mossimogirl · 6 years
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mossimogirl · 6 years
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mossimogirl · 6 years
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Portrait | ( by Marcel )
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mossimogirl · 7 years
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mossimogirl · 7 years
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Badestrand Comino (Malta) by moere123 #SocialFoto
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mossimogirl · 7 years
Reactions in Maltese
inspired by this post by @studytoast
Mhux xorta! - Whatever! / Either way!
U ejja! (or uwejja) - Oh come on!
Int bis-serjeta? - Are you serious?
Mela - Yeah / Well
Ma jimpurtanix - I don’t care
Xi dwejjaq! - This sucks!
Mhux ovvja! - Obviously!
Vera? - Really?
Eħe - Yeah, Yes
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mossimogirl · 7 years
Zodiac in Maltese
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♈️ il-Kibx – Aries 
♉️ it-Tawr – Taurus 
♊️ it-Tewmin – Gemini 
♋️ il-Qabru – Cancer 
♌️ id-Durbies – Leo 
♍️ l-Għodra – Virgo 
♎️ il-Miżien – Libra 
♏️ l-Għareb – Scorpio 
♐️ il-Qaws – Sagittarius 
♑️ il-Wott – Capricorn 
♒️ iż-Żir – Aquarius 
♓️ il-Ħut – Pisces
note that some of these are old pure Maltese words (meaning that they don’t have their roots from other languages)
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mossimogirl · 7 years
10 Maltese Expressions
Taqtax qalbek (Don’t cut your heart) - It means “don’t give up.“ For example: “qiegħed naqta qalbi” (I’m cutting my heart) would mean “I’m giving up.“ 
Niġi, naqa’ u nqum (I come, fall and get up) - It means "I don’t care” but a little more harsher. A person would say “jien niġi, naqa’ u nqum minnek!” (I come, fall and get up from you!) if they’re in a fight with someone. 
Ħawwadt ‘l Alla (You mixed God) - You would say this to a person who messed up so much, that even God is confused. 
Tagħżaq fl-ilma (Ploughing in water) - Ploughing in water won’t really get you anywhere, and that’s exactly what it means. “Qiegħed nagħżaq fl-ilma!” (I’m ploughing in water!); I’m not getting anywhere!“ 
Xemx taqli l-ankri (Sun frying anchors) - You’d probably say this on a hot summer’s day. "Tmurx barra għax ix-xemx taqli l-ankri!” (Don’t go out because the sun is frying anchors!) 
Iddur mal-lewża (Going round the almond) - To beat about the bush. You would say “toqodx iddur(li) mal-lewża!” (don’t go round the almond!) to someone who is taking too long to say something. 
Għajni marret bija (My eye went with me) - This literally means “I fell asleep.” “Kont qed naqra ktieb u għajni marret bija (I was reading a book and my eye went with me). 
Blajt kanna (I swallowed a pipe) - To be in a really difficult situation. 
Fik il-ħobż (Bread is in you/You have bread on you) - This is used a lot and there isn’t really a direct translation but you would say this to a person who does something irritating, or inconvenient. For example your sister stole your dress to wear for the night and you’d be like "fik il-ħobż!" 
Ġejt fi kliemi (You came into my words) - You’d say this to someone who was contradicting you and saying other wise. It’s like "I told you so!”
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mossimogirl · 7 years
Some Maltese Adjectives
Adjectives in Maltese always come after the noun!
The line-up is; Masculine, Feminine and Plural 
Tajjeb, Tajba, Tajbin - Good Ħażin, Ħażina, Ħżiena - Bad Twil, Twila,Twal - Tall Qasir, Qasira, Qosra - Short Kbir, Kbira, Kbar - Big Żgħir, Żgħira, Żgħar - Small Jaħraq,Taħraq, Jaħarqu - Hot Kiesaħ, Kiesħa, Kesħin - Cold Ġdid, Ġdida, Ġodda - New Qadim, Qadima, Qodma - Old Ferħan, Ferħana, Ferħanin - Happy/Glad Imdejjaq, Imdejqa, Imdejqin - Sad Sabiħ, Sabiħa, Sbieħ - Beautiful Perfett, Perfetta, Perfetti - Nice Gustuż, Gustuża, Gustużi - Handsome Ħelu, Ħelwa, Ħelwin - Cute/Sweet Ikrah, Kerha, Koroh - Ugly Serju, Serja, Serji - Serious Importanti - Important Differenti - Different Sramb, Stramba, Strambi - Strange Nadif, Nadifa, Nodfa - Clean Maħmuġ, Maħmuġa, Maħmuġin - Dirty Popolari - Popular Intelliġenti - Intelligent Injorant, Injoranta, Injoranti - Ignorant Tqil, Tqila, Tqal - Heavy/Difficult Ħafif, Ħafifa, Ħfief - Light/Easy Possibli - Possible Impossibli - Impossible Għoli, Għolja, Għoljin - Expensive/High Irħis, Irħisa, Irħas - Cheap Miġnun, Miġnuna, Mġienen - Crazy Fitt, Fitta, Fitti - Annoying Eċċitat, Eċċitata, Eċċitati - Excited Mimli, Mimlija, Mimlijin - Full Vojt, Vojta, Vojti - Empty Għajjien, Għajjiena, Għajjenin - Tired Bil-ġuħ - Hungry Bil-għatx - Thirsty Mielaħ, Mielħa, Melħin - Salty Sinjur, Sinjura, Sinjuri - Rich Fqir, Fqira, Fqar - Poor
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mossimogirl · 7 years
Possession in Maltese
To Have 
Present: Jien(a) għandi – I have Int(i) għandek – You have Hu(wa) għandu – He has Hi(ja) għandha – She has Aħna għandna – We have   Intom għandkom – You have Huma għandhom – They have
Past: Jien(a) kelli – I had Int(i) kellek – You had Hu(wa) kellu – He had Hi(ja) kellha – She had Aħna kellna – We had Intom kellkom – You had Huma kellhom – They had
The preposition “of” (’s) – Ta’
The following is ta’ (of) + the different definite articles:
Ta’ + iċ – Taċ-
Ta’ + id – Tad-
Ta’ + in – Tan-
Ta’ + ir – Tar-
Ta’ + is – Tas-
Ta’ + it – Tat-
Ta’ + ix – Tax-
Ta’ + iż – Taż-
Ta’ + iz – Taz-
With these consonants: B, F, Ġ, GĦ, Ħ, H, J, K, L , M, P, Q, V, W and vowels you use:
Examples: The bone of the dog – L-għadma tal-kelb The hair of the girl – Ix-xagħar tat-tifla The car is John’s – Il-karozza hija ta’ John. The sea of the planet – Il-baħar tal-pjaneta Apple pie – Torta tat-tuffieħ (lit: pie of apples)
Now using the words I used in the post, I want you try to translate these sentences in English:
Jien għandi l-għadma tal-kelb.
Hu kellu l-karozza ta’ John.
It-tifla tal-baħar.
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mossimogirl · 7 years
Autumn Vocab in Maltese
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ħarifa – autumn ġandra (ġandriet) – acorn tuffieħa (tuffieħ) – apple   bidla (bidliet) – change   bard – chilly klima (klimi) – climate   ksieħ, kesħa – cold   kulur(i) – color   qamħ – corn żargħa(t) – crop     nar (nirien) – fire ġlat – frost ħsad – harvest werqa (weraq) – leaf   zokk (zkuk) – log   natura – nature   novembru – november lewża (lewż) – nut     faqqiegħ – mushrooms   ottubru – october   siġra (siġar) tal-arżnu – pine tree   kon(i) tal-arżnu – pine cone torta (torti) – pie qargħa ħamra (qara’ aħmar) – pumpkin   xita – rain   staġun(i) – season     settembru – september skwirill(s) – squirrel   maltempata (maltempati) – storm   siġra (siġar) – tree   ġewża (ġewż) – walnut temp - weather  
kiesaħ, kiesħa, kesħin – cold oranġjo – Orange   aħmar, ħamra, ħomor – red    isfar, safra, sofor – yellow  
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mossimogirl · 7 years
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Wild Flower
Featured on IG: MaltaDoors
This print is available on Etsy
Gudja, Malta
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mossimogirl · 7 years
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Malta ♡
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mossimogirl · 7 years
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I’m currently on holiday in Malta. Here are a couple of Drone Shots I did today just before the sunset. You can see more by following me on Instagram @Ash_kaprielov.
Tomorrow I am visiting some temples that are the standing stone structures which remain to us from ancient times. The temples date from 4000 - 2500 BC. They are older than Stonehenge, older than the Pyramids! 
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mossimogirl · 7 years
love vocab in maltese
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bewsa – kiss ċurkett – ring għarusa – girlfriend għarus – boyfriend ħabiba – friend (f) ħabib – friend (m) ħbiberija – friendship ħbieb – friends imħabba – love koppja – couple mara – woman, wife partner – partner qalb – heart relazzjoni – relationship raġel – man, husband sess – sex tieġ – wedding żwieġ – marriage
inħobbok – I love you inħobbok ħafna – I love you a lot kemm inħobbok! – I love you so much! tħobbni – you love me busni – kiss me tini bewsa – give me a kiss nista’ nbusek? – can I kiss you? qiegħed/qiegħda naħseb fuqek – I’m thinking about you (aħna) qiegħdin flimkien – we are together qiegħed/qiegħda f'relazzjoni – I’m in a relationship kemm int ħelu/ħelwa – you’re so cute
[if you’re male you say qiegħed, if you’re female you say qiegħda]
terms of endearment:
anġlu (tiegħi) – (my) angel (m) ħanini – my sweetie sabiħ – beautiful (m) sabiħa – beautiful (f) qalbi – my heart qalb ta’ qalbi – heart of my heart
[a lot of people use terms of endearment in english along with these, it’s very normal to do so]
inspired by this post
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mossimogirl · 7 years
Summer Vocab in Maltese
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Is-Sajf – Summer ☀️🌻🏖🍉
Ġunju – June
Lulju – July
Awwissu – August
baħar – sea
bajja – beach
beritta – cap
dawl tax-xemx – sunlight
dulliegħa – watermelon
ilma – water
ġelat – ice cream
kastell tar-ramel – sandcastle
malja – swimsuit
nuċċali tax-xemx – sunglasses
oċean – ocean
pjaċir – fun
ramel – sand
sħana – heat
temp – weather
temperatura – temperature
vaganza – holiday
vaganzi tas-sajf – summer holidays
xemx – sun
jaħraq – hot
sajfi – summery
sħun – warm
xemxi – sunny
xott – dry
għam – to swim
għodos – to dive
stad – to fish
smar – to get tanned
straħ – to rest
xxemmex – to sunbathe
spring vocab
autumn vocab
winter vocab
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mossimogirl · 7 years
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