andersoncharm · 2 years
I Can Hear the Bells (Something’s Beginning)- Friday, December 9, 2022
Mini Para: I Can Hear the Bells (Something’s  Beginning)
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Friday, December 9, 2022- A week after- A Little Light Wedding Planning.  (Seb 28, and Blaine 26.)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian talk to Sabine about their wishes for their wedding.
Warnings: This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Hairspray- I Can Hear the Bells
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut to keep dash neat. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine paced around the kitchen and busied himself putting things that were already where they belonged back in order A task which consisted of picking each item up, looking at it, and then promptly placing it back in its home. This was it. They were finally going to tell Sabine that they didn’t want a big wedding or an extravagant honeymoon. His stomach dropped a little at the thought and ran his finger so hard over an invisible fleck of dirt on the counter that it made a sharp squeak. Gods, get it together. Everything's fine. And of course, it was, she’d understand.
He kept throwing little glances over at Sebastian who was sitting at their breakfast bar with a sleek, thin, grey laptop opened up on the countertop. The sound of a low chime rang throughout the spacious kitchen and Blaine caught Seb’s eye, he looked adorably nervous. He’d even gotten a bit dressed up for the Skype call which made Blaine laugh because Seb’s mother had seen him at his worst. He stopped his redundant pacing and reached out to give his fiancé's hand a comforting squeeze, hoping it granted him a bit of courage with his wonderful whirlwind of a mother. As soon as he did so the ringing cut off and was filled with Sabine Smythe’s sweet lilting accent as she exclaimed her surprise and excitement over the face-to-face call.
He didn’t know why they were both so nervous- it was Sabine and it was silly that they’d be nervous about her reaction to how they wanted to do their own wedding. She loved them and just wanted them to be happy and healthy together. On the other hand… it was Sabine! The same Sabine wanted to plan and make things lavish and over the top and who had probably already called every place she could think of to make the day perfect for them and they hadn’t even given her a date. She was the mom who only wanted the best for her son and her future son-in-law, who always spent time making sure Sebastian knew he was loved and always made sure Blaine knew she loved him just as much as if he was hers and he loved her for it in return. She’d talked about little else since Sebastian had told her about the proposal and Blaine’s acceptance. She was beside herself excited. So excited that when Seb tried to call her last week to tell him, she’d cut him off and started to throw plans at them a mile a minute. Needless to say, this all was a week overdue and Blaine was feeling the anxiety.
He felt like maybe they were cheating her out of her motherly experience by wanting to have something small and intimate. How were they supposed to tell her they wanted a small spring wedding outside in the courtyard of their own house with Tony officiating and a small wedding party that included a dog and a familiar “cat”? Or that they wanted a lowkey honeymoon up in the mountains where they wouldn’t be bothered for a few days. Once upon a time, Blaine had thought that maybe he’d like a huge wedding with hundreds of guests and extravagant decorations but it was before his mom died and before he’d been exiled from the only life he’d ever known, including his own father. The thought of doing all of that now felt daunting and all he really wanted was to be Seb’s husband. To have someone call him Mr. Smythe-Anderson.
“B... Baby- Hey, you gonna say hello or stare out the window all evening?” 
He hadn’t realized it but he’d been staring out the window at Ras chasing little flurries of snow dancing in the air of the fading sun as Freya stood nearby on the stoop watching over the loveable pup all while Blaine fantasized about being Sebastian’s Mister. Sebastian’s voice was playful as he arched his brown and then furrowed them as if to ask where he went and as if to say don’t you dare leave me alone here. Blaine ducked his head sheepishly in apology and then made his way around to stand next to Seb before leaning into his lithe body all by sighing at the comfort of being close to Sebastian brought. He grinned as Sabine’s pretty face came into view. Her green eyes, so like her son’s, shone with delight as she watched them.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was watching Ras and Freya play in the flurries and got distracted, they’re so cute. Anyway, how are you?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian knew deep down that his mother wouldn’t hold their decision against them and that she would ultimately understand. He still felt a bit nervous, like how he used to feel when he would bring home a not-so-perfect grade back in high school. He could tell Blaine was going out of his way to keep his hands busy. His mother had been nothing short of supportive and they just didn’t want to let her down in any way but they had to do what was best for them. All that really mattered was that they were going to get married, they were going to put roots down together and he would marry B in the middle of the street if he had to. They both knew that at the end of the day, she’d get it but that didn’t make it less intimidating. Sebastian and Blaine made eye contact and he pressed the call button. 
Sabine’s classic beauty came into view. Her blonde hair was pulled back into its classic chignon and Seb could see that she was sat in her clean kitchen. “Hey, Mom.” Sabine’s face brightened and she smiled her smooth, perfect smile and greeted him in French. Her eyes wandered around Sebastian and he could tell she was looking for his fiancé. 
“B... Baby- Hey, you gonna say hello or stare out the window all evening?” 
The other man made his way over and greeted Sabine in his usual charming, effortless way. Even when he had nerves, his grace still emanated from him. Sebastian loved that about Blaine and he could tell that Sabine did too.
“I’m well. To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see my beautiful boys?”
“Well,” Sebastian looked over at Blaine who nodded in encouragement. “We have done a lot of thinking lately and-”
“Grandchildren?” Sabine cut in.
“No, Maman, we’ve talked about this.” He he spoke gently and could feel a small slump in B’s body. Sebastian placed his hand on the small of his back and rubbed slow circles to comfort them both.
“We decided that we don’t want to have a big wedding. I know how excited you’ve been to plan but, we’d just prefer something small and intimate. We wanted to tell you before you got too deep into all of this wedding stuff.” 
“Right, B?” He looked at him as if to say a little help here.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried his best not to visibly react to Sabine’s casual, and not without an undertone of excitement, mention of children. He knew she still held out a bit of hope that the boys would “change their minds” but that she didn’t expect anything more than the two of them bringing Ras and Freya around here and there. And themselves, of course. She had taken their news and reasoning of deciding against children mostly because of the state of the world- with grace and only rarely mentioned them. Still, it hurt a little to hear now. He knew she meant no harm by it, but that didn’t stop the dull ache. Seb’s hand at the small of his back sent a surge of comfort through him and he took a deep breath, his smile falling easily back into place as he spoke.
“We know how excited you’ve been to plan something special for us, but hey, you can still help us do that. See, we plan on having it in the Spring, when the flowers and trees are at their second best, and we wanted to just, sort of have it here- where we built a forever home together, out in the courtyard, under the trees. That’s why Seb told you I was taking care of all the flowers because they’d mostly be in nature, and well, I just love putting flowers together, as you know. But I was thinking we’re gonna need a whole bunch more and I could very much use your help picking them out.” 
That wasn’t why Seb had told Sabine that Blaine would take care of flowers, he’d told her that because Blaine could grow the best flowers with his hands, but she couldn’t know that. Even though Blaine had messed up a couple of years ago and had forgotten to let a bouquet of flowers he’d given Sabine die naturally and she’d asked a bunch of questions. Thank god his guy was persuasive and good at sidetracking others. He looked at Sebastian to make sure he was doing this right getting a nudge and a little smile in return. His fiancé was probably just happy he didn’t have to say as much right now.
"Of course, you won’t just be in charge of flowers!  You’ll also be an honored guest. Mother of Groom,” He paused, not knowing if he should add the next part, but his mouth was moving before he could stop himself and it felt good saying it. “Or since were nontraditional and I don’t have that option- you could even be Mother of the Grooms if you want that. Everyone that will be there knows what I’ve lost, who you are, and what you mean to me so it’s an option… It’s entirely up to you.” He tried not to think about the fact that his father would more than likely be forbidden from attending and still wasn’t sure what he’d tell Sabine or how he was supposed to be okay with that. But, he kept speaking before she could reply, his nerves getting the best of him, leaning into Sebastian for further comfort. Gods, why couldn't they just say “I do” right now? The ring was all but searing a hole into its temporary home against his chest each day it was made to wait for its own forever home on his heart finger.
“We haven’t worked out all the little details, just that we want to be at home when we tie the knot and we want your help in making a smaller ceremony happen just as much as if it were a big ceremony.” He worried his bottom lip as he watched his soon-to-be mother-in-law’s pretty face work through emotions.
“We didn’t break your heart too much today, did we?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Blaine’s easy way and natural charm were comforting as he eloquently explained all of the details to Sabine. Sebastian was good with words and could be extremely convincing, it was his career after all. But B was just a lot more patient with words where he was efficient and with something as delicate as a wedding, B was the expert. 
There was a small crease of concentration between his mother’s eyebrows but it softened as Blaine explained everything. "As much as I love to plan extravagant things, I understand. I only want what makes you two happy.” Sabine’s voice was soft. Sebastian knew she would accept but relief still settled over him and he could feel his fiancé loosen up more as well. He had been given a wonderful mother and he had put her through some hell in the past but he was thankful for her and her never-ending acceptance.
“No no, no broken hearts today.” Her green eyes turned a little misty. “Of course, I’ll be the Mother of the Grooms.” A small tear fell down her cheek that she swatted away with a manicured fingernail.  “You two just want to ruin all of this expensive makeup, don’t you?” 
Sebastian smiled and shook his head. “Never. “ He cleared his throat to keep himself from getting too emotional while sandwiched between his two favorite people being honest and open together. It was crazy how much his life has changed since he’d met the other man. He was calmer and happier and his emotions weren’t something that he was ashamed of anymore. “As Blaine said, there are still a lot of little things that need to be figured out. Obviously, your assistance is needed. And we would love it if you helped with our tux fittings.”
He turned to look at Blaine and smiled a little relieved smile. “What am I missing? It’s go time now.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart gave a little flutter as he watched a tear slowly trace its way down Sabine’s pretty face and he knew it was in response to his suggestion. He had to fight the urge to keep himself from doing the same. He swallowed hard and tried his best to keep the smile on his face even though he was sure it was wobbly now at best. His laugh was easy when she quipped back to hide her emotions and he found himself shaking his head along with Sebastian. Everything still felt so surreal, in a few months, give or take a little, he’d be married and he’d have in-laws. One of which he was extremely close. He kept picturing himself getting to cook meals at the lake for the Smythe family again alongside Sabine as he’d done a couple of Summers ago. Where they had worked so well together with happy little trills of laughter while Sebastian watched them with happiness in his eyes over the steam of his coffee cup. He liked to imagine that maybe one day he could even maybe win over her accommodating yet less companionable husband the same way he’d instantly won her over. He wasn’t sure how, but he had the time now.
He was so pleased that she had taken the news of their smaller ceremony with grace, but of course, she did. It was Sabine and she was probably the most graceful person he knew now. Ideas for flowers and outfits were flitting around in his head and he couldn’t wait to sit down and write them all out. He was so happy that he’d get to say his I do’s outside, in nature. It was important to him that the trees and the wind and sunshine surround them. A little way to bring him closer to his craft and his mother. He’d find a way to sneak in a bit of flower magic into the ceremony. He’d love to have more, but normal people that weren’t allowed to know his secret would be there, and the less magic he used the better, but they couldn't stop him from having some at his wedding.
“It makes me so happy to hear you say that.” He nodded in time with what Sebastian was saying. Gods they had so much to do if they were going to do this all by Spring. He had to laugh at himself, here he was wanting a smaller wedding partially for less stress just so he could still stress over it. “Right, we have so many little things to go over, but don’t you worry about any of that right now, I’ll get back to you about the flowers as soon as I figure out what color we want and all of three of us should plan a shopping trip at the beginning of the new year for our attire” They three of them rambled on for a fair bit which resulted in Blaine pulling out his wedding pad of paper and a pen so he could take even more notes and suggestions from Sabine and Seb. And by the time they had closed the laptop Blaine’s wrist hurt. 
“I think that went well.” 
He laughed and leaned turned so that he was facing Sebastian. The evening had passed into full night now and with the glow of the laptop gone Seb’s face was hard to see, he placed his pen on his now-closed notebook, and then he waved his hand through the air- the glow of the kitchen lights eased themselves on much softer than they would have been if he hadn’t used magic and had just turned them on at the switch. The ambiance of magic light was much preferred though. 
“How would you feel about April 27? Or we could even do June? I mean, we met on June 27 four and a half years ago,” Gods, had 2018 only happened less than five years ago?, “but that’s Summer and we wanted a Spring wedding so I thought maybe we could do the same day with a different month?”
He watched his future husband for a moment, looking up at him through his lashes and he desperately wanted to be as close to him as possible. A wave of overwhelming love for his man passed through him and he reached out to take Sebastian’s face in his hands, he leaned up and kissed him, letting his lips linger before speaking softly.
“Gods Seb- I love you so much and I just want to marry you. I really don’t care what day we pick.” Looking at Seb in a glow of magic, he hated the thought of not just doing it tomorrow. But, he knew they had to pick one, that people were counting on them. That didn’t stop him from halfheartedly joking-
“Mm, how about tomorrow?” 
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian loved watching Blaine scribble in his official wedding notepad. He had teased him pretty relentlessly about it, all in good fun of course. It was actually a very nice pad of quality paper, embossed with their last names in gold script. Seb assumed that it was probably anointed too as B had picked it up at Fridays, the local temple of Aphrodite. Of course, they planned on purchasing some of their flowers from them and the devotees were swooning over their engagement. He wouldn’t be surprised if the pad were a gift from the high priestess herself. Sebastian made a small remark along the lines of ‘that thing turned out to be pretty useful after all’
Sebastian pushed the laptop to the side of their granite countertop and stretched his long arms. “It went great. Now the real fun begins.” He watched Blaine’s hand as soft, warm light illuminated their faces. Sebastian nodded. The date didn’t really mean much to him, he just wanted to be married already. “I like that idea a lot.” He leaned into the other man’s hands, they were still warm from the magic B had done. Seb leaned into the gentle kiss and sighed, his hands on Blaine’s wrists. “I love you back. So fucking much.”
He knew that Blaine was joking in a bittersweet kind of way. “If only.” Sebastian stole a few more kisses. “But, I have plans for you tonight, “ He nipped at his fiancé's ear lobe. “I think we’ll be too tired to do anything but lay in bed.” Sebastian looked down at B with a mischievous smirk. He ran his hands down the other man’s chest to settle on his waistline. “What do you say, future Mr. Smythe-Anderson?” Blaine was on him before he could think of anything else to say, the scrape of the bar stools loud in his ear as he was pressed into the countertop and covered in kisses. They left their clothing in a trail to their bedroom, scattered like rose petals down a wedding aisle. 
6 notes · View notes
twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Seblaine Para- Present Day (Early April/Year 1)
Para: The Warmest Bed I’ve Ever Known
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Present Day- Early April. Around a week after Blaine asks Seb for some naughty texts. 
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Info:  Blaine and Sebastian take their physical (and mental) relationship to a new level. 
Warnings: This particular para features Smut and some embarrassment that turns out just fine. This rp mentions past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), anxiety, depression, self deprecation, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Extra Notes: Under Cut because of length and sensitive content. Work is unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had spent so much time not being touched, or being touched when he didn’t want to be over the last few years that he was surprised at how easily he folded under Sebastian. Sure, he’d been in love with him for over four years now, but the damage Kurt had done to him, to his mind and body, seemed irreparable to him for so long. He’d closed himself off, flinched anytime someone came too close to him, froze up whenever his own fingers brushed over the back of his neck as he was dressing each day and he’d hardly allowed himself to look past his face in the mirror. Yet here he was, sitting on his couch with a lapful of Sebastian, his new boyfriend, it still felt surreal to call him that, legs straddling his hips and very slightly rocking, down into him in such a sensual way that Blaine wanted to cry with how good it felt. His fingers were gripping tightly against his hips and Blaine wanted nothing more than to slide them up under his shirt just to feel the heated skin that covered the dimples of his back. He was terrified to take what he wanted.
It had been a week since Blaine had the idea to let Seb send him a dirty text, it had been a week since Blaine humped into his hand and pillow while he listened to Sebastian gasp his name into the phone. He had thought he’d feel dirty, or disgusted with himself after but he just wanted more. Wanted to call Seb and beg him to come over and take back the control he’d lost over his life. He’d refrained, afraid that Seb would reject him and even more afraid that Seb would get there and he’d back out, or he’d fuck it up and do it wrong and Seb would leave dissatisified. He’d kept himself from calling the other man for almost a whole week before breaking down and asking him over to dinner. They’d planned to have a meal and cuddle up on the couch to a movie. Blaine loved it when Seb spent the night.
Blaine never got around to cooking anything. After a bit of conversation Seb had sat down on the couch and given him this look, eyes heavy with lust like he was still thinking about their phone call and maybe he was because the next thing he knew Sebastian was showing Blaine his hands and reaching out to him, asking softly he could kiss him, and then asking even softer if he could move to his lap. Seb’s tongue was slding against him so god damn slowly that Blaine wasn’t sure how he was managing to breath because it felt so fucking good. The fingers of Seb’s right hand were pressed lightly against his jaw and the other hand was resting against his shoulder, Seb’s slender fingers curled and Blaine could hardly feel them, but he could feel Seb’s control, and the restraint he was displaying, could feel how his boyfriend was holding back. He wondered how Seb would touch him if Blaine would just give him permission, if he would just let Seb have a little control too.
The voice in his head, the one that told him to just breathe and that he’d be okay was screaming at him to act, screaming at him to let Seb touch him harder, and to let himself take what he wanted, what was clearly being offered to him. Just take it all back, Blaine. This is what you want, what you need. It’s everything.
So with tentative hands he moved from Seb’s hips and let his fingers find Seb’s on his shoulder and very slowly, scared he’d bolt from his nerves and past fears, he pressed Seb’s fingers to the back of his neck. His breath hitched and he closed his eyes as flashes of Kurt’s claws, his tearing nails washed over him, and for a moment all he could think of was dark painful bruises but he forced himself to open his eyes. Forced himself to look up at Seb with his heavy eyes and kiss swollen lips, surprise evident on his features. He looked up at him and let himself trust for the first time- in a long time. This was Sebastian. Sebastian who had been patient, Sebastian who had talked Blaine through everything on their phone call just focused on you and me, B. I’ve got you. Sebastian who he had loved so hard when they were younger and still loved today. Sebastian who he had let go even though he didn’t want to… And finally Blaine let out a breath and nodded, pressing his neck into Seb’s fingers, relearning how to enjoy the touch he once loved so much. He lifted his face to Seb’s, lips slightly parted for another kiss.
“It’s okay, please… I want you to touch me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had been a tense ball of lust the past week. He knew that he had to give Blaine time and space but they had both caved in. Seb knew that nothing could happen as his driver whipped through the crowded streets but he also thought that something might, and that thought alone was worth the wait.
He showed up to the apartment and took a deep breath at the sight of Blaine in the doorway. Seb wanted to rush forward and fall into his arms but they made it to the couch and managed to speak a little. Blaine had asked if he wanted any wine and Sebastian said no, that he needed to take a break. The other man, ever graceful and kind, didn’t question him and maybe that was the moment Seb offered his hands up and they began to kiss.
All at once, he was in the other man’s lap and he could feel him, feel that he felt the same way. Sebastian made sure to move slowly and keep his hands where Blaine would notice them. His body naturally rocked into the other man and the only coherent thought that passed through his mind was that he could exist on this couch, in this intoxicating moment, forever.
Sebastian looked down at Blaine as he felt his hands slide up his body, watched as he placed his hand on his neck. His face broke out into a wide smile despite his lust blown pupils and sore lips and hazy brain. His hand was on Blaine’s neck, that was huge. Seb nodded and made sure his hand was light against his skin as he leaned in for another languid kiss.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s breath sped up as Seb leaned back in to kiss him, he slowly let his eyes fall closed even though a part of him was terrified that he’d see Kurt in front of him. He didn’t. An imprint of Sebastian’s pretty face lived behind his eyelids this time, home, where it used to be always and where he should have fought harder to keep it. He kissed back hard, and pressed his neck into Seb’s hand a little bit more, letting the other man feel that he was learning to trust him, that he wanted this. For the first time in such a long time he didn’t seize up, friends had accidentally touched his neck before and he remembered their guilty faces when he’d stop moving and look at them with wide, accusing eyes, even though he didn’t blame them. Not really. Sometimes things happened. He wondered if he’d still have moments with even Seb now, if maybe one day Seb might touch him and he might freeze up. That was okay though, right? Some things took time even if he was brave enough to face it right now, it’s okay to get scared again. His therapist had told him that and he had to believe it.
All he knew was that right now, in this  moment, Sebastian was everything and he wanted nothing more than to put his trust in him. He could feel the silent scream to just let go bouncing around in his brain and he wanted wanted wanted. He let his hand fall away from Seb’s, let Seb’s fingers graze the back of his neck as he moved his to grip at Seb’s hips, helping them in their journey to send Blaine into madness as they rolled down onto him, the friction setting him on fire in a way he’d forgotten he could feel. Their combined lust burned through him and he was suddenly certain that he could do this, he could take back his life and control what was going on around him, he could control what happened to his goddamn body this time. He thought so anyway, and maybe he was wrong, maybe he’d panic and Seb would be forced to pick up his pieces again but Blaine knew that if he didn’t try, if he didn’t reach out and ask he’d regret the night and all that could have happened. It didn’t matter that there might be other times. Losing his parents had taught him that a person wasn’t promised that. He was just a little slow on the uptake.
He pulled back, his fingers gripping a little tighter on Seb’s hips as if they were the tether keeping his man from floating away from him.
“I-I um… I want-” He bit his bottom lip to fight back a groan of either frustration from his stuttering or arousal from Seb’s hips, he couldn’t be sure. “I think that y-you should take me into the bedroom.” His words were a slightly altered echo of the words Seb had said to him all those years ago on the one perfect night where Blaine had gotten to press and move inside of Sebastian, had gotten to completely love his body- the last night of true happiness, just before the waves of despair had come crashing down over him to slowly him. He wanted to take the pain back, he wanted Seb. He needed to pull himself up. Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this, Blaine.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian’s body stilled as Blaine spoke. He ran his thumb gently over his Adam’s Apple and watched his face. “Okay, B.” He felt a shiver of anticipation run a teasing finger up his spine as he gently removed himself from the other man’s body. Sebastian stood up and put his hands forward, palms up so that he could pull Blaine up from the couch and so that he could see them and feel at ease. He pulled Blaine towards the bedroom as he walked backward in the tiny space. Seb’s face broke out into a smile and he felt giddy. He couldn’t quite believe that any of this was happening and suddenly the backs of his knees hit the edge of Blaine’s bed. Sebastian lifted his hands so that Blaine knew where they were going and slipped them under his shirt. He felt the trail of hair on his tummy and the defined bones of his hips. The ache of desire swirled around low in his body and he thought that his want had to be bone deep.
Seb slowly removed Blaine’s shirt and slipped his fingers into the band of his sweatpants, “you sure?” his voice was low and gentle and they were standing so close together that he could see the goosebumps the other man had sprinkled over his forearms.
“If you want to, you can take my clothes off first.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed as Seb’s thumb ghosted over his Adams apple, it had been far too long since anyone had touched him there that gently, that intimately. He let himself be led the short distance into his little cubby hole bedroom, the lack of door making everything easier to get to while at the same time bringing him a little bit of comfort. His nook of a room with it’s queen sized bed against one wall, hardly leaving room for a nightstand, had always made him feel safe. And lately, with Seb here, he’d felt even safer. His breathing was shallow as his parted lips turned up into a smile of awe at Sebastian’s smile. The man was beautiful, his teeth on full display and his eyes crinkling in a way that pulled at Blaine’s heart and almost made him want to cry. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself in check. He needed to stop crying all the time. He was happy.
Goosebumps prickled over his skin as Seb very slowly and gently lifted his shirt over his head, his arms automatically went up to assist and he was surprised by himself, six months ago he’d have never considered letting anyone see him shirtless. He knew he’d lost too much weight over the last few years, and he wondered if Seb had taken note. Still, he felt a small pang of disgust by his own body, and he was certain that his stomach was sticking out a little too much and he instantly wanted to hide himself away. He looked up at Seb, his green eyes wide and his smile still breathtaking and wide over his features. He could do this, wanted to do this.
“Yes, I’m sure.” His voice was hardly there as he placed his hand on top of Seb’s, not sure if he could let him see just yet. “But, I want to see you first…” He swallowed hard and his hands shook as he let his fingers reach just under his shirt to feel the dusting of hair and the slight raise of freckles and moles that made the most perfect constellation across Seb’s skin. He let his fingers trace softly for a moment before lifting Seb’s undershirt and sweat shirt up and over his head. He let them fall from his hands before stepping even closer to his boyfriend, his arms slipping around his torso and pulling their body's flush together, he sighed at the familiar tingle of their skin touching and he wanted so badly to press his lips against every exposed inch.
He licked his lips, his hand sliding slowly up and down Seb’s back, tracing the little dimples just above the waist of his sweats, his fingers relearning the old bits and memorizing the new. He looked up at Seb, his eyes wide as he asked silently if he could keep going, Seb nuzzled his nose into Blaine’s neck and it let Blaine know what he needed. He slid his hands down the  back of Seb’s sweatpants, his fingers cupping the curve of his ass gently and he wasn’t surprised to find that Seb wasn’t wearing underwear, and the knowledge gave Blaine such a thrill. His cock twitched and he wondered if Seb could feel his desire as they stood there pressed together. He took another deep breath and told himself that he was doing okay, that Seb liked his touches and that he was allowed to look at him, he was allowed to enjoy this, before sliding his hands to the band of his boyfriends pants and then pushing them down the expanse of his long, toned legs. Seb was hard and everything about his naked body was just as he remembered, only Seb was a little taller and his hip bones stuck out a little more and Blaine wondered if he ate enough or if it was something else that made him thinner. He made a note to make sure he was okay later.
Slowly, and full of so many fucking nerves, Blaine let his fingers ghost over Seb’s cock trying to remember how to touch another person without fear or resentment, trying refamiliarize himself again- nights of years past flashed through his memory, nights where Blaine had first stroked Seb into orgasm or the time Blaine had gotten to feel him thick and heavy on his tongue, had gotten to taste him and it was the sweetest taste… And he realized he was going to get to do it all again. He could touch and taste and feel… He moaned softly at the thought and licked his lips as he looked back up at Seb. “I’ve missed you so much…” He said it almost passively, mostly to himself as he brought his lips up to meet Seb’s, his tongue begging for entrance and he felt like he’d never get enough.
His breath hitched, and he noticed that he was trembling so hard, like he’d never done this before, nerves and want chasing each other though his body as he let himself coax Seb back onto the foot of the bed and helped scoot him up so his head was against the pillows. He let himself settle in between Seb’s legs and a little gasp left his lips and god he wanted to cry with want. He leaned down and tentatively licked back into Seb’s mouth, kissing him slow and deep for a moment as his hand cupping his face as if it were precious, and he supposed it was before he moved them gently over his body, exploring some more.
Blaine was suddenly and uncomfortably aware that he still hadn’t taken his pants off, afraid to show himself or to accidentally see himself. He knew he needed to get past this. He needed to relax. Seb wasn’t Kurt. He reached for the folded up lap blanket, afraid that Seb might judge him, or roll his eyes… But he knew better.  He always kept the NYU blanket near in case his heat went out during the night as it was wont to do. He opened it before putting it over his shoulders and covering his back up. He wished so hard that he could do it with his pants on, but it was unfair to Seb, Seb deserved so much more than a half assed fuck with clothing still on, but he was so scared to be seen. Why was he still so scared?
“I- could we be under the covers? I-I’m not ready to- I don’ t know, I’m just nervous to be so exposed.” And suddenly he was scared that he was messing up.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian could feel Blaine tremble under his fingertips. He wanted to make the other man comfortable and wanted to make him feel good. Blaine would deny it but he deserved to feel wanted. Seb would move as slow as the other man needed and he hoped his actions made that feeling clear. “We have all night, B.”
He nodded and lifted his arms for Blaine to remove his shirt. Sebastian loved how his boyfriend’s (boyfriend!) calloused fingers felt as they ghosted all over his skin, how strong they felt as they cupped his ass. He never truly knew that being weak in the knees was a real thing until this moment, as he stood in Blaine’s arms full of want and desire he thought he might fall all the way to the ground floor of the crumbling apartment building.
He kissed Blaine slowly and grasped his shoulders, sighed as he felt his fingers gently graze his cock. “I’ve missed you too.” Sebastian’s entire body felt on fire from those whispered words. He let himself fall back onto the bed, let his legs fall open for Blaine. Seb gasped as the other mans settled in between his legs, they were both so fucking hard that he wasn’t sure how long either of them were going to be able to last. Sebastian didn’t even care, he just wanted to feel Blaine inside of him, hear him gasp his name, feel his hot skin and tangle his fingers in his hair. He had been fantasizing about this moment for so long and he wanted everything.
Seb let his hands drift all over Blaine’s body, nuzzled his nose into his neck and kissed him. “You’re so hot, B.”
Blaine looked amazing under the blanket, the outline of his cock pressed against a naked Sebastian through his sweatpants. Sebastian would thrive off of this memory for the rest of his life.
“Yeah, of course. It’s kinda sexy.” He smiled his Blaine only smile and wiggled his hips underneath the other man. “Can I help you get rid of these?” Sebastian noticed that his voice was low and breathy but couldn’t bring himself to care. He gripped the waistband of Blaine’s pants, looped his fingers under the band of his boxers and waited for permission before he began to push them down.
“Let me know where your condoms are.” Sebastian whispered against the warm skin of Blaine’s neck. He kissed Blaine’s lips softly, “the nightstand?”
Blaine’s POV:
Every time Sebastian called him hot, or sexy or any variation of the words Blaine would wonder what exactly he saw when he looked at him. All Blaine saw was a mess and he couldn’t grasp what Seb was seeing, it wasn’t good for him to think that way and he knew that, but he couldn’t help himself. Even so the words sent a shiver up his body and he wanted to believe them. Sebastian certainly looked like he meant them. He was hard against Blaine’s tummy and Blaine was just as hard against him. He gasped, surprised by the wiggle and the sensual way Seb rocked his hips into him. God he was so tightly coiled, so tense and nervous and he wanted so damn badly to just relax, to just let his body take control.
Sebastian was underneath him, beautiful in his naked openness and his legs were spread for him, he was smiling his special smile and playful and understanding and Blaine was so fucking happy and proud of himself for coming this far without incident. He just needed to breathe. He swallowed, fighting a smile because of course Sebastian would find a way to make him feel like his insecurities were okay. Of course he’d say the covering himself up was sexy. And of course he’d want to help him take his pants off. Seb had seen him before, many times when they were together in high school. Blaine had grown comfortable and free with him, confident and sure of himself. But, Kurt had ruined Blaine’s body image, ruined all the accapance of himself and he’d done it dirty. Blaine wanted this though, he wanted to let Seb see him at least a little. He just needed his brain to catch up to his body.
“O-okay.” The word was so soft that he hardly heard himself speak. He shifted his hips so that he could help Seb push his pants and underwear down. He blushed as his cock fell heavy and hard against Seb and bit his lip hard to keep from moaning just from that contact. Seb’s voice was slow and raspy and Blaine loved it when he sounded like that, raw and open just like the both of them were right now and  actually every single time they’d spent time together the last four months. He shivered again at Seb’s words, as he nodded, telling him that yes, he’d put them there just in case. He wanted to tell Sebastian that he hadn’t even had condoms up until the other day, hadn’t needed them or wanted them in his apartment, but their phone call had helped him see that he really, really wanted to be able to be intimate with his boyfriend. Wanted to show him so badly that he was wanted and worth so much more than he had given himself credit for over the last four years. He wanted to show Seb that he was so much more than those other men gave him credit for.
His hands shook as he took the little black and gold wrapper from his boyfriends slender fingers and blushed a deeper shade of red when Seb pressed the lube into his hand. Blaine knew what to do, but it didn't stop him from worrying. Didn’t stop him from thinking that maybe he was being too slow, or too careful. Before he could think too hard about it, he opened the package and managed to slide the condom on himself, scared that if he waited he’d panic and back out, his fingers were clumsy like he’d never done it before but he managed, his cock throbbing from his own touch and god fucking damn it, it had been years. And then his middle and index fingers were coated and slick and he was looking into Seb’s eyes, asking permission before pressing them against his entrance, circling them once, twice before slowly pressing them into Seb’s body. A little noise left his parted lips and a flood of heat rushed to the bottom half of his body. The tight slickness of Seb’s body around his fingers was almost enough to make him see stars. Just this act, the crook of his fingers and the pull and the heat and the lewd wetness made him want to moan like he was already inside of him.
He settled in closer, wanted to be pressed as close as he could and leaned forward and kissed Seb again, this time moving his fingers to the rhythm of their lips, his free hand snaking up to rest against Seb’s sensitive neck and he wondered if Seb ever felt this good with other men, the way Blaine was feeling just from this small act. Wondered if Seb could ever come just from this. And his thought made his breath hitch.
“I-Is this okay?”
Seb was illuminated and gorgeous as he looked shyly down at his upturned face in the dim, magical glow of fairy lights strung up throughout the tiny apartment.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian propped his head up on the plush pillows of Blaine’s bed. He licked his lips as he watched him slip the condom on with shaky fingers. Seb hummed approvingly and hoped that it was encouraging. He knew that Blaine struggled with self image and it made Sebastian’s brain short circuit when he thought about it. To him, Blaine was it and he wanted to show him just that tonight.
He groaned low and made sure to keep his eyes on the other man. Just Blaine’s fingers inside of him felt amazing. Sebastian let his legs fall open a little bit more and sighed as Blaine touched his neck. He turned the kiss a little messy and pulled away with a low moan, “Yeah, B.”
Seb grasped onto Blaine’s shoulders and kissed him deeply, moved his hips in rhythm with Blaine’s movements.
“I’m ready when you are.”  It was basically a moan but he didn’t care if he seemed needy. Sebastian had been dreaming of this moment every time they made out and cuddled in this very bed. Every time he got himself off quietly in Blaine’s shower after a heavy twenty minutes of touching over the clothes and kissing until their lips were sore.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself get caught up in the movement of his fingers and the way Seb’s hips slowly rocked up to meet them. He wished that he could see better and if it weren’t for the damn blanket, meaning his insecurities, he’d be able to watch. The thought of being able to watch his fingers slide back and forth inside of Seb made his cock twitch and he made a promise to himself that next time he’d figure out a way to let himself be more exposed. He wanted to explore every inch of Seb with his eyes and hands and mouth and he knew by setting up boundaries he was hindering himself. He knew it was easier said than done, but right now he had to make himself the promise or he’d go crazy thinking he’d never get the chance. 
He wasn’t sure how long they laid there kissing, and he wasn’t sure when the last time he’d gotten to enjoy anything like it. Every time he got to press close to Sebastian and let him kiss him senseless it did something to him. He’d spent almost four years stunted and used and ridiculed that each press of lips or slide of tongue felt sacred and cherished and sometimes his anxiety slipped in and snickered to him he’d lose it all one day. And those days he’d find himself kissing Sebastian harder, and holding him closer. He could live in their kisses and he’d never want for anything else. It was the best feeling in the world and he was so caught up in this kiss, this moment that his stomach flipped when Seb told him he was ready. He was reminded that he got to have more. That Seb was his.
He nodded, his breathing shallow as he slowly withdrew his fingers and used his hand to prop himself up, hovering just above Seb so that he could focus on his face, so that he could see that it was Seb with him. His body tingled with desire and anxiety and he felt like he might explode at any moment. He used his free hand to line himself up and looked down at Seb for the okay. He got it in the form of a brilliant smile and a hand pressed to the small of his back, guiding him and then he was pressing  inside, could feel the beautiful give and stretch of Seb around his cock and he didn’t stop pushing until his hips were flush against Seb’s body and and everything was warm and tight and Blaine moaned low and long, his voice singing right along with Seb’s little gasps and then Blaine was seeing stars as he came so fucking hard his vision went a little blurry. His moan turned into the pleading word no over and over again and he could have sobbed.
“No, no, no… oh my god, please… I’m so sorry.” His face was hot and his embarrassment ran deep into his gut as he held on tightly to Sebastian’s body with no choice but to ride out his sudden and strong orgasm- bordering somewhere between pure bliss and a harsh bone deep shame. As his pleasure subsided he hid his face tightly in the crook of Sebastian’s neck, willing himself not to cry as he waited for what was sure to be an onslaught of familiar criticism. What the hell was wrong with him? How had he managed to fuck this up so badly… He wanted to disappear, the only thing stopping him from getting up and hiding in his bathroom was the fact that he didn’t want Seb to see him. He deserved so much better than this. Seb deserved better than him.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian bit his bottom lip and watched Blaine’s face as he pressed into him. The other man looked beautiful in his concentration and everything felt better than his best daydream. He stretched around the other man and the ache felt delicious and perfect and they were so close that he swore he could feel Blaine’s heartbeat. Seb had never been treated this well, or rather he hadn’t been since the last time they were together when they were teenagers. The past years were full of quick hook ups and rough hands. His body felt like it wasn’t his and he was usually too fucked up to bring himself to care. Blaine had made him feel so wanted and needed in this moment and every touch and sigh felt intense and perfect.
Suddenly Sebastian felt the pressure of Blaine, felt his hips stutter and his words mingle on a moan.  He could feel the other man’s embarrassment hang in the air and he wished he could swat it away like an annoying gnat. He laid a hand gently on the back of Blaine’s neck and held him close. Sebastian’s lower half of his body still ached but his emotions took over and he knew he needed to comfort his boyfriend.
“B, shh. It’s totally okay. Don’t be sorry, I had fun.” Sebastian pressed a kiss to the side of Blaine’s head. “You treated me so fucking well. And you looked fucking amazing and felt even better.”
Blaine’s POV:
And just like that Blaine’s anxiety over the possibility of Sebastian getting upset with him sort of whooshed out of him. Normally it would have taken ages for him to calm down after something like this, and while he still felt embarrassed and nervous, he didn’t feel scared like he had moments ago. Sebastian had this ability to make him feel better in very few words, he supposed he’d always been able to do that to him. He was sure that there’d be other times when it took more than lovely words and a gentle touch, but right now it was perfectly what he needed. He let Seb’s words fall over him softly and he truly believed them. He had no choice, not really. The other man spoke gently and the murmur of his lips against his skin left Blaine with a tingle of hope, and the sweet way he’d let his fingers rest against his most sensitive spot gave him strength to open his eyes and look down at Seb.
Sebastian had managed to do the complete opposite of what Kurt would have done and it made Blaine love him impossibly more. He sniffled, thankful that he had not started sobbing on top of everything else. He took a deep breath, Seb’s little kiss leaving him with little goosebumps over his neck. He wondered if Seb had ever been so soft with anyone else before, or if he was telling the truth a couple of months ago a dinner when he told him it was all for him. A little pang of guilt brushed over his heart and he had to force it away. Things happened the they happened and he couldn’t change it, all he had was here and now and he needed to show Seb just how incredible he was.
“I forget how sweet you are sometimes, you hide it behind venom so much, but you never could fool me.” He swallowed hard, his cheeks still red and he propped himself up on his elbow over Seb and then eased himself out of his body before pulling off the condom, trying not to draw attention to his heated face as he tossed it in the little bin under his tiny nightstand. He  licked his lips as he turned his attention back to the man under him. He shifted a little so he was more comfortable on top of him, making sure they were still safe under the little cover over their naked bodies, and smiled softly down at him- his fingers toying with the little hairs at the base of Sebastian’s neck.
“I-...” He cleared his throat and forced himself not to look away. “It’s been over three years since I’ve been allowed to, you know… top. I was always made to bottom even when I didn’t really want to and- I-” He swallowed hard, knowing that trauma was still rattling around in his mind and body and he needed to let it loose soon but right now he wanted to make Seb feel good, needed to show him how much he meant to him.  “I guess I got eager. I just wanted to make you feel as good as possible.” He ducked his head and pressed a kiss to Seb’s lips, letting his mouth linger for a moment before speaking again, his free hand cupping his face and cradling him close. “Do you think I could have another chance?” He tried to sound confident, but his nerves were still coursing through his body as he pressed a little kiss to the pulse point in Seb’s neck, his lips pulling into a small smile against the thump of heartbeat there that meant so much to him as if the smile could protect it.
“I-I think I can do better.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian reveled in the feeling of Blaine’s fingers on the back of his neck. Even when they were younger he always played with the little hairs on the back of his neck. It was familiar and intimate and made a thrill run through his veins. Seb ran his own fingers gently over Blaine’s arms and back, tracing an unknown pattern.
“You always could see right through me.” His voice was more gentle than he expected it to be and he felt a thrum of something inside of his stomach that he couldn’t quite describe.
“I understand. For the record, you did make me feel good and you can have all the chances you want.” Seb smiled up at the other man and tilted his chin up for another kiss. He sighed when Blaine pressed a soft kiss to his neck, that had always been his weakness. Sebastian’s body felt full of fire and he could feel himself start to get hard again against B’s tummy. He felt his legs fall open a little bit more.
“Show me.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed and nodded down at Sebastian. He couldn’t get over the fact that Seb was being so understanding, it was strange and very new to him, but deep down he knew it shouldn’t be so strange. Memories of their giggles and imperfectly perfect intimate moments from when they were younger linger in his head as he moved slowly to grab a new condom from the bedside table. He remembered times when their teeth would clack, or clothes would get stuck and Seb’s easy smiles and grins were always the first thing to lighten the mood. So, of course Blaine shouldn’t have been surprised that he wasn’t upset or going to take anything out on him.
“I was one of the only people that you let get to know the real you, of course I saw right through you.” He bit his lip and smiled down into green eyes that he missed getting lost in. He dipped his head and pressed another little kiss just as Seb’s legs opened more for him. Blaine’s cock jumped from the movement and he let out a little noise of want knowing that Seb wanted him just as much back. He pulled back enough that he could get use his hands properly and with shanking fingers managed to get a clean condom over his cock, he had gotten hard and ready faster than he thought possible and Seb’s long legs, heavy eyes and soft vulnerable voice were to blame.
“I want to make you feel even better, I want to show you how much I’ve missed you…” He took the lube from the table and slicked his fingers back up, gently letting them probe and slide back in, his cock twitching because Seb was still wet from before, still open even though Blaine had hardly done anything at all. He sighed, his eyes never leaving Seb’s face, he wanted to watch the subtle ways it changed, wanted to see the different things his touch could get a reaction out of. He leaned in, his left hand sliding under Seb’s shoulders and neck to hold him close, his right hand withdrawing from Seb’s body and wrapping round himself so that he could guide. He licked his lips, a soft “You’re sure?” Getting caught in his throat. Seb’s head was back, his neck exposed and his lips parted, Blaine didn’t need any more than the slight head nod and little reassuring smile and he was pressing in again and god it felt even better than before.
His breathing was shaky and his whole body was trembling like he’d never done this before all over again. But this time he’d get it right, this time Sebastian would know how much he meant to him. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting himself lie there and pressed so close to Sebastian for a moment, willing himself to breathe and then he was moving, slowly at first and then his hips were rolling in a little faster before pressing deep and god how had he ever let Seb go. He spread his own legs a little wider, pushing Seb’s open with them, giving himself a better angle. He gathered his boyfriend closer, holding his body tightly to his, his free hand moving to cup his face and then to cradle the back of his neck so he could kiss him hard and sweet. And he fucked into Seb and kissed him so slow and deep and for so long their moans trapped themselves between their lips and Blaine wanted to be selfish and keep them there forever.
He was lost in their passions, had now idea how long they moved together like this, and he’d be fine if they were never found again.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn’t speak much anymore, all he could muster to do was nod as pleasure thrummed through his veins. His hands found their way to tangle in Blaine’s mess of curls as he pressed into him. Little moans fell from his lips as the other man began to move more confidently, the glow from the Christmas lights infiltrated the blanket and swathed them in a soft amber glow. Sebastian could see Blaine’s face and feel his heavy breaths wash over his skin. His thighs ached as the other man spread them a little wider and the action was so simple yet so bold and sexy that it made his own hips stutter and he knew he was close.
Soon heat was flooding through Sebastian as they kissed, a satisfied cry fell onto Blaine’s lips as he came in between their bodies, his toes curled and his fingers scrambled for purchase against his boyfriend’s slick back. It was an intense orgasm and Seb’s body trembled with every press and movement of Blaine. He had never been held so closely, had never been given so much undivided attention. Sebastian didn’t fucking care about Blaine’s neighbors, he hoped the whole building heard him.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine watched with heavy eyes as Seb fell apart underneath him, he held onto him tighter, making sure his boyfriend knew that he had him and that he wasn’t going to let him crash alone. The cry of pleasure Seb made as he came, low and loud, sent goosebumps all over Blaine’s body and he’d give anything to be able to hear it over and over again. He pressed a kiss to his neck, and then back to his lips. Seb’s fingers were still tangled up in Blaine’s hair and his other hand was sliding freely up and down his back, pulling him closer and normally Blaine might freeze up at that, but Seb’s touches were needy and soft in a way that only Sebastian could make them and he pressed his head and arched his back into them, relishing in the feeling. Everything was building up as he thrust into Seb’s body, his boyfriend was watching him with heavy eyes, encouraging him to keep going and Blaine wanted nothing more than to live in this feeling. But, the pressure was building the slide, the pull the echo of Seb’s pleasure still ringing in his ears and the fact that it was Seb under him, that was everything and before he knew it he was coming hard and fast and he tried to keep his voice down but it was almost as loud as Seb’s and his cheeks were heated as he pressed his face into the crook of Seb’s neck and he tried to breathe evenly as as came down.
Finally, after what could have been hours but what probably was  just minutes, Blaine pulled himself up on shaking arms and looked down at Sebastian. He wanted to hide his face again because he’d done that. And he was a little ashamed at how good it felt, but that was just Kurt ingrained in his mind and he knew, deep down that he didn’t need to feel shame about wanting to feel good anymore. Maybe he’d still have moments,  but right now he felt so fucking good, and all because of Seb, that he felt like he could do anything. He ducked his head down and pressed a kiss to Seb’s lips, letting them linger there for a moment before pulling back and very gently pulling out. He pulled the condom off, this time much less embarrassed, and after disposing of it he eased himself off of Seb so that he could lie on his side next to him. Everything felt perfect, he felt perfect, Seb seemed to feel the same. So why was there a little nagging thing in the back of his head right now? Why was his heart starting to hurt like an ugly bruise?
He furrowed his brow as he looked at Seb, his arm snaking out to wrap around his waist and to pull him a little closer under the little cover he was using as a shield. Everything was perfect, he’d overcome so much in one night, and sure, they had so much to discuss, but that could wait for another day... what could he possibly have to worry about. He was happy and in love, and no, they still hadn't said that yet,  but it was there- still hanging between them after all of these years and-... that was it. The last time Blaine and Seb had been this close Blaine had woken up on top of the world with the intentions of telling Sebastian that he loved him later that night. Only… he’d never gotten the chance. Before he could do it his whole world had been shattered like glass and then two weeks later Blaine had thrown the leftover shards away when he broke up with Seb. That had to be it. Blaine was getting too close to telling Seb how he felt again, and Seb had to leave tomorrow for class and Blaine was going to have to send him away and worry that he’d be next, that he’d lose him for good.
Well, just don’t make plans to tell him that you love him and it’ll all be fine. Seb will make it home and then he’ll make it back to you and you’ll have nothing to worry about.
Blaine knew that was a silly thing to think, and that his therapist had shot down all the stupid ways he’d tried to cope with his parents death by blaming himself and so on in the past. She’d have a hay day with this one. He cleared his throat and let his fingers gently trace over a few peppered freckles on Seb’s chest.
“It’s so silly but…” He swallowed hard, knowing that if they were going to do this, if they were going to be in this relationship, that Blaine needed to share his insecurities with Sebastian in order for it to work. “I’m scared for you to leave tomorrow, Seb. I’m scared something bad will happen to you on the way home. I know that the chances are slim and that you’re not driving, but the last time I was this happy…the next morning-” He shrugged, intentionally leaving out the part about love and feelings, and knowing that any other time he would be nervous but that this was a special case and he was acting extra crazy. “Could you promise me that you’ll call me as soon as you’re safe? Or maybe even talk to me while you ride home? Your driver won’t care, and look- I know it’s needy, but I’ll stress if you don’t. Just this one time and then I promise I’ll stop acting like a psycho.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian placed his hands on either side of Blaine’s face and ran his thumbs over his cheekbones. His body already ached in the most satiated way and he missed the thick feeling of the other man inside of him. He didn’t want to leave a bed other than his own for the first time in years. This was the part where Seb would usually pull himself together and slink out of the front door. The part where the other person would throw the covers off of him and expose him to cold midnight air or ask him when he was leaving or ask him for cab fare. Blaine’s bed, this warm bed with mismatched pillows and too many blankets, this room swathed in Christmas lights, was a perfect place. Sebastian didn’t feel afraid to sleep there, had never felt nervous in this room. Now that he was naked and vulnerable, it still felt comfortable and perfect. 
“It’s not silly. We can talk while I’m in the car. It’s not a problem at all. But hey, maybe stop calling yourself names. I don’t like it.” He understood where Blaine’s sad mind was dwelling because his did the same thing sometimes. Sebastian hadn’t experienced the loss that the other man had and wasn’t in therapy but he knew fear and loneliness and feeling cursed. He knew what it was like to hate yourself and stare at your own reflection with contempt. Sometimes Sebastian wondered if he was a crook, he spent all these words building Blaine up but still treated himself like shit most days. He shook the thoughts away because he felt too good and liquid and comfortable to get distracted by storm clouds.
“He can’t care. I pay him.” Sebastian’s face broke out into a smile and he cuddled into Blaine. His entire body felt spent and his mind trailed back to lovely thoughts. Seb’s eyes kept falling closed as they breathed together in  a soft, pleasant silence. He pressed a few lazy kisses to Blaine’s lips before he wrapped a long leg around the other man and fell asleep, the ambient sounds of New York played on outside of the window as Blaine’s radiator kicked on.
Blaine’s POV:
Sometimes when Sebastian took the time to reassure Blaine with sweet words and soft touches Blaine would notice a look about him, this faraway troubled expression that he’d quickly cover up and move on with before Blaine could ask about it. He wondered if maybe it had something to do with the years Seb had gotten himself into trouble, or if it had something to do with how Seb had turned down alcohol tonight. Either way, Blaine made a note to bring it up. Now that they’d come this far, and Blaine had let himself get so vulnerable and Seb had as well, Blaine knew they had a few things they might need to discuss in the future. But right now Seb was warm and close and he’d made Blaine smile even though he still felt a little crazy about his request so he let it go and just held Seb close. He let his head fall back into his lumpy but soft pillows, Seb’s arms around his torso and his head on his chest, and one long leg wrapped around him and it was careless and intimate and he found himself dozing off to the sounds of Seb’s even breathing and the low clunk of his heat kicking on.
He had been dreaming about sex. Hands and lips and teeth and tongues and at first it was scary and his unwanted lover's eyes were the blue of nightmares and the murmuring in his ear was too high and hissing and Blaine struggled to wake until suddenly there were arms around him and they were kind and gentle and full of love and when Blaine looked at him his lover’s eyes were the green of the sea and swirled with a deep blue and they were warm and he was looking up at Sebastian and Seb’s lips were on his and his tongue and teeth and hands and they were exploring and tasting and touching and Blaine’s hips rocked into his person and it felt so good and he wanted more but when he reached out nothing was there except the dark and he kept reaching until his eyes were opening and he realized he’d been asleep and he was slowly humping into Sebastian’s stomach.
“Oh.” His voice was soft and raspy and his face was hot. How many times was he going to act like an inexperienced teen tonight? He’d managed to roll over sometime in his sleep, his chest was now pressed against Seb’s and Seb’s leg was still hooked over Blaine, sort of pulling him closer and Blaine’s dreaming mind must have thought this was a good angle for sex. Apparently a belly button sufficed…  He shrugged off the first part of the dream, chalking it up to his body’s way of purging out the bad and replacing it with the good, but that was too deep for three in the morning and had he really just tried to dry hump his boyfriend in his sleep?
He shifted, trying to cover his situation and thankful that Sebastian was sleeping, but no matter what he did his body would just not calm down, he was hard and horny and god, he wanted him again… And it didn’t fucking help that they were both naked and his cock was still pressed into Seb’s stomach and he still looked really fucking good sprawled out and naked on his bed with hardly anything covering him up and how was he supposed to get out of this? He sighed softly and tried his best to ease Sebastian’s leg off of him, maybe he could sneak into the bathroom without disturbing him… he rolled onto his back, hoping he could just scoot down towards the bottom of the bed, he didn’t care that it would leave him uncovered- he really just needed to avoid further embarrassment. And when he looked up to check if Seb were still sleeping he found that he was looking up into the same sea green and blue swirled eyes from his dream. Shit.
“I-um… this isn't what it looks like.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian was suddenly woken up by the sting of cold air that only the wee hours of the morning brought. The covers had been yanked off of him a bit and his blurry eyes saw Blaine trying to scoot off the bed.
“B?” his voice was raspy with sleep. Sebastian rubbed a hand over his face and sat up. He blinked a few times and noticed that Blaine was hard underneath the blanket and the scene was a little bit comical to his tired brain.
“What is it then?” Seb teased with a wide grin. “Looks good to me. C’mere.” He patted his hand against the pillows. Once Blaine was situated in his normal side of the bed, Seb’s mind began to churn with dirty thoughts. He bit his bottom lip and his cock throbbed, he wanted to feel B again. “What would you say to round three?” Sebastian displayed a hand before letting his long fingers trail slowly over Blane’s stomach. He let his hand ghost over the other man lower, and lower, and lower…
Blaine breathed a low yes and they were kissing hard and fast and Sebastian’s hands were everywhere.
Seb scrambled for the discarded bottle of lube and box of condoms that were lost in the sheets. “I want to try something different. Do you trust me?” He lifted his hands, one with the lube and condom. Sebastian pressed his hands against Blaine’s shoulders and began to sit up.
“Lay back against the pillows.” Seb leaned in and gave Blaine a slow kiss and a small smile before he kneeled in between his legs.
He rubbed his thigh reassuringly, “can I put this on you?”
Sebastian held up the foil packet before expertly putting the condom on the other man with his permission. He made a show of preparing himself (it didn’t take much after the night’s events) and straddled Blaine’s hips before sinking down.
The sound of Blaine’s old, squeaky mattress mingled with Sebastian’s gasps and the honking of horns, the ruthless beat of wind against the old brick building.
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collegeblaine-blog · 13 years
Things I need to know | Blaine&Sebastian
Blaine had been confused for days now. Quite frankly, at first he was perfectly certain that Sebastian wanted nothing else than to get in his pants. And Blaine himself was having some fun with the idea as well, but that was it. That was supposed to be it.
At least until he moved in with Kurt for a couple of days, only to find out that Sebastian was his roommate. And god, if that didn't only make things even more confusing. He got to know him more, they got to share more, and he found out that he was really a sweet guy. And he almost hated the way he had such a way with words that could get Blaine to do practically anything. Or his smile that could melt him into a pile of goo.
And it was just that, Sebastian. It wasn't really a competition, it wasn't Todd vs. Sebastian when it was just the two of them.
But, back in reality, he needed to sort things out. So after going out for coffee, instead of dropping by Todd's dorm, he went straight back to Kurt's. He knew he'd be gone, and there was a 50/50 chance that Sebastian would be there and he could finally figure everything out.
He walked, hands in his pockets, nervous and a bit scared, until he was standing outside the door. This was it. He opened it and he went in, where he found Sebastian laying down on his bed, perfectly shirtless working on a Literature assignment. Because, clearly, you just need to be fucking shirtless when you're doing homework.
"Hi." he said quietly and he laid down beside him. "So listen. I've done a lot of thinking, but I haven't been able to figure shit out. So, uh, stay right were you are, okay? I just need to do this." he said, and he turned around and his lips met just barely.
He needed to know if he felt something, anything, at all. Fireworks, his heart race, or nothing but guilt and disgust.
He pulled away softly, and stared at Sebastian's eyes for less than a second before staring at his lips again. And then they were kissing again, although soft and barely even touching, the nature of their kiss didn't seem innocent at all.
"Fuck you."
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andersoncharm · 3 years
I’d Marry You With Paper Rings- Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Para: I’d Marry You With Paper Rings
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Eight-Month Time Skip.) Tuesday, November 1, 2022 *Seb recently turned 28, and Blaine recently turned 26. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Things have been calm over the last eight months for Sebastian and Blaine. They’ve got a beautiful new ‘goddaughter’ and they have each other. Their lives seem to be heading steadily in the right direction. Sebastian takes a giant leap to make things even better.
Warnings: Rated PG-13 for a brief bit of sex.. This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Taylor Swift- Paper Rings
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
 It was amazing to Blaine how fast time flew when your life was going in a good direction. He had recently found himself thinking back to a few short years ago when his days had been lonely and mostly only filled with animals and strangers down by the river. Days when he’d sit and play his healing music in hopes of making one person out there feel a little less lonely or sad even if he couldn’t do it for himself. And now he still went to the river and played but now he lived right above it in a beautiful home and he got to do it with his soulmate and he never had to feel the ache of true loneliness again. 
 Sure, he missed his mother fiercely still, but he was more at peace with her memory now. His father and he had actually snuck away for an hour last night, Samhain night, and did their own little ritual for her. Their time was short because of how forbidden it was to see him since his exile, but it was the first time they’d celebrated the remembrance holiday together since she’d died and it felt so damn good to praise her and the gods with his actual father, his family- for once. He didn’t see her in the ghosts that passed by them, still couldn’t find her, and probably never would, but he could feel her close there with them. She was in the Halloween wind that brushed through their hair as they laughed together for her under the bright half-moon. He had hugged his father a little tighter last night, not knowing when he’d get to see him next before coming home and spending the rest of his evening with Seb, Freya, and Ras doing typical Halloween things before he pulled Sebastian into their room and showed him just how much he loved him. He could still feel the tingle and the almost dirty pleasure of the press and the slide of Seb’s skin and body against him as he cleaned up their home from the previous night the next day while Seb was off at work. He already had ideas in his head of doing it all over again tonight before bed. They’d stayed up late but Blaine had given him a little pick-me-up potion to keep him on his toes for the day. 
 It hadn’t helped that the two of them had been woken up extra early to the sounds of both of their phones going off with a slew of new pictures of Hunter and Tony’s one-month-old baby, Mel. She had been born on October 1, exactly one month ago and she was absolutely perfect in every way. They’d gotten to be the first people to hold her after her parents, something both of her grandparents had accepted considering Blaine and Sebastian would be her part-time home once Tony and Hunter went back to work next year. Secretly Blaine couldn’t wait for it, he was so in love with her and he could tell that Seb felt the same. He’d never seen him look so enamored with anyone else before and it made him feel giddy that they got to be the ones to help raise her when her parents were gone for long weeks on missions. For Hunter and Tony’s part, they were both doing amazing. Tony was the perfect mother as Blaine knew she would be, and Hunter was well, he was perfect too. The pride on Hunter’s face suited his features well.
 Things had been as close to perfect for his little family over the last eight months. He and Sebastian had also both recently celebrated birthdays and even though Seb wasn’t too happy about being two years away from thirty the two of them had celebrated both days together. Sebastian’s job, still a little new to him, was going well and Seb had been able to help a few at-risk LGBTQIA teens find the help they needed. The Snowed In was booming and Blaine, in his way, had a hand in getting a few people, who had very little, find new jobs under his management. He was practically running the whole place by himself now. He wasn’t sure what else could go in their favor, but for the first time in years, he felt like something good was coming to them for once. 
 After cleaning he made his way up to his music room and then he allowed himself to get lost in the notes of his piano, letting the music take over and be his source of magic. The sounds filled the house and even Ras and Freya came in to watch him, calmed by the melodies that poured from him. He wasn’t sure how long he played, but it must’ve been hours because when he finally looked up the sun was heading down and the clock told him it was after 6 P.M. and that his boyfriend would be home soon. Ras and Freya seemed to know it too and they all but raced Blaine down the stairs, but Blaine laughed to himself as he used magic to pop himself to the door first, a trick that Freya was annoyed that she didn’t think of first. 
 Blaine didn’t always greet Sebastian at the door of their home, but when he did Seb always looked surprised and then slightly suspicious as if he didn’t know what to make of it.
“Hi, baby.”
 Blaine grinned before reaching out and pulling his boyfriend into a hug and pressing a hello, I’ve missed you kiss to his lips before pulling back and looking up at him. His fingers idly and longingly toying with the clear quartz crystal that still hung, hidden only to normal humans,  around Seb’s neck. Blaine had given him his and his mother’s protection two whole years ago, and still, he wasn’t ready to ask for it back even though Sebastian would give it back in a heartbeat. Maybe it was because he associated it with the trial and how he’d almost lost everything. That’s when Blaine had given it to him. Maybe he thought the council and order were still coming after them and since Seb had no magic he needed the most powerful and important object that Blaine had. 
 He’d made Seb a new one- a small black obsidian paired with a small, new clear quartz to amplify that protection-it had a bit of his own magic in it and he planed on charming this one too to be hidden to normal humans so Sebastian wouldn’t have to explain. But, Blaine had been afraid it wasn’t powerful enough without his mother’s magic too. And he felt too shy or felt too selfish to ask for a switch yet. It made him feel good knowing Sebastian had a bit of Imelda Anderson protecting him. Knowing that a piece of Imelda was still in there would explain his longing anyway. He was happy with Seb wearing it and he was okay without it. He patted it and let Sebastian come in the house properly to greet a tail-wagging Ras and an excited to see him but dismissive Freya. 
“I guess we all missed you today even though we just spent the whole spooky night together last night.” Blaine teased, knowing he’d always miss Seb anytime he was away from him. It was only fitting that Ras and Freya would too.
“How was work? Are you hungry?  I thought about trying that new recipe Tony gave me last week…”
 Sebastian’s POV:
To say that time had been a whirl would be an understatement. Time had been practically nonexistent. It seemed to fly by and rush altogether into a mashup of memories and inseparable days. Seb had been working hard at the firm and starting to dip his toes into what he really wanted to do with his life and Blaine had been baking away hard at Snowed In. Holidays came, seasons changed, and the two of them faced it all side to side, just how it was meant to be.
Mel had been born and he didn’t know that such a little squishy thing could have such a strong chokehold over him. He had been terrified to hold her but Hunter encouraged him and set her in his nervous arms and he knew that the two of them would be in cahoots from that moment forward. Sebastian also loved seeing his best friend become a father, loved the glow on Tony’s face, and Blaine’s excitement. He knew that the four of them were going to make sure this little girl had the best life and he was excited to see it all play out. 
Things had been good and there wasn’t a thing to complain about. The firm was doing great and going to work didn’t seem like a chore. Of course, he loved going home at the end of the day but it was nice not to dread the morning. 
Though work had been going well, there was still nothing better than coming home after a long day to Ras and Blaine welcoming him and Freya pretending not to care off in a corner somewhere. He held on to Blaine and kissed him back. Blaine patted the crystal against his chest and it made a thrill of butterflies swirl in his stomach. Sebastian had been cooking up an idea in his mind for some time and the simple gesture reminded him of his plan. 
 He swallowed and looked down at the other man. “It was good. How was your day? Am I hungry? Is that a rhetorical question?” 
Sebastian loosened his tie and feel the clear quartz thrum against his skin, it seemed like it was giving him another reminder to get things in motion. “I’m going to run upstairs and change, okay?” 
 Once he was in his closet he set to work. Seb was rarely nervous but this seemed like a huge fucking deal. He hoped that this all didn’t seem sudden or random. He had been thinking about this for a while and this moment just felt right. Something was telling him to just go for it, B didn’t need a giant show. 
 He hurriedly changed into more comfortable clothing, took a deep breath, and bounded down the stairs to the kitchen. “Hey B?” Sebastian hoped his voice didn’t waver. “I think I got a tangle in the cord of the crystal?”
 Seb stepped into the kitchen with the necklace in his hand and around it, next to the crystal hung a silver band from Tiffany & Co. 
 “Wanna tie the knot with me, B?”
Blaine’s POV:
 “It was good, I spent my day off cleaning and playing the piano. It’s been a minute since I just let myself do that. It was nice.”
 Blaine couldn’t help but laugh at Sebastian’s comment, he knew better than to question his boyfriend’s hunger because of course he was hungry, the other man was always hungry. He waved Sebastian off, his mind already thinking up ways to improve the recipe he’d been sent, but as he made his way to the kitchen and moved about their large kitchen rummaging aimlessly through the cabinets and drawers unsure of what he wanted to do, he realized he wasn’t paying attention to dinner at all. There was this nervous pit in his stomach and he felt a little like he might come out of his skin. He didn’t know why, but normally these feelings were accompanied right before something big happened. However, today was just a normal day and Sebastian was being his adorable self as usual. He didn’t feel a sense of doom or fear or sadness- no, what he felt was absolute excitement. Like that sweet, bubbly feeling you get right before the first, massive drop on a roller coaster. 
 He found himself holding onto the smooth, cool countertop to keep himself from actually swaying.  What was wrong with him? He had the urge to go up and check on Sebastian, wondering if maybe his intuition was off and maybe something was wrong after all but before he could do that Seb was making his way down the long staircase with his hand out in front of him. Blaine could see the black of the cord weaving through his fingers. His excitement was quickly replaced by confusion as that particular cord was forged by his mother and it was not supposed to ever tangle. 
 “Wait- what? That’s impossible…” He mumbled as he let go of the countertop and made his way towards his boyfriend. He reached out to take it from Seb’s fingers and was so worried about how the cord could possibly be broken that he almost missed the question. He looked at the crystal now in his left hand, so unassuming but so powerful and humming with the happiest, protective energy. He could feel it buzzing against his fingertips, only now there was something new. Something round and silver, and as Blaine let his fingertips explore the new object he could feel that etched into the metal were two small, perfect lines running forever around the band next to each other. It was without a doubt a wedding band- heavy, yet featherlight and expensive platinum and it had clearly been picked out with love by Sebastian’s hand. Blaine could feel its short life story thrumming through his fingers and then to his arm all the way up to his heart. He let his eyes slide to Sebastian’s face, beautiful and uncharacteristically nervous but so fucking confident in what he wanted, and Blaine’s breath caught in his throat as he blinked back confused, but ridiculously happy tears.
 “Y-you want to marry me, Seb?” He let out a little laugh, his fingers closing around the necklace and pulling it close to his chest as if it might change his mind about wanting to be worn by him. He didn’t give the other man much time to respond, he was in his arms fast with his face pressed into the taller man’s chest and he nodded over and over, while a giddy whisper of, “Yes.” fell from his lips. 
 He had always wanted this one day, to fall in love and be loved, maybe get married one day. But, after his mom and then meeting Seb only to find out they were forbidden he’d let those thoughts go and just held tight to the thought that he was even allowed to be with Sebastian at all.- But, things were different now, he was free to be with his person, he wasn’t sure why he’d not thought this was an option. Sebastian had though, and in the most adorable and so very Sebastian way, he’d completely chosen Blaine tonight. And whether it was a conscious decision or not Seb had somehow found a way to include his mom just a bit. The gesture meant everything to him.
 He pulled back enough so that he could press a kiss to Seb’s lips, his whole body absolutely trembling with elation. 
“Yes, I will. It would make me the happiest person in the world to be your husband, baby.” He laughed again as he toyed with the ring, unsure if it was bad luck to wear the band before they actually got married or not because this was not an engagement ring, this was the real thing- the forever ring. Sometimes he swore the universe was just so in tune with him, or it just read his mind. He grinned as he remembered the necklace he’d made for Seb and an idea took hold of him. He looked up at Seb, eyes wide and still wet with joy. His heart felt full and wild as Sebastian smiled down at him, clearly just as happy. 
 “It’s an actual wedding band. It’s beautiful, Sebastian. Perfect. I- hm, do you have one, too?
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn't believe this was actually happening. Never imagined standing in the kitchen of the home he owned with the love of his life, his whole life dependent on a simple question. He never saw himself proposing to anyone but once again and all over, things were different with B. Seb had known in his bones for a long time that Blaine Anderson was his and the past years had truly proven it. He didn’t care how it happened or when it happened, he just wanted to be married to this magical, beautiful, talented man. 
 Seb breathed a yes and caught the other man in his arms. 
 “Of course I want to marry you. You’re all I want and need. Forever.”
 He kissed Blaine back and held him close. Sebastian looked down into Blaine's happy eyes. He hadn’t been sure how to go about the whole ring thing. What were the rules for same-sex couples? Were there any? Did there really need to be any rules about this kind of thing at all anymore? Seb definitely didn’t want to follow any heteronormative stereotype and decided to just buy two of the nicest, classiest rings he could find. 
 “Yes, I bought two! I just figured, you know, why not? We’ve never been a traditional couple so why start now? We can wear them now or we can wait. It’s totally up to you and I’m down for either option. I just want to marry you and I don’t care how it happens.”
 Sebastian leaned down and stole a languid kiss. He couldn’t wait to take Blaine’s ecstatic self to bed and show him all the love he couldn’t put into words. They stood together and just shared the moment together before Seb broke the silence again.
 “And uh, I haven’t told anybody in my family yet. Or Hunter.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself be held and basked for a moment in Sebastian’s words. He’d said, of course he wanted to marry him like it was the most natural thing in the world. He’d said forever like there was nothing to it and even after four years of holding Sebastian in his arms and knowing that they were Fated he was still beside himself with how the butterflies in his stomach acted up whenever Seb did something sweet or so much as looked at him lovingly. All of the pain and fear and fighting to keep him seemed so small a sacrifice when he compared it to the way Sebastian was looking at him now. So small when he compared it to getting to live a life of laughter and trust and mess-ups and love. Compared to getting to grow old with the one he loved with a future of porch swings and linked wrinkled hands and steaming cups of coffee forgotten in favor of good morning kisses.
 Blaine knew now without a doubt that he was going to grow old with Sebastian. He knew it before,  but this just drove it further home. He could, of course, live much longer if he chose- the lifespan of a Witch could be doubled or tripled to that of a human. Naturally, most Witches were with soulmates that happened to be Witches so they could live to be two hundred without breaking a sweat, aside from tragedies like what happened with his mother, but why would he want that? The thought of living one day without his person was the worst thing he could think of. He’d wear the magical cuffs that gave him his glamoured but still very much there wrist scars forever to avoid that. He wondered if elder Sebastian would have a little stoop in his shoulders from years of carrying his tall frame, or if he himself would just get shorter with bushier eyebrows, over time. He didn’t know but he couldn’t wait to experience it. He was excited to see their years play out together. 
 He held onto him for a moment longer before pulling back so that he could look at him- a little moment of calm in the midst of his excitement. Gods he loved this man. He smiled up at him and nodded in agreement. He had no clue how this worked either. He never thought he’d even get it. 
 “You’re right, to say we aren’t traditional is a bit of an understatement. It doesn’t matter though, I’d marry you right now in this kitchen with Freya and Enjolras as witnesses if your mom wouldn’t absolutely demolish us both. But she will and we can’t do that. However, I think the rings and the string are perfect and I may have an idea on how we can set ourselves apart even more, but also make it known that we’re engaged. We’ll have to talk about how we go about telling everyone later, but tonight is ours.” He tilted his head back to accept the kiss, the sensation of Seb’s lips against his tripping down his body and pooling in his stomach and he had the urge to take Seb upstairs right now before doing anything else. Only Sebastian could make him feel so many emotions at the same time. 
 “Keep kissing me like that and I won’t be able to focus on anything else.” He sighed happily and slipped the necklace with his future wedding ring and his mother’s crystal around his neck. Her magic seemed to breathe congratulations, love as it nestled against his chest, its true home for the first time in two years. He breathed a sigh with it. Not wanting to waste time he stepped away from Sebastian and held up a finger, “I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t you dare move.” As if Seb would.
 He rubbed the metal of the ring between his index finger and thumb, willing it to tell him where in the house its partner was, and with a little smile, he popped himself out of the kitchen and found himself in their bedroom. The little Tiffany blue box stood out against their dark bed sheets, the other ring was practically buzzing, he was surprised he hadn’t felt it before and wondered where Seb had hidden them. Probably in his immaculate closet that Blaine never touched because Sebastian had his methods and was pretty set in how he kept his things.  He scooped the ring up from its robin's egg home and made his way to his bedside table where Seb’s new protection necklace waited for Blaine to give to him. He slid the ring onto the cord, his smile taking over his whole damn face before popping himself back down into the kitchen to Sebastian.
“It’s black obsidian and your own clear quartz. I made this for you a bit ago. I haven’t had the courage to give it to you because you’ve been wearing my quartz for years now and I was afraid something bad might happen if I took that one back but, I think this might be a sign that it’s time. You may not be protected by my mom’s magic anymore, but my magic is in here now. It’ll keep you safe and keep me close to you. I can charm the crystal so that others don’t see it if you want. I originally made it so they’d both be hidden to the human eye, but I want everyone to see the ring.” He reached up and knotted the cord around Sebastian's neck using magic to singe the ends together so it wouldn’t come off unless he or Sebastian wanted it to. He knew already that it felt like home to the crystal and Seb. He smoothed the black cord down against Seb’s skin before sliding his fingers down to press against the ring and two little crystals.
 “My invisible string has always led to you, Seb so this only seems fitting. It always comes back to strings, doesn’t it?” He laughed echoing back to moments ago when Seb used a string to ask him to marry him and his heart flipped at the memory. 
"Do you like this idea? We can do something else if you’d rather not wear it. I’m sure you’re tired after two years with this one”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian loved watching B when he got this excited. He promised to stand still as the other man popped out of sight. He had witnessed this act a thousand times but it was always surprising to watch. Seb kept his mind occupied with the thought of Blaine’s low voice saying that he was distracting him and the delicious intention it had carried. He snapped back to reality when his fiancé once again appeared literally out of thin air. 
“I think this is a great idea. Honestly, I think I’d feel naked without my own cord at this point. I love being naked but you get the idea.”
Sebastian nodded. Blaine was right, after all. It really did always come back to strings with them. Their destiny and connection to each other had been woven through the constellations thanks to a beautiful Goddess. When Blaine magically tied the cord around his neck, it fell right into place like it knew where its home was. 
 He turned to face the other man and wrapped his arms around his slim waist. The two of them swayed gently and kissed each other for a few moments before Sebastian lifted his head with a satisfied hum. He kept his body close to Blaine and hoped that he’d become “distracted” again. Sebastian knew they had the same thing on their mind. 
 “I love you.” 
Blaine’s POV:
 “Yeah? Gods, I’m so glad you like it. I didn’t know why at the time, but I’ve been a little afraid to give it to you. Now maybe I’m realizing that I was just waiting for this moment. I’ve had this excited feeling in the pit of my stomach for a little bit and now I guess I know why. You are absolutely the most romantic, you know that right? This just cements that fact.” 
 Blaine couldn’t help the grin that felt permanently fixed on his face as he spoke. He felt overwhelmed with such a swell of emotions he didn’t know whether to cry or to kiss Sebastian breathless right here. Who needed a bed anyway? However, between the look on Seb’s face and the way the taller man had pulled him close told Blaine that Seb wanted more than one go around. Besides they deserved so much more than a fast and hard romp on the floor no matter how much fun they’d had doing that in the past. No, Sebastian deserved to be kissed and touched head to toe. Blaine wanted and needed to take his time. Once again his stomach did a little dip and spin as Sebastian, his fiancé, pressed a kiss to his lips and swayed with him.  
Blaine adored moments like this. Moments when the only people that existed were the two of them- just for a second. He closed his eyes and let his lips and then tongue explore Sebastian’s sweet mouth for a moment as they slowly danced to music that only the two of them could hear completely wrapped up in each other. His heart flitted giddily over Sebastian’s declarations of love and he felt like he did four years ago when they’d first said it and their bond had only gotten stronger from then. He nuzzled into Seb’s chest as he gathered himself from their moment, and his voice only cracked a little bit with emotion. 
 “Gods, I love you back.”
 And as he lay between Sebastian’s legs- his fiancé's body naked, and open and begging- Please, Blaine as Blaine pressed him into their bed, his lips and fingers exploring and teasing, loving- he found that he wasn’t worried about the immediate future for once. Everything, for the first time ever, seemed to be falling into place around him and his. He couldn’t imagine being happier than he was right now.
 Sebastian’s POV:
 As they ran up the stairs, laughing and smiling, Sebastian decided he could live in this blissful snapshot forever. That if heaven was what you made it, it would be Blaine’s giddy smile under warm kitchen lights and his hands as they tugged at each other's clothes in the dark of the bedroom. 
 Laying on the bed with Blaine in between his legs kissing and touching everywhere, everything felt peaceful and passionate all at once. They were finally living a life as close to normal as they ever would and life had never felt so satisfying. 
 They spent the night intertwined, a mix of limbs and bedsheets and soft sighs. Sebastian wasn’t sure when they had drifted off to sleep but he woke up in B's arms. The light of dawn filtered through the blinds and splashed across the other man’s skin as his chest gently rose and fell. Sebastian couldn’t wait for a forever filled with these small, beautiful moments.
(We’ll be back late February/Early March with a new wedding themed para. Stay tuned!)
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Long Live All The Magic We Made- Saturday, March 26, 2022
Para: Long Live All The Magic We Made
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine. Hunter/Antoinette (OC)
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Four month time skip.) Saturday, March 26, 2022  *Seb is now 27, and Blaine is 25. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Hunter and Tony share some big news with Sebastian and Blaine before asking them something life changing.
Warnings:  This RP in general includes; Mentions of death/Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Taylor Swift- Long Live
Extra Information: This took far too long to post, we apologize! There will be FOUR POV’s in this Para. We’ve done our best to make it as easy to read as possible. 
We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress over the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart was full and thumped happily in his chest as he poured out four glasses of cabernet sauvignon and giggled with a smiling Tony. He listened to the sounds of his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s best friend Hunter carrying on out in the courtyard. Their new home felt awake and alive tonight after a dinner that Blaine had planned out perfectly, only the second one in their home. Sebastian had done his best to help, but mostly stuck to meticulously clearing and organizing which was saying something as they’d only lived here for a few months now. Neither Tony or Blaine knew what their boyfriends were doing in there, only that they kept hearing random slaps on skin and loud oofs followed by faux annoyance in both of their voices only to be soothed by tipsy laughter. 
The night had gone on perfectly- they’d had dinner out in the courtyard, the spring air was a bit chilly but they were warmed by the cute little firepit Blaine had put in. And since he was with company that knew what he was, Blaine had offered some magic and the whole area had been pleasantly buzzing with his heated energy all night long. Enjolras loved getting to run around wildly with Freya, who still insisted she didn’t run around. But, Blaine had caught her multiple times tonight and promised her he wouldn’t tease her too much. Besides, Ras loved it when she played with him, he’d hate for her to stop. The thought was almost laughable to him as soon as he thought it-Freya would let Blaine dress her up in cat clothing if she thought it would please the golden pup, she loved him that much. He could feel the two of them still running around out there in the glow of the firelight just outside the kitchen door.
He was happy, very much so, but this little ache like a bruise pressed over his heart. Don’t get him wrong, he loved having Hunter and Tony around- Hunter was Seb’s best friend and had done so much for both of them. And Tony, well she was pretty much Blaine’s little sister at this point. They shared a bond, a different kind of fate that few others could touch. Still, he wished he could invite David and Nick, and of course his father, but he knew he had to keep his friends at arms length to save face, and he had to keep his dad even further away. He tried to picture Sam in the room with all of them, and knew instantly that his best friend would probably fit right in, despite not being able to know the truth of it all. Tony would laugh at Sam’s jokes and Hunter would do the same and then quiz him about Japan. Too bad he was still over there, living his dream with his adorable girlfriend. 
And then there was his mom. All of these years and her absence still felt like a sucker punch to the chest when he thought about it. He pressed his hand over his heart just at the spot where her crystal used to rest and wondered how long she’d let  Seb wear it. He could tell it was getting antsy to come back every single time he touched his boyfriend. But, he still wasn’t ready. He’d give almost anything to have all of them here so he could show them how far he’d come and good things had turned out.  He wanted to show off his beautiful home and his gorgeous person, not to boast but to say hey, I made it even when I didn’t think I would… Missing those few people was the only thing keeping Blaine from feeling the happiest he’d ever felt. And even with them not being there, he was pretty damn happy. 
He sighed and dropped his hand before turning to Tony- her large grey eyes now studying him curiously and he knew she knew he was silently working through something. He gave her a big, genuine smile and shrugged.  
“Everything’s okay, Tony. I promise.” He pushed the try full of drinks towards her and scooped up the decadent round dark chocolate mousse cake he’d made from scratch yesterday. He noted that a few raspberries were missing from the top and wondered which one of them had stolen them, Hunter or Sebastian. He knew it was probably Sebastian- it was like his boyfriend felt compelled to steal food from desserts or salads that would taste just the same out of the package. He smiled to himself as he nodded towards the door, imagining Seb sneaking into the kitchen last night and opting to steal two raspberries from the cake instead of the fridge. He’d probably give Blaine some excuse about wanting the chocolate on it. Tony caught his smile and shook her head. 
“You’ve gone from happy to a little melancholy and now back to happy again in the span of three seconds, , you’re going through it tonight, aren’t you, babe? Something you want to talk about? We’ve got a little time before they get too stupid.” She laughed and nudged him before getting a sparkling water from the fridge for herself. “I don’t want to get too tipsy, you know, we are staying here as guests and someone’s gotta keep Hunter in line. I can see it now, he’ll end up dragging the two of us to your bed because his drunken mind thinks that’s a normal thing to do when you’re staying at your best friend's house.” She teased, but Blaine hadn’t witnessed her drink much of anything with alcohol tonight, let alone get any kind of tipsy. She’d been sipping on water most of the time. Her energy felt high and positive, she was happy. So he didn’t think too much of it. But, she was right, Hunter probably would find a way to implant himself into his and Sebastian’s bed and drag Tony with him. All six of them, Freya and Ras included,  just snuggled up. As if on cue, Hunter’s crackle of delight soared from outside and through the kitchen. 
“I’m really okay, just thinking about things I can’t really change. I am happy though, you’ve got it right. And Gods, you’re probably right about Hunter. I mean, as comfortable as that sounds… he has a whole room here that he can roll all over to his heart's content.” He nodded towards the door. “What are they even doing out there? We should probably go feed them some more before someone gets hurt.”
 She laughed, knowing he was right and nodded, still looking a little skeptical over his answer, but she sat her water down on the drink try and walked with him out into the magically warm March air and Blaine followed. Both men looked up at them, the echo of a laugh still hanging in the air. Blaine made his way towards Seb, sat the cake down on the table and snuggled into his boyfriend's side.
“Do I even want to know what you’re doing out here? Also, did you steal my raspberries, Sebastian? You messed up my aesthetic.” He teased, pressing his lips into Seb’s jaw and nuzzling into his neck. He could hear Hunter’s childish, teasing ewwws and he looked over at his friend, who was just as snuggled up with his girlfriend, with wide eyes. 
“Keep it up, Clarington and I won’t give you any cake.” To which Hunter followed up with a scandalized and very dramatic face of woe even as Blaine moved forward to cut each one of them a slice.
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian thought that he would hate having company over at the new house. After a successful holiday season with a visit to Ohio where he realized he missed his mother, Wick, and Luke more than he thought he did and a few small gatherings he decided he didn’t mind it. He was actually excited to have little parties here and there and he knew how happy it made Blaine to prepare artistic charcuterie boards and bake mini desserts. 
 When Tony and Hunter came over, things always felt natural. Ever since everything had calmed down after the trial, things with his best friend felt normal again. Sometimes when they were joking around over beers (and a cigarette for Sebastian) he’d forget that Hunter actually was a hunter of supernatural beings. He liked how easy and connected B and Tony seemed and that things just finally seemed settled into place as much as they could be when you were implanted into a magical world. 
The two of them had been roasting each other and laughing in the courtyard. Normally Seb wouldn’t choose to sit out in the chill but B had extended his magical warmth throughout the area. Sebastian had hit his tipsy best friend in the arm a little too hard and he fell out of his chair a little bit and spilled some of his drink and the ground. They burst into laughter because well, there was just no reason that Seb should have been able to get one over on somebody trained in combat. Hunter made a sly comment about how he had a soft spot for him and that was the only reason it had happened. 
Tony and Blaine had made their way into the courtyard with more drinks and cake and had snuggled up to their significant others.  
“Hunter was just flirting with me. You should like, zap him or something.” He waved his hand in the air like little volts were shooting from his fingertips. “I might have snuck a few, they taste better with the chocolate.”  He liked how Blaine’s lips felt on his jaw, a tingle slid its way up his spine. 
 Hunter’s POV:
Hunter’s skin felt electric with excitement. They were all gathered around the small fire pit, the air comfortably warm with Blaine’s magic. He felt giddy from the wine, Bas’ laugh, and  Tony’s glow. Her soft body pressed into his side, his arm wrapped around her. Everything felt right and he knew that tonight was the perfect night. 
 Hunter leaned forward and plucked a raspberry from Sebastian’s perfect slice of cake and popped it into his mouth.
 “You’re a tattletale. You know I could stop him, right?”
 Tony’s elbow gently poked his side, “You could try. I think I’d let him give you a good zap.” 
 Blaine smiled and Sebastian took a smug bite of cake and Tony giggled into her sparkling water. He couldn’t help but smile, couldn’t even joke about his feelings being hurt. Things may not be lining up how he had always pictured them but he felt satisfied and truly happy. He and his best friend were in love with two amazing people and their friendship had remained just as strong. Their lives were all changing for the better. 
Blaine gave in and slid him a small plate with a decadent slice on it. Tony stole his raspberry which he knew he deserved. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”  She kissed him and he could taste the slightest hint of berries on her lips. 
After everyone’s bellies were full and their drinks were refilled the night fell into a comfortable silence. Hunter could hear dove’s somewhere in the courtyard, Tony’s breathing, and the traffic on the streets. He gently nudged Tony and they held eye contact for a few minutes, she knew what he was thinking.
 Antoinette’s (Tony) POV:
Tony glanced around the courtyard, feeling full of happiness and hope she hadn’t felt in a very long time. For the first time since she’d been cursed with sickness as a child, she felt like things were actually going to be okay. She was a full-time, certified member of the Order now, she was able to freely train and got to work with the love of her life every single day. Hunter always had her back and she always had his. She got to spend time with Blaine, someone that understood her more than almost anyone else in the world, someone she had bonded with as soon as they met, by extension of both Hunter and Blaine she was able to spend time with Sebastian. A person who made both of her boys incredibly happy and therefore made her happy. She had secretly started calling the three of them her boys in her head and she wondered as he laid her hand on her stomach if she’d be adding another one into the mix soon.  
“Something does tell me that Blaine might have a leg up here though, it is his house after all. I mean, we’re actually sitting in a swarm of his magic right now.” She looked over at Blaine and grinned with a shrug while blatantly betraying her own boyfriend. She’d figure out a way to make it up to him later. She secretly sometimes wondered what hidden potential her friend had hidden away. She’d met both his mother and father and they’d both done incredible things and it made her wonder what secrets or untapped power Blaine Anderson might be carrying around. She also sort of hoped that maybe they never found out. 
Good Witches tended to only pull out the crazy magic when things were about to go incredibly bad. Imelda when saving her, and well, Will was on the Council, he got to do bigger magic every day. She knew Blaine was close to cashing in his good card and possibly doing something drastic during his trials, but they’d all pulled through and he didn’t have to. She supposed that was for the best, they were all here now and happy and well, she’d take that over getting an answer to her curiosities any day. 
 She couldn't help the little smile that played on her lips as they finished their food and drinks and when Hunter snuggled in a little closer and dipped down to get her to look at him, she knew it was time to let them in on the reason they’d wanted to come this weekend in the first place. Her heart gave a little flutter and she cleared her throat as she looked up at Blaine and Sebastian. They had three full things to tell them. The first one was the easy part, the other two were a little harder.
 “I’m sure you’ve all noticed that I’ve not exactly been indulging in the spirits with you.” She laughed a little and settled her hand over her mostly flat belly again. The very tiniest swell was there and you had to know she was carrying in order to tell at all. Hunter insisted he could tell when he laid his head on her stomach at night, but she could hardly tell herself. She was only thirteen weeks along as of three days ago.  She thought it was cute though so she let him coo at her. “That’s  because well, we’re having a baby.” She grinned, enjoying  the changes in the faces of the two men sitting across from her. From surprise, to happiness, to what might have been sadness- she felt that one... and back to happiness before crossing over into what could be described as elation. “We’re due at the end of September, early October.” She held her hand to keep them from advancing on her just yet. She had more to say and number two was the the second hardest-
“Before you get too ahead of me, we have a couple more things to ask…” She paused, she knew that Blaine and Sebastian had been through hell and that they had made many sacrifices to be together, including finding out that they’d never get to be parents together,  so she didn’t want to fuck this bit up. She reached over and took Hunter’s hand for comfort and then looked from Sebastian, who was holding sweetly onto his boyfriend and giving Hunter a sort of amazed look-  to Blaine and settled on his kind, eager, wide golden eyes. Eyes that reminded her so much of his mom, now that her memories of the wonderful woman had been restored.
 “We- both Hunter and I,  were wondering if, no matter what we have, if you, Blaine, would give us the honor of naming them Mel.”
She waited, watching Blaine carefully. How he took this question would help decide if the last big thing they wanted to ask them was plausible. If Blaine reacted negatively maybe they shouldn’t be asking such big things in the first place, but if he accepted then they had the biggest, possibly life changing question to ask the two of them. She was nervous as she watched him process with Sebastian’s help. 
 Blaine’s POV:
There were doves again. They cooing and twittering all over the courtyard. Little flits of pale pink and grey and white here and there, making for a lovely show…  Blaine didn’t always notice them right away, but when he did they always seemed to make a big show by spreading their pretty wings and flocking around Sebastian in particular. As if showing him off- Like hey, look over here, this one’s ours. As if Blaine didn’t know all about Aphrodite's advanced role in their Fate’s intertwining. They had an actual altar to her in their bedroom. It still left him beside himself whenever he woke up, or came home to find decadent dark chocolates or expensive flowers or deep red wine left as an offering to her. If it had always been him doing it, that would have been one thing, but these things came from Sebastian and that in and of itself was baffling. He figured his logical, lawyer boyfriend would drop a chocolate kiss or a petal here and there, but most of the time Blaine found incredibly nice things for the goddess of love and beauty. Sebastian seemed to take her presence as seriously as he did. Maybe the presence of the doves was a gift for them. A constant sweet soundtrack to everyday life inside (and outside) of the Smythe-Anderson home.
The doves seemed to coo even more sweetly as Tony revealed her and Hunter’s amazing news. So sweetly in fact that Blaine almost missed it for grinning up at the fluttering birds. His head snapped back down as he caught the words due at the end of September, early October… He wanted to do three things all at once. First he wanted to flock to Tony like the doves seemed to love doing to Seb, and wrap her up to congratulate her, but something her in demeanor said to sit back for a second, then he wanted to go to Hunter and do the same, but again, they both seemed to be telling them that wait, there’s more. The third bit was that he wanted to cry a little, a happy one, mind you. Because maybe there was hope for a child to be in their lives somewhat now. One that maybe they could become friends with and when Hunter and Tony visited  every few months they’d maybe prefer hanging out with him and Seb. Maybe they’d get cute nicknames one day. Maybe.
He was still processing the information and the excitement when Tony asked her next question. The name was pretty and gender-neutral. He liked it as soon as she said it. He had a familiarity with it that he couldn't place his finger on. Yet, he had no clue why they seemed to be asking for his permission to use it. How could he give them honor over a name?
 Seb was mumbling his name in question. He looked at him wondering why his boyfriend was holding onto him and rubbing his back so comfortingly, like he’d been told something sad. Or why Hunter and Tony were looking at him with wide, waiting eyes, looking and exuding the feeling of nervousness. Why was the focus on him? Shouldn’t it be on Tony and Hunter? He looked over at Seb a little confused. His boyfriend cocked his head to the side, not understanding his reaction, gave his hand a comforting squeeze and it wasn’t until Blaine tried saying the name out loud to Seb to question it that he understood.
 “Mel? Oh...”
 He swallowed hard and blinked once and then twice as everything seemed to fall into place for him. Imelda. Mel… They wanted to name their baby after his mom. The two of them knew that he and Seb wouldn't be able to, so they were asking to do it for them. His heart felt full and sad and he sniffled, blinking back tears as he spoke. His voice a little thick.
 “Oh, I would love that, guys. I truly would.” He bit his lip and leaned into Sebastian, feeling shy and overexposed all of the sudden. “She would love that…” He hid his face in Seb’s neck for a moment to collect himself, and smiled as Seb pressed a kiss to his forehead, gaining comfort from his soulmate and grounding himself. He pulled back to rejoin the group just in time for Hunter to clear his throat as if he had something more to say. Blaine could feel this was a big one...
 Hunter’s POV:
Hunter wrapped his arm around Tony’s shoulders and pulled her in even closer. He was delighted  by Sebastian’s surprised face, his mouth agape for about 3 solid seconds before he mouthed ‘you  motherfucker!’ It made him laugh with how simply Bas the reaction was and then there was Blaine, all wide eyed and shy. Hunter was thankful that Blaine had reacted positively to their request. If it weren’t for Imelda’s selflessness and power, none of this would have happened. 
 “Thank you, Blaine. It means a lot to us,” Tony nodded in agreement.
 “We do have one more question.” Hunter shifted in his seat a little bit. This part was big and his stomach felt acidic with nerves. Before all this, he had thought that he and Sebastian had seen it all together. Asking his best friend this next question felt heavy and scarier than any mission he’d ever go on. 
 “Would you two do us the honor of being the baby’s guardians? Like god parents, only way more. You know, like...on paper. Would you be willing to take care of them while we’re on missions and such? To bring them into your home? Take them in...if...a mission went south.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, ‘in case we die.’ when everything felt new and positive, even if they both knew their field was extremely dangerous. 
 “Well, don’t keep us waiting fellas.” 
Sebastian’s POV:
 Sebastian smiled and watched his boyfriend’s face closely. It would have been comical how long it took for the name’s significance to settle into his brain but the entire interaction was just, well, wholesome. He pressed a kiss to Blaine’s forehead and waited for him to peek out again. The gesture of choosing the name Mel was very sweet, even an old cynic like Seb could admit that. 
The change in Hunter’s tone made his ears prick up. He knew him like his favorite TV show, comforting and reliable for background noise that made his pre B world feel a little less empty. Whenever the other man got serious on him it made Sebastian feel a bit on edge. Not because he was afraid to see Hunter serious, just because he never really knew what to expect and that made his organized microcosm feel a little bit wobbly. 
The question that had been asked was not one he had been expecting. He didn’t even think that this was a topic that either one of them, Hunter or Sebastian, had ever talked about. Seb blinked a few times and felt his Blaine shift next to him. He had always thought  that he was bad with kids, that he didn’t like them all that much. But, getting to know his little cousin Luke had changed his mind and he really loved to see the light in B’s eyes when they played their games of make believe. There was a warmth that spread through his body, something protective. None of this was ever in the plans they had made over midnights and pizzas and the bellyache of laughter. This was big and special and the most important thing Hunter had ever asked him to do. Especially now that he and Blaine had had their opportunity ripped away...
“I...do we need to think about this or…?” He pulled away a bit to look down at his boyfriend. “ I know that I...would really love to do that.” 
 Sebastian knew that Blaine felt the same way as he did.
 Blaine’s POV:
Once again Blaine was a bit slow on the uptake, he was having a bit of a hard time processing what was being asked of them. Not because he didn’t want it, but because it was more than he thought they’d ever get. His heart thudded in his chest as he looked up at Sebastian, hardly allowing himself to believe what he was hearing. The moment passed and his face broke out into a smile as he pulled Seb closer, squeezing him to show him that no, they didn’t need to think about this. It was truly a no brainer. He turned his attention over to Hunter and Tony and gave them an even bigger smile. 
 “No, no we don’t need to think about it. I’m with Seb without a doubt… I’d love that more than anything.” He laughed a little, his eyes still bright with tears. Of course he knew accepting came at a price, it put the very real threat that one or both of them might die in the field. They were hunters that worked for the Order in very real dangerous situations. And chances of them dying together were much larger considering they worked right next to each other. It made him, and no doubt Sebastian,  look that ugly truth right in the face.  “I’m gonna have to double down on protection spells and maybe even make you a few charms because there is no way you’re not going to be around to see this baby grow up.” He made mental  notes of the charms and ingredients he’d need for their protection even as he spoke. His brain seemed to be in overdrive as a new person to care about was just on the horizon. He wanted to protect them with his magic and his own self and he didn’t even know them yet. “Tony, how do you feel about letting me make you a little something even more extra while you’re pregnant? And, before you ask, I planned on asking if I could do that before you asked us to assist in the life of your child.”
 The four of them sat and talked for a couple more hours, mostly about the baby and what steps they needed to take for their wishes to come to term, but they slipped a few other things in here and there. There were plenty of laughs, Hunter convinced Seb to take a few shots with him for old times sake and even convinced Blaine to take a couple- one for him and one for Tony since she couldn’t, and he obliged.
Blaine had a few moments of panic where he thought maybe he wasn’t cut out for this task that was  being asked of him, but he’d look over at Tony and see his mother, just a little bit, and how light Hunter seemed to be right now, and then at his boyfriend, his soulmate, his person and it would all slip away… Seb looked happy and hopeful and he held Blaine close the whole time they sat and talked and drank. It was hard to feel anything other than good when Sebastian looked like that. 
Eventually Seb started to yawn and even suggested that Blaine use magic to clean up their messes, which was wild to him considering Sebastian usually liked for him to keep magic more simple. Even after all these years, Seb still would stare in awe and wonder and a little bit of warrant fear over some of the magical tasks that Blaine could perform. And magically cleaning a whole house in one go would do that trick. Seb wasn’t afraid of Blaine, but magic was wild and even though Blaine was a very practiced Witch, he knew seeing something like that to a logical mind like Seb’s was a bit overwhelming. So he said goodnight to Hunter and Tony who were sleeping in the guest room and sent Seb to get ready for bed before doing his fancy bit of cleaning magic. Within minutes the courtyard and kitchen were both spotless and Blaine had rounded up Freya and Enjolras and locked the doors, and renewed his protective spells around the perimeters of the new house. His cat familiar and his not so little pup followed him up the stairs and they were both asleep at the foot of the huge bed before he could change into his pajamas. He was still buzzing with excitement as he snuggled in next to Sebastian whose energy was just as excited, if not drowsy with drink. He might just be making mild hangover cures for Sebastian and Hunter the next day.
 “It looks like we found a bit of a loophole, didn’t we?” He laughed gently and pulled his drowsy boyfriend into his arms. “I mean, they said neither one of us could father children or adopt.  They never said anything about being partial guardians. And they’ll be the child of two hunters, that just means they’ll get to know the truth about Witches and magic and what their parents do when they’re young, we won’t have anything to hide from them.” He paused, watching Seb’s face in the dim light. “I know it’s not what we may have eventually wanted, but I think it worked out for us. We get to be there for them. They have a safe space for their kid and we get to be important to someone. I’m really happy. Plus, you’re a lawyer, so if the Council tries to stop us from helping Hunter and Tony, you can help fight it.”
Seb snuggled into him and reassured him that he was just as happy, his words and little kisses tipsy against Blaine’s jaw. Blaine could have talked about the kid and their future forever, but he was much more sober since he was mostly made of magic and stardust, sort of, and he knew Seb would too under normal circumstances. But his boyfriend was overly happy and drunk and sleep would bring morning and morning would bring the excitement of Blaine getting to tell Sebastian of the ideas he had for the third bedroom. Hunter and Tony were gone a lot on missions, sometimes it added up to about five months out of a year. And then they only got a year and a half off after the baby was born and then it was back to the grind and of course they’d be bringing the baby over before that year was up so they could bond, so naturally the baby needed a bedroom!
He looked down at Sebastian and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, smiling when Seb mumbled his love. Blaine kissed him back and loved him just as much before settling down with the comforting weight of Seb on his chest. An array of ideas and elation for his friends and for them as he slipped into slumber.
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Be My Once In A Lifetime- Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Para: Be My Once In A Lifetime
Rating: PG-13/R.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: (Three month time skip.) Tuesday, November 30, 2021 ***Seb is now 27, and Blaine is now 25. 
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Notes: Sebastian and Blaine move into their forever home.
Warnings:  This para has some sexy thoughts and a bit of smut at the end. This RP in general includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Para Title Taken From: Lana Del Rey- Love Song
Extra Information: We will be doing a series of little mini’s to progress the next few years of this RP. Things might get a little confusing but we promise to date them accordingly. 
Under cut for length and some content. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he stood in the doorway of Sebastian's new office in their new home. The shelves were built into the white of high walls and trimmed in soft grey and his boyfriend was currently on top of the world as he slid book after book into their new home. Sebastian radiated positive energy, oblivious to Blaine watching over him, completely unaware as Blaine pulled out his phone and silently captured yet another moment in the next chapter of their lives together. He couldn’t wait to send it off for a physical copy so he could add the memory to their new walls. 
The last few months had hit so fast, one second the two of them were just browsing and the next they were putting in an offer and the. signing their joined names on papers that said this house was theirs forever. If Blaine were to let himself sit and think about it, he’d probably discover that he had whiplash from the whirlwind of it all. Their new home, originally supposed to just be a second step towards a better house in a few years, ended up just being a final step. The place was a fucking dream- an expensive riverfront, three story, three bedroom, plus office space, two bath historical townhome and out of budget dream... but between them, and old family money and trusts on both sides, they made it work- with Seb pushing just a bit harder by telling Blaine they’d get to grow old here while they looked out over the very river they’d met each other three years ago. It all made him incredibly anxious, but it was impossible not to visualize once Blaine stepped foot in the gigantic, open kitchen with windows that let the sun and moonlight shine in and counter space to die for. And Seb’s eyes had grown twice their size when the office was presented to him and Blaine knew that his boyfriend was in love again. He supposed he was, too.
The bricks and foundation had been formed over 150 years ago and had been updated with love over those years and it was almost as if each modern, yet respectful update had been made with Sebastian and Blaine ending up there together in mind. Who knew, maybe it had been, maybe the Fates and the Gods were rewarding them for all they’d been through together. But, standing in it now Blaine couldn’t imagine them anywhere else. It felt unreal even though Blaine had spent the last twenty-four hours after leaving Ohio from a visit with Sabine and the rest of the Smythe’s slowly unpacking their belongings, old and new. Apart of him wanted to magic it all together to see the final product, but watching Seb here now reminded him that doing it this way was much more meaningful. They needed to do this together, just the two of them. It was their baby now.
They’d said a bittersweet goodbye to Seb’s and his old apartment; the one that held so many memories of happiness and sorrow, where he’d healed over the last year from his trial (gods, had it really been a year?), where they’d fought tooth and nail to be together… right before going home to Ohio for Thanksgiving. They’d hit the ground running as soon as they got back in yesterday morning and the house was almost ready for them to start living. It was big, but they’d made it all so cozy- the warm glow of November's fall seemed to wrap the russet bricks of their home up in it’s arms and all Blaine wanted to do was curl up on their new couch with some tea and have Sebastian wrapped tightly in his arms as they watched something cheesy and silly to get them into the holiday spirit, and then maybe he could pull Seb into their bed and they could finally test it out until they fell asleep, exhausted and elated. However, there was still so much to do and Freya was helping them by keeping Ras busy chasing her playfully around their new playground- a little private courtyard. Blaine really should stop staring and go finish putting his kitchen together. But Seb looked so content and beautiful in his concentration that Blaine found he couldn't pull himself away just yet. All his anxieties about the price seemed to float away as he watched. He cleared his throat to speak, his voice quiet as he softly stepped onto the hardwood floor of the office.
“Gods, I can’t get over how happy you look here, baby.” 
 Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had never really cared for the word forever. It was too final and seemed like some sort of prison sentence. A word that people flung around without truly thinking about what it meant. That was until Blaine quite literally tumbled into his life and things just started to seem real for once. Marriage seemed like a possibility and building a stable home just seemed logical. Everything fell into place after the dust from the trial settled and the two of them had been perfectly content and well, Seb could finally see what forever looked like. It looked like Blaine cooking in their new kitchen, his bare feet on the hardwood floor, the scent of garlic and olive oil carried by the river breeze rushing through the windows. Forever was his meticulous bookshelves and fall leaves in the courtyard, Christmas lights, New year’s kisses in a place that was theirs. 
Seb thought that searching for a home and all of the work wound up in it was going to take  a long time but, it all happened rather quickly and luckily, it was easy for them. Time didn’t seem to exist as packing turned into their Thanksgiving visit (lots of housewarming gifts from Sabine and Wick, he had never seen his mother so elated.) and suddenly they were standing in the doorway to their new home on a gust of cold November wind. 
He teetered on the step ladder as he slipped one of his many copies of Les Mis on the shelf. Sebastian had sensed Blaine’s presence before he saw him, he let him admire the view for a bit longer before he looked down at the other man. 
“I love this room,” He smiled and stepped down from the shelf. Sebastian looked around the crisp white room. Sun fell through the window and splayed across the floor in a satisfying way. He looked forward to the summer sunshine and the warmth it would bring to his little office. 
“You seem happy, too.” Sebastian stepped forward and leaned in for a kiss. “How’s the kitchen look? Think you can work with it?” He knew that B loved it and wouldn’t stop gushing about the counter space. “Excited to experiment?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself really feel the simple kiss for a moment before pulling back to smile up at Sebastian. It was amazing to him that after over three years butterflies still beat against his ribcage and his skin still prickled with emotion every single time this man touched him. Sure, perhaps he was a bit more amped up right now from the high of such a big step, but it was always there. That floating up, up, up and then the freefall down only to be caught with Sebastian’s arms tightly around him feeling. He sighed and cleared his throat, there was plenty of time for Blaine to capture that feeling again and again after the house was done. Nevermind that it was too late now to push it away. He was completely wrapped up in the look on Seb’s face as his boyfriend teased, yes teased him about his new kitchen. He took the bait anyway, the place was too damn spectacular to brush off.
“I am the happiest I’ve ever been, I mean, I say that like every new month, but I mean it this time. I’m not sure how it could get better.” He grinned even bigger, his fingers moving up to rest against Seb’s chest, the clear quartz Blaine had lent him for protection over a year ago now vibrated pleasantly under his fingertips as if telling him that Sebastian was safe now and that he could take it back. It felt like his mom telling him Sebastian would be more than okay without it, but Blaine wasn’t ready. Please. Not just yet.
“Can I work with it? Gods, I mean, you saw the kitchen, right? Your office is awesome with it’s built-in bookshelves and  tranquility that give even our very magical beach cottage a run for its money, but did you see the island in the kitchen? Did you see how much shelf space I have? Do you know how much food you’re going to get to consume in the next lifetime- I hope you’re ready. I just have so much space to make everything in! I can bake for the Snowed-In at home now, I don’t have to go in at 4 am as much anymore. Yeah, I can’t wait, and I can so work with it” 
He laughed, his hands trailing down to rest on Sebastian’s hips as he spoke, his grin gowning. “You realize that we can host holidays now? We don’t always have to go to Ohio, your mom and Uncle Wick and Luke can come here, Seb! Thomas too if he wants… I mean of course I’ll have to do everything naturally when they’re here, but I don’t mind because how nice is that? We can see them more. Oh! Tony and Hunter have a room they can sleep in now, they can stay for a few days before missions and not be cramped up on the couch with no privacy” He paused, biting his bottom lip, his grin turning into a wistful smile. “My dad might even get to visit every so often too, I mean, I know he can't be around too much, but there’s a place for him. He was so happy for us when we told him, I doubt even the High Order can keep him away permanently.” His lips curved back into their grin, wanting to keep the mood playful and not melancholy with thoughts of the trial and losses. 
“And don’t get me started on the view of our river and that courtyard that Ras and Freya have taken over. Have I mentioned the kitchen?” He tiptoed up and stole himself one kiss, and then two more before pulling back to speak again. 
“I’m actually pretty much done setting it up, you’ll have to come look when you get the chance. I’m about to go through each room and recharge the protection spells I’ve done. I know I spent two hours covering the whole place last night, but I just feel like this is such a big deal that I need to make sure they’re good enough, you know? I absolutely can’t let anything ruin this for us, and a shitty protection charm would just be my old luck, right?” He was mostly playing, but he knew and probably Seb knew that it was a very real fear of his- that something was going to come and hurt them or hurt Sebastian and it would be his fault whether it be unintentional neglect or just because of who and what he was. 
“But, I was thinking I could make us a late lunch before I do that? You’ve been working your ass off all day long and I think I’ve only seen you drink coffee, like lots of coffee, so far- you realize you completely forgot to eat?” Typical of his boyfriend to get wrapped up in his work and forget to take care of himself. “I take the blame, I was too excited to make us sit down for breakfast so shame on me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
It was the happiest that Sebastian had ever been , too. “Just for the record, I’d listen to you say that everyday.” He liked seeing Blaine jubilant and excited over new things. Last year had been rough and scary and it felt like they’d never make it out alive. “You deserve all the good things in life. You’ve been through hell and back. But uh, can we maybe slow down on the party planning? I’m not sure if I’m ready to host Thanksgiving, though I’m sure my mother would love it.” 
They stood close for a few moments, Seb enjoyed listening to the other man speak as they gently swayed in the doorway together. If there was ever any doubt on settling on this townhouse, it would be erased by the glow in Blaine’s cheeks and the crinkle of his bourbon colored eyes. 
Sebastian’s stomach growled almost as if on cue when Blaine mentioned lunch. He knew that reinforcing the protection spells throughout the house was important but was relieved when he said he’d fix up some food first. He was thankful that his boyfriend paid such close attention to his habits because he was right, Seb would just pour himself another cup and begin perfectly spacing the pictures he wanted to display in the office. “Yes, shame on you for my bad habits. Lunch sounds perfect, though. And I’ll get to see all of your hard work.”  
The kitchen looked perfectly Blaine, of course. He had hung some herbs on the walls and organized all of the pots and pans so that they hung from a rack above the Island. The room already smelled like lemons and sage with a little swirl of stale morning coffee. “You really got this place together, it’s great.” He sat down on a stool next to the very island B loved so much and tapped his fingers on the polished countertop. “What’s on the menu, baby?” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s already ridiculous smile grew even more, “I guess I’m just going to have to tell you more often just how happy you’ve made me then, aren’t I?” He rolled his eyes and nodded because of course, Sebastian wouldn’t want the stress of having so many people here. Blaine knew that, but he was just itching to put something together, some sort of get together where they could show how far they’d come and how amazing their new home was. He supposed he’d just have to figure out a way to convince his boyfriend that it would be so much fun. For now, he nodded his agreement. 
“I suppose you’re right. We’ve both been through hell and back and maybe we should just wait. But! Your mom is gonna want to come visit soon, you know she’s so excited to see this place. So by time next year I fully expect a grand get together, yeah?” He laughed and tugged on Seb’s tee as he stole another kiss, humming into it thoughtfully before pulling away and leading Sebastian into the kitchen. The look on the other man’s face told him that he’d done a good job, he bit his lip, suddenly a tiny bit sheepish as Seb looked around, Blaine didn’t need the words spoken out loud to know he’d done a good job. He’d worked hard, and he knew it looked good, but their aesthetics were quite different and it made Blaine happy that Seb genuinely seemed to like how cozy he’d made the room. He pushed a glass of iced strawberry lemonade over to Seb for him to sip on while he waited, and got one for himself too. 
“Our options are slim, but I’m sure I can come up with something.”
In truth, they didn’t have much food in the house at all yet. Just a few things leftover from the other place and some things Blaine picked up before the move; simple fruits and vegetables and so on. Sure, he could order take out, or walk down the street to the deli, or even magic something better, but Seb was sitting at the bar with an easy smile, looking around the room and admiring Blaine’s work. He wanted to keep the moment between the two of them so he opened the fridge to observe. It wasn’t much, but it would work. 
They excited in companionable silence, Seb checking his work emails on his phone and shooting Blaine encouraging just for Blaine smiles as Blaine brought out the deli turkey, cheese, sprouts and spinach leaves,12 grain wheat bread he’d gotten yesterday evening, and sat them on the counter. The condiment choices were slim but dijon mustard was a good go to so he pulled that out too before locating some honey, vinegar and a few spices. He set to work making a vinaigrette dressing for the spinach salad using the honey and spices before putting the sandwiches together, he made two for Seb, just in case. Before serving he sliced up the honeydew melon waiting for them on the counter. He played it all expertly before joining Sebastian on the other side to eat. 
“I know it’s not very Autumn, but it works, right? We need to go to the store when we’re done so that I can treat you properly. I have so many ideas for things to make this winter, you have no clue how excited I am.” It wasn’t as if Blaine didn’t cook for Seb at the old place, but there was just so much space now. It made him a little giddy thinking about all he could make. They were quiet for a moment and Blaine took the chance while Seb was busy devouring his lunch.
“So you can say no and I will completely understand because I know you’re a little unsure about having a dinner party with your family just yet, but what if we just host Hunter and Tony over for dinner? You won’t have to do a single thing except be nice to Hunter and, you know, look gorgeous like you always do. I’ll take care of everything, the food, the entertainment, absolutely everything. Just the four of us. We could do it for Christmas!” 
He grinned, his teeth on full display, head cocked to the side. He knew that Seb could say no, and if he did he would wait, but Blaine needed to put it out there anyway. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to do this so badly, maybe to show how even though they’d been pushed over they had landed on their feet and were stronger than ever. Or maybe it was to show that he was all in for his very human soulmate. He loved his magic, he loved that his parents had given it to him. But, he’d been exiled, sent to live like a normal human with little glimpses of his old life- the beach cottage, Freya, his raw, powerful magic in general... But Seb was his person and this was his life now and people did normal things like invite their friends to dinners in new houses that they're proud of and he wanted it. He wanted to plan, he wanted to host and entertain. He wanted it all. He reached out and gave Seb’s hand a squeeze, his fingers moving to lightly trace the inside of his palm. 
“I’ll definitely make it worth your while.”
Sebastian’s POV:
“This is perfect, B. Thank you.” Sebastian took a big bite of the fresh sandwich and immediately felt better. Even if his boyfriend felt like the meal was simple or didn’t match the season, he somehow knew exactly what Seb needed. He even made him two sandwiches without asking. This small attention to detail might have seemed like nothing to some people but it made his heart flip a little. B just always knew, always did little affectionate things silently, whether it was two sandwiches or leaving water in the coffee pot for him in the morning. Sebastian didn’t need lavish things. He could buy whatever he wanted and had grown up without wanting for anything. What he needed was exactly what Blaine gave him, quiet love and attention to detail. 
He wiped the corners of his mouth as Blaine began to speak. Sebastian knew that this topic would come up again. He wasn’t bothered, it made him laugh. Of course Blaine wanted to throw a small get together and be a gracious host. He’d be amazing at it. Seb could already see him planning and putting together little appetizers and place cards. 
“We can do that. Why wait for Christmas?” Sebastian playfully and gently elbowed Blaine’s side. “Why not show off all of our hard work to our friends? And, I know. Believe me, my mother has already dropped lots of hints. I just need some time to be emotionally ready for the Smythes to descend upon our home. She knows she’s welcome and of course so are Tony and Hunter. Can’t promise to be that nice to him, though.” Seb winked and leaned in for a kiss. 
“That sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.” Goosebumps ran up and down his arms as B’s fingers laced their way over his palm. He looked into the other’s eyes and sighed despite himself. 
“We do have an entire three story house to christen.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s stomach did a little flip over the sound of Seb’s soft little rumbling laugh and felt his face light up even more as the green eyed man spoke, he wasn’t even sure how it was possible to feel any better than he did ten seconds ago, but Seb had managed to do it because, well, of course, he did. Gods, he loved this man more than anything. He let out a little laugh of his own, almost embarrassed over how excited he was about the idea.
“Really, you mean that?” Already ideas were swarming around in his head. Thoughts that went from menus right down to the music he’d pick. He wanted to pull out some paper and start writing down the fluttering thoughts. But, Seb was looking at him some type of way still and he really did  have so much more to finish before he could even think about moving on to a dinner party. Still, Seb had said yes and that was good enough for Blaine right now.  
“I said Christmas because I’d have so much to plan! But, since it’s a small event, maybe we could try for two weekends from now? I’ll have to call Tony and ask her if the two of them will be around, but yes, the middle of December works for me. I have so many ideas for food… I can’t wait to try some out for you. We can start out with this one small dinner and then in a few months we can invite the rest if you feel up to it. Thank you, Seb.”
He bit his bottom lip after receiving Seb’s kiss and found himself naturally wanting more. Wanting to thank his boyfriend with something other than just words. He could feel Seb’s shift too. Blaine’s fingertips ghosted over Sebastian’s goosebumped skin, and he leaned in and kissed him again, his free hand moving up to cup Seb’s jaw. And this time Blaine deepened the kiss, licking into his mouth with intent. His boyfriend’s lips tasted bittersweet- like the honey and vinegar from the dressing he’d made for them and Blaine sighed into the kisses. He pulled back, albeit reluctantly, and looked up into Seb’s deep seafoam green eyes, his words sending a little jolt through him. He stayed close to Sebastian’s lips, voice low and teasing.
“We do, don’t we? Hmm, I know we’ve got quite a bit left to do before evening, but what do you say to an extended break? I could give you a preview of all the ways we’re going to do just that. I could show you just a bit of what I want to do to you...”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb got lost in the kissing and leaned forward, almost falling off of the kitchen stool in the process. “I think we deserve a break.” His hand made its way to Blaine’s lap where he firmly gripped his thigh. “But what about what I want to do to you?” He smiled against his boyfriend’s lips and felt the energy between them change, like the temperature drop before a summer storm. “You’ve already done so much, after all.” 
He stood up from the stool and walked across the kitchen to the sink. Sebastian leaned back against the cool ledge of the counter and motioned for Blaine to join him. The other man pressed him back and kissed him hard. God, he would love to continue this way but he had a plan. “I want you to sit on the counter, B.” He complied and Sebastian stood in between Blaine’s muscular thighs, his hands cupped his ass as he licked into his mouth. He groaned and fumbled with the waistband of his boyfriend’s sweat pants. The two of them managed to get them down far enough for Sebastian to grip him and stroke him firmly. 
Blaine came, his knees pressed into Sebastian’s sides, his white knuckles gripped his shoulders, a moan against the other’s parted lips. The two of them held each other, little puffs of air and gasps, Blaine’s legs wobbly and Sebastian’s smile pressed into his neck. “Well, that’s one room down. Bedroom later.” He gave Blaine a few more kisses, “But first, protection spells.” 
After the two of them calmed down and cleaned up the kitchen (and themselves) with a little touch of magic, they set to work. Blaine focused on his craft and strengthening the barrier around their new home, Seb hung up photos and art around his office and the living room. 
They ended their night as Blaine had promised. The two of them wound up together on their new bed, a bed that only they would share and make memories in. A bed that Sebastian hadn’t had previous men in, a bed that Blaine hadn’t spent sleepless nights in. The room was thoroughly christened as they moved together in a mess of sheets, Seb’s legs tightly around Blaine. 
They fell asleep- sated, happy and naked. Sebastian looked forward to waking up in their new room, the sounds of the river and their bustling neighborhood, and doing the exact same thing over again. 
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Salt Air And The Rust On Your Door- Saturday, March 20, 2021
Para: Salt Air And The Rust On Your Door
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Saturday, March 20, 2021
Location: Marblehead, Massachusetts- Blaine’s gifted beach cottage.
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian spend the weekend putting together Blaine’s new sacred space.
Warnings:  This RP includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Under cut for length and some sexy talk. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Para Title taken from- August by Taylor Swift
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine bit into his bottom lip in concentration and ran his finger down his checklist one last time. Everything seemed to be in order, then again he couldn’t be sure with all of these things scattered the way they had been after his life had been uprooted. It was so hard for him to believe that he’d been exiled and forced to pack up every single thing he owned only four months ago. It both felt like a lifetime and no time at all. He’d done his best to keep each vial and each book and each seed or herb safe, even the magic ones that he’d managed to sneak off of LeFay grounds with the help of his dearly missed friends David and Nick. Everything had either been dumped at his new sacred space or was hidden away in his side of the closet in his and Seb’s bedroom. The thought of everything so messed up and moved around without a home made Blaine’s skin feel itchy. 
His father had gotten him the Marblehead beach cottage as a parting gift, a way for Blaine to stay connected to his old world, a reminder that he still belonged… He’d even picked a place that was less than four miles away from Salem, where part of his legacy had begun. But Blaine had yet to spend any time over there, had only really looked at the place once through bleary eyes as his dad helped him drop off various things from his old home, his dorm that was more than a dorm. And this new place was, well, new. It was a painful reminder that Blaine wasn’t supposed to see his dad anymore. Wasn’t supposed to talk to David or Nick or any of his other Witch friends. It hurt to think about spending time at the little grey cottage all alone without anyone there to talk to. Sure, he liked to practice alone, but sometimes it was nice to look up and see his dad trying to look proud, or to laugh at something David or Nick said to break him of his concentration. It was all too much and Blaine had been putting it off for a month now. He’d been feeling so good for weeks and yet the cottage still stood mostly empty with only boxy and dusty books to keep it company. 
Plus there had been talk- thanks to Hunter and Tony that this was a place Blaine could see them, his dad and friends, again. It was risky, and maybe he shouldn’t try, but gods he missed them. Maybe he’d only get to see them once or twice a year, but that was still more than what he was seeing them now. The knowledge that he could sit and have a cup of tea with his dad and maybe give him a hug was what kicked Blaine into gear. He’d spent the last eight years miserable, thinking his dad resented him and now that he knew the truth, how he’d helped Blaine and Seb and how much he really loved him, it was too late and Blaine had been forced to leave him behind. If this cottage could get him a few minutes of Will’s time without trouble he’d take it. What better day to set up his new space than the Vernal Equinox? 
Almost all of his instruments were already there, all of his books and ingredients. Seeds to start a new garden, and all of his offering jars and trinkets. He’d brought over the things for his mother’s altar, hoping he could make his new one bigger than the one he had at his dorm. He kept only his guitar and an assortment of everyday things he used in practice at Seb’s- no, it was their apartment now, had been for years if he were honest, he just needed to remember that he actually only lived there now. The two of them had also decided that their Aphrodite altar would stay in their bedroom, it seemed like it belonged there and it was for both of them after all. He’d been sick for months after his trial, his wrist still burned when he thought about it too much, his scars still seemed so ugly and harsh when he ran his thumbs over them, and his body still felt bone deep weariness when he used too much magic but he was better. He needed to do this, needed to build himself a sacred space, a space that he got to practice and live like a Witch even if it was only for a few hours a day. 
Ras was already at the cottage, glamoured away and running amongst the rocky shore as a grumpy Freya dutiful and lovingly looked on. All that was left was for Blaine to take Sebastian and himself. The place was shrouded in magic and therefore travel by a car wasn’t really ideal. They could drive to the quaint, picturesque town, but Blaine would have to magically travel them all there from a parking space and he figured it was safer to just leave from their apartment. He was getting stronger each day and the task of getting Ras there left him only a tiny bit winded and tired. He smiled up at his boyfriend and tipped the usual anti nausea potion into his mouth and gave Seb a moment to adjust to the taste and then he pulled him close, pressing Seb’s face into his neck so he wouldn’t get dizzy from the movement. He thought of where he needed to go and then they were moving. The scent of springtime rain, and the strike of lighting against damp earth filled his nose and then their feet were touching the rocky ground before he knew it, the sounds of gulls and gentle waves filled his ears and he held onto Seb to not only keep him steady but to get his own groundings, something he’d never had to do before but the trial had really done him in. He hoped it wasn’t permanent, another secret punishment they’d forgotten to mention.
The sea worn grey wood flaps of the small, plain but pretty house almost blended in with the grey of the New England sky, the Atlantic only a few shades darker. Only the white trip of the windows and small porch helped the tiny cottage stand out. The sun was trying its hardest to peak out behind the stormy clouds of the ocean but Helios apparently wasn’t welcome today. The place smelled of magic and mischief with a side of whimsy and a calm that only came to Blaine when he was near comforting, magical things. It was so private. So calm. He could see people off the peninsula, but they seemed far away in a Spring pink glow of another world. The wards his father had put up around the place were stronger than anything Blaine could come up with. It was so hidden that he was honestly surprised Seb could see the place at all. He was sure no human should be able to, then again Seb wasn’t just a human. He was Blaine’s Fate.  Blaine reckoned that maybe Seb could only see it because he was Blaine’s. The only humans that should be able to see through the magic were hunter’s but here Seb was, looking out over the ocean with a small smile as Ras crashed through the gentle waves while Freya watched like a worried mother. Blaine reached for Seb’s hand, slipping their fingers together. 
“It really is beautiful and peaceful here, isn’t it?” He smiled, his heart thumping as if it knew he’d like it here as he watched the pup and his guardian. No, it wasn’t his home, his home was with Seb, but this could be something special. A place for the both of them to enjoy. He could see himself inside the cottage, windows open and curtains gently blowing in the sea breeze as he practiced, his fingers crushing and mixing while Seb and Ras played in the waves and Freya watched over all of them in the glow of the sun. 
He smiled bigger. “Something tells me you’re going to want to be here a lot…” He grinned, knowing how much Seb loved the beach. Come summer the sun would be beating down most days and even if it were Blaine would make it so for Seb. “You know we could even vacation here… Less people, more time with just us.” He was teasing, he would never expect Seb to give up his annual trips to the island, but they could come here for alone time. No one would ever find them. The thought made Blaine smile even more. 
“We’ve got to get it presentable first. Should we mess around with Ras first or do you want to start on the inside first? Or we could have the lunch I packed. It’s up to you, you’re the guest here.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had grown a little more used to the magic travel. Blaine still made him an anti nausea potion every time and he was thankful for that. Magical traveling wasn’t meant for any old human, the swiftness felt like whiplash and the fast arrival at a whole new location was disorienting. It was extremely convenient, though and Enjolras had even started to grow accustomed to it (maybe even enjoyed it a little.) It was very handy now that Blaine’s father had secretly gifted him a cottage on the coast. Blaine could pop in there to work on his craft and be home again on the same day. 
Sebastian had promised his boyfriend that he would help him set up the new place and make it comfortable for him. He was thankful that Blaine would have a little space where he could still feel connected to the world he was pushed out of. Seb knew that Blaine loved the apartment  but he couldn’t deny that something was missing. As much as the other man had felt trapped at LeFey, he missed the sprawling gardens and dusty rooms and most importantly, his community. He encouraged Blaine to spend as much time at the cottage as he felt he needed and assured him he was okay with him leaving the Aphrodite altar and his random bottles and bundles of herbs around. 
He didn’t have much time to think as they held onto each other and arrived in a rocky patch of marram grass. The first thing Sebastian noticed was how big the beach they were on was, and then Ras frolicking in the foamy wash of the ocean. He turned on his heels to see the grey cottage.
“Yeah, B. It’s beautiful out here. I’d definitely spend more time out here, if you’ll have me that is.” Sebastian reached over and took Blaine’s hand, “We could do that. You had me at ‘less people’.” The island was great but Seb felt like he had maybe outgrown it. He craved privacy and the quiet but still missed the ocean so this was a perfect fit. 
“Let’s eat real quick. That way we can concentrate and I’m sure Ras will head over when he sees the food. I’m excited to see the inside of this place, though.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine smiled as he watched his boyfriend take in his surroundings. He knew how much Sebastian loved the beach and the ocean and he could see him lying out on the sand with a towel and a book while the waves crashed around him and Ras snored in the sun next to him. That was Blaine’s favorite part about their trips to the island, getting to play and lay exhausted and a little burnt in the sun with Sebastian next to him smelling of sunscreen and the salty breeze of the ocean air. For a moment, being exiled and forced to do his craft in a place like this didn’t seem so bad at all. He could set up a garden on the porch and get them chairs for their private beach and he could even make it so Seb could enjoy the place in the dead of winter.
“You know, I had a feeling you would like it here. I promise the sun won't always be hiding like it is today, Spring is trying its hardest.” He turned and looked up at him for a second before tip-toeing up so that he could press a kiss to his lips, he savored the feeling of Seb’s lips against his, their arms around each other while Ras yipped at Freya and the gulls cawed around the happy pup. The breeze lifted their hair and their clothing and Blaine felt a moment of complete satisfaction. “I have ways of coaxing the sun out, since we’re all alone and no one can see us. I could even make it so that it was warm here in the winter just for you. You could catch the rays of the winter sun instead of summer for once. It’s a big bit of magic but you’re worth it. We’ve never really had a place like this where I could do things like that for you. Not even the apartment. Maybe this is all a good thing… ” He paused, pondering if this was part of the reason his dad had picked a beach house out of him, because Will had been watching him and Seb for years now and he had to know that Seb loved the beach and Blaine loved working the sea winds and sand and salt water. It was almost so perfect. If only you didn’t have to give up the rest of it for this small bit of sanctuary…
“I didn’t do too much, I figured I’d cook a big dinner when we got home tonight, but there’s a selection of cheese, French bread, olives, tomatoes, some cured meats and sparkling water. I made strawberry cake for dessert. You have to have dessert, right. Oh, and some chardonnay. So we could drink at our new home away from home.” He had said it wasn’t much, but he had made the whole cake from scratch, he was pretty proud of it. He grinned as they made their way into the house. The air was a little too chilly for them to eat outside, and Blaine wasn’t in the mindset to warm the space up just yet. He’d have to practice that a bit.
The small cottage was filled with happy, magical clutter. It featured one giant room with a kitchen nook that was filled with open shelving, almost as if it were built for a witch, and who knew, maybe it was. There was a two seater worn light blue wood table placed in front of a huge curtainless window so that they could look out at the beach where they could see Ras and Freya frolicking about. Off the living space was a doorless opening that led into a small bedroom, he could just the the end of the queen sized bed his dad had put there- and an even smaller bathroom off of that. It was pretty and simple and small and Blaine didn’t know if it was sad that all of his magical items plus a few other things to make it livable would fit in here, or if it was perfect and he couldn’t wait to set it all up to his liking. 
“Sit, baby, I’ll set everything up for lunch.” He pulled out the wooden chair for Seb and started to set out everything. It looked like a picture from a beachy catalogue by the time he was finished with it complete with the prettiest model they could find. Seb looked like he belonged here and Blaine, without comment, pulled his phone out and snapped a few pictures of his boyfriend as he sat there with wind blown hair and cheeks sipping from his chardonnay glass and cutting and sneaking little pieces of smooth Camembert He grinned and a little laugh of awe left his lips.
“Gods, you are just the most beautiful person no matter where we go…” Seb heard the compliment from him all the time and he didn’t expect him to say much, but Blaine never tired of telling him. Especially when it made him feel so good to know that he was his. Besides, this was a new and beautiful place and Sebastian’s beauty only made it that much better.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sat at the small kitchen table and immediately dug into the cheese. Blaine always knew what he was craving or in the mood for. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was a witch or because he was extremely attentive. It was probably both. The moment felt pretty great, the smell of salt in the air and food spread out on the table, Ras barking playfully on the beach, B smiling and snapping pictures. 
Seb smiled and tilted his head. “Well, I think you’re the most beautiful so it looks like we’re at an impasse here.” He lifted his wine glass for a toast, “here’s to your new space. I can’t wait to spend more time here.” 
After they had eaten too much and cleaned up the table, it was time to start unpacking boxes and filling the shelves. Sebastian wasn’t sure where to start when it came to unpacking magical things so he settled on a box of books. He loved to organize, it was so satisfying when things were in alphabetical order or arranged by color. Seb didn’t admit it out loud but he was sure B knew that he had been looking forward to this. He found satisfaction and calm when it came to sorting and cleaning. Sebastian headed to the bookshelf and laid out the books before swapping them around in order from A-Z. 
He let Blaine handle the herbs and his instruments while he focused on sorting papers and arranging empty jars and bottles by size. Sebastian refused to touch a specific box that rattled and  picked up a wooden crate that started to emit dark blue  smoke, which made him jump drop it on the floor. Blaine laughed at his reactions and assured him that he wouldn’t let him touch any of the dangerous materials.
“Dangerous?!” Seb jumped as the smoke’s tendrils swirled around his ankles. B shook his head with a cute smirk on his face and kissed him on the cheek. 
Time passed by quickly as he hummed to himself as he dusted and wiped ancient books down and meticulously kept everything he worked on in order. Sebastian felt exhausted but satisfied when the cottage looked pretty much complete. He dusted himself off and looked over the small space. 
“How do you feel, B?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s cheeks still heated up every time Seb paid him a compliment and being called beautiful made him blush even harder. It made him feel giddy inside and he surprised him still even though they had been together almost three years now. They’d been through so much, including almost being torn apart by death but Seb smiling at him with that damn smile and calling him beautiful was enough to make him feel like they were brand new. He playfully rolled his eyes and joined Seb with lunch. He enjoyed himself- the two of them watching through the windows as Ras, who usually came running in at the faintest whiff of food, rolled around in the sand and water while Freya tried in vain to lick the saltiness out of her favorite pain in the asses golden fur. They’d come in soon enough when their bellies were growling or Freya finally mothered the poor pup into it. They had too much work to do to worry about when they’d eat and besides, Freya knew where the food was and had her ways with how to give it to Ras when they came back.
Blaine lost himself in the flow of sorting through bundles of herbs and flowers tied with twine, glass jars covered in parchment paper held in place by various wax colors. Scrolls and notebook pages filled with notes form the time he was three all the way up now. Writings filled the pages and not just his own, but his family and his friends and even some from Freya and his parents' families. He took so many trips down memory lane today that he forgot for a second that he’d been exiled and just enjoyed the moments he’d made with his father and mother and friends. He found himself tearing up over a few little notes and fixes in his work from his mother, but it was soon replaced by a fond smile. Now that he had this little place he’d always have a place he could go to visit her, not just her altar or her empty gravesite. 
There was teasing and laughing and Blaine played a little with candle magic, causing the ones he’d sat out all over to flicker and sputter out only to seemingly turn back on by themselves. There was a mishap with a mysterious, very charmed and protected box that Blaine would have to check into later, as he had forgotten what was even in there. Did his dad leave him with a magical creature to take care of? He wasn’t supposed to have those outside of school, would Will really break that rule? He shouldn’t, not even for Blaine. He made a note to himself to come back alone and check. Did Will give him a tiny sea serpent to watch over their new second home? The problem with them was that they didn’t stay tiny long. Gods. He wouldn’t… would he? He’d been joking about danger because the blue smoke spilling from the wooden crate was a side effect from a sleeping potion gone off and it was always fun to tease Seb, but the shaking box could very well be something dangerous. He pushed the box out onto the porch, noting the scent of salt and wondering if it were just the ocean and knowing it was directly from the box. He hoped Freya would help him out. He stole a small kiss from Seb to reassure him and the two of them went back to work in companionable silence. Blaine forgot about the box for a moment.
Once he finished with his portion he moved on to his instruments and set them up in the corner of the little living room nook. Most of the small home was dedicated to his craft, but this was to be a place he came to visit, a place he and Seb could come to when they wanted to get away and not have to worry about what they spent or how they looked. A place for him, but also the two of them. He spent a fair bit of time making the couch and the little wooden coffee table as cozy as possible. Tweaking the colors and fluffiness with his magic, impressing himself a little as he hadn’t gotten winded or overwhelmed with his magic once today, that had to be a first in four months. When he was finished, the couch was a deep shade of navy and was draped with dark maroon blankets and two giant pillows to match. It was lumpy and comfortable and he knew he could spend weeks in this new little palace and not miss the television once. 
His boyfriend was methodically putting every single book magical and normal on the shelves lining the walls around the living space and he seemed to be in a world of his own, the little crease between his eyebrows on full display. Blaine could feel how content he was there and watching him so lost in thought made him smile and he wanted to walk over and pull Seb into his arms so he could release the bottom lip Seb had sucked into his mouth and had trapped between his teeth. Blaine could see it there between his teeth, cherry red and swollen from Seb’s worrying and Blaine could just imagine how good it would feel against his own lips. He just shook his head though,  knowing that would just mess up Seb’s concentration, Blaine took the image of lips and teeth and furrowed brow and tucked it in his pocket for later- he’d kiss Sebastian properly when it was all finished. It would be his reward. He excused himself quietly and made his way into the tight and cozy bedroom that only had enough room for a queen sized bed squeezed against the wall and a small bedside table and a narrow door leading into the smallest bathroom. He did the same bit of magic and used the same colors. Making the small room just as fluffy, comforting and inviting as the living space. 
There wasn’t much that could be done to the bathroom, it only had a sink, stand up shower and toilet. He turned the rug the same blue and left it at that. He entered back into the living space to find Seb standing in the middle of a fully completed living room and library hybrid looking extremely proud of himself. Blaine couldn’t help but smile. A real, face splitting smile that left him feeling light and airy like he might actually fly away if he wasn’t pulled back down. They’d done it. They’d made Blaine his very own LeFay. One that he got to share with his person. He made his way over to Seb and wrapped his arms around him partly to be close to him and partly to tether him to the ground. He was scared to feel so happy after feeling so damn hopeless.
“I feel…” He paused, looking around the room, taking in the tinkling of the low  lights hung around the room, the sun setting behind the sea leaving the room in a whimsical darkness and candles reflecting prettily off of glass jars and the musty, pleasant smell of books. The spicy scent of the magic still residing on the blankets he’d fabricated for them. Ras and Freya were curled up by the little kitchen table now, but of them snoozing with full bellies. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. 
“I get to share my sacred space with you, Seb. I’m so happy right now, it’s fucking perfect and I couldn’t ask for much more.” He laughed a little as he looked into Seb’s eyes, their green sea and flecks of blue flickering in the candlelight. “I know I can't go back again, I know I’ll never see LeFay or anything like it again, but in a way this is better. It’s almost what I wanted, you know? I wanted my magic and I wanted you. Well, I needed both and now I get to have it.” He took a deep breath and lifted up so he could kiss Seb, not the proper one he promised himself, but a sweet, slow thing that made his toes curl with delight. 
“How do you feel? Oh!” He freed one hand from Seb to point to the couch, “Look, I picked blue for you and red for me. And you can add things here too, you could bring your work here when the city gets too loud. I’ll bring you whenever you want.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb watched Blaine as he took in the space. Sure, there was more work to do but, it really was something. As soon as you walked in, you’d know it was Blaine’s space. The glittering lights, the candles everywhere, the jars filled with herbs and colorful liquids. “It really is perfect.” 
He reached out and squeezed his boyfriend’s shoulders, a small smile resting comfortably on his face. “I think this was meant for you. I know that you’ve been through a lot. But, you deserve this. You can be yourself here, no stuffy shit. And you’re right, we get to be here together. No hiding or jumping through hoops.”
Sebastian leaned in to the soft kiss. A thrill ran up and down his spine as he settled his hands on the other man’s hips. He smiled into the kiss towards the end as the thought of kissing unabashedly in a room full of magical supplies was actually happening. It seemed like Seb would never fully be a part of that world, that Blaine would always have to step in between his and LeFey. But, here they were. Finally they had it all. No more dashing behind two different curtains with very different stages. 
“I feel good. I like the blue and red. I could bring some law books for the shelf, there are a few gaps that I’m itching to fill in. It’ll be nice to escape here sometimes.”
Sebastian’s hands were still on Blaine’s waist. Their bodies were close, he could smell Blaine’s signature spicy scent and salt in the air. He could feel his boyfriend’s warm skin and the happiness radiating off of him. Sebastian bit his lip, “So….when can we christen the place?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried to fight his smile as he listened to Sebastian talk, but he quickly lost the battle and just let it happen. Sebastian was completely right, he didn’t have to hide when he was here. Sure, he was able to do things inside of the apartment,  but it was always separated from his time at LeFay. Now Blaine had gotten to bring his little piece of LeFay and his world to a new place, plus he got to share it with his person. He could just be himself here. The protection spells were up, one could only get here with Blaine’s permission and only by magic travel and Blaine would have to let them in. Well, his father could come and go he supposed, he’s the one that had gifted it to him, and maybe that was a good thing. He liked the thought of his dad coming here to hang out when he wasn’t around. Maybe he’d feel closer to him since he wasn’t supposed to see him. 
“You’re right, baby. I think maybe it was meant for me and maybe it was supposed to be like this all along. I just had to go through the motions before I could get here, to this place, with you.” He paused, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts. “I mean, I know I’m always going to miss that life a little. It was all I knew and my mom and my dad helped put me through it and helped me become who I am and the kind of Witch I am but… she’s not here anymore and he wants to be where she is. I fear it’s a matter of time before he joins her. Oh, that sounds upsetting, I’m not trying to dampen this mood-  I don’t think it's going to be tomorrow or anything. But, I know he misses her like his own heart is gone, because it kind of is, and I don’t blame him. I don’t think I’d have survived half the time he did if something happened to you. Once again, I’m seeing now that he stayed for me and I how blind to it I was…” He sighed, still upset with himself that he hadn’t been able to see what he dad was doing for him. “Anyway, once my cousin is trained, I think he’ll go and then this is all I’ll have for that part of my life.” He swallowed and pulled Seb a little closer, trying his best not to dwell on his father. He wanted to enjoy this incredible and magical night with Sebastian. 
“Getting to share all of this with you is the most important thing to me. It means the world and now this is part of ours.” He smiled, a real one, one that reached his eyes and he shined with happiness. “Of course you can’t wait to fill in the gaps, I wondered when you’d say something about them. Yeah, I think you adding your books here is the perfect addition. Your craft mixed with mine,” he laughed. “And neither one of us understands each other’s work. That’s alright, maybe you can teach me something one of our getaway nights. And I mean, I’ve already done my magic on you so I think you understand it as much as you’re gonna.”
He felt the subtle shift in the room, noted the way Seb’s eyes grew a little bit heavier and his voice dipped down, the raspiness and slowness that came with his affection and want intensified and he knew that they weren’t going to make it home in time for Blaine to make any kind of proper meal. That was okay though. He loved the way Seb was looking at him right now, like he was the only one that mattered mixed with a touch of I can’t want to feel you inside of me and Blaine wasn’t one to deny Sebastian when he got  like this. Blaine watched as Seb bit his bottom lip, an echo of his concentration earlier, and this time he tiptoed up and sucked Seb’s bottom lip between his lips before licking into his mouth, finally giving Seb the proper kiss he’d been wanting all night. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Seb’s hips and walked backward towards the little bedroom, he turned them as the entered and positioned them so that Seb’s legs were against the foot of the bed and Blaine only had to press Seb back- one hand on his hip, one on his chest- and his boyfriend was lying out in front of him. He smiled as he crawled over him, his lips and teeth tugging on his shirt playfully as he kissed up and answered his question.
“Tonight’s the perfect night...”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wanted to melt into the floor every time Blaine walked him to bed, their bodies pressed together as their legs worked in tandem. He let him gently press him into the new bed, it was plush and had lots of pillows. The small window was open, a soft breeze swept over them and made the shivers running down his tummy and the trail of his boyfriend’s kisses more evident. The smell of the ocean mixed with incense and herbs swirled around the room, the sound of seagulls and lazy waves crashed outside. Sebastian thought that he could definitely get used to this. He tugged at Blaine’s shirt with greedy hands. Clothes were pushed to the side, some on the floor and some still on their tangled bodies.
Sebastian let his legs fall open and pulled Blaine down into a deep kiss. The evening passed with lips and fingers everywhere. The two of them  moving together, breathing, getting lost in this small secret place. They christened the bedroom, the floor, the small shower. Seb couldn’t wait until their bodies got to bless every single inch of the grey cottage. He always felt close with Blaine but this felt just a little different. There wasn’t a doubt or worry in his mind for the first time in a long time. They were finally where they were always meant to be.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Love Is Powerful. It Can Bring Even The Gods to Their Knees- Saturday, February 13, 2021
Para: Love Is Powerful. I Can Bring Even The Gods to Their Knees
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm​
Sebastian: @smythesm​
When: Saturday, February 13, 2021
Location: The Apartment- Boston, MA/ Friday’s Flower Shop/The Felix Hotel
Notes: Blaine takes Seb out for Valentine’s Day. They make a few new friends.
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Under cut for length and some sexy talk. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Para Title taken from Rick Riordan- The Lost Hero
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had spent the last month after his conversation with Sebastian letting himself heal mentally and physically. He did his best not to worry or stress over the things he couldn’t control and he tried his hardest not to get upset with himself when he couldn’t perform the harder bits of his magic. He pushed himself and just a week ago he was able to transport himself from one side of the apartment to the other side without too much of a hassle. He only felt mildly dizzy and a quick sip of a potion he’d been working on for just that reason and he felt almost as good as he had before his taxing trial. He’d been working out while Seb studied and worked and everyday when Seb came home over the last week Blaine had managed to have dinner set out on the table. Maybe it wasn’t as grand as it could have been, but he was improving and he was a little proud of himself.
He’d even gotten to speak to his dad once, a secret call where Will had tried to set Blaine’s mind at ease but Blaine still felt so guilty over thinking he wasn’t on his side. Still, he’d told him he missed him and even told him he loved him and it had been so long since he’d told his father that. It felt good and Blaine wondered if it was part of the reason he was healing so well. David and Nick had popped by, able to sneak away to him for five whole minutes, they’d wrapped him in hugs so tight that Blaine couldn’t breathe for a moment, but he’d take a hundred of them if it meant he’d get to see them more. All things considered Blaine felt good this weekend. His body had the pleasant ache that only a boxing session could leave him with. And his bones seemed to vibrate with a more positive energy. He knew it was the magic waking up after lying almost dormant in him for so many weeks and the feeling was bittersweet to him. Magic had almost gotten him killed and Seb taken away from himself. Still, he’d missed it after three months. And maybe it could have woken up sooner, but Blaine hadn’t been ready. He was now.
It was Valentine’s Day weekend and Blaine wanted nothing more than to feel like himself again, so he’d sat down and thought up a little getaway for him and Sebastian. Maybe they only had a day to be away but he’d make the most of it. He finally felt good and he wanted to show Seb just how much he appreciated all the ways he’d taken care of his mind and body over the last three months. He called Friday’s, the extravagant flower shop where the priestess and actual Witch that helped save his life worked,  to make sure they knew to expect them this evening but the tinkling, flowy voice on the other line practically swooned at him and told him she’d already been expecting them. He hung up the phone feeling a little bit flushed and sort of wanted to pop himself into Seb’s office and show him how much he loved him right there at the desk. But really what did he expect from Aphrodite's highest priestess?
He’d gotten them a room at one of those luxury hotels, the kind meant to be intimate and made just for two, he made sure they were LGBTQ friendly and had it booked, he may or may not have used a little magic to charm his way into it. He knew he shouldn’t but he was a little upset with his old community so he couldn’t be too bothered to care. Besides, he made sure he didn’t steal a room from some other deserving couple, no he charmed his way into the one those kinds of places always kept empty for sudden and unplanned arrivals of celebrities or the likes. No one would want it tonight anyway.
Finally he made reservations for dinner for them tomorrow night at a place in the city using much of the same tactic. Sure, he should have been planning this weeks ago, but he’d been a little ill. He hoped Seb didn’t mind him taking over the weekend. But he had a feeling his boyfriend would welcome the break of having to think of everything. Blaine had been so needy lately and he wanted to take care of his guy. He cleaned the apartment, made a batch of homemade heart shaped sugar cookies, some with lots of red and pink icing for Seb and some with only the outline of icing for himself. After not eating much for such a long time the sweets tasted heavenly. He’d taken Ras to the groomer and their boy looked so handsome standing at attention as he waited by the door for his papa to come home. The groomer had given him a big loopy red bow with little pink and white hearts on it and Blaine loved it. Even grumpy Freya approved of it. Blaine caught her pawing at the long ends and made a note to tease her about catching her in cat mode later.
He showered and then dressed himself in black pants and fitted red sweater with barely visible dark pink and light pink dots throughout the fabric and he knew he looked a little on the nose for the holiday, but the High Priestess and her Witch and human followers at Friday’s would appreciate the colors. He let his curls go free with very little product, he’d shaved his beard yesterday and the stubble was coming in nicely, he only had to do a little bit of a touch up and as he looked at himself in the mirror he knew he looked better than he had in months. He ran a hand over his jawline and smiled at the sound of Ras’ excited bark. Seb was home. He knew it before the pup even made a sound, the whole energy shifted and Blaine’s body buzzed with want and love and gods he wanted to kiss Seb breathless right now. Wanted to show him how much stronger he felt today. Maybe they could go to the shop tomorrow... No, it had to be today. They needed the gifts for a rather meddling love goddess for tomorrow.
“Hey you.” He grinned as he came down the little hall from the bathroom and took in the sight of Ras accosting his papa. “I hope that you’re not too tired, I’ve got a whole Valentine’s day weekend planned for us.” He felt a little guilty for not asking Seb if his plans were okay first, but that was the point of a surprise he supposed. He also felt a little weird, like he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to, like he was going to get into trouble for doing so much work in one day. Lately when Seb came home he was sleeping or could hardly get up to greet him. This last week Blaine had taken him by surprise though and Seb’s smile every time he came home made him feel beyond better. Today his smile was even bigger and Blaine felt almost like he could do anything.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had been relieved when Blaine started to do little things like cook small dinners and work on potions again. Things were still hard for him, he knew that, but it seemed like his boyfriend was feeling lighter. He was moving around the apartment and smiling and playing with Enjolras. Seb felt like the both of them had had a heavy weight lifted off of them.
It had been a long day at the law firm. Sebastian had felt like his desk was covered in paperwork and there wasn’t much he hated more than a messy desk. The vibe in the place felt off because the firm had lost a pretty big case and they were all swimming in work that had to be done. He was happy when 4 arrived and he was out of the door before anybody could stop him.
He walked into his apartment, the smell of sugar lingered in the air and Ras greeted him with shiny clean fur and happy paws. Sebastian gave his fur a ruffle and held onto his paws and felt instantly stress free. The golden pup had a loose red ribbon on his neck which matched Blaine’s red heather sweater. Sebastian stood up with wide eyes when he saw his boyfriend who looked fucking amazing.
“Wow.” His face spread into a smile and he wanted to run his fingers over the stubble on the other man’s jaw. “You look great, B. I mean, you always do but damn.”
Seb pulled Blaine in for a kiss, his hand rested on his lower back. He looked down at Blaine and just took in his face for a moment before he nodded. Sebastian hadn’t much cared for Valentine’s Day but he knew B loved it and it had a special connection to Aphrodite (Blaine had explained this to him a few times.) and they sort of owed her. Celebrating with B made him sort of fond of the day.
“Sounds great. Can I have a clue? What should I wear?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself bask in the glow of Sebastian’s acknowledgement over how he looked. He could feel Seb’s appreciation coming off of his boyfriend in waves and it felt good to be looked at like that. His boyfriend's face was open and wanting and Blaine wanted to cancel his plans once more. It wasn’t that Seb didn’t look at him like that always, just now he was able to enjoy it more. The last few months Sebastian had been all about taking care of Blaine, it was just what he knew he had to do, even in the bedroom Blaine's energy was just zapped and Seb picked up his slack and loved him so hard, carrying it all for the both of them.
Seb had done everything he could to make Blaine feel better and showed him how much he loved him in the best ways he knew how. But, Blaine knew that Seb had been missing their normal dynamic, the equal give and the take they offered each other. It had been missing lately because Blaine felt like less of himself which caused Seb to need to give more of himself. He hoped to fix that. Besides, he liked that Seb wanted to look at him, couldn't wait to show him just how much he liked it later.
“Thank you, baby.” Despite his new confidence his voice was a little too soft and his smile was sheepish as he let himself be kissed. The heat from Seb’s hand on the small of his back sent a little thrill throughout his lower body and he pressed himself a little closer, his face tilted back and he fought the urge to hide his face as Seb looked down at him with this adoring glint in his green eyes. He bit his lip and tip-toed up to steal another kiss and wrap his arms around Seb’s waist before pulling back a bit to talk.
“Well, I’ll give you more than a clue.” He smiled, his whole body relaxing into Seb’s arms. “Well, we won't be staying here tonight for starters,  I got us a room at the Felix, you know the one that takes about a year to get into? Yeah, I thought we deserved a night away. I got us the full deal so we won’t have to worry about anything.” He paused, hoping Seb liked the idea. “We check in at six tonight and we get the whole pace to ourselves until four tomorrow, I kind of splurged on a day and a half package in case we wanted to sleep in. And then I got reservations at that sushi place we’ve been trying to get into for the last year, we have to be there at six tomorrow.” He knew he was talking fast, but he’d spent the last three months hardly able to, maybe he was making up for it. “We have some time to kill before we can check in tonight though so I thought that we could go out and get a light dinner tonight, nothing too fancy, maybe that sub shop you like downtown?”
He smiled up at Seb, wondering if he was doing too much and if Seb was going to like this next part. He knew Seb was a little weird about being too included in Blaine’s magic, but he figured his boyfriend might want to get to know the goddess that had taken such a liking to him that she blessed him.
“And then after our small dinner tonight and before checking in I thought that maybe we could visit Friday’s, you know that flower shop you went to where the girls and boys just went crazy over you? They want to meet us, I mean as a couple. They’ve met us both alone but they think our story is so uh, tragically romantic and that’s a big deal to them.  Besides, their High Priestess is the one that sort of saved my life. I thought we could pick up a few things for Aphrodite considering we owe her and her people a great deal and what better way to show appreciation than buying from her followers. They make their own flowers and chocolates and bath scrubs and it’s just a self care dream there. We could leave them as an offering tomorrow night.”
“I understand if you’re not comfortable, it’s a lot, but this is the perfect way to honor her. It is her day after all. If you agree I can kind of explain how that place works and maybe you won't be so freaked out.” He nuzzled his nose into Seb’s neck to offer some encouragement and comfort. Seb had already let him build a little altar to the love goddess in their bedroom, he wondered if this was pushing it.
“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to wear some gold tonight, would you?” He laughed and shook his head, “I’m kidding of course, red or white works just fine. Even pink if you want. Either way I plan on leaving whatever it is on the floor of the Felix before the night is over.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian whistled low and raised his eyebrows. “Fancy. Sounds wonderful, B. I feel a little guilty because I was just having some chocolates delivered for you tomorrow.” They were handmade truffles with different exotic flavors, dusted in gold leaf but still. The evening sounded luxurious even if the Aphrodite stuff was a little intimidating.
“Sure, the shop sounds….well, I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that they know all about us. And you know I’m always down for a good sub. Everything sounds perfect.” Sebastian wondered how the dynamics at the shop worked since a high priestess was there and he wasn’t supposed to be in the know but since the trial everything had been flipped upside down.
Seb leaned in and gave Blaine another kiss. “I’m okay, B. I see you offer things to other gods all the time. I get it.” He had come so far since the two of them got together. Sebastian used to be really leery about his boyfriend’s practices and crystals everywhere and little offerings on the balcony. But, even if he was a bit agnostic at best and didn’t always understand, he knew that it was important to B. Sebastian had also learned that things existed in the world that just couldn't be explained and it all made his brain feel screwy but his boyfriend always explained and eased his mind a little. If this love goddess had touched them and saved his soul mate, well, he could leave out some chocolates and roses and sink into a hot bubble bath.
His eyebrows rose and his mouth twisted into a little sneer at the mention of wearing gold. “B, you know that I don't own anything that gaudy.” Sebastian poked Blaine playfully in the side. “I don’t own any pink either. What about a white polo? But I must admit I’m way more into the idea of my clothes on the floor.”  
Sebastian pulled away after a kiss that lingered too long and threatened to derail their plans. “I need to change, B.” He took a quick shower, styled his hair, and put on Blaine’s favorite cologne. The other man sat on the bed and watched him get ready like he was the most perfect specimen on earth and it made a tingle run through his body. “Like what you see?” They kissed and Seb lost his towel but somehow managed to get dressed.
They packed a small overnight bag and packed a basket with the sugar cookies and snacks for the morning. There seemed to be only one detail that lingered on Sebastian’s mind, “Who is going to watch Ras? I don’t know if he can get into the kennel on such short notice.”
Blaine’s POV:
“Why would you feel guilty over that? I love chocolate and knowing you they’re probably super expensive and fancy and I’m going to eat them too fast when I’m probably supposed to savor them. You have done so much for me over the last three months, baby, it’s my turn to take care of you.” He grinned, giving Seb a pointed look. “And I plan on taking very good care of you.” He laughed and his heart did a little flip as Seb talked about his offerings, Seb had come so far over the last two and a half years and it made Blaine feel good that he wasn’t as scared of it. He didn’t want Seb to be scared of him and what he could do, he hoped he showed him that magic could be beautiful and good. He kissed him back, letting his hands linger a bit on his body as a little promise of what was to come.
“I absolutely don’t expect you to wear gold and you know it.” He laughed and sat on the bed so Seb could get ready. As his boyfriend came out of the shower, a towel slung low over his hips, clinging in all the right places around his damp body Blaine fought the urge to forego the whole night in favor of thanking him here. He knew going to Friday's was important and that he’d spent a lot of money trying to make tonight and tomorrow perfect and romantic but Seb looked beautiful and he knew it and it made waiting very difficult. Blaine couldn’t be blamed if he preferred Seb without it and they ended up kissing and touching and laughing for longer than they meant. Blaine finally let him get ready, but didn’t stop with his looks. Seb looked incredible in his fitted white polo and it pleased him to see the cord of his mother’s crystal still peeking up around the back of Seb’s neck and tucked into his shirt. He wasn’t quite ready to take it back, still felt that Seb needed the extra protection more than him.
“Oh, I forgot! Freya has already graciously volunteered to watch him tonight and tomorrow. You know she’s the best babysitter out there anyway and Ras loves it when it’s just the two of them. Sometimes I wonder what she shows him when we’re not around.”
Dinner went fast and was filled with conversations about their days, giggles and Blaine giving Sebastian little lingering touches to which Seb leaned into. Afterwards, Blaine opened the passenger door to Seb’s car for him and prompted him to get in.
“You don’t know where we’re going, I think I should drive.” He grinned and tucked himself into the driver's seat. He didn’t get to drive much, preferring to control the radio while Seb drove them around, but he felt it was necessary now.
“So, I suppose I should tell you a little bit about Friday’s and the people that frequent there. See, the High Priestess- the one you met? She goes by the name Dove. She’s a real Witch, but she’s dedicated her whole life to catering to one god as opposed to all gods or just a few like me. Her whole life is about Aphrodite and following the path of love and passion and beauty. And I think maybe her goddess told her about you and me, I don’t know but judging by the things you mentioned she said to you I think it’s pretty apparent, plus she showed up at my trial and spoke for us. If it were for her and the Oracle my dad went to I’m not sure I’d be here with you today. Aphrodite followers love tragedy, but they love love more so I guess she must have believed in us. She must have thought we were extra special too. Maybe they really will write poems about us. Put our names up there with the likes of Achilles and Patroclus… Maybe they didn’t want to see their tragedy bestowed on us so she spoke up.  Did you know it was almost a year ago exactly when you met her? Gods. Things really do happen for a reason, don’t they..” He paused, reflecting.
“The other people that work at the shop are followers of Aphrodite as well, they’re just not witches, they’re regular humans and they don’t know that she’s a real Witch either, they just think she’s extra connected to their goddess- which she is, but they think it's in the fashion of like a pagan religion. Like I originally told you I was.  And she doesn’t call herself a witch and doesn’t allow her flock to either. This is why she calls herself a Priestess, it’s safe that way and people don’t get the wrong idea and put her in danger. Dove is allowed to have followers because she brings more light to Aphrodite, but she walks a fine line and if she pushes it she’ll be in the same boat you and I were. I hope I’m making sense. Of course she probably does have some other Witch followers as well, and Witches of course will shop there for special magical ingredients- she probably has a special hidden room for them. But, for the most part, the part you got to see anyway, it’s for everyone.”
Talking about the magic that lived outside of schools and his community was odd for him, he’d never done it before and he hoped he was doing it justice.
“There are other little magical spots like this around the whole world. Dedicated to gods and goddesses of all different countries and so on. Cat cafes for Bast, occult shops for Hecate… so much more. You get the idea. The followers are more of the same, headed by a High Priestess or High Priest and human followers that live their lives for that one god. It’s a lot, I know...:”
He turned into the free parking lot across the street from the shop, his nerves a little on high as he looked over at the building. The place flowed with magic that only a Witch or a hunter would be able to truly feel, but a part of him wondered if that extended to Seb because the two of them were Fated and Seb was blessed by the goddess herself. The air around the beautiful pink, white and gold building smelled of roses and sweet chocolate and one could easily get lost in the feelings of love and bliss. Blaine felt a small pang of sadness as he remembered how parts of LeFay would feel and smell certain ways because of the magic or the god the rooms were dedicated to. As happy as he was right now, there was still a big part of him that would miss how he felt in his world forever. It was nice to know there were places around the world he could still go to where he could feel that feeling.
“I thought we could pick up a few things for my altar though. I know I can make flowers and bake and so on on my own, but going to her own people might be extra special to her, and if it keeps you safe I’m all about giving her everything I can think of.” He reached for Seb’s hand, silently asking if he was ready to go in.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian watched the city go by from the passenger seat. It was rare that he didn’t drive and it felt nice when B took the wheel. He listened to Blaine explain the flower shop, the priestess,  and how other places for Witches were hidden in plain sight throughout the world. It made him wonder what else was hidden just under the nose of his fellow humans. “So….she’s sort of like the boss and she has a specific concentration. Got it. And at least you still have places to go. That’s sort of cool, right?”
Sebastian took Blaine’s hand as they approached the pretty building. The large display windows were filled with heart shaped balloons in different hues of red and pink and the biggest, most luxurious bouquets of roses and bright blue hyacinths. Sebastian had purchased flowers from the shop a few times in the past, before he knew what the shop really was, and he was intrigued to see Blaine inside of the place.
He opened the door and let his boyfriend step inside. A tiny golden bell gave the most delicate tinkling as the door opened and the smell of roses and chocolate and perfume hit Sebastian in the face all at once. The shop was crammed full of flowers and ivory statues and glass and gold cases that held homemade oils and about every body care item you could think of. Seb suddenly realized that he had never paid much attention to how interesting the shop truly was in the past. The very back wall of the store was glass windows that opened into a lush garden and there was even a little café bar where you could purchase candies and creamy hot chocolate. Sebastian suddenly felt like he wanted to smell and taste everything that he could.
A pair of pretty girls with long brown hair in intricate braids greeted them, blush frosted their cheeks and one giggled into the other's hair. Sebastian just smiled and let Blaine do the talking until Dove seemed to appear from nowhere behind them.
Like the last time Sebastian had seen her, her wrists were cluttered in gold bangles and she smelled like sun and sand. Her eyes didn’t seem as sad as their last encounter but they were definitely heavy lidded in a way that said, ‘follow me to my bedroom’. She laid a silky hand on both of their shoulders and pulled them into a hug. Sebastian felt stiff in comparison to her soft, curvy body pillowed in draped silks.
“Boyss! How lovely to see you. Oh, I’m just so happy that you two stood strong in the face of adversity. Love will always prevail. How Romantic….the two of you here.”
Dove’s voice was sleepy, like she was up late writing love letters or like she just rolled out of a lover’s bed. She felt warm and intoxicating and Sebastian wondered if she came across this way to everybody she met or if she was just buzzing with the promise of Valentine's day in the air. No doubt she got a lot of business and affection at this time of year.
“How can I assist you? Please, make yourself comfortable, don’t linger in the doorway.”
She giggled and Seb thought it sounded exactly like the bell on the door.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had only been inside this shop a few times to pick up a few specific ingredients. Normally he grew his own stuff in his little corner of LeFay’s magical garden, but on occasion he’d needed a few other things. That little dull throb of pain was back as he thought about his old garden, he’d have to start it all over. The little cottage his father had gotten him was nothing short of adorable, so he’d have no problem putting up a few barriers and growing what he needed, but the ghost of what he used to have still hung over him like a dark cloud. Watching everyone fawn over Sebastian made him feel a bit better though, and he wondered what Dove had told her people about them. She couldn’t tell them that he was a Witch by any means, he wondered if she told them that her goddess had taken a special liking in both of them. 
As he thought it, two boys smiled at him and then looked between him and Sebastian, and their linked fingers from the back of the shop where they were picking a bushel of vibrant pink roses from a huge bush, the boy ducked his head and smiled into the other boys shoulder and whispered something and Blaine knew instantly that she probably did tell them that Aphrodite had blessed them both. In reality it was just Seb that was blessed, and Blaine was his gift from her. And it wasn’t just words spoken by one person, it was the actual truth, though these followers believed it without the benefit of knowing that magic and gods were actually real. It was a commentary on blind faith and it was scary and beautiful all at once.
He smiled at her, her words hitting so close to home. He wondered if she remembered how broken he was the night of his trial, how beaten down and sick he’d been. If so she didn’t let on, she smiled at them as if they were the very definition of love itself and Blaine knew it to be true. He squeezed Seb’s hand as his boyfriend let the woman hug him and hoped that Seb wasn’t too uncomfortable. And when it was Blaine’s turn he hugged her back, it was hard not to want to when she spoke the way she did. He knew it was part of her charm, most everyone would want to be near her once they’d met her. He slid his arm through Seb’s and guided him inside the building, taking the lead so Seb wouldn’t have to stress over where to step.
“Thank you, Dove. We thought that we’d pay a bit of a tribute to Aphrodite tomorrow. She has done quite a bit for us and we want to pay our respect and give our thanks.” He gave his best smile and stayed as close to Seb as he could. “Sebastian’s never really done this part before, but she’s done a great deal for us as have you, so who better to purchase our gifts from? We need your brightest flowers, your best chocolate, and of course she needs some fruit, I was thinking an apple?” He said that last part pointedly at her, hoping she’d get his meaning. 
“Oh yes, wonderful!” The woman clapped her hands together positively beside herself with excitement. She reached for Seb’s hand and guided him towards the two boys that were gathering roses, then stopped their giggling long enough to listen. “I’d be delighted if the two of you would take Sebastian here out to the garden to gather our finest reds for him while I steal his darling love away for a moment into the back to check on special stock that he ordered in advance. Be sure to take extra care of him. Get him some of those new chocolates Aimee made this morning while he waits.” She looked at Sebastian longingly like she hated separating the two of them and Blaine kind of hated it too because the two boys were giggling again and flocking around Sebastian and Blaine was nervous that Seb might never forgive him. He excused himself from Dove’s gentle grasp and stepped up to Seb, his eyes wide and asking forgiveness. 
“It’ll be okay, really. I’ll be back before you know it. I have to go someplace you can’t enter, but I wish you could. You’ll see when we get back to the car why. Don’t get too carried away with the pretty boys.” He grinned and tip toed up to press a soft, sweet kiss to Seb’s lips before pulling away to join Dove to the sounds of giggles and sighs all around them. Seb looked a little nervous but nodded Blaine away, his arms already full of products and a flock of beautiful people showing him differing shades of flowers.
Blaine let Dove lead him into the back of the store to a seemingly plain wall. With a soft song of words and a delicate wave of her hand the two of them were inside a new room. The room was vast and filled wall to wall with glowing and magical items. Lose Pomegranates and figs and other fruits and vegetables in hand woven baskets lined the walls and floors, doorless golden dove cages hung from the ceiling and it was overwhelming to be in the presence of so many magical items for the first time in three months. Blaine wanted to touch each thing and let the magic wash over him so he could take it home and remember later. He knew right then that he’d be back again one day. He turned and there Dove was, holding the biggest apple he’d ever seen. The skin was deep purple red with a very faint golden glow that humans couldn’t see.
“My personal garden is back this way- even further hidden, I can take you there if you’d like to pick your own out.” She looked hopeful, like maybe Blaine would say yes, but the thought of going into a magical garden that wasn’t his own was a little too much right now. 
“This one’s perfect, Dove. Thank you. I have a feeling Aphrodite will love it, especially since you grew it for her.” He reached out and took the apple in his hands, holding it gently. Dove looked a little disappointed. 
“Oh, I thought the apple might be for the two of you. It has so many magical qualities… Wisdom, Immortality, marriage, fertility…” She trailed off, her brows furrowing like she’d said something she hadn’t meant. Blaine knew that she knew what had happened at the trial, all the things they’d taken from him. She’d witnessed his punishment.
“Of course, I know, but this one is for her. Sebastian and I don’t need it to achieve all the things we want, we’re strong enough without it. Besides, we had a date with magical pomegranate seeds and a part of me thinks he might still need a break from magical fruit for a few years.” He laughed, playing off his discomfort. He wasn’t ready to talk about any of this with anyone but Seb, no matter how kind Dove was.
“Goddess wept. The two of you are just so beautiful. Not just in appearance together, but in your relationship. I can feel how strong it is… I know it’s bittersweet, and that you made incredibly difficult sacrifices to get to him, to keep him- but look at you and how hard you fought for your love.” She looked at him with big eyes that seemed to be full of tears or maybe he imagined that.
“I’m not sure how big my sacrifices were, but he's very much worth it, I’d do it all again if I had to. I’d give up everything the same.” He gave her a smile, his fingers gripping the apple tightly, feeling its power in his fingertips and the things it could do for them. She furrowed her brow at him again and reached out with gentle hands, her fingers wrapping around each of his wrists where his permanent scars rested, a reminder of what he went though to keep Seb.
“I think that your sacrifices were huge, Blaine. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re feeling better now, but I saw what they did to you.” She rubbed her thumbs over the scars and looked at him longer, like she was feeling all the rest of the things he’d had to give up. A real relationship with his father, a natural family, his people, his world, his extended life… He cleared his throat and gently pulled his wrists away. 
“You’re very kind, Dove. Thank you. And thank you for what you did for us, I’ll never forget it. I should probably go rescue my boyfriend, gods know what they’ve done with him.” The woman’s face relaxed and she gave him a genuine smile, like she knew she wouldn’t convince him to use the apple for personal gain and then she hugged him tightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek as if to tell him she’d do it again too and then she placed the apple inside a simple white handled paper bag and guided him out of the room. 
“Ah, I see you found a few things, yeah?” Blaine grinned at Seb who was carrying an assortment of bags filled with flowers and chocolates and little vials of dried petals and bath salts. He slipped his arm around Seb’s waist, feeling instantly better as he touched him.
Sebastian’s POV:
The two men smiled up at Sebastian as he watched Blaine walk into the back with Dove. He turned back to them and offered his own small smirk. “So, uh...I’m Sebastian.” He rocked back on his heels and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“Oh, we know.” The boy with dark brown skin and bright eyes offered. He bit his lip and blinked a few times before the other, blonde and shaggy haired and golden all over, offered his hand. “Come.” 
Once upon a time, Seb would have taken both of these guys home. He could feel their eyes all over him and knew they were flirting. Maybe it was just natural for followers of a love goddess? Sebastian didn’t take the hand or think too much about the tone of the word come and the possible double meanings there. He simply waved a hand and bowed a little, “After you two. Lead the way.”
They went into the garden first, the two boys pointed out the different variations of roses (God, there were so many.) and kept touching his arms. He went with the flow and followed them around but at a particular touch to the small of his back he silently begged Blaine to magically appear in a random rose bush, thorns be damned. 
“Well boys, I think we have enough roses.” Sebastian awkwardly lifted the woven basket they had insisted he take. 
“You’re right. We haven’t offered you any of our chocolates yet!” The dark haired boy opened the big glass door and held it open for the other two to walk inside. He stepped behind the counter of an elaborate white marble cafe countertop. There was an old fashioned  espresso bar and a chalkboard that featured all of the house specialties written in marigold colored chalk. The star of the show though, was the giant glass pastry case with golden gilded edges. It was full of crystal cake stands piled with little pink cakes, the biggest chocolate covered strawberries Sebastian had ever seen, and so many chocolates. The golden hair boy sat leisurely on a stool as the other one piled a floral china plate with different treats. He wrapped the plate in cellophane and red ribbon and put it in a simple white paper shopping bag. The  boy plucked one dark chocolate covered strawberry and held it to Seb’s mouth as he leaned over the counter in what Seb had to admit was a pretty appealing way. 
Sebastian swallowed and opened his mouth to say he could hold the piece of fruit when the boy popped it into his mouth. He was sure he looked like an idiot with his wide eyes and strawberry leaves sticking out of his mouth. The two men laughed and Seb’s worries melted away because, oh god this was the best strawberry he had ever tasted. 
“Very good.” Sebastian smiled and took the paper bag. “Uh, thanks guys. B should-”
He was interrupted as they each took a hand and whisked him around the shop. They began filling the bag for him. And then another bag. They each held up various things and said things like, “Rose scented lotion, wonderful for a romantic night.” “Massage your lover with this apple infused body oil for vigorous love making. It’s edible!” “Strawberry...great for luck!”
Sebastian had lost track of all of the different flowers and scents and their properties that his brain felt like it might combust into a thousand white and pink rose petals by the end of all of this. Thankfully, Blaine was back and had his own little shopping bag. Sebastian instantly felt relieved when he felt his boyfriend’s arm around him. 
“Just a few things with the help of these gentlemen. I don’t know your names.” 
Dove laughed and covered her mouth. “Too distracted by his beauty, are we? This is Heathcliff and Orlando. Thanks for your help.” 
Seb wasn’t surprised at such dramatic names and he honestly wasn’t one to talk. He nodded and the men excused themselves after kissing his hands and touching Blaine’s cheek. Dove led them to another counter where she rang up their purchases. Well, purchase. She only charged Blaine for the small shopper that he had retrieved from his small private trip. “Complimentary. Please visit us again some day. We could have tea together.” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried to hide his smile as he watched the two men still falling all over Sebastian. He should have felt a little jealous, but really, what was he to expect when it came to Aphrodite’s followers, plus, Sebastian was beautiful and practically a celebrity here. He couldn’t blame them for wanting to be near him. He watched as two of them kissed Seb’s hands and was a little surprised when they turned and touched his face like he too was something to fawn over. He turned away when he felt his face heat up a little in a blush, because of course he’d blush. He reached out and took a couple of the bags from Seb. He’d been fully prepared to pay for every single thing Seb had been given, knowing it wasn’t cheap, that each thing was hand crafted and made by the followers and some of it came from Dove’s own garden, but she wouldn’t hear of it. He paid only for the apple and he was sure she’d even given him a discount on that. She sent him out the door with hugs and a wink and little kisses were blown from all directions from an array of different people.
“That was… an experience. I hope they didn’t flirt too terribly much with you.” He said after they’d loaded up the car and set out for their next destination in downtown Boston. He thought about sending the flowers and some of the other altar stuff home so that it wouldn't have to sit in the car overnight, but he was worried Ras might think it was for him and he didn’t trust Freya to keep him out of it, she could be spiteful sometimes. Especially since he’d tricked her into babysitting. She didn’t fool him though, Ras was her very favorite thing in the world, she’d do anything for him. Including letting him eat a bunch of roses meant for Aphrodite. Before they went into the hotel he did a little preservation spell for the flowers and the prized apple, proud of himself for being able to pull it off after three months of mostly inactivity. He made a mental note to explain the apple to Seb once they got home tomorrow night. He took a few of the items out for the two of them as well, because well, sexual acts were offerings for Aphrodite as well, and Blaine had plans for the bubble bath and chocolate covered strawberries.
“It wasn’t so bad though, was it? I think we’ve actually made a real friend, and you were right what you said earlier about there being a place I could go and feel magic. I think Friday’s might be that place. Especially until I get the place my dad got me set up, which is my next goal after showing you how much better I feel.”
The hotel room was huge yet intimate and cozy at the same time. It wasn’t one of those cheesy, over the top lovey dovey rooms that you saw on television. It was classy, with a California king bed covered in deep grey and the biggest garden tub he’d ever seen. Champagne and chocolates that would no doubt not be nearly as good as Dove’s and two oversized and fluffy black robes were hung up on the closet door for both of them. Blaine turned so that he was in front of Sebastian and smiled almost shyly as he held up his hand between them. He concentrated and there bloomed a single deep red rose, perfectly shaped.
“They’re not as pretty as Friday’s, but this one is specifically for you, Valentine.” He offered the rose to Seb, and then reached out and pulled his boyfriend close, his face tilted up and open for Seb, his fingers slipping under his fitted polo to trace the faint bit of hair behind the button of his pants. He let his fingers slip in just so, toying with said button before undoing it all together, his other hand sliding under the back of his shirt to press his music calloused fingers that Seb loved so much against the light ripple of muscle in Seb’s lower back. He wanted everything all at once, but knew he had all night long to take it slow, to make his boyfriend really feel it. To show Seb how much he appreciated how he’d taken care of Blaine’s mind and body while he was weak, and to show him how much he missed fucking into him and feeling him move underneath him. He tiptoed up and pressed a kiss to Seb’s lips, soft at first and then more insistent, and possessive like he couldn’t get enough.
“We should try the bed first...” His voice was a little rough, raspy and heavy with desire as he led Seb to the bed and pressed him down as he crawled in between his legs. Later Blaine couldn't be sure he could have sworn that Seb clutched onto that rose as he kissed the gasps from his mouth.
Sebastian’s POV:
“Nothing I couldn’t handle. And I thought I laid it on thick. Damn.” Sebastian laughed and laid a hand on Blaine’s thigh. “I’m glad. And I can help with the new magic place if you want me to. Could be fun.” He turned and watched Blaine’s profile as street lights splashed across his handsome features in red, white, and green.
The hotel room was huge and luxurious and reminded him of the rooms he sometimes would stay in in Paris. He was excited about champagne and more strawberries and those lovely, plush robes. But he was even more excited for Blaine. The other man had been promising him a great night all day and he was unsatisfied from their make out session earlier. Sebastian wanted everything all at once and everywhere, all over this fancy room.
He watched as magic swirled through Blaine’s fingers and a beautiful rose appeared. Sebastian had seen him produce items out of thin air plenty of times but it was always impressive and made his stomach feel like he was speeding down a steep hill.
“It’s beautiful, B. Thank you.”
Sebastian didn’t have much time to swoon over the perfect rose or the magic before Blaine’s hands were on him and his knees felt weak and he was naked and pressed into the lavish bed. And then they were in the garden tub and the floor and the California king once again. Hands, lips, and tongues all over.
The bed was covered in rose petals by the end of the night. He was certain Aphrodite would be pleased.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Tap Your Heels and Think To Yourself- Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Para: Tap Your Heels and Think To Yourself
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Location: Sebastian’s (And Blaine’s) Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: Sebastian and Blaine figure out how to heal.
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Under cut for length. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine was beyond weak. Still after all this time, he’d still didn’t feel like himself. He had spent the last two months trying to heal his body and mind after the chaos his trial had wreaked on him. He knew it was meant to be a punishment, a quiet one that the Witches dished out when someone broke the rules even if the Witch in question won their case- you still raised alarm, you had to deal with the consequences. He was exhausted, he couldn’t walk far without getting winded and he was so drained, worse that the time they'd drained him of some of his magic, it felt like they had gutted him and cleaned out his insides. He felt hollow and lost and he wasn’t sure how to find his footing again.
Some days he could hardly carry on a conversation, he and Seb mostly communicated in touches or brief hushed conversations. They still hadn’t even gotten to discuss everything that had happened and what it all meant yet and he was so afraid for when they finally did. He knew they were solid, he carried forever scars in his wrists to show the lengths he was willing to go for his love and Seb seemed to hold Blaine a little tighter lately, seemed to linger before heading out each day a little longer. But there was so much to talk about and Blaine hoped it didn’t change things too much.
He spent his days trying to do normal everyday tasks and when they didn’t work out he’d sleep, just waiting for Sebastian to come home. His boyfriend would lean down, kiss him hello and then make sure he was doing the best he could be. He’d order them food and made sure Blaine ate some of it. His eyes would sometimes linger on the magic burn scars on his wrists the ones that would never heal, the ones that were making it hard from Blaine to function normally- and then shake his head no when Blaine tried to cover them up with his sweater or when he’d attempt to glamour them with magic he wasn’t ready to try yet. Seb seemed insistent that he let them be seen. Blaine hadn’t had the courage to ask why.
On the extra bad nights, the ones when Blaine felt the weakest and most alone and couldn’t help but cry or get so angry that he’d shake, Seb would hold him close and would press him down into their bed and fuck into him until he couldn’t think of anything but Sebastian. Blaine would cling to him with all the strength he had left like a lifeline on those nights as he let Seb express his love the best way he knew how, he’d let Seb kiss him until he couldn’t breathe and after he fell apart he would sometimes fall apart more and cry hard into Seb’s shoulder as his boyfriend held him from above and he wasn't even sure why he was sobbing. He’d promise Seb he’d go back to normal soon. That before he knew it Blaine would be back to taking control and smiling and talking and fucking him the way Seb liked it and cooking and Seb wouldn’t have to pick up his pieces. And he would, but the truth was he had no clue when he’d have his strength or energy back. And anger, depression and anxiety were pounding at his door.
Why had this happened to them? Why did Aphrodite pick Seb for him knowing that it would cause strife? And why had it never happened to anyone else on record before? He knew he was lucky, he could be dead and Seb could be lost in the world, but he was still so angry. He wondered, as he found himself doing a lot of lately, if maybe it had happened before and had never been caught, maybe the witch and human ended their lives before they could get caught, or maybe it was Sebastian and Blaine from past lives that it had happened to. Blaine found himself angry at the goddess sometimes, he had no doubt that he could have found Seb on his own and that they'd’ have been soulmates without her, but then they’d still be in the same boat. He still hadn't been able to put into words what all of this meant for Seb. He hadn’t been able to put much into words at all. He wanted to talk to Sebastian so bad though, he knew he needed to push himself harder.
Every time he calmed down and tried to think of things rationally he’d end up falling asleep and picture Kurt’s smug face and he’d get upset all over again. Had he really tried to have Blaine killed all because Blaine had rejected him years ago? They’d dated for a few months tops and it was toxic while it happened. He remembered Kurt telling him to just pretend they were Fated, and that some Witches never even got to meet theirs, but Blaine hadn’t wanted to be his descendant trophy husband and Kurt had turned meaner when he left. Blaine just couldn’t wrap his head around his motive. Didn’t he know Blaine could have died? Did he care at all?
On top of that… Blaine had sort of been thrown into living full time at Seb’s. Sure, his father had gotten him a cute little cottage to keep his magical things and so on, but Blaine couldn’t really be alone for long periods of time right now and he worried so much that Seb didn’t really want him there. What if Seb started to resent him? He was so riddled with anxiety about it that he’d taken to sleeping on the couch when Seb wasn’t home, like he was a guest and it was rude to sleep in Seb’s bed. Blaine knew deep down that he was being stupid, that this was his home too, it always had been, but he felt like such a fucking burden lately…
He was just sad… he’d been exiled from his race, told he couldn’t have children, not that they’d made those plans, but the option was always there and now… He’d been forbidden from seeing his friends and father. It was all too much.  He hadn’t seen his dad in almost two months, he missed him so terribly and felt such guilt for mistreating him and not giving him enough credit, it felt like he’d lost both of his parents now and he didn’t know how to process that. He hadn’t seen Nick or David in well over a month. He’d not seen any other witch in longer. Even Hunter and Tony had gone off on a mission. He felt cut off and like maybe his magic wasn’t his. Like he’d stolen it. It wasn’t working right and Blaine wondered if maybe it had been broken when he was exiled, he knew it wasn’t possible, that it was just as much a part of him as his bones, but it had been two months and he was still just a step above alive it seemed.
He missed everything- he had known he’d miss his world some, of course he would, but not like this. And each morning that Seb left him home alone with Ras and Freya a fear like no other would creep up on him. What if Seb didn’t make it home? What if he got hurt and Blaine was still too weakened to protect him? What if Seb got tired of living like this? What if Kurt or some other bad Witch got a hold of him… It was all so much. Blaine still hadn’t let Seb give his crystal back, couldn’t stomach the thought of Seb unprotected while Blaine was weakened. It didn’t matter that wearing it might’ve given Blaine some strength back.
By the middle of January Blaine was so fucking frustrated and scared that he might not feel like himself ever again that he threw the remote against the wall so hard that it shattered. He’d tried to use magic to fix the damn thing, but his hands were too shaky and the whole process left him tired and emotional. He broke down and angrily cried into Ras’ fur on the couch and was caught off guard by Seb coming home from the office. He tried to hide his tears but Seb was quick. And before he could stop himself he was pouring his fears out.
“I made you miss seeing your mom on thanksgiving and Christmas. Your mom, Seb. She probably thinks I’m awful and I really am. We had to lie to her! I’m the worst fucking boyfriend ever… you should have gone without me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
The past few months hadn’t been a blur or a whirlwind. It was more like a slow, constant, quiet storm. Blaine was in pain almost everyday, sometimes hours would pass where he wouldn’t speak, and sometimes the hours were full of tears and heartbroken sobs. Sebastian was good with silence, was even better at communicating without words. He would hold his boyfriend and let him cry, would tuck him into bed and read his textbooks next to him, even became an expert at brewing tea but cooking was still a mystical talent he couldn’t grasp. Seb would order them food or pick up frozen pizzas and sugar cookies on his way home. He wouldn’t force B to do anything he didn’t want to but he’d set small plates near him with a warm smile and a hot cup of earl grey or chamomile tea. Seb would kiss Blaine’s scars gently and tell him that he didn’t need to hide. He was so scared of losing the other man that he didn’t consider the aftermath but now they were stuck in it. Sebastian could tell that Blaine was struggling and sad and he hoped he wouldn’t resent him silently.
Sebastian wanted to stay home but Blaine had, in his quiet voice, encouraged him to keep up with his studies and law work. He would come home and find Blaine on the couch and would persuade him to lay in the bed. Sebastian would show his adoration and thankfulness by pressing Blaine into the mattress, his body was like the little offerings Blaine used to make to his gods.
He came home to Blaine curled into Ras on the couch, a cracked remote littered across the living room floor. Sebastian didn’t care about the damn remote, he could just buy a new one. He sat down on the couch, loosened his tie and shrugged off his suit jacket. Seb wrapped Blaine in his arms and rubbed his back.
“B, she understands. It’s okay. You’re not awful. You’re going through something….really intense. Something that none of us will ever really understand. I didn’t want to go alone. I wanted to be with you. There will be other holidays.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine watched as Seb settled on the couch next to him. His boyfriend looked so professional in his suit and so tired from his day and Blaine could feel a new wave of emotions crashing over him before he could do much about it. He should be taking care of Seb. He should have dinner cooked and the apartment should be cleaner, he’d only gotten the Christmas stuff down a few days ago and it had taken him all of Seb’s work day, taking down magic without using magic was difficult anyway and it proved more difficult in his state. It was the least he could do though after he’d used up all of Seb’s free time and had been nothing but a layabout in his home. Why was it so hard for him to say their home? Two months ago he was calling it home, what was so different now? He knew he was being irrational, he knew this was still his home but he was struggling with it. It wasn’t a matter of money, Blaine’s family came from old money, he’d always had it and still did. He only worked at the Snowed In because he liked to bake and help people. He didn’t even keep most of his earrings. He used to put his tips and so on back into the tip jar. He could afford to live with Seb comfortably. He just felt like Seb was forced to take him in, like a stray puppy.
“I feel like the worst person. You’re so tired and you work so hard and I’m not doing anything to help you.” He mumbled, sniffling and trying to keep his tears back. He’d cried so much the last two months he honestly had no clue how he had any left. He let himself be gathered in Seb’s arms, wincing briefly but sighing into the touch. Seb’s touch always calmed him down even if being touched hurt at first, Seb always managed to make it feel good. He let himself be held, even though he wished with all his heart it were the other way around. He missed holding Seb, he missed Seb curling into him and taking care of his boyfriend  in all the different ways he always had. He didn’t understand why he didn’t feel better yet. His dad had said it would take time, but how much?
“But you miss her, baby. I know you do. I hate that it’s my fault that you’re kept from her. I hate that we had to make something up, she’s gonna see right through it, you know. She’s so smart.” He swallowed hard, snuggling into his boyfriend a little tighter. “You’re the sweetest, so fucking understanding and I’m just the worst… I hate that I still feel like this, and I hate that we haven’t properly talked about things.” His breath hitched as he struggled to get the rest of his words out, already feeling like he’d run a marathon with the exertion it took. But, he was determined to talk tonight, he had to or else he’d go to bed once again feeling useless and he couldn’t do that, not to him or to Sebastian. 
“I feel like I’m nothing but a burden to you now. I don’t know when I’m going to feel normal. I-I feel like I should move into the place my dad got for me. I don’t know, Seb, I love being here, it’s felt like my home for over two years now, but with how fast everything happened, and how quickly they cast me out- I feel like I’ve been forced on you. I used to earn my place here, now I’m just existing...” He looked up at Seb with big eyes, little tears clinging to his lashes and blurring his vision. “I feel like an imposter now.” 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian kept rubbing circles into Blaine’s back.He reached for his discarded jacket with his free hand and silently thanked his mother for his long limbs. Sebastian had a few tissues in the inside pocket, he pulled them out and silently pressed them into his boyfriend’s hand. He could hear the threat of tears in his voice.
“You’re not the worst person. Isn’t that the point of a relationship? Helping each other? I don’t mind cleaning and...well I can’t say cooking…” Seb chuckled and hoped it would make Blaine smile a little bit.
“I do miss her. But, we talk on the phone and facetime. She understands, I promise. She misses you. So do Wick and Luke. Maybe we can take a trip to Ohio when you feel better.”
Seb’s head fell to the side and he pulled back a little so that he could see Blaine’s face. This apartment was basically theirs. They had made so many memories there and Blaine’s clothes were in the closet, his herbs were in the cabinet.
“B, stop. I want you here. You’re not an imposter. If you feel like you need to go to the cabin...I’ll support that. But...why don’t you officially move in here? I’m sure we'll outgrow it but just for now?”
Sebastian felt vulnerable and exposed. He really wanted Blaine to say yes, he would miss him if he moved full time to the seaside cabin. Seb would be a supportive boyfriend and help him move and visit as often as possible, of course but things just wouldn’t be the same without B in the apartment. Enjolras would miss him and Freya. The scent of herbs and tea would linger in the cabinets and on the pillows, Blaine’s homemade lotions and oils would be gone leaving the bathroom sink bare except for hand soap and a toothbrush. Things would just feel lonely again.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine watched as Seb dug into his jacket pocket and his bottom lip involuntarily trembled as he  handed him the tissues because of course he could hold onto him and help him with his wet face at the same time. He dabbed at his eyes, knowing they were red and his face as probably splotchy again, the state it always seemed to be in the last couple of months, and was surprised when he felt the pullings of a smile tug at the corner of his lips. Seb really was a terrible cook, his best dish was frozen store pizza and Seb still always managed to burn the crust on one side each time. Blaine loved it when Seb made it though because it meant his boyfriend was stepping out of his comfort zone for him and that made his heart feel full all on it’s own.
“You’re right, of course you are. I just wish I were helping you more… But hey, you make one killer frozen pizza, don’t forget that.” He let his smile stay in place for a moment, enjoying the way it felt and that Sebastian had been the one to give it to him. Of course he had. He knew that Seb was right about Sabine, she truly did understand, maybe more than she let on. Maybe she even knew that their excuse about Blaine’s dad being sick, a plan Will himself had come up with, wasn’t real. He often wondered if she knew that he wasn’t a normal human. He had forgotten to kill a bouquet of magical flowers he’d given her once. Either way Blaine adored her and she seemed to return the feeling and of course she loved her son more than life so she’d been nothing short of understanding when they’d declined the last two holidays. It saddened him doubly knowing that this was the year he was finally going to get to go to Paris with them, there was always next year though. He hoped there was anyway.
“I’d like that. Maybe the five of us can do something together. We all know that Wick and Luke are your mom’s favorite Smythe’s as well. I mean, next to you naturally.” He laughed but the pleasant feeling and sound was short lived as he watched Seb’s face fall as mentioned the little cottage where all of his magical and musical instruments lived now. He watched as Seb’s fallen face shifted ever so slightly into one of hope, just a little bit of it.
“I don’t want to live there, Seb. You’re not there...” He swallowed hard, trying to get too emotional or giddy, the coin sides flipping into the air inside of his stomach. This shouldn’t have been a big deal, Blaine practically lived here when he’d gone to LeFay, but this felt different. They were allowed to have this now… Before Blaine had sneaked and stayed five or six nights out of the week while checking in to appease the magic of the school and keep with the rules. And now he’d been so caught up in sadness and feeling so awful mentally and physically that he’d not noticed that he didn’t have to do that anymore. He’d been so convinced, by himself, that he was unwanted that he’d forgotten that this was what they wanted all along.
“You want me to really live here with you? Like… address official, my name on the lease live here?” He bit his bottom lip, a hopeful feeling he’d never had before because of all the rules he used to have to live by creeping over him. Of course there were so many other things they’d been denied, Blaine was denied his own people and him and Seb the chance to grow a family. But this was big to him. And besides, they could make their own family in other ways... Right? He looked around the room, Ras and Freya cuddled up together, the pup looking excited and Freya looking bored and telling him to just get on with it.
“I hated it when I’d have to go back to LeFay, Monday’s were always the worst...” He let out a little laugh, thinking back to Monday texts of I miss yous and you should come overs. He reached for Seb’s hand and squeezed it between his, his fingers ached and he knew the action would exhaust him but he didn’t care. Seb looked so hopeful it made him want to cry again. “We could have a real life together, one where we don’t have to hide, I mean, sure, we’ve still got some rules, but we could be happy. I won’t have to glamour my Facebook anymore, and I’ll always get to fall asleep next to you. And you’ll get to kiss me goodbye before your runs every morning. Yeah, I’ve always wanted that, Seb.” His smile was back and it was so big it hurt his face.
“This place felt like my home the moment I walked into the apartment. And I think- no, I know that it’s because you’re here. You’re my home, so wherever you are that’s where I want to be, if you’ll have me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian nodded along to Blaine’s words. It had felt so natural to have him there from the beginning and it hadn’t scared him to have his things scattered around the apartment. Seb had an anal retentive streak that made clutter unbearable and his place felt clinical before Blaine brought sunshine and literal magic into it. He didn’t mind the organized cluster of teas in the cabinets or the trinkets and crystals splashed about, it was so easy and peaceful that his anxiety wasn’t triggered by the extra stuff.
“I’ll call the leasing office tomorrow morning. I hated it too and now, a silver lining is that we don’t have to dread Mondays anymore. Well, not more than any other human.” Sebastian smiled and squeezed Blaine’s hand back. He never imagined any of this for himself but it felt like this was the way it was always meant to be.
Seb leaned in for a small kiss and assured Blaine that he wanted him there and that he felt the same way. Silence fell over them for a few moments and he kept his boyfriend close. He wasn’t the best at talking or making his feelings known or helping others with their own emotions but Blaine always brought out the best in him and made it feel easy. He knew that there was a lot on the other’s mind and some more things they needed to discuss.
“So...we should probably talk about some of the other stuff that went down, if you’re up for it. Hunter told me about...the stuff about not having kids. It really...it really sort of took me aback. I know that I’ve always said that I wasn’t interested but then I saw how you interacted with Luke and how happy you are around him and I just...sort of started to imagine what it would be like if we had one and now…” Sebastian shook his head and bit his lip, he tried to find the right words. “And now it’s been taken away and it’s sort of sad. But, I love you and we can get through anything and...we have Luke and….I don’t know, maybe Hunter and Tony will have a kid. We’re queer, chosen family is just as important.”
Blaine’s POV:
It felt so good to smile after two months of physical and mental pain and Blaine wanted to jar it up and keep it on a shelf for when he inevitably felt as awful again one day. He nodded at his boyfriend, squeezing his hand in an excitement so quiet it crept up on him until he let out a little laugh.
“We can be busy on Monday’s together now.”  It all felt so nice, until he remembered that he’d have nothing to be busy with on Monday’s anymore. No more studying with his father in the magical dark of LeFay. He internally sighed, determined not to mar this beautiful moment with sorrow over his exile. All of that studying to replace his father… for nothing. This is what you wanted, Blaine. You never wanted to run LeFay, you always just wanted your music and Sebastian. Of course his mind was right, he truly didn’t want his father's job one day. And he had a degree now, LeFay through a school for Witches was a real, credible school and Blaine could transfer colleges or use his degree to work anywhere he wanted. He could become a musical therapist, he could become a professor, he could do anything he wanted… But, he had money, lots of it. Maybe, what he needed right now was to be at home with Seb, and maybe unpack himself with baking therapy. He thought of the Snowed In- Maybe, for now, he could work there. Like truly work there for a little bit and heal himself with helping people and baking. Why not? He could think about his future later when his past wasn’t blowing up all around him.
Blaine decided to keep his smile as Seb kissed him, the movement small and simple and just what he needed to help make up his mind. He made a note to discuss it with Sebastian later. . He hoped he’d understand and not be disappointed that he wasn’t living up to his fullest potential, at least not yet. He had a feeling Seb would be okay with whatever he needed to do to feel better. And he couldn’t wait to feel better.
A little pang of sorrow shot through him at the mention of children. He’d made peace with the fact that Seb didn’t want them and that he didn’t need them, but hearing Seb say that he’d been so good with Luke that it had made him think about it sort of hurt. He swallowed hard and sighed. “Yeah, I didn’t expect that to eat away at me like it did. I can’t believe that you were coming around to it, but… you’re right. We’ve always chosen. And what they’ve done- it’s shitty and awful, but I get why they're doing it, I know it’s a protection thing just as much as it’s a punishment thing. But, you Seb, you’re all I need and want to be happy. If we get lucky and Tony and Hunter do have children and we get to be a part of that life, wonderful, but if they don’t… I want you to know that I’m going to be okay. We’re going to be okay. We’ll build our lives around us-” He reached out and ruffled Ras’ hair. “And this guy, and that little lady giving us the evil eye.” He motioned to Freya. “And if you ever do feel sad about it, please, please talk to me. Promise me you will? And I’ll do the same.” He leaned in and pressed another kiss to Seb, the motion not as painful as it would have been fifteen minutes ago. Maybe talking to Seb and letting things out was helping his depression and his sickness. Maybe in the next couple of weeks he’d feel better and he’d get to truly live.
“I love you back, so so much. Sometimes I don’t think you’ll ever really know how much.” He bit his lip, thinking about the Oracle and the priestess and the people that were responsible for keeping him alive during his trial. “Speaking of love… Aphrodite. Apparently she has something to do with all of this, with you and I finding each other even though I’m a Witch and you’re a human. I suppose we should be thanking her. I guess I’m going to need to start an Altar for her. I never thought… Well, anyway, I don’t know how to explain it. The Gods tend to stay out of human affairs since whenever they get involved the humans almost always die. I guess you’re an exception.” He shrugged. “I guess I can try to explain in the best way I know how if you have questions about Her. About what's happened. “He bit his lip and looked up at Seb for his reaction.
“For the record, I think you were my soulmate before she ever thought to interfere, I think you and I would find each other on any earth no matter what”.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian patted Blaine’s hand that was clasped in his. “I will. As of right now, I��m okay.” He was sure that there would be certain days where it would suddenly hit them that their lives would always be impacted by the decisions and traditions of the council, where the sadness and loss would be palpable. But, as far as Sebastian knew and understood, that was just life. Their journey may be tinged with magic and secrets but there was some comfort in knowing that this was all sort of normal.
Seb had been wondering about this specific topic. Hunter hadn’t really explained the whole goddess thing because he didn’t know much about it and it seemed that everybody involved was confused. Sure, he had heard the name Aphrodite in books and movies but didn’t know much about her. Seb had had those strange interactions at Friday’s Flower Shop and heard Blaine mention her but it was all still lost on him. He had hit the internet and read her wikipedia page but still didn’t understand or comprehend this specific situation.
“I don’t even know what to say about any of that. I don’t know what to ask or how to understand how gods and goddesses can just….mess with time. That they just exist is just...mind boggling. You can set an altar up here, I don’t mind. What will you put on it? Do I get involved now? It sort of freaks me out. Why me?”
Sebastian liked that thought, that they would find each other. It still brought on a lot of confusing thoughts like, had they met before and would they always meet and fuck, time was confusing.
“Maybe you’re right. It’s so confusing. Thinking about time tires me. Anything else you need to talk about, B?”
Blaine’s POV:
“I’m okay too, Seb.” He paused, thinking that maybe he wasn’t perfect right now- he had just lost so much and he wasn’t sure when he’d get to see his friends or his one living parent left yet, and that killed him a little inside. After losing his mom he didn’t think he could feel much worse, but now his dad had to be kept at arm's length and all Blaine wanted to do was ask him everything. How long had he been helping him? He really did love him all this time? He hoped he’d get the chance even if their meeting were secret. Seems he’d be trading in one secret relationship for another. But, Blaine would make it. He had Seb and he didn’t need anything else to get him through, they’d help each other. “I mean, I will be okay. I promise. We have each other.”
He watched as Seb processed his information and couldn’t help but smile. Blaine himself was a little baffled and it was kind of cute to see Seb wrestle with it all too. “It really is pretty mind boggling. And that’s coming from a Witch.” Blaine’s smile found it’s home back on his face as Seb spoke about letting him set up an Altar there. He usually tried to keep most of his magical tools away from Seb so as not to scare him, this meant that Seb was serious about their lives mingling more and Blaine getting to truly live there.  “Well, you already do get involved. I mean… when we have sex. Which I hope I can participate in more soon, I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’ve loved me perfectly the last couple of months and taken care of me so well, I just want to give back. Hopefully soon, maybe in the next few weeks even…” He cleared his throat and blushed, hoping Seb knew what he meant. “Anyway, sex can be an offering to her, chocolate, red wine, self care like baths. Hearts. I don’t know, think of Valentines’ Day. She loves love and the chaos that comes with it, which makes sense that she moved the pieces of us no matter the damage or consequences.” He smiled, hoping he’d helped.
“So, if you think about it, drop some candy or flowers for her or kiss me an extra time before you leave. You don’t have to, of course, I’m the Witch, I can do that from the both of us.” He smiled up at Seb, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. He of course knew that he’d have struggles and pain and that things were still going to be hard for him, but right now, in this moment he felt whole. 
“I think right now I just want to be with you. I wouldn’t mind dinner and then I wouldn’t mind you taking me to bed and well, you know. I’m still weak, but I love the way you feel above me, I don’t mind giving my body to you. Maybe I can even do a little sex magic. Maybe.” He leaned in and pressed a slow, deep kiss to Seb’s lips, his fingers tightening on Seb’s hand and his body pressing a little closer- the movement less painful than before and leaving him less winded. 
“Or maybe you could take me to bed now and we could just eat later…”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb was relieved that Blaine was smiling so much again. He hadn’t seen this many smiles in succession on his face in a few weeks. It made him smile too, all of his teeth on display. A smile that he used to be quietly self conscious about until Blaine came along.  “We do. It’ll all be okay.”
“Flowers and candy and sex. Got it.”
He paid close attention as his boyfriend spoke of the love goddess. The offerings made sense and he could totally get behind the sexy stuff. Seb’s ears perked up at the thought of Blaine regaining his energy, though he was still satisfied with how things had been going in the bedroom.
Sebastian kissed B back, his hand found itself wound up in his tee shirt. “Sex magic only if you feel up to it,” he mumbled against the other man’s lips. His body responded to the words love how you feel above me and he suddenly wanted to skip dinner, too.
Sebastian stood up from the couch and held his hands out to Blaine, “you always have the best ideas, B. Let’s go to our room.”
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andersoncharm · 4 years
And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 1- Thursday, November 12, 2020
MiniPara: And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 1
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Hunter: @orderofhunter
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Thursday, November 12, 2020- Early morning.
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: Hunter and Tony bring warnings to Blaine and Sebastian. (Mostly between Blaine and Hunter, Sebastian has a small part.)
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine.
Extra Warnings: (This hasn’t been brought up for a bit but, this RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Blaine’s POV:
Sleep hadn’t come to Blaine Wednesday night, it hadn’t come easy to him since Sam had dropped it on him that Kurt, his spiteful ex boyfriend accidentally knew about his forbidden relationship with Sebastian. He’d been tossing and turning only to make himself get out of bed so that he could recheck the boundaries of Sebastian’s apartment building. He’d reinforce all of his protection and deflection spells every single night. He found himself sitting close by and glancing over at Sebastian as he slept, studying the shape angles of his perfect face, more often than sleeping himself and his body was starting to feel it. He was exhausted yet terrified to make a sleeping draught for himself, what he was to wake up only to find that they’d taken Seb from him? It wouldn’t happen that way, he was sure of it. He had to tell himself that the Council and Order didn’t just harm humans, that they’d only tamper with his memory and only after a fair- hopefully fair, trial for the Witch in question. 
Freya and his own father had been basically MIA for the last three weeks and Blaine was trying not to take it as a bad sign, he knew better than that though. When he did see Freya, she came with warnings and Blaine would ignore her, tell her that he’d manage it and they’d all be okay to which she’d disappear all over again and he wouldn’t see her for days. He’d been dismissed from his work with his father and had only seen him twice since Sam had dropped the news on him and each time Will looked murderous and stressed, and if Blaine were honest with himself, a little like he might burst into tears at any second. Ras, even though he was only a companion for humans, could still sense Blaine’s raw energy and he’d stay up with him sometimes, his chin on Blaine’s knee as Seb slept. Blaine would idly stroke the dog's golden fur to comfort himself just as much as Enjolras and whisper how he’d make sure to keep his papa safe for him.
Needless to say Blaine was prepared when he heard the sharp knocking on the door at 4:46 am on Thursday morning. He knew it was Hunter, he knew the man now and  had become his friend and had learned his energy so he could feel Hunter’s annoyance, anger and fear before he even stood up from the bed. He made his way over to the other side to press a kiss against Seb’s temple telling him it was just Hunter and that he should just stay in bed. He’d take care of it. Blaine knew better, Sebastian would come padding down the little hall after him shortly regardless of what he’d said and Blaine actually wanted him to, wanted to keep him close but didn’t want to disturb him. Just behind Hunter’s energy Blaine could feel Tony, her energy feeling just as angry and fearful but with a side of determination that always followed the woman that his mother had given his life for. His friend and sister that he’d accepted without second thought. 
He gave Ras one last pat and made his way to the front door, his bare feet hitting the cold hardwood as he took deep breaths to prepare himself for the news he was sure to come. The fact that Hunter didn’t just use his key was proof of that. This was formal, this was real. And as he opened the door to their faces he wondered if Hunter would take him now, he wondered if he should have kissed Sebastian harder last night, if he should have held him closer and told him he loved him an extra time… He swallowed hard and stepped aside for the two of them, forcing his voice to steady.
“So... they know, don’t they?”
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter had been called in to an emergency meeting with the High Order. His stomach twisted in knots and his hands would have shook if he didn’t have expert control over his nervous ticks. He knew what this was about and he had been dreading this moment for a long time. Hunter rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and drank a Red Bull in two swigs, pulled on his best suit and made sure his blade was tucked away discreetly at his side. Tony was already awake and ready strapped into her tall black boots and braids pulled back high on her head.They barely spoke as a sober cloud followed them to the headquarters. They were in silent agreement that Hunter would volunteer to go retrieve Blaine if he wasn’t selected and Tony would protect Sebastian.
From the moment he crashed into Seb’s place and met Blaine, he knew this was inevitable. He could cry if he hadn’t been trained so well, because he had worked so hard to protect the two of them. Hunter had risked his legacy and his reputation to delay this process for as long as he could. He and Tony had ignored their better judgement so that they could all pretend to exist in their tiny bubble of friendship and love and laughter. To dance until their legs ache and fall into a pile of limbs on Sebastian’s living room floor, to see his best friend finally smile a smile he had never seen, to see Tony and Blaine finally breathe a sigh of relief. 
The meeting went exactly how Hunter had expected. His father had handpicked Hunter for a mission and announced that The Council had requested a witch be brought in in 24 hours. 
“This is a sensitive case. The witch involved is the Son of Headmaster and East Coast High Council leader Willem Anders, under the guise of Anderson now, and there is also...a human.” Hunter’s father made a point of looking into his eyes. His friendship with Sebastian obviously wasn’t a secret, his father knew the Smythes. His mind had finally (a little too late) made the connection that his father had figured out he was in the middle of everything. Why would Sebastian Smythe, Harvard law student and son of Thomas and Sabine be involved in something the very opposite of himself? Hunter could only imagine all of the things his father was thinking. “The human is not to be harmed. We’ll have agents watching his residence.” And Tony will be stealth on the roof for extra protection, he thought to himself. 
Hunter’s father pulled him aside and made sure to let him know how disappointed he was and to threaten him into making sure this expedition went off without any inconveniences. He had begged for more time but wasn’t allowed. “The Council is agitated,Hunter. Their idol being brought in for a trial? Their leader persecuting his own child? One of our family friends involved? I’ve had to pull a lot of strings. Twenty Four hours. Do not fuck this up.” 
Hunter headed over to the apartment by himself and couldn’t help but shew on his fingernails as the radio growled in the background of his busy thoughts. Tony had already taken off, he was sure she’d be there waiting after doing recon of the neighborhood. If the witches were agitated, who knew what meddling could be happening. Obviously the wrong witch had found out about Sebastian. Blaine had been so careful, though. Hunter’s mind was running in circles. His phone had pinged. No hunters or witches. They needed to get in and out.
Hunter stood in the living room and made sure that his breathing was even and his hands were steady. He was about to speak when Seb padded out into the living room. His sleepy features looked confused and then scared.Hunter thought to himself that he had never seen him look like that before. 
“They do.” He kept his eyes on Blaine because he couldn’t stand to see what would happen to his best friend’s face.
“I’m going to go off book here. You have 24 hours, after that I have to officially tell you that you’ve been summoned and bring you in for trial, Blaine. I tried to get more time.”
Blaine’s POV:
It didn’t matter that Blaine had already known this was coming, it didn’t matter that he’d spent almost every waking hour since he’d met Sebastian trying to keep him and their relationship safe or that he’d done his best to ignore the warnings that something was coming from him and just focus on what he needed to do. However, hearing Hunter say those words and seeing his face and Tony’s face was like a gut punch and it took all of Blaine’s dwindling energy not to sway on his feet. He blinked once, his eyes finding Sebastian’s for a moment for strength, and he wanted to go to him. Wanted to hold his hand and wipe the scared look off of his face. His boyfriend looked so small and childlike for a moment. Confusion and fear evading his normally collected features and there wasn’t a single thing Blaine could do right now to take it away. 
He took another steadying breath as Freya sauntered into the apartment and sat down next to Ras, her energy keeping the nervous pup at bay. She looked at Hunter with momentary disdain, like she was going to do something about him taking her person away. She knew better though. Hunter and Tony were friends. They wouldn't hurt him. Hunter was doing Blaine and Sebastian a service by coming to them first. He could have just waited until 4:30 am tomorrow to come and take him in. He nodded once and looked up at the two of them, pulling his eyes away from Freya and Ras.
“I know you did, Hunter. And I am grateful for the both of you. You’ve already done us a solid by telling us as early as you did. Thank you.” He paused, his brain kicking into overdrive. “I- my dad…?”
He didn’t know what he was asking but Hunter’s subtle nod told him all he needed to know.  It suddenly made sense why he hadn’t seen much of his father for a bit. He was being prepared to head a trial. His stomach dropped and if it weren’t for the fact that he knew Sam had been the one to spill it he would have thought maybe it had been his dad. Did his dad hate him now? Of course he’d know that Blaine was with someone he wasn’t supposed to be with, how could he not know? He’d all but said it outloud. Would he try to help him? Would he turn him away and send him the fire for ashes? It all sounded so very dramatic but it was the way of Witches. He took another deep breath and stepped towards the two of them before pulling Tony into a tight hug. She’d been standing strong but her energy was sadness now and Blaine wanted to take it away.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. Yeah?” She nodded at him, but didn’t look convinced as she reluctantly let go. He then reached out and shook Hunter’s hand, another thank you, this one silent and for his last day with Sebastian. He kept his voice low so only Hunter could really hear him. “Sebastian first, okay? Keep him safe first...” The thought of Seb’s memories being stolen from him was too much for Blaine. He let his voice trail off and let his hand drop and moved towards Seb, finally allowing his fingers to link tightly with his soulmates. “I know I shouldn’t be asking the two of  you for anything more… but do you think you could not tell me what’s happening with the trial? The less I know the better. A-and maybe if you could give us until the very last minute tomorrow?” He was trying to keep his shit together. Trying to keep calm for everyone else in the room. “I’ll be ready at 4:30 in the morning, not a minute later. I’ll come willingly, but I understand the need for restraint. Especially if we need to save face.” He swallowed hard, his fingers tightening on Seb’s as he struggled to come to terms with the fact that he might only have one day left with Sebastian. Probably forever. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian’s head was buzzing and he felt like he could throw up. Blaine had warned him about this day. Hunter had chastised them about being careful.They had been in limbo for a few weeks and spending as much time as they possibly could together and yet, it felt too sudden. He held onto Blaine’s hand and squeezed. Sebastian shook his head and mouthed no but of course everybody would be worried about the average, powerless human.
 His eyes welled up with tears and his knees trembled. Seb hated this feeling, hated feeling useless, hated the thought of Blaine being restrained and pulled out of his apartment into an uncertain fate. How was he supposed to not spend the whole night not dwelling on the fact he might lose the love of his life? That his best friend had to be involved in all of this bullshit? 
Seb wrapped an arm around Blaine’s waist and kept him close as Hunter spoke. He gave a weak smile when he touched his shoulder and promised the two of them he’d stay put in the apartment even though it was going to drive him insane.
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter shook  Blaine’s hand and nodded, “Of course, Blaine. We have to do the next part for the show of it. I’m risking a lot being here right now but this is the plan. I’m going to come here at approximately 4:30 am. I’ll be in my official garb and I’ll summon you. I have to restrain you. My dad knows that I know you and to protect as many of us involved as possible, we have to go by the book. That doesn’t mean that we don’t have some...tricks up our sleeves. Tony will start watch tonight and I’m going to do some behind the scenes work.” 
He took a step towards his friends. Sebastian’s eyes were watery and it made him hate the situation that much more. “Blaine, we’re doing everything we can to help you. Bas…” He reached out and gave his friend’s shoulder squeeze, He couldn’t find the words to comfort him. Not because he didn’t want to, he just knew that there weren’t any. Hunter looked the two of them over one more time before stepping away. Fuck, he hoped he could fix this. All he wanted to do was wrap Blaine in a hug and tease him again. 
He cleared his throat and stepped back, he needed to be in business mode. “Sebastian, you’re to stay in this apartment tomorrow. Blaine, make him some droughts to stay calm.” Hunter turned to head towards the door where Tony waited to start her stake out. “4:30 am sharp.” He stepped out into the hallway and exhaled. Tony held on to his hand for a moment before bounding up the stairs. They didn’t need to speak, they both knew what lay ahead and that words were no use at this point. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine wracked his brain for an idea, anything that would help his friends help him and Sebastian. All he had was his fierce and sure knowledge that Sebastian was his soulmate, his red string, meant for him and written in the stars. It didn't matter that the rules said a human couldn’t be that. Just like it hadn’t mattered that he’d be sent to the pyre if it were found out. Blaine knew that other witches had been burned for breaking this rule. But, those witches had been only playing with the human in question, and those humans had gone on to live lives and had been made to forget what the sinister Witch had done to their minds. But, Blaine and Sebastian were different. They were real, this wasn’t make believe. And as he watched Sebastian’s green eyes well up with tears he wanted to curse the gods once again. How cruel were they to do this to them? Let him meet this man that he wanted nothing more than to spend his forever with just to rip him away… It was in that moment that he knew- given the choice between Sebastian and keeping his magic he’d give up every wonder he’d ever known from his craft just to be able to grow old with him. Of course it didn’t work like that, they could drain him almost all the way down, weaken him, or completely snuff him out. But, they could never just take away his magic. It was his gift and his curse.
He could feel it, the swell of rage and magic combining in his body over the absolute unfairness of it all. For the first time since his mother had died he felt dangerous. Like he could do something awful, something truly worthy of getting him sent to ashes. He felt the tingle of darkness in his fingertips and for a split second Blaine wanted to fight, wanted to tell the world to fuck off, to hex the elders and runaway with Seb. But, that would mean Sebastian would have to give up his career, and he was so close. It would mean losing Hunter and Tony and his dad and Sam. It would mean giving up the kind, loving nature he was known for. It would mean throwing away his healing powers. He never thought he might have it in him to hurt someone, but right now, just this second, he felt a tiny semblance of why some Witches went bad. He closed his eyes and focused on Sebastian’s hand in his and his mom’s clear quartz that pressed heavy and lovingly against his chest and took a deep breath. Slowly he felt the rage start to subside, he felt it go from his heart and down his legs and into the floor, leaving him feeling sad yet determined. He’d do the right thing, but he’d make damn sure he went down making sure that they knew they were wrong. That he and Sebastian were the real thing. He only wished he knew a way to prove it.
He looked to Hunter and Tony and gave them a sincere smile, trying to show them how grateful for them he was. It tugged at his heart as he watched Hunter squeeze Seb’s shoulder in goodbye, knowing that the next time he saw him he’d be taking Blaine away from him. He stood there for a moment, Sebastian’s arm around him, heavy and comforting as he listened to the door close and heard the click of Hunter’s key locking the door. Not that it mattered, Blaine would be putting up even more protection charms before the next morning. Charms that only allowed Freya, Hunter and Seb and him into this home. He stood there, letting the built up feelings wash over him for a moment. He now had less than twenty four hours to spend with Sebastian and Ras and Freya, he needed to keep his head level. He turned then and looked up at Seb, his arms wrapping around him tightly and his face pressing into his chest.
“It’s going to be okay…” His words were a murmur and he repeated them twice before pulling back and giving Seb a tired smile. “I’m gonna make breakfast for us, yeah? A big one with twice the bacon and strawberries. Since we’ve got to stay in anyway, might as well go all out” He tiptoed up and pressed a lingering kiss on Seb’s lips before turning away to head into the kitchen making sure to pull Seb along behind him, not daring to be away from him even that much.
...to be continued in part 2 within the next couple of weeks.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Part 2-And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime- November 12 and 13, 2020. (Thursday and Friday)
Para: And it's My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine. 
Blaine: @andersoncharm​
Sebastian: @smythesm​
When: Thursday, November 12, 2020, Friday November 13, 2020
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: With Hunter and Tony's warnings weighing down on them and the clock ticking away their seconds together Sebastian and Blaine struggle to say goodbye as they spend what very well may be their last twenty four hours together. How do you manage just one more day with your soulmate? How do you give one last kiss, one last touch? How do you make love one last time? How do you say goodbye?
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mild smut, mentions of possible main character death, mentions of parental death (Blaine’s Mom), mentions of toxic past relationships, mentions of brief past Klaine. (Under cut for length and content.)
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had thrown his whole heart and a little bit of magic into the breakfast he’d made for the two of them, for all he knew, it was the last time he’d get to make one for Sebastian and as mundane as it seemed, he wanted to make sure it was the perfect meal. He’d made the bacon crispy the way his boyfriend liked it, he’d made pancakes from scratch and piled them high with strawberries and whipped cream and real maple syrup. He’d have squeezed real oranges for the orange juice if he could have left to go get some. He didn’t dare step foot out of the apartment though, didn’t dare magic himself to the store or anywhere else for that matter. What if they decided to take away his remaining hours with Sebastian and he never got to properly say goodbye, never got to tell him how much he loved him or kiss him ever again. What if Sebastian’s last memory of Blaine was him popping out of his living room to go get something as silly as oranges? Plain orange juice sufficed and got the job done.
The whole apartment smelled like coffee and a breakfast that would put any diner to shame. Blaine would have been proud of himself under any other circumstance, but this morning, even though the November sun was shining in a too blue sky through orange and red trees, casting a golden tone throughout the day, even though it looked like a painting outside, the inside of the apartment was anything but sunny. Sebastian was just standing there, leaning against the counter in the kitchen, his mug of steaming coffee clutched in his fingers so tightly Blaine could see the red. His boyfriends eyes were wide and he was staring at the floor with his jaw clenched, completely in his own world and Blaine, for the first time ever, wished that Witches had the ability to truly read minds. What was he thinking? Blaine could feel the terrified energy radiating off of him and it made his heart ache with a bone deep sorrow knowing that it was because of him that Sebastian was feeling this way.
Sebastian, on a normal day when Blaine made food like this, would have stolen about five pieces of bacon and would have three cups of coffee down by now. He’d have pressed little kisses to the back of Blaine’s neck as he cooked and would  have at least pretended to help him cook the rest. Today though, Sebastian seemed to be in a state of shock and Blaine didn’t know what to do to get him out of it. He was standing as close to Blaine as he could, like he too was afraid to move away, but his mind was someplace else. Blaine had kept himself as busy as he could for the last hour since Hunter and Tony had walked out of their home and he was terrified that if he stopped moving or going on as if it were a normal day that he’d completely crack in half. He realized that this whole thing, the giant breakfast, was pretending that tomorrow wasn’t going to change them forever, even if he lived. Pretending that the Council and Order weren’t going to put him through hell, or that they might spare him all because he would tell him they were soulmates. Without proof… where did that leave them? 
He knew he was being silly and stupid by pretending it away and that he should be out trying to do something, anything to stop this… but his fear of being taken away from Seb even one minute before his time was overwhelming. Besides he’d promised Hunter and Tony he’d stay put. He knew Hunter was out trying to figure out a way out of this, and he could still feel Tony somewhere just outside keeping an eye on them. Freya was with her. Both of them were determined and fierce and it was a little overwhelming. He wanted so badly to contact his father, tell him to help him. But a little part of him was so afraid that his dad was in on it, that his dad, who would have to head this trial, was secretly glad to be rid of Blaine. The voice in his head, that sounded like his mom scolded him and told him differently. He just had to hope his dad was on his side.
He plated their food and set them out on the little bistro table in the small dining room before wrapping his fingers around Seb’s wrist and guiding him to eat. Sebastian looked up at him, his expression seeming lost as he sat down. The whole room felt like that- lost, not even Ras was begging for bacon and Ras loved bacon almost as much as he loved his papa. Blaine, trying to keep up his charade, reached for his fork and cut himself a bit of pancake. He loved sweets and this was his favorite part, any other day he’d have consumed most of it by now. He found that he couldn’t even lift the fork to his lips and suddenly his whole act felt stupid and how the fuck was he supposed to do this? How as he supposed to spend the next twenty four hours acting like he might not die tomorrow, like they might not fuck Sebastian’s whole brain up just to erase any trace of him out of it. Sebastian wasn’t a normal human, he was the soulmate of a fucking Witch- That didn’t just happen to humans. Something was special about them and gods what would erasing Blaine out of his memory do to Sebastian? He sat his fork down on the plate, the sound loud as a gunshot in the quiet room. He reached out with his hand and for the first time since Hunter and Tony had left he let himself really touch Sebastian and really feel the confusion, anger and sadness that seemed to be consuming his boyfriend. He wanted to tell him that it would be okay again, but all at once it felt like a lie and he couldn’t bring himself to lie right now.
His voice cracked as he tried to speak and he had to stop, close his mouth and swallow before trying again. What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to do this? His whole world was shattering right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything about it. All he had were these last hours and he was lucky to be getting that at all. He took a deep breath, his eyes wide as he scooted his chair over so that his knees were touching the side of Seb’s leg. He leaned forward and pressed his face into Sebastian’s shoulder, just breathing in his morning scent for a moment, his fingers holding tight to his hand.
“I-I know this isn’t how this was supposed to happen. We were supposed to have more time.” He bit his lip, pulling back so he could look up into Sebastian’s worried green eyes. “But, we have a little bit and I want to spend every second making sure you know just how much I loved- how much I love you. I don’t want to go away tomorrow morning not knowing if I’ll get to see you again and worried that I didn’t make you feel all the love I have to give.” His voice cracked a little on the word give and he swallowed hard, determined not to cry yet. He was afraid he'd never stop. “Tell me what you want to do and I’ll make it happen. Anything you want, baby. You want to yell at me for putting us here, then yell at me… You want to cry? We’ll cry together. We can eat, we can watch movies. We can sleep or touch… Anything. I just want you to remember us.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian didn’t take one sip of the coffee Blaine had poured him and he couldn’t fucking remember the last time he didn’t drink coffee. He didn’t know what to do with his body or his thoughts. His brain was racing with a thousand thoughts and he felt like he might cry if the air hit his face the wrong way which was unlike him. Suffice it to say, the morning wasn’t going great for him. Seb didn’t know how to comfort Blaine so he just stood in the kitchen and stared at the floor as the thought ‘are you wasting your time?’ raced around all of the other thoughts bouncing around his sad, tired head. 
He poked at the fluffy whipped cream piled high on his pancakes and sighed. The food looked and smelled great but his stomach felt like a pit of acid and he was afraid he might throw up if he ate anything. Sebastian set his fork down and stared at the lavish spread on the small table. Suddenly Blaine touched him and his voice broke through his anxious fog. He reached out and laid his hand on his boyfriend’s thigh. An intrusive thought shot through him, what if he never got to do this again? Never got to something as simple as sit next to Blaine? Never to feel his knees pressed into his thigh or his forehead on his shoulder? Sebastian bit into his bottom lip so hard he thought he might draw blood. He had already picked his cuticles bloody and bit his nails to the nub. 
“Blaine. I…” Sebastian shook his head, his voice cracked from not being used much and his eyes were glassy with tears. He hated crying and he hated feeling this way. “I know that I….can’t spend the whole day acting like this but I’m….I’m sad.” He crinkled his face and swallowed the uncomfortable lump in his throat. “I just want to be near you. I…” Sebastian took a deep, wobbly breath and squeezed the other man’s thigh. “I just want you.” He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his plate again. Seb wasn’t sure if his words even made much sense. What was there to do in the span of 24 hours? Plenty of things but there was so much that couldn’t happen at the same time. You couldn’t move into a house together or celebrate your new job that you hadn’t gotten yet or travel to Paris again or celebrate all of the holidays and birthdays that might be missed. Hunter and Blaine had told him that his memories could be erased. There wasn’t enough time to relive every moment with Blaine he held dear. They couldn’t stand in an arcade parking lot laughing over a little plastic Eiffel tower or dash through the snow in a horse drawn carriage or fuck in an attic under starlight or get tangled up in Ras’s leash. No fancy French dinner dates or enchanted pomegranates or Wonder Woman themed gifts. All Sebastian could do was make the most out of a day that felt like it was suffocating him. 
 “I don’t want to waste the food but I can’t eat right now. Maybe we could lay down together?” He stood up from the table and held his hand out.
Blaine’s POV:
A jolt of actual pain shot through Blaine’ body as Sebastian’s voice cracked, Blaine could feel it in his bones just as pain as if he’d been slapped across the face. He hated this, hated that he couldn’t fix it. Hated that he’d been born a Witch and that loving Sebastian made him wrong. He’d never hated being a Witch, always loved that he’d gotten such a powerful gift of healing from his mother, and gifts of charms from his father. But, especially his mother’s gifts. He’d always loved knowing he could heal someone's broken heart with a song as they passed by him on the streets, even if the relief only lasted an hour, it always made him feel good knowing he got to make the world a little brighter. But, the archaic laws against Witches and humans being together made him loathe his gifts. It wasn’t as if Blaine was some awful Witch playing with a human's mind, no, he and Sebastian were Fated. That meant something in the Witch community. He could already hear the Councils arguments against how it wasn’t possible.... If only they could just meet Sebastian, if only they could see how much they loved each other. He knew they’d never allow him into their world though. Blaine would have to think of something else. He knew his word wasn’t enough. He knew he’d try anyway.
He swallowed hard as he listened to his boyfriend struggle though his words, each one of them adding another weight to his already heavy heart. The soft and broken way Sebastian said the word sad almost did Blaine in and he found himself clenching his teeth at the unfairness of it all again. He wanted to curse the gods because at the end of the day it was their fault. Was it all just some cruel joke? Find the loneliest Witch and Fate him to someone he’s not allowed to have. Watch him burn? Giggle as the human struggles to grasp a life without his love? And once again Blaine found he’d trade his magic for just one lifetime of freedom with Seb. 
He watched Sebastian and his thoughts seemed to be going a mile a minute. His smooth face scrunched and wrinkled with each new thought that crossed him and Blaine couldn’t take it anymore so he reached out and cupped his hands against Sebastian’s face gently, holding him there so that Seb could see him, so Seb would know that Blaine was here. That he had him and that he’d stay by his side until Hunter took him away. 
“You have me, I’m right here, Seb. I won’t leave your side until they make me…” He trailed off his eyes following Sebastian’s as he looked at the meal. “I can always warm it up later if you’re hungry, we’ll just leave it.” He stood and handed Ras a few pieces of the bacon, the pup looked worried as he reluctantly took the meat from Blaine’s fingers. His brown eyes were large and his energy buzzing anxiety. Normally Ras would have barked with joy at the prospect of three whole pieces of  bacon, now he looked like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to be happy. Blaine gave the gorgeous pup a pat on the head, murmuring to him that it was okay and they’d see him in a little bit before letting Seb lead him back into the bedroom. 
Blaine crawled into the bed next to Sebastian and pulled the covers over them, he pulled the other man to him, his arm tightly over his waist,  their eyes meeting in the weak morning glow. The two of them were still in their pajamas, Hunter had only left a little bit ago and the digital clock next to the bed read 6:23 am. Blaine only twenty two hours left with Sebastian. His stomach dropped at the thought and suddenly he was pissed that he’d spent an hour cooking when he could have just been here, holding Sebastian against him like this. And even has the thought hit him, he knew that it didn’t matter what they did, he would always think it wasn’t good enough. People shouldn’t have to live like this, time shouldn’t be measured like this. They should just be living. Sebastian should be preparing to go out into the workforce, Blaine should be finding his own way in life whether it be at LeFay or on his own helping people in other ways. They should be talking about moving in with each other, maybe getting a house and maybe getting married one day. Maybe Sebastian might even change his mind about children and maybe they'd have one running around calling Seb papa and reaching for them with sticky hands and chasing Ras and Freya around until they fell asleep tangled in Ras’ fur. If only Blaine had been born human. If only Seb had been born a Witch…
He bit his lip and reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from Sebastian’s cheek. “Do you remember the night we met? We had a connection even then, didn’t we?” He licked his lips, his voice a little unsteady even though he tried his hardest to keep it strong. “I knew as soon as I touched your face that I was ruined and that you’d be the reason I smiled for the rest of my life.” He swallowed hard, his throat hurting with the sensation of tears that he refused to let fall, he wanted to be strong for Seb, Seb who was crying already and needed Blaine to be the one that didn’t for once. “Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you? Way too soon and I was so afraid that even with our connection that you’d get scared and run away.” He let out a little laugh at the memory. “You didn’t though. You looked at me with your big green eyes and said you needed time… but you didn’t need time because you knew and you told me not even five minutes later.” He took a deep breath and shook his head.
“We completed each other from the moment we met and that’s why I have to keep being hopeful that I can find a way to show them that we’re not just a couple. I have to have hope that I’ll figure out a way to show them that you’re my Fate and that I’m yours and that by taking me away from you it’s hurting you and we don’t hurt humans.” He licked his lips again, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he gathered Sebastian into his arms even tighter. “And if I-I can’t convince them and I do have to leave you… I want you to know that it was all worth it for me. I’d face a thousand witch fires just to know that I got to be with you. That I got to be loved by you for a little bit. You have been my greatest happiness and my best song, Sebastian. The grandest magic I’ve ever done and I’d go through this whole trial again just to have your company.” He blinked away a few unshed tears, angry with himself as they dripped hot and fast down his face, he tried his best to ignore them. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wrapped his arms around Blaine’s hips under the covers. He could feel the other man’s hands on his own waist, their arms brush against each other. The covers were warm and heavy on his exhausted body and sleepiness tugged at his eyelids but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep with the constant barrage of negative thoughts. “We always had a connection,” Seb’s voice was raspy and low. “There’s gotta be a way, right? There has to be something, right?”
He pressed a finger to Blaine’s lips. Sebastian nodded and brushed a few tears away from the other man’s cheeks. He knew how Blaine felt and he agreed but, he couldn’t bring himself to speak like things were final. His mind was already filled with dreadful situations and it felt like tears were stuck on the ridges of his eyes all morning. Sebastian lay with Blaine quietly for a few moments and just listened to him breathe, pressed his ear to his chest to count his heartbeats. “You know that I feel the same way, right? I don’t do magic, obviously but, you’ve been my most exciting accomplishment. You’re the best person I know. I love you.” He was thankful that his face was towards the blankets on Blaine’s chest as a few tears fell slowly. Why was crying so fucking exhausting? Everything inside of Sebastian felt spent. 
“I’m so fucking tired but, I don’t know if I can sleep. Is it selfish to want sleep? Would it be wasting all of our time? I don’t know what to do.”  Sebastian lifted his head and watched his boyfriend’s face. He always loved laying next to the other man in bed. He never thought he would be into cuddling or pillow talk but he loved it with Blaine. Loved sleeping next to him, being cuddled, even enjoyed just laying there talking late at night when they had too much wine and couldn’t stop joking around. He would miss it, couldn’t think of experiencing any of it with anybody else. Nobody would be able to hold him the same way or make him laugh or think like Blaine would. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine knew that Sebastian hated hearing him talk about his death, his finger against his lips a reminder that any time he tried to say goodbye or prepare him that Seb would hush it. But it was right here and there was a very real chance that Blaine not get to come back. He wondered for a moment as he let his fingers stroke through the soft hair at the base of Seb’s neck, if he’d walk the streets on Samhain trying to find a way to get a message to his love. What would Sebastian’s life be like without him in it? Would he wander around thinking something was missing from his life and spend the rest of his days trying to figure out what it was? Would he live? Would his broken red string of fate allow him to exist without Blaine? Blaine mostly wanted him to get to live a life, a happy one. But, the selfish part, the part that knew they only belonged to each other knew that it probably wasn’t possible for Sebastian without him. And it made him ache even more to find a way to survive this. To get back to his person.
“I know you do, Seb. I know how hard it is for you to voice things like that too and hearing you say them now is bittersweet. I love getting glimpses of this side of you, but the fact that you’re so freely offering your feelings to me means that you’re scared and I don’t want you to be scared, it hurts and I’d give anything to make you feel good again.” He bit his lip and could feel the hot, damp sensation of tears falling through his shirt and onto his chest where Sebastian was lying his head on his heart. And again he wanted to fucking hex the gods. And that ugly part that lived in all Witches when they felt threatened felt so close to the surface. But Sebastian was in his arms and he was real and he loved Blaine exactly the way he was and Blaine never wanted to do anything to change that opinion. So he reeled it in and pressed a kiss to the top of Seb’s head and moved their bodies so that Sebastian’s back was pressed against his front and Blaine’s lips were pressed against the back of his neck. 
“I love you back, I always will.” He pressed a soft kiss to one of Sebastian's star dusted freckles and then did it again and it was like catching his own star with his lips. “No, it’s not a waste of our time. We’re together and that’s what matters. I think it’s actually a good idea, we can hold each other and be close and maybe when we wake up, we’ll feel a little better and you won’t be in so much shock.” He gathered Sebastian closer, holding his boyfriend as tightly as he could comfortably, his lips close to his ear so he could hear his question. “With your permission I could make sure you get some decent sleep and promise you no nightmares. Yeah?” He pressed another kiss to the shell of Seb’s ear and after a moment of hesitation he could hear Sebastian’s sleepy, raspy voice say the word yes. And as Seb snuggled deeper into his arms, his hands clutching at Blaine’s, he was overcome with how much this meant that Seb trusted him. Blaine had only done this twice for Seb, once without permission on their first night together and since then he’d been afraid to break Seb’s trust. It almost felt like a call back to that night two and a half years ago as Blaine closed his eyes and hummed a soft nameless tune into Seb’s ear, only this time Blaine was holding him close and fighting like hell to stay with him instead of trying to leave him.
Peaceful, healing and calming magic flowed from Blaine’s lips into Seb’s mind with each new note and within minutes Sebastian’s breathing was steady and his chest was rising and falling in rhythm to Blaine’s song and Blaine could feel the pull working on himself. It wasn’t until he heard Ras’ tentative steps into the room and then felt his slow climb into the bed before the pup finally curled into the two of them at the foot of the bed that Blaine let himself fall asleep with his two favorite boys. All that was missing was Freya and she was out there with Tony, keeping them safe.
Blaine woke slowly, his mind moving before his body and while he hadn't forgotten what was happening, he still felt a little better. More relaxed and like he might properly be able to somewhat… enjoy his time left with Seb. His heart still ached and he was still terrified, but Seb was so comforting in his arms and in his dreams they'd grown old together. 
The digital clock on the bedside table read 11:56 am and too many hours had gone by, but Blaine had gotten to hold Sebastian and press him close for those hours and what else could he ask for? He nuzzled his nose into Seb’s neck, kissing the spot and then pressed a kiss to his ear and then his cheek, trying to slowly wake him up. They had a little over sixteen hours left and wanted to make up for things they may not be able to do. All at once he wanted to celebrate everything. Holidays, birthdays, the whole works...
“Wake up, baby.” He mumbled, his hand moving to turn Seb’s face gently towards him so that he could finally press a kiss to his lips, the first one of the day. “We should go have that breakfast, I can redo it so fast and it’ll taste just as good, and then we should pull out the Christmas stuff and decorate. You know how much Ras likes Christmas.” The dog stirred and yipped as if he knew the words. He did indeed like Christmas but that was mostly because of the snow and the free hambones he got. Perhaps Blaine could magic him one, just this once. He let himself smile, just a small one, hoping it would rub off on his sleepy, impossibly sad boyfriend. “What do you say, Seb- Christmas in November? I could even make us your favorite lemon cookies.”
Sebastian’s POV:
“Yeah,” Sebastian rarely let Blaine use his magic on him. He didn’t want to become dependent on it. He figured that if any time was good for magic, it was now. Seb pressed into Blaine and took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His boyfriend began to gently hum and the sound was soothing and warm. It wasn’t just the sound of his voice, though. Seb felt like he had drank chamomile tea or ate a big bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Warmth spread over his body as Blaine’s notes drifted over him and suddenly he couldn’t remember anything as he was sleeping deeply and soundly. 
He didn’t dream once. It was just peaceful, undisturbed sleep. Seb hadn’t even noticed Enjolras’s heavy body on his feet (which miraculously were not asleep.) When Blaine woke him, Sebastian didn’t feel groggy or sluggish. Sebastian softly kissed Blaine back and see stretched his back. “I needed that rest. Thank you.” 
The thought of food finally felt okay to him. He knew that he should eat and be alert for the rest of the day. It wasn’t going to do the other man any favors to be sad all day. Sebastian swung his feet over the side of the bed and his feet touched the cold hardwood floor. “That sounds good, B. I could eat.” 
He wasn’t great at decorating or even that interested in it normally but, he always indulged Blaine in decking out the apartment and he was right, Ras always seemed to love to bask underneath the tree and even wore a Santa hat for pictures (sometimes.) It would be a good distraction and would fill up some of the empty hours that lay ahead of them. “You know I’d never say no to lemon cookies. Sure, let’s do it. Coffee first and for real this time.” Seb forced himself to smile and stood up as the dog excitedly leaped from the bed. I’ll miss their relationship. B is so good with Ras. He scratched his head as if to get rid of the intrusive thought and then cleared his throat before the tears returned. He needed to hang onto the thought of watching Blaine work his literal magic on the decorations as the golden pup leaped around the living room. 
Sebastian and Blaine sat at the dining room table and ate a little bit and finally drank their coffee. The food tasted fresh and they talked about the decorations and what movie to play in the background as they dug into the bright red tote Blaine kept the Christmas stuff in. Ras got some more bacon and the two of them decided on a gold and white theme with splashes of red winter berries. “Sounds Classy. My mother will be jealous. You think the council will let me keep the tree up?” The words were out of his mouth with his scathing tone before he could stop himself. “ I’m...sorry. I shouldn’t...that wasn’t cool.” Seb blinked and his cheeks felt red (a rarity.) 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine could tell that Sebastian’s smiles were still just a little too forced, and it felt like he was holding something back, like he was refusing to grasp everything as it was, and maybe that was his way of coping with everything. He was happy to see that Sebastian seemed to enjoy his food that Blaine had magicked back into freshness. He realized he’d been doing more magic today around the other man than he normally did in a month, but what did he have to lose at this point? Blaine had quickly and efficiently made the meltaways that Seb loved so well up and had set them out to cool as Sebastian drank his third cup of coffee and pawed through the Christmas boxes. It made him smile that Seb was willing to go this far for him. The decorating was mostly for distraction, but Blaine wanted Sebastian to have something of his to look at while he was gone, something they had worked on together. 
As they hung each ornament and Blaine made sure each little magical touch he put on the glistening, lit tree- a glimmer there, a twinkle here, magical berries all around- he couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow. He’d never gotten to go to Paris properly with Sebastian. Never gotten to walk the snowy streets of Paris with his person, never got to shop with Sabine, never got the chance to meet his grand-mère or prove to the stern woman that he was good enough for her grandson. The thought bothered him more than he wanted to admit. All he had was the memory of a squeaky bed and the breathtaking view from the top of a darkened Eiffel Tower at three am while Seb clung tightly to him. It was an incredible memory, but he’d have liked to have experienced the country proper. He took a deep breath and tweaked a few of the branches to appear to glow in certain angles, almost missing the snark coming from Sebastian. He turned to look at his boyfriend and couldn’t help but wonder the same damn thing.
“You don’t need to be sorry, Seb. You might just be in the angry phase of your… grief. I get it, I’ve been there a bit myself in my head.” He sighed and stepped away from the tree and moved around the pile of fluff that was Ras so he could join Seb on the couch. He sat close to him, one of his hands reaching out to link their fingers together. “I… I think that if I get sent away or I, um- die and they take your memory that the tree will stay but my magic will just fade.” He forced himself to look up at Seb, his eyes meeting his as he spoke, unsure and sad. “Or you’ll just forget that it existed at all. My face will fade from photos, and all the magical things I’ve done around here will as well. Your mom and the rest of your family will forget me and Ras might too. Though he’s a companion and our connection is a little different than humans, so maybe he won't? I don’t know… But, things that I’ve done that don’t involve me direction or my magic will stay.” He tried to make himself smile, but he really wanted to fucking sob. The thought of Ras and Sabine and little Luke forgetting about him was hard enough, but now it was just hitting him that he would just fade from every photo Seb had of the two of them.
“The photos I’ve taken of you and of Ras will stay, you just won’t know who took them.” He looked up at the photo of Seb and Ras Blaine had taken hanging on the wall. “My scent might linger? Um, the things I’ve gotten you that have nothing to do with magic will probably stay, well, maybe, I don’t know. I think so though because they’d have no way of knowing I bought it, especially if it’s just some silly thing- Like our Eiffel Tower. A mundane thing to others, but important to us.” 
He abruptly let out a mirthless laugh, much louder than intended and blinked back an onslaught of tears and angry emotion. “This… I am so scared that it will make you lose your mind, Seb. Because we are Fated and this has never happened before. I wish that I’d just disappear completely to make it easier on you. That everything I’ve ever bought or gave you would just go away… I know that sounds harsh, but I’m so scared of what this will do to your head.” Blaine bit into his bottom lip, his fingers tightening on Sebastian’s as if the tighter he held them, the better he’d feel. 
“But, I stand by what I said before… I’m going to find a way back, okay? There’s got to be a way, there’s gotta be something. You’re my Fate and in my world that means something. I have to make them see that  so I can come back to you. And then we’ll laugh about how dramatic we’re being right now. How ridiculously silly…” he realized with a pang that he’d been preparing Seb for a life without him by telling him all of the things he’d be missing from and his free hand went to his heart where he pressed it hard, as if that would still the pain. It didn’t: He forced himself to smile. Wanting to tell Seb it’d be okay, but unable to get the words out.
“Come here... enough of this.” He moved forward and in one motion he was straddling Seb’s lap for closeness, his hands cupping his boyfriends face gently before tilting his head back so he could look down at him for once. “I’ve  just realized that I haven’t kissed you properly today. Let me fix that.” His breath hitched as his lips connected with Seb’s, and he kissed him slow and deep, like he’d never get to do it again. And then Blaine was breathing him in like Seb was air. Like he’d suffocate without him. His fingers slipped upwards to tangle into his hair, his tongue sliding in between Seb’s teeth and exploring as if Sebastian was the sweetest taste it had ever known. 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian swallowed the lump he suddenly had in his throat and stared at the floor. He took a shuddery breath and squinted hard, trying to keep more tears from falling. Seb let Blaine hold his hand and tried to listen to him speak. He hated the words that were filling the air, they all felt so negative and heavy. There were so many things he probably needed to say but couldn’t figure out how to place them. “This fucking sucks. I don’t like how any of that sounds.” 
He squeezed the other man’s hand back when he felt him tighten his grip. Sebastian wiped the tears on his cheeks away with his free hand. He felt angry with himself for crying. Blaine was the one that was going to get dragged away and might not come back and Seb couldn’t fucking hold it together for an hour without being magically put to sleep? “I need you to come back, B.” 
Seb held on to Blaine’s hips and immediately felt comforted by his weight. “Please.” He tipped his head up towards Blaine and kissed him. Sebastian slipped his hands under his boyfriend’s shirt and reveled in how warm his skin felt.  To be honest, this is exactly how he would love to spend his limited time with Blaine. They had always been an intimate couple, always knew what made the other feel good and had so much unspoken  trust in one another. Sebastian struggled with speaking about the more touchy feely things on his mind but Blaine didn’t need to hear it all. All they needed to do was kiss or touch and the other knew what the other seemed to be thinking. Sebastian nipped at Blaine’s bottom lip and ran his hands up and down his muscular back as if to memorize every tendon and movement. He moved one hand to grip the other man’s thigh. He wrapped his other arm around Blaine’s back and moved so that he was pressed into the couch. Sebastian had Blaine underneath him now, he stopped and watched his face for a moment before he leaned forward to kiss him deeply again. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed hard, Sebastian’s plea for him to come back felt like a punch to the gut and he’d give anything in the world to promise him that he would with one hundred percent certainty. He knew he couldn’t do that but he knew that he had to try and make it happen, he’d exhausted all of his promises to find a way, and now he just knew he had to do it. He tangled his fingers deeper into Sebastian’s hair and kissed him so hard he could barely breath from it. He wanted it though, wanted that closeness and the feeling of their bodies pressed together. He knew Sebastian struggled with words, knew that his much more private boyfriend was much better at showing his love through kisses and sighs and tangled, naked limbs, than with words and it had taken Blaine no time at all to learn his language. They conversed together beautifully and effortlessly.
Blaine leaned into the touches, his back arching into Seb’s fingertips, craving the feeling of them against his skin. His eyes opened in surprised when Sebastian pressed him against the couch cushions and all at once his tough façade flew out the window. He suddenly just needed Sebastian to guide him, show him that it would be okay- at least for a little while. Blaine had spent the last several hours trying his hardest to make Seb feel better, to make sure he was comfortable and safe that he’d forgotten that it was him that might die. He wasn’t sure he was afraid of dying so much as afraid of missing Sebastian in his afterlife. What kind of afterlife would he have without him? He was still terrified of what was to come and Sebastian’s weight on him, his lips on his skin… it was what he needed. His breath hitched again and he clung even tighter to his boyfriends body and he felt safe and at home in his arms. A part of him wanted to just sob and fall apart against his shoulder but he also wanted to Sebastian to take him into the bedroom and fuck him until he forgot about his emending judgement for a bit and he could fall apart in a completely different way.
Blaine could feel Seb against the thin layers of their pajamas, and he knew that he wanted the same thing. He pulled back, his head hitting the arm of the sofa a little harder than he intended. He let out a little laugh so he wouldn’t cry from his emotions being turned up far to high. He reached out and cupped Seb’s face, his fingers tracing down the rest at his neck, his thumb pressing just so at his pulse point.
“I want you to take me to bed…” His words trailed off as the overwhelming urge to cry struck him again, wondering if this would be the last time he got to say that. Would tonight be the last time they got to touch each other? Be inside one another? Would it be the last night he got to hear Seb whisper his name while he squirmed under Blaine? Or would it be the last time Blaine was surprised by how much he enjoyed the rare occasions Seb took the control from him? His breath hitched again and Blaine realized each time it hitched he was a step closer to crying and not stopping. He looked up into Seb’s eyes, feeling vulnerable as he spoke. 
“Please… I need you.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sighed and pressed into Blaine when he felt his fingers on his neck. Even when Seb’s concern was to make Blaine feel good, the other man still did things to turn him on and ensure his pleasure. He had never had a love like B, and would never have one again. 
Seb wanted to make Blaine feel good and taken care of and if he couldn’t speak it, he’d make him feel it. He could see the tears sitting on the rims of the other man’s eyes. Seb knew that there would be tears all night and he was avoiding the unavoidable but he just couldn’t waste his precious time.He leaned forward and gave him another languid kiss before he took his hands and led him to the bedroom. 
He closed the door behind them and slipped his hands under Blaine’s shirt, let his hand rest on his heart for a moment before he lifted his shirt over his head. Seb dropped the shirt on the floor and suddenly they were both tugging at each other’s remaining clothing and Blaine was pressed to the bed. He kissed Blaine everywhere, traced every vein, touched every muscle, tasted every mark and freckle. Sebastian pressed his hips between Blaine’s legs and kissed him so hard and long he didn’t know how much time had passed. He pressed his hand to Blaine’s and wordlessly asked for his magic to coat his fingers. Sebastian leaned in close and whispered “Touch me, too.” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself be led into the bedroom, his hands holding too tightly so Sebastian’s as if he’d disappear if he let go. He wanted to cling to him until his arms hurt and he couldn’t hold on anymore. His fingers pulled and yanked at Seb’s clothing, unhappy until they were all discarded in a heap on the floor and as Seb pressed him to the bed, Blaine could feel his emotions rising, a mix of desire and sorrow and it was an intoxicating mix, he felt like he might explode or collapse. But, looking up into Seb’s eyes, the early evening sun slanting across his face and making him look even more faelike, Blaine knew that if he had to collapse there was no better place than in Seb’s arms as he pressed kisses to his skin, and touched parts of his exposed body expertly. He could hold on a little bit longer.
He wasn’t sure how long Sebastian explored his body, how long he kissed Blaine- so hard his lips would be swollen hours later, but by the time Sebastian stilled and reached out for Blaine’s hand, ready to sick his fingers with Blaine’s magic, the sun was almost gone and Blaine’s body was pleasantly sore with Seb’s fingertips and kisses. He licked his lips and reached out to share his magic with Sebastian, and his cock throbbed as Seb’s magic coated fingers teased just a little at his entrance, his boyfriends touches and kisses had been so soaked with want and Blaine could hardly stand waiting. But, this was all part of their language. The movement, the wait, the build up… The slickness of his magic on Seb’s fingers, pressed against him, he loved it when Seb did this. Someone who had shown real fear of Blaine’s gift was now able to willingly ask him to share it so they could be intimate without boundaries. 
He let his legs fall open further at Seb’s words, the sound of them so close and breathy in his hear, and he wanted nothing more than to pull Sebastian into him all too quickly, but also wanting to feel his fingers, and then wanting to feel that initial slow burn and hiss as his boyfriend sank into him. He reached out, his fingers still slick and wrapped them around Seb’s cock. Working his fingers around and over him to get them both ready. With his free hand he took hold of Seb’s lightly teasing fingers and pressed them towards him, wanting them inside of him so badly he thought he might weep. He felt raw and exposed and desperate.
“Please, please touch me.” His breath hitched again, and he pressed his hips up towards Sebastian, needing him to take care of him. To hold him as he fell apart.  “Fuck me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian let Blaine guide his slick fingers. He pressed two inside of him and watched the other man’s face. He liked what he saw, though he didn’t get this view very often. Blaine was squirming and panting and ready. Sebastian wasn’t in the mood to tease, he just wanted to be as close as possible. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock and pressed inside of the other man slowly. Sebastian stilled his hips though instinctually he wanted to keep moving. He wanted to give Blaine a moment. Seb ran his palm down the other man’s thigh to comfort him and ask for permission before he began to move. 
He leaned forward and slipped an arm behind Blaine’s neck to support him and bring them that much closer. Sebastian moved his hips again and again and the two of them were completely in sync. Thankfully he was too wrapped up in the feeling of Blaine’s body and the sound of his moans in his ear to think any of the sad thoughts that had infiltrated his mind all day long. All Sebastian wanted to do was make Blaine feel good, wanted, satisfied, and loved. He pressed his mouth to Blaine’s and kissed him hard, licked his bottom lip and then  kissed him again deeply. Sebastian could feel the stubble of Blaine’s five o’clock shadow scratch against his skin, could feel the other man’s thighs shake as they pressed into his hips. 
Sebastian took a deep breath and snapped his hips into the other man, he pressed his lips to his jaw, his lips, his neck and whispered every compliment and adoring word he could think of into his warm skin. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself get lost in the feeling of Sebastian inside of him, the first sting, the slow and steady drag, the speed up-  as the other man pressed into him over and over sending him into a swell of pleasure taking away the dull pain he’d been feeling all day long for a little bit. His fingers scraped at the back of Seb’s neck as he let the other man kiss him so thoroughly and with a sweetness that was backed by a real and primal desire. Each thrust caused his toes to curl a little more and his legs to shake a little harder and it had been so long since he let himself be this open, normally he was in control and he loved it, loved the way Seb looked and felt under and around him, they always moved so perfectly together, this was no exception. He needed it, needed Seb’s strong arms around him, needed him to help him forget. He needed the desperate kisses and the low moans and the repeated I love you, I love you, I love you hummed over and over in his ear like the most beautiful song he’s ever heard. 
And all at once and too fast, or maybe they had been just like this for hours, moving together, kissing and loving each other so thoroughly-, he was coming hard and fast, his voice echoing his waves of pleasure as he rode them out. His legs squeezing around his boyfriend, trying to draw him in, encouraging him to keep going, not to let up just because he was sated, hoping to let his last just a little longer. His words a little whine in the back of his throat.
“K-keep going, baby.”
He held Seb close as he kept going, and he loved the sensation of feeling like jelly and still getting little thrums of pleasure throughout his body as Seb pressed into him.  The only thing between him was his crystal, sliding up a bit with each thrust. He clung so tightly, afraid that if he let go his pain would slam back into him and he’d burst into tears. He didn’t want that, he wanted to feel this moment , wanted to wrap it up and save it for later- like he wanted to do with so many memories with Sebastian. At the thought he might not be able to do that, the sorrow started to climb back up and he could feel the hitch in his chest anyway and he pulled Seb closer and buried his face into his neck, pressing tearful kisses and whispering the echoing words back.
“Gods, I love you…” 
Sebastian’s POV:
It didn’t take Sebastian very long to follow after Blaine. Blaine’s arms were tight around him, his fingers in his hair, his lips on his neck. He lay there for a moment so that he could catch his breath and he could feel the energy shift. Blaine’s whisper felt thick, like his throat was tight. Seb leaned up on his elbows to look down at Blaine and noticed the tears on his cheeks. “B…” Sebastian moved his body so that he was now laying next to the other man. “I love you back.” He pulled him close so that his forehead was against his chest. He rubbed his back and tucked his chin into his hair. Sebastian sighed and suddenly felt like he might cry, too. The whole day had been an emotional roller coaster and exhausting and it finally had caught on to him. His hands trembled as they tried to comfort the other man and suddenly he had tears falling, too. 
Sebastian wasn’t sure what triggered them. Maybe it was Blaine’s own teary eyes or the fact that he had been delaying  truly, freely sobbing all day. It was bound to catch up to him and he felt like he was having a panic attack and wished he had taken his medicine for once. His chest heaved and his skin felt like it was on fire and he knew if he spoke that his voice would embarrass him and would sound like a stranger. Sebastian hated this feeling, hated crying because it threw him into a vicious panicky spiral. Crying, really crying, made him panic which made him embarrassed and cry harder and made his breathing heavy and it was just best to avoid the whole mess altogether. Now here he was, naked and sobbing and he couldn’t pinpoint what had caused the reaction. 
“B….B, you gotta come back.”  He hated how thick his voice sounded, how he could feel phlegm in the back of his throat and the urge to throw up suddenly swam around in the back of his head. 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine hadn’t meant to trigger Sebastian into tears as well, he hadn’t meant to make him cry the hardest Blaine had ever seen him cry before and the fact made his tears flow harder and faster and it made him cling to Seb tighter. Seb had been doing such a good job at comforting Blaine, the back rub, the kisses and sweet words and now Blaine could feel the panic just coming off of Seb in waves and Blaine was so so sorry for it. The desperate words of his nickname and the soft way he begged him to come back hit him right in the chest. They held onto each other for a long while, sniffles and low sobs permeating the air around them, at one point Ras came into the room, waiting to comfort his parents, but Blaine had to send him away with a little nudge of magic. He’d make it up to him. Or at least he hoped he’d get the chance. 
Finally, after who knew how many minutes Blaine felt like he might have cried himself out, he pulled back just slightly and Seb instinctively pulled him back towards him and his desperation broke Blaine's heart into a million little pieces. He swallowed hard, a new wave of tears he thought had dried threatened to steal him away into a dark place but he couldn’t let it. Not yet. He needed to be strong. He pulled Seb back to his chest and hummed a soft tune into his ear, not one for sleep this time, but one for calm. He wished he had an instrument with him, his calming magic always worked the best with one, but this would have to work. He stroked Seb’s hair and whispered that he’d come back to him, knowing that he shouldn’t do that but also unable to tolerate the heartbreak in his soulmate's voice again. He didn’t want to overwhelm Seb with his magic, so as soon as he felt the other man lighten up just a bit he stopped his magic flow. 
“Hey…” He mumbled, his lips finding Seb’s to place a gentle kiss against his kiss and cry swollen lips. “I’ve got you…” He took a deep breath, and braved a look at the clock on the bedside table and his heart jumped upon seeing that it was already 11:02 pm. They had less than six hours left. Their passion had lasted much longer than it felt and the thought threatened to send him reeling again as the two of them were so effortless… He licked his lips,  and sat up a bit, his hands slipping reluctantly from around Seb’s body to hover by his own neck, nervous over what he was about to do. He’d never, in over eight years, done this before. Without thinking too hard about it, he pulled the string with the crystal his mother had given him all those years ago over his head and placed it securely around Sebastian's neck. He instantly felt naked even though he was already completely bare. His fingers pressed the shiny clear quartz against Seb’s heart and shook his head when Seb started to protest.
“I want you to have this.” He nodded, his hand still pressing the crystal to Seb’s heart. “I know that when- if something happens to me that all of me will be taken away from you so I have no way of protecting you. But, the magic that’s in this crystal is my moms it’s been there since before she died, and she died with honor so it won’t disappear…  and it’s done a good job of keeping me safe, so I think it’ll do that same for you.” His breath hitched again as he took in the visual of Seb wearing his crystal. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to make himself walk out of that door in five in a half hours…
“Please, don’t take it off. I’ll go to trial better knowing you’re holding on to this for me. Knowing that my mom is keeping you safe for me.” He pressed his face into Seb’s chest, his words muffled. “Please, Seb... And when I come home you can give it back to me, yeah?” He pulled his face back, and gave Seb a smile despite the tears caught in his lashes. “She’d have been happy to keep you safe for me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian shook his head and even tried to lean away as Blaine put the necklace over his head. “Baby, I…” It wasn’t that he didn’t like the crystal, he just knew how much it meant to the other. He fidgeted with the cool crystal and smoothed the cord around his neck as Blaine spoke. How many times had this very crystal dragged across his own chest in the heat of the moment? How many times had he watched his boyfriend play with it absentmindedly while reading or watching something? Now it was sitting against his skin and he swore he could already feel a positive thrum vibrate gently against him. Sebastian ran free hand over Blaine’s shoulder and leaned forward for a kiss. Seb took a deep breath and nodded, “I won’t take it off. I’ll wear it for as long as you need me to. I don’t know if I deserve her protection but, I’ll take it.” 
The clock refused to stop ticking and Sebastian decided that time was his one true enemy. He felt like anytime he lifted his head from the pillow or took a breath in between a kiss or a touch, too much time had passed. The two of them spent the next few hours in bed, kissing and touching and tasting and whispering. Blaine pressed Sebastian into the mattress and made him forget about the cruel pull of time for a little while and they held each other as they shivered in the afterglow. 
They took a long, hot shower together until the water ran cold. They let themselves get distracted by each other’s bodies, washed each other’s hair and stood under the water wrapped up until they felt like their pruney fingers may never recover. Sebastian put on Blaine’s LeFay hoodie and breathed in the intoxicating yet comforting scent of the spicy oil he wore. He made sure that the crystal was tucked safely away against his chest since he wasn’t used to wearing jewelry (besides the occasional watch).  Sebastian  sat and watched as his boyfriend got dressed and he refused to look at the clock.  “I don’t think I can eat and I don’t want to sleep. Maybe just...come sit on the couch with me?” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s body felt pleasantly sore from the night's touches, but also so exhausted by the time the two of them stepped under the heat and steam of the shower. Each stroke of lips over his skin, each massage of fingertips into his scalp, it all reminded him of how very real they were to each other. He tried his best to keep it together as they dried off and Blaine dressed himself in jeans and a red sweater, and let his curls free from any product. He’d much rather be in pajamas and crawling into bed for sleep with his person, but the Fates were testing them and had other plans today. He’d encouraged Seb to put new pajamas on, told him that he’d be so tired he’d fall right to sleep and that comfort mattered right now. 
Blaine looked up at Seb, his boyfriend's eyes wide even though they seemed heavy with exhaustion and he nodded. He made his way to the couch and sat before pulling Sebastian into his arms and held him close against his chest as tightly as he could. They didn’t put the television on, they didn’t really have the time for that, the clock read 4:12 am and if he kept looking at it he’d go crazy. There was a pit in his stomach and he wanted to scream again at the unfairness of it all. But Seb was in his arms and the weight on top of him was comforting and Blaine didn’t want to ruin their final minutes with dramatics. 
“There are some potions in the cupboard where the tea is, some for sleep and some for calming. I don’t know if they’ll be there after the trial is over, but the trial could take days and I know you’ll be restless, please don’t hesitate to take them, okay?” He pressed his cheek to the top of Seb’s head, pulling him even closer. “And don’t forget that Freya will be with you the whole time. You’ll have her and Ras with you the whole time. And if you need anything from anywhere, text Tony. She’s staying out there until it’s done. And I’ve put extra protection spells up around the place… you’ll be safe.” He paused, a guilty thought hitting him. “Gods, I’m sorry you won’t be able to do your work…” He was cut off suddenly by a twinkle in the air and paws hitting the floor. 
All at once Freya was in the room, coming through the balcony like she owned the place and there was soft knocking on the door. So different than what it would be like if Blaine didn’t know he had to go. And it was time… Hunter let himself in and Blaine could see Tony behind him, her eyes red and puffy like maybe she’d witnessed some of their struggles on her patrols that night. Or maybe she was just upset that Blaine was being taken away. Blaine kissed the top of Seb’s head and made himself stand up, he shook Hunter’s hand before Hunter stepped around him and pulled Sebastian into a hug and then Blaine did the same with Tony. She felt small and helpless in his arms even though he knew she was anything but. No real words were exchanged between the four of them and it was probably better that way.  
“Just give me two minutes…” He pleaded when Hunter pulled out the cuffs.
And Ras who usually jumped at the sight of Freya and the chance to lick her pretty little frowning face held back. He must have known something was wrong. Blaine bent down and kissed the top of the pups nose and ruffled his fur. “Take good care of your papa for me, yeah? I’ll be back before you know it.” The dog licked his face a few times before doing his duty and moving to stand next to Seb. Freya moved toward Blaine and at first Blaine was afraid that she’d changed her mind and she was going to come with him even though she was supposed to stay here to guard and keep Sebastian safe, but she looked at him and told him to come home in their special Witch/Familiar language. She pressed her face to his for a moment and then moved to stand on the other side of Seb though Blaine could tell she was fighting against her nature. Familiars were supposed to be with their Witches during trials, but she knew how important this was.
Blaine stood, his eyes settling on Sebastian’s face, his boyfriend looking just as drained as him, but he was still the most beautiful person Blaine had ever seen in his life. He ached to run to him and cling onto him and tell Hunter they could just kill him here, but he knew he needed to plead his case. He stepped up to Seb, one hand cupping his face and turning it to look at him, the other going around his waist to pull him close. Blaine went up on his tip toes for one last kiss, letting his lips linger over his boyfriends for a long moment, knowing that the seconds were ticking and Hunter was already being generous with time. He signed and pulled back, and let his thumb brush over Seb’s lips. His other hand moved to press his mom’s crystal against Seb’s heart again, as if to remind himself that it was there. She was with him too. His breath hitched and he felt like he could collapse at any second and the tears were brimming and threatening, but he kept them in, trying his hardest to keep it together and be strong for Seb. What could he say that hadn’t already been said? He didn’t know so he settled on the simplest. 
“Remember that I love you. And if they make you forget me, try to remember that someone loved you more than anything in the world..”
With that he let his hands drop and turned toward Hunter, holding them out to him so the enchanted restraints could be attached to his wrists. He kept his eyes on Sebastian the whole time, hoping he’d done enough to show how much Seb meant to him. The restraints were already draining him, making him more compliant even though he hadn’t put up a single fight at all. He watched as Hunter and Tony gave a regretful nod to Seb and before he could say much else he was being ushered away from his Sebastian.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian nuzzled into Blaine’s chest and nodded. He was usually pretty leery about taking potions and abusing the other’s magic but at this point, what was the use? Like B had said, the trial could take days and he was ordered to lay low the entire time. He was thankful Blaine had thought ahead because he was sure he was going to be miserable without Blaine or Hunter around. 
All at once, Freya was in the room and Hunter was there with intimidating looking handcuffs and Tony was red eyed and tired looking. Sebastian couldn’t speak or focus as Hunter pulled him into a long hug. The tears were back and they streamed down his face as his best friend stepped away. 
Sebastian looked down at Blaine and sniffed. He didn’t want this to be goodbye, couldn’t imagine what was next for them, wished he wasn’t too scared to fight every hunter and witch. There were too many feelings and thoughts fighting for control of his mind and all he could do was nod and cry. Seb wanted to say that there was nobody else out there for him, wanted to say that Blaine was the best person he knew and that he had made him so much better. All he could strangle out  was a sad, “I love you back.” Freya nudged his calf with her furry forehead and Ras whined as Hunter clamped the cuffs onto Blaine Sebastian made sure he kept his eyes on Blaine the entire time, even as he was crying and little sad sobs fell from his lips. 
After the three of them left the apartment, he fell to the floor in a crumple. Freya and Ras lay next to him as he sobbed, he had never had a reaction like this before. Sebastian didn’t know how long he had been crying but felt like he would never stop, like some sort of tragic fairytale character. Maybe he would flood Boston and Blaine would get carried away to safety.
 After what could have been mere minutes or torturous hours, his throat was sore, his nose was runny and his entire body shook from exhaustion. At some point, Sebastian had cried himself to sleep with Ras’ head on his hip as Freya purred next to his face, the thrum of the crystal tucked away next to his heart.
-To be concluded in part 3 within the next few weeks.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Don’t Read The Last Page- October 24, 2020
MiniPara: - Don’t Read The Last Page
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine. 
Sebastian: smythesm
Blaine: andersoncharm
When: October 24, 2020-  Two days after Blaine’s 24th Birthday.
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: Sam visits Blaine for his birthday week and gets to know Seb a little. He gives Blaine some unexpected news that could change Blaine and Sebastian’s lives…
Warnings:  Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine.
Extra Warnings: (This hasn’t been brought up for a bit but, this RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tipped a sip of his tea attempting to hide the smile that had overtaken his face as he watched his boyfriend and his best friend place the freshly carved pumpkins out on the balcony. The visual brought him a joy that he’d not felt in a long time and he wanted to hold onto the moment, freeze it in his brain and save it for a darker day. They’d done six squash and each one had a dreadful grin or the face of a pup, or little cat whiskers carved into the shades of orange and yellow. He, Seb and Sam had spent the crisp day doing various autumnal things that Blaine wanted to do in sort of a birthday weekend celebration and Blaine’s perpetually worried yet happy demeanor over the last few days, had somehow evolved to an even bigger degree of happiness that balanced somewhere between being thrilled to downright ecstatic. Sam being here had brought a little slice of his childhood into his new world and Blaine was over the moon with the feeling of having them both near. If only David and Nick could be here to make it all even better.
He fought the urge to light each of the pumpkins from his spot in Sebastian’s apartment, but refrained- Sam would be leaving soon to go back to Ohio with his family for a few days before leaving for Japan and Blaine could wait before he used his favorite bit of spooky magic. Sam had been in America for almost two weeks now and he’d been in Boston for four days, Blaine only wished he had more time here. He sat his cup down and went over and opened the balcony door as Seb and Sam turned to come back in, the purple and orange glow of the Halloween lights backing them as they stepped into the room.
“I know Sam’s got a long drive ahead of him so I’ve made a kettle of hot water for tea and a pot of coffee, the two of you can take your pick. And yes, Sam, there are about six different types of creamer to choose from.” He rolled his eyes at Sam’s grin and sat down to wait for them to come back. Sebastian came first and Blaine’s face once again threatened to crack open into another smile as his boyfriend snuggled into him, shivering from being outside. Blaine wrapped his arm around him and pulled him even closer before pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “It’s not that cold, baby.” He mumbled teasingly. Seb just grunted in response.
“God the two of you are so gross.” Sam mused with a smile as he came back into the room with the biggest coffee cup from the cupboard filled way too full and slightly sloshing over as he sat down at the end of the couch. “Gross, but like way better than the dude you dated in high school for those few months. Kurt? Did I tell you that I ran into him when I first got to Ohio? Still has major uh, god complex energy. God complex? Did I use that right? Yeah.”
Blaine’s stomach dropped a little at the mention of his brief, witch ex-boyfriend and he pulled Seb a little closer. Whether it was to keep himself calm or Seb safe he couldn't tell.
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb liked Sam well enough. He had brought him a plethora of Japanese candy and a Sailor Moon manga. Sebastian was touched by how thoughtful it all was even if the blonde man wrapped him in a giant bear hug that had lasted a little too long for his liking. Sam laughed at pretty much everything Sebastian said (“your voice is so monotone, dude! It’s hilarious!”) and was Blaine’s biggest cheerleader, had a giant grin and even bigger arms so what wasn’t to like? Ras liked him, too (probably because they had almost the exact same demeanor and ecstatic energy.) Sam fully embraced Blaine’s autumnal themed birthday weekend and didn’t make things seem third wheel-y. 
Sebastian nestled the last grinning jack o’ lantern on the bannister as Sam stood back and wiped his palms on his jeans. They had carefully carried all six of the pumpkins they had carved with Blaine out to the balcony to display. Blaine had made a show of making sure each pumpkin had a little white votive candle inside of it though Seb knew that he would just use his magic to make sure they shone bright and long all season. 
He nodded at Sam as if to signify that their work was done and they headed back into the warmth of the apartment. Sebastian immediately snuggled into his boyfriend’s warm arms, the scent of coffee and cinnamon candles instantly comforting. He wasn’t ready for the nights to grow colder and darker but he knew how much Blaine loved the colder months and so he welcomed the chilly air and tried not to grumble about missing his beloved sun too much. 
Seb peeled himself out of the other man’s strong arms, flipped Sam off and poured himself a cup of coffee with a little half and half. He clasped his mug and reveled in the feeling of the hot ceramic in his hands. Sebastian joined the other men in the living room and tried not to audibly sigh when he noticed Sam’s coffee (kind calling it that, it was mostly caramel creamer) slosh onto the arm of the couch. He knew Blaine would magic it but his Virgo tendencies were itchy with the want to spray the spot down with cleaner and scrub vigorously.  
His ears perked at the mention of Blaine’s ex. Sebastian felt the other man pull him a little closer and could feel the energy change around them. He sat up a little straighter and cleared his throat, “God complex, huh?” Sebastian took a drink of his coffee and watched Sam who seemed very chill as he sipped on his drink and gave Ras’s hair a ruffle. He could feel Blaine’s body tense to his side. “Humor us, Sam. What did he have to say?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart thudded in his chest as he waited for Sam to reply to them. This familiar icy feeling of dread that he’d grown accustomed to ignoring over the past couple of years slowly crept over his body even before Sam spoke what had been said into the atmosphere. He tried his hardest not to react, tired not to grip Seb’s arm too tightly as his stomach fell to the floor. Sam’s perky, nonchalance made Blaine feel crazy about his internal struggle, but one quick glance at Seb told him that he wasn’t alone in his struggle. All at once he was happy that Hunter and Tony had already left a couple of days ago after meeting Sam and weren’t here to hear this. Wouldn’t it be their obligation to the Order to do something about it? Kurt was a Witch. A Witch that now knew about Sebastian and Blaine’s very forbidden relationship… He was especially thankful that Freya was out in the moonlight so that she couldn’t tell him she told him so. No matter how much she cared for Seb and of course, Ras.
“Well, he was like standing there, looking like he stepped out of some magazine, you know how he was, remember? And then he just casually asks how you are. So I tell him how happy you are and how you’ve got this awesome boyfriend named Sebastian that treats you like an equal and not like, you know, a trophy wife like he did and this fucking dude just keeps smiling at me. His eyes got all big and crazy looking and man, ooh, he looked like that cat from Alice in Wonderland, you know? Anyway,  I’m glad you got outta that one as quick as you did.” Sam took a big swig of his too hot drink and winched but still managed to look so proud of himself for talking Seb and Blaine up. He really was a good best friend. But, all Blaine could feel was that shrinking dread. 
Blaine licked his lips, a permanent chill settling into his bones as he sat his tea cup onto the coffee table in front of them before leaning back against Seb. His body tensed and ready for a fight as if Kurt or the Order and Council would bust through the door at any second. “That’s so strange. We dated for like two or three months, I can’t see why he’d even care what I’m up to.” He forced a laugh and reached out for Seb’s hand, linking their fingers and squeezing tightly so as not to float away. “How long ago was this?”
Sam took another drink of his coffee and shrugged. “Like when I first got into Ohio.” He shook his head. “I saw him about three more times on my trip, he didn’t talk to me or anything, just seemed to be at a few places I went to, I wouldn’t worry about it, dude. Like you said, you totally shouldn't give a shit about what he thinks anyway.” His best friend stopped and looked up at the clock with a sigh. “Ugh, I guess I should go soon. I promise the next time I come though that I’ll stay longer than four days, alright?” Sam stood up and not so carefully went into the kitchen to discard his cup into the sink. He pulled Seb into a hug that looked like it hurt before standing up and pulling Blaine into an even stronger hug, crushing him against him. Blaine knew he was tense and that he was distracted and he hated that he wasn’t able to say a proper goodbye to his best friend, but his heart was thudding so fucking hard in his ribcage that he wanted to scream.
He was such an idiot. How could he have been so careless? How could he have forgotten that Sam’s family was from Ohio that sweet, oblivious Sam would have no clue that all the Facebook and Instagram and Twitter posts had been glamoured so that it looked like Blaine was still single to Witchfolk? The high from his Birthday weekend crashed down hard and he couldn’t even bring himself to speak after Sam had left. His body felt heavy as he made his way back into the bedroom to get dressed for bed. He ignored Ras’ pitiful look which made him feel worse. He was working on autopilot as he changed his clothes and he could feel Seb’s eyes on him, searching for answers that Blaine didn’t have. His hands were shaking as he ran them through his curls before finally looking up at Sebastian, lost.
“Fuck, Seb…”
Sebastian’s POV:
It was a good thing that Sebastian was in law school and had been trained not to wear his emotions on his sleeve and had a pretty perfect poker face because his stomach was tied in knots. He knew that he and Blaine needed to remain calm while Sam was around. Kurt was a witch. A witch knew about them and it wasn’t just any old witch, it was Blaine’s ex. Sure, they had only been together a few months but they way it had been explained to Sebastian, he was sure there was a grudge. He could feel his boyfriend’s rigid body and slight shake. “Fuck him.” The words were meant for Blaine’s feelings as well as a reply to Sam’s story.  
Sebastian awkwardly patted Sam on the back as he bunched him up into a hug. Blaine hugged his best friend and gave a half hearted goodbye and Ras gave him a few kisses and he was on his way out. Seb walked Sam to the door and wished him a safe trip. He watched Blaine silently head into the bedroom and sighed. 
“What does this mean, B? What do we do?” He pulled open the top drawer on his dresser to find the pack of cigarettes he had nestled in amongst his boxers. He felt too agitated to get into his sweats or get undressed for bed. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep at all. Sebastian sat on the bed next to the other man, his cigarette in between his lips. “Can I get a light?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine gave a half hearted smile and reached out his hand and with a surge of energy and a flick of his fingers Sebastian’s cigarette was lit. Seb rarely let Blaine use magic with him aside from sex and he knew this was an attempt to make him feel better. He watched as his boyfriend took a long drag, his eyes blurring from staring at the reddish orange glow of the magic lighted ash. He worried his bottom lip as his thoughts raced through his head. What would he do? He could go to Hunter and Tony, warn them that someone may know about him and Sebastian. Someone that could do something about it, that might dislike him just enough to turn him in. But, would Kurt? They’d only been together a few months and while they hadn’t had the best break up and Blaine had gotten angry about the way Kurt had controlled every aspect about their relationship right down to what Blaine wore sometimes, surely that didn’t mean he’d try to have him killed. Right?
He blinked remembering the disdain in Kurt’s eyes when he said he didn’t want to be his legacy, descendant prize. He remembered when Kurt had reminded Blaine that some witches never found their fate and that they should just settle for each other since Kurt understood what it was like to lose a parent. Blaine remembered how upset he’d been when Kurt threw his mother's death in his face and suddenly it was all too much for him at once. He shook his head and turned back to look at his boyfriend. 
“Nothing. We’re not going to do anything, okay?” He knew it sounded insane and saying it out loud scared the hell out of him, but what was he supposed to do? “If we tell Hunter or Tony or my dad it will only expedite everything and I want to hold onto us for as long as I fucking can.” His voice was sharp, like he needed to convince himself and Sebastian. “Kurt has known about us for two weeks, surely he would have gone to the Council or the  Order by now, right?” Or he’s just biding his time…  He shrugged that thought off, knowing it was going to haunt his thoughts for the rest of his life, leaned in closer to Sebastian. 
“Whatever has to happen is going to happen. All I know is that I’m not leaving and I’m not going to let anything happen to you, okay? My top priority is keeping you safe and I plan on sticking by that.” He reached for Sebastian’s free hand and brought the back of it up to his lips and pressed a kiss to it, his eyes falling closed as he breathed him in. The overwhelming feeling of how much he loved this man and how much dying for him and them would be worth it overtook him and he wanted to scream and cry about how unfair the world was but Sebastian needed him to be calm and he needed to be calm for himself or he’d panic and where would that leave him?
“It’s going to be okay.” He mumbled the words, his conviction whooshing out of him as he scooted so that he was as close to Sebastian as he could get, his head pressing into his chest as he tried to steady his breathing and convince himself of the words' truths. It had to be okay.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian took a long drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke up towards the ceiling. He stared at the ceiling fan for a few moments, the light making little blue dots swim in front of his eyes. Seb squeezed Blaine’s thigh and held the cigarette out towards him. “Hopefully this kid has grown up some.” He took a deep breath and his lungs wavered a bit from the smoke and the fear swimming low in his belly. Sebastian didn’t like the sound of any of the words Blaine was saying. It all sounded detrimental and uncertain and scary. “You’re my top priority, too, you know. I need you to be safe, too.” He bit his bottom lip and looked into the other man’s warm eyes. Blaine looked scared and sad and that made Seb’s stomach knot up and his anxiety spike. “We can get through this.” Sebastian didn’t want to turn his courthouse tricks on with Blaine but he wanted to calm the other man down and reassure him somehow. 
“Maybe we should lay in bed and watch a movie. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep and I don’t want to mindlessly stare at my phone all night. You can pick what we watch.” Sebastian stood up and grabbed the sweatpants he had set out for that night off of his pillow. “The water is probably still warm in the kettle. I’ll bring you some chamomile tea.” 
So, even though his body felt sick with anxiety and his throat felt dry and his hands wanted to shake, he forced his voice to stay even and his hands to calmly grip the maroon mug that he filled with hot water for Blaine. Sebastian turned off the lights and plugged in the heating pad for Blaine, snuggled into his side as they watched Tangled and West Side Story. He drifted off to sleep before anything bad happened to Tony and Maria and wished on any star that happened to be out that he and Blaine would be okay.
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andersoncharm · 5 years
i’ve been saving this for you, baby(Saturday- March 7, 2020)
Para: I’ve Been Saving This For You, Baby.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine.
When: Saturday- March 7, 2020
Location: Sebastian’s (And Blaine’s!) Bedroom.
Notes: Blaine takes shower while Sebastian is on his run in hopes of getting his boyfriend naked and under him. Things take a turn when Sebastian takes control for once.
Warnings: SMUT. All smut. Blaine bottoms(which rarely happens). Unprotected sex. Dirty thoughts? (Everything is consensual and Sebastian and Blaine are in a loving, long term relationship.)
Blaine shivered, his skin raised in goosebumps as he ran his fingers through his still damp hair. He could just now hear the sound of Sebastian’s shower turning on. He smiled to himself as he rummaged through his boyfriend's drawers, looking for something he could wear to warm up with while he waited for Seb’s return. He couldn’t keep his thoughts away from five minutes ago when a sweaty Sebastian had come back from his run with Enjolras only to find Blaine showered and almost naked with only his clear quartz resting against his heart and a blue towel loosely wrapped around his waist as leaned over the kitchen counter and dipped Oreos in soy milk.
He shivered again, and it had nothing to do with being cold, as he remembered Sebastian’s hungry eyes sweeping over him for a beat before practically stalking up to him and kissing him hard. Blaine knew it was the adrenaline from his run mixed with Blaine’s just showered and almost nude appearance that did it for Sebastian. He sighed to himself as he remembered the look on Seb’s face and the feeling of his boyfriends fingertips, firm and curling over his hips as he pulled Blaine close to press kisses against his lips and jaw like he couldn't get enough. The scent of Seb; the cold air tangled up with perspiration and his apparent arousal, had made Blaine want to pull the taller man’s clothes off right there.
He could still taste the sweat that had been running down Seb’s face mixed the sweetness from his snack trapped between his lips. Blaine knew what he was doing and his plan was working. He had wanted Seb to notice him. He’d hoped that it might put his boyfriend in the mood to be touched and fucked and praised. He could already feel Sebastian under him, gasping and moaning, his long legs wrapped tightly around him, pulling him in...  He bit his lip, his cock was already hard at the thought. The pleasant sting from Seb’s fingertips on his hips confirming that he’d be getting what he wanted.
It had been torture when Seb reluctantly pulled away, telling Blaine he needed to shower first, and then made Blaine promise not to put any clothing on. He agreed and had even handed Sebastian the towel to show him that he intended to make good on that promise. Plus, he liked the way Seb’s hungry green eyes stayed on his naked form and drank him in as he walked backwards to the bathroom. It felt good knowing that Blaine still had it like that. But, now he was cold and Seb was taking too long. Okay, so six minutes wasn’t too long at all and Seb was probably preparing a little but, Blaine was impatient and a little feisty and was still hard. And gods Sebastian and him really needed to do some freaking laundry because it seemed every long sleeved shirt in the apartment needed cleaning.
He sighed and just when he was about to give up, his fingers closed over a shirt stuffed in the back of Seb’s pajama drawer. Blaine smiled when he got a good look at it. It was a long sleeved t-shirt that featured thick green and blue stripes. Blaine had seen it a handful of times. Not just on Seb but, in photos from Sebastian’s high school. The man used to wear it with jeans and it was so unlike the Seb knew yet exactly like him that it brought a smile to Blaine’s lips. Seb didn’t actually wear it to bed often(he was usually naked) but, sometimes when it was extra cold out, like tonight, he’d pull it on. Blaine wondered if he’d get told off for stealing what seemed to be a favorite.
He hesitated only for a moment before tugging the shirt over his head. The arms were a bit too long, Blaine had to cover his hands, just the tips of his fingers poked out. The fabric was tighter across his chest and biceps but since Seb was taller it hung a little loosely around his slight hips and waist. It covered the swell of his bare ass just enough, but left little to the imagination in regards to his cock. It didn’t help that he was still mostly aroused. He smiled to himself as he climbed into the bed, slipping his short legs under the covers so that Sebastian could still see his back and the curve of his ass, the blanket slipping down enough to give Sebastian a nice little view for when he came into the room.
He closed his eyes and focused on dimming the the lights in the room to almost dark, his magic setting up a sultry ambiance perfectly. The candle on Seb’s bedside table flickered to life and Blaine dulled the glow just a little. The weak flame flickered in time with his heartbeats. He wanted Seb to be able to see him lounging there in his clothes. Blaine smiled to himself feeling a little mischievous and turned on as he waited, anticipation swelling as he watched the flames shadow dance across the wall. A surge of excitement thrilling through him when he heard the click of the bathroom door open followed by long legged strides.
Blaine drove Sebastian crazy, in a good way of course. He would do such subtle things that were so sexy and he wouldn’t even realize it half of the time. For somebody like Seb who had gone out of his way (way too many times to count in his life) to flirt or to be overtly sexual, it didn’t comprehend. B could just blush and Sebastian would be ready on his knees. Anytime he would point something out, like his long eyelashes that would dust his cheeks or the way his hands felt on his skin or the way his voice was raspy when he woke up in the morning, Blaine would get bashful and deny it all. Which, just turned Seb on more.
Seb knew he was attractive and that people wanted him. Blaine just sort of let compliments fall away with a wave of his hand and a small smile, the apples of his cheeks just a little pinker than they were before. There was nothing more attractive than watching his boyfriend hold doors open for little old ladies at the grocery store or wrestle around on the floor with his pup or quietly strum his guitar while the steam from his chamomile swirled around him. Seb loved his shyness, his talent, and his kindness.
He thought, sometimes, when they were sitting quietly together, that if he were a witch, there was no way he could worship a God or a Goddess. Sebastian would pray to Blaine, kiss the songs etched into his palms, whisper his prayers into his curls, devote himself every night in their bed, their church. Sometimes the other man would look up from his mortar and pestle in the kitchen and catch Sebastian watching, or he’d be caught singing in the shower, or dancing to a Katy Perry song. He’d raise an eyebrow or apologize. All Seb could do was kiss him in these small moments where Blaine was unabashedly himself.
When Sebastian came back to the apartment after a very satisfying run, and saw Blaine leaning over the counter with Oreos, his body full of post run excitement, he couldn’t do much but grab the other man and kiss him. Everything about the scene was like a painting, golden skin and wet, black hair and an expensive towel placed just so on defined hip bones. Sebastian would hang that painting above his bed if he could, stare at his glossy skin and messy hair all day, show his devotion to his love in their tangled sheets.
It physically hurt and took so much more self control than Seb had ever had, to pull himself away and shower. His skin already had goosebumps, his hands were shaky and he couldn’t stop smiling as the hot water fell over his body. Sebastian dried his body off, his wet hair falling into his eyes a little bit and left the towel on the bathroom sink.
Blaine was bathed in the faint glow of the candle light, that was the first thing he noticed, followed by his ass and the perfectly placed sheet, and then the shirt. Sebastian cocked his head, he had been looking for that damn thing for a few weeks. Blaine must have rifled through his bedroom a bit to find that one. The sight of his boyfriend wearing his favorite shirt that he thought he had lost did something to his body. He felt a shiver climb up his spine and he was uncomfortably hard.
Seb knelt down on the bed and crawled up Blaine’s body, pressing him down so that his back was against the sheets. He clenched his hand in the soft, worn fabric and pulled the other man up towards him. “Where’d you find this?” He kissed Blaine deep and slow, his hand still clutching the familiar fabric in his hand. Seb had seen Blaine wear many of his shirts and a few pair of his pants. This one felt different, maybe because he had had it for so long, maybe because the fabric stretched across his chest and biceps deliciously. All he knew is that he wanted to hold on to it and fuck Blaine.
Sebastian knocked his knees against Blaine to get him to open his legs and settled his body comfortably on top of him, kissing him as his hands roved all over his skin and the soft fabric. He could smell the other man’s spicy oil and the delicate scent of his own fabric softener as he kissed his neck, his bottom lip catching on the ribbed collar of the shirt. His cock rubbed against the fabric covering Blaine’s tummy, causing friction that made him moan into the skin behind the other man’s ear.
“I wanna fuck you tonight.”
Blaine felt it the moment Sebastian stepped into the room. Could feel his eyes roaming over the bed and then his body. He bit back a smile when he felt the dip of his boyfriends knees on the bed, the playful little remark on the tip of his tongue stolen away by the pressure of Sebastian’s body on his. Arms and runner strong long legs turning Blaine’s smaller body so that his back was against the sheets and all he could do was look up into intense green eyes. He opened his mouth to try and tease Seb again but long fingers tangling into his new found shirt shut him up. The slow but firm tug, that brought him up to Sebastian’s mouth sent a shiver right down his spine. Seb’s voice ringing with a low sort of command, vibrating and raspy with it’s question that wouldn’t get answered. Blaine’s voice was again stolen by the slip of Seb’s tongue past his teeth in a kiss so deep Blaine could feel it everywhere.
He obeyed without a word at Seb’s prompts and let his legs fall open on either side of Sebastian’s body, his hips already bucking up for friction and contact. It was the control in Sebastian’s movements, the control in his voice that had Blaine so open and almost already begging to be touched. Who knew a shirt could do this? It had to be the shirt. The way Sebastian was clutching it and kissing Blaine. His breath hitched at each brush of fingers against his skin, each nip and lick against his neck, the press of Sebastian’s cock against his belly. It was almost all too much and he felt like he might break apart and they hadn't even started yet.
A tiny little “Oh.” escaped his lips at Sebastian’s statement and his cock twitched in anticipation. It wasn’t what he had planned but, Sebastian seemed to be in a trance, was looking down at Blaine like he was a god and who was Blaine to tell him no? Besides, he wanted it. Gods, he wanted to feel him inside of him. Seb’s little moans sending goosebumps over the exposed parts of his skin. “Oh gods.” The word was hardly there as he reached out to his boyfriend, his fingers already magic slicked for Sebastian to take and use, offering the slickness to him. Sharing his magic, something bone deep and personal, with him. Showing him that he trusted him.
Sebastian knew that Blaine was trusting him with his magic. He gripped his hand and locked eyes with him for a moment, a wordless exchange between them. Seb had never experienced trust like this with another person. He took Blaine’s hand and used it to work his cock. Sebastian looked in between their bodies and watched their hands glide over him and gasped a little bit. Blaine’s magic mixed with his calloused hands felt amazing. Seb bucked his hips into their shared grip.
He let go and let Blaine work him over for another moment before he grasped his hand again. Sebastian moved the other man’s hand down in between his thighs. “I want you to get ready for me. I wanna watch.” He leaned back on his knees, Blaine’s legs open on either side of him. It was a wonderful sight, his golden eyes were almost black and his cheeks were ruddy with excitement. The shirt was riding up to display his stomach and the trail of hair there that Sebastian loved. “You’re keeping the shirt on.”
After watching Blaine open himself up for a few moments, Sebastian leaned forward and kissed his lips, his jaw, his neck. He even trailed kisses down the fabric on Blaine’s skin, blowing softly at the exposed skin of his belly. He took the head of Blaine’s cock into his mouth and sucked, hummed at the the heaviness of him on his tongue. Sebastian didn’t touch himself, he wanted to save it all for Blaine. He made sure Blaine kept touching himself as he sucked, using his free hand to hold his wrist in place.
Sebastian firmly but gently pulled Blaine’s hand away when he noticed the hitch in the other man’s breathing, he didn’t want him to come yet.  He placed one hand on hand on the bed and lined himself up to press slowly into his boyfriend. Sebastian gasped again, his stomach tight with want. He wrapped his fingers into the neck of the striped shirt before he pulled out and pressed back in again.
Blaine bit his bottom lip, feeling a little vulnerable as Sebastian took his hand but, shared look that passed between them eased him, telling him that Seb had him. He licked his lips, letting his hand be guided down, his fingers instantly wrapping around Sebastian’s, the heaviness of his boyfriends cock sending a shiver through him as he stroked. He all but pouted when Sebastian pulled away, leaving Blaine’s hand empty but, was quickly the feeling of loss was replaced with excitement at Seb’s demand.
Seb had touched himself for Blaine before, opened himself up right in front of him, driving him mad, sent him videos when he was away in France. Did it all the time when they were in bed. Blaine loved watching the way Sebastian would work himself open. But, Blaine had never done this part before, not for anyone. But this was Sebastian and he trusted him and wanted him to see. He still felt his cheeks heat up as he spread his legs further open and pushed one and then two slick fingers inside of himself. Making sure to keep his eyes looking up at Sebastian as he pressed them deeper, asking silently if he was doing it right. Seb’s hand stayed wrapped around his wrist and the way he gripped showed Blaine that he liked what he saw.
Another shiver rippled through him at Seb’s words and who knew a shirt would get this reaction. He could have cried when Sebsatian moved down to take him into his mouth. The pressure of Seb’s tongue and lips paired with his own fingers moving slowly inside of himself and Seb’s slender fingers still gripping his wrist… It was all too much. He gasped, almost a sob as his hips bucked up into Seb’s mouth. Gods he was fucking close. He whined lowly when Sebastian removed his mouth and made him pull his fingers away, he gripped the sheets by his hip instead. His breathing jagged and harsh as he anticipated what might happen next.
He’d let Seb in before, felt him pressed inside of him a few times. With tipsy kisses and Blaine asking if Seb minded.  But, this was different. Those times it was always Blaine’s idea, he was always in control of the situation still and this was…. almost primal. It felt like something Sebatian needed and so did he.
He whimpered softly at the slow burn as he took Sebastian’s length inside of him. It always hurt a little, but it was good, so good. The feeling of his thickness invading his body and sending pleasant tingles with each long drag. It was almost too much for him to take. Almost. His toes curled against Sebastian's thighs as he tried to pull him in further, his legs short but strong enough to give him the pressure he needed.
Each thrust pulling the shirt tighter against the back of his neck, the friction burning just so. Blaine kept one hand balled up in sheets and the other dragging for purchase on Sebastian's sweat slicked back then shoulder. He gasped words like please and fuck me losing to the air he was struggling to keep the air in his lungs as Sebastian fucked into him over and over and gods, Blaine was going to feel him for a week and when Seb came he’d get to feel his slickness inside of him for the rest of the night. And he moaned, low and deep, his heels digging into Seb’s thighs harder, his thighs sore from holding on and his felt his mouth curl up into a smile, his head falling back to expose his neck as he let Sebastian fuck him hard down into the mattress.
And he wondered if this is what Sebastian thought about before he came. Did he think about how full he was and how slick and open. He did wish it didn’t have to end? Before he knew it he was falling, thoughts of soreness and the anticipation of Sebastian’s come inside of him sending him into a spiral, his body going stiff, blunt fingers digging into Sebastian’s shoulder, his whole body shivering.
“K-keep g-... don’t stop.” His words were too breathy but, he wanted to watch Sebastian fall apart. Wanted to feel him as he fell apart too.
Sebastian watched Blaine fall apart under him, felt his come on his tummy, saw it on the green and blue fabric. He did as he was told, always a giving lover with the other man. Sebastian fucked into Blaine, his knuckles white as he gripped the neck of the shirt. He slowed down for a moment, a few slow strokes to calm himself down and give Blaine what he wanted, before his body naturally fell back into a faster rhythm.
All Sebastian needed to do was focus on the man underneath him, the lazy smile on his face and the short breaths that still escaped him, the way he could barely speak and couldn’t seem to form a single thought. Sebastian did all of that, he made Blaine feel good and satisfied and taken care of. He came inside of Blaine with a final snap of his hips, choked out a low moan and finally let his fingers slip away from the neckline of his old shirt.
He let his wobbly arms and body relax and slowly withdrew himself from the other man. Sebastian took care to be gentle and made sure to watch and take in all of the details. He let his body fall beside Blaine, his chest rising and falling. Seb leaned in and gave his boyfriend a few small kisses, let his hands wander over his tired body. He knew that they were going to have to shower again and clean up a little bit but, all he wanted to do was lay there in Blaine’s glow with their legs touching and hands lazily searching for each other. “You should keep the shirt. Looks great on you.” He leaned up on his elbow to rub the back of his boyfriend’s neck, making sure the spot wouldn’t be too sore from his pulling on the neckline. “Better on you than it ever was on me.”  Seb pressed his lips to Blaine’s once more, “You good,B?” he asked softly.
Blaine’s body buzzed with energy and unspoken words with each pull as he watched Sebastian above him, the shirt clinging to his sweat slicked body. His instinct wanted to react but, he was so overwhelmed and sensitive and so satisfied that all he could do was let it happen. His eyes heavy as he watched, his body aching as he was moved with each thrust.  And Sebastian was beautiful with his little moans and gasps as he did what Blaine begged for. His green eyes were blown black with lust. Blaine was honestly surprised he held out as long as he did but when his boyfriend came it was incredible and Blaine felt the thrill of it all the way down to his toes.
He wanted to keep Sebastian locked inside of him longer, but his legs were sore and he knew Sebastian’s were too. It felt amazing. He felt full, open, sated and used in the best way possible and he wondered again if this was how Sebastian always felt. He bit his lip as Sebastian pulled out  of him so gently Blaine felt like he might cry again. He added his heart feeling full and loved to the list of emotions he was experiencing at the moment.
“Mm, says you. But, I guess I'm rather fond of it now so yeah, I think I’ll keep it.” He turned on his side to face his boyfriend, stretching his legs out and tucking them back under the covers. He sighed and let his eyes slip closed as Sebastian’s fingers smoothed out the slightly swollen skin on the back of his neck. The soreness was welcome but Seb's gentle hands soothing him all the same. His lips curved back up into a sleepy smile as he opened his eyes.”I’m more than okay, Seb.” he told him softly, one hand reaching up to cover Seb’s to show him he meant it.
“Come here, baby.”
Blaine mumbled and ran his hand over the slightly dirty shirt, and the two of them cleaning it and them (well, mostly; he kept something for himself) up with magic before scooting closer to his boyfriend and pressing himself against him breathing in his soapy and sweaty scent, his arms scooping his green eyed lover close before pulling the sheets up over them. He didn’t particularly care about being clean but, he wasn’t willing to move from this spot the rest of the night and was insistent on keeping his arms tightly around his boyfriend so they could drift off to sleep.
He had meant to tell Sebastian that he loved him, had meant to tell him how much fun he’d had and how happy he felt but sleep took over the both of them almost as soon as he pulled his guy into his arms. But, Sebastian knew and so did Blaine and he let himself drift off feeling sore and full and loved.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Hold Onto This Lullaby Even When the Music’s Gone-Seblaine.
Para: - Hold Onto This Lullaby Even When the Music’s Gone
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
When: Saturday, May 9, 2020
Location: Westerville, Ohio. 
Notes: Blaine asks Sebastian to come with him to Ohio so that he can visit his mother’s grave for Mother’s Day.
Warnings: Magic, a little sadness, lots of flowers and fluff.
Blaine’s POV: 
Wildflowers of all colors and sizes dangled loosely in Blaine’s hand and he was already scanning his little patch of meadow for more when his eyes settled on Sebastian not fifty feet away from him, clutching his own picked bouquet of flowers in slender fingers. His boyfriends eyes were dutifully and diligently scanning for the best ones, no doubt in hopes of presenting the colorful display to Blaine and pleasing him. The sight brought a smile to Blaine’s lips and again he was reminded of what an amazing and supportive boyfriend he had. He was still surprised that Sebastian had agreed to do this with him as it involved Blaine magically transporting the two of them from Boston to Westerville, Ohio. Blaine promised Seb, and himself, that it would be different from that night in Paris. Of course it would. Blaine wasn’t clouded by romantic notions nor was he transporting them to a massive landmark at three am. Plus, he’d made sure to whisper a deflection spell to make sure no one would see them land, the words leaving his lips just before they touched down on the outskirts of a familiar little meadow that made Blaine’s heart ache desperately and flutter with happy memories at the same time.
He could still feel the pressure of Sebastian’s shaking arms clinging tightly to him as he whisked them through the atmosphere before finally getting where they needed to go even though they’d been here for a good hour. Blaine got them there in only two stops, impressing himself by only taking a few minutes. He’d had to explain to Seb that magical transport wasn’t like it was in Harry Potter or any other movie, it took steps. Blaine had to touch down, depending how far he was going,  in other places bringing him closer and closer to his destination in baby steps and not one jump or else he’d exhaust himself. It was the same for all Witches. And since it was the furthest Seb had traveled with him, Blaine needed to be extra careful to make sure his boyfriend was comfortable. Needless to say, Blaine found himself checking to see if Sebastian was okay too many times while they searched, just in case.
He watched as Sebastian, bathed in the morning May sun, stooped down- his long legs bending to bring him closer to the ground and the pretty purple wildflower he was pursuing. He watched as his slender fingers closed around the bright green stem before, almost gently, Seb plucked it up and laid it against the rest of his tangle of stems and petals. Petals for Blaine’s mother that had been picked by Blaine’s Fate. It was overwhelming and almost too much for him and he bit his lip a little too hard as a wave of emotion burned through him raw and fast. He turned then, feigning finding a decent flower so that Sebastian wouldn’t notice that his eyes were too bright and his face was too red, knowing that if he had to speak his voice would be too thick and the two of them hadn’t even made it to the cemetery yet. Blaine couldn’t be falling apart already. He closed his eyes against the sun and inhaled, holding the air in his lungs for a moment before letting it out slowly. Steadying himself before plucking a yellow flower from it’s home in the grass and adding it to the rest even though he didn’t need anymore.
  Blaine always came here for Mother’s Day. He always picked wildflowers for his mother even though he could magic them into existence like he’d done with Sabine’s and the mistletoe. But this place was a tradition that was older than him. His parents used to come here together before Blaine was even born, it was one of his mom’s favorite places to just be. Her and his dad would spend the day collecting wildflowers for different spells and rituals or just to put around their house and when Blaine was born he had the privilege of getting to join them on their days off and he got to help pick out the flowers. His father, Will,  would steal Blaine away, telling his wife and Fate that they were looking for birds and other animals, even though Imelda knew better, and together they’d scour the meadow and pick out the brightest and best flowers and present them to Imelda before they left for the day. She’d always kiss her husband sweetly before turning to her son and sweeping him up into her arms and spin him around, her smile breathtaking as he pressed kisses to his forehead and cheeks and Blaine thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Even as he aged she’d still kiss his forehead and pull him into a hug so strong it was difficult to believe the woman was only 5’2.
Now he was here with his Fate and things had changed, sure, but they were still picking flowers for her. He ran a hand over his face to bring himself back before turning towards Sebastian and found that the taller man was making his way towards him, his arm full of flowers. Blaine smiled again, trying not to feel too much all at once. 
 “Those are beautiful, Seb. She’d love them. Thank you...” 
 He gratefully took the thatch of flowers from Seb and almost shyly looked up into his sea green eyes, the sun catching them and reflecting the hidden little hint of blue that came out when it felt like it. Blaine licked his lips before pressing his free palm to Seb’s cheek, his thumb caressing his cheekbone gently as he tiptoed up for a little kiss that Blaine somehow still managed to feel all the   way to his toes. He took a deep breath before taking a step back.
“The cemetery where her grave is is only about a mile away. I mean, it’s not really her grave, we kind of go back to nature, but Witches tend to have one so that any human friends they may have had can have a place to grieve, you know? It’s for show but, I like keeping it nice anyway.” He shrugged, his voice soft. “Do you feel okay to travel one or two more times? I promise the nausea potion will work until we’re finished for the day.”  He motioned to the little messenger bag strapped loosely across his chest that contained a few things they might need. “Plus, I have more if you need it. And you can hold on as tight as you need, you know I don’t mind.” 
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian agreed to go with Blaine to Ohio. He was nervous about his boyfriend using his magic for them to travel, not because he was scared or anything like that. Seb just didn’t want Blaine to get himself into any trouble and he didn’t want Hunter to chase them down or work overtime to fix their mistakes. The two of them had learned their lesson since Paris and Blaine was very discreet and prepared. He gave Sebastian the anti nausea medicine that tasted vaguely of grass clippings, held him tightly, and made a few stops in deserted areas so that no wandering eyes would catch the two of them popping in and out of sight. Seb pretty much kept his eyes closed the entire time and it really didn’t take long before he could feel the soft padding of fluffy grass beneath his shoes. 
Besides, how could Sebastian ever say no to those sad, golden eyes asking him to celebrate Mother’s Day with him? He couldn’t fathom the dull ache of hurt that his boyfriend would always carry, the hole left in his life after his mother’s passing. There wasn’t much to do when somebody you loved lost somebody, it was a pain that Seb knew he could never heal but he could try to ease it. Sebastian would always say yes to honoring Blaine’s mother. 
The field where Blaine decided to bring him was beautiful. It was green and wild and looked like a fairy tale scene. A bee buzzed past his ear, he could hear birds and toads singing in the distance. It was easy to imagine witches collecting their herbs and petals here or fairy princes hiding in the trees, waiting to lure humans away into the tangle of weeds and twigs. The green field stretched on for what seemed like forever, dotted with yellow and white and purple clusters of wild flowers. Sebastian was thoughtful in his pursuit of flowers for Imelda. He only picked the ones that looked to be in the best shape and he was gentle when he plucked them from the Earth. Blaine had told him once that any time he took something from the Earth, that he whispered a small prayer of thanks. Seb said a little “thank you” in his brain as he plucked the last one. He thought his bouquet looked nice as he walked over to join the other man. Sebastian and Blaine shared a kiss, their arms full of spring blooms and the sun hot on the backs of their necks. It didn’t feel like a scene that Sebastian could have ever seen himself in pre Blaine. 
He nodded, “Yeah, B. I’m fine.” Sebastian lifted his hand that wasn’t clutching stems to squeeze his boyfriend’s shoulder. “I don’t think I need anymore, I’ll be okay. I promise.” Sebastian wrapped his long arm around Blaine’s slender hips. “But I think I will hold on as tight as I can.”
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine's face fell into the natural smile that always seemed present when Sebastian did something surprising for him, and coming out here and just being with Blaine in a world that was so far away from Harvard or law firms or clutters of paper with words that made Blaine’s fantastical mind dizzy to look at for too long... Was beyond sweet. His practical, stubborn, law school boyfriend was here, in a meadow, picking wildflowers almost in ceremony for his boyfriends dead mother, and hadn’t once shown a single sign of annoyance or general discomfort, and in that moment Blaine loved him more than he’d ever loved him before, and that's saying something because Blaine loved Sebastian an immeasurable amount. 
He simply nodded, not really trusting himself to speak and wrapped his free arm around Sebastian’s waist to pull him as close as he could. He shifted his weight slightly, closed his eyes and pressed his face into Sebastian's neck, using his boyfriend's solid form as a much needed anchor. He envisioned the little clearing where his mother’s grave rested, the sun shimmering through the trees, and let his feet lift from the ground and for an instant the two of them were someplace else. Someplace in the middle of worlds, an in between- and usually, when Blaine was alone he felt like he might go on forever that way, like he might never land, an out of controlness that he often wondered if other Witches had succumbed to when they were lonely or sad, but with Sebastian in his arms he came right back down. And just before landing, Blaine’s detection spell told them that they were alone. No one would be around to see them appear. And just like that, the ground was beneath his feet and birdsong was in the air around them.
He held onto Sebastian for a moment, giving himself a chance to catch his breath and giving Seb a chance to get his footing before lifting his head up slowly and looking around. Graveyards were odd places for people like Blaine. He could feel a stirring under the ground, weak and lazy- never alarming like one might imagine. They were generally peaceful places, as most of the time the dead weren't really here. They’d usually moved on or moved around to more suitable places near their families for who knows what reasons. But, a Witches grave, the ones that had them, those were the most calming of all. Only a pinch of ashes were buried here. Just enough to leave a footprint, a small sign that the name on the stone matched what was underneath. Imelda Anderson had a grave because she had left a footprint in the human world. She was a nurse and had many human friends. People needed a place to go to mourn her. Some Witches never did that sort of thing. Choosing to work in their own community with their own people. They never had graves, what was the point? Blaine and even his father  who used to work with humans would both probably have graves one day. Blaine always thought he’d get one next to his mother but as he looked up at Sebastian he thought he might be laid to rest somewhere else after all.
 “Are you alright?” He murmured, his eyes scanning to make sure his boyfriend was in once piece. He stepped back just a bit, his eyes avoiding looking around too much, as he wasn’t sure he was ready. “You really are a natural, you know? You travel so well.” He laughed a bit, and pressed a kiss to Seb’s jaw before letting himself step away once he was satisfied that he was alright and allowed himself to look around finally. The first thing he noticed was the flowers from the last time he was here, still a tangled pretty mess but, dead all the same and taking over Imelda’s name and the stars and moon that were engraved on the stone. Blaine tried his best to come out here multiple times a year, he really did, but he found he could only really stomach a few times a year. The rest of the year he built altars and shrines to her in his room and left offerings for her. But, he came here, without fail for at least a half an hour, on Mother’s Day, Halloween, and the day she died every year.  Which meant these flowers were from November.. He felt a wash of shame spread over him as he realized that Sebastian probably noticed how the flowers and marker weren’t in the best shape.
 “I don’t get out here as much as I should…” he bit his lip and stepped away from Sebastian, his voice low.  “I-” He sighed and cleared his throat.  “I have a hard time with it.” He mumbled, turning his head so that Seb wouldn’t see how heated his face was. He made his way to the pretty dark grey stone knelt and instantly started to clear it away. Magicking away the dead flowers, hoping that the display didn’t shock Sebastian too much. He’d just magic traveled through, so Blaine wasn’t too concerned. Once he was satisfied he stepped back to admire her name properly. The Imelda was bigger than the Anderson, it was like his father wanted the world to know that she was so much more than his wife. That she was the grave stated- a wife, yes, but also- a friend, a nurse, and a mother. Blaine swallowed hard, taking a moment before speaking. His fingers absently tracing her name over and over again. Crystals and sprinkles of little magical petals littered the base of the grave and Blaine righted them as he began to speak, his face downcast towards the grave, fingers still tracing like it might bring her back.
 “I-I know she’s not really here- and I know this grave isn’t really for me. It’s for her human friends, as I’ve said. B-but, it’s all I have besides this crystal.” He motioned vaguely to the clear quartz hanging around his neck with his free hand. “And the altars I build for her. I bring the flowers each Spring because she loved them, and they were a family tradition that my dad made sure we kept up each Mother’s Day. Something small and simple that meant the world to my mom. And, gods Seb, why shouldn’t other people get to walk by here on Mother’s Day and know that she was a wonderful mother and she was so loved. Maybe it’s silly because it’s basically an empty grave with maybe a sprinkle of ashes but it makes me feel better knowing it’s here and that people can see a glimpse of what kind of person she was by what's left here for her. You know, Witches don’t even get to keep their loved ones' ashes because they might be used as a tool to bring them back and if they were to get into the wrong hands they might be used against their families. It’s- Gods, this is hard...”
By the end of his little speech he was crying a little bit. Not hard, but enough that he could feel the tears clinging to his cheeks and one rolling down the tip of his nose.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian stood back a little to give Blaine some space. He watched him magic away the dead wildflowers and nodded as he spoke. He could sense the other man’s anxiety as his hands shakily moved around the dark grey stone of the grave marker. Seb had never really been the most sensitive person, had always excused himself from awkward situations with other people and walked away from conversations when  they turned emotional. The last funeral he went to was for his Grandfather in France and he just sort of floated around the outskirts or sat silently by his mother’s side. They weren’t very close and they had been expecting it. He didn’t want to walk away or turn his back now, he knew that he needed to be here but was worried he might say or do the wrong thing.
Sebastian stepped forward and put a hand on Blaine’s shoulder. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, B. I get it. If anybody gets it, I do. I don’t know how to deal with this stuff. I...I’m afraid I’d never visit if...if I were in your shoes. You’re a great son.”  Sebastian knelt down next to the other man to expect the marker a little more closely. “I mean, look at all this. You bring flowers and have brought her crystals. I don’t know what they’re all for but knowing you, they were all    painstakingly selected just for her.” 
He reached forward to catch the teardrop on the tip of Blaine’s nose. “If coming here means something to you...well, that’s all that really matters. Doesn’t matter what lies underneath the ground. She knows you’re here. She knows you’re trying. She was a great mom, and the world knows that because of you. All of this is wonderful and thoughtful but this isn’t what proves it. You prove it. You...moving around in the world and singing and playing the piano in it and making people feel good and calm.” Sebastian was always a little surprised at himself when the words just fell from his lips around Blaine with no hesitation. For somebody that avoided anything touchy feely, avoided anything too emotional, was afraid to handle fragile situations, was always worried about doing the wrong thing when Blaine needed him, he just always naturally fell into the right place with the other man. It shouldn’t surprise him anymore but it always did.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tensed slightly when he felt Sebastian’s hand on his shoulder but only for a moment. He sighed as he listened to his boyfriend speak, the words soothing his soul and making him feel a little better. Sebastian could say all he wanted that he wasn’t good with situations like this but time and time again he proved to Blaine that he was the best to be around when he felt this sort of hopelessness in his body. He nodded, not taking his eyes off of the grave and let himself lean into Sebastian for support, hoping against hope that if this sort of thing ever happened to Seb that he’d be able to be there for him as much as he’d been there for Blaine. He let out a thick little laugh at, nodding because he had indeed, painstakingly selected each one just for her just in case she ever did visit this place in her afterlife. Maybe she’d feel a connection to him since he was the last Witch to touch them. He wasn’t entirely sure his father ever came out here.
 He let his face be turned towards Seb and let his tears be wiped away by gentle, familiar fingers that calm him and made him cry just a little bit harder at the same time. Perhaps that’s what he needed though, a good cry in the arms of someone that loved him and understood him. And as Sebastian continued on telling him little things that he did that would make his mother proud and keep her alive he cried a little harder and felt a little better. It was hard for him, as he’d been hard on himself for a long time about not being able to save her at his young age. But, hearing all the things Sebastian was saying helped him realize that he was still keeping her alive and proving her worth. His healing magic, his kindness... His friendship with Tony and with her fierceness and determination to prove that she was worth it(she was). Him falling in love. All of it was his way of keeping her around. Sebastian was right and maybe Blaine just needed to hear it all again to know that. She really was a great mom...
He kept quiet for a moment, the only sound being his little sniffles, the birdsong, and Sebastian's steady, comforting breathing. He reached out and very gently took most of Sebastian’s flowers from him leaving a handful left in his palm. He took a few from his own tangle and placed them in Seb’s hand, combining them into a small bouquet- these would be for someone else equally as important later. He took the ones he’d taken from Seb and placed them with the ones he had left in his own hand and gently placed their combined offerings around the grave. There were a million things he wanted to say to her right now. Hi mom, this is Sebastian. My Fate. I love him more than life... Hi mom, I miss you so much... Hi mom, life isn’t the same without you... Hi mom, please come back… But he settled for whispering softly to himself and to her the very few words he knew in his mother's native tongue. “I love you, mom.”
He sat for a moment longer before wiping his face and turning back to Seb and his little wildflower bouquet. “Thank you so much, baby. You don’t know how much I needed to hear all the things you said to me.” He stood and helped Seb up before wrapping his arms tightly around his boyfriend. His face pressing perfectly into his shoulder for a moment. “You’re good at this, you know? Keeping me together. I don’t know how to thank you for today.” He bit his lip, thinking for a moment, his eyes turning towards the little bouquet still in Seb’s hand. His idea for a thank you taking shape in his head. He pulled back a little and ran his fingers just so over them, humming lightly and buzzing with magic. The wildflowers in Seb’s hand were joined by a variety of pale peachy pink and buttercream yellow flowers. An assortment that most flower shops would spend a great deal of money on. The soft colors against the thatch of darker wildflowers making a pretty display, tied nicely by a muted cream bow. He was still impressed with himself for learning how to transform without having to use a blade of grass anymore. He’d come so far...
 “Speaking of great moms and great sons… We should go visit yours. We could spend the night and I could help you make her breakfast tomorrow for Mother’s Day. We could surprise her! I’ve had the idea in my head for a little bit now but.. You know, I wanted to make sure you’d be okay with it.” He tiptoed up, and stole a little kiss, a smile slipping into place just for Sebastian. “You made my day special, let me make it special for you two as well?” He nudged the flowers towards Seb as if asking.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian watched Blaine as he placed the flowers methodically around the grave. He let Blaine help him off of the ground, the knees of his dark jeans had little grass stains on them and his hands smelled like wet dandelions and earth. Seb didn’t mind, though. He held onto the remaining flowers and nodded along to the other man’s words. “You really don’t have to thank me.”Sebastian wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and held him tight for a few moments. He was glad that Blaine felt a little better and he really had made the grave look very clean and pretty. 
 He felt the flowers change in his fingers before he saw them. The magic tingled and moved against his skin. Seb looked down to see the small wildflower bouquet turn into something that looked like it had come from a high end flower shop. Though he had witnessed Blaine’s magic so many times, he was always amazed by it, always felt a little lightheaded around it. The colors were subtle and sleek and reminded him of his mother before Blaine had even brought up the   idea of visiting her. 
 “What?” Sebastian blinked a few times. He quirked his head and looked down at the other man. He was confused. They had to keep magic a secret, how were they supposed to just pop up at his childhood home? “I mean, wow.” Seb ran a hand through his hair that was a little mussed from the wind and from their whimsical mode of transportation. “Won’t she, you know, wonder how we got there? We don’t have any luggage. I arranged for some truffles to be delivered and I bought her a new Coach wristlet. Not that I don’t want to see her, I just...I don’t want to get you in trouble.” 
Seb held onto the flowers and rocked back on his heels. He could see how excited Blaine was by the little mischievous sparkle in his eye, his giddy kiss,  his smile. Sebastian bit his bottom lip and rolled his eyes playfully. “Alright, alright. If you promise she won’t find out and that Hunter won’t like, have a stroke over this.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine bit his lip to keep from smiling too big, after all the emotions he’d gone through in the span of an hour it was nice to feel a little amusement. He reached for Sebastian’s hand and gave it a little squeeze of reassurance. “After everything you’ve seen? You still doubt me?” He let himself smile now and shook his head. “I know I messed up a little during Christmas, but I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’ve been working on my detection spells and my glamours. I can do this, I promise.” He motioned to the messenger bag that had the anti-nausea potions and a few other ingredients in it. “This is our luggage, we’re only going to be there one night. Besides, after we’re settled  I’ll pop back in at home and get us pajamas and something for tomorrow. I’ll check on Ras and I know this seems weird, but I’ll talk to Freya and she’ll have no problem watching him for the next sixteen or so hours. She’ll make a great babysitter, really. Besides, she loves the guy. Don’t let her annoyance fool you. She’d do anything for him.”
 “I promise you that she won’t find out, the only magic I’ll have to do on her is making sure she sees your car parked in the driveway. And Hunter will be fine, in fact, if you tell him, he might even be impressed.” He gave a reassuring smile and stepped forward, pulling Seb back towards him with both arms this time. Wrapping them tightly around his waist, mindful of Sabine’s flowers. He titled his head up, and kissed Sebastian once more, pulling back with an easy smile. “Close your eyes.” 
Once he was sure Seb was ready he pressed his face to Seb’s neck and pictured the Smythe home and where he wanted them to land. His feet touched the ground on the porch just out of sight of the Smythe’s large front door. Blaine’s anti-detection spells worked over time as he focused to push them out. Once he was sure they weren’t detected he turned towards the road and a slow smile spread over his lips as he concentrated, the buzzing energy of magic coming up and through him strong and before his eyes Sebastian’s car or what looked like Sebastian’s car pulled up into the gated driveway. 
He bit his lip as he surveyed their surroundings, making sure everything was in place. He ran his hand through his curls, making sure they were at least somewhat decent. Their clothing was casual, like they’d been traveling, which wasn’t a lie. He gave Seb a once over (perfect, as always) but stopped when he noticed the grass stains from when he’d knelt down with him. The memory made his heart swell. He leaned down just enough to swipe his hands over the spots, watching as the green faded leaving dark blue jeans behind. He lifted back up and arched his brows as if asking Sebastian if this were okay. If he did everything good enough. Before knocking he reached for Sebastian’s hand intertwining their fingers in one last thank you. 
 “Before we knock, I just… I wanted to tell you that today meant everything to me. I’m so incredibly lucky and I love you, okay? Yeah.” He gave Seb’s hand a squeeze, a calming wave of energy coming off of him and settling over the house as he waited for Seb to knock.
Sebastian’s POV:
“I don’t doubt you. I just don’t want you to get in trouble or something. I trust you and it seems like you already have it all planned out so, let’s do it.” 
He had a strange mental image of Freya baby sitting Ras, standing on her fluffy legs as she filled his food bowl and took him for a stroll down the block. He laughed, “I mean, if you say she’s capable...who am I to judge?”
Seb took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut as he felt Blaine’s arms wrap around him tightly, his mother’s flowers in his hands around the other man’s waist. The pop of magic whirled around them as they landed near the house, an apparition of his car rolled into the driveway as he shook the tingly feeling magic gave him out of his legs. The car was probably the strangest display of magic he had seen yet. “Damn,B. You get better by the day.”  He nudged his boyfriend in the side with his elbow. “And the grass stain thing? Super cool. You would have been useful when I played Lacrosse.”
He looked up at his house and sighed. Sebastian hoped that his mother was home and that his father was away. Sebastian and Blaine were so caught up in the moment that they didn’t even consider calling first. He squeezed Blaine’s hand and looked into his eyes for a beat. “You would do the same for me.” Sebastian kissed him. “I love you back.” He lifted a fist and knocked on the door. He was sure that his mother would be a little panicky that somebody was knocking, considering the house was gated and they weren’t expecting him. Sebastian hoped that Blaine had extended some calming magic into the atmosphere so that she would answer the door and not send somebody else to do it.
Seb’s wish must have been secretly granted by Blaine because there was Sabine, in a black button up  blouse tucked into high waisted boyfriend cut jeans and her feet were bare (her toes were painted red). She had her hair pulled back into her signature low chignon bun and Sebastian could smell her welcoming lavender perfume mixed with the scent of the lemon wood polish that his childhood home always smelled like. Her red lips broke into a wide smile that matched his and she was in his arms before either of them could mutter a word. Sabine’s low laughter was in his ear and then she was exclaiming his boyfriend’s name with a little clap of her delicate hands and hugging him, she rubbed his back and told Blaine that she had missed him.
Sebastian stood there, clutching a bouquet made of magic as he watched his mother ruffle his boyfriend’s dark curly hair. The two of them were smiling and laughing, holding each other like old friends. He didn’t think anything in the world could look as perfect as her bare feet next to Blaine’s navy blue slip on shoes, his eyes shiny as he held onto her slender arms, the sound of his happy laugh that rang out over the landing of the Smythe house. He laughed to himself, a happy tear slid to the tip of his nose as he wrapped his long arms around the two of them.
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andersoncharm · 5 years
Oh god, I miss you on my lips. (December 24/25, 2019)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine.
When: Christmas Eve in Massachusetts/Christmas early morning in Chartres/Paris.
Location: A tad in Cambridge, MA and Paris, France. 
Notes: Smut. Lots of smut. With a touch of romance. Duh, it’s Paris and Blaine. (And Sebastian is a total romantic, don’t let him fool you.) Also, Magic!
Warnings:  Fingering/Penetration.
It had been seven days since Blaine had gotten to touch or kiss Sebastian’s face and it had been even longer since they’d been intimate and Blaine’s body was buzzing with the energy and knowledge that he was going to get to be with him in less than thirty minutes. He could hardly wait had he put the little vials of potion into his pocket that he had made for Sebastian. A nausea one just in case Seb decided he wanted to try magic travel and an energy one because even though it was only eight pm in Massachusetts it was two am in Paris and Seb’s grandmother expected him up early. Seb was just getting used to taking potions here and there so he hoped two potions of them wouldn’t freak him out. He gave himself a look in the mirror, taking in his slightly disheveled appearance. Face a little scruffy, hair a mess, sweats built for comfort and not fashion. Even so, the pants hugged his body just right and Sebastian had made it well known that he liked the way the scruff felt against is smooth skin. He stepped away and thought for a moment before sliding two condoms into his back pocket- just in case. They’d run out of time on his other visit and Sebastian’s I miss all of you text gave Blaine some hope. He didn’t bother with lubrication, knowing that he had his own magical methods to comfort his boyfriend. 
He leaned down and gave Enjolras a farewell pat on the head before closing his eyes and focusing on the little hill town that lay sixty miles outside of Paris where Sebastian’s mother had grown up. He’d only done this once in the twelve days Seb had been gone and while it did suck a lot of energy out of him, the extra hours of lessons and practice he’d been doing with his dad were showing again as it took him less time than before to get into the slanted roof attic bedroom. He landed just inside the door and before he did anything he leaned down and pressed his hands to the creaky hardwood floor and placed a muffle and detection charm on the room. They wouldn’t be heard, and if they were Blaine would know instantly. 
Once he knew they were free, he stood. His face broke into a grin as he took in the sight of a shirtless Sebastian tucked in under the ridiculous frilly, light pink blanket his grandmother had picked out probably 40 years ago for the tiny, single bed. The room was bare minus some sort of cross stitching of pale pink flowers. He stepped across the now silent floor and was leaning down to kiss Seb’s lips before pulling back with a laugh.
“That blanket does not get better, does it?”
Sebastian lay on the bed, staring mindlessly at a Buzzfeed article as he waited for Blaine. He felt as if he needed to clutch the phone until the other man was in sight, in case something happened. He wasn’t sure how he could help, say, if Blaine somehow got stuck in a tree in like, London or something but, the superstitious thought remained. 
He always chose the attic room at his Grandmother’s for the privacy and the little window that he could sit at and chain smoke, like a lonely french poet longing for the lights of the city. Seb also liked the attic because it was the simplest room in the house, despite the gaudy comforter and rickety wrought iron bed frame. All of the other rooms were filled with random shit and baubles and too many pieces of old furniture. Clutter stressed him out.
Suddenly, Blaine was there in all of his scruffy, night time glory. His very own Peter Pan, sneaking in under the cover of the stars to take him away while the others in the house slept soundly. Or maybe B was the poet and he was the courtesan stuffed up in a room, waiting and waiting and waiting for something real. God, he got sentimental sometimes. 
He sat up, the pink covers slipping just so to reveal his toned stomach. Sebastian tilted his head to meet Blaine’s lips, he really missed him. He didn’t care how many days it had been. The tightness he had been feeling since he landed in France lightened up when Blaine was around. Their red string coiling around their feet rather than stretching across the ocean, pulling them.  
“You know what would make it look even better?” Sebastian reached up and tangled his long fingers in the mess of the other man’s dark tangle of curls. He could see the scruff sprinkled across his chin when B was close like this. Sebastian’s skin itched to feel it scrape his jaw, feel the roughness of music worn fingers hold his hips down,hot breath saying his name in his ear. 
He should have stopped himself and made sure Blaine was okay and well rested enough. But, he couldn’t stop himself. Sebastian knew him so well, though, that he knew they were on the same page. 
“If you were under it with me.”
Blaine’s eyes swept over Sebastian as he sat up a bit and kissed him back tasting just a touch like cigarettes and thought he shouldn’t have enjoyed the taste of Seb’s sometimes bad habit he did anyway. Like a naughty thing that Sebastian did and Blaine got to kiss away. Blaine had been to this country twice now and only seen the inside of this ill-favored room but, as soon as Seb’s lips and fingers were on him and he drank in the sight of familiar curves and dips of his boyfriend in the strange, weak glow of an old lamp and knew he was home. Home wasn’t a place after all, it was Sebastian and Blaine wasn’t sure how he’d ever managed to be away for seven days. He shivered when Seb’s fingers tightened in his hair, blunt nails scraping his scalp. Any fatigue he may have felt about magically traveling almost four thousand miles was swept away in the look Sebastian was giving him. 
He bit back a smile and toed out of his shoes and shrugged out of his sweatshirt, his clear quartz resting against his thumping heart,  his skin itching to feel Sebastian’s against his. He reached into the pocket of his sweats and placed the condoms and the two little vials on the ancient nightstand that held the old lamp and now Seb’s phone. He pulled down the covers just a bit, Seb’s grey sweat pants tight, showing the delicious outline of his cock beneath them. Blaine’s gave a little jolt knowing that all he had to do was lower them just a bit and he could taste him. He licked his lips and reached out, running the palm of his hand gently over his boyfriends cock, enjoying the little jump it gave under his palm before shifting so that he was under the covers and on the bed, nestled perfectly between Sebastian’s long legs. His clothed hips pressing into Seb’s as he lowered himself down on top of him. He let out a sigh as his bare chest pressed into Seb’s. 
“Did you mean like this?” His voice was soft, hardly there, one hand holding himself up so he could look down into Seb’s sea of green, his other hand cupping the side of his face, thumb running over his bottom lip before bringing his lips down and finally licking into Seb’s mouth. Letting himself taste. A little moan already trapping itself between them. “Gods, I’ve missed you…” the words mumbled between lips and tongues.
The bed underneath Sebastian’s back gave an aching squeak as Blaine settled in between his hips, spreading his legs just so, that one of his knobby knees hit the wall. Sebastian kissed Blaine, melting into the warmth of his body. The scent of patchouli and sage that always burrowed into the other man’s skin was comforting but, there was another new, exciting scent living in his curly hair. Blaine smelled like wind and ozone tonight, making him just that more magical in the surreal moment. 
“Just like that.” Seb shivered when B’s thumb traced his bottom lip. He nipped at Blaine in between kisses, his skin already covered in goosebumps and aching for the other man. He wiggled his hips a little underneath Blaine, the bed gave another stressed moan. “You promise that they won’t be able to hear us?” Sebastian’s face broke into a smile that showed off every tooth, the situation was so silly and whimsical and his body was on fire with want. 
Here, was this man, who snuck into his room ,basically through the window, and was currently nestled under garish covers, pressed so close. It was like the teen movies and lifetime romances Sebastian used to watch in secret when he was a teen. He yearned for somebody charming and nice, who would do things like throw rocks at his window and win prizes at the carnival and grab him and kiss him in a fucking thunderstorm. All that corny shit. He never told a soul about it, not even Hunter. He kept it to himself, let his body be used, and hid his loneliness away behind biting sarcasm. 
But, on really bad days, he would go burrow away in the basement of his parents’ house, and turn on The Notebook or Say Anything or Can’t Buy Me Love or Notting Hill. Seb was finally the star of his own fucking great romance. His heart was racing and Blaine always made him feel like he was worth winning carnival prizes for, worth kissing in the rain, worth fucking visiting at 2AM in another country. 
“I’ve missed you back,” Seb gripped the sides of Blaine’s face and looked into his eyes for a moment, thankful for him, before arching up to steal another rushed, messy, wonderful kiss.  He slid his hands from Blaine’s 5 o clock shadow, down the tight muscles of his back, to grip his ass underneath his red sweatpants. Sebastian knew this would get Blaine to speed up and get him out of his own bottoms. 
“Let me show you how much.”
Blaine slid his hand down the side of Seb’s neck, his fingertips tracing each familiar freckle and new goosebumps gently and reassuringly, his lips pressing against the most prominent ones dotting the side of his slender neck. “I promise you, no one can hear us.” His heart skipped a beat, and butterfly wings beat against his stomach when Sebastian smiled that smile that showed off every tooth, featuring the little crooked one’s that he loved so much. The smile Blaine had crossed a smile Blaine had crossed a whole damn ocean to see. The smile that was for Blaine only, the one that could light up the whole universe if Sebastian were to show it to the world. But, thank the gods he didn’t. It was Blaine’s and Blaine’s alone and it made him wonder what he’d done to deserve such a beautiful thing.
His eyes went wide as Sebastian gripped his face, the look in his boyfriends eyes speaking volumes about what he was feeling and the butterflies in Blaine’s stomach fluttered faster. I love you was on the tip of his tongue but, Sebastian’s mouth and hands on his body trapped the words between them. It didn’t matter though, Sebastian knew, and Blaine made sure to write it on his skin with each kiss and each touch. He shivered at his boyfriend's words, the feeling of long fingers pressing into him giving him his own design of goosebumps. 
“Let me…” he mumbled, lifting his hips a bit so that his chest was pressed flush against Sebastian’s. His fingers hooking into the waist of Sebastian’s grey sweats and pushing them down as far as he could, his knees and feet pushing them the rest of the way to ball up at the foot of the bed by their feet. He did the same to his own, not caring that one leg of his still tangled around his ankle. He sighed as their bodies, without hindrance from clothing, were finally together. The hairs on Sebastian’s legs tickling his hips as he gave them a teasing roll and fuck he wasn’t going to be able to keep this up for long. Twelve days was far too long to go without touching him. 
He closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on what he needed to do to make Sebastian comfortable and was impressed with himself when his fingers slicked up just like he wanted. His own spell, a little sex magic that Blaine had been working on but afraid to try until now. Now was perfect though, Seb had seen so much of what he could do and now maybe they wouldn’t have to waste money on lube anymore. He reached down between them, his slick fingers wrapping around Sebastian’s cock, he looked up, almost eye level with his boyfriend, smiling a little mischievously as he stroked him slowly gauging his reaction.
Sebastian was so into Blaine and everything that he was doing that he hardly noticed that there wasn’t a bottle of lube laying on the bed. His head was so hazy with desire and instinct that it took him a second to realize that Blaine had used magic. His magic got better every day, it seemed. Even Seb, who didn’t really know shit about magic, knew this was an impressive display.
His eyes grew wide and locked onto the playful sparkle in B’s. Seb gasped as Blaine touched him, “Woah…” Sebastian rocked his hips into the other man’s hand and gripped his shoulders, one of his favorite places on Blaine’s body. He could feel everything there- when he was stressed, tired, relaxed. Right now he could feel the slightest shiver and Seb knew this wouldn’t last very long. The creaky bed made the slightest groan as their bodies moved and Sebastian rested his knee against the wall, the coolness a little bit shocking to his hot skin. 
Seb slid one of his hands between their bodies and grabbed Blaine’s cock, it was heavy and satisfying in his hand. He clumsily knocked against Blaine’s own hand for a moment and gave a breathless laugh mixed with a moan. 
“C’mon,baby. I’m not gonna last very long.”  Sebastian was tempted to start preparing himself but, he knew Blaine would knock his greedy fingers out of the way.
Blaine sighed when Seb’s long fingers gripped his shoulder, a simple touch and he was ready to come undone. He’d been wound so tight since Seb had left for France. It didn’t matter that he’d gotten to see him once and it didn’t matter that he knew he was safe. Sebastian belonged next to him. The skin on skin contact was slowly starting to unwind him though. His body jerking when Seb’s other hand gripped his cock. It twitched and he knew, without a doubt, that if he didn’t move soon he’d unwind completely. 
He bit his lip as he slid his hand from Seb’s cock  down and under until his magic slick fingers found what he wanted. He pressed his middle finger and index finger into Sebastian without much warning, crooking them slowly in and out trying to find that sweet spot. Seb clenching around him, and the buck of his hips telling Blaine he had. He pressed his palm against Sebastian’s balls creating pressure as he pumped his fingers, a third one joining the other two in the process. He groaned, he loved this, loved feeling Seb tight and slick around his fingers, he only wished he could see them slide into him properly but, his body and the blanket were in the way. 
He looked up at Sebastian, his boyfriends words needy and the little pet name giving his butterflies another little flutter as he took in the sights, from Seb’s bare knee sticking out from the covers, pressed against the wall, leaving his legs open and inviting for Blaine. He couldn’t take much more or once again, he’d come from just this. With his free hand he managed to reach the condoms and used his teeth to open it, his fingers still pressing in over and over again as he slipped it onto himself. His fingers withdrew and before Seb could miss them they were replaced with Blaine’s cock. He grunted and then moaned as he pressed himself all the way in,the pressure almost too much, and fell forward, his chest against Seb’s as he pressed their foreheads together so he could look into his eyes. One arm slipping under Seb’s head to cradle him, wanting to be close, fingers tangling into light brown hair. The other hand resting just so against Seb’s neck, the quick thump of his pulse vibrating through Blaine’s thumb as he fucked into him slow and deep, the ugly pink blanket slipping down over his ass a little more with each thrust. 
“Fuck, Seb… missed you so much…” Words almost unintelligible and mumbled into Seb’s open and waiting mouth before talking was too much. So Blaine kissed him as he moved, kissed him like it’d been a year, kissed him like it was the last time he’d get to do it. I love you apparent in each swipe of tongue. His toes curling with each thrust.
Sebastian’s body acted on its own, his breathing rushed and harsh and trapped in between their hot skin. His hands shakily slid do hold on to the other man’s hips and he gasped as he pressed into him. With his hands there he could feel every movement Blaine made which made his body feel hotter, his knees weaker. 
The two of them were so close, wrapped up together in a mingle of pink sheets and sweatpants.The bed laboriously creaking underneath Sebastian’s back, he could feel the coils inside of the mattress move with the cadence of Blaine’s thrusts. 
Sebastian couldn’t speak when Blaine fucked him like this, his mind a fuzzy mixture of just ‘blaine blaine blaine’ and his body weak with need. All he could do was moan and hold tight, show his complete worship of the other man with his gasps of his name, and kiss and kiss and kiss.
 He loved the feel of the rough skin of his hands against his very sensitive neck, that was always enough to drive him crazy. Sebastian knew going into this he wasn’t going to last long and Blaine knew his body so well that he was sure he was on the same exact page. They always seemed to be. Sebastian’s knees tightened around Blaine’s body, pressing his own hands tighter to his hips, his back arching up off of the bed just a little bit as he came with a loud gasp and a stuttering of the hips.
Each little moan and each little gasp that fell from his boyfriends lips sent a thrill through Blaine’s overly sensitive body. His lips chasing the syllables as soon as they were uttered. His body hummed with pleasure and his mind consumed with just Sebastian. He stilled for a second, watching Sebastian fell apart in his arms. His head back, cheeks red with excitement, his lips swollen pink and parted with Blaine’s name. Sebastian was so beautiful and in moments like this be became almost otherworldly. 
Blaine wanted to keep going, wanted to see if he could fuck Sebastian back into another orgasm but, long legs locked around him, and strong slip fingers gripping into his hips, and the way Seb clenched around him left him only good for a few minutes more. He moaned low as he pressed in hard and came just as hard, his thumb pressing just so into Seb’s pulse point, his teeth nipping at his ear, his name barely more than a hot breath in Seb’s ear. He held his tense body up just for a moment so that he could catch one more glimpse of Seb in his glow before he let himself fall slack against his slick chest. His lips pressed against his neck, his arms cradling his boyfriends body close. 
He wasn’t sure how long he lay like that, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few minutes but, if he wasn’t careful he’d fall asleep right there on top of Seb and where would that leave them in two hours when his family could catch them if Blaine were in snooze mode. He lifted up and cupped Seb’s face gently, his face heated just like it always was after sex, smiling lovingly down at him before kissing him just as gently. An unspoken I love you.
“In a perfect world, we’d get to fall asleep together tonight.” He knew they had other plans, but he was spent and curling up beside Sebastian in the impossibly small bed and wrapping himself around his person sounded incredible. Plus, the thought of leaving after getting to see and touch him for such a short time was already rubbing a little ache back into his heart. He let out little laugh through his nose and shook his head as he eased himself out of Sebastian. He subtly used a bit of magic to make the condom disappear, he didn’t want Sebastian to have to explain to his grandmother or mother who it was used with should it be found. That would be a disaster considering they both knew he was with Blaine. Especially with Sabine. He eased himself over to Seb’s side, his bare back exposed to the room as he tangled his leg with Seb’s to keep from falling off the bed. He pressed a kiss to Seb’s shoulder before resting his head on the same spot.  “Don’t suppose I could just put them under a spell and we sleep just like this in each others arms all through Christmas day, huh?”
Seb watched Blaine fall apart above him, his whole body overwhelmed and spent. He let his tired body be cradled by Blaine, shivered at each sensitive touch and kiss. He pressed his hands flat against his back and listened to the other man’s ragged breathing. 
Sebastian was impressed by the display of subtle magic Blaine showed as he cleaned them up and disposed of any evidence. The other man’s magic grew stronger every day. He hoped that Blaine would have enough energy to get home safely. Seb made a mental note that he needed to make sure B was rested and energized before he left. 
“I really wish that was possible. But, like, I dunno...I might actually feel a little guilty about that.” Sebastian pressed his body closer to the wall to make room for the other man. He laughed a little and turned to press a small kiss to Blaine’s lips. “You’re my pumpkin,B.” He ran a hand over his boyfriend’s bicep. “We gotta get you home soon before….poof!” Sebastian mimed a little explosion against Blaine’s arm. 
“On a serious note, I really do wish we could just lay here all night. It would be nice. But, I think we have one last thing to do, right? Go see the Eiffel tower? Oh damn. I’m not sure if we’re going to be able to get a taxi this late.”
Blaine nodded against Seb’s shoulder showing that he understood, and he really did. His grandmother only really got to see him once or twice a year, so of course he’d want to spend the morning with her and his mom. Blaine also had no doubt that Sebastian would much rather Blaine get to be there as well. There was always next year. Blaine smile stretched as he laughed against Seb’s skin. “Could you imagine? The pumpkin was always one of my favorite parts of Cinderella though, that the two adorable little mice. Gus-Gus and Jaq.” He sighed, nuzzled into Seb again for a moment. “Anyway, I know I need to go soon. The sun will be up before we know it. Plus, seeing how it’s only about ten in Massachusetts Ras wont be able to sleep unless I get back. He’s taken over your side of the bed, you know. Makes me spoon him just like you.” He teased, knowing Seb missed the both of them. He thought he’d like to know Ras missed him just as much. 
Blaine had almost forgotten about their Christmas morning plans to go see the Eiffel tower. He let out a laugh and shook his head. “Now you know that it’s closed right now so even if we did get one we’d just have to stand there and look at it. No, I have other plans.” He nuzzled into his boyfriend one last time, hoping to make the feeling last for the next four days until he came home before gently rolling himself out of the little bed. He riffled through the covers and discovered their sweats. He passed Seb’s to him and pulled his own on followed by his sweatshirt. He didn’t have time to look for a shirt or Seb so he pulled Seb to him and wrapped the ugly pale pink blanket around him like a burrito. 
He looked up at Seb, still nervous that he’d back out. “So, magic travel. It’s not really meant for humans or normal animals but it is possible, you just have to prepare properly. I learned that the hard way when I took Ras last year and threw up promptly after. He was still super happy about it and now that I’ve perfected my potions, he does even better. No more dizziness and no more sickness. I take him to LeFay using magic all the time now and he loves it. And I know you’re not a dog but, I tweaked the potion to fit you and the way your body works specifically. You won’t feel sick at all, I promise.” He held up the little ginger colored vial and handed it to Seb followed by the little green bottle filled with an energy potion.  “And this one will help you with energy, it’s got Yerba Mate in it and you’ve had that before. I know it’s  almost time for your mom and grandmother to wake you up for Christmas morning, and I’ve kept you awake for too long so and you’ve not slept so... this will help. You’ll not feel drowsy or grumpy this morning.” He watched as Seb drank each one the vials, thankful that he trusted him enough to do so.
He was a little drowsy himself, his body bordering from exhaustion from the magic and the sex and the adrenaline. And he knew he still needed to get seb back here and them himself back to Enjolras but, he knew how to pace himself. He could already tell he’d be collapsing into the covers of Sebastian's apartment as soon as he made it home. He’d have to remember to send Seb a text before hand. He pulled Seb close, his arms wrapped tightly and protectively around him, warming magic already flowing from him to Seb. He pulled him even closer, as he prepared to leave, as if his boyfriend might float away. Who knows, maybe he could, Blaine didn’t and wouldn’t want to find out.
“Hold tight, baby. I’ve got you.” He whispered into Seb’s ear before he closed his eyes and focused on where he wanted them to go. Could picture the top floor the the tower overlooking the Banks of the Seine as he let The familiar pull and pop take him and Sebastian there, their bare feet pressing into the cool floor of the tower before he knew it.
Seb scrubbed a hand over his face, he hadn’t even thought about the fact that it would be closed or that his magical boyfriend could get them there. “Duh. Of course you’ll get us there.” 
Sebastian was really nervous about the magic travelling but,he trusted Blaine. He listened carefully as he explained the potions, held the cold glass bottles in the palm of his hand. Sebastian had been using homemade tinctures and products from Blaine for months and they were all great. This couldn’t be any different and he would do just about anything Blaine asked. 
“Down the hatch.” Sebastian tipped the dark yellow bottle back first, and then the green. They were both bitter, herbal, and smooth like tea. 
He grasped on to Blaine, the two of them wrapped in his Grandmother’s blanket. Sebastian’s eyes were wide and his mouth was held tight, his fingers pressing hard into Blaine’s shoulder blades. Sebastian exhaled through his nose and nodded, he squeezed his eyes shut reflexively as they started to move. 
Well, using the word ‘move’ wasn’t really right. Neither were the words ‘floating’ or ‘flying’ or ‘drifting’.  How was somebody like Sebastian ever going to explain such a fantastical moment? It felt like speeding recklessly at 2 AM or fast forwarding a worn out movie over and over again, the characters on the screen comically stepping forward only to step back again in an awkward dance. 
If Seb hadn’t taken the potion he would have for sure thrown up or passed out or fell off of the fucking Eiffel tower to his (fashionable and on brand) death. His world spun, or rather, unraveled for a few minutes, his bare feet pressed against frigid metal which shocked his eyes open. 
Suddenly, Sebastian’s eyes were filled with city lights. His ears filled with the sounds of the early morning city and his skin prickled from the cold Parisian air. His mouth fell open just a little bit, it was overwhelming. He could see the river and the lines where streets cut the city into what looked like slices of cake sprinkled with light.
“Blaine, it’s wonderful.” He reached out and grasped his boyfriend’s hand. “You know, I was born here. I went to school here. I’ve spent so much of my time in Paris. But,  I’ve never experienced anything like this before. “ Sebastian turned to look at Blaine, “this is amazing.” Sebastian admired the profile of Blaine’s face for a few moments before he pulled him into a kiss. “This is the best Christmas morning I’ve ever had. I love you.”
Blaine watched with a swell in his heart as Sebastian took in the sights around him. His boyfriend was so awestruck and beautiful up here in the Paris glow of Christmas morning that Blaine forgot to look around and see the city for himself for a moment. He reluctantly made himself look away from Sebastian’s lovely face but kept his body pressed close. The city was waking up, sleepy and slow. Christmas lights and store lights blinking on and off gently to the hum of electricity and vehicles on the ground. It was almost overwhelming being up here and looking down. There was magic here, Blaine could feel it. From the streets to the monuments to cathedral walls to right up where Sebastian’s green eyes were awestruck. 
He swallowed hard, fighting back a ridiculous and wonderful wave of emotion as he listened to Sebastian. His eyes wide and shiny with happy tears as he watched his boyfriends face and knew that it was because of him that he was feeling like this. Blaine had done this. He’d given Sebastian a new view of his home and it made Blaine’s heart skip beats and he wanted to soar over the city and tell them all how much he loved this man. How much he meant to him. His exhaustion from the use of magic was long gone as he held his boyfriend and looked out over this strange new city. He let out a teary little laugh, a happy laugh, a light and giddy one that he was sure the oblivious people below could hear.
He let himself be pulled into Seb’s arms, melting into him instantly. His words and kisses sending goosebumps over his skin that had nothing to do with the crisp Paris winter morning. He swallowed again, hoping to push the emotion in his voice down and failing miserably. 
“Merry Christmas, Seb. I love you back.” He nuzzled his nose into Seb’s, giggling again as he echoed Sebastian's teasing words to him from a couple of weeks ago. “You absolute tourist.” He could not recall the last time he’d felt so light and loved.
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andersoncharm · 5 years
There’s Something We Should Talk About...//Monday, August 19, 2019/Seblaine ‘mini’ para.
Blaine read back over the text Sebastian and him had been exchanging throughout the day, his nerves creeping up to grab at his stomach again as he read the words there is something we should talk about and I think so but, we should talk in person or on the phone. Blaine believed Sebastian when he said it wasn’t about them but, his intuition witchy and just basic in general told him he still needed to be on guard. He forced himself to sit still and endure the rest of his classes. It was the start of the year, and now that he was on his fifth year at LeFay University he was learning more advanced things every day and he didn’t think his Headmaster father would appreciate him leaving early. Especially after he had cut out early on his private lessons last Sunday. He let himself smile thinking back, he didn’t regret that early exit one bit even if it did ear him a few probing questions from his father.
As soon as four o’clock hit he was in his dorm giving himself and his room a quick once over. Freya was there, giving her normal, broody, disapproving look. He shook his head at his familiar and rubbed her favorite spot right under her chin. “You know you’re allowed over there anytime you want. Ras misses you, you could be civilized and come visit him and his papa.” He never said Sebatian’s name out loud behind these walls, he didn’t know who might be listening. He kissed the top of her cloud soft head and was in Sebastian’s alley way in less than thirty seconds. He knew he could put himself into the apartment but, Seb was still getting used to it and Blaine didn’t want to overload him with magic every single day. He made his way up the steps and just used his key to let himself in. He was greeted by Ras kisses and his nervous heart lifted a bit. Ras had that effect. He made his way further into the apartment and found his guy, already showered and in sweats for the night
“Hey, you. You look comfy.” He leaned up for a hello kiss and smiled up at Seb as he pulled away. “So what’s this news that’s had me mildly freaking- well, kinda a lot freaking out all day long?
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