lascitasdelashoras · 8 months
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Igor Palmin - Seafront in Yalta, Crimea
28 notes · View notes
hildeeveraert · 2 years
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Igor Palmin, Enchanted Wanderer, 1977
161 notes · View notes
adreciclarte5 · 10 months
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by Igor Palmin, 1980
8 notes · View notes
slack-wise · 2 years
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Pilgrimage Church, Neviges by Gottfried Böhm
8 notes · View notes
steps: part two
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joel miller x f!reader
rating: M
words: 7k
tags/warnings: unplanned/(unwanted?) pregnancy, thoughts and discussion of abortion, UNSOUND MEDICAL PRACTICE/ADVICE, description of injury, canon-typical violence, hurt/comfort, not proofread i'm literally so sorry - please heed the warnings, as these may be triggering to some! MDNI
part one | read on ao3
There are no doctors in Kansas City. There’s nothing left of the QZ, in fact, besides a group of raging militants who have taken over and are hunting for the very two boys you happen upon. Henry and Sam don’t have much, but they have a relentless ambition, and Joel must see that as reason enough to go with them.
As you journey through the tunnels underneath the city, you get sicker. It’s clear to you now that this is not some nightmare you can wish away, not like one of your silent demons. This is real, and here, and now, and if you’re not pregnant, you’re dying. You’re not sure which would be worse.
Ellie finds out while she’s kicking a soccer ball with Sam, because Joel lowers his head to inquire to Henry about a pregnancy test and is a lot less fucking quiet than he ought to be.
Her head snaps towards them and you scowl at Joel, burning his entrails with your eyes, picturing his slow demise, then feeling even more sick at the prospect, taking it back, praying the Deity didn’t hear you think it so it won’t come true.
“What the fuck?” Ellie exclaims, her head whipping to you. “You —” Her head swings back to Joel almost cartoonishly. “And you? I thought — ew, gross, but holy shit — I thought Tess —”
“Ellie,” you warn quickly, trying to jump ahead of Joel’s ire, because that definitely also happened and you know he’ll never tell you why or why you happened after.
“Enough,” Joel snaps, and the room hangs still. Even Sam, though no one has bothered to bring him up to speed, can tell that the tension simmers low, and he abandons the soccer ball in favor of curling up by the far wall.
Joel turns back to Henry. “You know where I could find one or not?”
Henry shrugs. “All kinds of shit stashed in here, man. Take a look.”
Ellie’s gaze is burning into your skin, but when you turn to look at her, you only see a quiet understanding in her eyes, a Knowing too old to live in a body so young. She plops down in the seat next to you while Joel and Henry are off rummaging through the bins on the far side of the bunker, and her huff troubles a strand of her hair. You reach forward to tuck it out of her face. Her mouth is set into a grim line.
“Is that why you’ve been sick?” She murmurs, her voice betraying her fear.
Your heart clenches. You didn’t want her to have to feel the way that you were feeling. She shouldn’t have to shoulder it, shoulder you, but you don’t know how else to be with her but truthful. Her face so open, so honest, begs nothing less in return.
“Yeah,” you say, and she reaches out to grab your hand. You blink back sudden tears that choke your throat and crowd your lashes.
“It’ll get better then,” Ellie says, knee bouncing. “The sickness. I heard that it gets better after a while. And you won’t have to yack every time we think about cooking beans. So that’s a plus.”
You can’t help but smile, still feeling hot and slippery with shame, but hope shines through, minuscule and persistent. “I hope so,” you whisper.
When you leave the motel, Ellie’s the one to lead the charge. You follow her, leaving Joel gazing down at the graves he just dug. Henry and Sam are under those piles of dirt, and you can’t help but think that it’s some kind of curse that surrounds you, the same deadly spirit that befell Tess.
Ellie thinks it’s her fault, a strangled confession pulled out of her that she knew Sam had been bitten but tried to save him. You know that feeling, know the despair it leaves behind, but you’re not quite sure how to reach the place she’s gone to.
A plastic-wrapped stick sits in your pocket, has for days, but you’re too scared to do more than make sure it’s there, palming reassurance. Henry had slipped it to you before he died, not saying a word, but there was kindness in his gaze. There was a care you didn’t know people still had for other strangers. Your heart aches.
Along the road, it’s been hard to find food. Joel had shoved what he could from the bunker into his bag, but there wasn’t much in the way of nonperishables - the Kansas City militants had already taken care of that. He let you have the last of the crackers, but you can’t help the pangs of hunger that wrack through you late at night, curled up in a ball on the ground, your back to some tree or to him or to Ellie, one of them always wrapped around you, always watching. You can’t help the dread that follows either, that you swallow like the air that feeds you these days.
Joel feels it too. You know he does, but he’s better at hiding it. He’s acting strange lately — delicate — not something you’ve ever known him to be. He guards you when you’re sleeping, but can hardly look at you in the daylight. Where he’s started to let his eyes wrinkle at Ellie’s teasing jibes or stupid puns, he slams his lid shut when you deign to speak your piece. He offers you a hand to help you over a ridge, and always, always throws an arm in front of you when he thinks something sinister lies ahead, but then swiftly pulls away like the boil of your blood burns him too.
After six days have passed, you go behind a tree and pee on the stick. It’s not hard. All you fucking do is piss these days. What is hard is remembering the hands that touched the test before you - a dead man’s fingers before they pulled a trigger twice, him and another child. Is that the price you pay? One child’s life for another? What kind of sign is that — what kind of life is this? What kind of world to bring a baby into?
Two lines glare back at you. You muffle your sob into the heel of your hand.
Your teeth are clattering against each other, your violent shivering overtaking any autonomy you once had over your limbs.
You’ve set up camp underneath a rock overhang, and your breath comes out in puffs. Ellie’s pressed as close to you as she can get between the layers of your coats, the extra flannel that Joel had wrapped around her hanging loosely off her puffy-coated shoulders.
You’re in Nebraska, as far as you can tell, wide open plains stretching as far as you can see, the foothills offering little respite from the biting prairie wind, but you take what you can get under the boulder’s meager shelter.
Joel hasn’t stopped moving since you decided to set up here; he’s tearing up jerky pieces, distributing them to you and Ellie and only pushing one between his lips when you glare, he’s coiling some rope, he’s pushing a tarp under some stones to provide some cover from the ceaseless wind. You wish you could bring yourself to get up and help, but you don’t know how much help you’d be, not with the illness still permeating your veins, your trembling uncontrollable.
When Ellie figures out that she can’t fix it no matter how she lends her heat to you, she speaks up where you couldn’t.
“We need a fire,” she wheezes to Joel, eyes flicking to you even though she tries to hide it.
He sniffs, doesn’t look up from his tarp-maneuvering. “It’d blow out,” he says, raising his voice to be heard over the wind.
Your desperation pushes you to chime in. “We could at least try. Under the tarp, or maybe the rock would shield it enough —”
“It won’t,” Joel snaps, and he still won’t look at you. He clearly intended to stymie your words, but now that you’ve started, you can’t stop.
You get up from your spot next to Ellie and wrap her firmly in the blanket from your pack. You stumble on shaky legs over to where Joel continues to fiddle, continues to fuss. “Let me just fucking try, Joel, we’re freezing, we can’t—”
You reach for the flint that you know is in the bag he holds. Your gloved hand brushes his, layers of cloth and unspoken and Too Spoken between you, and still he pulls away like he’s been burned. You freeze, watching him quickly shift to a different task, turning his collar further up against the wind.
“Fine,” he mutters.
You don’t know why it hurts so much to curl up next to the fire that night.
When you stop to make camp a few nights later, you decide you’ve had enough of this, this awkwardness and separation that your revelation had caused you. After Ellie’s been asleep for an hour, her soft breaths quiet in the dark, you push Joel behind a tree before he can protest, grab his face with your hands and pull his mouth to yours before he can remember that you haven’t spoken, haven’t talked about it, have only worried in silence. He grunts, the sound vibrating pleasantly against you, before pulling back, only a little, the slightest breath of distance. His eyes are locked on yours, so close that you can’t see straight, can only see brown brown brown, can only drown in it.
“I don’t…” he says softly, one hand on your wrist and the grabbing for your waist, turning you, pushing your back into the rough bark, but so gently, so gently it prickles and scrapes and wounds.
“Why not?” You say like you haven’t noticed how he’s been treating you differently, like he doesn’t know what to say to you, like you aren’t the same person you’ve always been before all of this. Like you aren’t praying praying praying that he won’t make you beg.
(He doesn’t.)
It’s dusk when you stumble upon a still-smoking pile of ash, the crisp wind spiraling it up to the conifer fronds above, dancing its warning like a specter. It makes Joel stop in his tracks. His shoulders, ever broad and imposing, are tense.
He spins on his heel and almost knocks right into Ellie, who trails mindlessly behind him.
“Dude!” She protests.
“We’re goin’,” he hisses under his breath, grabbing onto the handle of her backpack to drag her along with him.
You have to pick up your pace to keep stride with him, bounding through the trees. “Joel—”
“Don’t,” he snaps, releasing Ellie’s bag. She remains next to him without issue or question. “We gotta circle back to the road. Ain’t safe if there’s more people out here.”
“The road?” Your skin is warm, your breath coming short, but you keep your voice quiet as his, startled to stir the crunching leaves beneath your tired boots. “Joel, we got off the road ‘cause there were people —”
“I know why we got off the road.” His countenance is fierce, his resolve steely, but he still won’t look at you.
“It’s safer with the cover,” you insist behind him, a furious ire bubbling in the back of your throat. “Here we can — we can —” You’re gasping for air now, and Ellie notices, her steps faltering. She tugs on Joel’s jacket, wordlessly. You have to stop and brace your palm on the rough bark of the oak that shelters you, your vision narrowing to a tunnel of blurred, black edges and brown sodden ground.
You don’t know how he got there, but he appears in front of you, one hand gripping your bicep and the other pulling your own hand to his heart.
“Breathe,” he commands softly, and you try, you really do, but you know he sees the truth of it.
You’re fading, ability dulling quicker than an overused knife, and you can feel the panic crest in your mind, the sting of liability pricking at your consciousness.
“Sorry,” you struggle to say. He just takes an enormous breath, the cavern of his lungs expanding and exhaling underneath your hand. You follow the mountain of it, the in and the out and up and down, and it makes it a little easier to see again.
You drag your eyes up to meet his, shame and exhaustion omnipresent parents in your expression. He looks blown wide open, sad, maybe worried, but mostly so, so certain.
His grip on you tightens. “Let’s stay in the woods,” he whispers his acquiescence. You feel no kind of victory. You want him to argue with you, not the dark circles printed onto the skin under your eyes. That can’t be all you are now.
Joel tenses suddenly, eyes flicking from you up to the edge of the tree line. You think he’s about to grab you and Ellie and run when you hear a muffled shriek from behind him, his broad form blocking your sight. He whips around to reveal two women, one with golden-red hair and one with a knife to Ellie’s throat. Ellie struggles and swears and writhes. You freeze.
The golden-red-haired woman has a revolver pointed at the two of you. You can’t see Joel’s face, but you know that he’s furious. You almost hope it’s with you, hope it’s because you caused him to turn his back, to lose his focus. You want him to feel the way you feel.
“Quit it,” hisses the taller woman that has a hold on Ellie, like she’s speaking to an incessant fly rather than a young girl at her mercy.
“Let her go,” Joel says lowly, calmly. There’s no questioning a tone like that. “Then you and I can talk like adults.”
“We don’t want trouble,” the golden-red-haired woman responds smoothly, her fist around the revolver begging argument. “Just hungry. Just lookin’ for food.”
You don’t even think about whether you should, whether Joel has a plan. You keep your eyes on Ellie as she continues to squirm. She’s afraid, but maybe not as much as she should be. Her confidence in you crushes you. You dart forward to Joel’s bag, unzip it from where it rests on his back. You pull out the measly offerings - two more pieces of jerky wrapped in flaking paper. An old health bar. Some roasted acorns you had made that taste like bitter ash. You throw the food at their feet. Joel doesn’t stop you.
The woman holding Ellie narrows her eyes. “That’s it?”
“That’s it,” you plead. “You can check.”
You shoulder off your own, lighter pack and toss it to them. Joel glares at you, his fingers clearly itching towards his own gun tucked in the back of his pants, but you glare right back. Not with Ellie’s throat under a blade, you try to tell him with your fear.
The golden-red-haired woman bends down slowly to rummage through your bag, revolver still pointed your way. Joel shifts his weight while the woman looks down and she cocks the gun without even looking up, clicking her tongue in admonishment. Once she deems your supplies as paltry as you had claimed, she stands up, kicking the bag over, and slipping your meager offerings into her pockets. “Fine. Elaine, let her go.”
Elaine’s eyes flash like she’s considering an argument, and you try to calculate the distance from your hand to Joel’s gun, from the bullet to the spot between Elaine’s eyes, and the speed her lithe wrist would need to flick the knife across Ellie’s life.
Your action is decided for you when Elaine relents, shoving Ellie out of her grasp and forward to the forest floor. You’re there to catch her in your arms, her gangly limbs knocking painfully against yours, her furious demeanor tempered by your trembling.
You pull her back with you towards Joel, scrambling on the ground, and look up to see he’s drawn his gun. “Get movin’, then.” He bares his teeth at them.
Elaine moves to back away, but the other woman hesitates. Elaine nudges her shoulder with her own and hisses. “Madison.”
Madison looks between you and Joel as he helps you and Ellie up like she’s trying to decide something. Ellie seethes with derision and you have to clutch her to keep her from springing back towards her captors, this time on the attack. She only settles when she realizes she can’t lash out without hurting you, her fury still spitting but her face turning into your collarbone, probably more for your sake than her own. You rest your palm on her head. Joel’s got his free arm wrapped around you, too, sandwiching you and Ellie tight to his side.
Madison seems to decide and opens her mouth. “You know the way to Jackson?”
Elaine halts her retreat, brows furrowed and eyes clenched.
Joel holds his gun steady. “Get out of here.”
Madison continues to speak like she didn’t hear him. “Settlement out in Wyoming. My brother was headed there with an old army buddy. Heard they take people —”
She cuts off at the click of Joel’s safety. His finger rests on the trigger. He doesn’t say another word, just bores into her with eyes of molten lead.
Madison nods, and before you can blink, she and Elaine are gone. You’d almost believed you’d dreamed them up if your stomach didn’t turn at the thought of your reserves, now depleted.
Joel doesn’t let either of you move for a good ten minutes, his gun still raised and his arm still around you both. Ellie’s breathing has evened out and she turns her head up to look at you. You run a hand through her ponytail. “Okay?” You whisper. She nods, lips in a hard line.
You let her burrow herself back into you and look up at Joel. His thoughts race too fast to hide from his expression, and when he finally lowers the gun, he steps forward to grab your pack and swing it over his own shoulder.
His jaw grinds itself to dust as he stares at the ground, and it occurs to you what he might be agonizing over.
“Army buddy in Wyoming? Joel—” Your breath catches before you can really ask him. He looks up at you with hardened eyes and nods.
You let out a shuddering exhale, still rocking, rocking Ellie in your hold. The word rolls acidic off your tongue. “Jackson.”
It’s Jackson you’re headed for when the first shots ring out. You’re following the faded lines of a dusty map, hoping for the best. It’s brought you to a small town, several wooden buildings lining what must have once been a comfortable main road.
It’s not even that your guard is down, either — Joel had been antsier than ever after the run in with the women, especially since Ellie’s life had been on the line. She grumbles against his insistence, but you think she’s secretly appreciative of this mangled care, this devotion that no one before has extended to her.
They still get the jump on you, though, because they’re trying to get the jump on someone else. You glean somewhere during the shootout that it’s two opposing groups, both vying for the others’ resources. One had been holed up in the last building in town, the last one Joel had to clear before giving the signal. The other had been over the hill, peering down, waiting for their moment to ambush. They had thought Joel, ransacking and searching, was their target. It probably hadn’t mattered that he wasn’t.
You hear the shots before you know any of this, before you see anything that happens, so you follow protocol and grab Ellie and duck down behind a crumbling outpost, pushing her head under your cover. You peek over to see a torrent of people flooding out of that last building, the one Joel had been headed towards. Their guns are pointed away from you, up towards the peek where the last shot echoed from. Their shouts are incoherent, and your eyes search frantically for Joel. There’s no sign of him by the building, but there is a blooming red scar on the ground where he had been standing.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and spin around, knife raised high. It’s Ellie who stops you, grabbing around your middle, and swearing under her breath when she sees who’s startled you.
Joel’s managed to sneak around the back of the houses towards you, clutching his arm to his chest. Blood pours from between his fingers. His jaw is set as solidly as stone, and he jerks his head back towards the foothill you came from. He wants you to sneak back unseen, you’re sure, but you can’t focus on anything but the red viscous that flows from him, the life force, the cellular beat, and you feel it in you, too, you have that same blood growing in you, in your body, in your stomach, eating you alive to keep itself growing —
You reach your hand towards him, and he jerks back. All you can see is your hand, frozen in the air. He and Ellie must exchange words, something, but you don’t hear, the pounding of your eardrums too raucous, the rushing of your own tremulous blood overwhelming. He turns and crouches in on himself, hunched in pain or stealth, you don’t know. He runs on sure and quiet feet back towards the trees. Ellie only goes when you start behind him, like she’s not sure you can be trusted to follow.
You make it about half a mile up the side of the mountain before Joel’s using the trees to keep himself upright, the heft of him only supported by the roots at your feet. It’s Ellie who ends up stopping him and sitting him down, back against a bristled trunk. You waste no time falling to your knees beside him, whipping off your pack. Your hands shake as you riffle through it for the tweezers, for bandages, for anything that might help him. If only he still carried around oxy.
You pull out a small glass bottle of amber, stomach-churning liquid. Joel finds it in himself to shoot a judgmental glance your way, before his eyes are rolling back in pain. He keeps his arm clutched to his side.
“What?” You hiss. “It’s not like I can drink it anymore, of course I still have some.”
You flip the cap off as quickly as you can and pry his good arm away from the wound. It’s still bleeding profusely, an ugly, obscured fissure in the perfect planet of his skin. He makes a high sound in the back of his throat when you pour the moonshine over the wound, but his lips stay pressed tight together. When you’ve got it as clean as you can manage, you grab the tweezers. You can see the metal still buried in his flesh plain as day. You’ll have to get it out.
“Can I help?” Ellie flutters anxiously at your side, her hands lifting and retracting with directionless adrenaline.
You nod towards your bag. “Grab the bandages, then cut them into three strips for me.”
She doesn’t waste any time, and you turn back to Joel.
His skin is sallow, and sweat crusts his brow. You reach up to wipe some away with your thumb and his eyes flutter. “I’m gonna take it out.”
He nods, breathing heavily, expression unreadable. “I know.”
You search his eyes for any kind of direction, anything that would help him that he’s too reticent to admit. When you find nothing but grim determination, you grab the strap of your pack and offer it up to his mouth. He understands, and takes it gingerly between his teeth.
Your hands won’t stop shaking as you level the tweezers with the hole in his arm, so you balance your forearm across his chest. His great, heaving breaths push you up and down. You place the two tapered points of the tweezers as best you can on either side of the bullet, having to dig through some flesh. Joel keens under you. “I’m sorry,” you mutter, over and over, a mantra that pulls you forward into the next several minutes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
It takes several attempts, and probably a whole lot more damaged surface area than appropriate knowledge would have allowed, but you’re able to finally wiggle the bullet out of its warm home. The silver pelts to the ground and bits of Joel’s muscle, along with a whole torrent of blood, flow from the pulsing circle. Ellie’s there with the bandages and you throw your whole body weight into pressing them against his arm. His eyes roll into the back of his head, you think he might be shrieking through the fabric at his teeth. “Just have to stop the bleeding,” you tell Ellie, or Joel, or maybe the wind. “It’s okay. It’ll stop. I’m sorry.”
Eventually, it does, or at least it slows. You remove the soiled, rust-colored fabric from Joel’s arm and wrap it up with the remaining bandages, but not before pouring more of the alcohol on it. He sobs, eyes squeezed shut, and Ellie clutches on to his uninjured shoulder, her eyes wild with fear.
“No sepsis, Ellie, that’s why,” you pant, breaking off another portion of the bandages with your teeth to secure it. His breathing calms when he seems to notice Ellie pressed up against him, her trembling fingers pulling the fabric from his mouth and pressing her face to his chest. His good hand holds her to him, clinging with a strength you’re relieved to see remains.
You go to wipe your filthy hands on the grass when you notice a spare bit of Joel’s gore on your thumb. You crawl as far away from Joel and Ellie as you can manage before spilling everything in you onto the bushes. You dry heave long after your stomach is empty.
You lie awake several nights later. Your back throbs against the unforgiving forest floor, your blanket wrapped around the top of you instead of padding the ground. Ellie snores softly on your right side, the tender puff of her breath singing through the frosty air. You wish you didn’t begrudge her the rest, a better person wouldn’t, but no matter how tired you get you can never seem to quiet the racing of your mind when the sun goes down.
You turn onto your side to see Joel lying next to you, flat on his back, eyes wide open towards the night sky above. He looks almost comical, bundled up to his throat and arm crossed across himself in an awkward approximation of healing. He spares you a brief glance, raising an eyebrow but saying nothing before he turns his gaze back to the branches that bow above you. He’s keeping watch best he can, but his injured arm is still in a sling, which means he can’t wield the rifle properly. He’s to wake you or Ellie if anything happens. You all know you’ll probably wake in the morning curled together like a three-pod cocoon, the greater threat to your person the chill of the wilderness.
You see your breath crystalize in front of you, even in the dull silver light of the moon, but you can’t see most of his face. He turns it from you, shrouded in shadow, like he does the rest of himself. You never know what he feels, never know where you stand. He had said he didn’t blame you, but it’s hard to believe him when he clearly harbors some kind of sorrow.
You don’t know if its the faux anonymity of the dark that gives you the courage or the delirium that your baby secretes into your bloodstream, but you almost feel inspired to ask him. Instead, you open your mouth and stick your whole entire foot into its waiting orifice.
“What did you think about abortions? Before the outbreak?”
The harsh of your whispering disturbs the tranquil blanket of night. He doesn’t move, doesn’t answer. His eyes don’t even shift to indicate he’s thinking about it.
“Because,” you rush to cover your clumsy footsteps, “you were from Texas. Everyone always said — I mean, I’m sure there were people everywhere that—”
“I don’t know.” He saves you from yourself, his cool, clean baritone soothing your spiked and frayed nerves. The baby pounds its fists against your insides braying like it had heard the word you uttered. You feel sick.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No,” Joel continues, turning his head to look at you. “I mean, I don’t know because I don’t think I paid enough attention to that kind of thing. Sarah’s mom never even — considered — so I didn’t — ” His voice catches in his throat and he looks away.
You knew about Sarah, but not from him. Tess had whispered to you one putrid Boston night about his past, about Texas, about a daughter that hadn’t made it, which she only knew about from Tommy, but you’d never heard him say her name. You feel the scorching lick of shame about your heart, not having even considered what your current state would mean to him. One child, stripped away so cruelly from him, and here you were implying you’d thought about doing the same to another, but then again — maybe that’s what he’d want. To nip it in the bud, to end the pain before it could start.
You take a shuddering, bracing breath, but your voice still comes out meeker than you wish it would. “My sister told me about it. She said there was a place you could go in the QZ, some woman in the Fireflies. I don’t know how,” you admit, “but I kind of wish I did.”
“No,” he snaps, and you shrivel. “It never works out, especially not now. It would just kill you.”
You acquiesce. It makes sense. It seems too good to be true, a relic of medicinally sound days-gone-by.
“Sorry,” you say again, at a loss for anything more.
“Will you quit?” He huffs, and he surprises you, reaching out his good hand to latch onto yours. “Enough apologizin’.”
You can’t stop yourself from pulling his gloved palm even closer to you, into your chest, curling around it like you’re supposed to want to curl around this thing inside you, this parasite that eats away at you, this child you’ll evict from its warm, safe home, whether you want to or not.
He notices your reticence, turns on his side to face you, to coax your bile out of you.
“I feel sorry, though,” you whisper, blinking furiously, finding it hard to look right at him. “I don’t want it. I think I hate it, and I ought to feel sorry for that, right? That’s so awful, Joel. I’m so awful. But I’m so — I can’t —”
You shudder, and it’s like turning off. The tears you felt like crying halt their rise to the surface, and your breath slows. The blade of the hurt dulls, pricking instead of slicing, fading. It’s hard to hear him when he responds, hard to feel the gruff hand he lifts to cradle the back of your head. It only comes back into focus when he insists.
“Hey, listen to me.” He shakes you a bit, and with Herculean effort, you lift your heavy eyes to meet his. His expression is intense, pinched, and so, so beautiful.
“You’re not wrong, you’re not bad. I know this is hard. I know,” he shakes you again when your eyes start to glaze.
“Joel,” you breathe.
“Listen,” he says, fingertips pushing into the firm of your scalp, and you notice faintly that he’s abandoned his sling, that he’s pushed his pain aside to reach for you. “You’re doing better than you think you are. I see it, I see you fightin’. You’re not failing, darlin’. Not on my watch.”
You feel yourself nodding, not knowing where the internal command came from. “I know, Joel.” How do you tell him? How can he not understand that you trust him, just not yourself and your rotten, black heart?
He exhales harshly, searching your eyes for doubt, for something other than this flatness you feel settling over you. He gives in when he can’t find it, but his hand keeps rubbing your head, and you lean into it, relishing in the prick of his calluses. “Okay,” he says, then closes his mouth, opens it, shuts it again. His indecision pulls you back to the forest, back into the body you now share with another.
“What?” You venture, and his eyes alight, enthused to have found you in there.
“You ever been to Texas?” He says quickly, and he doesn’t blurt things, but maybe he did just then.
A startled laugh escapes your lips. The world shifts into focus, and the world is just his eyes, boring into yours. “Probably not. I don’t think we travelled much before the outbreak. Boston’s all I remember, besides a few summers in Maine.”
He lets out a low whistle, eyes flicking over to Ellie to make sure his sound hasn’t bothered her. She remains still, burrowed in the confines of her dreams. “Pretty different from Texas, then,” he says, and you laugh again, realer this time, easier.
“Colder,” you agree, “Even in the summer. We always had to bundle up next to the coast, even in July.”
“Nice though?” He prods into your memory with an iron poke, trying to keep you awake, keep you alive. Guide you ashore. The granite slopes wade into your mind, crashing waves and evergreen needles, a creaking Cape and damp, mossy mornings.
“Yeah,” you agree. “Really nice. Pretty quiet. Not many people, mostly just the deer and the gulls.”
His eyes flash, some emotion you can’t name, but it feels like it fits in the still blanket of space between you. “Maybe it wouldn’t have been such a bad place for a baby.”
You think of a child, toddling through the sand, tossing rocks into the water at your ankles. You think of a quiet life in a cove town, small but big enough for the three of you. You think of scribbled drawings on an antique fridge, of fatherly pride and big hands sweeping up a little girl, throwing her over his shoulder. Her lovely laugh peeling through the dunes.
You can’t help but smile. “Maybe you could have built us a cabin or something.”
He grins then, a real, full smile lighting up the planes of his face. You want to reach out and stamp it into your skin, hold this moment, suspend it in simplicity. “Big order for that. Think the invoice would be pretty intense. You plannin’ on compensating the vendors properly?”
You snort, curling his still-captured hand under your chin. “What, the baby’s not enough? Plus, your memory’s shot. Rural real estate isn’t anywhere near expensive as those city slickers liked to run you for.”
“I guess a nine month gestation is payment enough,” he says, and you feign to smack him, beaming.
“Three beds, three baths,” you continue. “One for us, one for the baby, one for visitors.”
He sucks in through his teeth. “Steeper and steeper, these costs. And it’s oceanfront, too?”
“Balsam fir,” you babble, the picture forming so seamlessly in your mind. “So it always smells clean. High ceilings — and a skylight! So we can still see the stars.”
Joel’s nodding, eyes shining. “Okay, okay, you’re right. Whatever you want. I owe ‘ya that much.”
Your heart skips a beat. You feel a giant spark smolder in your chest, so you tuck yourself into Joel’s side to share it with him. He carefully folds you into himself, stretching around the subtle curve of your abdomen that’s recently manifested.
Something unnamable pulses through you, through the bump, over to him. Before you drift off, you convince yourself you might have seen it in his eyes, too.
One stormy night in Boston, you’re helping Tess pack a couple of bags. The thunder cracks and you shiver, mind wandering to Katie, to where she might be sleeping that night, if she’s wet, if she’s cold. Tess hasn’t said much to you, her mind on her next move, her next haul; she’s particularly preoccupied with Joel’s absence, you think, but you don’t say anything. When her grim determination sets the precedent, there’s no getting around it. You wouldn’t want to pry, anyways.
She’s the one to finally break the silence. “He say anything to you before he left?”
You had been here at their place earlier in the day, while Joel was packing up to leave. He hadn’t said a word, had just brushed by you on his way out, your shoulder buzzing from the brief contact.
You shake your head. “No, I don’t even know where he was going.”
Tess hums, eyes flitting from the door to the radio against the wall. “Well, whatever. We can’t wait around all night. You hungry?”
Your stomach gurgles in response, carving deeper into the hollow pit of your abdomen. “Yeah,” you say, like there was ever any other answer.
Tess heats up the green beans with ham you had brought that day from your shift at the pantry. The corner of the can is dented, which is why no one cared that it had gone missing, but Katie had started rejecting the dented ones recently, saying botulism was a silent killer the Fireflies couldn’t afford to barter with. Your palms sweat. You’ve eaten so many like that, it’s probably fine. But what if this was the time it wasn’t? What if Tess ingests your poison and you’re the thing that kills her, after all she’s been through?
She doesn’t seem to care, dumping portions into two bowls and leaving the rest in the beat up tin pot on the stove. You both slurp in silence, letting the wash of sodium rush over your gums. You should have thought to add pepper, but getting up again feels too much like an inconvenience, and maybe a slight on Tess’s preparation.
You’re both jolted from complacency when Joel bangs through the front door, throwing it shut behind him and shouldering into the nearby bathroom before either of you can stand up.
“Joel?” Tess calls warily.
A moment of silence, then he responds. “Just a minute.” His voice is strained, slightly raspier than usual.
Tess immediately knows something is wrong, and you know because of the look on her face. “Fuck,” she mutters, and pitches towards the cabinets underneath the sink. She tosses you a couple of rags. “Will you go hand these to him, or get him to sit the fuck down? Where’s the disinfectant?” She starts muttering under her breath while she rummages around and you stand there uselessly, rags flowing limp between your fingers.
“Will you relax?” huffs Joel, emerging from the bathroom and moving stiffly to the kitchen table. You can’t help but gape at his complexion marred with bruising, the ugly discoloration above his eyebrow and around his jaw swelling to a reddened burst. Blood drips down his nose, around the contour of his rugged angel lips, then down onto the rotten floorboards underfoot. He sits, unable to hide a wince and a grunt, or maybe not trying. You’re still frozen.
Tess whirls by you, slipping the rags from your hands and settling next to Joel with a bottle in her hand. She wets one of the rags, then starts to dab at his face. He halfheartedly bats her hand away for a second, until she glares, then relents and lets her clean his face.
“You wanna explain yourself?” She murmurs lowly after a minute. Her voice spurs you into action. You want to help, want to stitch him together with your own sinew, dull his pain with a drug from your veins, but you don’t think he’ll take kindly to it. Tess has clearly done this before; even if she hadn’t, she’s comfortable, certain of where she stands with him. You can’t step into the space she takes up.
“Not really,” he mutters, a childish impatience squirming through him. You feel his own restlessness in your own feet; useless, you can’t just stand here. You turn to the stove, grabbing another bowl from the cabinet and doling him a portion of the sad green beans and ham. You grab the pepper, flaking a kick into his food that you’re sure he’s said he prefers, and turn to quickly set it down in front of him. Tess is done, grabs the rags to toss in the sink.
Joel seems confused. “We’re outta green beans.”
You grin at him, the flesh on your face feeling tight and out of place. “Good thing you’ve got a supplier.” You don’t say that you had stashed him a can extra even above your smuggling quota. You don’t mention it because you know he likes them better than any of the other shitty cans because they remind him of home, because they’re made down south, somewhere, because he can’t know that you know that about him, that you study him like he’s something worth knowing about. You can’t wear your love so openly like that, but you think he might see it leaking out of your porous heart anyways, because there’s a stern gratitude in his nod, in the bite he lifts to his mouth. Tess knows too, and squeezes your shoulder as she walks you out later.
“Thank you,” she says, “for doing that for him. He’ll never say it, but he’s grateful. I’m grateful. You’re a good kid.” Your heart beats faster. You can’t remember the last time someone said something like this, told you you were good, saw the care you hemorrhaged, and gave it back to you. You nod and head back to your own empty place, counting down the hours until you can see him again, until you feel like there might be a reason you’re here.
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paolo-streito-1264 · 1 year
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Igor Palmin Yakutia. Tiksi rejion. Tundra, White Night 1984.
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palmer · 2 months
eyyyy im palmin ere
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spookyji · 1 year
not so much corruption kink but i am into the idea of badboy!txt fucking u while both of u try to get away from cops.
like i'm imagining yeonjun or beomgyu stringing u along to do some graffiti w him, and it was fun and cute the first couple hours until u got caught.
let's just say u found somebody's shed to hide in, and ur both out of breath, high on adrenaline, he's looking so hot covered in sweat and there's this crazed out look in his eyes so next thing u know both of ur pants are off and he's making u bite on his shirt to shut ur whimpers.
and he'd definitely make a mess of his cum in that shed 🛐
oop ok hehe i’ll do both bc uH y not~?
running away from the cops, baseball bat in his hand, spray paint in yours, badboy!yeonjun who just robbed someone’s car and graffitied in red before grabbing your hand in his, racing off into the night. cold wind whipping your face and icy against your skin, yeonjun’s hand warm in yours as he pulls you along, long legs outrunning you but somehow able to keep up~~ badboy!yeonjun who yanks you into a shady alleyway, immediately shoving you against the brick and roughly stealing your lips, his body pressed to yours without an inch of room. cops thundering by, aggressively making out in the shadows, heartbeats thrumming hard in your chests. hearing their nearby shouts and calls, breaking free in a panting mess, so hazy n suddenly his hand is up your skirt, smirking at your flushed face when his fingers roughly feel the wetness soaking your panties, ugh he knows the effect he has on you. stripping off his tank top, his growl of “good girl,” when you obediently take the gag in your mouth before he roughly turns you around, tearing your panties clean off n yanking down his fly n buckle. metal clicking as yeonjun roughly fucks you from behind, your hands n pretty tits shoved against the rough brick, his tank top clenched between your teeth n muffling your cute, saccharine cries n waist at his mean n aggressive pace, please, he’s on a runner’s high. badboy!yeonjun who gropes your ass n whispers in your ear that you’re such a dirty slut, getting turned on by running away from the cops, you’re just as bad as he is now, aren’t you~? muffled panicked cries as the sounds of cops gets closer, only for his hips to snap into yours deeper, knees buckling under the overwhelming pleasure, it’s only yeonjun holding you up now against the wall, baseball bat and spray paint abandoned on the ground nearby. badboy!yeonjun who growls possessively n bites into your shoulder, muffling his groans of pleasure as he cums deep in your cunny, hips flush to yours n making sure you take every drop of his seed~ panting breathily n drooling around his shirt, before he takes it from your mouth n roughly kisses you, ugh he’s such a sucker for his darling, isn’t he? the one who corrupted you n made you such a dirty slut, but only his slut~? and he’ll take your hand again, running away with cum dripping down your weak legs, money loaded in his pockets from his latest theft~
badboy!beomgyu who’s such a tease, ugh he loves the thrill of nearly getting caught, doesn’t he? cops running closer and he still finishes up his graffiti before sticking his tongue out into the approaching flashlights and running off by your side, laughing when the cops are no match for you two, escaping off into the darkness. and when you’re tired, panting, and running on adrenaline, badboy!beomgyu picking a lock to someone’s random shed, tossing aside the spray paint n grabbing your hand, falling into his lap as he takes a seat on some boxes. flipping up your skirt and his hazy, lusty grin as he smirks and lazily orders you to ride his thigh, signature “c’mon honey”. riding his thigh in a random shed, his shirt between your teeth muffling your moans as badboy!beomgyu gropes your ass, helping you grind down on his thigh, subtle flexes as you whine n palm his massive bulge, want more. riding beomgyu’s thigh and jerking him off, messily n sloppily palming his cock as precum drips on your hand, thumb dragging over the tip of his dick >< and badboy!beomgyu who gets so moany n impatient, maybe he needs the gag more than you do~? n right before you both cum, beomgyu who lifts your cute ass off his thigh n sheathes his massive dick in your cute tight cunny, roughly n sloppily riding him until you both cum, his hot seed filling up your cunny n tears dripping down your cheeks, muffled whines and whimpers as beomgyu fills you all up <3 ugh badboy!beomgyu who has so much fun it stains your cute skirt, never mind that, gotta go now, don’t you?
just me writing smut sfuff at work ahaha whatever not going to question it n SORRY IK JJUNS IS LONGER >< i’m just— i dunno
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precuredaily · 9 months
Precure Day 238
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 39 - “Save King Montblanc!" Date watched: 1 January 2024 Original air date: 16 November 2008 Screenshots Precure Metamorphose Gallery | Sky Rose Translate Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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The final monarch of the four kingdoms is found, and Bunbee is looking for a bargaining chip back into Eternal. What happens when these two circumstances collide? Let’s dive in!
The Plot
Karen and Komachi capture an extremely ill-looking Palmin in the school library, and it turns out to be the final monarch, King Montblanc. They regroup with the team and try to figure out what to do, even summoning Queen Bavarois for guidance. She explains that he’s actually the eldest of the monarchs despite his young appearance, and suggests that he has lost too much energy from being in Palmin form for so long. She proposes bedrest, and Milk pleads with Karen to tend to him the same way she was cared for when she was sick previously.
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Everyone contributes tools to help warm him up while Karen tries to nurse the sickly king, feeding him watered down honey for the nutrients, but he starts coughing aggressively. Everyone, including all the fairies, becomes hysterical and asks Karen what to do. Karen  is scared that she's doing more harm than good and becomes overwhelmed by everyone’s nagging and steps away to collect herself. Komachi manages to calm and reassure her friend, reminding her that Nozomi always gives her best effort and so should they. Karen returns to his side, and though weak he seems to be doing better, even grabbing Karen’s finger.
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While all this is happening, Bunbee winds up at Natts House. He’s been wandering aimlessly since episode 35, when he tried to become the Precures’ new leader, and he’s too afraid to show himself at Eternal after his attempted defection. He demands to be let in from the cold, but for plainly obvious reasons nobody trusts him, so he forces his way in. He doesn’t seem to have any particularly ill intentions until he sees King Montblanc and realizes that could be his ticket back to Eternal. Nozomi won’t let him kidnap the King, so Bunbee conjures a Hoshiina out of the frozen pond, and everyone transforms into Precure and Milky Rose.
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While Milky Rose and the other Precures deal with the Hoshiina’s ice attacks, Aqua returns King Montblanc to the Rose Pact and tries to retreat with him. Bunbee sees this, but Rose keeps him from following her. When she is dispelled, the rest of the cures join her assault, but the Hoshiina knocks them all back. Bunbee decides to take out the threat of the four cures and Milky Rose first, instead of Cure Aqua, and prepares his super missile attack. Aqua is once again overwhelmed and torn about what to do, but Montblanc emerges and encourages her to go to her friends, because he’s seen the strength of their bond. She manages to send Bunbee flying far enough away, and then Coco helps the Precures perform Rainbow Rose Explosion, purifying the Hoshiina. Milky Rose tries to perform Metal Blizzard on Bunbee, but he makes a hasty retreat.
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Back in Natts House when the dust has settled, King Montblanc explains that he only drinks grape juice, which is why he couldn’t handle the honey mixture she gave him. When he sees Syrup he starts to say that his presence means the Cure Rose Garden is in great danger, but falls asleep before he can elaborate and Karen says to let him rest before they question him further.
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Bunbee returns to Eternal to tell Anacondy that the last king has been found, but she destroys his report. She knows he was trying to betray Eternal, and casts him into the underworld before she disappears. However, after she leaves, the door opens again and Bunbee is seen clinging to it, wondering what he should do next.
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The power of comic relief reigns supreme
The Analysis
What I Liked
It’s a deliberate parallel and callback to one of the best episodes of the last season, without feeling like a complete rehash. It shows Karen’s development, and her vulnerability. It challenges her in a somewhat different way and she shines all the brighter for it. She has ideas about how to treat the sickly king, but she’s still only a middle school student and is easily overwhelmed by the pressure of her situation, especially when her peers and even some near adults turn to her for guidance. But she also pulls through, earning the trust of the king.
The battle scene has some nice moments, with the whole team punching away icicles like Wonder Woman deflecting bullets. They show why they’re a great team, as Dream, Rouge, Lemonade, Mint, and Rose work together to divert attention from Aqua while she protects the king, and Rose has another solo fight with Bunbee (calling back to her debut appearance in episode 10), followed by Aqua turning around and getting a few good hits on him in retaliation. It’s fun stuff.
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I might rag on Bunbee… a lot, but he’s fun, and at this juncture in the series he seems genuinely unsure about what he wants. He doesn’t seem to relish in evil, but it’s all that he knows. However, he’s also not sympathetic. He has an inflated sense of self-importance and performs evil acts to bolster his position. I know that ultimately he sort of redeems himself, and he shows up occasionally in anniversary projects in a comic relief role, so it’ll be interesting to see where he goes from here now that he’s officially banished from Eternal. Also, I love that he managed to basically save himself from eternal damnation by just clinging to a door.
What I DIdn’t Like
Nothing sticks out to me about this episode as a negative.
In the midst of the drama, we get some subtle advertisement for the functions of the CureMo and the Rose Pact, to appease Bandai.
King Montblanc’s affinity for grape juice is similar to Karen’s own, and Rin makes a quip about this as well.
King Montblanc is played by Sakiko Tamagawa, a veteran voice actress with a career spanning 4 decades. She will appear in Heartcatch Precure as a minor character named Shiku Rumi, and in All Stars New Stage 2 and 3 as the fairy Enen. Outside of Precure, she is probably most known for providing the voice of the Tachikoma robots in the Ghost in the Shell franchise.
King Montblanc is modeled after a turtle, completing the motif of the mythical four cardinal beasts with the other monarchs. Also, continuing the dessert motif of the series, mont blanc is a French dish consisting of chestnut puree cut into vermicelli (a pasta similar to spaghetti) and served with whipped cream. Japan has their own version, which is a sponge cake topped with the chestnut pasta , or more generally, any cake topped with vermicelli cream. The dish itself is named after the real Mont Blanc (literally Mount White), which is the tallest mountain in the Alps, on the border of France and Italy.
Rainbow Rose Explosion has become the defacto finisher, replacing the individual attacks. This is in contrast to the last season where Five Explosion was only used to defeat generals. This does become the norm in successive series.
It’s a nice transition into the last quarter of the show that recalls familiar territory while setting the stage for new developments. It’s a strong Karen focus episode and exemplifies her best qualities. I’m looking forward to learning more about King Montblanc and Bunbee’s future.
Next time on Precure Daily, Urara loses her voice. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 kettei!
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numberonepeacock · 25 days
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Characters as Mobians
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Nozomi Yumehara/Cure Dream - Dark Magenta Rabbit/Bright Pink Rabbit
Rin Natsuki/Cure Rouge - Yellow Cheetah (has brown hair)/Red Cheetah (has bright red hair, like flames)
Urara Kasugano/Cure Lemonade - Golden Blonde Mouse/Bright Yellow Mouse
Komachi Akimoto/Cure Mint - Dark Green Echidna
Karen Minazuki/Cure Aqua - Dark Blue Whale/Bright Blue Whale
Milk/Kurumi Mimino/Milky Rose - Pale Pink Rabbit Cure Flicky/Purple Rabbit
Coco - Fox Cure Flicky/Brown Fox Mobian
He can transform into a human and later becomes a teacher at Nozomi's school to keep watch over her under the alias Kokoda Kouji.
Nuts - Squirrel Cure Flicky/Dirty Blonde Squirrel Mobian
He can transform into a human, acting as the clerk of a jewelry shop called Natts House, by the name Mr. Natsu.
Milk - Rabbit Cure Flicky
She can transform into a human and attends the Cures’ school as a second-year transfer student under the alias Kurumi Mimino and is in the same class as Nozomi and Rin.
Syrup - Bird Cure Flicky/Orange Bird Mobian
He has two forms he can turn into: a human and a giant bird, used as an aerial transport when necessary.
Magical Allies:
Pinkies - Spirits
Flora - Rose Deer
Is the youngest sister of Vanessa and the guardian the Cure Rose Garden, which holds the Red and Blue Cure Rose.
The boss of Eternal is interested in her.
Goddess of the Red and Blue Cure Rose.
Four Rulers:
King Doughnut - Dragon Flicky
Queen Bavarois - Phoenix Flicky
Princess Crepe - Tiger Flicky
King Montblanc - Turtle Flicky
Mailpo - Walking Pink Mailbox
Is a walking pink mailbox that works with Syrup.
She helps with sending and receiving letters.
Palmins - Flicky Spirits
A Pink Mouse with a butterfly mark on it’s head
A Blue Wolf with a six-point star mark on it’s head
A Yellow Goat with a flower mark on it’s head
A Red Bird with a sun mark on it’s head
A Green Dog with a apple mark on it’s head
Desperaia - Crane
The leader of the Nightmares who intends to gain eternal life and to bring despair to the world.
Kawarino - Chameleon
Desparaia's secretary.
Girinma - Mantis
The first Nightmare to appear.
Gamao - Toad
The second Nightmare to appear.
Arachnea - Spider
The third Nightmare to appear.
Bunbee - Bee
The boss of Girinma, Arachnea, and Gamao.
Bunbee also worked for Eternal as a low-ranking member, often acting as comic relief.
Hadenya - Bird
She appears after Arachnea's death. She likes to take what she wants and often forces Bunbee to serve her in some way.
Bloody - Vampire Bat
Bloody is the last Nightmare to show up. He usually tries to win by persuasion and talking, only using Kowaina to help him rather than to do all of the work.
Boss - Crow
The leader of Eternal, intending to gain eternal life by finding the keys to Cure Rose Garden.
Anacondy - Purple Gorgon (Eternal)/Purple Snake (Mobius)
Anacondy acts as an administrator among Eternal
Scorp - Brown Emperor Scorpion (Eternal)/Indian Red Scorpion (Mobius)
Scorp is the first Eternal member to be shown.
Nebatakos - Octopus (Eternal)/Squid (Mobius)
Nebatakos is the third original member of Eternal to be shown.
Isohgin - Sea Anemone (Eternal)/Jellyfish (Mobius)
Isohgin is one of a duo from Eternal that are said to be the best hunters.
Yadokhan - Hermit Crab (Eternal)/Lobster (Mobius)
Yadokhan is the partner of Isohgin and the small, fat one of the two.
Shibiretta - Mice with a large Mushroom on their head
Shibiretta manipulates fairy tales to fight Pretty Cure, trapping them in fairy tale worlds with Hoshinas.
Mucardia - Orchid Mantis (Eternal)/Dragonfly (Mobius)
Mucardia is the most recent member of Eternal.
For Nightmare, In their humans forms they look like normal Mobians but in their monster forms they are still the same as their Mobian form but more like what they look like in the fandom
Tsutomu Yumehara - Brown Rabbit
Nozomi’s father.
Megumi Yumehara - Dark Purple Rabbit
Nozomi's mother.
She is a beautician and runs a beauty shop called "Espoir".
Kazuyo Natsuki - Yellow Cheetah (has brown hair)
Rin's mother.
She and her husband run a flower shop "Fleuriste Natsuki".
Ai Natsuki - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
Her brother Yu and she are twins and Rin's younger siblings.
Yu Natsuki - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
Rin's young brother and a twin with Ai.
Heizou Kasugano - Gray Mouse
Urara's grandfather, Maria's father, and Michel's father-in-law.
Maria Kasugano - Brown Mouse
Urara's late mother.
Michel Kasugano - Lion
Urara's father.
Madoka Akimoto - Dark Green Echidna
Komachi's older sister.
Minako Minazuki - Black Cicada
Karen's father.
Karen's parents are famous musicians and do a lot of concert tours.
Taro Minazuki - Dark Teal Whale
Karen's mother.
Karen's parents are famous musicians and do a lot of concert tours.
Supporting People:
Sakamoto - Harp Seal
Minazuki's butler and takes care of Karen when her parents are overseas as Famous Musicians.
Mika Masuko - Bat
Mika is the chief editor of the Cinq Lumieres News.
Otaka-san - Border Collie
The mistress of the cafeteria in the girls' school where they always eat lunch.
Secretly, she is the school headmistress.
Kouta Washio - Jackal
Urara's manager from Production Eagle.
Previously: 🌸🕊️🎐🌕 | Next: 🍎🪩♠️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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lascitasdelashoras · 5 months
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Igor Palmin - Moscow, 1978
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hildeeveraert · 2 years
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Igor Palmin, Buryaad Republic, Stopover before Selenga River, 1980
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tboygonzo · 6 months
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who up palmin they springs
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septembergold · 2 years
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Fyodor Shekhtel
Igor Palmin
Zinaida Morozova's Mansion the grand main entrance hall, 1893 - 1998
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Igor Palmin - Moscow. 2009. The Shamshin Apartment house by Fedor Shechtel. Znamenka st, 8 / 13 (1909-1911)
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eads · 2 years
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