#para: hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone
miyamins · 2 years
Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire                   
                     The war outside our door keeps raging on   
                                              Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone  
participantes: miya. mención de ettie, mención de miembros de edra, mención de howl. 
espacio de tiempo: entre el ataque a la cabaña edra y su llegada al hospital. 
El ataque comienza de forma paulatina, aumentando en cuestión de minutos. Lo que antes era una tranquila cabaña ahora parecía una zona de guerra. Aparatos electrónicos explotando por doquier, lastimando sus oídos. La cocina fue lo primero en explotar, dejando su audición siendo nada más que un pitido constante. Maldice a Ripper, por dejarlo en tales condiciones que no podía salvar a nadie.
¿Dónde estaba Maddox? ¿Dónde estaba Kazuha y Pippa? ¿Dónde estaba Howl? El humo, ese olor a quemado lo tenía mareado y nauseabundo. El dolor en sus costillas no le impida caminar por el lugar, buscando a los miembros de Edra. Luego, la primera botella cayó esparciendo material inflamable por toda la pared. Fuego cubriendo el piso, todo lo que pudiese encontrar a su paso sin tener piedad de nada.
Ojalá se hubiese detenido en la primera pero siguieron cayendo como si se tratase de una lluvia de meteoritos que significaba para su equipo, quemarse vivos. Le dolía respirar, garganta no puede emitir ni un sonido cuando visión es bloqueada por la cantidad de humo que había alrededor. Los pierde a todos de vista, ¿o él estaba perdiendo la conciencia? No. No podía hacerlo.
¿Estará todo bien si toma una siesta? Porque ahí con el humo, sus oídos emitiendo molesto sonido y el fuego creciendo por todo el lugar… Quería rendirse. Dormir, dejarse llevar por los parpados pesados. Tal vez, si se dormía todo dejaría de doler. Sus cuerpo, su alma, su corazón… Tal vez, solo tal vez, esa sería la respuesta correcta y le daría lo que quería a aquellos que decidieron mandarles el ataque.
¿Era eso sangre? Eso corriendo por su brazo, luego ve un trozo de vidrio clavado en su brazo…ah, una parte de algún jarrón que se reventó con el calor. Porque sí, hacía bastante calor pero creía que estaba lo suficientemente ido como para sentir algo.
¿Qué buscaba exactamente? ¿Por qué seguía rondando por aquella cabaña en llamas sin poder encontrar a nadie? Ve el Switch de Kazuha, lo quiere agarrar pero son sus manos la que no responden. Atribuye falta de respuesta a uno, Ripper y su necesidad de tirarlo por las escaleras y dos, su cuerpo se había rendido adelantándose a su mente quién todavía se aferra a ese último hilo de esperanza por salvar a alguien de su equipo.
¿A quién engañaba? No te puedes ni salvar a ti mismo, Gaeul. No seas imbécil. Le dice la voz en su mente, y a pesar de que estado de mente estaba quebrado, todavía sonríe en el medio de las llamas. Las puede sentir en su espalda, las puede sentir en sus piernas y manos. Duele, arde… Sabía cómo se sentían las llamas, en algún momento se habían convertido en sus amigas, entonces, ¿por qué no podía sentir nada en lo absoluto?
Puede ver a Maddox en la distancia, reconoce su porte físico. También ve a Zenko, quiere ir hacía ellos pero mientras más caminaba la distancia se hacía más lejana. Odiaba ser débil, odiaba ser una carga, odiaba que su cuerpo no estuviese en la misma página que su mente. Tiene que sobrevivir. Aunque las llamas consumiesen su cuerpo entero, aunque otro aparato mándase algo volando en su dirección, aunque terminase rompiéndose en pedazos tenía que sobrevivir.
Piensa en Gordon, piensa en Yeoreum… ¿Qué mierda haría su hermana sin él? No. No podía. La promesa era que ella se iría primero, luego él le seguiría luego. Palabras de Ettie resuenan en su mente:
“ No seas tonto, ¿quién va a disfrutar de la vida si yo no puedo? Eres mi hermano mayor. Tienes que disfrutar por los dos… Ah, ¿cómo es que se llama? Hanwool-ssi! Ajá, sé que te gusta un montón.  ”
Sus risas resuenan en su mente, haciéndolo sonreír. Sí, Hanwool… El amor de su vida. ¿Acaso le perdonaría no llevarlo al altar? ¿Se molestaría si le tocaba cuidar de Ettie y de Conejo también?
“ Deberías traer a tus amigos más seguido, creo que… te hacen bien. Nunca habías traído amigos a este hospital. Lucías feliz, ya casi nunca sonríes cuando vienes aquí. Si ignoramos las máquinas o que me estoy muriendo, todavía soy consciente de muchas cosas. Anda, sal con tus amigos. Si te veo aquí un sábado en la mañana con ojos llorosos te voy a regañar. Mándales saludos a todos, diles que gracias por querer a mi tonto oppa. Eres un poco refunfuñón y tienes un humor extraño así que tienes que cuidarlos.   ”
Regaño viene desde la cama de un hospital, aspecto frágil de la menor no era nada comparado con su personalidad. Y es que, de cambiar posiciones y fuese él el enfermo, Ettie sabría como manejarlo. Era mucho más fuerte, mucho más inteligente. ¿Cómo le decía que se había peleado con Jun? ¿Cómo le decía que el juego podía quebrarlos en miles de piezas y un deseo de estar juntos todo el tiempo no sería suficiente? Porque de estar en el lado contrario, tampoco lo perdonaría. El perder el control, te envenena; recuerda palabras de Gordon. ¿Cómo le decía a su hermana de quince años que no estaría a su lado en sus últimos días y que se iría primero?
Por último, piensa en Hanwool, su mirada parece encontrar un lugar seguro al segundo que encuentra aquella carita entre todo el humo y llamas que cubren completa casi todos sus alrededores. Camina hacia él, corre como puede. Pasos eran pesados, sus pulmones quedándose sin oxígeno y buscando un poco más entre todo el humo lo hace toser pero nunca detiene su paso. Tenía que llegar a él. Arrastrando sus pies, tiempo se hace eterno y por un segundo piensa que no sería capaz de llegar.
Lo encuentra en un punto medio, donde sus brazos envuelven la cintura ajena, susurrando un último te amo antes de caer colapsado en sus brazos. Era injusto para Hanwool, quién no merecía tener que lidiar con un cuerpo o que su último recuerdo sea un Gaeul desmayado en sus brazos. Sin embargo, al segundo que su mirada lo encontró supo que había llegado a casa. Como el abrazo de un ser querido en un día difícil o la risa de Ettie cuando entra llorando a su habitación. Alivio. Tranquilidad. Cabaña se estaba cayendo encima de él y solo le importaba llegar hasta su amado.
Despierta rodeado de flores por doquier, Ettie acostada a su lado mientras hacía una corona de flores. No había máquinas, no había cables en su cuerpo, ningún rastro de enfermedad. Se veía hermosa. Supone que ha de estar muerto para tener tal imagen en su mente, porque no sentía como si estuviese en ese lugar.
“  Sabía que eras tonto, pero, ¿desmayarte? ¿de verdad?   ”  La risueña risa de Ettie retumba por todo el campo de flores. Era verano, su estación favorita.  “  Yah, tienes miles de personas esperándote allá.  ”
No tiene que decir a donde, sabía exactamente a que lugar se refería. ¿Estaba en el cielo? ¿En el infierno? No, imposible, Ettie nunca sería capaz de llegar a ese lugar. O tal vez sí, sus padres nunca los habían bautizado. Como sea, dudaba estar en alguno de esos dos lugares, supone que no estaba muerto entonces.
“  Tienes que despertar, despertar hacer dos cosas. Uno, pedirle perdón a Hanwool oppa por despedirte de esa forma; dos, arrepentirte porque no te puedes ir primero que yo. Hicimos una promesa.  ”  Lo señala, con su dedito índice. Mientras tanto, le coloca la corona de flores que estaba haciendo desde que despertó en ese lugar.
“  Aquí se siente tan bien, été  ”
Cierra sus ojos, respirando de aquel aire puro. El viento choca contra su piel, mueve sus cabellos contra la brisa y puede sentir el aroma de las miles de flores que están por todas partes. Estaba tranquilo. Sería más fácil simplemente quedarse ahí junto a Yeoreum.
“  Pues… No te vas a quedar aquí, tonti. Tienes que regresar, te va a doler un montón pero no te puedes ir así como así. ¿Qué crees? Tienes que regresar a mi, a mi lugar seguro. Así que despierta, el verano regresará cada año para ti.   ” Le susurra con delicada voz.
Se despierta de un golpe, supone que está bajo morfina porque todo da vueltas y su cuerpo vendado no siente nada por el momento. Quiere llamar a su hermana, quiere llamar a Hawell, quiere pedir perdón. Lágrimas recorren sus mejillas mientras aquel sueño sigue tan vivo como él lo estaba. Ettie lo había traído de vuelta, de aquello no tiene dudas. Tubo en su garganta lo ayuda a respirar, mano izquierda decorada con un yeso y el resto de su espalda estaba envuelta en gasas que le hacían imposible escapar. Escapar era lo que mejor hacía.
Été significa verano, Yeoreum en país natal significaba verano. Ettie, apodo que le había puesto para protegerla de las garras de Alew, ahora lo estaba protegiendo a él. ¿De quién? Quizá de la muerte, quizá de sí mismo… Quizá no era tan fuerte como pensaba. Vuelve a cerrar sus ojos cayendo en los suaves brazos de Morfeo, la diferencia era que esta vez si iba a pelear por volver a despertar.
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019. hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone.
It had been weeks since she and Drew had made that drive to see his mother and she hadn’t brought it up since. She wanted to forget everything that wretched woman had said. Kennedy wished that she could erase the trauma from that entire encounter, but unfortunately, they were both stuck with it. The only good that came from it was knowing that their relationship was stronger than ever; Drew had pushed back when his mother had been quick to judge and Kennedy hadn’t even had to put her foot down to make him do it. He had done it on his own.
But this particular morning, Kennedy had been woken far earlier than usual and the voice on the other end of the phone was shaky as she slipped into the living room of Drew’s apartment.
“Mom?” “Honey...it’s Grandma.”
Kennedy knew what had happened, in short, without any further detail. Grandma Mae was 96; well, she had been. Three different types of cancer, dementia, and type 2 diabetes. It was a miracle she had made it this far. Grandma Mae had helped raise the Marshall clan and had taught Kennedy so many things, she couldn’t even name them all. This was a long time coming but it hit Kennedy out of no where.
“It happened about an hour ago. We took her to the hospital...and...” “And you didn’t call me then?”
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There was silence on the other end of the line for thirty seconds, at least. “Thanks, Mom.” Sarcasm was her only defense when she was blind sided like this. “Honey...” “We’ll be there on the next flight.” “We?”
Kennedy took a quick breath and exhaled; the ‘we’ had sort of just slipped out. “Yes, we.” And then, she hung up. 
The thoughts swirled; her breathing slowed, though she had to truly concentrate to keep from breathing too fast. A few short steps and she was back in Drew’s bedroom. It was so familiar, climbing back into bed with him, that she didn’t even have to think as she did it. She curled her body into him and nuzzled his arm a bit more roughly than she usually did. “Drew? Please, for once in your life, be easy to wake up...” If anything, just because she needed to hear his voice. To make sure he was okay.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Hold Onto This Lullaby Even When the Music’s Gone-Seblaine.
Para: - Hold Onto This Lullaby Even When the Music’s Gone
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
When: Saturday, May 9, 2020
Location: Westerville, Ohio. 
Notes: Blaine asks Sebastian to come with him to Ohio so that he can visit his mother’s grave for Mother’s Day.
Warnings: Magic, a little sadness, lots of flowers and fluff.
Blaine’s POV: 
Wildflowers of all colors and sizes dangled loosely in Blaine’s hand and he was already scanning his little patch of meadow for more when his eyes settled on Sebastian not fifty feet away from him, clutching his own picked bouquet of flowers in slender fingers. His boyfriends eyes were dutifully and diligently scanning for the best ones, no doubt in hopes of presenting the colorful display to Blaine and pleasing him. The sight brought a smile to Blaine’s lips and again he was reminded of what an amazing and supportive boyfriend he had. He was still surprised that Sebastian had agreed to do this with him as it involved Blaine magically transporting the two of them from Boston to Westerville, Ohio. Blaine promised Seb, and himself, that it would be different from that night in Paris. Of course it would. Blaine wasn’t clouded by romantic notions nor was he transporting them to a massive landmark at three am. Plus, he’d made sure to whisper a deflection spell to make sure no one would see them land, the words leaving his lips just before they touched down on the outskirts of a familiar little meadow that made Blaine’s heart ache desperately and flutter with happy memories at the same time.
He could still feel the pressure of Sebastian’s shaking arms clinging tightly to him as he whisked them through the atmosphere before finally getting where they needed to go even though they’d been here for a good hour. Blaine got them there in only two stops, impressing himself by only taking a few minutes. He’d had to explain to Seb that magical transport wasn’t like it was in Harry Potter or any other movie, it took steps. Blaine had to touch down, depending how far he was going,  in other places bringing him closer and closer to his destination in baby steps and not one jump or else he’d exhaust himself. It was the same for all Witches. And since it was the furthest Seb had traveled with him, Blaine needed to be extra careful to make sure his boyfriend was comfortable. Needless to say, Blaine found himself checking to see if Sebastian was okay too many times while they searched, just in case.
He watched as Sebastian, bathed in the morning May sun, stooped down- his long legs bending to bring him closer to the ground and the pretty purple wildflower he was pursuing. He watched as his slender fingers closed around the bright green stem before, almost gently, Seb plucked it up and laid it against the rest of his tangle of stems and petals. Petals for Blaine’s mother that had been picked by Blaine’s Fate. It was overwhelming and almost too much for him and he bit his lip a little too hard as a wave of emotion burned through him raw and fast. He turned then, feigning finding a decent flower so that Sebastian wouldn’t notice that his eyes were too bright and his face was too red, knowing that if he had to speak his voice would be too thick and the two of them hadn’t even made it to the cemetery yet. Blaine couldn’t be falling apart already. He closed his eyes against the sun and inhaled, holding the air in his lungs for a moment before letting it out slowly. Steadying himself before plucking a yellow flower from it’s home in the grass and adding it to the rest even though he didn’t need anymore.
  Blaine always came here for Mother’s Day. He always picked wildflowers for his mother even though he could magic them into existence like he’d done with Sabine’s and the mistletoe. But this place was a tradition that was older than him. His parents used to come here together before Blaine was even born, it was one of his mom’s favorite places to just be. Her and his dad would spend the day collecting wildflowers for different spells and rituals or just to put around their house and when Blaine was born he had the privilege of getting to join them on their days off and he got to help pick out the flowers. His father, Will,  would steal Blaine away, telling his wife and Fate that they were looking for birds and other animals, even though Imelda knew better, and together they’d scour the meadow and pick out the brightest and best flowers and present them to Imelda before they left for the day. She’d always kiss her husband sweetly before turning to her son and sweeping him up into her arms and spin him around, her smile breathtaking as he pressed kisses to his forehead and cheeks and Blaine thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Even as he aged she’d still kiss his forehead and pull him into a hug so strong it was difficult to believe the woman was only 5’2.
Now he was here with his Fate and things had changed, sure, but they were still picking flowers for her. He ran a hand over his face to bring himself back before turning towards Sebastian and found that the taller man was making his way towards him, his arm full of flowers. Blaine smiled again, trying not to feel too much all at once. 
 “Those are beautiful, Seb. She’d love them. Thank you...” 
 He gratefully took the thatch of flowers from Seb and almost shyly looked up into his sea green eyes, the sun catching them and reflecting the hidden little hint of blue that came out when it felt like it. Blaine licked his lips before pressing his free palm to Seb’s cheek, his thumb caressing his cheekbone gently as he tiptoed up for a little kiss that Blaine somehow still managed to feel all the   way to his toes. He took a deep breath before taking a step back.
“The cemetery where her grave is is only about a mile away. I mean, it’s not really her grave, we kind of go back to nature, but Witches tend to have one so that any human friends they may have had can have a place to grieve, you know? It’s for show but, I like keeping it nice anyway.” He shrugged, his voice soft. “Do you feel okay to travel one or two more times? I promise the nausea potion will work until we’re finished for the day.”  He motioned to the little messenger bag strapped loosely across his chest that contained a few things they might need. “Plus, I have more if you need it. And you can hold on as tight as you need, you know I don’t mind.” 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian agreed to go with Blaine to Ohio. He was nervous about his boyfriend using his magic for them to travel, not because he was scared or anything like that. Seb just didn’t want Blaine to get himself into any trouble and he didn’t want Hunter to chase them down or work overtime to fix their mistakes. The two of them had learned their lesson since Paris and Blaine was very discreet and prepared. He gave Sebastian the anti nausea medicine that tasted vaguely of grass clippings, held him tightly, and made a few stops in deserted areas so that no wandering eyes would catch the two of them popping in and out of sight. Seb pretty much kept his eyes closed the entire time and it really didn’t take long before he could feel the soft padding of fluffy grass beneath his shoes. 
Besides, how could Sebastian ever say no to those sad, golden eyes asking him to celebrate Mother’s Day with him? He couldn’t fathom the dull ache of hurt that his boyfriend would always carry, the hole left in his life after his mother’s passing. There wasn’t much to do when somebody you loved lost somebody, it was a pain that Seb knew he could never heal but he could try to ease it. Sebastian would always say yes to honoring Blaine’s mother. 
The field where Blaine decided to bring him was beautiful. It was green and wild and looked like a fairy tale scene. A bee buzzed past his ear, he could hear birds and toads singing in the distance. It was easy to imagine witches collecting their herbs and petals here or fairy princes hiding in the trees, waiting to lure humans away into the tangle of weeds and twigs. The green field stretched on for what seemed like forever, dotted with yellow and white and purple clusters of wild flowers. Sebastian was thoughtful in his pursuit of flowers for Imelda. He only picked the ones that looked to be in the best shape and he was gentle when he plucked them from the Earth. Blaine had told him once that any time he took something from the Earth, that he whispered a small prayer of thanks. Seb said a little “thank you” in his brain as he plucked the last one. He thought his bouquet looked nice as he walked over to join the other man. Sebastian and Blaine shared a kiss, their arms full of spring blooms and the sun hot on the backs of their necks. It didn’t feel like a scene that Sebastian could have ever seen himself in pre Blaine. 
He nodded, “Yeah, B. I’m fine.” Sebastian lifted his hand that wasn’t clutching stems to squeeze his boyfriend’s shoulder. “I don’t think I need anymore, I’ll be okay. I promise.” Sebastian wrapped his long arm around Blaine’s slender hips. “But I think I will hold on as tight as I can.”
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine's face fell into the natural smile that always seemed present when Sebastian did something surprising for him, and coming out here and just being with Blaine in a world that was so far away from Harvard or law firms or clutters of paper with words that made Blaine’s fantastical mind dizzy to look at for too long... Was beyond sweet. His practical, stubborn, law school boyfriend was here, in a meadow, picking wildflowers almost in ceremony for his boyfriends dead mother, and hadn’t once shown a single sign of annoyance or general discomfort, and in that moment Blaine loved him more than he’d ever loved him before, and that's saying something because Blaine loved Sebastian an immeasurable amount. 
He simply nodded, not really trusting himself to speak and wrapped his free arm around Sebastian’s waist to pull him as close as he could. He shifted his weight slightly, closed his eyes and pressed his face into Sebastian's neck, using his boyfriend's solid form as a much needed anchor. He envisioned the little clearing where his mother’s grave rested, the sun shimmering through the trees, and let his feet lift from the ground and for an instant the two of them were someplace else. Someplace in the middle of worlds, an in between- and usually, when Blaine was alone he felt like he might go on forever that way, like he might never land, an out of controlness that he often wondered if other Witches had succumbed to when they were lonely or sad, but with Sebastian in his arms he came right back down. And just before landing, Blaine’s detection spell told them that they were alone. No one would be around to see them appear. And just like that, the ground was beneath his feet and birdsong was in the air around them.
He held onto Sebastian for a moment, giving himself a chance to catch his breath and giving Seb a chance to get his footing before lifting his head up slowly and looking around. Graveyards were odd places for people like Blaine. He could feel a stirring under the ground, weak and lazy- never alarming like one might imagine. They were generally peaceful places, as most of the time the dead weren't really here. They’d usually moved on or moved around to more suitable places near their families for who knows what reasons. But, a Witches grave, the ones that had them, those were the most calming of all. Only a pinch of ashes were buried here. Just enough to leave a footprint, a small sign that the name on the stone matched what was underneath. Imelda Anderson had a grave because she had left a footprint in the human world. She was a nurse and had many human friends. People needed a place to go to mourn her. Some Witches never did that sort of thing. Choosing to work in their own community with their own people. They never had graves, what was the point? Blaine and even his father  who used to work with humans would both probably have graves one day. Blaine always thought he’d get one next to his mother but as he looked up at Sebastian he thought he might be laid to rest somewhere else after all.
 “Are you alright?” He murmured, his eyes scanning to make sure his boyfriend was in once piece. He stepped back just a bit, his eyes avoiding looking around too much, as he wasn’t sure he was ready. “You really are a natural, you know? You travel so well.” He laughed a bit, and pressed a kiss to Seb’s jaw before letting himself step away once he was satisfied that he was alright and allowed himself to look around finally. The first thing he noticed was the flowers from the last time he was here, still a tangled pretty mess but, dead all the same and taking over Imelda’s name and the stars and moon that were engraved on the stone. Blaine tried his best to come out here multiple times a year, he really did, but he found he could only really stomach a few times a year. The rest of the year he built altars and shrines to her in his room and left offerings for her. But, he came here, without fail for at least a half an hour, on Mother’s Day, Halloween, and the day she died every year.  Which meant these flowers were from November.. He felt a wash of shame spread over him as he realized that Sebastian probably noticed how the flowers and marker weren’t in the best shape.
 “I don’t get out here as much as I should…” he bit his lip and stepped away from Sebastian, his voice low.  “I-” He sighed and cleared his throat.  “I have a hard time with it.” He mumbled, turning his head so that Seb wouldn’t see how heated his face was. He made his way to the pretty dark grey stone knelt and instantly started to clear it away. Magicking away the dead flowers, hoping that the display didn’t shock Sebastian too much. He’d just magic traveled through, so Blaine wasn’t too concerned. Once he was satisfied he stepped back to admire her name properly. The Imelda was bigger than the Anderson, it was like his father wanted the world to know that she was so much more than his wife. That she was the grave stated- a wife, yes, but also- a friend, a nurse, and a mother. Blaine swallowed hard, taking a moment before speaking. His fingers absently tracing her name over and over again. Crystals and sprinkles of little magical petals littered the base of the grave and Blaine righted them as he began to speak, his face downcast towards the grave, fingers still tracing like it might bring her back.
 “I-I know she’s not really here- and I know this grave isn’t really for me. It’s for her human friends, as I’ve said. B-but, it’s all I have besides this crystal.” He motioned vaguely to the clear quartz hanging around his neck with his free hand. “And the altars I build for her. I bring the flowers each Spring because she loved them, and they were a family tradition that my dad made sure we kept up each Mother’s Day. Something small and simple that meant the world to my mom. And, gods Seb, why shouldn’t other people get to walk by here on Mother’s Day and know that she was a wonderful mother and she was so loved. Maybe it’s silly because it’s basically an empty grave with maybe a sprinkle of ashes but it makes me feel better knowing it’s here and that people can see a glimpse of what kind of person she was by what's left here for her. You know, Witches don’t even get to keep their loved ones' ashes because they might be used as a tool to bring them back and if they were to get into the wrong hands they might be used against their families. It’s- Gods, this is hard...”
By the end of his little speech he was crying a little bit. Not hard, but enough that he could feel the tears clinging to his cheeks and one rolling down the tip of his nose.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian stood back a little to give Blaine some space. He watched him magic away the dead wildflowers and nodded as he spoke. He could sense the other man’s anxiety as his hands shakily moved around the dark grey stone of the grave marker. Seb had never really been the most sensitive person, had always excused himself from awkward situations with other people and walked away from conversations when  they turned emotional. The last funeral he went to was for his Grandfather in France and he just sort of floated around the outskirts or sat silently by his mother’s side. They weren’t very close and they had been expecting it. He didn’t want to walk away or turn his back now, he knew that he needed to be here but was worried he might say or do the wrong thing.
Sebastian stepped forward and put a hand on Blaine’s shoulder. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, B. I get it. If anybody gets it, I do. I don’t know how to deal with this stuff. I...I’m afraid I’d never visit if...if I were in your shoes. You’re a great son.”  Sebastian knelt down next to the other man to expect the marker a little more closely. “I mean, look at all this. You bring flowers and have brought her crystals. I don’t know what they’re all for but knowing you, they were all    painstakingly selected just for her.” 
He reached forward to catch the teardrop on the tip of Blaine’s nose. “If coming here means something to you...well, that’s all that really matters. Doesn’t matter what lies underneath the ground. She knows you’re here. She knows you’re trying. She was a great mom, and the world knows that because of you. All of this is wonderful and thoughtful but this isn’t what proves it. You prove it. You...moving around in the world and singing and playing the piano in it and making people feel good and calm.” Sebastian was always a little surprised at himself when the words just fell from his lips around Blaine with no hesitation. For somebody that avoided anything touchy feely, avoided anything too emotional, was afraid to handle fragile situations, was always worried about doing the wrong thing when Blaine needed him, he just always naturally fell into the right place with the other man. It shouldn’t surprise him anymore but it always did.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tensed slightly when he felt Sebastian’s hand on his shoulder but only for a moment. He sighed as he listened to his boyfriend speak, the words soothing his soul and making him feel a little better. Sebastian could say all he wanted that he wasn’t good with situations like this but time and time again he proved to Blaine that he was the best to be around when he felt this sort of hopelessness in his body. He nodded, not taking his eyes off of the grave and let himself lean into Sebastian for support, hoping against hope that if this sort of thing ever happened to Seb that he’d be able to be there for him as much as he’d been there for Blaine. He let out a thick little laugh at, nodding because he had indeed, painstakingly selected each one just for her just in case she ever did visit this place in her afterlife. Maybe she’d feel a connection to him since he was the last Witch to touch them. He wasn’t entirely sure his father ever came out here.
 He let his face be turned towards Seb and let his tears be wiped away by gentle, familiar fingers that calm him and made him cry just a little bit harder at the same time. Perhaps that’s what he needed though, a good cry in the arms of someone that loved him and understood him. And as Sebastian continued on telling him little things that he did that would make his mother proud and keep her alive he cried a little harder and felt a little better. It was hard for him, as he’d been hard on himself for a long time about not being able to save her at his young age. But, hearing all the things Sebastian was saying helped him realize that he was still keeping her alive and proving her worth. His healing magic, his kindness... His friendship with Tony and with her fierceness and determination to prove that she was worth it(she was). Him falling in love. All of it was his way of keeping her around. Sebastian was right and maybe Blaine just needed to hear it all again to know that. She really was a great mom...
He kept quiet for a moment, the only sound being his little sniffles, the birdsong, and Sebastian's steady, comforting breathing. He reached out and very gently took most of Sebastian’s flowers from him leaving a handful left in his palm. He took a few from his own tangle and placed them in Seb’s hand, combining them into a small bouquet- these would be for someone else equally as important later. He took the ones he’d taken from Seb and placed them with the ones he had left in his own hand and gently placed their combined offerings around the grave. There were a million things he wanted to say to her right now. Hi mom, this is Sebastian. My Fate. I love him more than life... Hi mom, I miss you so much... Hi mom, life isn’t the same without you... Hi mom, please come back… But he settled for whispering softly to himself and to her the very few words he knew in his mother's native tongue. “I love you, mom.”
He sat for a moment longer before wiping his face and turning back to Seb and his little wildflower bouquet. “Thank you so much, baby. You don’t know how much I needed to hear all the things you said to me.” He stood and helped Seb up before wrapping his arms tightly around his boyfriend. His face pressing perfectly into his shoulder for a moment. “You’re good at this, you know? Keeping me together. I don’t know how to thank you for today.” He bit his lip, thinking for a moment, his eyes turning towards the little bouquet still in Seb’s hand. His idea for a thank you taking shape in his head. He pulled back a little and ran his fingers just so over them, humming lightly and buzzing with magic. The wildflowers in Seb’s hand were joined by a variety of pale peachy pink and buttercream yellow flowers. An assortment that most flower shops would spend a great deal of money on. The soft colors against the thatch of darker wildflowers making a pretty display, tied nicely by a muted cream bow. He was still impressed with himself for learning how to transform without having to use a blade of grass anymore. He’d come so far...
 “Speaking of great moms and great sons… We should go visit yours. We could spend the night and I could help you make her breakfast tomorrow for Mother’s Day. We could surprise her! I’ve had the idea in my head for a little bit now but.. You know, I wanted to make sure you’d be okay with it.” He tiptoed up, and stole a little kiss, a smile slipping into place just for Sebastian. “You made my day special, let me make it special for you two as well?” He nudged the flowers towards Seb as if asking.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian watched Blaine as he placed the flowers methodically around the grave. He let Blaine help him off of the ground, the knees of his dark jeans had little grass stains on them and his hands smelled like wet dandelions and earth. Seb didn’t mind, though. He held onto the remaining flowers and nodded along to the other man’s words. “You really don’t have to thank me.”Sebastian wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and held him tight for a few moments. He was glad that Blaine felt a little better and he really had made the grave look very clean and pretty. 
 He felt the flowers change in his fingers before he saw them. The magic tingled and moved against his skin. Seb looked down to see the small wildflower bouquet turn into something that looked like it had come from a high end flower shop. Though he had witnessed Blaine’s magic so many times, he was always amazed by it, always felt a little lightheaded around it. The colors were subtle and sleek and reminded him of his mother before Blaine had even brought up the   idea of visiting her. 
 “What?” Sebastian blinked a few times. He quirked his head and looked down at the other man. He was confused. They had to keep magic a secret, how were they supposed to just pop up at his childhood home? “I mean, wow.” Seb ran a hand through his hair that was a little mussed from the wind and from their whimsical mode of transportation. “Won’t she, you know, wonder how we got there? We don’t have any luggage. I arranged for some truffles to be delivered and I bought her a new Coach wristlet. Not that I don’t want to see her, I just...I don’t want to get you in trouble.” 
Seb held onto the flowers and rocked back on his heels. He could see how excited Blaine was by the little mischievous sparkle in his eye, his giddy kiss,  his smile. Sebastian bit his bottom lip and rolled his eyes playfully. “Alright, alright. If you promise she won’t find out and that Hunter won’t like, have a stroke over this.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine bit his lip to keep from smiling too big, after all the emotions he’d gone through in the span of an hour it was nice to feel a little amusement. He reached for Sebastian’s hand and gave it a little squeeze of reassurance. “After everything you’ve seen? You still doubt me?” He let himself smile now and shook his head. “I know I messed up a little during Christmas, but I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’ve been working on my detection spells and my glamours. I can do this, I promise.” He motioned to the messenger bag that had the anti-nausea potions and a few other ingredients in it. “This is our luggage, we’re only going to be there one night. Besides, after we’re settled  I’ll pop back in at home and get us pajamas and something for tomorrow. I’ll check on Ras and I know this seems weird, but I’ll talk to Freya and she’ll have no problem watching him for the next sixteen or so hours. She’ll make a great babysitter, really. Besides, she loves the guy. Don’t let her annoyance fool you. She’d do anything for him.”
 “I promise you that she won’t find out, the only magic I’ll have to do on her is making sure she sees your car parked in the driveway. And Hunter will be fine, in fact, if you tell him, he might even be impressed.” He gave a reassuring smile and stepped forward, pulling Seb back towards him with both arms this time. Wrapping them tightly around his waist, mindful of Sabine’s flowers. He titled his head up, and kissed Sebastian once more, pulling back with an easy smile. “Close your eyes.” 
Once he was sure Seb was ready he pressed his face to Seb’s neck and pictured the Smythe home and where he wanted them to land. His feet touched the ground on the porch just out of sight of the Smythe’s large front door. Blaine’s anti-detection spells worked over time as he focused to push them out. Once he was sure they weren’t detected he turned towards the road and a slow smile spread over his lips as he concentrated, the buzzing energy of magic coming up and through him strong and before his eyes Sebastian’s car or what looked like Sebastian’s car pulled up into the gated driveway. 
He bit his lip as he surveyed their surroundings, making sure everything was in place. He ran his hand through his curls, making sure they were at least somewhat decent. Their clothing was casual, like they’d been traveling, which wasn’t a lie. He gave Seb a once over (perfect, as always) but stopped when he noticed the grass stains from when he’d knelt down with him. The memory made his heart swell. He leaned down just enough to swipe his hands over the spots, watching as the green faded leaving dark blue jeans behind. He lifted back up and arched his brows as if asking Sebastian if this were okay. If he did everything good enough. Before knocking he reached for Sebastian’s hand intertwining their fingers in one last thank you. 
 “Before we knock, I just… I wanted to tell you that today meant everything to me. I’m so incredibly lucky and I love you, okay? Yeah.” He gave Seb’s hand a squeeze, a calming wave of energy coming off of him and settling over the house as he waited for Seb to knock.
Sebastian’s POV:
“I don’t doubt you. I just don’t want you to get in trouble or something. I trust you and it seems like you already have it all planned out so, let’s do it.” 
He had a strange mental image of Freya baby sitting Ras, standing on her fluffy legs as she filled his food bowl and took him for a stroll down the block. He laughed, “I mean, if you say she’s capable...who am I to judge?”
Seb took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut as he felt Blaine’s arms wrap around him tightly, his mother’s flowers in his hands around the other man’s waist. The pop of magic whirled around them as they landed near the house, an apparition of his car rolled into the driveway as he shook the tingly feeling magic gave him out of his legs. The car was probably the strangest display of magic he had seen yet. “Damn,B. You get better by the day.”  He nudged his boyfriend in the side with his elbow. “And the grass stain thing? Super cool. You would have been useful when I played Lacrosse.”
He looked up at his house and sighed. Sebastian hoped that his mother was home and that his father was away. Sebastian and Blaine were so caught up in the moment that they didn’t even consider calling first. He squeezed Blaine’s hand and looked into his eyes for a beat. “You would do the same for me.” Sebastian kissed him. “I love you back.” He lifted a fist and knocked on the door. He was sure that his mother would be a little panicky that somebody was knocking, considering the house was gated and they weren’t expecting him. Sebastian hoped that Blaine had extended some calming magic into the atmosphere so that she would answer the door and not send somebody else to do it.
Seb’s wish must have been secretly granted by Blaine because there was Sabine, in a black button up  blouse tucked into high waisted boyfriend cut jeans and her feet were bare (her toes were painted red). She had her hair pulled back into her signature low chignon bun and Sebastian could smell her welcoming lavender perfume mixed with the scent of the lemon wood polish that his childhood home always smelled like. Her red lips broke into a wide smile that matched his and she was in his arms before either of them could mutter a word. Sabine’s low laughter was in his ear and then she was exclaiming his boyfriend’s name with a little clap of her delicate hands and hugging him, she rubbed his back and told Blaine that she had missed him.
Sebastian stood there, clutching a bouquet made of magic as he watched his mother ruffle his boyfriend’s dark curly hair. The two of them were smiling and laughing, holding each other like old friends. He didn’t think anything in the world could look as perfect as her bare feet next to Blaine’s navy blue slip on shoes, his eyes shiny as he held onto her slender arms, the sound of his happy laugh that rang out over the landing of the Smythe house. He laughed to himself, a happy tear slid to the tip of his nose as he wrapped his long arms around the two of them.
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jaxonharmon · 5 years
safe & sound || self para
                            song reference ; safe & sound by taylor swift
     when jaxon heard that the theme for the week was to be taylor swift, he was stumped to say the least. of course he had heard many of her hits over the years, but as he racked his brain, none stuck out to him that he felt he could really connect with or delve into. this led the boy to sit in front of his laptop for hours, youtube pulled up on the screen that seemed to get brighter as the sun went down.
     it seemed like hours had passed as jaxon went through and listened to about every song of every album he could find, none of them jumping out to him. he was the kind of person that when he does something, he wants to do it right and to the highest standard he can. so, trying to find a song that both meant something to him, one he could really get lost in the music, while also accentuating his own voice. running a hand through his hair, the boy sighed, clicking onto the next song in the recommended bar. this song however had not been on any of taylor’s own albums, instead a song that had been a collaboration on a soundtrack for ‘the hunger games’ movies. as the melody began to play, jaxon was hit with a wave of memories and emotions, and then he knew he had his song.
     from that night on, when jaxon wasn’t in school, in practice, or working, he was sitting on his bed with a guitar in his hands, practicing over and over until his arm would tire. finally after night after night, jaxon thought he had practiced enough to not be a laughing stock of the club. however, when the fated day approached and he was sitting in those plastic red chairs of the choir room, he felt like his nerves were on fire. though he had been in the glee club for the past semester, had sung songs with the group and a solo or two here and there, he had never opened up as fully as he was about to. he had half a mind to get up and walk out that moment, but before he could even stand, his name was called back to reality. with a few encouragements from those around him, he took a shaky breath as he walked to the middle of the room, grabbing a guitar and stool as he went. “so uh-- i picked this song in memory of my dad. let’s just hope i don’t mess it up, god knows he’d have a few jokes to say about it if i did,” he said with a small laugh, making jokes as his way to cope. with a final glance around his peers, jaxon looked down at his shaky hand before forcing it steady and playing the first note. 
      “i remember tears streaming down your face when i said i’ll never let you go”
                              “you’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now”
                   “hold on to this lullaby even when the musics gone, gone”
     jaxon hardly made it through the last of the lyrics, tears welling in his eyes at the memories that had resurfaced for him the past few days. he was young when his father had been in the fatal car wreck, but still old enough to remember what happened. old enough to remember their last conversation, their last ‘i love you’, their last goodbyes. however faded those memories had become now. he remembered. 
     as soon as he finished out the song, fighting to hide the strain in his voice from holding back tears, jaxon was off his stool. he said a small thanks for listening, gently setting the guitar down before he strode out of the room altogether.
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