#para: say it's comin' soon
sshqmadison · 6 years
Say It’s Comin’ Soon || Brodison
WHO: Madison Mccarthy and Brody Weston WHAT: Rehearsal of a potential song for Regionals WHEN: Wed, Mar 6, afternoon WHERE: Brody’s house WARNINGS: None
Madison was still feeling off since her news over the weekend. She was grateful for daily Cheerios workouts and plans like Kitty’s party as well as working on this number with Brody to keep her moving. Fake it til she made it was the only way she knew how to operate. If she seemed like she was still on top, maybe she would get there again. She’d collected a few sets of sheet music from Between the Sheets on her way over to Brody’s place, hoping they would find the perfect number between his ideas and hers. She knocked at his door and tucked a hair behind her ear, then smiled as he greeted her. “Hey! I brought music, and snacks!” Madison said, holding each up in turn.
Brody had been going through his sheet music to find the perfect, upbeat duet for them. He´d collected a couple of pieces and once he was done he checked his watch. He had a couple of hours before he´d start his shift and he was sure they´d be done by then. So when the knock on the door came he jogged downstairs and opened it, a bright smile on his face. "Then you can stay," he found himself joking as he stepped aside to let her in and then nodded towards the basement. "Got a dance studio down there," he explained before making his way there. In the beginning it had only been that, a studio, but over the years Brody had added a piano and even a comfortable couch with a small table where they could sit to try and find the perfect duet.
Madison stepped inside and followed his lead down the stairs. It wasn't often people had a dance studio in their house, and she was definitely impressed. "How'd you get so lucky to have this kind of space?" she asked, settling on the couch and pulling out the music. It wasn't all business, as she was sure they'd have fun getting the number together, but she wasn't one to waste time, either. Madison reached into her bag and passed a water Brody's way and pulled out a container with trail mix and one with cookies. "I went with healthy and also, not so much, depending on how you're feeling," she offered, "so tell me, what did you find?"
The story behind that was rather easy, he asked his mother for it and his father paid for it, but his family wasn´t exactly something Brody liked to talk about, so he decided to keep it short. "Well I was lucky enough to have the space in the house. My Dad isn´t exactly the guy who needs a room to himself other than his office and they decided to let me follow my passions when I was a kid." He nodded towards the couch and the table, on which he had stacked the sheet music he had picked out. "Well depending on what you want to go with. There´s some classics, like Anything You Can Do I can Do Better," he picked up a cookie. "Or something a little out of the ordinary like The Song That Goes Like this," or even "Carried Away" from On The Town." he nodded. "There´s a few more in there. Just have a look,"
"It's really awesome. Mason and I are stuck rearranging the living room when we need to practice cheers or for glee," she noted. Madison shifted to grab the small stack and flipped through the titles, pulling out the ones that struck her. "I love Anything You Can Do," she gushed, lightly hugging to her chest, and then sighed, "but it's a classic. Is it too predictable? Maybe? I hate saying no to it, but..."  She trailed off and kept flipping, pursing her lips in thought as she glanced around the room. "Maybe we should put this space to use, find a number we can sing and dance to."
"Well. Good thing the two of us have more than enough space to practice." Brody chuckled. He could use a duet at Regionals and Madison was fun to sing with. It would be something different and maybe Mr. Schue would go for it. He did seem to like the old school style, but he wasn´t afraid to try new things every now and then. Brody smiled to himself as he finished the cookie and nodded. "That would certainly be something new. Duets are usually ballads or Broadway numbers. Do you have anything in mind?" He then asked, picking up some of the sheet music himself to go through.
Madison smiled knowing Brody was on board. They'd have their work cut out for them, but the payout was going to be worth it. She had a feeling. "Well, I think modern is risky with convincing Schue, but it seems to do better at competition. There's this Sara Bareilles song I'm a little obsessed with.  She did a version as a duet and it's just," she paused and made a face, unable to properly convey her feelings for the song. "There'd be room for the whole glee club for backup, it's got a good beat for dance. I brought sheet music and the track."
"He might like the old school, but he does know what works best with the judges." Brody agreed with a nod. He wanted to win, he NEEDED them to win. And if they did he wanted to be front and center. At her words he nodded. Maybe it was good not to go for Broadway this time. "Well, let´s hear it." he then added, getting up from the couch and clapping his hands together.
She bounced up and nodded, grabbing her phone to plug into his stereo. With the audio queued up, Madison pressed play and listened as the music started to fill the room. Her shoulders shimmied with the opening piano before she took to a hand microphone and started to lip sync along with the lyrics. She turned to him, looking for his reaction as he took in the song, pointing as the male vocals came in, and soon enough she couldn't stop herself and was full out singing along.  When it ended she turned to him excitedly. "Sorry, I should have let you have a clean listen without me overpowering it. But... what do you think?
Brody nodded over to the stereo and basically told Madison to help herself. He had definitely heard the song before and while it wouldn´t have been the first thing to pop into his mind for a duet at Regionas he couldn´t say that he wasn´t intrigued. Especially not with how much Madison was getting into it. It was quite adorable to watch, actually. Brody was tapping his foot along, his lips curving into a smile. "Well I think we´ve found our song." he then chuckled. "Never apologize for passion though. I can see you´re really into the song. Do you have the sheet music? Or should we see if we find it on the internet?"
Madison blushed a little at his comment about her being really into it. She'd probably looked a little ridiculous, honestly. This was type of song she danced around her bedroom to, and she knew there wasn't anything particularly graceful about that. "It's empowering, I guess. Like, it's pretty clearly about some relationship, but you can twist into any not great situation and be like yeah, it sucks, but I'll figure it out," she explained with a shrug. Madison moved back over to her bag and flipped through to find the music. "It took me forever to find the duet of this. She released the solo as a single so it was everywhere."
"Look at you, being all prepared." Brody grinned, figuring this might have been the duet she´d been wanting to do from the beginning. He wasn´t upset though, more impressed with her determination. "Well if the duet is a rarity then we might actually have a change at getting picked for the duet." Brody had performed duets at Sectionals and various competitions, and even a solo every now and then, but there was a bunch of talented people in Glee Club so to get picked over them was important.
Madison knew this was the song she wanted, but she wasn't about to force it on him. However, she was thrilled Brody had agreed to it.  Having passion for the song could only make the performance better, right? "It'll be unique," she agreed, "modern but not over done." She passed him a copy of the  music, keeping one for herself even if she didn't think she'd need it much. "Should we just start from the top?"
"Sounds like the perfect song for us," Brody replied with a smile. He´d already done some warming up before her arrival, so he was ready to go whenever she was. He went over the sheet music for a moment, making sure to know all the important parts, before wandering over to the piano. "Yeah, let´s do a slow run first," he suggested before sitting down and putting the sheet music in front of him. It wasn´t long until he had the melody down and began playing, a smile on his lips.
Madison was admittedly a little surprised when he went to the piano to play. She’d heard him sing and watched him dance, but had no idea that his talent extended to the instrument as well.  Listening to the opening bars, she shifted closer to the piano before joining in with the opening ”Goodbye, should be saying that to you by now, shouldn’t I?” Her voice carried over the bouncing melody from the keys and carried on until it was Brody’s turn to take the lead, anxious to hear how well his voice fit the song.
Brody smiled as he glanced up at her, fingers flying over the piano. He wasn´t an expert by any means, but his parents had decided he should learn an instrument, and considering he had his sights set on Broadway early on he´d picked the piano. "Maybe we can start off slow with me playing the piano and then speed it up later on," he mused as he played and eventually listened to her first tunes. His lips curved into a smile before he eventually joined in. "And I tell myself to let this story end, oh, my heart will rest in someone else´s hand."
She nodded at his instructions, happy to let him set the pace as he learned the song. After all, it was her obsession not his. Madison’s fists clenched slightly in excitement when she heard him start to sing. It was perfect. She volleyed back and forth with him through the song, harmonizing under him in some sections, and taking the lead in others. Even at a slow first go through, it sounded like victory. “You sounded good,” she complimented as they finished.
For some reason they hadn´t been singing together all too much in Glee Club. In group numbers, yes, but it had rarely ever been the two of them. Brody was enjoying himself though and it turned out that their voices were going together pretty well. He finished on a high note, his lips curving into a smile. "WE sounded good," he then told her. "And I think it´s good to start off slow and then go faster. It brings a good dynamic to the song," he scribbled down a few notes before glancing up at her. "Alright, shall we go again?"
Madison smiled at his note that it was the pairing of them that sounded great.  She needed the positivity and the feeling that something might just go her way again. "I like that too," she agreed to note on tempo. "It would make a good opener. Just you and me, slow and steady, then it ramps up and everyone joins in on backup," she mused, gesturing as she pictured it playing out in her mind.  Madison took a moment to clear her throat and took her singing stance once more. "Play me in."
"Perfect." Brody agreed as he scribbled down some more notes for the people to join in later. He´d be giving a copy of the sheet music to Mr. Schue during their next Glee Club meeting. He wanted their teacher to see just how much effort Madison and him had put into the whole thing so they´d definitely be considered for the duet. "Alright," He played a couple of notes again, his lips curving into a smile as they started over. It went on for about an hour until he figured they deserved a break. "You know, I think we really have a shot with this," Brody grinned as he took a sip from his water bottle.
She couldn't have agreed more. Even with the little time they'd put into it, the number was objectively a contender. Madison took her spot on the couch again, munching on a bit of the granola she'd brought. She took in the room for a moment, trying to think if she'd ever noticed Brody's dancing. He definitely kept up in all the group numbers, but Mike seemed to take the forefront. And with a dance studio in his basement? Brody must be more talented than she knew. "Do you want to choreograph something for it? The music would definitely support more than Schue's typical sway and twirl," Madison noted.
Brody put the water bottle down and glanced at Madison, his lips curving into a smile. "That would actually be a really cool idea," he admitted. He wasn´t necessarily a pro choreographer, but he could whip something up that would outdo anything Mr. Schue had to offer. No offense though. "I´ll definitely think of something," Brody pulled out his phone and checked the time, making sure he´d still have enough time to get to his shift. But he was good for now. "Should we do another run through and then maybe start again tomorrow? I´ll have some choreography by then,"
Madison's hands clapped together in excitement. This really was coming together. Knowing that Brody was just as invested in their number, in this number, had her all the more motivated. She was back to her feet at the piano as quickly as she'd sat down, ready to go again.  She let Brody play in the intro and was back on her lines again, full force this time for the last run through. She harmonized with him through the last chorus I'll be all right, just not tonight before finishing on her own, fists clenching with the final someday... Madison let out a satisfied sigh with a grin, holding a fake microphone to mouth. "And the 2019 Regional Champions taking a spot at Nationals... The New Directions!!"
Brody played the notes on the piano before he let the playback take over and got into the song, giving it his all. Their voices really did harmonize well together and he was going to enjoy performing this in Glee Club together. It was going to be a hard competition, because not everyone was just going to accept someone else taking a spot in the front row, but he doubted all of them would be as well prepared. Brody chuckled an clapped before holding an imaginary trophy up in the air. "Can you imagine?" He then laughed. "It would be glorious."
Madison sighed wistfully at the thought. "It would be glorious. And plausible, I think. we're strong as a team this year, stronger than I think we were last year. And I really think you and I are bringing a strong number to the table," she listed off. She was learning to not be over confident in herself, but still, optimism was her mainstay. "I think we could all pull it off."
"Definitely." Brody agreed. Most of them had grown up quite a bit this year and appreciated the fact that they were all a team more. They definitely had a shot at the championship this year and Brody would have loved to put that on his resume. And of course he´d loved to with with the team. He enjoyed performing with most people in Glee Club and it would be nice to win with them. "Same time tomorrow?" He then asked as he gathered the sheet music.
She nodded and moved to gather her things. The start of her week hadn't been great, but the magic of a good number had brought back her optimism. Madison hooked her bag on her shoulder and smiled at Brody. "I'll bring my dancing shoes."
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Rating: Teen and and up, mild sexual content Pairing: Mac x gender neutral reader (at least I tried) Word count: 3692
You've been dancing around each other for years, time to shine now. I suck at summaries, if you hadn't noticed yet.
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You two have been teasing each other forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but definitely since you've met for the first time. You've been recruited to CIA by Matty Webber straight from college and a couple of years later you were offered a job in Phoenix Foundation, where she had transferred earlier. Director Webber wanted to have you in her team, so it was obvious that sooner or later you were going to meet the other agents. Especially this particular agent, whose blue eyes and smug grin made your heart jump a little in a way you didn't like, and you didn't know whether you wanted to punch him or kiss him. Both were really tempting. None of you seemed to be aware of the fact, that you couldn't even talk like normal people. Every one of your conversations just had to become the aggressive flirting that you were oblivious of. Not even constant 'get a room!'s managed to give you a hint of what you were exactly doing. Well, there just had to come the time when things started to get out of the hand.
You loved missions which required wearing a formal dress, heavy make-up and attending a fancy party. You liked blending in, pretending to be someone else and having way more fun than you were supposed to. Currently you were sitting by the bar, sipping slowly some probably expensive drink, which you almost spat out when a man sat nearby. The characteristic smell of his cologne gave you goosebumps, made your knees weak and sent a strike of heat into your lower abdomen. You knew that scent very well, it was sandalwood. One of your big turn-ons. No one said it was going to be an easy mission. You tried to breathe, but it wasn't helping at all, luckily, the man hadn't stayed nearby for long. He ordered his drink and went away right after getting it, only then you could let out a sigh of relief. It'd be better to keep that secret. The universe, on the other hand, had different plans.
A few minutes later Mac and Jack identified the target of your mission. They've been chasing it currently and you'd gladly help if you wore some comfortable shoes. Or at least you could run more carelessly, without having to mind your steps. You joined them only when they lost the track of the target. You walked into the almost empty room and you felt the same feeling you had at the bar. That familiar scent again.
“Don't waste your time, (y/n), we already checked there” said Dalton, trying to hide how disappointed he was.
“Who do we even chase?” you asked. That couldn't be a coincidence that you smelled this cologne here.
“This man” Mac showed you a photo of the man you've seen earlier at the bar. Bingo! That's why you smelled his cologne.
“Well, then he has to be here” you entered the room and looked around. The faint scent seemed to be stronger by one of the walls. You looked closely and saw a narrow chink in the wall, hidden under the decorative wallpaper. Clever, Mr. Bad Guy, but not clever enough. “There. Something is here.”
The two agents exchanged a surprised look and approached to see what did you find. None of them could understand how did you do that.
“Not bad for you” Mac teased and started to work his magic to open whatever was in this wall.
A few hours later the mission was completed and you were on your way home.
“Hey, (y/n)” Jack spoke suddenly. “How did you find that dude?”
“My secret” you answered, not even opening your eyes you closed a few moments ago.
“Tell me” he pleaded like a kid.
“Fine. I smelled his cologne. It contained sandalwood and it's my favorite scent” you admitted, too tired to resist.
“Isn't it an aphrodisiac?” Riley asked, rising an eyebrow.
“What's that?” asked Jack.
“Basically you smell it and you get horny” explained Bozer, not bothering to be subtle.
“Well, it doesn't work on me this way. I just think it smells nice” you lied, trying to avoid comments. You started to worry that Mac wasn't saying anything, you hoped he was asleep or lost in thoughts, but it wasn't really possible. You bet he was up to something and you were sure you would find out what soon.
A couple of days later Matty called in the team. You were first in the war room, sitting on the armchair and checking something on your phone. You barely noticed the others coming in, except for one person. You first smelled, then felt his presence, finally seeing him. On the armrest of your chair was sitting your favorite blonde boy and he smelled like never before. You could easily identify sandalwood in his new cologne and it smelled so good on him, that you couldn't focus on anything else, feeling your arousal rising.
“(Y/n), are you alright?” you heard Matty's voice. “You seem distracted” she said and you could only imagine how big shit-eating grin Mac had to suppress.
“Sorry. I got a slight concussion on the last mission” you lied easily. “It must've impacted on me a little.”
“So that's how we call Mac from now on? A concussion?” Bozer muttered to Riley and they both chuckled quietly.
“I heard that” you said, sending them your best death glare.
“Girl, I'm just saying you look weird since he entered the room, it's not my fault I'm this observant” typical Boz tried to save his butt as usual.
“Can we focus on the debriefing, please?” you snapped angrily. “Having fun, Macgyver, aren't you?” you growled quietly, making sure he's the only one who heard it.
“You have no idea” he replied, very amused indeed.
After a few days you managed to get used to his new scent, especially after one situation. You were in the field, under the fire, waiting for a bomb to explode and therefore Mac's trap to work. When it went off, you two acted by a pure instinct, he pulled you into his chest and you clung to him, burying your face in his shirt. You regretted it immediately, he smelled like your favorite cologne and sweat with a faint tone of metal and chemicals, which was a surprisingly good mix. Of course you remembered enough biology to know it was no magic or silly love, but a chemical reaction. His pheromones just happened to be very compatible with your nose and brain, which was of course problematic, but not weird or something. And it was easier to tell yourself that, instead of admitting you were in love. Anyway, when you got used to this new scent, it was easier to stay focused. Although you were about to find out, that things were about to get worse. Or maybe better? Depends on the point of view.
It was just a regular celebration of Mac's birthday. Gifts, cake, party in his home. The usual. One thing that was different, was Jack, who made you all participate in a karaoke session. He obviously didn't take 'no' for an answer. The good part of it was that he let everyone pick their song, so you could sorta punish him.
“Come on, (y/n), your turn!” Dalton commanded. You typed the title in the searching bar and everyone groaned?
“Really, dude? Despacito? The most popular and annoying song no one knows lyrics of?” Bozer was clearly unamused.
“I know the lyrics and I think it's beautiful” you protested.
“Do you know it to the point to not watch the screen?” asked Jack and you knew he was up to something.
“I do. But I'm not going to dance, if that's what you're thinking about” you said, crossing your arms on your chest.
“How did you-”
“I just knew” you shrugged. “But I think I might have a little problem, since I don't know the original version, just a cover I adore. And it'll be hard to get an instrumental version for this cover.”
“Then pick a different one, come on, we don't have all night for this” Riley rushed you.
“But I want this one. To make sure Jack will never come up with such a terrible idea again.”
“I can always play for you” offered Mac and you all but Bozer looked at him surprised. “What? I'm not a pro, but I'm also not bad. Besides I think I know which song you have in mind” he said getting up and he took the guitar that was always in his house and everyone simply ignored it. You found the right chords for him and after a few moments Mac was ready.
He started very similarly to the original version, even playing a bit Latino way, pulling the strings separately, not in a classic way.
Comin' over in my direction So thankful for that, it's such a blessin', yeah Turn every situation into heaven, yeah Oh, you are My sunrise on the darkest day Got me feelin' some kind of way Make me wanna savor every moment slowly, slowly
You started with a shyness and hesitation, your cheeks blushed while singing, especially in English. When the Spanish lyrics started, you felt more confident. No one could understand you anyway.
¡Oh! Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal (You, you’re the magnet and I’m the metal) Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan (I’m getting closer and coming up with a plan) Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (oh yeah) (Just thinking about it accelerates my pulse) Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal (I’m already enjoying it more than normal) Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más (All of my senses are asking for more) Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro (This has to be done without a hurry)
Despacito (Slowly) Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito (I want to breathe your neck slowly) Deja que te diga cosas al oído (Let me whisper things in your ear) Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo (That you’ll remember when you’re not with me) Despacito (Slowly) Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito (I want to undress you with kisses slowly) Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto (Sign the walls of your labyrinth) Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (And turn your body into a manuscript)
As the song continued, you couldn't tear your eyes off Mac. You knew you were singing for him, that your feelings were flowing through you. The second part of the song was different, however.
The club isn't the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go Me and my friends at the table doing shots Drinking fast and then we talk slow (despacito) Over and start up a conversation with just me And trust me I'll give it a chance now Take my hand, stop, put Van the Man on the jukebox And then we start to dance, and now I'm singing like
Girl you know I want your love Your love was handmade for somebody like me Come on now follow my lead I may be queasy, don't let me see
Oh boy Ya no hablemos más (Let's not talk anymore) Toma mi cuerpo y frótalo contra ti (Take my body and rub it against you) Ven y sígueme hasta el fin (Come and follow me to the end) Ven, ven y sígueme hasta el fin (Come, come and follow me to the end)
I'm in love with the shape of you We push and pull like a magnet do Although my heart is falling too I'm in love with your body Last night you were in my room And now my bed sheets smell like you Every day discovering something brand new I'm in love with your body
Oh I, oh I, oh I, oh I I'm in love with your body Oh I, oh I, oh I, oh I
Oh, despacito This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico I just wanna hear you screaming, "¡Ay, Bendito!" I can move forever cuando esté contigo (when you are with me) ¡Bailalo! (Dance!) Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito (Step by step, gentle gently) Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito (We’ll get closer, little by little) Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza (When you kiss me with that skill) Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza (I see that you are malice with delicacy)
This part was definitely about Mac, he was just the real life definition of "malicia con delicadeza". Well, you were ready to admit that maybe you would like to do all what the song was about and a lot of more. After this part, the end was just a formality, you didn't actually need it.
I'm in love with the shape of you We push and pull like a magnet do Although my heart is falling too I'm in love with your body Last night you were in my room And now my bed sheets smell like you Every day discovering something brand new I'm in love with your body
Oh I, oh I, oh I, oh I Despacito Oh I, oh I, oh I, oh I Come on, be my baby, oh yeah
You finished the song and finally looked at the others. They were genuinely impressed by either you, Mac or both. Jack was speechless and you thought it was the best thing that could ever happen, at least you could appreciate a few moments of silence before they started to talk. Bozer spoke first, complimenting both of you, the others joined him quickly.
After a few hours of having a good time it was time to say goodnight. Matty left first, then Bozer with Leanna, Riley, and Jack was the last one. You were supposed to leave either, but you wanted to stay and help with the cleaning. No one could convince you to not do that, because you were this type of a friend who would always clean up, even if you were a guest. Besides you felt in the house comfortable enough to not care and just casually start to wash the dishes.
“Are you doing that to spend more time with me?” Mac asked, when he finished his part of the cleaning. You were almost done either.
“Of course not. I really don't like to leave a mess, even if I'm a guest. Besides, I know it's easier to clean up together than on your own” you answered honestly, giving him a smile. You hadn't drunk much, but enough to feel his presence more intensively than usually.
“I appreciate that a lot” he said and started to do something around the kitchen while you finished your job. It was almost like he wanted to spend more time with you.
“You know, I've been thinking... maybe we should go out from time to time? Like... just the two of us” he said after a while.
“Are you asking me for a date?” you looked at him slightly surprised. Was that possible he felt about you the same way you felt about him?
“I guess I am” he looked at you with his adorable puppy expression and you couldn't help but giggle.
“Then I guess I say yes” you answered and before you thought, you quietly added in Spanish: “Besides, you're so cute it's hard to say no.”
“I bet not as cute as you singing that song and thinking no one understands you” he replied also in Spanish and you were grateful you finished washing the dishes, because you would certainly drop whatever was in your hands if they weren't empty. Your face paled, then reddened furiously.
“I... No... It's...” you tried to say something, but words didn't want to form in your head. How could you be naive enough to think he doesn't know Spanish? This golden boy obviously could do everything.
“Hey” he put his hand on yours, but you took it away.
“Stop before I'll do something I'm going to regret” you whispered, looking into his blue eyes.
“Let me do something first.”
As soon as he heard your permission, Mac leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. That was certainly not something you expected, but you didn't waste your chance and kissed him back. You wanted to both stay and run away, torn between listening to your mind and heart.
“I should be going” you whispered finally between kisses, but clearly not wanting to let him go.
“Stay” Mac pleaded and his fingers ghosted over the skin under the hem of your t-shirt.
“I want to, but I really shouldn't.”
“Baby, it's cold outside” he purred, kissing your neck. You smiled widely but your breath hitched.
“Alright. So where would I sleep?” you asked teasingly, unbuttoning his shirt slowly.
“In my bed?” he followed the game, sliding his hands under your clothes.
“But I have no pj's” you smirked, exposing his chest which you traced gently with your fingertips.
“You won't need them” he kissed you hungrily and lifted you up, then carried you to the bedroom. Not that you minded.
When you woke up in the morning, you didn't actually know whether you were supposed to be happy or scared. Or maybe both. Last night was either making your dreams come true, or a total disaster and the end of your friendship. Everything depended on what Mac thought about it. But the blond agent was still asleep, so you got up silently, took his shirt and left the bedroom. You didn't take any of your things, in case Macgyver woke up. You didn't want him to think you vanished and left him all alone. And you were right, by the time you came back with breakfast, he was awake.
“You scared me” he said and yawned.
“Why?” you asked, putting the tray on the nightstand and sitting comfortably in bed before you put in on your lap.
“I woke up and you weren't there. I thought you left, but then I saw your clothes.”
“It would be difficult to go anywhere outside without them” you chuckled, cutting a bit of the pile of pancakes with a fork and then offering it to Mac. “Besides, I didn't even want to go. I was just hungry. And I wanted to think what to do next” you explained, taking another bit yourself.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that we should talk about us. Without teasing and jokes, just seriously talk about our feelings and-”
“I love you.”
These three words silenced you for good. Jack told you once that you and Mac have too big brains for your own's sake and you tend to overanalyze simple stuff. While relationships, according to Dalton, were no quantum physics, these stuff were simple. Well, you could swear physics was more simple than dating. But apparently Mac listened to his friend and decided to think less, act more.
“I... totally didn't expect that” you admitted, still shocked.
“I thought it was obvious. All that flirting, teasing, your favorite cologne... Everyone knew. They told me last night” he said sheepishly.
“You know what they say, "love is blind"? I was so in love that I didn't see anything at all. I seriously want to laugh at my own stupidity” you giggled, trying your best to not spill the coffee. “I was sure that if you ever found out how I feel about you, it would ruin our friendship. I was too focused on hiding my own feelings that I didn't notice yours.”
“We would make a perfect couple” Mac chuckled and kissed you.
“We will make a perfect couple” you corrected him, breaking the kiss. “You don't really think I could give up now? I love you too, Macgyver, whether you like it or not.”
“Oh, I do” he smirked. “Let's eat and I'll show you how much I like it.”
“Sounds fair. Unless you tease me again.”
“I can start to. As soon as we finish” he took the fork you held and fed you with pancakes just like you did before. Once you finished, he unbuttoned his shirt you were wearing and kissed you.
Of course it was the perfect moment for Matty to call. You wanted to suggest he shouldn't answer, but you knew a little too well that she would kill you both.
“Hey, Matty, what's up” Mac answered the phone with a speaker, so you could hear the boss too. He used a very convincing sleepy voice.
“I'm sorry to wake you up, but there's an emergency. Get ready and better be in war room in an hour. Also, do you know anything about (Y/n)? Her phone is dead and she didn't reach her home last night.”
“I'm sure she's fine” he said as you literally held your breath.
“Mac, this is serious, if something happened to her, I will search the whole world until I find her.”
“I mean it, Matty. I assure you she's fine.”
“Do you happen to know something I don't?”
“Maybe...” he tried and you sighed. There was no point in trying to fool her.
“Just don't tell Jack, okay?” you spoke. “And Bozer or Riley.”
“I'll just say it's about time. In this case I guess I can give you two hours” Matty's voice sounded way more amused than you wanted her to be.
“It's fine, we were about to get up anyway” you said embarrassed.
“No, you weren't, don't try to fool me. I know you better than you think and Ican tell you counted on a lazy day in bed.”
“Okay, enough. See you in Phoenix” you said and Mac ended the call, agreeing with you.
“So, we have two hours. I suggest we should use them well” he smirked and for the first time you didn't have the dilemma whether you want to punch him or kiss him. You just leaned in and kissed him hard. These two hours were going to be the best used time in your life. You were sure of it.
A/N: Used song is obviously “Despacito x Shape of You” by my favorite Pentatonix
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Tw mentions of guns,slightly suggestive,mentions image issues.
Ok to rb
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--i hate her--jerico said feeding her black cat,who was standing on her shoulder;The cat hissed,and Ate the sunflower seed cookie--and shes going to spend a whole day here?near sniper?MY sniper?
The car mewoed,and she rolled her eyes-- its not that I have something to envy her, vica,its just that, well, just compare the two damn things, like, she can fend off for herself.
Her familiar jumped to the floor,and rubbed their head on her legs,purring.
--I guess youre right--she grabbed her backpack and went outside the van, vica jumps on her shoulder then jumps again, transforming Into their crow form--I still dont wanna see her...
Jer jumps as soon as she steps foot in the shooting range. The loud bang scaring the living daylights out of her.
--La concha de tu madre!--she screams out of the sudden as the gun bangs again.
--Thats enough amelie--an aussie accent said,Jeri then felt a pair of arms hugging her--You alroight Sheila?
--Yeah im okay, it did scare me though, I thought you had put silencer on that rifle
--Yeah I did,Amelie did not ,anyway what are you doing here?
--just wanted to check up on you thats all
The french woman sunk a bit as jericos glares daggers at her, to then sit nearby them with her crow friend cawing.
Both snipers kept on practicing,Jers leg bounced rapidly, seeing how concentrated both were.
Her familiar pecked her cheek with their beak when they caught her picking at her skin,and as a way of saying 'dont be silly'.
Then they flew on her lap and transformed back into a black cat,gaining some scratching under their chin from her.
--Splendid shot sniper--the peace jeri had for a moment vanished as she saw Widow hand squeeze the aussies shoulder.
Vica hissed,widowmaker had a damn deatwish.
Though the old demons heart ached for their niece,insecurities got the best of her, and they did get it.
Someone as widow,skillfully trained,great sharpshooter,and a nice voice and accent, and a nice physique.
They did understand where it came from.
They sighed and stood up in two legs almost hugging jerico,who caressed their back.
She was also wonderful in her own way.
--Alroight--sniper said-lets take a breather--we're going to Grab somethin ta eat,you comin jerico?
--im alright dont worry
Jer saw him leave with widow behind him, and looked at the old weapons crate some centemeters away from where she was.
When was the last time she used that damn thing?.
Vica hissed, and shook their head--Ya dont need to go through all that trouble to show off--their british accent was a breeze of cold air, they've barely spoken these days-- if ya wanna use that rifle use it,but you dont have to show off, he still loves ya
Jer put her familiar aside and kicked Open the crate,taking her own custom rifle out, engie had built for her as a way of self denfese..
She held her breath and sighed,calming down the palpitations of her heart.
--Just like dad taught me....
One by one ,and fairly quickly the targets were shot down by her.
Feeling satisfied she put her rifle out, turning around at the sensation of being watched, and slightly jumping when she sees both sniper and WIDOWMAKER on the door.
--Oh you guys are back--she put the safety on the gun and put it back in the crate.
--yeah--sniper said-- anyway, enough slacking off
Both sharpshooters resumed their training.
Vica nibbled at jeris hem of her pants, she then grabbed her and her backpack,muttering a poor excuse of a goodbye wich wasnt heard by neither of her companions.
--i dont fucking get it!--Jerico said while punching the punching bag at the gym--what does she have that I dont?!--her Fist Landed two more punches and a couple of kicks by her legs--i get the fact that hes teaching her but fuck!
Vicas fur stands up as jer hits the bag with such sudden surge of magic that it sends it flying.
--Okay champ calm down--vica stretched,and in a cloud of dark they transformed into their human form,taking off their plague doctor mask.
--Im not calming down shes just!--jer is about to hit thin air when vica stops her.
--Just what?
--Shes just better than me!okay?! She has a nicer body!better skills than me!shes just...way better than me!
Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, frustration,sadness? Maybe both.
Vica hugged her,caressing her hair--Jerico,dont say that!ya have way more skills than 'er,and by gods sake, jerico youre so pretty, you dont need to have her body to be pretty,do ya really think Mick would be into that?no! Hes into you ya idiot
They could still feel her rage seething,so she grabbed her hands and pressed them togheter--Youre Burning up
--Its not funny
--no,look at the floor,youre leaving burnt marks on the floor, I need ya to calm down
Jer sighed, exhaling a handfull of smoke,toning down her temperature.
--See? Good!
The rest of the day jerico stayed away,knowing that maybe she should take some distance, she didnt want to burn down the whole base because her feelings were running wild.
Sparring worked wonders for her.
--Can you Belive that shit?--sniper asked to widow--jerico pinned down a Man twice her size, how in gods name!
The french woman looked at poor soldier, who was headlocked into place.
--quite impressive, oui.
Jer sighed stretching her arms as she let soldier free--thanks for the practice soldier
--Dont mention It cupcake! You fight like a true american
Though sniper knew soldier wasnt interested in jerico at all it made his blood boil,suddenly he got up on the ring,vest off along with his hat.
--mick? What are you...?
--oi bet I can kick soldiers ass
Jer snorted,walking to him-- okay calm down, you Jelly snipes?
She felt like a hipocrite acting as if she wasnt jealous herself.
--'M not--
Jer smashed her lips against his, pinning Him against one of the rings corners, where his vest and hat were resting.
She then grabbed his hat and shoved it on his face.
He thanked the lord for that,his cheeks were Burning red.
--you little rascal!--He muttered under his breath as he saw jer get out of the ring with a proud smile, that was more directed to amelie than him.
When the day was almost ending,sniper invited jer to the shooting range,and dared her to make more points than amelie.
Both aussie and french woman knew it was rigged.
Widow was going to loose so jerico could get a peace of mind over the whole situation and leave her alone.
But boy.
Both, Specially sniper who has seen jerico shooting a gun less than five times, did not expect for her aim to be that good.
And he did not expect the growl she let out when she hit the moving target twenty meters from her,neither his cheeks turning even more red, as she drew her weapon,smiled showing those sharp canines, and growling.
--Mas suerte para la próxima,amelie...--she handed him his weapon and pat his back--so I win
--y yeah you do
Eventually widow left,and jerico is now sitting on the bases roof, playing her guitar with both of her familiars resting nearby.
Her digits pressed the notes on the neck of the guitar, her other hand strumming the strings.
Mick peeked through the trapdoor,softly walking towards her,enamored as her sweet voice sang a cheesy love song.
--H hey--he awkwardly says sitting besides her as jeri leaves her guitar aside, her hands now resting on her lap.
--Hey Mick..Whats up?
Sniper looked away--w were ya jealous of amelie earlier today?
She sighed,recoiling in herself--Yeah...sorry if it annoyed you..
Sniper snorted--didnt'cha see how red ya got me?, id ask ye to get jealous more often
Jer looked at him surprised before breaking into a fit of giggles, launching at him.
One of his hands grabbed his hat tight as he fell back first on the roof, his other hand holding her waist.
Her lips smashed against his, and her hands went under his shirt just to mess with him.
His cheeks turn bright red, and he starts to stutter.
--Payback!--jerico smiled smugly.
He hid his face with his hat and tried to make a coherent sentence.
He then heard her chuckle, and kiss his chin--te amo,Mick
--i love you
--I love ye too jerico
She smiled helping him sit up,both staring at the other longinly, his arms hug her waist while her hands grip to his shirt, and he kisses her.
He May need to make her jealous more often if it meant theyd end up like that every time.
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neo-shitty · 3 years
OH WAIT HAVE I NEVER CUSSED HERE BEFORE?? LMFAOOO i cuss a lot fyi. i think i just unconsciously emit it every time i send asks since i never really swear in english (so weird dba,, di lng tlga sanay xd) and kahit na alam ko filo ka,,, nasanay na lang Y^Y pero yes, if you hear me irl, ang lutong mej <//3 pati, i forgot to thank you Y^Y prng ewan ako :"> i really love when the dust settles kasi heh. wowww, its cool na you pick up metaphors from the smallest mundane actions 🙌 stan yan 😌 HAHAHHAHA TUMAMBLING 😭 pati, hopefully okay na yung relationship mo with that person :>> definitely would choose hurt/comfort over angst. may unting fluff na plus, for me, mas nakakaiyak pa kaysa pure angst 🤔 hindi naman maulan dito but at early morning and late night sobrang lamig 🥶 kaso sa afternoon ang init pa den todo :< ingat pala diyan!
agree, if bagyo talaga sobrang scary. there was one time, this year lng like august or september siguro, sobrang lakas ng ulan dito samen, everyday siya tuloy tuloy. tas ang lala lng talaga ng thunder and lightning, scariest rain na na encounter ko buong buhay tbh. it was madaling araw, nagbabasa lang ako sa tumblr tas ang lakas ng kulog Y^Y kaya di ko ma feel yung story kasi nagugulat ako LOL kaso yun nga, if sobrang ulan diyan, dont forget na mag ingat !
di lang alak,,, naririnig ko noon na they do it mainly to find drugs and weapons Y^Y DUDE ANG SKERI NON LIKE EVEN IF WALA NAMAN TALAGA PERO AAKALAIN NG SCHOOL NA MAY NAGGAGANON SAMEN (kahit as precaution lng) ,,, i mean not impossible pero ang scary pa den ya know 😭 nakakakilabot 💀 so dun dun eto na sa chika :>> would read that fic if ever gawin mo as inspiration ✨ ang inchresting lng nung story time nato. ang mood nung "char lang" HAHAHHHA PERO OMG GHOSTERS MGA NAKAPALIBOT SATEN... :<< ako lang yung ghost na di mang gghost <//3 grabe naman si kuya, kinalimutan lahat 😕 grabe ah kasi iniwan kang hurtingz tas babalik siya ng parang walang nangyari, hapi hapi lang sya kahit siya naman pasimuno >:(( sarap batu- CHAROT (omg pag mali intindi ko, papalamon na lang ako sa lupa sa kahihiyan 🕳️ ) DUDE MALA MAIN CHARACTER VIBESSSS YUNG PART NA NAG PATUGTOG NG HULING SANDALI 😩pati wAITT,, inspired yung 2 fics na yun from that ?? omg i remember reading them,,, will re read pra lng felt ule yung story ng buhay mu <3 pero ang touching ng silent closure like fr.
im looking forward sa roger rabbit heh saw that a long time ago pa sa wips mo,, parang malapit na ang time para ma release siya 😌 its great na you had fun sa beach ! sguro the new scenery made you more relaxed kaya nakatulog ka maaga :>> other than the two times i got vaxed, never ako nakalabas sa bahay the whole 2 years ng quarantine :<< sobrang strict ng mother ko sa health safety kaya ~.~ di pa rin makalabas kasi yung 2 kong mas batang kapatid di pa vaxed Y^Y yung bestie na nakwento ko sau noon sa banner, u remember her? bday na niya kasi soon and balak niya sana mag mall with friends pero di natuloy kasi bawal ako <//3 its funny kasi she said gawan nya ng ppt defense para makasama ako tas bigay niya daw sa mama ko LMAO padala nlng ako cake with letter heh.
honestly, natawa lang don sa twt post XD one of the major problems yun sa stan twt na namimilit mag vote. nakakakonsensya kaya na makita na a lot are saying sorry dahil sobrang busy tas di makaka vote Y^Y GUILTY AKO SA NOT VOTING <//3 i rarely vote for award shows (only at times na maalala ko at di tamad), usually nag aabang lang to watch the perfs 😎 pero in some way, naiintindihan ko (di lang yung mang hhate yung iba sakanila sa mga di nakaka vote :<) den why theyre so hyped sa voting kasi dasurv naman tlga nila lahat ng awards (wow taray) regardless if sinong artist ean, dapat may award silang lahat dun palang sa fact na naka debut sila eh >:)) big achievement kaya eon. yung natawa lang ako mostly is tinatry nila i clown stayblr LMFAOOOO legit strategizing and coming up with plans para ma promote voting. idk if youve seen it pero yung blog na nag post non is na targetan ng toxic stays which is sobrang nakakalungkot ~.~
I WATCHED JAEMINS WEB DRAMA. di ko bet plot pero ya know, watch for the actor SASAFHJHJFDJHFDDSF though natutuwa ako sa girl lead, cute niya lol if ever they DO get acting careers, ill watch every single one heh productive ito :>
I HAVENT READ STAR LOST SORY. i was supposed to after i read a few chapters of six of crows kaso ang ganda nung SIC omayyy na tripan ko agad kaya ayon, nagbasa hanggang napagod yung mata ko LOL i still want to read more pero tambak ako requirements aaaaa :"> will wait for no longer human AND roger rabbit 😎
omg tha 155.6k wc for the whole year??? damn, lakas mo. saved recommended fics, HAHAHAHAA ANG SOLID NUNG AOTM NI HYUNJIN AAAAAAAAAAA ilang araw den ako bago naka get over hhhh pag inspired talaga, bilis makagawa ng mga bagay bagay heh does that mean after roger rabbit, may hyunjin project ka? for the ask game pala :
- 9 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 18 👀👀👀👀👀 - 24 - 27 - 30
ang dami,, pero sge kaya mo ean 😭 BTW, baka weekend na ule ako makabalik kasi todo grind proj,,, have great days and nights !!
— fanfic end of the year asks!
9. longest wip of the year — definitely no longer human like how the hell did a 6k outline turn into a 30k monstrosity. still, i'm glad the worst part of writing it is over.
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year stray kids !! T_T me and my personal attachment huhu also jjk/bsd tho they're all drafted so :D
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year writing songs are can you feel my heart by bmth and run by bts. artist is arctic monkeys and album is AM by arctic monkeys as well. didn't realize i had a lot of fics inspired by their songs :D (unwarranted but just go by ikon for last year, it played on shuffle rn and huhu still breaks my heart)
15. something you learned this year that there are technically no set rules in writing and that i should stop trying to change my own style to appease everyone else or be on the same league as more experienced people. that i should write whatever i want; not for an audience, not for the notes. write the stories i want to tell. and i'm not obligated to write for anyone else, not even for me if it feels more draining than a breath of fresh air.
18. current number of wips the whole list of wips? i'm not so sure. but those i'm actively working on are roger rabbit and no longer human only. other wips are : a christmas fic with chan, a collab fic for jisung (nct), milestone requests for hyuck and jeno, aotm hyunjin idea LMAO and that's it i guess? so seven e.e how many will end up finished? unsure.
24. favorite fic you read this year cries, 5 minutes by doiefy :(((( i love it still, i always will. my dystopian lover ass loved every word T_T and hyuck was a really interesting side character here huhu loml
27. favorite fanfic author of the year she's inactive now but inktae!! i don't even stan bts but her writing is exceptional. i binged her works earlier this year and it really left an impact T_T
30. favorite fandom to read fics from this year bungo stray dogs i haven't read a lot of kpop fics this year and it's less about my waning interest but more on no longer finding writing that i like or new plots. but if i was held at gun point, i would say nct.
yeah, you never cuss here! i get conscious when i cuss :D like bad influence ba aq ajuju #BadAte HAHA if you cuss a lot, that's me and you and chan :D then we are pakshet malutong irl :") no worries with the fic! i'm glad i got to write for you. and yes, we're fine now. quarantine made realize the values of a lot of relationships that i once took for granted. pinas things talaga yung rainy season and all .__. i thought at this point masasanay na ako sa mga bagyo inde pa pala xd also yes, ingat ingat nalang tau zzz and yes, the side character is haechan T_T babawas bawasan ko fic-time niya slight.
drugs and weapons cries T_T buti nalang na wala pang nangyayaring ganon tho i'm glad your school is checking and being cautious abt it. and abt your reaction to the chika, HAHA I HATE GHOSTS SO MUCH <//3 so tru doe siya naman nagpasimuno baliw amp toffee pampalipas oras era 2019 ganon. RIGHT sobrang fic inspo worthy but i don't think i can do justice to that moment yet kasi di pa ako gaano kagaling magsulat ng emotions. siguro soon?? baka next year mag aall too well (toffee's version) tayo. yep! the fics weren't just inspired, written for talaga HAJSHAJ iniba ko lang yung names and perspective kasi letter like yun before.
ahhhh im excited for roger rabbit as well but it's really hard writing from 7 different perspectives e.e yeah people tend to not be able to sleep sa ibang environment but i tend to sleep soundly??? baka sa bahay may mali omg HAJHJA di ka nakalabas kahit mall ??? :((( omg ohhh i hope your younger sibs get vaccinated soon :(( sayang na di ka pinayagan ka but i get the strict parents thing and it's for the best for your sibs.
panay retweet nalang ako nun regarding the voting. i mean, we're not really obligated to do that. it would be good if we did pero not to the point na fake fan ka porket di ka nagvovote baliw. i used to vote last year nung mas maluwag sched ko. i ended up being torn between my fucking groups :D esp for performance awards kasi andun lahat ng ults kRAZY. yeah, i do believe they all deserve awards pero mawawala siguro yung sanctity (what a word) ng award if lahat mabibigyan. BUT STILL, EVERYONE DESERVES SOMETHING .___. di ko pa nakita yung blog but it's quite unfortunate that people target blogs for something that petty. the world has worse problems and that is not one of them :D
i haven't watched jaemin's drama AAAAA if i have time soon, i might. i'm glad that you will tho HAHAH i'm really not interested sa dramas kasi nga yung attention span ko :(( ang ikli :(( and i get more upset when i'm unable to finish dramas ganon. internal problemz AND DUDE STOP APOLOGIZING OMFL but i'm taking the apology because you read six of crows <333333333333 i fucking loved it *punches a wall* it's (kinda) my inspo for the writing style of roger rabbit. reqs first before reading hehe thank you for waiting for my fics AAAA :((( kilig aq slight
the word count chonky this year #peakproductivity. AND YES !! please read those fics so good *chefs kiss* my eyes are blessed. dude i keep denying that aotm's impact but d u d e THE BRAINROT IS SO BAD IM SUPPOSED TO BE WRITING ROGER RABBIT. i can't promise the hyunjin fic yet, but the idea is there so maybe. this is just me finding an excuse to write bad boy hyunjin xd
take your time!! and good luck with your school work :3 kaya mo din yan!! likewise!! get some rest in between your busy days. good night! :)))
0 notes
therobincastle · 6 years
Go Mad For a Couple Grams || Self-Para
TW: Drug Use
ur comin tonight right?
havent seen u in forever
where r u ???
dont bitch out on me dude
Robin chewed his lip, staring down at his phone and all the incoming messages. Some of his old “friends” who worked on the same studio lot as Daemon Above were having a get-together and word got out that he was back in town. They had all been texting him nonstop all night and even though Robin was yet to reply, he hadn’t completely ruled it out. Maybe this would be a good thing. He was back in the real world finally, and what was wrong with going out with the people he used to go out with? Other than the probability of him falling back into his old habits...
Deciding to just throw away any leftover inhibitions he had, Robin grabbed his dagger from underneath his pillow and strapped it into his belt, throwing on a long shirt and jacket to cover it. He texted their family driver to meet him at the end of the drive and grabbed his wallet and keys before slipping out of his room, shutting the door quietly behind him. The lights were all dimmed in their unneccessary-because-there’s-literally-two-people-living-there-three-story house on the beach, Robin’s steps slow and careful so he could sneak out without getting caught.
“Robiiiiin,” Dove’s slow drawl rang out from the hallway behind him. Shit. He turned to see his mother exit from the kitchen, frowning at him with a glass of almost-finished wine in her hand. “Sweetie, where are you going? It’s late.”
Robin resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and he refused to look guilty, even knowing that his mom could always tell when he was acting. “I’m going out. Is that a problem?”
She sighed heavily, leaning against the wall as she sipped at her glass. “Who with?”
“Just some friends,” Robin shrugged.
“Which. Friends?” Dove asked slowly, her usually pretty features screwing into something more pained. “Robin, we talked about this.”
“Bullshit,” Robin sighed. “I need to go out, Mom. How else are people going to think nothing’s going on with me if they know I’m back in town but not even allowed outside of the house?” It was sound logic, more to a manager than a mother. Robin hoped she was swaying more to the former tonight. “Come on, I’ve wrapped on Buddy Holly, can’t I enjoy my time back in LA?”
“Baby...” Dove pouted, walking over to him. She ran her fingers through his curls, tugging worriedly at his ears. “I want to trust you... If I let you go, you have to promise me you’re going to make good decisions, and that you’ll be home before your new curfew.”
Robin flashed a cheeky grin. “Three a.m.?”
She gently smacked the side of his head. “Two. I want you back before two. And you leave your cell phone here and off. You have Drachma, so Iris Message me as soon as there’s an emergency,” she kissed Robin all over his face until he managed to wriggle free, crying out in embarrassment. He jogged down the long driveway, entering the code to their gate so he could slip out into the neighborhood. His driver was smoking a cigarette in front of the SUV.
“Hey, Maurice,” Robin greeted as the man opened the back door for him. “Why don’t we sit up front together?”
The man looked slightly surprised but smiled and shut the door, now offering him shotgun. “Good to have you back, kid.”
They pulled up to the apartment complex, Robin promising he’d be back out front by 1:45 so they could get home and that he’d have his mother call him if he ended up needing to go home earlier than that. He could already hear music blasting from the loft as the elevator doors opened on the correct floor, the door unlocked. There were about fifty people all hanging around the apartment. Robin’s appearance had a ripple effect, people too high, drunk, or both to notice his arrival right away. Slow yells of recognition rang out, varying jeers and rough hands giving him a greeting. He recognized some of the people but didn’t know them by name, looking around for the kids he did know. There was a pile of them all sitting on a king-sized bed on the floor in the corner of the room.
“Rob, man, you made it!” Flynn, cried out, jumping off the bed to grab him. “Holy shit, you got tall! You’re looking skinny too,” he grabbed at Robin’s arms and gave them a shake.
“Yeah, yeah,” Robin brushed him off, kind of annoyed because he thought he was starting to build a little muscle thanks to camp.
Flynn flung an arm around Robin’s shoulders, dragging him over to sit on the bed. “You remember Arissa, Vic, Marnie, Jules?” he pointed out all the people and Robin nodded despite not really remembering them at all. They were all in their early twenties, none of them actors like Flynn, just friends he made through the scene. “Dude, Jules got the nastiest shit bro, you gotta try it, it’s life changing,” He leaned over the nightstand and grabbed a razor blade to make a line of whatever mix of cocaine and probably Adderall on the table for him. Robin felt ill just looking at it.
“Ah, actually man, I’m not really down for that tonight,” he scratched the back of his neck.
Flynn scoffed. “Don’t be stupid, Robin. This isn’t like last time when that shit messed you up for two days. We got this from a way better guy, not shady at all,” he finished up the line and pushed a straw into Robin’s hand. He tossed it aside on the bed, Flynn flashing him an annoyed look. “What the fuck, man? Next you’re going to tell me you don’t what a shot of top-shelf tequila next.”
“I don’t,” Robin said stiffly, standing up now. “Listen, man, I just came here to hang out, I don’t... I don’t want anything.”
“They allllll say that,” one of the girls, Arissa or Marnie, he wasn’t sure since these Instagram models all started to look the same to him. “You’ll change your mind after you try it.”
The other either Arissa or Marnie sat up now where she had been draped over the edge of the bed. She wasn’t wearing a top and her make up was smeared. Robin decided to focus his attention on the false eyelash clinging onto the corner of her lid for dear life. “Didn’t you guys hear? Lil birdie here has been locked up,” she slurred.
“What, like house arrest?” Flynn scoffed before snorting the line he had just insisted Robin take. He started making another two immediately.
“Rehab,” the girl corrected before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“No shit,” Flynn said with wide eyes, looking at Robin. “That true?”
“Of course not,” Robin scoffed immediately, crossing his arms. “Just been working on personal projects right now.”
“That why you get kicked off that dinky zombie show?” the other guy on the bed snickered. A few other party-goers had wandered over, all vying for more of whatever these drug-mongers had holed up in the corner. More of their attention was starting to shift to Robin, as blurry and incoherent as it was.
“I wasn’t kicked off,” Robin denied with a clenched jaw. “I left. It was a mutual decision.”
“Lay off him, guys,” Flynn crowed in annoyance before looking back at Robin. “Listen, kid, I believe you!” He starts prepping a needle now, one of the girls climbing over and sitting next to him like a patient lining up for her flu shot. “If you’re not one of those bitches who gets sucked into that rehabilitation bullshit, then take a hit.”
Robin shook his head. “I’m just gonna leave if this is how you’re gonna be, you dick.”
Flynn stared at him coldly, looking him over again. “This ain’t a good look for you, Baby Boy.” He turned to everyone else on the bed as he injected the girl sitting next to him. Robin watched the way the needle sank into the skin, wondering how many collapsed veins the girl already had. He watched the plunger sink down, hardly hearing what Flynn was saying until he came back to himself. “...what happens when you go to rehab, folks.”
“I wasn’t in rehab!” Robin shouted over the music. “What the fuck is wrong with me just trying to get clean?” He crossed his arms uncomfortably over his chest. His faded track marks were starting to itch just watching the administration in front of him. People were staring now, the interaction sobering them up somewhat. Robin could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his ears going red. “Whatever. Just get me a fucking blunt if that will get you guys to lay the fuck off,” he groaned. He had cut himself off cold turkey, and the strong stench of marijuana hanging in the air was like a secondhand high that his body craved more of.
It’s not that bad. A puff or two isn’t that bad. You’re not backsliding. No one at camp will have to know and these people will keep their mouths shut.
“No,” Flynn chuckled, reaching out to stop one of his friends who was holding a roach out to Robin. “No, no, no. You wanna prove you weren’t in rehab?” He scraped together another line. “Bump this shit.”
“I already said--”
“I know what you fuckin’ said,” Flynn interrupted. “But I know it’s a fuckin’ lie if you’re gonna stay up there on your high horse now that you’re too good for a little fun.” He held out the straw again. “Now shut up and snort the damn coke, pussy.”
Robin angrily snatched the straw from him and bent over the table, immediate drunken cheers of approval coming from the onlookers. Robin hesitated, looking at the dusty little line of coke. He thought about what happened when he was angry and frustrated with someone. How easy it would be to turn one deadly look on Flynn and make him wish he hadn’t tried to threaten Robin’s life, his career. He wanted to hurt him. He wanted to make him pay-- teach him a lesson. Use his powers to drive Flynn to be locked up in a place much worse than rehab. He deserved to have his mind turned inside out, that dark impulse sneaking up on Robin’s clear and sober mind.
Then he thought about his mother’s face, covered in tears as he shook him awake, a needle still poking out of his arm. Melody’s kind smiles every time she helped him work through the withdrawal symptoms. Penny screaming at him almost two years ago that he needed to quit. Dean and Aaron’s endless support no matter how frustrating or annoying he was.
The burn felt great.
“Atta boy,” he heard Flynn mutter under his breath as Robin stood back up, wiping his sleeve across his nose.
“Yeah, whatever,” Robin dropped the straw to the table and walked away. It would be a matter of time before the reality of his situation sank in on him, but Robin didn’t mind. The high was supposed to be fun, right? It was the calm before the storm, and Robin did feel calm. Sated enough to forget how close he was to using his powers on Flynn.
There wasn’t really anywhere to go in the studio apartment, but he managed to slip outside where another group sat on the balcony, all smoking weed. They greeted Robin with lazy waves and grunts, not paying him any mind as he sank down. He stared out blankly at the city below, a beautiful and ugly place. His hands were trembling now, Robin lowering his head between his knees. “Fuck, I can’t believe I just did that,” he breathed softly. “Fuck me. Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit!” He kicked his foot out angrily, his sneaker colliding with the railing with a metallic shudder.
The group glanced over at him at he turned his face away, embarrassed by his outburst. “Yo, kid,” one of them called over to him. “You look like you could use some of this.” Robin didn’t need to look over to see that he was being offered some pot. 
“I’ll pass,” Robin said, swallowing back the bile in his throat. He didn’t like how hard it was to say no.
“You sure?” someone else asked. “It’ll help. I’ve got, like, a vape if that’s-- Shit, kid, your face.”
Robin looked fully at them now, brow wrinkling in confusion. He suddenly felt a warmth pooling against his shirt collar and turned to look at his reflection in the glass sliding door. Blood was gushing from his nose and he hadn’t even felt it. “Shit--” An irony tang sat on his lips as he scrambled to his feet, holding his sleeve over his nose and mouth. He stumbled back into the apartment, looking around for a bathroom. There were people milling around outside of it, a couple of girls doing more lines on the bathroom sink when he burst in. There were cries of annoyance asking him to knock, their irritation going ignored as Robin yanked on a toilet paper roll to get enough to mop up his bloody nose. “Shit, shit, shit, shit,” he said as a soft mantra, clutching it to his face. The girls quickly hurried out of the bathroom, leaving the sink open. Robin clutched the stained surface to hold himself up, slowly lifting his head to look at his reflection.
Crimson was still smeared across his nose and chin, Robin running some water to try and wipe it away. “You’re a fucking moron, Castle,” he muttered to himself. The anxiety from before was coming back tenfold then, Robin’s eyes welling with tears. “Why did you do that?”
He knew exactly why. It wasn’t the peer pressure. It wasn’t the stupid double-edged threat of having to snort coke just so other people wouldn’t find out about his addiction. It wasn’t even the difficulty of recovery.
He did it because he wanted to.
Robin emerged from the bathroom, grabbing hold of the first guy he saw with a roll of something lit on the end. “Can I?” he asked dryly. The guy just nodded and pass him the joint, letting him take a pull. He coughed on the smoke, feeling his eyes sting as his lungs protested the sensation they hadn’t had to feel in a while.
Getting high won’t fix this.
You’re making it worse.
Stop now, you can still get home and sleep this off.
Mom’s going to hate you.
Robin sat outside of the apartment, back against the wall. No one paid him any mind as they came and went, a few dirty looks from neighbors who weren’t happy about the party inside but weren’t going to call any cops about it. It must’ve been 1:45 because as he sat there in a daze, he could feel a large man pick him up and sling him over a shoulder to carry him downstairs and put him back in the car, letting him lay down in the backseat. “Oh, kid...” he heard Maurice’s voice as a distorted echo, the world around him blurry and confusing even as he was helped into his house.
“Mom?” Robin called out in a weak voice. No answer. He closed the door quietly behind him and shuffled into the kitchen to get some water. There was no comfort food to be found, not in their kitchen. Robin caught his reflection in a hallway mirror as he made his way for the stairs. There was still some blood on his shirt and his eyes were bloodshot, hair messy. “Idiot,” Robin muttered, ascending all the way to the top step before he heard his mother’s voice from below.
She sounded sleepy. Maybe she had stayed up after all. Robin contemplated rushing to his room. How was he supposed to face her like this? Still coming down off his high, throat raw and face pale. He backed up slowly, peeking into the den to see her lifting her head up from behind the couch, an empty wine glass tipped over on the glass coffee table.
“Robin, sweetie, how was your night?” she asked sleepily, yawning as she rested her cheek on the cushion. “Come here, baby.”
“I... I’m really tired, Mom,” Robin said, lip trembling. Fuck, his voice sounded so shaky.
“Just come here,” she requested again, softly. Robin turned and walked the rest of the way down the stairs, slowly going over to her. She looked at him sleepily, a slight frown clear on her face that would probably look more severe had it not been for the botox. He stood stiffly, feeling dead on his feet as she reached out to hold his hand, her own grip lazy. “I’m so proud of you, darling. I know how hard this has been and I’m glad to have you home.” A warm smile.
He flung himself down into her lap before he could stop himself, immediately bursting into tears. You stupid fuck up. He sobbed against her for what felt like hours, Dove rubbing his back and carding her fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry,” he cried into her chest, heaving to catch his breath as he wept. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, baby,” she mumbled, hugging him tightly against her. “You don’t have to be sorry. You got home before curfew,” she pat him on the head before sinking back onto the couch, letting him curl up into her. She doesn’t get it. “I know it’s tough but I knew you could do it. I knew that camp would be good for you,” she yawned and rested her chin on top of his head, quickly falling back asleep. She has no idea what you’ve done. “And I’ve been thinking... I think you’re ready to come stay here for good.”
Robin had been waiting to hear those exact words for months, but now it just put a bad taste in his mouth. He didn’t deserve this.
Robin didn’t sleep well that night, and it wasn’t because he was curled up on an aesthetically pleasing and wholly uncomfortable couch with his mother. He woke up fully and alone sometime around ten. “Mom?” he croaked, looking around their open concept home. There was music playing softly from another room, but that didn’t mean much in their household. Robin eventually made his way upstairs, his poor decisions last night weighing heavy on his heart.
Without really thinking through the motions, he grabbed his largest duffle bag and started packing. He threw his dagger in last before hooking the huge bag over his shoulder. As he trudged down the stairs, he was mumbling to himself, trying to figure out the wording of a note he needed to leave for his mom... Maybe he wouldn’t leave a note at all. Just disappearing would be easier on the pains in his chest. Maybe he could make some bullshit up in a week about how he missed camp or something. 
Maybe she’d even pretend to believe him.
Robin’s hand was on the front door knob when he heard footsteps behind him. “Robin?” his mother inquired softly, rounding the corner from the kitchen. “Where are you off to? I was about to make breakfast-- or maybe we could go out? How about that gluten-free bagel shop you like so much? We should get you nice, well-balanced meal before your photoshoot today--”
“I did coke last night.”
Dove stood there, frozen. Robin almost couldn’t bear to meet her eye and be subjected to the heartbreak written across her face. “Are you joking, sweetie?” she asked softly, her voice breaking delicately over the question.
Robin chewed on the inside of his cheek, feeling a tingling prickling at his ears. There was a phantom burn in his nose, a reminder of his transgressions from the night before. He shook his head and turned away from her. “I’m gonna go back to camp for a while.”
She didn’t reply, and her silent disbelief was too much. Robin wrenched the door open and didn’t look back.
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Reiji Sakamaki [Dark 10] ~translation|traducción~
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[DARK 8] [DARK 9] [DARK 10]
Place: Out of Eden.
Yui: (Reiji-san has left now, what should I do now... ...) Ruki: ... ... Follow me. Yui: Eh? Ruki: You must be tired from the journey, right. We cannot offer you much hospitality, but you can rest here. Yui: Thank you. That being the case, I will accept your offer, excuse me.
*... ...*
Place: Eden – Hall
Ruki: It is tea. Drink it and relax. Yui: Thank you. *Kou arrives* Kou: Wa~, M-neko- chaaan! It’s been some time. Yui: Eh? Kou-kun? Azusa: ... ... Yuma and I are here too. Yuma: Ey, ya look healthy. Yui: Yep. You guys too, is there any change? Kou: Well, we’re the same as always. Although the place where we live and the environment has changed~ Yuma: Although I can’t grow anythin’ in this barren land ... ... To be honest, I have nothin’ to do. Azusa: But, however... ... our To-Do list has increased; we have to patrol the Eden for example. Yui: (Come to think of it.. ...) Yui: Emm... ... Why did you all come here? Azusa: Eh... ..? Yui: The Eden’s owner now is Reiji, but even so, you... ... I just thought it was something unusual. Ruki: ... ...It seems you are misunderstanding something. Yui: Eh? Ruki: We came to protect the place our “place of birth”... ... That’s all.
Kou: That person is no longer here, but we have many memories in this place. After talking it over, we decided to stay. Kou: But right now the Eden is Reiji-kun’s belonging, right? Kou: We thought that it was wrong to come here without permission, so by the moment we got one. Yui: I see... ... Yuma: That’s right. It ain’t that we’re gonna listen to everything he says. Don’t get the wrong idea. Yui: Yes... ... Yui: (For the Mukamis this place is very important. But even so, it’s so deteriorated) Yui: (And that is related to Reiji-san’s power... ...) Yui: Now... ... I’m sorry Yui: (Maybe apologising is a mistake... ... But I can’t remain without saying anything) Ruki: There is nothing you have to apologise for. Besides, we won’t say anything even if Reiji bows his head. Ruki: If he has time for such things, then we should tell him to hurry up and learn to control his powers as soon as possible. Ruki: ... ... Why has it been that man [The chosen one]. It is not something that we can talk about deliberately, but we still don’t understand [Why Karl chose Reiji]. Yuma: By the way, he ain’t comin´ back here... ... I have no idea where he could be roaming. Yuma: But playing the fool and not lookin’ at the reality... ... It’s a problem before trust. (NO estoy segura con lo de “playing fool”, significa hacerse el tonto, pero para divertir más que nada…. Consulta si podes)
CHOICES: 1- Remain silent (Correct answer) 2- Reiji-san is doing his best.
Yui: (There are so many things I want to say... ... However, none of them would do any good) Yui: (It’s hard to hold back, but I’ll remain silent) Azusa: But, if Reiji-san manages to control his power... ... then it means that the Eden will be back the way it was, right?
Ruki: Yes. Azusa: Hey, Eve... ... surely this place will have its old appearance again, right? Yui: ... ... Yes, I’m sure. Yui: (It’s true, it’s not for sure that this place will continue to crumble) Yui: (Maybe we will get a good hint... ... surely everything will go fine) Yui: I’ll go to where Reiji-san is. *... ...* Place: Laboratory Yui: Reiji-san...? Reiji: *Sleeping* ... ... ... ... Yui: (He’s sleeping. But, something like falling asleep while he was reading shows how much tired he was) Yui: (Reiji-san is working so hard, but nobody acknowledges it... ... It’s too hard) Reiji: Ugh... ha... Yui: (He looks like he’s suffering... ... I should loosen his collar) *Yui touches him* (Dónde vi esto antes?) Yui: (Even if it’s just for now, I hope you can get rid of everything) Yui: (I can’t do anything else but to snuggle next to him… … but I hope he gets better even if just a little)
-Yui’s Monologue-
I snuggle next to Reiji-san, who is sleeping with a weary expression. What kind of feelings has he experienced reading the book here alone. When I think about those feelings, my chest feels tight. I don’t know if I can get close to his loneliness. But, I will let him feel this warmth as much as I can. That’s why I have decided once more.
-The End-
Right words: ‘’my chest feels tight.’’ and ‘’warmth’’
Lugar: Afuera del Edén.
Yui: (Reiji-san ya se fue, qué debería hacer ahora... ...) Ruki: ... ...Sigueme Yui: ¿Eh? Ruki: Debes estar cansada por el viaje, verdad. No podemos dar una gran hospitalidad, pero puedes descansar aquí Yui: Gracias. En eses caso aceptaré tu oferta, con permiso
*... ...*
Lugar: Edén - Sala {Hall]
Ruki: Es té. Bebelo y relajate Yui: Gracias
*Kou llega*
Kou: Wa~, M-neko-chaaan! Cuanto tiempo Yui: ¿Eh? ¿Kou-kun? Azusa: ... ...También Yuuma y yo estamos aquí Yuma: Ey, pareces saludable Yui: Sip. Ustedes también, hay algún cambio? Kou: Bueno, nosotros estamos como simpre. Aunque ha cambiado el lugar donde vivimos y el entorno~ Yuma: Aunque no puedo plantar nada en esta tierra tan desierta. ... ...Siento honesto, no tengo nada que hacer Azusa: Pero, a cambio de eso... ... Se han incrementado muchas cosas que hacer, como por ejemplo pratullar el Edén Yui: (Ahora que lo pienso... ...) Yui: Emm... ... por qué todos ustedes vinieron aquí? Azusa: Eh... ...? Yui: El dueño del Edén ahora es Reiji pero aún así ustedes... ... sólo pensé que era algo inusual Ruki: ... ...Parece que estas malentendiendo algo Yui: Eh? Ruki: Vinimos para proteger nuestro ''lugar de nacimiento''. ... ..Sólo por eso. Kou: Aquella persona ya no esta, pero tenemos muchos recuerdos en este lugar. Después de hablar decidimor quedarnos Kou: Pero ahora mismo el Edén es una pertenencia de Reiji-kun, ¿verdad? Kou: Pensamos que era malo venir entrar aquí sin permiso, así que por el momento obtuvimos uno Yui: Ya veo... ... Yuma: Así es. No se trata de que vamos a escuchar/obedecer todas las cosas que él diga. No te equivoques Yui: Si... ... Yui: (Para los Mukamis este lugar muy importante. Pero a pesar de ello, esta así de deteriorado) Yui: (Y eso[Que el Edén este hecho mierd] esta relacionado con el poder de Reiji-san... ...) Yui: Por ahora... ... lo siento Yui: (Tal es un error disculparme. ... ...Pero no puedoe estar sin decir nada) Ruki: No hay nada de lo que tengas que disculparte. Ademas, no pensaremos en nada aunque Reiji baje su cabeza Ruki: Si él tiene tiempo para hacer tales cosas, entonces deberíamos decirle que se apure y aprendar a controlar el poder lo antes posible Ruki: ... ...Por qué habrá sido ese hombre[el elegido]. No es algo de lo que nosotros posamos hablar deliberadamente, pero seguimos sin comprenderlo [Porque Karl elegió a Reiji] Yuma: Por cierto, no esta regresando aquí. ... ...No tengo idea en donde se quedó paseando Yuma: Pero hacerse el tonto y no mirar la realidad... ... es un problema ante la confianza. (No sé que significa, tal vez dice ''para confiar en él'' o ''a él le falta confiaza''?) Yui: (Algo así... ...)
ELECCIONES: 1.Quedarse callada [Opción más inteligente] 2. Reiji-san esta haciendo su mayor esfuerzo
Yui: (Hay muchas cosas que quiero decir... ... sin embargo, no traería nada bueno hacerlo) Yui: (Es dificil contenerse, pero me quedaré callada) Azusa: Pero, si Reiji-san logra manipular el poder... ... significa que el Edén volverá a ser como era, ¿verdad? Ruki: Si Azusa: Oye, Eva... ... seguramente, este lugar volvera a tener su antigua apariencia, ¿verdad? Yui: ... ...Si, estoy segura Yui: (Es verdad, todavía no se ha decidido que este lugar continuaría derrumbandose) Yui: (Tal vez llegemos a encontrar una muy buena pista... ... seguramente todo estará bien) Yui: Yo iré hacía donde esta Reiji-san
*... ...*
Lugar: Laboratorio
Yui: Reiji-san... ...? Reiji: *durmiendo* ... ... ... ... Yui: (Esta durmiendo. Pero, algo como quedarse dormido mientras estaba leyendo demuestra lo mucho cansado que estaba) Yui: (Reiji-san esta trabajando tan duro pero aún así nadie lo reconoce... ... es demasiado dificil) Reiji: UGh... haa.... Yui: (Parece estar sufriendo... ... debería aflojar más su cuello)
*Yui lo toca*
Yui: (Al menos sólo por ahora, espero que puedas liberarte de todo) Yui: (Yo no puedo hacer más que acurrucarme junto a él.. ... pero espero que se mejore aunque sea sólo un poco)
Me acurruco al lado de Reiji-san, el cual esta durmiendo con una expresión agotada.
Cuales clases de sentimientos habrá tenido leyendo el libro aquí solo. Cuando pienso sobre esos sentimientos, mi pecho se siente apretado/se contrae.
No sé si puedo acercarme a su soledad. Pero, dejaré que él sienta este calor todo lo que más pueda.
Es por eso que volví a decidir una vez más.
Palabras correctas: ''Mi pecho se contrae'' y ''calor''
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chainprivate · 4 years
July 13, 2020
I tried bumble last night. It was fun pero not the kind of fun na tingin ko para sakin lol ganun yung pakiramdam. Tapos naisip ko bigla, bat ko ba to ginagawa? jowang-jowa na ba ko? hahaha pero seryoso a part of me really wants to meet someone na yung masasabi kong “hay thank you Lord, sya na to” but then again whenever i think about it, parang ang off din sa pakiramdam minsan knowing na di pa ko ganun ka-ready and whenever may potential naman na lalapit, i tend to push them away. But at the back of my mind, while listening to runaway by corrs and say it again by marie digby- i’ll stay single for now and mamahalin ko na lang muna sarili ko. Because i think hindi ko pa nagagawa yun for real. Tapos siguro ibibigay na sya ni Lord pag tingin ni Lord kaya ko na. Sabi nga ni Marie Digby, “the thing about love is I never saw it comin'”.
Maybe soon, someone will take me by surprise.
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   ♡ I WAS IN LOVE, HE WASN’T ♡ // a zoe & danny mix
                                                              ( listen / download )
❝ i want to be with you, it is as simple, and as complicated as that. ❞
      un mix para zoe y danny, él robó su corazón, pero el suyo ya pertenecía a otra persona.
01. BEGIN AGAIN de taylor swift ( i’ve been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end. but on a wednesday in a cafe i watched it begin again. )
02. FAVOURITE THING de yuna ( it’s in the way you drink your coffee, and how you have faith in me, and you love your cameras and you tell me that i’m good enough. boy, you bubble-wrap my heart. and you remain my most favourite thing. )
03. STRAWBERRY SWING de coldplay ( people moving all the time, inside a perfectly straight line, don’t you wanna just curve away? when it’s such, it’s such a perfect day. )
04. LITTLE NUMBERS de boy ( and every song just makes me think of you, because the singer sounds as if she was longing too. )
05. BORN AGAIN TEEN de lucius ( it’s a feeling like a born again teen, got a heart beat like we’re only sixteen. my knees shake and my hair is raising, burning from this heat we’re making. )
06. DREAM de tessa violet ( would you be embarrassed, think i’m being careless, if i said you’re all i want and more? finger tips and collarbones, if i caught you on your own, would you mind my hand stitched into yours? )
07. TOOTHPASTE KISSES de the maccabees ( lay with me, i’ll lay with you. we’ll do the things that lovers do. )
08. STAY WITH ME de breathe electric ft. cady groves ( feels like we’ve walked into the circus, where everyone is friendly only on the surface. we don’t stop, we don’t care, with our hands up in the atmosphere. stay with me. i know you and i belong like this together, baby. )
09. HEY STEPHEN de taylor swift ( boy, you might have me believing i don’t always have to be alone. ‘cause i can’t help it if you look like an angel, can’t help it if i wanna kiss you in the rain. )
10. FALLING de florence and the machine ( i’ve fallen out of favour and i’ve fallen from grace. fallen out of trees and i’ve fallen on my face. fell in your opinion when i fell in love with you. because falling’s not the problem when i’m falling i’m at peace. it’s only when i hit the ground, it causes all the grief. )
11. I REALLY LIKE YOU de carly rae jepsen ( it’s way too soon, i know this isn’t love, but i need to tell you something. i really really really really really really like you, and i want you. do you want me? do you want me too? )
12. TRUE LOVE de coldplay ( just tell me you love me, if you don’t then lie, oh lie to me. and call it true, call it true love. )
13. THINGS I’LL NEVER SAY de avril lavigne ( i’m tugging at my hair, i’m pulling at my clothes, i’m trying to keep my cool, i know it shows. i’m staring at my feet, my cheeks are turning red, i’m searching for the words inside my head. 'cause i’m feeling nervous, trying to be so perfect, 'cause i know you’re worth it. )
14. SONG FOR A SLEEPING GIRL de devics ( this is a song for a silent sleeping girl. she wants nothing but to wake and find you there. )
15. BUBBLY de colbie caillat ( i’ve been awake for a while now, you’ve got me feelin’ like a child now, 'cause every time i see your bubbly face, i get the tingles in a silly place. )
16. YOU’RE NOT THE ONE de sky ferreira ( it’s the middle of the night and i’m so gone. and i’m thinking about how much i need you but you really want somebody else. should be given the right to carry on. i’m still thinking about how much i need you but you really want somebody else. you’re not the one, guess you’re not the one. )
17. NICEST THING de kate nash ( i wish i was your favourite girl. i wish you thought i was the reason you are in the world. i wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile. i wish the way that i dressed was your favourite kind of style. basically, i wish that you loved me. i wish that you needed me. i wish that without me your heart would break. i wish that without me you’d be spending the rest of your nights awake. i wish that without me you couldn’t eat. i wish i was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep. )
18. MAPS de yeah yeah yeahs ( wait, they don’t love you like i love you. )
19. HYMN FOR THE WEEKEND de coldplay ( oh, angel sent from up above, you know you make my world light up. when i was down, when i was hurt, you came to lift me up. )
20. PIECES OF ME de ashlee simpson ( i am moody, messy, i get restless, and it’s senseless, how you never seem to care. when i’m angry, you listen. make me happy it’s your mission, and you won’t stop til i’m there. )
21. (THEY LONG TO BE) CLOSE TO YOU de carpenters ( that is why all the girls in town follow you all around. just like me, they long to be close to you. )
22. BROWN EYES de rachael yamagata ( brown eyes, will you wait for me to follow? i’m used to letting everybody down. i’ve seen your face in our shadow, does it look as pretty in the light? will you save me from myself? will i save you from the rest? )
23. FALLIN’ FOR YOU de colbie caillat ( i don’t know but i think i may be fallin’ for you, dropping so quickly. i am trying not to tell you but i want to, i’m scared of what you’ll say. so i’m hiding what i’m feeling, but i’m tired of holding this inside my head. i’ve been spending all my time, just thinking 'bout you. i don’t know what to do, i think i’m fallin’ for you. )
24. PRETTY BABY de vanessa carlton ( pretty baby, don’t you leave me. i have been saving smiles for you. pretty baby, why can’t you see you’re the one that i belong to? i’ll be the embrace that keeps you warm, for you’re the sun that breaks the storm. i’ll be alright and i’ll sleep sound as long as you keep comin’ around, oh pretty baby. )
25. STAY WITH ME de sam smith ( i don’t want you to leave, will you hold my hand? oh, won’t you stay with me? 'cause you’re all i need. this ain’t love, it’s clear to see. but, darling, stay with me. why am i so emotional? no, it’s not a good look, gain some self-control. and deep down i know this never works, but you can lay with me so it doesn’t hurt. )
26. BOYFRIEND de best coast ( i’d love him till the very end, but instead he is just a friend. i wish he was my boyfriend. )
27. YOU de the pretty reckless ( you don’t want me, no, you don’t need me, like i want you, oh, like i need you. and i want you in my life, and i need you in my life. you can’t see me, no, like i see you. i can’t have you, no, like you have me. you can’t feel me, no, like i feel you. i can’t steal you, no, like you stole me. )
28. TEAM de lorde ( dancin’ around the lies we tell, dancin’ around big eyes as well. living in ruins of a palace within my dreams and you know, we’re on each other’s team. )
29. CATCH ME de demi lovato ( but you’re so hypnotizing, you’ve got me laughing while i sing, you’ve got me smiling in my sleep. and i can see this unraveling, your love is where i’m falling, so please don’t catch me. if this is love please don’t break me. i’m giving up so just catch me. )
30. DON’T MOVE de marit larsen ( such a bad day for good weather, right on time to miss the train. i just tied my shoes together, dropped an earring down the drain. as the crowd goes rushing by, suddenly he’s right before my eyes. it’s more than you’re craving, it’s staring you down, turn around. don’t move 'til you believe it. it’s you beyond saving, feeling the pull, it’s beautiful. don’t move, don’t move 'til you see it. )
31. DESEO DE COSAS IMPOSIBLES de la oreja de van gogh ( igual que el mosquito más tonto de la manada, yo sigo tu luz aunque me lleve a morir. )
32. STOLEN de dashboard confessional ( you are the best one, of the best ones. you have stolen my heart. )
33. TRUE LOVE de kesha ( walk by and i’m a nervous wreck. the way you smell, the way you dress, so perfect. i can’t speak, i’m terrified cause if i say the wrong thing you might see how hard i’m trying. is this made up? or true love? is this true love? )
34. DON’T GET ME WRONG de lily allen ( don’t get me wrong if i’m looking kind of dazzled, i see neon lights whenever you walk by. don’t get me wrong if i’m acting so distracted, i’m thinking about the fireworks that go off when you smile. )
35. CADA QUE… de belanova ft. javier blake ( pero esta historia tiene que parar. no entiendo esto de verdad. no tiene caso esta situación, porque esto es tan ilógico. y cada que pienso en ti, se enciende mi corazón. y nada es más triste que hoy hablar de ti. )
🎅 ¡feliz navidad y año nuevo, sara! 🎅
de: ANDY ( @thefoolishfragilespine )
para: SARA ( @zoe-nettles )
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Primero que nada, quiero desearte una feliz Navidad y un bello año nuevo. Ojalá que este año sea muy bueno para ti y todo lo que necesites se te cumpla o lo que te falte, se obtenga. Eres una persona muy divertida, siempre me da risa hablar contigo en tags o por mensajes. Y adoooooro como escribes. Además amo a Zoe y a Mary, y amo lo que hemos hecho con Zoe y Danny. Simplemente es muy divertido rolear contigo.
Escogí el mix porque amo el dolor :/, okay no. Es de la perspectiva de Zoe porque vamo a sufri. Amo esta amistad a lot y estoy lista para llorar cuando Danny le rompa el heart a la Zoe. Va a ser horrible, pero pos ya ni modo, escogimos este camino darks. Me alegra mucho que estés por aquí, tbh siempre es agradable verte por el dash. Tienes una vibra muy amena y eso me encanta de ti. Nunca lo cambies.
Ay soy muy mala en las cartas, pero espero que en verdad te guste y seamos sad juntas por estos dos, rip. ¡Felicidades! Te quiero mucho, mucho.
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angxladams · 7 years
My Girl || Self-Para
When: Early 2015 Where: Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas Preview: Angel is haunted by someone from her past. Warnings: Abuse tw
She’s awoken by a backpack hitting her stomach and the smell of a hot breakfast.
“Which one of ya idiots brought bacon in here?” There’s rustling somewhere in the room, like a paper wrapper being crumpled. “You’re gonna have all the strays on the block comin’ buy here for free food.” 
“Relax, Angel, a little bacon never hurt nobody.” She finally opened her eyes to see who had dropped the bag on her. Sure enough, Buster stood over her, that stupid grin on his face. Angel groaned, sitting up and pushing the bag onto the sleeping bag she was occupying. “Come on, baby girl, we’ve got things to do.”
He reached up, brushing her hair behind her ear and it took everything in her not to slap his hand away. It’d been a few weeks since her last foster home kicked her out and Buster had been better to her than any of them had been. Angel picked up the backpack and shoved her way out of the sleeping bag. 
Without looking to see if she was following, Buster was already out of the building, hand tucked into his jacket pockets. Angel followed soon after, snatching the McDonald’s hashbrowns from one of the other kid’s hands, not responding even as he called after her.
She quickly made her way outside, running her hand through her hair to smooth it out. It was one thing for people to know you were a street kid, but to look like one on a job was one of Buster’s pet-peeves. He was already leaning against the wall, waiting for her. One glance back at the abandoned building showed her that nothing had changed. Graffiti still painted the walls, plastic curtains hung in the windows and the doorways, shielding each of the runaways from the outside world.
“My Angel...” She felt his presence falling into step with her before his hand curled around her waist.
“I’m not yours, Buster.” Muttering the words was a mistake, one she’d made before, but clearly she hadn’t learned. The man stopped walking, stepping in front of her. Angel faltered in her steps and, before she could react, his hand was gripping her jaw.
“We’ve talked about this, baby.” She shuddered, tensing as he moved closer. “Ever since I rescued you from those good for nothin’ gang members...you’ve been mine.”
Rescued. She hated that word. He always made it sound like she was some damsel, but really, she was just a girl that made a bad decision, that trusted the wrong people. She’d never been in danger with them, but Buster had fooled her into thinking she had been.
“I ain’t ever gonna be yours,” she growled. Angel watched the switch in his demeanor, the anger that flashed behind his eyes as his grip tightened. A gasp escaped her mouth and she gripped his wrist. “Buster...Ya hurtin’ me.”
“I’m hurtin’ you? Ya hurt me everytime ya say ya ain’t mine, baby.” The name sounded sweet as it slipped between his teeth, but she knew it wasn’t. His grip tightened just before he pushed her to the ground. She felt the skin on her hand open as she tried to break her fall and she hissed.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she said, tears brimming her eyes. Angel tried to be quiet--she knew the other kids would be able to hear her if she yelled and she didn’t want to go down that path. She did hold some rank, after all, but them seeing Buster hurt her like this would quickly diminish all of that.
“Ya say that, but I don’t think ya mean it.” His hand combed through her hair, comforting, but quickly curled into a fist and yanked her head back. “I can’t have ya disrespectin’ me, mutt...talkin’ like this in front of the others.”
“I’m so sorry.” A sob wracked her body, a few tears spilling on to her cheeks. His hand loosened the grip on her hair and she thought he was done, but when she looked up, a closed fist was swinging towards her
Angel bolted up in bed, her breathing ragged as the memory started fading from her mind.
“I’m so sorry, buster.”
“Don’t make me loose my temper again.”
“I won’t, baby, I promise.”
She flung the comforter from her legs as she sprinted to the door, making sure it was locked. It was stupid, to think Buster could find her here. She’d lost contact with him as soon as the Dearly’s took her in, but the memory still felt fresh.
Shaking, Angel sunk to the ground, feeling for the scar on the flesh of her thumb. Her breathing slowed as she felt the ragged line, reminding herself that it had long since been closed, that Buster wasn’t pulling her strings anymore.
Angel hadn’t had a bad day like this in over a year, not since she’d been officially adopted. The Ryans had kept her safe, even now, Jock and Trusty would protect her. Scout wouldn’t hurt her like he had.
Her head fell back against the door as she looked around the room. She was surrounded by pictures of her family, her sister, her cousins, her parents. Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Maybe it wasn’t Buster, but the knot in her stomach felt the same.
Something was wrong.
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justcallmebeau-blog · 8 years
Para || Twists & Turns
WHO: Beau & Malcolm WHEN: 1/20/17 WHERE: Malcolm’s apartment WHAT: After Malcolm walks in on Beau still in Martin’s bed in the wee (well, late for everyone else) hours of the morning things get awkward so Beau goes over to Malcolm’s to talk it out. WARNINGS: The first part’s enough to make your stomach hurt with all the tension there, but no proper warnings. :p
Beau couldn’t shake the nerves that’d settled in the pit of his stomach. It’d started with Martin being distant after he’d made the comment about how he and Malcolm knew each other, and it hadn’t gotten any better as the hours passed. To make it more awkward not having clothes meant he’d had to borrow some from Martin and had only bothered to change the pants once he’d made it back home. The whole morning felt surreal - how had he gone from getting properly sexed up for the first time since arriving at the Institute to a situation that felt like a steel wall slamming up? The last thing Beau wanted was to lose two friends within weeks of really making them. Again? Technically this was the first time he and Malcolm were really becoming ​friends​ and not just an employer-employee turned friendly turned fling. Breaking out of his thoughts Beau knocked on Malcolm’s door and waited with his hands shoved in his pockets for an answer.
Malcolm: He’s half inclined to ignore the knock on the door, and if the rest of his morning has been any indication of how the day would go Malcolm wonders if he might have been better off never getting out of bed. It takes a moment to work up the nerve, but he breathes a sigh of resignation and makes his way over to pull it open, unsurprised to find Beau on the other side. The smell of fresh baked goods wafts in the doorway behind him; flour smudged across his chin and shirt. “I’m not mad.” He blurts, meeting Beau’s eyes with a red-rimmed pair of his own. “Ya’ don’t have t’ apologize, if that’s why you’re here.”
Beau blinked at the sight and tried to take in every detail, knowing what the smudges of white were as soon as he saw them but overlooking that and the delicious smells coming from the apartment to focus on how rough Malcolm looked. Was that because of what he’d walked in on? If it was no wonder Martin had been cold with him, he would have too. “Didn’t think you were mad, exactly, and if I apologize for anything it’s going to be for upsetting someone. Two someones. Not sure yet.” He offered over the jug of lemonade in his hand, reluctant to come over without something that he could give as a peace offering. “We still might need to talk. If you’re up for it? The last thing I want is to fuck up new friendships with people genuinely worth being around. Also you might want to agree to the talking or I’m going to be here rambling for the next half hour about nothing just a warning.” Where he everloving hell had Beau’s chill gone?
Malcolm: He lets his gaze fall away, sweeping down over the familiar sight of Martin’s shirt to the jug of lemonade being offered. The image is fresh in his mind; two bodies tangled in the rumpled sheets, and despite the addition of clothing it’s difficult not to summon it to the forefront when he looks at Beau. “–I guess ya’ better come inside,” Malcolm says softly after a moment, “The last thing we need’s somebody overhearin’ this.” He steps aside, making room in the doorway for Beau to enter. “There’s muffins, if you’re hungry. An’ biscuits. An’ scones. Croissants are still bakin’…” The door closes behind him, and Mal leans back against it. “Where’s Stromberg?”
Beau winced at the idea of another professor overhearing. The whole reason he’d been tight-lipped and best behavior in the first place was because Malcolm wanted their former dalliance kept quiet and he was going to honor that. “Sorry about that… Don’t want the gossip blog comin’ in on anyone again. My name’s already been in there once and that’s too much for my comfort.” The amount of baked goods had Beau side-eyeing the chef. Had he made all of that this morning? That was something he only did when irritated or craving comfort food, and if it was one of the two… “Think he’s already taken off for the airport. Either that or -” ​ignoring me​, but those words didn’t come out, instead he finished it with a “Packing, maybe. A scone sounds good. Never gonna turn down your food.” The talking needed to happen but maybe it wasn’t so wrong to stall it a little longer. “You two should maybe talk. For the record.”
Malcolm: They’ve both felt the burn of the gossip mill here at Mousai and it would seem that neither has any inclination to fan those flames again; Mal is grateful for that much, at least. “I know, I read it,” he admits, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he tips his chin over toward the counter and the frankly obscene display of baked goods still cooling on the racks. “Help yourself. I guess I got a little carried away.” Understatement, but Malcolm has always been prone to those. “There’s really nothin’ t’ talk about, Beau. With you, or with Stromberg. You’re both consentin’ adults–” Well, Beau is an adult; Martin is an eternal twelve year old in a man’s body, “–You can fuck whoever ya’ want without acquirin’ my approval.”
Beau felt the uneasiness settle even heavier in his gut as the conversation continued, not sure what he was expecting but having a difficult time dealing with it regardless. Emotions in the present tense weren’t something he dealt with well and that included anxiety and guilt. “You usually make this many baked goods?” The word ‘fuck’ felt vulgar in the strange setting here with Malcolm, but it was exactly what it’d been. He and Martin were ​friends​ and it’d been such a simple move to end up in his bed and leave it at that, but of course nothing ever stayed simple for him. “If it makes you react in a way you wouldn’t normally react - which guessing by Martin’s reaction is the case - then yeah, it is something to be talked about. Don’t want to be the one who makes anyone else’s friendships awkward. I’ve got more control over my dick than that. Self control. I’ve got it. Haven’t laid a hand on you, have I?” Rambling again, Christ Beau.
Malcolm: This feeling is unwelcome; both for the way it makes his heart tighten in his chest and his belly feel like it’s in knots. Malcolm does not understand why​ he feels this way, only that he does , and it only makes the jitters worse when he begins to think too hard on the matter. “Yeah,” he lies about the food, but there’s no effort behind it and the fib is as transparent as the windowpanes. Ever has the kitchen been his refuge in times of stress. “You’re not; Stromberg an’ I are fine. Everything’s fine.” Mal doesn’t know who he’s trying harder to convince; Beau, or himself. Something about the last question, though, seems to hit him like a kick to the gut, and Malcolm goes quiet. He feels heat burn behind his eyes when they lock with Beau’s, and when he answers his tone is heavy, “No…No, Beau, ya’ haven’t. Not that I can blame ya’ for that.”
Beau Can’t bring his eyes up to meet Malcolm’s as much as he wants to. There’s something so palpably ​off​ in the room and he can’t figure out what to do with it. Uneasiness usually has him running but it doesn’t seem appropriate to run for once. At least the scone keeps his mouth full before he says something too dumb and forces himself to make a run for it. “Might want to talk to him regardless.” Beau pauses before adding, “But it’s not up to me to police how often y'all talk, my apologies.” Then his eyes jerk up and there’s no longer an issue with eye contact. Not sure he could break it if he wanted to. Part of him’s hoping Malcolm looks his way but somehow he doubts it’s going to be that easy. “Blame me? You wanted the past hush hush. I assumed, y'know? Not my place to show my attractions anywhere where they aren’t wanted.”
Malcolm: The tension in the room is thick; stifling and palpable. “We’ll talk when he’s back from San Francisco,” Mal concedes as he shifts uncomfortably, wincing when he overcompensates his weight onto his bad leg. “I don’t,” he says again, “An’ I know what I asked for. I still think it’s best we don’t go blastin’ our history considerin’ how fast rumors fly around here.” Swallowing thickly, he tears his gaze away and focuses on the toes of his house-slippers as if they’re suddenly the most interesting things in the world. “Don’t tell him I said so, but Stromberg’s a good lookin’ guy. You both like t’ have a good time. I get it. You don’t have t’ explain it t’ me, Beau.”
Beau finishes the scone quicker than he planned and shoves his hands into his pockets before he starts biting at his nails again. The subject of them talking he lets drop but then the topic only gets more intense. “You have my word. Meant it when I said it wasn’t just my business, I’m not going to do that to you.” The direction Malcolm is taking this confuses him, and suddenly he’s not sure whether his assumptions had been right or not. “No need to inflate his already overblown ego, trust me. I… don’t know what I was trying to explain, really, but….” He swallows, and it tastes strangely acidic. Maybe he shouldn’t have eaten when his stomach’s already tensed up. “Sorry. Shouldn’t have bothered you. Wasn’t my intention.”
Malcolm: “I trust ya’. Please don’t mistake–​this​–” he waves a hand vaguely between them, not exactly sure how to choose the correct term for whatever it is that is going on, “–for me doubtin’ your word.” Malcolm takes a deep breath, huffing quietly to himself. “It’s alright, you’re not botherin’ me. Really. I’ve always enjoyed your company…” Perhaps moreso back when things had been a little less complicated; and a little more fulfilling for them both. “I’m just havin’ a bad day, that’s all. It’s not your fault.”
Beau “I’m trying not to. You’ve always seemed to say what you mean, why wouldn’t you now?” Though that might’ve been more to reassure himself than Malcolm. “At least when I wasn’t picking on you. Try to be a little nicer these days. Sides to Martin, but he deserves it.” If it had been anyone else maybe they could be laughing over it right now, but of course that wasn’t his luck. “Company gonna make it worse? Didn’t really have anything going on today. I could help you bake….”
Malcolm: There’s a flash of memory that flickers through his mind; a bright restaurant kitchen still shiny and new, a ​'click, click, click’​ of a camera, the smell of Beau’s cologne and the scrape of stubble against his lips and warm skin under his fingertips. It is all that Malcolm can do not to shudder at the vividness. “These days…” he murmurs, “I always kinda’ liked it when ya’ weren’t so nice.” He regrets the admission as soon as the words fall from his tongue, but it’s too late to take it back. “–No. Stay.” Glancing over Beau’s shoulder at the overflowing countertop, he adds with a wry smile, “Only if you’re gonna’ help me eat all this.”
Beau ’s eyebrows raised and for a second his mind went very similar places to where Malcolm’s had a few feet away, lip tugged between his teeth as he let himself indulge in it. The first encounter is ever so fresh and he’s still accounting present company as to why. “Yeah? Can always make sure not to spare you.” The teasing’s still tense, face still tight lines, but he’s trying. Flirting’s what he’s prevented himself from doing since they ended up in the same place but it’s such an essential part of Beau that maybe it made things worse. “You gonna judge me if I add Nutella to everything?”
Malcolm: The strange heaviness in the pit of his stomach is elsewhere now; lower, warmer. Mal’s attention is momentarily drawn when the timer on the oven sounds, and he offers Beau a conciliatory glance as he hobbles over to pull two trays of fresh croissants out. “You don’t have t’ pretend for my benefit,” he assures, strangely sincere, “I told ya’, I get it.” A thin smile pulls over his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Some things never change…” Malcolm sighs, though it does not stop him from reaching high into the pantry and pulling down a jar of Nutella. “Not the biscuits, though. Those are sacred.”
Beau ’s mouth waters at the smell of the croissants. His stomach growls further, but he’s trying real hard to ignore that. Watching Malcolm work has always been fascinating and now is no exception. “I don’t really do the pretending thing, Mal. Holding back sure but pretending is for those looking to hide something.” Beau had plenty of secrets but rarely involving his actions towards anyone else. There was no sense in it. “Are you referring to my desecration of your goods? Because let me tell you,” and oh but the innuendo had barely slipped over his head, “Nutella is adding to the flavor, not taking away. Though I suppose I can listen if you let me take home any left over?”
Malcolm: It’s easy to lose himself in the familiar routines–transferring croissants to the racks to cool, prepping fresh pans, and kneading dough for another batch of biscuits–and even given his usual tendency toward denial Malcolm realizes that he’s quite literally working out his issues. Certainly, it is not for want of more biscuits. “You know I’ve never asked ya’ t’ hold back, Beau,” he replies, glancing back over his shoulder, “Not then, an’ not now.” Brows knit ever so slightly, his hands stilling for a moment. “Chocolate an’ hazelnut aren’t the only flavors worth enjoyin’. What about a drizzle of honey? Raspberry coulis? Jesus, just plain sweet cream butter…” He heaves a sigh, finally taking a second to look around at the dozens upon dozens of pastries, muffins, and biscuits. “I have a feelin’ leftovers aren’t gonna’ be a problem.”
Beau can’t help but lean back and cross his arms over his chest to watch. This used to be one of his favorite things, watching Malcolm get all of the food prepped before any sort of shoot happened. It was soothing and intense, and that was a combination he found unusual enough to be fascinating. “Assumed keeping everything in the past meant holding back,” he murmured, voice just loud enough to be heard. “Given how little… well, we both know how little I tried to control myself then.” This time the growl from his stomach was audible and a flush formed over Beau’s cheeks instantly. “…Just for that you’re going to have to provide all of the above for my enjoyment. Any chance you’ve got any apple butter? My Nana used to make it and it goes wonderful on biscuits.”
Malcolm: If he even realizes that he has an audience, Malcolm seems not to show it. Like so many of the people here at Mousai, he is prone to getting swept up in his art. “Closin’ the door on the past doesn’t mean lockin’ it an’ throwin’ away the key, Beau,” he submits, tossing a handful of flour onto the granite countertop before dropping the ball of biscuit dough onto it. “To be fair, I don’t think either one of us was concerned with self control back then. Things were so much easier that way.” Malcolm doesn’t look up from his busywork; making a few passes of the rolling pin. “I don’t, but I’ve got apples an’ I’ve got sugar an’ spices. I’ll make ya’ a batch. Won’t be ready til’ tomorrow, though. You’ll have t’ make due with nutella in the meantime, I guess.”
Beau The first attempt at being completely comfortable is to try and find a clean space of counter and hoist himself up. Much more comfortable than peering over at Malcolm. “Oh? Well… shite. Have a bad habit of making assumptions. You just seemed so comfortable leaving it there.” There’s no asking if he can before Beau’s phone is pulled out and he’s snapping candids of Malcolm as he works, sure he’ll be able to find a way to use them and present them to the chef later on. “Heh… Something to be said for doing whatever the hell you want to consequences be damned.” Another croissant is torn into tiny strips and for Malcolm’s sake he enjoys the taste without anything added right now, savoring the natural sweetness. “You up for bringing it by my studio? Got a shoot tomorrow evening, but I’d enjoy the company along with the food. Too easy to get trapped in my head when I’m there all weekend.”
Malcolm: Counter space is at a premium, certainly, with more heavily laden cooling racks and scattered platters of pastries than a bachelor and his obese cat have any good reason to need. Malcolm does look up when he sees Beau hop up to sit amid the mess out of the corner of his eye; something of a nostalgic little smile tugging over his lips as he recalls the many times a young chef in New Orleans had scolded a certain photographer for doing that very thing. Now, though, he lets it slide. “It’s not that, Beau. I just…Well, I know things have changed. I’m not the guy I used t’ be, an’ I can’t just expect you t’ look past that.” How could he? He can’t even look past it himself. “Sometimes I really do miss those days.” Malcolm agrees. “I can, yeah. It’d probably be good for me t’ get outta’ this apartment for a few hours, anyway…runnin’ outta’ room for baked goods. What are ya’ shootin’?”
Beau had always been good at ignoring the usual standards of boundaries and personal space, and that included someone’s work space. Creating was much more fun for ​him​ if he had an audience and he refused to believe it wasn’t true. “What the hell am I looking past exactly?” Beau’s eyebrows scrunch up and he looks Malcolm over. Neither of them are the same person they were years ago, inwardly or outwardly, but glimpses of the man he’d shoved against the wall time and again were still there as far as he could tell. “So do I. Still swear I shoulda extended my flight by another week or two.” A loud snort led to a cough he couldn’t conceal, the small feast of baked goods enough to feed an army. “Understatement. Doing a series re-enacting childhood photos, got a model coming in tomorrow for a few hours, rest of the evening will be spent grumbling about how none of the shots were what I saw in my head,” he said with a grin, ready to admit how difficult he could be when in the midst of creating.
Malcolm: Malcolm stops what he’s doing, turning around to fix Beau with an incredulous stare and a curious tilt of his head. ​Where do I fuckin’ start?​ he thinks to himself; the list is not a short one. “I dunno’, Beau, maybe the obvious…” He answers with a shrug, tone dripping sarcasm. “That’s my point, though. It’s like I said, ​I get it​, I’m not what ya’ go for anymore an’ that’s okay.” Mal doesn’t quite look his friend in the eyes, “We probably wouldn’t have lasted another week at that pace. Literally, I mean I don’t think we slept for three days straight as it was. Is it possible t’ die from too much sex? Jesus, what a way t’ go…” He sighs, shoulders drooping wistfully. “That sounds like a huge undertaking. Somethin’ tells me you’ll make it work, though. You can’t seem t’ take a bad photograph if ya’ try.”
Beau stops where he’s kicking the cabinets underneath his feet, thanking his stature for making it feel a little bit like it did when he was a kid. “What are you talking about?” He squints again and this time looks Malcolm over, trying to figure out if there’s something he’s missing here. “That’s not even remotely true. You’re putting… is 'words in my mouth’ the right phrase? Whatever the phrase, it’s still not accurate. Just tamped down on any urges to jump bones because I was damned sure you wanted to just forget the last time we saw each other.” There was a lot clicking together in his brain, puzzle pieces snapping together until the whole picture was verging on crystal. “That whole plane ride was spent knocked out cold. Though we’d have probably ended up crashing every three or four days and repeating the process until someone called us in missing. Maybe? We were trying to hit that point, apparently,” he says with a thoughtful pause, lips quirked up. “Massive. Almost as massive as the book I’m hoping to put out. You aim for cheerleader and I’m going to hafta find a skirt that really compliments that arse.” The words slipped out without thinking, leaning back so he didn’t steal another sweet.
Malcolm: “Why in the world would I ever wanna’ forget that?” He asks softly, shaking his head. “Beau, I don’t regret any of it. Not a single minute. I think about it all the time. I just–” Malcolm pauses, chewing on his words, “–I guess I just assumed with all the fish in this little pond, you wouldn’t have t’ settle for gimpy one that got caught in the filter one too many times, y'know?” It’s as straightforward of an admission as he can muster, and already he feels that uneasy shift returning to his gut. “I fell asleep on the ride back from the airport; forgot t’ pull my pants all the way back on. The limo driver wasn’t real pleased…he got a big tip.” Mal huffs a little chuckle under his breath, “Book? This’s the first I’ve heard of any book…Trust me, no such skirt exists.”
Beau feels his mouth go dry and he watches Malcolm carefully. “Yeah? For the record, you’re not 'the gimpy one’ and I’ll smack you somewhere not so fun if you keep talking about yourself like that. You’re still you. All the base elements are still you, an’ you’re still hotter than hell and just as fun to be around.” There’s this tendency to accidentally mimic ways of speaking coming through, but only because he’s so focused on Malcolm that he’s not thinking about anything else. To keep it a little lighthearted he responded with the first thing that came to mind, a not so subtle checking him out and a “with an ass still fit for manhandling.” There’s a burn starting that Beau hadn’t planned in the slightest, imagining the scenario vividly. “Should’ve enjoyed the fact he got a show, for gods sake. Yeah I… A friend is backing it, and I’m asking friends to contribute. Mixed media. You sure?” His face pulled into an exaggerated frown, pretending to hold the pout.
Malcolm: Mal presses his lips together, perhaps to stop himself from doing exactly what Beau has just told him not to do. It’s easy to brush it off; to say it’s not so bad and maybe even mean it, but his friend hasn’t seen the full extent of the damage Malcolm is so careful to keep hidden beneath layers of clothing and a brusque attitude. “You always were a sweet-talker, Beau Alastair.” He accuses, with a knowing grin. “Yeah, well it’s been a long time since anybody got around t’ doin’ much of anything t’ my ass.” Mal adds, only the slightest hint of bitterness seeping into his tone. He returns his attention to the biscuits; beginning to place them onto the sheet pans as he asks curiously, “A ​friend’s​ backin’ it? Must be a loaded friend…Ya’ got a publisher lined up an’ everything already?”
Beau watched Malcolm’s face carefully, not sure what he was expecting but relieved as hell when it didn’t lead to some kind of arguing or line Beau had inadvertently crossed. “Nah, just so honest you never knew what to do with me,” he says with a smirk, zeroing in on the grin and letting it finally untie a good portion of the knots still left in his stomach. “Bet it’s not for lack of them trying. You being completely oblivious to flirting would explain why it took me so long to get in your pants the first go-around.” While he’s catching on to more than he lets on, he’s not going to let Malcolm see himself as anything other than how ​he​ sees him, and if it doesn’t work at least it won’t be for lack of trying. “Not yet, but she’s getting me in contact with some people high up enough to get that process going. Nervous as all hell, never done anything that big, but if the work’s worth it I’ll gladly spend most of my free time busting arse to get it done.”
Malcolm: It’s hard not to chuckle when Beau replies. “Your personal filter does tend t’ operate a bit liberally,” he points out, recalling quite a few of the honest and arguably inappropriate exchanges they two of them had shared in the early days of their collaboration back in New Orleans. “I’m not oblivious,” he argues weakly, but they both know that Beau’s assertion is not entirely incorrect. “It’s just that I don’t think most people know what they’re gettin’ into with me, an’ I don’t believe in bait an’ switch. It’s like unwrappin’ a candy bar an’ discoverin’ half of it’s a melted mess…How do ya’ look someone in the eye and handle that disappointment?” Malcolm shakes his head, dismissing the train of thought as he turns to put the pans into the oven. “Don’t fret the content, your photos are worth every penny–I can say that much from personal experience–an’ I’m willin’ t’ bet it’ll come together better than you’re expectin’. I’m happy for ya’, Beau, you deserve a big break like this.”
Beau Maybe Beau preens a little at that but it’s nothing anyone can prove. “Unless it’s a student of mine I see no reason not to speak my mind.” There’s nothing Malcolm could have said to make Beau think otherwise but the fact that even he doesn’t seem to believe it is a telling sign. “You seem to be of the assumption that the entire world is full of superficial people. Not superficial at first, not superficial in some ways, but wholey superficial. I don’t know about ​you​, but while instant attraction is usually necessary, someone would have to be crazy unhygienic or have a whole bunch of open wounds for me to shy away from whatever’s under the clothes.” As he talks he makes his way to the fridge and looks over his shoulder for permission before pouring himself some of the lemonade he’d brought, wishing for a moment he’d brought whiskey for him. Beau’s drinking had become a near-daily thing over the course of break. “Want anything? Thank you, Mal. It means a lot coming from you. Does that mean if I ask you to contribute, to be a part of the project, that you’d say yes?”
Malcolm: Malcolm doesn’t have much room to berate anyone when it comes to minding one’s words, though in point of fact he’s pretty certain Beau’s brand of brutal honesty tends to be better received than his own acid-laced assertions. “I am, an’ I don’t think I’m wrong about that. All due respect, but ya’ tend not t’ notice how superficial people are until you no longer fit into that standard category of conventional attractiveness anymore.” Not that Beau would have any experience with that, Mal finds himself thinking as he watches his friend hop down from the counter and move across the kitchen to the fridge, “Trust me, it’s pretty bad.” he murmurs, shaking his head, “No, I’ve got coffee.” A brow quirks, “Me? I mean, if you’re lookin’ t’ include some food shots I’m happy t’ work with ya’ on that…It’d be just like old times.”
Beau narrowed his eyes and tried to reign in the instinct to be ornery as hell. “Most people I’ve met don’t fit into a standard category of beauty. They aren’t models, aren’t 'hunks’ - which is a weird word by the way. You gotta have a little somethin’ that puts you into a more unique category to keep someone’s attention for longer than the first run down. Not that you’re going to listen to me, you stubborn fuck.” The words weren’t said maliciously, just with an air of already having given up convincing Malcolm of anything Beau found true. Not that it’d stop Beau from going right back to the flirting he’d wanted to do the second he’d seen his old friend. “Fuck those guys. Or girls. Whichever. Don’t want an asshole in your bed unless it’s the one on someone’s backside.” Of ​course​ he had coffee. Coffee that’d have been stolen if he was any more comfortable with the man. “Yeah. Just like old times…” Beau murmured. “Also not at all a way to ensure that you’re cooking for me more often than not. Get me spoiled all over again. Do you know how horrific it was to have to eat airport food after weeks of having your food?”
Malcolm: The accusation is not without merit–​'Stubborn Fuck’​ may as well be synonymous with Malcolm Brockway and Beau is certainly not the first person to point out as much. True to form, Mal remains unconvinced. Beau means well, he knows, but the encouraging words don’t carry much weight coming from a wildly attractive man who had only just that morning been in bed with another wildly attractive man…not that Malcolm wants to delve into further discussions about that, and so he lets the matter drop. “Y'know, you only ever had t’ ask. Not even any bribery required, though I only take special requests if there’s coffee involved.” He reaches for the mostly empty mug and pulls the coffee pot off of the burner, topping off what remains with a fresh pour before taking a sip. “Airport food ​is​ a travesty. Good reason t’ stick around this time, don’t you think?”
Beau went rooting around for a coffee cup as soon as the words were out of Malcolm’s mouth, determined to allow himself the indulgences that were very unique to time spent with Malcolm. “You willing to make any of that special coffee you used to make whenever I’d start bitching about not wanting it quite so bitter?” His own cup gets put in front of the coffeepot and he looks at him expectantly before finally caving to polite. “Please? Caffeine would be nice. I’ll even wash all the dishes for you.” The words make Beau still a little but he tries not to read too much into them, giving Malcolm a bright smile instead. “Yeah. Damn good reason. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on going anywhere this time. You’re kinda stuck with me, candid photo shoots an’ cookin’ for me an’ getting you in trouble an’ all.”
Malcolm: “Chickory an’ cinnamon,” Malcolm supplies; watching Beau hunt around for a cup for a moment before nodding in the direction of the cabinet where he keeps his mugs and glasses. “A New Orleans classic. We sure are takin’ a walk down memory lane today, aren’t we? Yeah, I ​suppose​ I can whip up a batch of that…” He takes a look around at the carnage of flour, batter, dirty mixing bowls and everything else scattered around his usually immaculate kitchen, “–It might take the both of us t’ tackle all this.” Mal scoots toward his pantry, using the hook of his cane to pull a tin of chicory root down to fall into his waiting hand. “Good,” he says, glancing back over his shoulder; the slightest hint of a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips when he locks eyes with Beau, “I can’t wait.”
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