#para: ellnaturae
gotmattitude · 5 years
plans, plans, plans
WHO: Elliott Gilbert ( @ellnaturae ), Santana Lopez ( @trickstersantana ), & Matt Rutherford.
WHAT: Matt comes to Santana and Elliott with a concern.
WHEN: 15-12-2018, we totally didn’t forget about this. 
WHERE: Sciron Square.
WARNINGS: Transphobia, dysphoria, needles/injections, illegality.
Elliott is sitting down on the hall at Sciron, some people went to rest while others came to the new turn, they were organized, but with people dropping out it was becoming harder to keep the shifts as good as before, he could notice people were getting tired in general. He looks down at the table where he is sitting, he is feeling a little discouraged, though he tries to concentrate to finish a paper on modernism, thanks to Blaine, who took the time to check for everyone's homework and get them into Sciron so they wouldn't lose their credits. He was amazed about how his friend could do that, how many hours in the day where there for Blaine to do things for himself and others so selflessly. He worried he may not be doing exactly that and putting himself second as usual. He frowns tapping with his pen "Maggrite..." he totally forgets what he was going to write. "Hmm... that guy with the apple on the face..." he says to himself though his thought process is interrupted by a familiar face approaching him.
Santana walks around, fakely positive and confident, but plotting on the inside, until she spots Elliott. "Just the person I wanted to see!" She says, getting closer and sitting next to him. She thought she didn't need to do homework or study for the shit that is NYADA, but she did it anyway so no one suspected about Her Plans. "Are you too busy? I think we have to make some plans for this to continue." She had to play the positive and encouraging card, the best thing to do to hide your future stabbing plans. "We have the money to get more food, we just need to get someone out and in back. And...we got a plan. Kind of."
Matt has been trying to "casually" look for Elliott to talk about his Issues and Concerns™, but not very successfully, and he knows it's because he's hesitant about it. Ell has been such a strong, steady and kind figure to look to during the tough moments, but he's only one of them too. It feels sort of exploitative to add another problem to the pile. Just as he's in the process of feeling guilty, Santana's voice catches his attention. His head twitches towards it, and he notices Elliott working on something. Well. Might as well. He approaches, hands shoved in his pockets, and greets them with a small smile. "Hey." He looks at Santana. It's not like he can't tell her what's going on, right? "We got a plan? For what?"
Elliott smiles at Santana, even in the worst moments she always seems confident, a lie or not, it is kind of comforting not being the only one pretending. He is about to say something  when Matt joins the conversation as well "Well, supplies are running low, people are tired, Santana seems to have a plan to keep things going" he explains quickly "I only wanted to use my powers if it was really necessary, thankfully with Sugar's help hasn't been necessary until now, I could easily teleport out and back in" he offers to Santana, even though he doesn't know her plan yet.
Santana is glad to see Matt too and greets him, but continues the conversation. "For getting enough food. Money isn't a problem, we just need to get someone out there who can uses grimoires to put all the food in there and then getting back here. I can use illusions to hide them getting in, sneaky style." She says making some exaggerated hand gestures and sparkles illusions to show her point. "Dani said Dave could go, and it shouldn't be too hard, right? Then we solve the food problem super fast!" She says, super confident about it. "Now, we could do a cool christmas and entertainment to keep people happy in here, I think the Nyada staff isn't holding it very good either. This isn't a good look on them."
Matt lets out a breath; it's relieving to know they're thinking of solutions, for some reason. "I guess we could also recruit someone who dropped out to bring us some food. It doesn't have to be Karofsky, I, uh," he scratches the back of his neck and drops his gaze. "I might have to drop out of this shit, sort of soon." He glances around, and kicks himself internally for being embarrassed. "I didn't really stock up on T before the barricade started, and it's getting to that point where I, uh, don't want to go without anymore. So I guess I could do that." And to cut up the embarrassment creeping up his cheeks in neck in the form of heat, he breathed in. "I agree with the Christmas, or holiday shit though. Some people are leaving just because of that. Not judging, I guess. But yeah. We gotta get some spirits up."
Elliott hides really well his surprise hearing Dave's name, he wonders why is that a good idea when probably he would be the most lost about buying stuff and where things are on campus out of every witch working with them, though maybe he is biased and he doesn't want Dave to be on the line, he considers Matt's suggestion but wonders if someone who had dropped out would want to help them anyway at this point, he doesn't want to sound pessimistic so he stays quiet for  while listening to what else Matt has to say "Well, if the food thing can be sorted out with Dave or other witch, and we also ask people outside, maybe Blaine could help out with that too... then I could help you out Matt" he offers "Do you get it from Penny or do you have to go outside campus?" he asks "Maybe I can teleport you somewhere in between, you get what you need, and then we meet up again and I teleport you back? Unless you really  need and want to drop out, if it is for your health I'm not gonna get in between that" he says very serious.
Santana shakes her head. "I don't trust lame drop outs. They would had do it already if they give a fuck, leave and take the chance and help from the outside, if they had to leave." She says. She didn't need capable people who wouldn't put any effort into it and do the classic of saying they would do something and then nothing. No more asking useful people with resources thing. It was time to give the useless people who were willing to do things a chance. She looks at Matt. "Dude, you can get it and for free! Motta invites. Just tell me what and where to get it and I'll put it on the shopping list. You got it." Santana is super judging everyone. She would do it too if she had like a nice plan but still she judges.
Matt can see that his idea about asking someone who dropped out is not being very well received. He gets Santana's point, though. He can't blame anyone for leaving, but it's one thing to drop out and another completely leave everyone else behind. He shrugs. "It was an idea. But you're right. They probably want nothing to do with the barricade." Nodding along to Elliott's suggestion about getting Dave or Blaine to help, he points to himself. "I have a grimoire too. I don't know how sneaky or quiet I can be, but I do have a physical one, and one on my phone. So yeah." 
And then they both start suggesting ways to deal with his shortage problem, and Aether, it takes him a long moment to react, because he's too busy thinking something along the lines of 'holy shit, these guys are fucking great.' But when he finishes processing that thought, he shakes his head. "I don't want to get you guys in trouble--especially you, with the teleporting shit," he adds quietly, but sort of like a stage whisper. "And I --um, the only time I didn't get it myself it was, y'know," this was becoming an increasingly common trend with them, "illegal. So I don't know--I could look it up, call Penny or some shit, ask if someone could pick it up for me. That should've probably been my first impulse," he chuckles, sort of embarrassed that he'd immediately jumped into panic mode. "Thanks, though. For offering to help and all that shit. I know you've both got a lot on your plate right now and... yeah."
Elliott shakes his head "It's not a problem, Matt, I would be glad to help out... there is a place where I can teleport to outside campus with trustworthy people, they are my friends... my family" he corrects himself with a soft expression on his face "If you need to get out of campus that's not a problem, or maybe I can take you to Avicenna... i mean if what we are trying is to avoid they stopping you from coming back... we just gotta be sneaky" he chuckles and winks "Aren't we team illegal magic?" he jokes "However, I don't know if Penny will tell on us..." he says a little more serious.
Santana points at Matt. "It was a idea. It's better to tell them all and consider them than just not say them at all." Santana crosses her arms and shrugs. "Yeah, you could go too, but you might get more trouble than a white cis non-doppel witch." 
Santana laughs a bit about the illegal part. "Oh my, doing illegal things, me? us? Never" She joked. "If you don't want Elliott to do it, we get it with the general supplies. Really, is not a problem for me." It might only be a problem for Dave if he is going to  get it but she doesn't care about him. "The thing is, we have choices." Then she smiled, with the full smile of hope and dreams. "Also, the having things on my plate? Worry not, my friend. I have the feeling finally good things is what I'm going to get on the plate of my life."
Matt shrugs and nods at Santana's statement. "You're right. Dave sounds like a safe bet." 
 He thinks about it for a moment. He really doesn't want to put Ell at risk, but he's also uneasy about leaving something as important as T to Dave, who didn't even know what potato chips were. Not that he doesn't respect the guy. Eyes fixed on Ell, he sighs. "We teleport somewhere private. A bathroom, or something. And if we get caught, I snuck us out. This was all my idea." As nervous as this makes him, there's a huge weight off his shoulders. "We go early in the morning, as early as possible, when there's less foot traffic around, and if you can get away with teleporting away from someone about to catch you using your illegal fucking powers, you do that, alright? No useless risky shit." A breath puffs out of his nose,  and his demeanor relaxes. "And thank you. Both. For offering. Penny shouldn't be an issue, I think. I think she'd rather I keep taking my shots than just... suffer in here without 'em." A smile pulls at the edge of his mouth. "It'd be cool to meet your family, though."
A tingle of suspicion starts building at the pit of his stomach when Santana talks about her plate, and all of its good things. He narrows his eyes for a moment. This aura makes it real hard to tell when he's actually suspicious of something she's saying in person. "Really? It's not like y-- What sort of good things? I'm glad you're looking forward to something. That's pretty good," he says, suspicious, and kicks himself internally. Maybe she was in love or something. "Are you in love or something?"
Elliott nods confident, maybe way too much, but he wants to transmit security to Matt, who seems really on edge, understandably, about the whole situation "There is no problem, we can do that, I don't think anyone will notice if we teleport to a bathroom, I will wait for you there, and you can just come and go" he smiles "I would love for you guys to meet too". After all, he now thought greatly of Matt as well, it would be like making some of his best friends meet, and that could never be bad. He wonders quietly about Santana's optimism, and even if she is lately constantly telling him about her plans and something good going on for her, now that she is telling them face to face, he feels those words aren't as truthful as they seem in text form "As long as you are happy, I guess..." he says partially doubtful "Are you in love though?" he joins Matt question.
Santana raises her two thumbs up to show her approval of The Plan of Matt and Elliott. And starts laughing when they mention love. "My my! You guys are too funny!" She sticks her tongue. "But I love to keep the mystery and to have people guess over the wrong things, so, let's leave it like that." It would be fun to give them the surprise.
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trickstersantana · 5 years
[Para] SantanART Contest Duel
Who: Santana, @ellnaturae @shiftingdani Location: Park of Florence Farr School Time: 25 February 2019 Summary: Santana gets Free Art from artist Ell and Dani also monster discussions.  Triggers/Notes: Violence, death, corpses, body horror
Santana called Elliott and Dani to hang out next to the park of Florence Farr School of Magical Performing Arts. Because it has Art at the end, wich obviously means it gives strenght to artist to do a better job. It was all well thought. "Well, well, artist. You are here to Battle. With your pencils because the pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is broken and the pen is very pointy. This is..." She makes an illusion of confettig and sounds effect of people cheering and clapping to reveal in floating neon lights. "SantanART CONTEST DUEL: Who is the better artist?" She dissiped the illusion. "So, are you guys ready?"
Dani wasn´t quite sure what exactly they were doing, but she enjoyed the opportunity to get out of her room and away from studying and if that meant she got to spend some time with her friends. What she hadn´t expected, however, was some sort of art duel. "Huh?" Dani couldn´t quite hide the smile on her face as she watched the confetti illusion fall. She was a good artist, but she was definitely a little out of practice. "Okay. But I do have a pretty cool sword," she pointed out with a laugh. "What are we drawing?"
Elliott arrives with his bag full of notebooks and art supplies, if he wasn't wrong Santana wanted him to draw something but he saw Dani was there too and then the confetti. He chuckles "An art competition? Sounds fun" he winks at Dani "What's the prize though?" he teases Santana.
Santana looks at Dani, very interested. "Oh, my my, a sword? Did you studied the blade when everyone was busy being heterosexual?" She joked. "Since when do you have a sword and why I haven't seen it?" Elliott mentioned prizes. "Aw, don't artist want to enjoy art for the art or something like that? What about the pleasure of victory?" She complained. "I have some useful items if you want them, thought. Potions, bear plushies who make you stronger, you know it." She comments. Dani already had 1 point for asking what they should draw instead of the prize. "Anyway. I'll show you an illusion of a woman I saw. I want a realistic portrait of her. I don't have any pictures and I can't share illusions over the internet. I want to find if someone knows her."
Dani put down her bag and pulled out a sketch pad and a couple of pens. "I haven´t had it for very long, St. Pierre gave it to me for apparently not killing anyone with the net gun," she joked and settled down, giving Elliott another smile. She wasn´t going to complain about getting a prize, though Dani really would enjoy spending time with her friends. "Any other special requests? Colored portrait? Charcoal?" It did seem like Santana was definitely up to something, but for now Dani was just going to let it go and focus on the drawing.
Elliott narrows his eyes, even though he isn't really upset, he is serious about what he is going to say "Hey, art is a job like any other, artists should be paid for their work" he says getting his sketchbook out of his bag "but I was joking anyway" he then realizes they are talking about a sword "wait what? really? we are not really fighting are we" he raises his eyebrow looking at Santana.
"Don´t worry. I won´t stab you with a pen." Dani comments with a grin, in case that wasn´t clear.
Elliott blinks and then chuckles "You would be wasting a very nice pen"
Santana says a "Mmmh..." somehow worried. Remembering certain conversations about LN slayers. With the collar on, Dani was basically a common, so, why not, right? "Be careful with what St. Pierre is doing. But, well, enjoy the sword!" Santana also aproved taking advange of whatever if you could. "I want it to be more recognizable than artistic, so, what you think would be better? I guess color would help." Santana also approved asking money for doing things, but not so much when she was the one paying for it. She made an illusion of a woman in front of them. She looked dead. A grotesque, frozen dead woman, with mottled feathers clinging to her. Her eyes are piercing blue, glaring angrily. Her body was transparent, you could see her veins through it. "Can you draw her alive?"
"Yeah...I´m not sure what exactly to make of it, the course I took with him was helpful though and I need a way to defend myself. And you guys," Dani nodded, she didn´t want to go into a detailed conversation now so instead picked out a couple of pens. "Depends on what kind of woman we´re looking at," she picked up a pen and then, for a moment and then waited for the illusion, eyebrows furrowing together. "What the...?" Dani glanced over at Elliott for a moment. "What I wouldn´t give for The Angelator now..." she muttered before looking at the illusion a little more, trying to remember every detail. "You mean...draw her how she´d look as if she was alive? Before she turned into...whatever the hell that is." It wasn´t really a question. Dani outlined the face first before glancing up at Santana. "Where did you see her?"
Elliott listens to Dani's explanation and wonders what St. Pierre is up to, he was glad Dani had something to protect herself anyway, but something about it felt suspicious. He doesn't have time to voice his worry when an illusion of a dead woman appears in front of them, he shares a look with Dani. "Where did you see this woman?" he exclaims too almost at the same time as her. He can't stop looking at the illusion, her piercing blue eyes without any life in them. She vaguely resemblence an immortui but there was something else there. He grabs a normal pen, and a notebook, maybe doing too much would take away from her being recognizable "Are you hoping to find her again?"
Santana laughs at Dani's hilarous joke of her, a normie who couldn't use her magic, protecting someone as fucking strong as her. And Elliott. But specially her. "Oh my, Dani, you're so fucking funny." She keeps laughing for a bit until she notices. "Oh wait, you were serious. Aw, that's adorable." She looked back at her own amazing illusion. "I don't know what the hell an Angelator is." She nods and shakes her head at Elliott asking her if she wants to find her, doubting."I want to know if someone knows her when she was alive. Me and Kittycat saw her at the last field mission. I think she is like the undead monsters we keep encountering. I mean, she is clearly undead, she said it herself." She says, non challant. Illusion still up. "But you know, they are all connected. Probably."
Dani doesn´t even roll her eyes. It´s Santana after all. Instead she laughs, poking her tongue out at the other for a moment. And she doesn´t even explain the Bones reference. Just thinks "Muggles" and looks back at the outline she´s drawn of the woman so far. There´s something...haunting about her eyes. Sometimes that makes her seem alive even though she´s clearly dead. Like she´s ready to stare down into their soul. "The dragon was like...hundreds of years old, maybe she is too?" She then asked, making sure to pay extra attention to the eyes as she keeps drawing before reaching for another pen. "Maybe we´ll find a picture of her in a book..."
Elliott stares at Santana for a while as she laughs, he isn't sure what is so funny, but is sort of contagious and he laughs a bit too. He looks down at the drawing a couple of times, but mostly observes the face of the woman trying to notice whatever detail would be important to represent her as she was. He nods at Dani's suggestion "Maybe that would be a good idea, compare her to old photographs too, look in book, a google search?" he asks making another line to mark where her eyes should be in the face "Are those feathers?" he asks pointing out at the illusion.
@Elliott 😈 Karin:  
 = (4) = 4
@Dani Harper 🐈44/44 Fiyero Lv.2:  
 = (3) = 3
Santana thinks about it. It made sense. Maybe this bitch was super mega old like the dragon. "Do you think those things were like, alive a super long time ago and now they are back? You are right. Maybe she is soooo old no one knows anything." She shrugs. "It's worth a try, thought. I was planning on putting your drawings on the aethernet and around campus to see if anyone knew anything about her." Santana nods and makes an illusion of a white bird with blue eyes. Matching her. "Yeah! She had feathers. And before we saw this fucking ugly bird." It was important to catch up. "It talked, so at first I though it was some kind of trickster. But she was clearly not, ha..." She laughs, bitterly, glancing at her own illusion of the bitch's corpse.
Dani picks up the blue pen to devote some time to the eyes. Something tells her she has to get them right, whether Santana would be using her drawing or not. This is weird. Somehow. But if it´s going to help stopping those monsters that are trying to kill them then she´s happy to help. Or well. Glad. Maybe happy is the wrong word. "That´s a good idea," she then nods. "Even if she´s old...maybe someone´s heard her story. Knows what kind of myth or legend connects to her,"
Elliott nods giving to his drawing some shadow for the shape of the face "Were there any clues about the dragon.. or the others...?" he asks curious, he then realizes what Santana says, she thought the woman was a trickster, that's something he never thought about before, when these creatures attacked, they all defended themselves, he did too, he remembers New Year and the enormous creature. He gets lost in thought, his pen stops. What were these creatures? He never stopped to think about it, he just reacted, and now it was too late for some of them. Who were they? he corrected himself "Do you think maybe we should draw all of them? Try to find out about... you know, we have seen many now" he looks up at Santana.
Santana thinks abou how cool a name is The Myth Killers when Dani speaks. "We found the bird in the cave. It says it was its home. You know, like the dragon had like, his place. It says it lived there a fucking ton of years, but you know, I assumed it was lying lies... the woman said...something about the life she sewed together." Wich agains, all this sewing metaphors connect to the angel thingie of stitching the world together. In the end it was all about knitting. "You can't kill what's already dead... That's what it says. And that's what all the big monsters had in common! We need a cool name for them. I accept suggestions." She illusions some little monsters in front of them.  The first Samhain one, the one she didn't see but Blaine showed her an illusion of. The big thing attacking at New Years. Marley with a tittle of "Picture not avaiable. I didn't see it and everyone saw it differently." The dragon. And the undead woman. "Those are what I know of. "
"Who knows just HOW many are out there." Dani agrees with a nod as she picks up the first pen once more, doing some corrections around the eyes before turning her attention to the feathers. "We should form an investigative group and call it "The Knitting Circle", that way nobody will get suspicious about what we´re actually doing." She puts the pen aside and then smudges the edges of the feathers a little with her fingers. When Elliott speaks up however, Dani gives him a nod. "Yeah, maybe that´s a good idea. I´ve already done a drawing of the dragon the day after the whole encounter. I had a feeling it wasn´t over..."
Elliott frowns confused about those words, they seem like riddles, everything always had to be so vague and mysterious, almost like they were part of a bigger story who needed to be solve and someone could be hitting at it breaking the fourth wall, was this joke even worth it. Either way, he keeps thinking about it "But why do we need to be secreti-" he starts asking "oh yeah memory erasure..." he bites his lower lip "Nice" he looks over at Dani's notebook waiting to see her other drawing "Oh, there is another one" he suddenly remembers "Jules told me about it" he says moving the drawing of the woman aside for a second and on the next blank page he made a quick very simple drawing of a flying creature "though I didn't personally saw this one, but it was the one from the news, in new year, a second creature appeared in Time Squares" he shows the drawing to Santana, then he looks at the line up of illusions "Is that the "mom", why is she Marley?"  he deduces by elimination "I didn't really see it very well either" he sighs "I mean it was sort of a blob with faces... kind of super fucked up and creepy."
Santana shrugs. "The investigate group  can have many names, but I mean the monsters! What should we call them? The undead big monsters? Is just not catchy." She walks a bit to look how the drawings where going, while still maintaining the illusions. "My my, then you are going to try to draw all of them? Half Dani and half Elliott. It would be really useful. I doubt anyone took pictures, trying not to die and all that." So, the dragon was done already. Perfect. She thumbs up at Dani. "Oh no no, fuck secrets. I'm going to tell everyone about it. They can't erase my memory." She saw the flying creature thing. "Oh, true. There were other monsters at New Year. Added." Santana changed Marley to Shelby, and then to the blob. She remembers she is not supposed to super mock Ryder in case he returns she needs that friendship strong. She grins "I though it would be funny!"
"That and...well we already got strikes, if we get another poking our noses into things that aren´t supposed to be for us," Dani shrugs her shoulders. "I mean I don´t mind poking my nose into it, I just don´t want to get caught doing it. Or have my memory erased." She wipes her fingers on her jeans and puts her notebook down for a moment before pulling another one from her bag and handing it to Elliott. "It´s on the first pages. A close up and some full body sketches," she tells him.]
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gotmattitude · 6 years
team illegal magic
WHO: Elliot Gilbert (@ellnaturae), Santana Lopez (@trickstersantana) and Matt Rutherford. 
WHAT: They’re supposed to make deals to check what happened to the bros at the Fun Hospital, but they get sidetracked. Illegality, feelings, and what flavor are those chips, Santana? 
WHEN: September 20, 2018.
WHERE: Sciron #207
WARNINGS: Death, missing people, mind control.
Santana was waiting at her room with the door open, eating chips while lying in her bed, totally ready to make deals to check people being missing. "Hey guys"
Elliott arrives with Matt, they were chatting on the way, and he wondered how making a deal seemed so normal like they were just going to do whatever thing. Maybe it was because he never truly understood the implications of that spell, or because the most recent experience he had making a deal was negative, but he still didn't trust it much. However, he also knew that deals could do great, like they did for those poor creatures in Field Studies, how the deal helped find Kurt, and how now it could help them know about those who were missing. He politely waits for Matt to enter first and then enters himself, closing the door behind him "Well..." he awkwardly says looking at Santana eating ship "What flavour are those?"
Matt is nervous. The deals would tell them whether or not the frat guys were alive, but what would they do with that information? He sort of awkwardly steps forwards and backwards when Elliott lets him through first, and he hopes no one else notices. “Hey,” he greets, and wonders what flavor those chips are as well.
Santana goes from lying in the bed to be sitting in her bed. "C'mon guys, take a seat! They areeee" She looks at the bag. "Salty and super normal chips. Want some?" She offers, trying to be a thoughtful and Good friend. Man, she was so proud of her display of generosity, offering her almost empty bag of chips, taking the last full chip and leaving the left overs. "But really, what is this akwkardness guys? We are all friends here. We visited each others lot of times. What happened?" Apart from the missing people and the continuous deadly disasters they were always involved with. And Tina and Matt.
Elliott shakes his hand to reject the bag, he wasn't that into salty things "I was just curious, no thank you" he smiles trying to relax a little, now that Santana says it out loud, he actually notices Matt and him were looking pretty tense. He sits next to Santana and looks down at his high heeled leopard printed boots, because they are fab and also because he was trying to think about a good answer "What did not happen?" he chuckles messing his hair a little.
Matt reaches in and grabs a few crumbs from the bag, probably dropping about half in the process of sprinkling them in his mouth. Glancing at Santana and then at Elliott, he chuckles and tries to ease some of the tension on his shoulders. “Just your daily dose of Tumblr bullshit, and an awkward conversation about my unrequited feelings with Tina,” he says sitting on the other side of the bed and purposely ignoring the missing people they were here to deal with.
Santana shrugs "A lof of things. I didn't win the lottery, I hasn't been accused of any crime since..." She looks at her clock. But she has no clock in her wrist, so she just illusions one. "2 hours and 13 minutes. What about you?" She says and friendly punching him in the shoulder, a little too strong because she remembers he is indestructible, but then she regrets also remembering he is though and hard as steel. She tries to disimulate the hurt in her hand, badly, and shakes it. "Auch" She looks at Matt and crosses her legs to sit on them nd have more space for the rest. "Aw, my friend, how its it going? Did you guys talked again?"
Elliott tries not to laugh but does when Santana punches him and then shakes her hand "Yeah, same..." he jokes taking her hand softly and looking at her illusion clock "2 hours, 13 minutes and 20 seconds, 21...22..." he chuckles and then let her hand go. Then he hears Matt. He knew his friend had some unrequiered crush going on but he didn't know who the person was "WHAT" he can't stop himself from saying loudly "WAIT THE GIRL WAS TINA" he looks at Matt and then at Santana like saying with his eyes did you know this?
Matt laughs, wincing when Santana punches Elliott and it looks like it hurts. "Careful. You beat Tamamo's ass but Ell's arm is some tough shit," he jokes. Shrugging, he looks down at his fingernails. "I haven't heard from her in a while, I've s--" Aether, that's right, Elliott didn't know, and he's starkly reminded of that when his reaction makes him jump. "Holy shit, man. Yeah--yeah, it's Tina. I didn't--I know you two are friends and I didn't want to put you in a weird... place there. But it's her. It was her, I guess." 
Santana raises her eyebrows at Elliott's reaction. She though he knew, Matt tell him on the museum. "Oh my, you didn't know. Who do you though it was?" She kisses her own hand like that would make it any better. "I wish I actually make that old granny eat dirt. But c'mon, survive a 3000 year old trickster bitch attack is pretty impressive per se, you don't have to exag...actually, nah, exagerate all you want, that makes me look even cooler. Specially tell that in front of my fake family, Hoodoo guy" She pokes Elliott nose. "What? You expected Nine Inches to go all Awwww without being subtle?" She jokes with a grin. "Sooooo...nothing after that 'oh'"
Elliott flexes his arm showing his muscle, because that was some tough shit (?). He realizes he was being exagerated with his reaction but he couldn't stop himself from being surprised "sorry, sorry, it's just that you never mentioned the name and I thought maybe the girl was someone I didn't know... it's not like i think any different of the situation anyway" he looks at Santana not understanding what she is saying, maybe like they have talked about something he missed, he then looks at Matt "honestly, now I understand better why you were even more nervous, but... are things with Tina not going well after that?" he worries.
Matt shrugs. "Eh, context. The point is, Ell's arm is--Look at that. Says more than any of my words," he says, signalling to Elliott when he flexes his arm. He laughs, and shakes his head, not quite looking at either of them directly. "No--it's, I don't know what I expected. I just didn't want to--I don't know. It felt like a fuckin' big secret at the time." A sigh leaves him, and he feels really stupid after it does. Aether, this is dramatic. "I haven't talked to her since. She--she told me she didn't want to hurt me, and I..." he thinks for a moment. "I think I also needed some time. I think hanging out with her right after... that wouldn't have helped much." Something strikes him, and he looks at Santana. "Wait, did I tell you about that 'oh'?"
Santana super nods in total understanment looking at Elliott's arms. "Hey hey, don't worry, I did the same when I was into Marley, keep it like a secret or something." She listen to Matt. Geez, it sounds like he prefers to not talk to Tina for a while, and she was recommending Tina to talk to him. Oops.  "Would you prefer to talk to her or not talk to her?" She asks and squints a little. "Ha ha, oh sweet Matt. I'm a double angel and people tell me lots of stuff because I'm amazing at keeping secrets. If you guys knew half of the stuff I know..." She says just to add to her cool, full of info reputation.
Elliott is silently listening when he realizes another confession just happened "WHAT WAIT WHAT" he looks at Santana, but this time realizes his reaction was exagerated before anyone had to point it out "sorry... erm... what?" he tries to look the least surprised as possible, though ineffectively because he just screamed a second ago. He then pays attetion to Matt again, he was talking about how the situation with Tina was going "Well, if you think you need time, then I think that's the best, you need to take care of your heart for a while, that's understandable, but you can't avoid her forever... I know it will be tough, but the longer you wait to talk again, there is a possibility that it would be much harder if things become too awkward and distant, you know?" he tries to explain "You do care about Tina a lot, and I'm sure she does too, you guys can still have a wonderful friendship and it would be a shame if you guys lost that chance" he says then looks at Santana "You are right, I am surprised people tell you anything" he chuckles and softly pushes her jokingly. Thought he kind of curious to know if she actually knows a lot of things or if she is just bluffing.
Matt jumps again, but he tries to play it off by raising a fist. "To irrational secrets about girls," he says, and goes for a fist bump with Santana. Maybe they should both be more like Elliott, who seems to be pretty surprised at this development. Matt shrugs at Santana's question about Tina, taking a moment to think about it, and listen to Elliott, slowly nodding as he finishes his sentence. "I think I'm up for talking to her now. I just don't know how useful it would've been to pretend nothing happened before, you know? But you're right, I don't want to lose her because of it."  Matt laughs, and holds back on asking what Tina had said about him. She deserves her privacy. "You are pretty good at keeping secrets." As he says that, he's reminded of something, and he turns to Elliott, looking super cool and not at all suspicious. "Hey, uh, totally random thought here... and you can shut me the fuck up if I'm overstepping but... shedim have magic that's considered 'illegal', right?"
"Oh my, you didn't know that either, don't you remember that party I started crying because Marley was kissing some slayer dude?" Santana says and start laughing. Oh, the things that happened. She listens to Elliott talking about romance and friendship and shit. "Yeah, you know it, Hoodoo guy, do whatever." She sticks her tongue to Elliott's comment about people telling her stuff. "It's the trickster magic aura, it has it perks. People think no one will believe me if I say it, soooo, they don't mind telling me a looooot of things." She says, proud. She almost fells out the bed with the soft push but she grabs Elliott to avoid a very humilliant fall. "To irrational secrets about girls!" She fist bump Matt. She know Tina was an expert of pretending nothing happened so she assumed everything would be alright. "Uuuu illegal talk." She says looking at Elliott. She still wanted to ask him about that black smoke thing he did when they stoled Kurt's potted plant thing. "I think I know what you mean, Matt."
Elliott looks at Santana and thinks about it for a moment, oh yeah, that happened, that fucking slayer dude, ugh, he starts thinking about his discussion with Marley and get's a little annoyed "I had no idea those two things had a connection, honestly..." he pats her shoulder grabbing her as she grabs him "Hey, I tell you things because you are my friend" he tries to assure her, that not everyone just dumped their shit on her just because, there were people who actually liked talking to her, like he did "I like when we talk about things, and we get into deep discussions" he smiles. He notices the bond between Santana and Matt, and it makes him smile as well, he didn't know that they were so close, but he was happy they were. He then looks at Matt "It's not about pretending, really, quite the opposite, it's about talking about it and move on together" he smiles to his friend trying to be comforting he touches his arm. Elliott doesn't know how to answer that question that suddenly is thrown his way, but these were Matt and Santana, so he didn't have a reason to hide it "Well, there are things I still can't do, most of my magic is forbidden... blocked... but... there are also things I shouldn't be doing" he tries to explain though it sounds pretty vague "I'm sure you guys may have noticed a new power I've been using lately... erm... I don't think it's pretty legal that I do that but... I'm doing it?" he shrugs with a sort of child like guilty expression on his face.
Matt realizes Santana apparently spends some time crying at parties. At the onsen, at that party where he didn't know it was actually her... When he'd kissed Tina. Hah. And when Marley kissed some dude, it seems like. Probably should keep an eye on her when she starts drinking. "Yeah, same here. I talk to you about shit because I want to. You're a good friend, y'know," he says, as he realizes he doesn't tell her this sort of thing as much as he does other people. "But--knowing shit about people has its perks." Puck would probably agree with that, he thinks bitterly. Looking at Elliott, he says it so simply but it makes so much sense, and Aether, it was probably not that hard. "You're right. It's fucking useless to just coast around and try to ignore shit." He laughs, feeling sort of stupid, but lighter inside his chest. He glances over to Santana when she says she knows what this is about; she probably does. His palms begin to sweat slightly as his heart rate speeds up, and he raises an eyebrow. "You thinking Japan?" Matt asks her. His attention drifts completely over to Elliott, and focuses on certain details. "Blocked. So if you tried it, you wouldn't be able to do it?" Raising a hand, he shakes his head. "Sorry, no, I didn't mean--whether it's legal or not is worth shit in my opinion. As long as you're not fucking people up. And I know you're not. I don't--I haven't seen you do it. You want to talk about it? I--" Matt turns away for a moment, nervous fingers scratching at his neck. "There's some things I can do too. That aren't. You know. Normal. Or legal."
Santana pretends to roll her eyes but smiles about it. "People who aren't my friends tell me things too. I'm just showing off of my endless pool of information, my friend. But I like it too." He listens to Elliott talking about his forbidden magic. "C'mon guys, you know what I think about legality. But yeah, Elliott, I can of saw. What it is exactly?" She asks super curious. She makes finger guns at Matt. "Yeah guys, I know, I know, I'm the best friend anyone could have, you guys are good at it too." She says non challant. "I'm thinking a lot of things, guys c'mon, I saw you both."She nods at Matt's opinion about legality. But she also aproved if you fuck people up in hypocrital situations. She makes a shiny illusion in her room, with neon letters and glitter. 'TIME TO SHOW THE ILLEGAL MAGIC'
Elliott can't avoid laughing, of course, he was in the room with the person who would support illegal magic most in the whole world. He looks at Santana's neon illusion impressed "Wait... you do?" he asks Matt after his new revelation "What's the thing you do?" he asks curiously "I... hmmm... how to explain it? Well, some of my powers are yet to be explored, if I'm honest with you, I don't know what's the extent of them, but I'm learning, I can do... I can do demonic magic if that explains anything" he tries to say "I'm researching books and languages, and... I think I could be able to do magic... just it's not the same as Witches magic... it is in demonic terms... it's complicated" he badly explains "But, what I can do for sure, and that's why I was talking about blocked, it's something I couldn't do before, it happened after the doors, I felt strange... no... stronger?" he says "and I could do this" he dissapears in a cloud of dark smoke and gets to his room, he gets a pen from his desks and appears again covered in the same smoke "I just went to my room and back" he gives the pen to Matt like some sort of proof that he did go somewhere "Obviously, I had to train to really know how to use it properly but... I can teleport now, apparently" he says as it is the most normal thing to discover.
Matt laughs at Santana's illusion, some of the tension ebbing away. Santana knows already, and she doesn't give two fucks about it. And Elliott will probably be alright with it too, if he's using illegal magic already. And, you know, he's a supportive friend. There's that, too. "It's--I call it shadow magic. It drains energy, or uh, I guess life force. Which is what makes it illegal." He listens to Elliott's explanation, only fidgeting a little bit. This is exciting shit. "No, that makes sense. I don't really get it, but I understand it would work differently than for witches. And why it would be restricted," he says, adding an eye roll. "If you're looking for books, I could probably help. There's a Rare Books section at work with a shitton of old, magic, powerful stuff." Matt nods when Ell mentions the door, and he feels his eyes widen when he pops out suddenly, and he looks at Santana for a moment, before he pops back. "Whoa," he says, jaw remaining slightly open as he takes the pen in his hand and looks it over like it's a rare object. "That's fucking badass, Ell." A smile finds it way onto his face, and sits up straighter. "Alright, my turn, I guess." He extends a hand, and taking a moment to focus on all the microscopic and hopefully bug life under Santana's bed, begins to cast. <<Drain>> he says, and his magic circle, blank and dark, appears around his wrist. The energy flows from under the bed onto his shadow, which swirls into a dark, warm mist and transitions into a cool, silky physical form. Matt holds up the pen with his thumb and index finger. <<Grasp and let go>> he casts, and the shadow delicately picks it up, and offers it to Santana.
Santana looks curious. "What kind of demonic magic?" She hopes it's necromancy. "Or it's like... a surprise?" She crosses her arms, thinking. "I got stronger after the doors too... I though it just multiplicated our power, but unblocking mmm...that's different." Elliott dissapears. And cames back. She smiles "Oh my Goooooood I can't believe you hided your cool powers for so long" She was surprised Elliott didn't just left NYADA already. But of course. This is Elliott. She looks at Matt doing his powers and takes the pen from Matt's shadow. "My my thank you. Man, I can't believe I don't have illegal magic per se. Now I'm jealous I can't show off my unexistent illegal powers."
Elliott smiles proud of showing his power and happy to see the reaction his friends have to see it "Well, it depends, there are spells related to summoning, or chanelling powers, there is also hexes, and there is also necromancy" he explains "I'm trying to investigate more about chanelling magic, demons helping demons, it would be nice... I'm not interested in any of the other magic if it is hurtful for others or implies using people..." he tries to explain though it probably sounds foreign for the other two. "I'm sorry I hided it, but I wanted to make sure I could handle it and learn how to use it, also... I can't just go showing it around, I don't know if... someone would try to... I don't know..." He doesn't want to think if there would be any type of consecuences of showing in public that type of power. He observes Matt's magic, and he can't believe what he is seeing when the shadow moves the pen around like just another person would "What... this is the coolest shit" Elliott's eyes are wide open and he shows a big smile. He chuckles at Santana's comment "Well, you kinda do illegal shit all the time anyway"
Matt tilts his head to the side, a gesture he'd picked up on from Sydney. "Channeling magic? What does that mean?" Channeling energy? Beings? Matter? He thinks he understands what Elliott means about using people; he'd been possessed by a trickster demon, after all, and he knows how Ell feels about control. "Yeah, of course. Use that magic for good. And pens," he jokes. Matt shrugs. "Don't be sorry. I know what you mean. Before, uh, you two, and Blaine, everyone who'd ever known about my magic treated it like some sort of really dangerous secret. They told me I would get locked up, questioned, never see the light of day again. So--yeah. You were trying to survive, you know?" A laugh shakes his chest at Elliott's reaction, and he knows he's made the right choice. "My shadow, at your service," he says, mockingly flourishing his hand and doing a little bow. "It's alright, Santana, you have honorary illegal powers."
Santana thinks positivelly about hexes and necromancy. "Oh, you want to summon other demons? Curious. I though being summoned was kind of annoying." She comments. She imagined it was like getting a call on the phone, but they just drag you to the place without any warning. Santana knew she tragically won't see necromancy or hexes done by Elliott, but well. "Don't worry, we all have our hidden ace in the sleve magic thing." Probably that expression makes no sense in english. She pats Elliott on the back. "Yeah, honestly, witches don't have to know shit if they are going to get like, you know." She looks at Matt. So, Blaine knew too. "Geez that's so dramatic. But I can understand the worry" Let's be real, witches did a lot of bullshit. "Aw, thank you guys! That's so sweet!" She said very happy of her illegal uses of magic. "Anyway, let's start getting in contact with the missing bros. What if we start with Go Home Club?" She said, illusioning the face of the guy and his full name, Gerome White. She already looked at all the missing people to memorize their faces and names. She showed her so Matt or Elliott could shake it. "I'll tell him we are looking for him and remind him ways of contact, if there is no call back in any way I guess we can ask that guy who found people if he had like, adn stuff. But we will know for sure they are alive somewhere."
Elliott shakes his head "No, no, it's not summoning, it's like asking for a favor, like... they lend me their powers for a moment" he explains,  though he avoids explaining everything has a prize and that to cast any demonic magic you always have to do a sacrifice of blood, but he needed to figure that out yet, so it wasn't like he could explain much anyway.  Elliott chuckles after Matt comment "and pens, of course" he repeats laughing and bowing to him too "Thank you, kind sir" he smiles to both of them as he puts a hand on Santana's shoulder "Well, I think we don't have to worry about that among us, we all can trust each other in that sense, our powers are secret with each other" he says confidently, sure that none of them would ever betray his trust because of The Power of Friendship. "Alrighy, yes, let's do this" he extends his hand for the first deal and shakes Santana's.
Matt nods slowly, impressed. "Neat," he says, as he wonders what sort of powers other demons have--he's only experienced fireballs, possession, and teleportation. There must be so much more out there. "Yeah," Matt says to Elliott, feeling more comfortable in his magic than he's--ever been, probably. "There's no worry of that kind here," he says, determined and sure. He's still laughing at Elliott's bow and Santana's reaction to them praising her illegality, when Santana brings up the reason they're here; the deals. The smile fades, and he clears his throat as she illusions one of the frat bros. This will tell them if he's dead or alive. He inadvertently holds his breath.
Santana raises her eyebrow. "So like, if I call my 'grandpa' over the phone and ask him to do a deal agaisnt ab enemy for me" She nodded in understanding. Yes, they could trust each other. In that sense. Elliott shakes her hand and... no fire appears. "Oh." She says.  "Well. I can't contact him. That doesn't mean it's 100% sure he is dead" Just a 99%. "Let's try Corn on the Cob" She says, illusioning Corbin Myers face. Keep going instead of stopping to think about death.
Elliott raises and eyebrow confused, Santana seems to be chill about it, he wonders if she is right, maybe this particular person was harder to find he wants to think. "Okay, yes sure..." he says shaking her hand to find the next guy. The fire doesn't appear "What... hmmm maybe I'm doing it wrong?" he doesn't want to admit that there is a possiblity those two guys are dead "Matt, can you try next?" he asks his friend.
Matt furrows his eyebrows, stomach sinking each time the fire doesn't show up. "I think you're doing it right, Ell," he says, disappointed and sad. "But I'll try." He shakes Santana's hand, trying to find Tyler FuckusFarkus. But no fire appears. And they try Baran Clements. No fire. And as much as Santana says it doesn't mean they're gone with 100% certainty, Matt is pretty sure they are dead, and he really doesn't want to tell Finn.
Santana is not good at dealing with Death. She used to react to it like a normal person, but when you see so many fake deaths and people pretending to be death to then come back and ask you for money, it kind of lost it effects. It feel unreal, like a joke. But she knows it's real, and she doesn't know how to act like a sensible person. "Well, they... are probably... not alive. Like, it's not 100% sure." She doesn't know any way of cancelling a deal if you know the person. "Oh, fuck..." She lets silence go for a while. "Should we tell people? Like, I think they should know, but also I don't think they would believe me. I mean, I would also not believe it just because I didn't want it to be true"
Elliott is very quiet for a while. He thinks this is terrible, and he wonders if there is a nice way to tell that to anyone. "I... I don't know... it's not like we have proof but... we should try, or at least, tell our friends... I think they deserve to know..." he thinks about a particular one, how Finn would feel about this, that would be the hardest person to tell.
Matt sighs, rubbing his neck with one hand. "Telling the media wouldn't work. They already reported on it as a hoax. They won't believe us." But that wasn't even the difficult part. "But as much as they won't want to believe it, Ell's right, we should tell our friends," he says, shoulders dropping as sadness seeps in. "We should tell Finn, at the very least. Uncertainty sucks."
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trickstersantana · 6 years
[PARA] After the Shadows
Who: Santana, Elliott @ellnaturae and Quinn @wingedfabray Location:   Sciron Square 207 Time: 24 October 2018 Summary: Quinn wakes up in Santana’s room. Elliott appears there too. Obviously they have a tea party after this and play with plushies rearranging christians classics like the binding of isaac but from the POV of the demon that was judging God. That is what happend here. Canon. Both had a stange dream that night, and Santana doesn’t seem to wake up... Triggers/Notes: -
Elliott stands up from his bed, after that weird as fuck experience and talking it out with Ziggy he realizes something. "Damn" he looks at his phone "what time is it? what day is it?" his voice goes a little high when he realizes is the next morning "Shit shit I never sleep in my life and once I do I'm late" he takes some random clothes and puts them on though he forgets to glamour. Santana told him to reunite with her and he didn't want to be late, it seemed important. He is about to get to the door but then he realizes "Well, what the hell, she already knows, and maybe I can make a little prank by taking her by surprise" he chuckles dissapearing into smoke and appearing the same way in Santana's room. "Boo" he says smiling though he just finds two people sleeping. Wait two people? He internally screams when he realizes who is the second one "Quinn?" he doesn't know what to do.
Quinn sits bolt upright with a gasp, breath catching on a cough. Her heart is racing, her hands grasping for bearing against something, anything. They find covers, then something soft and warm and decidedly alive. After a brief moment of panic, she realizes what she's grabbing is Santana, and she's still in Sciron. "W-What?" At first, she asks what she believes is an empty room, then her wide eyes find Elliott. "Elliott? What just happened? What is happening?" She looks to Santana, who's somehow still sleeping through the momentary chaos that was Quinn waking up. "Santana?"
Elliott gasps "Quinn?" he says again, then looks at his sleeping friend "Santana?" his brain is not processing this well. "Wha-what are you doing here? Did you... oh" he starts making his own conclusions. Santana and Quinn? Together? Weirded couples could have happened... but still. He narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to them "Am I interrupting? It wasn't my intention... I... I was suppose to meet Santana today... is she pretending to be asleep?" he looks over where his friend is with her eyes closed "Santana?" he asks again.
It's all moving too quickly, and Quinn has a hard time keeping up. It's not hard to miss Elliott's insinuation, however, and despite her tumbling thoughts, she manages a glare. "No, you're not interrupting." It doesn't help that she hasn't quite let go of Santana since her initial flailing about, and...well, they sort of passed out next to each other. Which brings her back to the moment, they'd passed out. "Santana?" She asks a bit louder, shaking her shoulder gently. A note of worry colors her words, "I don't think she's pretending."
Elliott frowns worriedly. Something isn't right. It takes him a couple of seconds to actually react and walk closer to the bed, sitting on the opposite side to Quinn "Santana?" he softly pushes her trying to find a reaction. She doesn't wake up. He worries more, then looks at Quinn, her voice shows worry as well, which is kind of unexpected to him "Wait... hmm... did you also fall asleep?" he realize the connection finally.
Quinn looks up, suppressing the urge to scoot away upon seeing how close Elliott had gotten. "I...did. You don't think..." She looks back to Santana, a new fear creeping in. Santana's shadow still stood in stark detail in Quinn's memory. How vehemently Santana had denied her after everything was even more vivid. If Quinn had accepted her shadow, what had happened to Santana's? The hands that still had not quite left Santana held a little more firm, shaking her a little less gently. "Hey. Hey, wake up, it's a dream. You have to wake up."
Santana is still deep asleep, but she starts to cry.
Elliott looks at Quinn shaking Santana strongly, he wonders if this is real. Quinn always seems like she is playing a role to him, but this feels different. He focus on her friend again, realizing that Quinn and him, and now Santana had shared the same experience. But why wasn't Santana waking up? He sees her crying and worries more "Santana, please" he grabs his friends hand as if thinking that maybe a familiar friendly touch would take her away from whatever she is going through. He wonder for a moment how Santana's mind would like on the inside, if maybe she is as terrified as he was. His grasps grows stronger. "Santana, wake up, we are here, you are safe" he says.
Quinn's eyes catch on Elliott for a moment, the way he looks at Santana, before she notices the tears, and everything else fades away. She takes Santana's other hand, mirroring Elliott, and wipes at the tears with her other hand. "Come on, Santana. How are you ever supposed to mess with the rest of us, if you're asleep? Please..." She squeezes her hand, "Please, it'll be okay, just wake up."
Santana keeps sobbing for a while, still sleeping. "...can't open..." She whipers between dreams, hard to understand it all. "...cking car.'
Elliott doesn't understand exactly what's going on but he keeps holding Santana's hand. With his other hand he caresses her face softly "It's alright, there must be a way... a car?" he stops and looks at Quinn "Did you... in your dream... Did you have a way to go out? Mine was through a room... but maybe... Santana's is a car?" he wonders "Santana it's okay" he looks back at her "Think about it, how do you use a car, what do you need" he says hoping she can hear him. Elliott himself doesn't really know how to use a car.
Quinn is caught by the absurdity of the situation. It might be laughable, if it wasn't so Aether-damn serious. "It was a door, just a door." She responded, without looking up at Elliott. "There's a handle, Santana. Pull it, come back to us."
Santana keeps sleeping, crying less. Her dream self hears it. A handle. She searchs in the illusion trash, searching for a big handle. She fins one stuck to a shovel. Aha, surely this is what the guiding voices mean. She is about to use the shovel to hit that car window. But think. How do you use a car. You need a key. She doesn't have the key. I don't need to be inside the car. Little Santana thinks, looking at the car next to the ramp to her risky freedom. She moves to be behind the car. She nails the shovel just below one of the wheels, and uses all her weight to do a lever effect. She manages to move the car enough with her really small strenght so it starts to fall through the ramp. She jumps to the trunk and climbs to be in the above part of the car. The car falls with inmense speed through the slide, and dream Santana starts to think maybe this wasn't the best idea ever. She stabs the car with her knife, so she can grab on something and not fall. But she had to jump throw a ring of blue fire with the car moving, in one really extreme jump. Suddenly, the car was also on fire. "Why" Dream Santana whispers, though dream Santana was screaming it. This was so unneccessary. Who designed this mortal dream? She of course, no one would make it so hard and so ridiculous she couldn't explain it to people later without them taking her seriously. What a dead trap. The car reaches the end of the slide. Santana feels like it's all going on slow motion. She and the car passes through the giant ring of fire. Then, dream Santana jumps to the exit. And Santana wakes up. "Whatthefuckingohmygod" She says, startled. She looks at the people there, with her still wet for the tears eyes. Quinn and Elliott, and Elliott was unglamoured so that means something bad happened. "What the hell happened?"
Elliott gasps in surprise when Santana jumps out of her dream "Santana" he says cheerfully giving her a tight hug "you couldn't wake up, we were trying to make you hear us, oh thank aether" he says separating from her "you are awake!"
Quinn breathes a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank God." The tight grip she'd had on Santana finally releases as Elliott pulls her into a hug, and she leans back and away. "Are you okay? You feel okay?"
Santana doesnt react to the hug, still confused. She checks her hand, looking for her knife. A human looking hand, thank God. Not a kid's fucked up monster hand, and not a pathetic animal paw. No knife. She should be relieved, but she wasn't.  "I couldn't wake up." She could had been just stabbing the car until she couldn't hold the knife anymore. "What the fuck. No, no, this is fucked up." She hated that question. She was never okay. She had  the feeling, the certainty, of what would had happened if she was there alone. "Oh fuck, this keeps happening..." She whispers.  This can't keep happening. This wouldn't happend to a human. She has to do it. Where is my knife? I need a knife for the ritual? Where's Ryder? I need him. Noticing she was either going to say too much information or cry and have a breakdown, she tries to distract herself. "Holy shit what time it is? Don't you have to go back, Quinn?"
Elliott looks at his friend worried wishing he knew what to say, he pats her hand softly "Now we are here and you are awake" he says trying to be comforting even if he didn't know what she dreamt if it was a similar experience to what he did, it must have been very stressful to feel she couldn't get out. He then looks at Quinn waiting for an answer, a lot of questions coming to his mind again, the most important one why was she there, but he didn't ask them out loud. Maybe there was a reason why none of them were aknowledging how strange was the situation, and he wasn't going to be the one pointing it out.
Quinn leans back, the situation more than giving her whiplash. Going home had been the last thing on her mind only moments before, and it's not surprising that Santana's first reaction is to act as though the time was the most pressing matter at hand. "I'm fine, Santana. I don't...have to be anywhere just yet." It was only vaguely surprising at this point that she meant it. "But I can leave, if it's space you need.”
"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. I know." Santana repeats, not thinking very clearly. Just repeating. "Yeah. I want space." She says, not looking at any of them.
Elliott nods wanting to respect his friend desire "Let's go then" he says standing up not before giving another hug or more like a quick squeeze to Santana.
Quinn doesn't want to leave, not with everything that had happened. She searches Santana for a moment, gaze grazing over her face, the set of her shoulders. Nowhere in the PowerPoint did Santana outline walking away. But they weren't that close. If even Elliott, an actual friend, was standing up to walk away, then perhaps she should as well. "Alright." She says on a sigh, hands torn between touching and remaining at her sides. In the end, they fall briefly on the blanket between them before pulling away. She stands to join Elliott, "But if you need anything, call."
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trickstersantana · 6 years
[Para: Tina/Elliott/Santana] Of Tales and Reunions
Who: Santana, Tina @cohentoplaywithmagic , Elliott @ellnaturae , and two mysterious individuals.  Location: Yanaka Cemetary, Tokio, Japan Time: 10th May, 2018 Summary: When the free time starts, Tina, Elliott and Santana has an encounter with someone who has been insisting her to met outside campus and also has contacted with the group.  Triggers/Notes: Death talk and lying liars who lies
Santana got out of the cementery with Elliott and Tina nearby. She looked at her phone and the last weird text she recieved, now that she has ‘free time’. They said the place where she was, and the clothes she was wearing, and there were all from the mysterious stalker that somehow keeps getting more and more information about her. She looked around to find whose stranger was the person behind it. “Hey guys, wait a moment, I have to reunite with some weird person who is stalking me and probably beat them out” She warned the others without giving them any context whatsoever.
Elliott was walking next to Tina hoping they could go next to a most cheerful place. He had been lost in thought for a while, even if the place was beautiful cementeries always reminded him how fragile human life is, and that made him think if someday he would just lost everyone he cared about. Suddenly the words "reunite with some weird person stalking me" got him back to reality "Wait what?" he asked out loud turning to look at Santana and then looking at Tina trying to find confirmation that he heard right.
Tina seeing all the cherry blossoms, no one could blame her from thinking about the Ouran Highschool Host Club and slightly imaging who everyone would be in that anime. The ceremony was beautiful but her weeb brain was caught up in spinning her own AU version of it. A soft smile on her face as she was humming...okay slightly singing the theme,"Kiss...kiss fall in love," as she mindlessly walked along with Elliott but her thoughts halted when Santana spoke. "What in the....Santana you are what?" She looks at Elliott nodding because, he had heard right.
Someone in the crowd got closer to the group from behind, they walked fast without doubt, with the determination of someone who expects to be instantly loved every time someone sees them. “Hay everyone!” A cheerful young voice called to the trio, while waving their hand effusively to greet them. “Thanks for waiting for me even when I’m late!” said the short, white, black haired teen with the backpack. They looked like every annoying younger sibling that ever appeared on a sitcom combined into one. They pointed at Tina “Hay Silent Cry for Help and Professional Hugger! Nice to meet you for realsies!” They exclaimed excited, and looked at Santana with a triumphal smile. “I told you I always get what I want, Senorita!”
Santana looked at the voice calling to them, and if she could, she would look at the camera like she was on the office. “You must be kidding me.” She said irked, looking down. “Is this you, really? What are you, six?” How the fuck a kid got her number. “Who the fuck are you?”
Elliott frowned so confused he thought his eyebrows will fall off his face. Was that the same person sending him weird messages about a farm full of Shedim in Texas? "What the fuck" he let out.
Tina feels a chill as this stalker, was literally a stalker. When she hard the name 'Silent Cry for Help' ...like they had actually found them in Japan and they weren't a NYADA student. "Who even are you?" She looks at the little kid, in agreement with Santana, like what the aether was a child doing stalking a Shedim, Trickster Spirit and a Witch?
Someone smiles brightly, they love strong reactions, but quickly frowed. “I’m not six! In three years I’ll be basically an adult!” they complained, but quickly smiled again. “Who do /y’all/ think I am? I left y'all enough clues, didn’t I?” They said with a big grin.“Guess my name”
Santana rolled her eyes. She didn’t trust this kid. She really didn’t trust this kid, and she knew what kind of distrust this was. “Rumpelstiltskin”
Elliott looks at Santana and the kid, did she have any idea who he was? He found himself trying to remember the anonymous messages but he gave up easily, why did he have to follow this kid's absurd game? "An asshole" he said as if that was his guess.
Tina could not believe that the kid was for real. Santana said it so casually  about the kid appearing up. She laughs at Santana's answer and in parcel agreement with Senpai's answer. "A three year old who shouldn't even be on Tumblr."
Someone suddenly doesn’t feel that much welcome. “Wrong, wrong, wrong!” they said with teary eyes. “You guys are so mean!” they complained chocking back tears. Luckyly for them, the cavalry was coming. A suspicious man with a suit and sunglasses put his hand on their shoulders, and looked at the team through his sunglasses. “She isn’t here, llorica. You lost”  He said non-challand. “Is the kid bothering you?” he ask the group of adults making a teenager cry. 
Santana froze when the man appeared. This wasn’t happening. He couldn’t be here. Not with Tina and Elliott. This has to be an illusion. “’Dad’? The fuck are you doing here?”
Elliott didn't trust the kid, it made him feel bad that he was sad because he looked young and small, but there was something off. When the older man approached them he felt something else change, he had felt something similar in the past, distrust, but this was so much strong, that man, for Elliott, seemed dangerous. He wasn' sure what to do but he wanted to be alert in case something happened, so he moved closer to Santana though not very far from Tina, he wanted to be ready enough to protect them if something went wrong. "Wait... what did you just say?" he looked at Santana extremelly surprised.
Tina could feel the black blutterflies in her stomach fluttering harder at the appearance of the other man. Her palms feel a little sweaty from two strangers that seemed to know them more they knew about them. Everything felt uneasy and uncomfortable. Their is a tight grip on her phone, not in hopes to use a spell but a chance to call anyone who was needed since magic was limited here. Her eyes shot at Santana when the word 'dad' left Santana's lips. Aether this was not gonna be good at all.
Someone stopped crying but seemed annoyed. “Is her!” they said pointing at Santana. “I won and you have to keep your part of the deal!” they pouted to the old man. The man looked at Santana, not recognizing her. "I haven’t seen you in my life” he said. 
 Santana sometimes forgot she looked totally different now. She felt how unconfortable was always to be with more than one trickster, and she only had to deal with 2, and was used to way more, not like Tina and Elliott. But it still was her dad, in the flesh, if this really wasn’t an illusion. And he didn’t recognize her. She has to show him who she is “I can’t believe you dared to come again, you Old Bastard, you didn’t just betray me back them, or the rest of your so called ‘family’, you betrayed the mere concept of trust. We forgave too many things, but this one won’t be forgiven. Right now, I would stab you for 2 dollars” She exclaimed, pointing at him, very threatically, while her ‘Dad’ started laughing. “Niebla!” He said recognizing the speech “It sounds so weird in english. What the hell happened to you?” She smiled slightly relieved, but she has to take a little control of the situation. “Oh yeah, I got an haircut. But alright. Ehm. Guys, this is... what’s your name right now, ‘Dad’?”   “Pedro”  “This is my ‘dad’” She said doing the quotation marks ”Pedro and... ‘Dad’, those are my... classmates Techy and Nine.” She looke at Elliott and Tina. “I recommend you not saying your names or revealing any kind of personal information” She whispered with a smile. "And I don't know who that is" she said pointing at the kid. 
Elliott couldn't stop looking at Santana's "dad" , he felt such a strong feeling of distrust coming from him that he wasn't even sure if he could let his guard down from now on, he assimilated what Santana was just whispering to them and nodded "Yes, I'm Nine... nice to meet you" he said, though it kinda sounded like a question.
Tina the unease in the air was starting to thicken. She looks at the exchange between Santana and her 'father' trying to see the emotions that lingered between them yet something felt off about it. "Yep , I'm Techy," she said with slight warmth in her voice glad to be called Techy witch again.
The man in the sunglasses laugh at that ‘nice to meet you’. He pointed at the kid. “This is my new kid. I found him in the trash and adopted him. He is so fucking annoying” He said with a smile full of pride. “Kiddo, entertaint those two while me and your ‘sister’ have a talk” he said and pointed to be just 3 meters separated from the rest.
Santana looked the kid with hate “No” She just said, visibly bothered by the whole thing and with too many things to say that she didn’t even knew were to start.  “One moment” She excused herself to Elliott and Tina. “I’ll take care of this. Sorry” She said and followed the man. Inmediatly they started to argue in spanish. Like they were whispering really loud it was basically just normal talking. Anyone who knew the language would just hear the whole thing.
Someone smiled and winked. “Surprise, onee-chan! Told you you were going to be amaze~” they were really happy again, and couldn’t stand still. “Professional Hugger is called Elliott and is a satanist, and Silent Cry for Help is Tina Cohen-Chang and she’s into New-age electronic music” they informed. “And we are gonna be super friends!” They were more than happy to be a distraction.  “So so, Hugger, I suspect my last messages didn’t arrive, but the other satanists in the farm are fine! And Silent Cry, I can give you my url if you really want to!” They got a notebook and a pen from their backpack. “Do y’all want me to draw for you? I’m going to draw for you.”  They said pretty determinated and with bright wishful eyes.
Elliott was very conflicted part of him wanted to be with Santana and somehow help her out, but it seemed like actually a family thing that Santana and her "dad" had to deal with, and either way the kid seemed suspicious as well, so he didn't want to let them out of his side. It was kind of cute, almost like they were for real a innocent child, and he was starting to feel bad for talking to them aggresively "Er... sure" he said knowing pretty well those Shedim were more than dead, but at the same time, how do you break those news to a kid? "Ugh, right right, let's draw something" he also took out a pen and a notebook from his own bag and tried to do a funny drawing for the kid. Maybe sort of playing with them would keep them away from doing mischiveous things.
Tina could not help but worry about Santana as she spoke to her "dad" privately as they started to talk in Spanish, frowning a little that she never took high school Spanish. The little kid was trying to out Tina and Elliott but messed up quiet a lot. "Sure...I'm an electronic music specialist," which she could easily do with her magic. She watches as Elliott and the kid started drawing, which wasn't something for her, she just watches them. "Sure, it would be nice to have your URL." she smiles, a chance to know,"But if you don't mind me ask, because you seem a little young, but are you over 13, since you have to be 13 to use Tumblr, don't you?"
Someone was glad everything was coming along just fine. They knew it. Everyone just ended up loving them in the end. “What do you want? Your fursona,ponysona, centaursona, zootopiasona, prettyderbysona or villagersona?” They asked very fast and very thrilled to show their art skills. “I’ll write it in your drawing, Silent Cry, just tell me what you want! You know I wanna be just like you. Just like you before you decided to ruin yourself, of course, but who am I to judge?” They frowed at Tina’s question. “I’m an adult in horse years” They said very convinced as if that was an answer. “I am just very short for my height! And now that we are talking about it, I wasn’t found in the trash we met /next/ to a trash can in the streets it’s totally different!”
Santana and her ‘dad’ keep arguing for a while, she started to talk more, as she was explaining something. The man put his hand in his mouth trying not to laugh. Santana looks unamused. 
Elliott looked at the kid confused, he didn't know what half of those things they say meant but he randomly picked one "Zootopiasona?" he said a little scared of what he picked "Is that like... zoo... like an animal version of me?" he frowned confused. He wasn't sure if the kid wasn't for real or if his life was as fucked up as to be living near a trash can, but he was starting to wonder if that how things worked with Santana's dad. Sort of taking advantage of weak kids  in need that he found and training them to do what he wanted. Gross. "What do you want me to draw for you?" he asked.
Tina was trying to keep up with all the sona style drawings that the kid wanted to do. So he was that side of Tumblr.  "A sona is like persona, if you were in the world Senpai. Like Zootopia, the disney movie!" She explains to Elliott before her attention draws back to the backpack kid. "Hey what the spell do you mean 'before I decided to ruin myself' mean?" Feeling all the offence to that statement, though it was meant to be flattering this person knew how to make it sound unflattering by all means. "Yeah...that didn't answer my question."
Someone answered Elliott “Neight, is not that simple” with determination while starting to draw, and Tina explained it in their place while they nodded. “Draw me Seiun Sky” they said all happy, expecting everyone to know what they meant. “You know what I mean! Giving up what you love the most... to be something you aren’t supposed to be. We are very alike! Just that I’m still working on improving, and you instead decided to completelly ruin yourself when you were perfect as you were. But if you are happy with that...” They said with a shrug, still smiling. “I’m grow up enough!”
Santana keeps looking annoyed, and the man starts laughing without shame. After a while she starts laughing a little too.
Elliott looked at the kids confused as hell, he also couldn't understand what they knew or didn't about Tina or what they were trying to imply, but the more he thought about it the more he saw the kid as just that an annoying kid to set them apart from Santana "I don't know what or who that is" he replied looking over them to where Santana and her dad were talking or laughing or discussing, he wasn't sure what was happening at all "What do you mean she ruined herself?" he got offended too since they were insulting one of his dearest friends "Tina is amazing"
Tina can feel her confidence starting to slip. Her mouth feeling a little dryer as someone was calling her out about being who she is not suppose to be. Did they meant her being a New Age? Or something about her parents? What did this person even mean? She wants to ask but she is too afraid to know a truth, Santana and Kurt gave her too much of that (for the better or worst). When she hears Elliott, his words reminder that she is awesome. "Guess you know me from what you seem online," she lightly shrugs it off,"I am happier." She looks over at Santana and her 'father' wondering if this laughing was something she was happy about.
Someone wasn’t dissapointed Seiun Sky wasn’t know, because it means they could introduce her to people, so they just took their phone and opened a folder with thousand screenshots from anime, and showed Elliott a white haired anime girl with animal ears and tail. “This is Seiun Sky, from Uma Musume Pretty Derby. It’s a sport anime that is ALSO an idol anime, with horse girls” They keep showing Elliott screenshots of the show while talking really intenselly about it “You should totally check it out if you have any taste for good things. Look they live with normal people and they have special clothes they can wear with their tails and all, it's really nice...” They could had talked hours about that show, but stopped to laugh at Elliott response about the comment on Tina. “Hihihi, is that natural loyalty or she ordered you to defend her? I can’t say what I mean here, you should know that” They explained like a know-it-all. They listened to Tina’s answer and smiled. “If you are happy that’s what matters, isn’t it?” they just said and keep drawing.
Santana and her ‘dad’ stopped laughing, and apparently he was explaining her something, while she listened, crossing her arms, pretty serious while nodding, and sometimes doing a small comment. After a long time, progressively even that started to sound like a heated discussion. “You know what?” Her ‘dad’ said. “Let’s put an end to this argument. Now. Kiddo!” He called and both walked to the group. “Be preparing to get going. And you, Nine, or whatever your name is” he said pointing at Elliott, and asking, very seriously “Can satanists shoots rays trought their eyes or not?”. Santana muttered annoyed “No they fucking don’t y ni siquiera estabamos hablando de eso! ”
Elliott was horrified at the level of fetishization those poor horse girls were going through, and he was also so confused as to why that show was in any way good quality content "Erm..." he looked down at his notebook and decided he wasn't going to draw that at all, he was also getting angrier at the moment when the kid said he could be controlled by Tina "you know what" he closed the notebook "i dont even know why should i pretend or care for anything you got to say..." he was going to say more when Santana and her dad approached "No, we can't" he replied almost at the same time as Santana.
Tina "doesn't give a flying flip about the crappy anime that this kid was trying to talk about. As her fists balled to the side to what he was insinuating that Tina was doing to Elliott,"How dare you even think that. I would never do that. Not to anyone," she spoke through gritted teeth.  She was just was done as Santana and Elliott were. She wanted to go away from that child.
Someone complained “Eeeeeh, but we are friends! Why are y’all suddenly so mean? I feel sad now!” but they were told to prepare to go, so they ripped the page of their drawing and gave it to Elliott anyway. “I know Zootopia doesn’t have horses but I don’t know how to draw other animals” They informed offering the drawing with a pride that only a teen with a Sonic OC on devianart could have. It was really bad, but it was a cartoon horse with Elliott’s clothes. It had written ‘With love from Oliver’ 
Santana could note everyone was very unconfortable and hated every second of it. It wasn’t enough to encounter her ‘dad’ with all that it means, it had to be with Elliott and Tina. A wave of shame suddenly hit her and she crossed her arms again. Now to see what bullshit will he come up with now. “Told you” she said, but he smiled like it was just the answer he wanted to hear. Of course. She rolled her eyes and he started to talk “That’s perfect, because now that you all know that’s bullshit I can finally tell you the tale of that time I met the Unkneeling”
Elliott took the drawing anyway even though he was so confused, if he had to choose an animal to draw himself as, he would choose a sheep with really cool horns. He saved the drawing on his own notebook noticing the name, but he wasn't done processing that when he heard Santana dad's words "What did you say?" he asked surprised.
Tina , herself was feeling wound up the the child but they matter litter and their love for Zootopia. Aether they drew Ell as a horse. No not important. She places a hand on his shoulder, making sure that he was alright as Santana's father was talking about him or too him.
The man with the sunglasses started monologing a story that sounded like had been told more than once. ”It was just the Unkneeling, the one who brought her to the world also know as the Author, me, and more than a dozen of  mercenaries about to corner us and kill us. The two of them started to argue about what to do, and the Unkneeling ended it up with a ‘I’m going to do whatever I please anyway’ while the other asked her to not do it, something aobut not wanting whatever shit to happend again.” He said like it wasn’t important. “Anyway, the Unkneeling get rid of her make up if you know what I mean, daringly stept up against the mercenaries. They weren’t impressed, and the leader ordered her to get on her knees with the confidence of a man who had done that a thousand times and was always obeyed. She keep standing tall. And she asked him to repeat the order, that she must not hear it clearly. So he did...” He keep saying, still unfinished, but doing a dramatic pause to breathe.
Santana knew a lot of her ‘dad’ stories, and almost all of them started with people trying to murder him. She wondered if this one has some truth in it, but if it was a fucking joke she was ready to punch him in the face.
Elliott was very confused, was that man really trying to say that he knew a Shedim who wouldn't kneel? That sounded to good to be true, especially coming from someone who would lie. "So she didn't kneel?" he asked surprised anyway, even if he thought it could be a lie, he may also be hopeful.
Tina didn't know whether or not to trust the things Santana's 'dad' was saying, not because he was a trickster (okay maybe a little bit) but from the way Santana always seemed to talk about his family.  She listens but her eyes watch Elliott, slightly worried if this was lie filled with false hope.
The man with the sunglasses checked for a second his public reaction’s, and answered to the most interested one. “She didn’t, she mocked him for failing and invited the others to try instead. She was pretty encouraging, saying ‘C’mon, put some more efford into it! Said it louder’. She even made the gesture of starting to, and then got back up again while cackling. Their faces were priceless” He narrated laughing at the tale. “After that she said ‘I’m going to count to 10 so you better start running’ and at 7 there were no mercenaries left. It was increible” He keeps laughing for a while. “She also shoot lasers through her eyes. Anyway, the mercenaries were gone, the Author was freaking out and I said ‘It looks like you need of my services so this keeps being a secret and you two get out of this situation’ and the Author said ‘You put us in this situation’” He said, using a high pitched mocking voice for the Author’s voice. “You know how women always complain about that... I took care of it. The Author said ‘you can’t tell people about this” And I said ‘ehhhhh I’m going to’, because, it is too good of a story to not tell, it was amazing. She said ‘What is the point of covering it if you are going to tell it anyway? Please just don’t say it, please’ so I started to explain what was the point and the many nuances of the circunstances. The Unkneeling interrupted me to say ‘If you are going to be a dick anyway, can you at least add some absurd detail like... I don’t know, that I shoot lasers through my eyes or something like that so it all sounds even more improbable and people won’t believe you?’ And I said ‘Now that I can do’”
Santana was bitchy smiling outside but screaming inside and the little kid was just looking at her ‘dad’ very confused about the whole thing.
Elliott was starting to believe maybe the story was right, but at the same time the more he heard it looked more like a lie "Well... that's something..." he wasn't sure if he should have more hope or not but he didn't lose anything trying to ask "Is there any way of finding her? I have a lot of questions about... satanists" he asks.
Tina tries to keep up with Santana's "father's" story but she felt confused as anything, though she kept a stern face on looking between Elliott and Santana for their reactions. Though the fact that he spoke about the Unkneeling, was something like that even possible? There had to be, anything was possible.
The man with the sunglasses contained a laugh "Someone is really desperate...but sure, I do have the email of the Author, she surely knows." He said gesturing to the kid so they give him the notebook to write it. "But she lives in a zone... just like this one." He said pointing around"And she will probably say she doesn't know what you are talking about if you ask her directly...and, why would I give this to you for free?" He asked when he finished writing it and folded the paper showing it in his hand.
Santana get close to Elliott. "We don't want it, right?" She said and tried to gesticulate to her friend how this was not really a good idea. "You can like, go away now." She said to her fake dad, feeling bad about it but also feeling bad about the current situation.
Elliott looks at Santana then at her dad, he knows he should agree with Santana, he probably didn't have good intentions, but It was something he couldnt just let go of it "Because your hija's friend are your friends?" he tries really hard knowing he is probably saying that word in the worst pronunciation possible.
Tina adds in her two sense,"Tana's is normally right about these kinda things. You shouldn't want it." For once she was actually taking Santana's side and affirming it out loud.
The man with the sunglasses laughs even more with that answer and hands him the paper. "I'm convinced. That's her work email for her books. She knows english" He just said, and looked directly at Tina “Why shouldn’t he want it?” Asked, and waited for an answer before warning the the kid. "We have other things to o now, so we’re leaving now. Bye, Niebla. Good luck all that and try not to die" He says giving her half a hug half a pat in the back and ready to go, while the kid waved at them goodbye.
Santana didn’t return the hug but also feel it was too short. “Same to you!” she said and felt the mood improving considerably with two tricksters less on the mix, but still too many mix of feelings to be any calm, she looked at Elliott and Tina after a while and fake laugh. “Well. That was something. Let’s just forget about all this and not talk about it and Elliott I highly recommend you to throw that paper to the trash”
Elliott looked down at the paper, Santana may be right, it could be something weird, someone trying to trick him, the email could lead to trouble, but it also could lead to answers. "Yeah, maybe I should, when we find one" he says putting the paper on his pocket pretty sure he is not going to throw it away.
Tina doesn't say a work to him, she didn't have just too.  She just stays silent watching as her father and the kid said their goodbyes and were ready to leave. "We'll try," she says to Santana but it was not easy to forget something like this. "Senpai, if you do email, let me know please." She tells him, already writing magic codes she could embed in the message if something fishy were to happen.
Santana fucking knows he is not going to throw the fucking paper but she'll try to convince him later. She wanted to go away anyway, maybe she could find another witch that didn't talk much around. "I forgot something at the hotel, I see you guys later, alright?"
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trickstersantana · 8 years
Para: Trickster agaisnt Shedim
Who: Santana and Elliott Location: Undique Stadium Time: 8th January 2017 Summary: Santana keeps fighting everyone, this time is Elliott’s turn. Triggers/Notes: Violence
Santana was so excited to finally fight Elliott on friendly terms. She remember the day she met him, how many wrong expectatives she had about him (she was still dissapointed about the lack of laser beam), and one of them was to have a real battle of wits against a demon, the original trickster. Of course, Elliott wasn't the evil manipulator she expected, and he was actually a nice dude, but her fighting spirit was still there. She actually didn't even mind losing to him, it was going to be so much fun. She looked at her Fiight bag equipement just in case she needed it, and saw the bottle of ashes there. She wondered if using it counted like a really low blow or not. Probably it was a low blow.
Elliott packed his bag with all the stuff he may need though he wasn't planning to use any, he wanted to fight with all that he got and let this fight be a good training, not only to learn about his own limits but to know as well his potiential, and if he managed to get to know more of Santana's powers the better. It was always nice to know what others could do and be prepared for the future. Once at Undique he entered and looked for his friend, he couldn't wait to start.
Santana waved at Elliott when she saw him "Luci, come to the get a mexican paliza" she taunted with a confident smile.
Elliott waved "Hey" he chuckled "I don't know what that means but I bet you were bragging" he laughed "Well, where can we do this without disrupting anyone else's training?"
Santana giggled. "I'm always bragging, too much greatness overflowing for this tiny body". She pointed at a place with enough space for both of us to punch each other. "Do you want some rules or everything's fair until one surrenders?"
Elliott had to think about it for a second, if there was no limit would any of them do something they would regret, but then again, he also wanted to be able to fight with her in whatever way they both wanted. It was hard to trust his friend when she emitted that uncomfortable aura, however he decided "Yeah, let's do whatever we feel" he winked.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Santana in the instant Elliott finished saying feel she was already attacking him with illusory sharp ice coming from the ground to get him. She was going to use spears but maybe that was too close to knifes... sharp ice didn't count, right?
Elliott didn't expect the ice coming from the floor, he activates his shield and steps back. Damn, Santana was quick. When then realized the ice was gone and was very confused... "What the... of course..." he sighed and then smirked. It was sort of exciting to don't know what she would do next "I see how this is going to be" his smile growing bigger as he took off his shoes and threw them away next to his bag.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana wondered what the fuck he took of his shoes. To try to feel things from the ground better? Like that was going to stop her illusions. She did another attack, this time as blue fire around him.
Elliott 's hands turned into sharp claws and his arms started to transform into pitch black as well as his foot, he was confused for a moment about the blue fire but he quickly walked among it and directly attacked Santana with his fist.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Santana feel the punch "Auch" she complained while jumping behind to get far away from Elliott. She wasn't the close fights type. And she bet he could just snap her neck with his middle finger, thank good he controled himself. It was weird to actually be confortable enough to be with someone you know could easily kill you and be confident on that he won't. She pointed at her wrist with Blaine's golden friendship bracelet and make it turn into one of those hidden crossbow bracelets while pointing at Elliott and throwing an glowly arrow, because if it glows it looks more magical.
Elliott almost falls to the floor trying to avoid the glowing arrow, a little blinded by it glows "shit" he says under his breath.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana throws another arrow to him because repeat things until they stop working.
Elliott just closes his eyes for a second to avoid the light and takes a few steps away from her.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana keeps attacking Elliott with arrows wishing she actually had a cool real bracelet crossbow, but this time she adds more Swooshy sounds because it didnt sount enough swooshy before.
Elliott moves fast among the flashing arrows, even if they confuse him, he ends getting closer to Santana again, if she can lie he could also can do it, right? he makes a gesture making her believe he is going to punch her, but instead he turns quickly and uses his leg to kick her and drop her to the floor.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana falls to the ground and quickly goes up again and tries to get far away from Elliott. God damn it she hated physical fighters. She takes one Madame Jason’s Cookies of Healing (1HP per cookie)
Elliott runs fast after Santana and when she is near a wall he punches her making her (como se dice chocar) with the wall.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Elliott punches her again before she tries to run away.
Santana fucking HIT THE WALLS IN SPANISH. And then gets hit again. This is NOT FUN AT ALL. She tries to get away and eat another Madam Jason's cookie.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana she made appear a little explosion between them to also get away from Elliott, and then again took another cookie.
Elliott falls to the floor putting his hands over his ears, he felt like the explosion happened right on his brain "fuck" he says annoyed as he is almost kneeling on the floor.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Santana tries to keep healing herself with cookies instead of attacking more because FUCKIGN ELLIOT T
Elliott wonders how many cookies does Santana have, but she is being too distractted eating them to actually avoid his next attack so that's fine by him. He approaches her again quickly, attacking from behind with a kick on her back.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana hates Elliott so much right now. "Ok dude it's illegal to defeat me!" she complained while making spears to go attack him. And they ARE ALSO GLOWING BECAUSE GLOWING IS COOL. And she takes another cookie while trying to running away because SHE HAS SO MANY COOKIES.
Elliott eyes open wide and he puts his arms in front of his face to protect himself from the spears, he swears he can feel the pain in his abdomen again, that was just really messing his head "fuck you" he says this time loudly.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana smiled and again went far away from Elliott to make Blaine's bracelet looks like it turned into a strange bracelet gun, shooting 3 bullets to Elliott, sound and all. "I'm the one being punched here!" she complained again.
Elliott is mostly annoyed by the gun making him lose concentration and feel a little dizzy. Aether, he was starting to hate illusions.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana tooks another cookie while snapping her fingers. "Do you prefer something more like this?" she said while pointing at her left and making an illusion of Freddie Mercury appear. The Freddi Mercury illusion then spoke using his voice "I actually think the Jonas Brother are better musicians than me"
Elliott frowns looking at Santana like saying "why would Freddie be a bad thing" but then he speaks and Elliott doesn't know if scream or punch a wall, "Woah, that's the rudest thing you have done so far" he said really annoyed "I fucking hate you" he says to the fake Freddie Mercury. Then runs to attack Santana.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana laughs really loud while running far away from Elliot so he doesn't get her. She ses her bracelet again, turning it into the crossbow to shot some glowy arrows. She loved the swooshy sound.
Elliott is getting so annoyed, his head hurts and he just want to catch Santana and make her pay for tainting Freddie's legacy with that stupid illusion, but he feels himself getting tired.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana takes another cookie while Elliott get's too close to her. She tries to dodge it.
Elliott punches Santana in the face.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Elliott feels bad but he is not really sorry.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana is fucking shocked "AUCH...¡CABRÓN!" She said while touching her face and running. Figthing Elliott was so not fun at all. It was just pain. She makes little fireworks exploting around Elliott with louds annoying sounds.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana keep making more fireworks while shouting "NOW WHO IS THE GAYEST QUEEN?"
Elliott is dizzy, and feels like the room is moving around him, that can't be a good sign "It is me" he says but maybe he didn't he just falls on the floor feeling like crap "Ugh..." he says from the floor "I hate illusions" he moves near his bag and takes one of Tina's kawaii donuts, they may not restore his health but they make his soul feel alright after feeling dirty with that Freddie illusion "you are the werst" he keeps eating the donut in silent.
Santana laughs like an evil villian who can't fucking believe that just beat the hero. She jumps around in celebration. Tricksters 1 Demons 0. "Oh my God I wish I could tell this to my 'dad' he would be so proud" she exclames while starting to do an air guitar but making a fake illusion guitar appear, making it sound like the instrumental version of 'Another one bites the dust' while Elliott is eating on the floor.
Elliott keeps eating his cute donut "Another one bites the dust beginning is made by a bass" he complains seeing her guitar illusion "you are definitely the werst"
Santana keeps playing her fake guitar and started to make drums sounds coming from it. "Look at all the fucks I give, Luci, look at them"
Elliott sits down and takes another kawaii donut "Woah, that's just weird..."
Santana giggles and makes it sound like a violin now. And she keep looking at Elliott's donuts and the cookies just made her more hungry. "Do you have some to share or do you want to get to the store to buy more to Celebrate My Victory" SHE STILL CAN'T BELIEVE SHE FUCKING WON
Elliott pats the floor next to him "I have more, Tina gave me a lot" he takes another donut and gives it to her.
Santana sits on the floor next to him. Maybe it was weird to sit on the middle of a gym eating donuts but she didn't care because she was A Winner. She had the biggest smile on her face, the smile of victory. She felt like she could beat the Champion . She also felt like she was going to have a lot of bruises tomorrow. She took the donut Elliott gave her "I told you illusions are fucking great, you only have to know your opponent and what's their favourite singer" she said sticking her tongue.
Elliott chuckles, he was still annoyed by that illusion but he could appreciate the humor, at least she didn't make an illusion of Adam, that would be much worse "I can't even stand, I feel so dizzy..." he says finishing another kawaii donut "I guess I'm not as mentally strong as I am physically" he sighed "at least I know what I have to improve" he started eating yet another donut.
Santana looked that apparently Elliott wasn't that much of annoyed at her. That was good news. "He he, the trickster greatness is too strong" she tried not to nod to not being mentally strong. She had another things in mind in case she had to fight Elliott for real, but she prefered to save those strategies for real emergencies. They weren't really nice. "How do you train your mind, exactly?" she asked, genuinelly. She knew she was terrible at defending herself, so she always based her strategy to attack stronger to the oponent and try to dodge. I Won't Die always told her she was a glass canon.
Elliott shrugs "I guess with some sort of meditation or something? I don't know... I guess that now that I know I should train that, I'll have to find out" he finished the donut he was eating and then stayed in silence for a while "So... are you going to help me get back to my room?"
Santana finish her kawaii Donut of Victory (TM). "Tell me if you ever find out". She had fought with tricksters who were way better at illusions than her and she still wondered how she survived that one time it was to the death. She looked at Elliott when he finally spoke, and she was tempted to say 'only if you admit I'm the gayest queen', but she decided to actually stand up and try to help him stand. A 5' 5" Skinny Girl Who Was Born As a Cat Sized Ringtail Tries to Lift Up a 6' 1" Buff Demon: The Results Might Surprise You
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HYDELL || let’s get down to business || PLAN PARA
WHO: Ryder Lynn @ryderreturns, Elliott Gilbert @ellnaturae, Hunter Clarington WHEN: Evening of 7/4 WHERE: Court of Solomon (Ma’at)  WHAT: Ryder, Hunter, and Elliott discuss very important plans WARNINGS: tw: slavery, tw: alcoholism 
Hunter took a deep breath as he saw he was the first to arrive at the Court of Solomon. He settled down  into a seat behind a desk, leaning into the plush comfort of the courtroom. Home away from home away from home. The last week had been so strange. Everything he did, he felt as though he was having an out of body experience, he was so far away from what he'd known - literally, in some cases. Maybe that baptism worked after all. Jesus. Pushing thoughts of his personal life aside, he pulled his bag into his lap and pulled out a binder full of documents; the floorplan of the Clocktower, pictures of the Shedim at work, or at least as many as he could gather, whatever relevant papers he could stuff inside.
Elliott arrives later, being very careful about being outside at that hour. He is wearing a cap because it is late and he doesn't want to fix his hair, his clothes are very casual too, sporty, the clothes he would use for his training sessions. He sees the room where they were going to meet and enters. When he sees only Hunter there he feels tense, but he seats across the table from him and leaves his bag over it. He hopes Ryder arrives soon.
In a building like Ma'at that Ryder had never stepped foot in before, it took him a little longer to find the place he was looking for. Once he arrives, Hunter and Elliott are waiting - and not talking. "Hey," he said. Looking at the table, Hunter had put out a binder of information. Talk about a serious paper trail. "Looks like you've put work into this already," he nodded, stepping forward to open up the binder. Hunter thanked actual God when Ryder came in to break the long-sinking silence, his eyes flicking up to the ceiling of the Court of Solomon momentarily. He cleared his throat and let out a breath as he leaned forward toward the binder while Ryder took it. "It's not much, just blueprints and photos from the Clocktower. So we can get an idea of what we'd have to do when we're, uhm. In there."
Elliott gets closer, leaning over the table to see the photos and the map. Now he feels more comfortable. He is so glad Ryder is here and he breaks the silence. He takes some of the photos of the shedim to look at them, and can't hide a sad expression, he wonder who are they, how they feel, how much they have been through, and then looks up at Hunter and Ryder. "So what's exactly what you wanted to do?" Ryder goes for the blueprints first, looking over the layout of Hunter's apartment all the way down to where the Shedim were being held. Judging from the security he'd seen during his last visit, they wouldn't be walking out the front doors. Even with Hunter joining them, they would have to figure something else out. He nodded at Elliott's question, setting aside the blueprints and leaning over to look at the photographs of the Shedim themselves. Their faces strengthened his resolve. Even if this was dangerous, they had to do it. Hunter clears his throat and shifts in his seat. Guilt sinks in his stomach like a rock when he watches Elliott studying the pictures of their faces, and then watches Ryder’s face harden at the sight as well. Hunter has seen the worst of it and it makes his stomach churn when he closes his eyes, just for a second, just a lingering blink. At Elliott’s question he nodded and pulled the blueprint toward himself, finger landing on the white outline of the basement. “So this is where they’re... kept. And then there’s 1, 2, 3, 4 floors of apartment. There’s a staircase on either side of the floor and an elevator in the middle. On top of the fourth floor there’s this room of glass up here on the ceiling, that’s my room. So I’m thinking we’d have to get them up there and have a portal waiting to transport them somewhere, uhm, quiet.” Elliott frowns, confused, he understands the words but he is a little lost, that's not a plan, that's a house description, he thinks as his eyes move following the finger tracing on the paper "And how are we going to move twenty people four floors up without no one seeing us?" he raises an eyebrow looking up at Hunter. Ryder kept hold of one of the pictures as Hunter draws their attention back to the blueprints. "Nah, we can't go up to the glass room," he says, shaking his head. "Anybody could see through that glass. Why can't we just put a portal in the basement?" Hunter shook his head, “We don’t know when the portal would get set up. Lawrence and Cressida go in and out of the basement everyday, it has to be in my room. We can do something to the walls or ourselves to avoid being seen, if worse comes to worse we pull the curtains.” He insisted, “My father isn’t home often, it’s my mother that’s the problem as far as being seen. She hardly ever leaves the clock tower, she’ll have to be... incapacitated in a manner of speaking. Which also isn’t difficult.” Elliott stays in silence for a while, listening to the other two talking, he isn't sure how anything is going to work like that "We are still going to be at least twenty-three people trying to move from the lowest part of the house to the highest one, it's kind of ridiculous and we are going to get caught" he says crossing his arms over his chest "Maybe if we can find a way to create a portal ourselves right in the moment?" he asks looking at them as if asking if anyone knows a magic like that "But I wonder if that would also be trackable... also... where would be the portal going?" he suddenly has the realization. "Or you'll have to distract her, Hunter. We can't have her pressing some secret button for security or crying for help." Woah that sounds dark, he thinks. "We're not going to get caught," Ryder assures Elliott. "We'll take the time to figure this out." They had to. And then Ryder realizes none of them knew portal magic - right? "I know how to illusion invisibility, but I've only ever used it on myself, just one person," he muses. When the question of where they would go comes up, Ryder looks relieved to have one answer ready. "My Grunkle John's place in Queens. Nobody gets in or out that he doesn't want to, not with the work he does." Hunter looks up between Elliott and Ryder and tries not to realize how much he has not thought this through. How were they gonna get out, where were they going when they did? There were so many minute details he hadn’t considered. And the sponsors. Wait, the sponsors. “Finn and Tina could distract Cressida. They have to be there for this to be a legal operation anyway, right? We could send them in in disguises, make sure she doesn’t see anything. As for invisibility, I had a potion not too long ago. I wonder if we could recreate it.” At the question of where they were going, Hunter groaned under his breath. They weren’t going to like this. “Twenty people in a place in Queens might be a little tight for how long they’d have to stay. Not for nothing, there’s... plenty of space in the Amazon. Vacant housing. They don’t have to be enrolled in the Oasis programming necessarily, I’m just saying they could stay there for a while.” Elliott slams his hand on the table to get his frustration out because he knows if he starts shouting what he is thinking they will get nowhere, so he takes a breathe and then talks "First of all, no" he says "I'm not gonna let Finn and Tina to be dancing like monkeys and just put them at risk because you don't have other plan" he continues "and secondly, what the fuck?" he asks noticing he was starting to talk a little louder "How does this make any sense to you?" he asks "You are just going to move them from prision to prision?" he gestures to one side to another "We should think a better place, I think Ryder's option is not  so bad temporaly, we definitely need to take them out of that basement as soon as possible, there is no going to be time to think when we are there, and at least we need for sure a place where we can portal to immediately" Before Ryder could say that the place in Queens was a lot bigger than anybody realized, Elliott was hitting the table. His eyes go to his friend and he can understand his frustration and anger. He reaches a hand out to rest on Elliott's shoulder. "Hey, we're just talking this through. He doesn't know better yet," he murmurs. He looks to Hunter again. "The Emporium is more than just a store. It can easily hide twenty people without raising suspicion." Maybe Hunter didn't know what John Lynn was known for. "If we can portal to store, we've got maybe 24 hours before they have to move to some place else." He waves a hand to the Shedims' pictures. "We'll need to find options for them, for where they can go. If they all arrive at the same spot, heads will turn."
Hunter sits back when Elliott hits the table, as if balancing an equilibrium, and rolls his eyes. "Well, what do you want to do with Finn and Tina, leave them at the door? I would much rather we bring them along than run the risk of you two getting kicked out of NYADA if we get caught." He shrugged, pushing a long-held breath out of his nose and shaking his head. "I just said they wouldn't be a part of the Oasis, they could just be on my property in the Amazon. It's far away from Commons, and it's -" He caught Ryder's gaze as he comforted Elliott and shook his head, smoothing a hand over his jaw and looking the other direction. He doesn't know better yet. Fuck that. "Fine, the Oasis is out of the equation," Hunter complied, taking his binder and crossing an X over the page with vacancies on property, "We shouldn't split them up too much, right? I mean, they're all they've had for Aether knows how long. But I agree, we should have more than one location if we can manage it. We can bring a few of them to my new apartment in Midtown." Elliott shakes his head, he feels Ryder's hand on his shoulder it makes him feel more calm but not comforted or supported, it's starting to feel just like a hand the more he listens to Hunter speak "I'm not saying they shouldn't come, specially if we may be in risk to get caught outside without sponsors, that could put Ryder and me in the worst position, I'm just saying, putting them at risk like that it's not a thing I want" he replies to Hunter annoyed. He is glad the Oasis is out of the picture, but he can't believe what he is listening from both of them. "It's not just about them being a lot people and others noticing, or putting them together or not... it's about what they want" he pauses "you just can't asume they are going to want to be togeether or not, they are literally twenty people, each of them can have a very different idea of what they want" he continues hoping they understand "I think it's good that we have options, but not to make them definitely do them, but to let them decide, maybe some of them want to stay, maybe some of them want to start a new life somewhere else, maybe some of them won't even want to hide... you just don't know that" "Of course," Ryder nods, taking back his hand. He knows he's been gone a long time, but what happened between Elliott and Hunter? "They should decide in the end." He purses his lips at Elliott pointing out that some may not even want to escape or be free. He can only hope that's not the case, or that if it is, that their fellow Shedim can convince them that leaving is for the best. "So... how do we get them up to Hunter's room without getting caught?" Hunter crossed his arms over his chest, "I'm all for letting them decide what they want to do and providing as many options as possible as long as no one's being put at risk." He shrugged, setting down his pen and leaning over to gather the photos of the Shedim now scattered on the table into a pile again. "We have security cameras at twelve and three on the first and third floors and at six and nine on the second and fourth floors, we'll have to have those enchanted or disabled. As for Cressida, there are a lot of directions we could go. We could try to lure her out entirely, but she's usually incapacitated by one anyway. We could wait until she's asleep, we could put her to sleep with something and lock her in her room. I'm not concerned about Cressida." Elliott nods, that's the first thing he agrees with Hunter during the whole conversation "Yes, their safety is really important, we need to make sure whatever they want to do, that we can help them out and they are safe to start their new lives... which... makes me think... we should probably... well, nothing we are going to do about this is legal, so who cares one more thing but... well, they are going to need identities, won't they?Like some sort of ID or passport..." he is just thinking out loud "Maybe we should make a list of the things we need to sort out" he comments as he takes out of his bag a notebook, he writes down "where" and "who" as if it was a code for the things they will have to do instead of literally write what they were "Maybe Tina can help with the cameras, since it's technology, we could ask her if she knows some spell like that..." he pauses not sure what is going on between Hunter and his mother, it doesn't seem like they have a good relationship for what he says, but he is not going to ask "I'm not sure what can we do about Cressida" he shrugs "maybe it would be better if we wait for her to be sleeping" he looks at Ryder, maybe he has other ideas. Ryder decides not to point out the obvious: We're all being put at risk by this. They all knew it, but it would be worth it. He takes a pen from his pocket to let Hunter mark where the cameras were on the blue prints. "Don't forget gold and Commons money. Glamour potions," he adds on to Ell's list. If Hunter funded the operation, that would shave off a lot of time. "Tina could do the cameras," he agrees confidently. "Incapacitated.. so she's a drinker? It wouldn't be hard to give her a harmless potion, just something that keeps her asleep. Nothing to harm her." He scratches at his jaw. "So cameras are down, Cressida is asleep, whoever leads the group watches out for any strays in the building. We should move either half at a time or smaller groups, like five people." Hunter nods quickly, watching Elliott write. He'd always been the one with plenty of sources for these sorts of ordeals, but all his sources were, well, his father's sources. So he couldn't exactly count on them to come through here. Shit. How were they going to get their hands on half this stuff? He was going to have to rely on the power of his bank account for the most part. "We could each move a small group at the same time. Stairs, stairs, elevator. Then we'd only have Finn and Tina watching the floor, but I'm sure they could hold it until we got to the roof with no one else there." He nodded, "We could slip Cressida something, but she won't take it from me. One of the Shedim would have to serve her." Elliott writes on the list "make up" and "money" if anyone saw that it could look like notes for the fashion show. He looks up from the notebook to Hunter and Ryder listening to what else they are commenting, he thinks for a moment "Do you guys have familiars?" he asks out of nowhere "I mean... I know Ziggy is small and she can move quickly so she could also be moving around the house or... in between the groups to inform us, the more familiars we have, the more information we will have... if maybe someone is coming or something" he explains . He pauses again when Hunter mentions one of the Shedim having to face Cressida, but he doesn't feel right about it "Would she... would she realize if the shedim is someone she knows or not?" he asks "I mean... because is she doesn't care or wouldn't think much if she saw a new Shedim... I could do that" Ryder leaves for a moment to grab himself a chair before coming back to sit down. "I've got King, but he's an elk and doesn't fit in most indoor spots," he winces. "But I can bring in some small animals. Raccoons are sneaky as shit. Squirrels are fast too." A bird would probably be the best look out, but they could get distracted easily. When Elliott volunteers to bring the drink to Cressida, Ryder shakes his head. "What if we just spike a whole bottle of something beforehand? Reseal it and send it along, forge a card from one of her friends."
"Iscariot can help. She might get distracted by small animals, though, maybe stick to raccoons and we could sneak a couple birds past her." Hunter nods. But then Elliott is talking about staying in the house and the energy changes, like he's on the edge of something desperately terrible. It's red. The worst part is, Cressida probably wouldn't notice. There had been some... turnover, over the years. Hunter tries to push the thoughts away, and laughs once, without an inch of humor about it. "Nope. No." He huffs out a laugh in disbelief before his face falls again to its hard, angry edges. "No one is going in that house a second before they have to, that's where I draw my line. It's a hard pill to swallow, but they serve her every day, one more drink isn't going to make a difference." Unless it did, he thought to himself, and swallowed down hard. He heard Ryder's reasoned alto from beside him and nodded, "That's... probably our best shot."
Elliott still had doubts about it, even if he offered himself to do it, drugging people wasn't something he was a fan of, though he thought about the shedim and how they would be free and everything seemed unimportant, but he didn't want to harm no one. He stops to think for a moment, listening, getting in all the information "Have..." he starts voicing his thoughts "have you thought maybe if you talked to her... like... maybe you could be talking to her for a while as we take the shedim upstairs" he suggests "it wouldn't be suspicious if you did, she is your mom after all, right?" he asks "We will have" he points at Ryder and himself "Tina and Finn, and the familiars, we could move them around with the information you gave us, about the cameras and the stairs" he points the map and the different spots "and nobody needs to enter before or anything, you just separate from us while we move them upstaris, you talk to her, we can send you Iscariot to tell you we are good, and then you go... you just... you are just going to your room" he explains. Some other day, Ryder would ask Hunter about his parents, about his whole story. But not tonight. His eyes turn to Elliott as he brings in a new possibility. "Not a bad idea," he tags on. "Especially if we put something in a whole bottle. Hunter goes, starts to drink too." Here he looks to Hunter to reassure him, "We'll give you the antidote or you can just fake drink so it doesn't mess with you. That way there's not a Shedim left behind. Question is... have you ever sat down with Cressida like that? Or would it be something that catches her attention because it's so - out of place," he says, avoiding the word 'weird.' Hunter shook his head. She is your mom after all, right? The words flitted around his head, as easy an assumption as ever. Cressida Clarington was his mom, wasn't she? Why wasn't she? His distracted gaze lingered on Elliott for a beat long as the question echoed in his ears, and images flickered behind his eyes of his mother. The baptism. The Hudson. His father's eyes rolling back as he collapsed to the ground. Then Ryder intervened, and he thanked all the Ancients who loved their children themselves. "It would be out of place, Cressida and I don't speak. I'm sorry to ruin the momentum, but it would... definitely be suspicious." Elliott frowns, he is not feeling comfortable now, he doesn't know what Hunter relationship with his mother was, but he is bothered by this whole part of the plan "I don't know..." he says out loud "I still don't like the idea of a shedim going to serve her... what if she realizes there is drugs? what if she kneels them? what if she does something even worst?"  he shakes his head "Don't you think it would make more sense to have an awkward moment with her than use one of them for this?" he tries to say it calmly, to not seem bothered, but he is feeling so weird about this. "Using a shedim to free the shedim" he thinks wanting to scream. He wishes he could just walk out of there, but he wants to help the shedim so bad, he resists and breathes in.(edited) Ryder intervenes again, "We don't have to have anybody serve her. Hunter goes in earlier in the day and plants the bottle in a bucket of ice or some fancy shit." He could tell Elliott was getting more uncomfortable, even when he'd volunteered moments ago to put himself at risk. "Or we pull a Hamlet." At the looks he got, Ryder put his hands up, "Not the stabbing. I didn't mean the stabbing. I meant, well doesn't the bad guy poison everything? Or was that just the Simpsons episode..." Hunter groans and hangs his head, the edges of his palms pressing hard against his temples for several moments. He was worried about that, too. Cressida wasn't as bad with the Shedim as Lawrence was - she could hardly do the kneeling spell as far as Hunter could tell - but she was never beyond cruelty. "You're right." He said, clearing his throat and picking his head back up to look between Ryder and Elliott, "If there's anything else we can do, we should keep them out of it. Look, Cressida goes on a day trip to Chicago every month for beauty treatments, I'll find the spa and find out when her next few appointments are." Elliott presses his lips together he doesn't get the pop culture reference though he knows want Hamlet is and he feels concerned "We are not actually... kill anyone are we? I thought you were talking something that makes her fall asleep or something... even if that also concerns me..." he comments confused, though Ryder clarifies it quickly. When Hunter brings up her schedule he is even more confused "That was an option?" he asks "Okay... yeah, let's do that" he is trying not to get visible mad but he can't believe they were offering to put people in danger and they could just conpletely avoid her "Yeah... well..." he continues focusing on what really matter to him, making this plan work "is there something else we need to be checking? We have... options of place for them to go, glamour potions, new identities, money..." he points out at the list he wrote "if your mom is gone then... entering the house wouldn't be a problem, or do we still to figure that out?" he realizes. "What? No, no," he said, shaking his head, "Still only going to put her to sleep." But then Hunter comes through with their best option yet, one that doesn't give Ryder any pause. "There we go, that's the plan." He blows out a breath and looks back over at Elliott's list. "Yeah, will it be a problem getting me and Elliott and possibly Tina and Finn down to the basement?" Hunter shakes his head, "But it does limit our time frame here." Only one day a month, and God forbid Hunter's father be at home that day. "We'll make it a tentative Plan A. Plan B i'll talk to her, Plan C.." He took a deep breath and let it out, "Find an illusionist, maybe." He, too, glanced at Elliott's list, and shook his head at Ryder's question. "I think if we were to, for example, have a portal to and from the clocktower in my new apartment we could enter from there to avoid being seen by anyone... extraneous. Doorman, passerby, what have you. Then I can't imagine you'd have any trouble without anyone else in the house." Elliott nods "Alright, but... would we be able to change the portal to go to Ryder's uncle store? Going directly back to your place would be pretty obvious if for whatever reason they suspect you, wouldn't it?" he comments as he doodles under the list, he was trying to think and making small sketches of what he was thinking helped, he draw two portals but then he realized if anyone saw that it would be very suspicious, then he joined both circles with lines creating a cylinder, now that just looks like a weirdly shaped dick "welp, a gay art student drawing dicks wasn't so suspicious" he thought to himself then looked up at both guys "Who else could be at the home if not your parents? Should we worry about somebody else? Or would the shedim on the basement be by themselves if they are gone?" he pauses thinking all the posibilities "Would she take any Shedim with her when she is gone?"
"Yeah, we should probably not bring the Shedim to your new place. Nobody's gonna think about the Emporium though." Ryder is in the thick of things, thinking through their options. And then Elliott draws a dick on their plans and he gets distracted, throwing his friend a confused look.
Hunter is still oblivious to dick. He shakes his head at the mention of more people in the clocktower while Cressida was gone. "There wouldn't be anyone else. Especially if I was staying in the house, I think the assumption would be... that I would... use them." He nodded, clearing his throat and crossing his arms tighter over his chest with his gaze trained on the desk in front of them. "I've never seen her take anyone along. She's always left them in the basement. He glanced over to Ryder and nodded, shrugging, "Fine, yeah. We could... probably take a car to Queens, that would keep us relatively unseen." Elliott notices Ryder looks and he shrugs unashamed, he avoids saying something snarky like "it's a portrait of Hunter, because he is a dick" instead he just chuckles and shakes his head resting the doodle importance "Good... one less problem then... and no one is left behind" he then thinks "Are you suggesting taking twenty five people in a car to Queens?" he looks at Hunter blinking "Maybe we can look into portal magic or something..." he write a new point on the list "transport". Ryder focuses back on their plan, echoing Elliott's chuckle. "No, I think he means we drive out to Queens, then we portal from there to his place. And the plan goes on from there," he nods. "The subway works too though. I don't have a car."
Hunter nods as Ryder clarifies his meaning. "I have cars," He offers, taking a deep breath, "The more private the better." He released his arms from where they were locked across his chest to lean forward and close the binder. "So." Elliott lets out a loud "ooooooh" he nods "alright I was just imagining five different portals or something..." he shakes his head glad he asked and things being clear "So... we have to get sorted out, talking with Tina and Finn, getting money, getting different options for them to choose where to go, new identities, glamour potions, and portals... though i guess if we can use one of your cars for the first part then we are good so far..." he crosses a line over that point "by the way, I don't know how to drive, I hope one of you do" he comments "I can get glamour potions, I have a friend that can help us out, I could also look some options of places, but I think we should all look so we have more options" he pauses and looks at them expecting them to pick what they can do. Ryder purses his lips. He knows someone who could do the identities and papers, but there was no way he was going to involve Aza. The only reason she'd helped him was because of Cooper. "New Yorkers don't drive," Ryder says. "We bike or we ride." He looks over the list again, "I can put together places they can go. My great uncle has a lot of contacts around the world. He might be able to take care of new identities too, especially if we only have to get them Commons paperworks, like passports and IDs. And I guess I'll look into portal magic too." "I can drive," Hunter nods, looking between them, "And I'll provide the gold and commons money," obviously, he thought to himself, and then cleared his throat. "As soon as we have a list of final locations I can try to set them all up with the first few months of housing and work opportunities."
Elliott nods "Then... I think we got everything organized in our to do list... should we update each other with what we find, or should we reunite again at some point?" he asks "Maybe it would be good if we get Finn and Tina here next time so they are informed about the whole plan" "We should meet up in person again. Keep things off our phones as much as possible," Ryder nods. As much as he hated it, he and Elliott would need Tina and Finn involved. "Can Finn even be discrete?" Hunter gave a short nod in agreement, looking between them, "I'm sure Mr. Hudson will be able to handle himself. If not, there are plenty of shiny things in the clocktower to distract him." Elliott frowns bothered by the lack of faith "Finn is great and he is not as you want to make him seem, he is a fun goofy guy, but he can be trusted with important stuff, I trust him, I'm sure he will be helpful" he ads. "If you trust him, Ell, then that's all I need," Ryder nods. Well, he probably needs to meet Finn before doing this mission with him, but that could happen later. "When should we meet again?" Hunter rolls his eyes internally at Ryder's comment before shifting forward in his seat to slide his binder into his messenger bag, "I'll find out what days Cressida will be out of town and we'll reconvene then. When we have a goal date." Elliott stands thinking the reunion is ending "Well... some of these things may take longer than others, but maybe... in a couple of weeks? we compare what we have, get tina and finn on the loop, and get other date to meet again? Just so we know what we are doing" Ryder stands up when Elliott does, nodding along. "Okay, that works. I'll gather up as much as I can in the mean time." Hunter finally stands, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Alright. I appreciate the help." He nodded, swallowing down hard, "You guys are gonna be okay getting back to Sciron?" Elliott pats Ryder back as he gets his bag over his shoulder too "We got each other" he smiles to his friend "I think we will be fine"
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