him vent is enough for him, and he alwayss makes sure to thank her for helping (or trying to help.)
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Octavia enjoys kissing and touching Dianthe in public and is extremely open in her affections, but Dia is a bit more reserved; she likes to keep her romances not....secret, but private at least, especially as a ruler. When so much of what she does is in the public view, she wants to keep something just to herself, and that something is her relationship with Octavia.
(That mischevious streak of Azata and fey blood in Dianthe’s veins though? She’s definitely considered at least being petty towards Regongar over it.)
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
17 for dianthe/octavia, 37 azren/viconia :3
17. What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
I think if Dia went the way of Regongar and went became a bit controlling or possessive, then Octavia wouldn't stand for it and break up with her, but thankfully she'd never get to that point. If they broke up for any other reason, I imagine it'd be because Octavia is doubting herself and Dianthe's reassurance would be comforting enough for her to start their relationship again.
37. How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
For the longest time, I don't think Viconia would give up her worship of Shar for him. While Azren embraces his heritage as a Bhaalspawn and to an extent, even starts worshipping Bhaal (though I would argue it's so he can understand his father's portfolio so he can later usurp/ascend to Bhaal's throne), he knows better than to ask Viconia to set aside her worship of Shar for him - at least until he decides to ascend and she suggests that she could become his High Priestess. Aside from that, anything goes.
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
Only You
Pairing: Dianthe/Octavia; Baroness | Queen x Octavia Rating: vary, check chapters for individual ratings. Tags: aasimar baroness, established relationship Word count: 794 words, currently. Notes: Like the Something I Never Aspired To (Us) prompt collection for Valerius/Camellia, this is a drabble collection, this time focusing on my Baroness & Octavia. Absolutely not in chronological order. Any kudos, comments and reblogs are much appreciated as it helps me stay motivated to continue writing.
“It does.” Octavia drapes her arm across Dianthe’s stomach, fingers tracing the pleats of her gown. “I never thought I would end up here, you know. Safe, with a woman I simply adore, soon to be ruling a kingdom with her. It still feels like a dream sometimes, but the best one I could hope for.”
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