#papa cato daddy gary
jackotheninjahound · 5 years
Garycato prompts part 2 free to use
Gary and Avacato are expecting their second kit Quinn is still trying to steal Gary lil cato and Aj(their first born)
Baby Aj having nightmares big brother cato to the rescue
Part 3 of psycho Quinn news of The Garycato Famly twins makes Quinn even my willing to steal gary and the kittens
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I love you papa
avocato pov
Looking up from my work on the couch I see Biskit clad in a red shirt and blue shorts . The tiger tiger looks nervous he approached me at a slow pace. He stopped in front of me looking up why biting his lip. "What's the matter bud you look lost.He began with a low mr Avocato I'm Sorry for what I said.At first I was confused by what he meant till I remember.
He and lil cato started roughhousing breaking a vase that belonged to my mother. I took both of them over my knee but before the little one decides to be bold a swear at me . I release a deep breath and pick him up a flinch breaking my heart.
Baby do you know why that vase was important He answer with a no so explain to him that was all I has left of my mother . At the mention of that he breaks down in tears clinging to me repeating I'm sorry over and over . Unknown to biskit avo was holding back tears as he recalls a distant but cruel memory
(Flash back)
The scent of alcohol rotten food and blood feels my nostrils as I'm transported to my child hood home as my abusive father stands over me his harsh blows mean nothing to the harsh words he sends my direction
Waste of space
I'm sorry daddy
(Flashback ends)
Honey look at me okay the Cub looks at me tears in his eyse. DO you know why I spanked you . Is it cause I broke you mama's vase and I said no no words . I also did it because I care about your safety giving him a muzzle like a good parent to their Cub. Dry your tears baby paws all is forgiven. He giggled as he drys his last tears
Why don't we go and find Gary to see if his making anything sweet . The next thing out of biskit mouth shocks me . Okay papa for the next few hours that repeated in my head when night time fell biskit lays between me and Gary who has a peaceful smile on his face . As I drift of into dreamland looking at my boyfriend and son (yes son) A final whisper breaks me . Goodnight love you papa I cried tears to the unknown of my precocious boys
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I haven’t caught up, what happened? How did Caleb die?
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(Long ass post incoming :/)
Okay so what is going on is... (recap of ‘Change’ > https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLilXAvaGVFZjitubI4_A5Y9o5qNq8Xo18)
Ethan is the tiniest of his siblings, therefore he’s weaker and gets more attention from the family members, so his twin older (by five minutes) brother Caleb is jealous of him...
He always picks on him, he had since they were tiny kits.
So one day, Ethan gets jumped by Caleb and his friend Dylan, and as usual- gets beaten. Luckily, his big sister Amber saved him, brought him home, and fixed him up.
Later, Ethan Amber and Little Cato are home, when Caleb and Dylan come in- seeing Ethan and talking smack to him. Amber jumps in and threatens them, mainly Dylan (the one who sliced Ethan’s head). Caleb snaps when his sister threatens his best friend (who is loosing it having been saved by his crush), and attacks her.
After a bloody fight, Caleb ends with pinning his sister. As he is about to finish the job, their Papa (Avocato) comes home, furious as he sees ANOTHER fight has gone down...
He breaks up the fight, yelling at Caleb (again) and this time... Caleb is done with this...
“Screw this F@*KING FAMILY..!”
He ran. He ran out right then and there. Never to come back to this family...
From then on, it was just him and Dylan.
While they were living on the streets, Dylan finally confessed his love to Caleb. The Ventrexian was surprised at first, but confessed that HE had been in love with him too.....
The pair had been surviving off of leftovers in dumpsters for food, it wasn’t much- but it was better than nothing. Dylan had to do this all the time, he didn’t have a home or a family, but he did now. And it was Caleb...
One night while they were at a usual destination, (where Dylan SAID ‘the owner never comes out’) an angry alien ambushed the kids for digging in his trash. They run, but the alien aims his weapon at them...
...at Dylan...
Caleb notices and pushes his boyfriend out of the way... taking the bullet for him.....
Dylan managed to get him away, it was difficult since Caleb had lost consciousness... He snapped out of it after a few minutes, insisting that he was fine. (Despite the hole in his ear)
A few days pass, and Dylan awakes to find the Caleb has fallen ill... He checks on his ear to see it’s a terrible mess...
Dylan was overrun with emotions.
Guilty... anger... sadness...
It was then that the Lord Commander showed up...
He reassured the panicked alien he meant no harm, in fact he wanted to help...
A few days later, Caleb finally awakens.
The Lord Commander tells him that he was the one who mended his wound. Caleb is confused as to why he was helping him. (Since their Dads we’re persecuted by him before he and Ethan were even born..!)
He explains that they had the same wish...
‘To destroy them.’
Caleb knew... this... THIS was how he was gonna finally get rid of that stupid baby brother of his...!
He agreed... he would join him...
Time passes, the family has had very mixed emotions about Caleb leaving. Gary however had been a wreck.
Ethan sees how upset his Daddy is... and knew how he could fix this... no matter how scary it was...
“Don’t worry Daddy... I’ll get him back..!”
Ethan snuck out the evening, in search of his brother.
Out in the storm, Ethan was calling out desperately for Caleb, begging for him to go back...
“...they need you more than me....”
He jumped as he heard a sound behind him, wondering if it was him. But it wasn’t...
“Ethan Goodspeed...”
He stepped back in fear, terrified as the Lord Commander approached.
“We’ve been looking for you...”
“ ‘we’..?”
It was then he was attacked. He looked up, his face filled with horror as he realized...
He loomed over the tiny Ventrexian, baring his fangs.
“C-Caleb..! It’s me..! Your brother-“
Ethan was horrified... as Caleb attacked him, just like before and yet- so different...
The outcome of this was Ethan covered in wounds and being blinded from a scratch across his right eye.
Months passed...
Dylan and Caleb have been together with the Lord Commander all this time, Caleb training often and leading attacks. All while he and Dylan were enjoying their love for each other.
Then Dylan found out he was pregnant...
At first it was just between him and Jack, he didn’t want to tell Caleb just out of nowhere since he was always busy...
But... Jack had already told him.
...and he was thrilled...
Meanwhile, Ethan was outside getting fresh air one day, when he heard something in the bushes nearby. He investigated the noise, to find a Snow-White Ventrexian with a wounded arm hiding.
He told her he meant no harm, she seemed to calm down a bit. She told him her name was Trisha, only to have him stare into her blue and green eyes in a daze...
He snapped out of it when his Papa called for him, Avocato was a bit defensive of Ethan from her, getting bad vibes thinking she was with The Lord Commander and Caleb...
Ethan tried to convince him otherwise, showing that she was just scared and hurt. He thought about it for a moment before giving in, saying she could come in but to ‘not try anything, or else...’
That night, Gary tended to Trisha’s wound, as she told them why she was alone. (since they had asked) She was enjoying her day with her two dads, when the Lord Commander (and Caleb) attacked, which ended in only her getting away...
Months go by, Caleb returns to He and Dylan’s room after an attack, only to find his mate wasn’t there.
After he searched for a few minutes, he hears someone come in- Dylan...
...and he wasn’t carrying the eggs anymore.
Dylan took his excited mate to the medbay, where their five eggs lay in an incubator. Caleb promised (for the hundredth time) that he would make sure they grew up big and strong...
A month goes by, Ethan has had some... thoughts, about Trisha.
...and by thoughts, he means he had a crush on her... BAD...
SO MUCH that one night after she had a nightmare about her dads, he slept with her and ended up kissing her after she fell asleep. aaaand unfortunately his Papa saw this...
He told Gary, who was absolutely LOOSING IT.
He talked to Ethan about it the next morning over some cookies, Ethan confessed that he REALLY LOVED HER... but he was scared to try and move things along with the relationship since Avocato seemed to hate her...
Gary, still loosing it that his baby boy was in love, told him that he would try to work it out with his Pa.
...only to fail...
When he had to tell Ethan, the kit was heartbroken...
Meanwhile, Caleb was woken early one morning by his mate, telling him the eggs were hatching..!
They rushed to the medbay, to watch their feisty little daughter be born, Caleb excitedly watches their biggest egg, awaiting its hatching ...
It began to move... and minutes later, a tiny Velocitrexian emerged from the shell.
Caleb stares at his tiny son... in anger... the biggest egg... and what came of it??? A pathetic little RUNT..!
He turned and left. Leaving Dylan and his newborns behind.
Dylan was heartbroken... Caleb had changed... he wasn’t the Ventrexian he fell in love with...
He took the kids and left that night... he knew they weren’t safe there...
Despite what Papa said, Ethan and Trisha continued to develope their love for each other.
Gary felt terrible that it had to be this way for his baby boy... he knew he had to keep trying...
As he tried to talk it into Avocato again, they were interrupted by a knock at the door.
-it was Dylan.
He told them what had happened with him and Caleb, that it made him realize what he did when he was younger to Ethan was wrong, and that he needed somewhere for his little ones to be safe... Avocato and Gary agreed that they could come in.
He and his little ones, Diva and Chase, made themselves at home. Dylan reuniting with Ethan and apologizing for what he had done in the past. Ethan forgave him, afterward being very curious about Chase and Diva.
Dylan told him, they were his niece and nephew.
Ethan was taken aback... They were his brother’s!
He had a talk to his dads about going for his brother, Avocato told him not to. Knowing it would just get him killed.
Despite it all, of course, Ethan snuck off.
Avocato and Gary found out he had gone, Avocato went after him, telling Gary to stay behind with the kids Incase anything were to happen to him...
Ethan, at the Lord Commander’s base, found his brother... trying desperately once again to get him to come home...
Only to have Caleb say... “I am home...”
Just before Caleb could attack him, he was shot...
...by Avocato.
He rushed to Ethan, trying to get them out of there before Caleb came around...
...who was lining up to attack his Pa...
Ethan saw this, and jumped between his brother and his Papa as he lunged.
-taking the killing blow...
Avocato froze, seeing his baby boy get impaled in the side by his brother...
...Avocato has had it now...
He lashed his dagger into his son’s side, forcing him to release the small Ventrexian, he gasped in pain as he looked at his Papa... a psychotic chuckle coming from his bloody mouth, his last words being... “...see..? I k-knew you... h-h-hated me.....”
Caleb’s limo corpse fell to the metal floor... the thud echoing through the halls...
Avocato looked at his dead son in tears...
...freezing when he heard a gasping whimper behind him.
He got his wounded son home, where everyone was terrified and heartbroken as Avocato explained everything that had happened...
And... well... here we are...
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jackotheninjahound · 5 years
A day with papa part 1
Avocato pov
I have killed hundreds of people under lord commanders orders taken lives without blinking but what makes me scared holding my own cub . it was the first time its just been me and him since that bitch tried to still my husband and cubs But even then it is still scary even when lil cato was Ajs age my ex did most of it until her drug and drinking problem almost got my boy killed. so i have little to not experience with young kids. Gary was a natural with cato and Aj but when a school related issue cause gary to be gone all day and cato going on his Reguler day leaving me with AJ. I can still hear gary i be back a 7 don't let kvn anywhere near the flamethrower cookies or anything. He grabs hold of aj and cuddles him close ' mama Will be back soon back be good for papa" i laugh at that fact gary refer to him self as mama he and our son walk out of. The Door lil cato saying to Gary not to go crazy. On that bitch Helen. From the pta the second their gone Aj started to whale like. Crazy crying for gary
Mama mama hey hey don't cry honey cake mama will be back soon papa is here that didnt help and he just started crying harder
My first attempt at writing please give feed back and ideas no hurtful words do
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Recap on the GaryCatoFam siblings and their story...
Ethan is the tiniest of his siblings, therefore he’s weaker and gets more attention from the family members, so his twin older (by five minutes) brother Caleb is jealous of him...
He always picks on him, he had since they were tiny kits.
So one day, Ethan gets jumped by Caleb and his friend Dylan, and as usual- gets beaten. Luckily, his big sister Amber saved him, brought him home, and fixed him up.
Later, Ethan Amber and Little Cato are home, when Caleb and Dylan come in- seeing Ethan and talking smack to him. Amber jumps in and threatens them, mainly Dylan (the one who sliced Ethan’s head). Caleb snaps when his sister threatens his best friend (who is loosing it having been saved by his crush), and attacks her.
After a bloody fight, Caleb ends with pinning his sister. As he is about to finish the job, their Papa (Avocato) comes home, furious as he sees ANOTHER fight has gone down...
He breaks up the fight, yelling at Caleb (again) and this time... Caleb is done with this...
“Screw this F@*KING FAMILY..!”
He ran. He ran out right then and there. Never to come back to this family...
From then on, it was just him and Dylan.
While they were living on the streets, Dylan finally confessed his love to Caleb. The Ventrexian was surprised at first, but confessed that HE had been in love with him too.....
The pair had been surviving off of leftovers in dumpsters for food, it wasn’t much- but it was better than nothing. Dylan had to do this all the time, he didn’t have a home or a family, but he did now. And it was Caleb...
One night while they were at a usual destination, (where Dylan SAID ‘the owner never comes out’) an angry alien ambushed the kids for digging in his trash. They run, but the alien aims his weapon at them...
...at Dylan...
Caleb notices and pushes his boyfriend out of the way... taking the bullet for him.....
Dylan managed to get him away, it was difficult since Caleb had lost consciousness... He snapped out of it after a few minutes, insisting that he was fine. (Despite the hole in his ear)
A few days pass, and Dylan awakes to find the Caleb has fallen ill... He checks on his ear to see it’s a terrible mess...
Dylan was overrun with emotions.
Guilty... anger... sadness...
It was then that the Lord Commander showed up...
He reassured the panicked alien he meant no harm, in fact he wanted to help...
A few days later, Caleb finally awakens.
The Lord Commander tells him that he was the one who mended his wound. Caleb is confused as to why he was helping him. (Since their Dads we’re persecuted by him before he and Ethan were even born..!)
He explains that they had the same wish...
‘To destroy them.’
Caleb knew... this... THIS was how he was gonna finally get rid of that stupid baby brother of his...!
He agreed... he would join him...
Time passes, the family has had very mixed emotions about Caleb leaving. Gary however had been a wreck.
Ethan sees how upset his Daddy is... and knew how he could fix this... no matter how scary it was...
“Don’t worry Daddy... I’ll get him back..!”
Ethan snuck out the evening, in search of his brother.
Out in the storm, Ethan was calling out desperately for Caleb, begging for him to go back...
“...they need you more than me....”
He jumped as he heard a sound behind him, wondering if it was him. But it wasn’t...
“Ethan Goodspeed...”
He stepped back in fear, terrified as the Lord Commander approached.
“We’ve been looking for you...”
“ ‘we’..?”
It was then he was attacked. He looked up, his face filled with horror as he realized...
He loomed over the tiny Ventrexian, baring his fangs.
“C-Caleb..! It’s me..! Your brother-“
Ethan was horrified... as Caleb attacked him, just like before and yet- so different...
The outcome of this was Ethan covered in wounds and being blinded from a scratch across his right eye.
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