#para: plants vs feelings
declinlalune · 8 months
Plants Vs Feelings || Andy & Jonas
TIMING: in july, after zane dropped the plant by bread cemetery. LOCATION: bread cemetery. PARTIES: @thesilentmedium & @declinlalune SUMMARY: andy shows jonas the plant zane dropped off for him. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
Andy had wanted to ask Jonas about Zane and exactly what had happened there, but didn’t want to cross any boundaries. But how else was she supposed to tell him that she had a gift waiting for him? Sure, Zane could have taken it home and brought it back another time, but he didn’t. It sat on the counter waiting for Jonas’s arrival the next morning. She was stacking the flour delivery into a corner of the back kitchen when she heard Jonas enter through the front door of the bakery. She looked around the doorway and raised a hand in greeting, wiping some of the flour that’d gotten onto her hands off on the apron. 
She approached Jonas with a smile, motioning towards the plant on the counter. She should be as straightforward as possible, she realized. No use in pretending she didn’t know who’d brought it to begin with. “Zane brought it for you yesterday, but you’d already gone home. I told him I’d make sure that it got to you.” She picked it up and held it out for him to take with a small knowing smile.
Jonas was not a functional human being today, he decided, as he clutched the coffee in his hand like a lifeline. He hadn’t meant to stay up all night but had made the mistake of putting on a show before bed. Normally Jonas didn’t have a problem falling asleep to movies or tv, but something about Pride & Prejudice ended up keeping his interest and before he knew it the sun was coming up. Maybe it was because Jonas had been feeling a little lonely lately that the romance show was able to keep him hooked. 
Jonas and Zane had never really gotten to talk about what happened that evening under the tree. The day they were meant to, ended up with Zane having to cancel due to emergencies in the ER. In fact the ER had been keeping Zane rather locked up and while the two had managed a text here or there it had left Jonas wondering where exactly the other man wanted to take things. Jonas was worried he may have come off a bit strong and scared the other man off. He knew Zane didn’t have as much experience in these matters as he did and he really didn’t want to make Zane feel pressured into a relationship he might not have been ready for. 
A bit of relief came about at the sight of his lovely work partner and the plant she was offering forward. Jonas’ couldn’t help the smile that graced his face as he set his coffee aside to carefully take the plant from Andy’s hands. “It is very cute!” He held the pink plant up, adoring the little thing. “I appreciate you holding onto this for me. It is a lovely gift, I will have to make sure I text Zane later to let him know.” Jonas’ couldn’t hide the look of affection he gave the plant as he thought of the man who gifted it. He nestled it safely on a shelf behind the counter. It would sit there till the end of his shift he decided. “We will have to think of a name for it.”
Andy watched Jonas carefully as he took the plant. His eyes lit up like when he talked about his mom, but there was no sadness this go around. “Yeah, you don’t need to thank me.” She picked up the sack of flour she’d been moving to the front room off of the counter and set it to the side so that it’d be available for when they next needed it. She turned around to watch as Jonas put the plant onto the shelf. It looked good there, but it probably deserved a better home.
“Hm?” At Jonas’s comment, Andy nodded, thinking for a moment. “Maybe something to do with pink?” Admittedly, her skillset did not include knowing anything about plants. She knew other things, sure, but plants were sort of out of her range of information. She leaned against the counter and watched it, waiting for it as if it’d move on its own accord. In this town, it probably would. “Or give it a human name, that’d be funny, too.” She’d met a dog named Francis the other day and hadn’t stopped thinking about it. 
“I do, you did something kind. I will make you some extra pastries to take home today for your sister and you to share.” Jonas already had a lot on his plate with custom orders but he was nothing if not a master of planning his day. He was sure he could squeeze in some cream puffs for the siblings to enjoy, maybe even some sugar cookies. He was already planning how to decorate each pastry, the cream puffs would be made to look like rabbits and the sugar cookies would be dusted in rainbow sprinkles on top of a white frosting. Of course he would have to make sure to package them before Andy got a peek at what he was preparing for them. 
“Something pink and human related.” He mumbled to himself, finger tapping his chin as he thought. “Not um human exactly but there is the fairy from Sleeping Beauty who wanted Aurora’s dress to be pink. I cannot remember her name though.” He started to fiddle with his phone before pausing and waving it off, “I will look it up later. I uh should help you get the shop ready.” Jonas wasn’t as strong as Andy so having her around really was a blessing but he was still strong enough to move a bag of flour or two should Andy need him to. “How was your night? I am sorry I did not ask before I was excited over the plant.” 
Andy waved away Jonas’s offer. “I can also make them myself, you know.” Though, Jonas seemed to know the best ratios. Even if she followed the recipes his mom left behind, whatever she made never tasted the same as his. She wondered if it was the attachment he had to Bread Cemetery. She was appreciative of his offer, regardless of not wanting him to waste his time on it. “But if you insist.” She grinned at him and wiped away some of the flour dust from her apron. 
As Jonas debated on a name for the plant, Andy nodded. She’d never seen Sleeping Beauty, but she was sure that the name would fit, if it was something about being a fairy and being pink. She couldn’t be entirely sure, but she trusted his judgment. “No, it’s okay, I can do it. I think the plant’s name is more important here, don’t you think?” She wasn’t sure if it was actually, but still. She liked seeing Jonas happy like this. “Hm? My night was…” She thought about the canned cheese and Kaden’s face. “Good, as any other, I guess.” Andy smiled at Jonas before grabbing a few piping bags, setting them up at Jonas’s station. “Lil’s not getting locked out anymore, right? You know I had to push her through a window a few weeks ago.” 
Jonas grinned, “Of course you can and you do it very well but there is always something special about letting someone else bake them for you.” He supposed it was the kindness of the gesture that made the pastries always taste better when they came from a friend. When you loved someone it seemed to tint many of the things they did in a more favorable light. Not that Jonas could excuse everything a loved one did out of affection for them. He did not think he could forgive anyone who killed another person out of anger or some sick twisted sense of delight.
Jonas could take a hint that Andy wanted to know the name sooner rather than later, “Very well give me just a moment.” He smiled and once again began to fiddle with his phone, mouthing some of the words as he read the wiki page on sleeping beauty. “Her name was Flora, that does seem very fitting. We should um make it official.“ He looked around for a marker on the front desk, making a small noise of triumph when the sharpie finally revealed itself. With a delicate hand he wrote out the name FLORA on the lip of the pot. ”There now she knows.“
His joy was paused for a moment at the mention of Lil being stuck outside, ”Oh um I did not know she was having trouble getting back in. I will make sure she remembers her keys from now on. Though it is curious as to why Blue did not wake me up when she heard you pushing my... well my sister through a window.“ Perhaps Blue had been lazy that night and simply did not want to bother getting out of bed in order to offer aide. Or she figured the two making noise were doing well enough on their own. Jonas could feel the form in his shadow shift at the mention of her name before settling back in to rest. Blue wasn’t a lazy dog by any means but she was a fierce snuggler. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that.” Growing up, it’d been clear that she was meant to take care of herself, and by taking care of herself, that meant taking care of Alex, too. She didn’t mind it, and she loved her sister, but it was a little different having somebody else who wasn’t connected to her by blood offering to take things off her plate, or even cook for her. Jonas was no exception to that, even if she wasn’t sure how to simply accept his kind gesture. Andy looked over her shoulder as Jonas finally gave the name of the plant. 
Flora was a pretty name, one she hadn’t heard in most contexts. “That is nice.” Andy watched as Jonas wrote the plant’s name on the pot with a sharpie. “We could probably decorate it with stickers, too. I think I saw plant sweaters, maybe we can change it out with the season?” It was a cute idea, even she had to admit, and she was sure that if Zane walked in to see the plant he gave Jonas being given such attention, he’d be elated. 
Andy shrugged, a laugh escaping her as she pushed some of the items towards the front of the working station. “I think that she didn’t want to bother you, and maybe Blue was tired, too.” It had been a little weird that the dog hadn’t woken up, but who was Andy to question a dog’s life? “Maybe she figured that Lil had help, who knows.” She turned around and began to prep the assorted boxes, building them out so that they could easily transfer the baked goods once orders were placed. “I didn’t mind it, though. It was all kind of funny, actually.” 
“Well I would like to think I am.” Jonas perhaps took on helping people a little too often. He couldn't help it, his father had ingrained in his head from an early age just how useless he was to this family. So if he could take on little burdens from other people it made him feel less like he was just here for no reason. It could keep him focused on the present rather than the past that kept him in such a negative spiral. Plus Andy always deserved a treat, she was such a hard worker and such a good friend, one of these days he was going to convince her to bring over everyone for dinner. When it was just him and Blue there waiting for Lil it was rather lonely.
”Stickers and pot sweaters? That would be very cute. I am planning to keep her at home but I can bring her in for holidays and we can decorate her pot.“ Jonas would feel more comfortable having such a precious gift in an area far from angry customers or potential ghostly bagels. He began to wonder about the bagel Blue had so rudely shoved in Regan's pocket before Andy spoke up again.
”Well as long as you did not hurt yourselves getting her in, still I will make sure she remembers her keys.“ Jonas was already putting the reminder into his phone to get a little key hook to place by the door. It would surely help to have the same place to put them every time she came home. Blue finally hearing her name enough decided to pull herself form Jonas' shadow, the man seemed completely unphased by this as the big dog walked over and nuzzled Andy's hand before walking around to lay on her blanket pile in front of the counter. ”I will have to have you over for dinner sometime to show my appreciation.”
“Oh, I guess that makes more sense.” Andy wasn’t sure why Jonas would keep the plant at the store, and it made more sense for him to take the object of his affection home. Or rather, the token of affection from his object of affection…? She had no clue how it worked. She’d never had feelings past physical attraction in most situations, and she wasn’t exactly looking to change that, either. 
There were some curiosities about Zane and Jonas that she had, though. But she had already decided that she would let Jonas tell her what he wanted to tell her rather than ask questions that might be better kept private until one of them were ready to explain what they meant to each other. 
Andy shook her head. “Nah, she even took off her heelies, so we were good there.” The memory brought a fond smile to her face, knowing well enough that the three of them could rely on each other, even if she was a little quieter about it than the other two. Blue’s cold nose met her hand and Andy looked down, grinning as she gave the dog a quick scratch behind the ears. Seemingly satisfied, she went to her corner, plopping down on the blankets Jonas had set out for her. “Hm? You don’t need to do that, but dinner does sound great.” She wasn’t sure what appreciation Jonas had meant– her helping Lil, collecting the plant from Zane, or helping him at the store. Whatever it was, she was sure to tuck away that she’d bring him a pie of some kind to show her appreciation. 
“But then again, even if I say you don’t need to do something, you’ll probably do it anyway. You and Lil are both stubborn like that.” She was, too, but she didn’t like to take up people’s time. Not that that’s what the twins were doing, but still. 
“That is good, having heelies dig into you can be very uncomfortable.” Lil normally left Jonas out of anything she thought would get the young man in trouble but sometimes a ghost locked all but one window to a house and a boost was needed to get inside. It only took one forgetful moment to find out just how painful those little wheels could be on one's back. Of course Lil hadn't done it on purpose. They both had been rather tired that day and neither thought to check before Jonas let her use him as a stepping stool to reach the window that was a tad bit higher than she could manage on her own.True to his nature Jonas didn't complain at the time but he did make sure to check whether or not her wheels were in any other time he was needed in that position.
“We share many traits. I am happy that is one of them.” Being stubborn in offering kindness was not a bad thing in his mind. Jonas' mother was the same way, always helping the people of Wicked's Rest where she could. Being so close to her it made sense that Jonas took parts of her personality. She was the one that hammered it into his head to always be polite.
“I am used to having large family dinners. It is strange now being in that house and only having Lil there at the table.” Going from six people to two was rather lonesome. Jonas probably felt it more than Lil who seemed more than happy for it to just be the two of them, and sure Jonas was happy with that as well but when left alone in such a big house he couldn't help but feel the absence of his family. “You are doing me a favor by coming over, if that makes my request less bothersome.“
“I’m sure. She was pretty considerate about it.” With a laugh, Andy moved around to the front of the entrance and began flipping the signs over. They’d be opening soon enough and need to unlock the doors. 
Twins were usually polar opposite. Or, at least, that’s what she’d seen on television. There’d been a few sets of twins at the hunting camp she and Alex attended, but she’d not really seen it then. There was a viciousness that accompanied all children then, but especially in those who shared more DNA than most siblings. It was weird, seeing them compete against one another. Lil and Jonas were nothing like that, and for that, Andy was thankful. 
“If you’re sure, Jonas.” Andy turned back around towards the front entrance, peering out at the passerby. “I think we’ll be busy today. We should probably get started.” She commented as she turned back around to face her friend. She knew that he had a bit of prep that he needed to get started on, so it was probably better that she take front of house to start the morning with.
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intzu · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ〄 Timezone date with filo!hs!Ro
⛥ no gender specified, fluff
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ofc, pinaalam ka na niya, your mother loves him sm bc of this
Everything was T's plan, yet still he was the last one to arrive
Robaire wanted to pick you up early so you could walk around the mall while waiting for the others, he made sure to match your outfit to take good photos too oml
may or may have not brought you a few stuff lol
Doesn't rlly mind carrying your stuff for you, actually insists to because he got used to carrying your bag at school
I like to think that Robaire likes those shooter games Ung plants vs zombies para sabay kayo ganun
Somehow rlly good at those claw machines w the small keychain plushies but absolutely shit w the big ones???
Just when you remember, you drag him by the wrist, catching him off guard but he follows you anyway.
You bring him to the photobooth, known for it's "curse" of ruining relationships.
He deffo knows of this "curse", but chooses not to speak up since he assumes you don't know about it, and he doesn't wanna ruin the moment and bc you look cute when excited
Your poses aren't rlly different from all the other couple's that have been in the booth, same old kiss on the cheek and a very blurry panicked shot of you pulling him in, you both decided to keep it despite how "messy" it looked
The rest went well, until it came to the last one. You both looked at eachother, completely clueless.
"Last na ata to eh." "Wala na 'ko maisip na pose.." *cue panic* "A-AH- ANO- PWEDE BA?-" "PWEDE ANO?!-" "HALIKAN KITA???" *even more panicking* "SIGE NA NGA-"
out of sheer panic, you pull him in, eyes shut tight before you feel one of his hands gently touch your cheek, the other keeping him from falling over.
well- wala naq pangtuloy dyn srry ehe
T drags everyone into the kareoke booth, where you all agreed to drain the rest of the card credits before going home
making a playlist for this btw
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤBonus! (songs they sing in kareoke)
Robaire does romance, opm, Daniel Padilia, etc.
Jesse tlga puro English ung kinakanta 😭
Z kinda just joins in with Jesse
T mostly does Andrew E kind of songs, very lively and gets everyone to join in
Tae young records Robaire and you moments everything for memories <333
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witchysethharper · 8 months
Second Time's the Charm | Self-Para
Seth vs. Lilith showdown take two.
Trigger Warnings: blood, self harm, decapitation, and death.
Continued from here
Seth gave one last apologetic look towards the unconscious witch sleeping in his bed before he shut the door and sealed Rhys within amidst protection and negating charms. Those precautions ought to keep Lilith from finding his mentor and fucking about with his dreams while he slept and also keeping Rhys and his divination abilities contained in that room while Seth did his thing.
He tossed away the last of the sleeping potion used to drug the older man and then downed the power augmentation potion for himself. The effects would be temporary but effective in giving Seth that edge he needed against a 3,000 year old succubus. With the potion in his system he could tap into magic far beyond his current capabilities for his age, magic that he'd been studying as a refresher and had experience with from Lilith sealed away within him. The rush of energy and power flowed through him within seconds of consumption, his magic lighting up bright scarlet in his eyes and in the veins underneath his skin. That connection to his powers intensified and energized the young witch whose hands shook from the adjustment of his mana and how to contain it properly.
Deep breaths. In and out, he reminded himself. Seth closed his eyes, inhaled, held, and exhaled over and over again until he didn't feel on the precipice of exploding. He could visualize every single thread of his magic within himself duplicated into hundreds and thousands of glowing tendrils, each of them screaming like they'd just been overdosed with straight caffeine and couldn't stop vibrating. He harnessed only a sliver of that power to finalize the scene, embedding distinct sigils with his energy magic on all four walls of the living room. They glowed his signature red before vanishing like they weren't there along with the crucifixes also hidden under the illusion spell he cast. Those hidden symbols would ensure that only Seth would be capable of wielding any power here. Course he'd convince Lilith otherwise for a bit just for the show.
This was going to work. It had to. Otherwise both he and Shade would wind up in hell in their rightfully reserved seats together. Realistically that didn't seem as much fun compared to joking about it.
It started off just like last time as Seth planted himself in front of the summoning circle. A quick draw of a knife across his palm drew a small wince and well of blood. He squeezed drops of it into the circle as he murmured the incantation and the circle responded to his call, the intricate lines glowing red with his power searching for Lilith. The circle glowed brighter and brighter until a loud bang! exploded from the center and covered it with smoke. Seth stopped his chanting and a pulse of red energy flashed over him. He checked his watch for the time knowing that he only had about half an hour before that potion wore off and the nasty after-effects knocked him on his ass.
Lilith appeared amidst the clearing gray clouds dressed in black that showed off her tight figure. Her icy gaze settled on the young witch and her ruby red lips curved into a smile that didn't meet her eyes. "Seth," she spoke coolly, somewhat amused that this child had the gall to try this shit again after failing last time. After the warning she gave him. Lilith wasn't the type to give second chances. "Are we really doing this again?" Her eyes fell to the floor, immediately noticing the smudged line in the seal meant to contain her when Seth dragged his foot back likely in an attempt for some distance. She cocked her head, the smirk still painted on her gorgeous features and a wicked glint shone in her eyes.
Then she lunged for Seth with all the grace of a feline and speed of a bullet. Her fist connected with his abdomen before he even saw it coming and the young witch flew back off his feet and into the nearest pile of furniture with a yelp. Not even a second to recover and she was at him again, grabbing him and tossing him farther than any ordinary 5'5" woman could toss a 6'2" man. The fact that she was accomplishing this in high heels was also rather impressive.
So far Seth's plan appeared to be working.
Lilith didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary as she beat the shit out of Seth for a good few minutes and why would she? In Seth's little world that he created within his suite, he let Lilith feel like her strength was still there, that her blows were connecting with an actual human body, see and hear each crash into an obstacle from the illusionary duplicate of himself that occasionally tossed off a projectile energy bolt or elemental attack that missed more than they hit their target. He allowed Lilith to believe that she was winning here because in reality she would. Unfortunately for the demon, Seth hijacked reality with his illusions.
Enchantment had always been the second school after evocation that came most naturally to him, particularly illusion casting. Those spells aided his deception when it came to surviving and avoiding trouble. A little invisibility, decoy clones, projecting visuals and sounds to mislead, covering up traps all very handy skills. Maybe it was the faerie lineage in his blood or just personality that evoked that particular talent. Working at Krovs only helped advance his knowledge in that area and Lilith's possession of him further augmented his powers allowing him to full on manipulate and bend reality much like an incubus with dream magic. It'd been a minute but he still remembered how to wield that heavy illusion shit with the potion in his system.
"Didn't I tell you," the succubus started as she lifted the very beaten and bruised not-real Seth off the floor with her hand wrapped tight around his throat. "That if you tried this again I would kill your darling little cambion?" Fake Seth did just what Seth would do in that situation –– apologized and started begging, which only made Lilith laugh. "It's too late for that. You can't be trusted, Sethy, and now you're going to pay the price. You want to die so badly I'll take your soul right fucking now. You and Shade can reunite in hell together when I'm done. Or maybe not. Eternity separated might be an appropriate punishment for you." She dove in for a kiss and once her lips touched Seth's, she felt it.
Or rather, she didn't feel anything.
There was no draw of his life force, no sensation of feeding. No connection to her power. She turned as the real Seth revealed himself hidden by magic and unharmed, the witch's lips curving into a crooked and manic grin.
"I win, bitch."
The layers of illusions faded away in flashes of red, revealing the crosses and all the protections cast upon the suite. Blood dripped from his nose from the amount of concentration and mental power behind it. Dropping it, he channeled it all into one, massive physical attack to end this shit. He swiped his hand through the air, eyes and palm both glowing as he unleashed a wave of red energy. It whistled through the air and cut cleanly through Lilith's neck before she could dodge it –– not that there was any room for her to –– and cracked through shelves and wall behind her with a spray of blood. The demon's head slid off before her legs gave way, both pieces of her hitting the floor with a thud.
The sharp ache in Seth's right temple full on started pounding as the potion began wearing off. Damn thing didn't protect against the effects of overexertion, which he'd absolutely just done and more. The flow of blood from his nose increased from drips into waterfall gushing over his mouth and down his chin. His hands wouldn't stop shaking. His vision blurred and he staggered, barely catching himself with one hand against the wall before he fell against it and slowly sank down to the floor. The world around him faded to darkness as he kept mumbling I won to himself over and over again until unconsciousness took hold.
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nihilisticgenesis · 9 months
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Here Lies Caine - The Mun
Name: Caine Age: 27 Pronouns: He/They Timezone: US Central Time
Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Caine as I said. I'm pretty new to the whole cannon rp/tumblr rp scene so please bare with me if I'm a little extra anxious and quiet. I'm still working my way through trigun maximum I am a slow reader. Legato's a dark character and I like darker things but I just want to say that I also REALLY enjoy chatting and doing fun silly stuff too! So I hope the tone of this little set up doesn't scare anyone off.
I tend to prefer longer para rps, however short chat-style rps are also welcome though sometimes I can get a little stuck on what they'd actually say lol. I also really enjoy linking music to my posts when I find it pertinent! Its not required to listen but it would make me very happy.
If you see me doing anything that's not cool or something, let me know about it in dms! Or if you have any tips and suggestions on how to like... function on tumblr would be appreciated~
Discord will be available to mutuals upon request in the future, as it is the easiest way to get ahold of me.
If at any time you want to cause harm or like sort of metagame damaging a muse of mine, don't worry about it! Just do it! Beat them up they usually deserve it! Rolling with the punches is super fun! As long as it is in good will and not a creepy sort of thing I guess, but like I'll let you know if one of my boundaries is crossed y'know? That being said no psychic/telekenetic powers will be used vs muses unless we talk about it! Its one thing to say "He pushes X to the ground and grapples him" and an entirely different thing to literally take agency away from someone else's character and I don't vibe with that.
Triggers: Not many to speak of but Gaslighting, and NICHE body horror are squicks. [and i'm not talking about the bodyhorror in trigun so we good lol]
The Blue Wind of Death - The Muse
Name: Legato Bluesummers Age: Around 27-30 ; Birthdate unknown Height: 5'8" [173 cm] Gender: Cis Male [he/him] Species: Modified Human Sexuality: Asexual Occupation: Un-numbered Gung-ho Gun [assassin] Weapons: Wires contained within a skull shaped torture device on his left shoulder. Abilities: Telekenesis, Psychic Visions
Legato is a mysterious man who was at one point saved spared by the angel millions knives. This single act would change the course of legato's life from then on, instilling him a blind devotion towards fulfilling said angel's every desire, to see a world for plants blossom from the soil, and to end the era of man once and for all.
Legato harbors no love for humanity, including himself. He has seen its depths and has accepted every rotten truth they made for themselves, and has chosen his path accordingly. It was a plant who had broken him free, the light in his dismal existence, and in his mind it only makes sense that it shall be them who inherit the earth.
After all what good has humanity even done? Live another day just to hurt each other again? Drain their home dry and then have the audacity to beg god for a second chance and kill another?
Resolved he will take on the visage of all humanity's darkest truths, and spread the blessed gospel of the twin angels, through blood, betrayal, and hurt. Just as it was shown to him.
Themes: Religious Guilt ; Repressed Trauma ; Nihilism ; Revenge ; Self-Hate ; Personal Acceptance ; Humanity ; Metamorphosis ; Psychic Visions ; Locked Cages ; Trapped ; Cannibalism ; Body Horror ; Torture + Manipulation ; Falling Through the Cracks ; In ability to Heal ; Getting a little too silly and getting put in timeout
[ Disclaimer: phew legato is kinda a dark character when you write it out like that huh.... please still feel free to take things in a lighthearted direction lol I PROMISE its possible. ]
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thedailyvio · 2 years
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Dy 103
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meret118 · 2 years
Outdoor essential oil diffusers containing geraniol and linalool
Citronella may be the big name in the anti-bug bite game, but a 2009 study found that geraniol and linalool — two different compounds found in a bunch of essential oils and aromatic plants and herbs — are actually way more effective in keeping bugs away. Further, the same study found scent diffusers to be way more effective in bug protection than candles, both indoors and outdoors. (If you're a big nerd like I am, you can read the entire study, which goes into how the compounds respond to direct heat and why diffusing is more effective than burning.)
You can find geraniol and linalool in rose oil, lemongrass, basil and lavender, among other natural scents. Per Brubaker, having an outdoor essential oil diffuser with some of these scents can deter flying pests."
All smells are just chemicals," Brubaker said. "When we smell something like rotten food, it tells us, 'No, don't go over there,' but that same chemical makes a fly attracted to the rotten food. There are smells that we smell as pleasant, that when an insect senses they're like, 'No thanks.'"
The Skeeter Patio Egg is an outdoor diffuser that comes with its own concentrate of lemongrass oil and geraniol, not to mention a super cute macrame hanger. When the concentrate runs out, you can refill it, keeping the egg for many summers to come.
Lemon eucalyptus oil distilled in water
According to a 2013 study of the effectiveness of low-cost bug repellents, para-menthane-diol (PMD), a biochemical pesticide found in lemon eucalyptus leaves, gives comparable bug protection to DEET. A field study from Guatemala showed that PMD gave 98% protection for 5 hours against 13 species of mosquitoes, compared to 92% protection from DEET. And according to the CDC's Yellow Book for health during international travel, PMD is the only plant-based bug repellent suggested for use in areas with high rates of mosquito-carried diseases.
The bug-repellent qualities of lemon eucalyptus in essential oil form aren't as proven as the pure PMD form, and its repelling effects won't last as long, but the oil is a lot easier to purchase for your house. To get the most out of it, know that a 2011 study from the National Institute of Health concluded that lemon eucalyptus oils are more effective when distilled in water and spread over a large area. Brubaker suggested diluting lemon eucalyptus essential oils in water and spraying it around your outdoor area.
More at the link.
In terms of personal repellents, good brands of picaridin and lemon eucalyptus work as well as DEET, but lemon eucalyptus has to be applied much more frequently. The concentration percentage of the spray is key. The low concentrations are worthless. They all work for ticks too.
Lemon eucalyptus is the least toxic, but may not be good for people with allergies. It made me feel like I had such a bad case of the flu I had to get in the shower to wash it off within 30 minutes of applying it. I'm not sure if a diffuser would affect me like that or not, but I would be hesitant about trying it.
These articles talk about the concentrations needed:
More info here, including what not to buy:
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
18 Things You Won’t Miss Out If You Attend Frangipani | Frangipani
FOR addition famous, Malaysian accompanist Ah Niu’s best admired ascendancy is article absolutely mundane.
How to grow a frangipani tree from a cutting | Homes To Love – frangipani | frangipani
It’s a frangipani timberline that he bought from Bali, China Press reported.
“By affairs this tree, it feels like I’m affairs time as copse alive for a actual continued time,” he was quoted as saying.
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Ah Niu, who is from Penang, gave a basic bout of his abode in an account on YouTube, pointing out that his assignment space, area he writes best of his songs, was at the advanced balustrade with all his plants.
His concert, initially appointed on May 2 in Genting Highlands, was annulled due to the movement ascendancy order.
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Ah Niu, 43, was a accepted accompanist in the 1990s and aboriginal 2000s. He was additionally a artist for abounding added pop singers.
> TVB amateur Kenneth Ma appears to accept afflicted his angle on adulation afterwards his aloft adherent Jacqueline Wong two-timed him aftermost year with a affiliated celebrity, Sin Chew Daily reported.
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Ma, 46, said he acclimated to anticipate that couples would charge to date for some time afore chief on marriage.“Before this, I acclimated to anticipate that one would charge to be in a accord for a continued time afore cerebration of marriage,” he said.
But afterwards attractive at some cases about him these few years, he realised that affinity was added important, he told reporters on Sunday afterwards commutual the filming of a arena for a new Hong Kong TV drama.
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Wong, his ex-girlfriend, was bent kissing affiliated accompanist Andy Hui at the aback of a auto in April aftermost year.
The aloft accessories are aggregate from the colloquial newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, belief are aggregate according to the corresponding language/medium. Area a branch begins with a >, it denotes a abstracted account item.
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Consejos para cuidar una Plumeria o Frangipani – frangipani | frangipani
The post 18 Things You Won’t Miss Out If You Attend Frangipani | Frangipani appeared first on Flower Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/18-things-you-wont-miss-out-if-you-attend-frangipani-frangipani/
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