thelittleblindgirl · 11 years
looking at the past
I went trough my likes and I just cna't handle the feelz. All those awesome RP partner who were there when I started, and who are now gone. Michael, engineer donnely, jake shepard (I think... I saw soo many shepard), paladinedward even the little time with the count of monte Cristo and ask-chris-of-the-majave (I know chris is not gone inactive it just died).. I liked every single of those moment shared and they are now gone. I still have eileen ( even if we are awfully inactive both), Rowan. I enjoy how it started with arius and branka so far... I know i'm cutting the edge but all those RP partners, wonderful partners. I wasn't always easy to RP with, I won't always be.
I know myself enough to know if I see one of you guys start leave I'll probably cling to you in fear of losing some one again. I had soo many good times with you guys. You brought Estelle so much farther than she was, I mean she was all shy and soft at the begining and look at her not afraid of anything anymore. I don't know hwat i'll do with her, maybe moving her story a bit so I have the opportunity to do open RP with more action. It is time i get this blog moving again, maybe not tonight, but I will.
and to all those there now I got one thing to say: If a thread makes you uncomfortable or bored... say it, I don,t wnat to kill the fun and will be glad to plot for something else. You want more action: ask, I want more action often since estelle is so soft and people don't want to hurt her, but if you want more action I am willing to play something more interesting.
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interimcouncilor-blog · 11 years
Councilor Davids flipped through the data pads on his desk.  Opening one, then promptly closing it, tossing it back on his desk to join the others that massed in a messy pile of metal and plastic on the sturdy maple.
He knew enough to know that none of the contents of his desk contained anything remotely close to good news.  They never did.  It was simply endless reiterations that the war effort didn't have enough money, or enough troops, or some diplomat had managed to get their panties in a wad and pulled their support, or someone else had fallen prey to the indoctrination of the reapers.
For the good of his sanity, and therefore for the good of the galaxy, he decided to procrastinate.  He pressed a button to summon an intern to bring him a fresh cup of coffee, and decided to devote his attentions to a smaller project.
For weeks now he's been wheedling and cajoling, diplomats from across the Citadel had been receiving interns, breathless under the assumption that they would be timed, carrying credentials on proposals for the next human spectre.  Naturally, Matthew could simply have messaged the information, but it lacked the glee that sending his "minions" running across the citadel inspired.
And so he sat down to write a simple communication over very private channels to his primary candidate, he came with the recommendation of the famed Commander Shepard herself after all.
"Mister Edwards.  I want you to meet me at my office.  My secretary will be contacting you regarding your schedule."
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helloim-sexy · 11 years
paladinedwards replied to your post: Hello sexy
I’m well, moving ahead, you know.
"Well I am so glad, dear. How have things been? Anything exciting happen of late?." she smiled. 
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paladinedwards reblogged your photo: Yes, one must strike the flesh of their property...
Of course, what comes after is fun too.
In removing their flesh? Yes, removing their flesh or removing the breath from their lungs is enjoyable as well.
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athenamercer · 11 years
paladinedwards replied to your post: How have you been, it’s been some time.
I know, I know. My schedule’s always been odd at the best.
"As has been mine."
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formerbravo-archived · 11 years
The blonde sat quietly on a bench, elbows resting on her legs and legs crossed beneath her. A bit of shore leave was in order as the ship docked for supplies and the like, and with all of her duties done for the day, Erin retired to the same seat she used when watching the shuttles pass. Though, when someone approached, she tilted her head towards them in a small nod. "Hey there, stranger. Need somethin'?"
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avalineshepard-blog · 12 years
paladinedwards started following you
Avery nodded at the Investigator, "Avery Shepard of the Alliance Navy. Can I help you?"
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alrighty, this is gonna be lengthy.
send an ask to krogan-zed
reply for deala-telarn
line rp replies (from yesterday, specifically): sirenamares, paladinedwards, drellvanguard, shortsniper
make a new line-rp (for those of you who can't think of any ideas of how our characters can meet!)
line-rp for tavianalvia
drafts for: sirenamares, holosandvids, brokengeth, thenewbartholomew (i think his blog is deleted?? ;A;), mostlysobersoldier, codenamerook
i also have drabbles and sketches to do in my ask.
to everyone i'm rp'ing with -- i know i get super slow and i'm so sorry afnhasjkf life has kept me busy but i also haven't taken any free time i have to do my replies, which i should've been doing.
i am ALWAYS open for a rp, so even if anyone sends me that symbol at any time, i'll know what it means.
and please PLEASE let me know if:
you think i might have missed a reply for you
you have an idea for a rp
okay, i think that's everything... uvu
i will also have to make a list of threads b/c wow
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ashes-and-ivory · 12 years
Rhea sang lightly; a small smile on her face as her shower door hissed opened. The smile fades and her eyes go wide. ” Ethan. ” she huffs as she reached for a towel, ” honestly, I thought you were more of a gentlemen than that. —What is it that you need that’s so important you can’t let a lady shower in peace? “
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[[Prompt: the files she keeps that she doesn't want anyone to find.
She should feel better.
Better that no one but herself could now see these vids and files. But the weighted stone that she seemed to be feeling was making the situation any better.
Anya was not proud of her past. How could she? She felt so ashamed to be the person in those vids and to have that face that was plastered on all the training records.
But she remembered the last time she had wanted to erase her past. It had come back ten-fold and made her regret ever making herself forget them. She couldn’t bring herself to want to cause that much pain again… Not to herself or anyone…
A long heavy sigh ghosted from her lips, mirror the heavy feeling her body seemed to feel as she scratched the back of her neck to try and somehow distract her body from that feeling in her stomach.
“I can’t just erase them…” Her nails ceased the scratching and dug into her neck in though. “Especially the one’s on Peter’s recent station visits…” A low growl drew out over the man’s name.
Before she could lose herself in the hatred she carried for the name she had to call her ‘father’, she felt a familiar head-bump against her arm. Her jade orbs blinked before looking down to the pleasant sight of her cat, his copper eyes meeting hers with a soft mewl.
A soft chuckle was her response to the cat’s plea of concern for his owner as was her hand gently petting the creature’s head. “Thank you, Artemis… I’m… Okay, I suppose.” She pulled her knees up against her chest from their crossed position.
“I’ll just need to keep them in a safe spot in here.” Artemis placed his paws on her knees and arched his back to her touch with a purr. She smiled before lightly bumping her head with the cats. “Silly thing…” She gave one last scritch behind the feline’s ear before gathering the few data pads in her hand and scooting off the edge of her bed.
“They should be fine in here…” She hooked two fingers over the edge of her middle draw of her wall dresser and placed them under some discarded papers from the bank accounts she held and her civilian data pads for when she first arrived.
“I’ll need to tell someone someday though…” Another burden always did replace another… Always had.
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sirena-mares · 12 years
paladinedwards replied to your post: A guy is heading home to see his family, on the way he sees a naked man, running down the sidewalk, he stops the guy and asks, “why running without any clothes.” and the naked guy says “because you came home early.”
Ok… a man walks into a bar. And he wakes up the next day in the hospital.
It takes her a moment to get it. Then her eyes widen. It was morbid. Yet, she couldn't help a small smile sneak into the corner of her lips. Why must morbid jokes be funny too?
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spectrewolf · 12 years
Hey Shane, how's work been?
It's... been. I've been runnin' my ass off this week with a billion meetings. 
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thelittleblindgirl · 12 years
[[He meant. "if she was having fun, he'd keep doing it."
[[aaahh. When I translated it, it gave the inverse. XD alright then. ]]
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