#para: theolynn
dkarchives-blog · 6 years
Lorenzo and Theo Get Fitted for Tuxes
Lorenzo was excited. Beyond excited, really. When the youngest Windsor texted his brother to let him know he was in time, Theo thought it would be the perfect time for them to get fitted for their tuxes. The wedding was quickly approaching, anyway. Lo was just exited about seeing his brother. Lorenzo was immensely family oriented, so not being able to see his family as much as he wanted was slowly but surely taking a toll on him. Lorenzo climbed out of the car and walked up to where they would be fitted, walking inside and immediately seeing his brother. The sight was enough to bring a smile to Lorenzo’s face, immediately walking over to the oldest Windsor and clapping a hand onto his back. “Hey, man.”
Theo wasn’t nervous at all about his wedding. He’d been with Jack forever, for even longer than his own parents ha deben before tying the knot. Not to mention all those years of growing up together and learning everything they could about each other. He was just excited about the wedding being really close to them now though and as soon as his best man was in town, he figured it was time to make it happen. They had to find good suits for this. An easy smile appeared on Theos lips as his younger brother showed up and he leaned over to hug him. “Hey, dude. Glad to have you in town for a little bit. How’s Madrid treating you?”
Lorenzo hugged his brother back tightly, then looking up at him as he spoke up. “Really glad to be back, honestly.” Lo breathed out. Things were just easier when he was back home. Lorenzo shoved his hands into his pockets, shrugging a little at his next question. “It’s uh, it’s something. The team and everything is good, though.” Lorenzo shook his head a little, bit wanting to put a damper on Theo’s da with his troubles. “You excited about all this, though? I mean, you and Jack are practically married already.”
“Yeah? Sounds awesome. I miss Europe sometimes, honestly.” Theo admitted playfully. Though to be fair, he was just trying to make it better for his brother. He knew he didn’t have it easy all by himself all the way over there. He looked away from some of the suits he was checking out and nodded eagerly. “Oh, for sure. I mean, we live together, yeah. But I like that we are getting married. It’s different, makes it more official, not that we need it. Getting married is really about wanting to be married.”
Lorenzo smiled a little at Theo’s response and nodded himself. “Yeah, it’s really nice over there. Like, really, really nice.” And it was true. Madrid was incredible. His life should be perfect, right? Lorenzo listened intently to his brother and nodded a little. “Yeah, man. I can imagine. I dunno who’s more excited, you or dad because it means him and Drew will officially be like, brothers.”
“Right? I think I’m gonna get Jack and I on a cruise through Europe for our honeymoon. Maybe like a few weeks, taking advantage of her not starting school yet.” Theo said excitedly, honestly looking forward to it all. Jacklynn was his favorite person on earth and he was too happy about finally getting married to her. He chuckled at Lorenzo’s words, nodding. “I know. We are all going to be related finally.”
Lorenzo grinned widely at Theo’s words, nodding eagerly. “Will you guys come to Madrid? You don’t have to stay long. I’d just love to show you guys around.” Lo offered excitedly. “I think it’s cool she’s going back to school, too. It’s not easy to go back.” Lorenzo explained as he began to wander slightly around the story. “We all practically are, anyway. Now it’ll just be official.”
“Of course. I can try to make it in time to see you play one or two games too. Yanno be there to cheer for you, Jack would punch anyone that thinks ok aren’t the best player.” Theo said playfully before he stopped by a tux that he thought looked interesting. “Hey, this right here could really work for you. I kind of...want something more rockstar and not as normal for myself. I mean, we are getting married on the rooftop, there’s gonna be rap and rock bands. Our wedding isn’t like other weddings. Wanna make sure Jack gets everything she dreamed of, you know?” Theo nodded eagerly, knowing that he was perfectly right. “Hey, I meant to ask, you want us to invite Theresa and her family? I mean, Theresa is invited but the rest of her family, would you like that?”
Lorenzo couldn’t help but laugh at Theo’s words, nodding a little. “God, I swear, I wish i was as bold as her. I mean, you may have your hands full with her but she’s so kickass.” Lorenzo told him playfully. Jack and Lorenzo really bickered and played like siblings, so he was excited to officially have her in the family. Lorenzo followed Theo’s gaze, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, of course. You guys are far from normal, anyway. Like, in a good way. That could definitely work, though.” Lo told him as he picked up the tux jacket to get a better look at it. As he was doing so, he looked up at Theo when he spoke up. “Oh, yeah. That would be cool. If you don’t mind. It’s just her brother, his girlfriend, and their mom. They all wanna meet you guys, too.”
“She’s a handful, Mhm, but you know, I got two hands. I can handle it.” Theo replied playfully, letting out a soft laugh. He couldn’t even imagine himself with anyone else that wasn’t his soon to be wife. Theo nodded smirking a little since he really did know that. They were quite an interesting pair, honestly. He es also pretty sure that was why everything worked for them. “I don’t mind. Jack won’t either. She’ll probably get excited since we know that the brother is a boxer. Jack loves that sort of thing as you know.” He said easily as he picked up another suit to look over it. “You two doing good? With all the long distance stuff!”
Lorenzo couldn’t help the laughter that left his lips at his brothers words, shaking his head a little at him. “Jeez, you two really are perfect for each other.” Lo assured him although it was nothing Theo didn’t already know. Lorenzo nodded a little, glad that would be the case. “I could see that being a thing. Good, then.” Lorenzo handed the tux he had in his hands over to one of the women that were assisting them, asking her to start a room for him so they wouldn’t have to carry around any potential candidates. Lorenzo huffed gently at his brothers words, nodding a little. “As good as we can be, I guess. It’s just hard. Way harder than I anticipated.”
“I know. Why we are getting married after all.” Theo said excitedly, letting out a soft laugh as he handed over the suit he’d been looking and murmured a soft thank you as they kept looking around the store. He frowned a little, knowing that had to be hard in several ways. Even for something as normal simply being together. “Yeah? I can understand that. Long distance since like a lot of hard work and phone calls and stuff. I don’t know ifI could pull it off.”
Lorenzo chuckled softly with a small nod. Lo dropped his gaze for a moment as Theo admitted that he didn’t know if he could do it. Lo was trying. He was trying so damn hard because he loved her so much. “Time zones are a bitch, too.” Lo muttered with a roll of his eyes. “It’s just like...I want her there to experience stuff with me. Like, I see other players and their wives and girlfriends and like...I want that too, yanno? Fuck, I can’t even say that without sounding like a selfish asshole, though.”
Theo nodded slowly, sighing since he hated to see his brother going through something like this. He thought Theresa was a nice girl, but he was starting to wonder how much they could last if they were so miserable at the beginning. I think ours allowed to be selfish every once in a while, Lo. I’m sure she would understand, it’s not easy for either of you. Just gotta Figure Out how to make it better, you know? She’s still set on college?”
Lorenzo looked up at his brother. He really appreciated Theo’s words since he did consider the oldest Windsor to be very wise. But even Theo’s words weren’t exactly reassuring. Lo took a deep breath and nodded a little. “A hundred percent.” He explained gently. “I dunno...maybe I should try and find a US team to play for to be closer to her. Like, I really don’t want to but maybe I need to. For her. Mom followed dad blindly, maybe I need to do the same to make this work.”
Theo frowned as soon as his brother said that, knowing how hard he had worked to get to where he was. That was insane that he was even thinking about it. “Lo...I don’t think that will do you any good. You want to play for real as much as she wants to do college here. That’s unfair. Yours is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you know that right?” He asked him slowly, so he understood what he meant.
Lorenzo looked up at Theo as he spoke up, biting down on his bottom lip for a moment as he thought about it. He knew his brother was right. He’d waved to play for Real since he first started playing soccer. If he messed this up, who knew what clubs he would end up with. It was his career. He had to be smart about all of this. Lorenzo nodded a little, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, I know.” Lorenzo murmured gently. “It’s still new, yanno? Maybe I’ll get used to the whole long distance thing.”
Theo nodded a little, turning to look back at his younger brother. “Listen...I get it’s tough. No one says the opposite. But yeah, you both need to take it easy. And Lo, I know you love her but we can’t always drop everything for love. You never know what she’ll think of that and you two are far too young for any of that. You know, I’ve known Jack my entire damn life, right? And it took me twenty years to figure out that I wanted her for real. Dropping our dreams at eighteen years old for someone is not...ideal, you know? One of you could end up really hurt.”
Lorenzo’s features softened at his brothers words. He knew that Theo was right. Lo would feel bad if T gave up her dream so he could only imagine how he would make her feel if he gave up being at Real. Lorenzo ran a hand through his hair before shoving his hands into his pockets. “You’re right,” He murmured gently, shaking his head a little. “Fuck, you’re right. I just don’t know what to do, man. It shouldn’t be this hard.”
“I think it is supposed to be this hard. Just means you really love her.” Theo said easily, he just hoped Theresa really did love him as much as Lorenzo loved her. Hat was what mattered and what would make it work for them. “Damn, that one suit with her red flowers is something else. Look at it.”
Lorenzo nodded his head at Theo’s words. His brother was right. It was just easy for Lo to doubt everything, especially if he was alone. “Yeah, I do.” He murmured gently. He then followed his brothers gaze, eyebrows raising in surprise as he chuckled. “You know, I think youre the only person that can pull that off.”
“I know you do.” Theo said reassuringly, patting his back playfully since he knew it was a pretty hard topic to talk about now. He wasn’t trying to make it harder for him. Smirking a little, he shrugged. “You can pull anything off if you have the right attitude, bro.” He told him as he asked the person that was helping to get one his size.
Lorenzo shook his head quickly, laughing as he did so. “What? No. You wear that? You look cool. I wear that? I look stupid.” Lo replied adamantly as he chuckled. “So I can only admire your style from afar.”
“Attitude, Lo. Attitude. With that one you will have to wear football jerseys your entire life, no offense.” Theo replies playfully, shaking his head at it all as he continued to pick other suits since he was sure getting married in flowers would be absolutely cool. “You haven’t seen anything that you like?”
“That’s the plan, actually. How did you know?” He asked playfully, raising his eyebrows over at his brother before he chuckled. “I asked her to put that first one we pulled into the dressing room. I like that one a lot, actually.” Lo confirmed with a nod. “Is Jack going all out? Like, red wedding dress or? If anyone would do that it’s her.”
“You know both of our parents are like really well dressed right? I don’t know where you got your style from at all.” Theo teased lightly, rolling his eyes at him as he did so. “True. I’m, no actually she’s doing white. Robin and mom keep calling it a princess wedding. So I’m thinking my suit should be classic black and white shirt, blue tux or white jacket and black pants. Cause sadly, I don’t know if I can wear one of those cool prince uniforms. That’d be cool.” He admitted playfully.
“Hey, I don’t have bad style! It’s just very...simple. Classic! Yeah. A t-shirt and jeans? Classic.” Lorenzo tried to convince his brother as he nodded quickly. Lorenzo practically giggled at his briefs words, shaking his head a little at the thought. “A princess wedding? Are you joking? Jacklynn would punch me in the face if I called her a princess, how is that even a thing?” Lorenzo breathed out, more to himself than anything as he tried to put the pieces together. “Anyway, I think you should go for the prince outfit. I don’t think anyone would really be surprised if you showed up in one.”
“Yeah, classic. You know, if you start wearing freaking socks with sandals I’m calling you out.” He teased lightly, shaking his head at the entire thing. Snorting a little at his surprise, Theo shrugged. “You all really think that Jack is tougher than she is. I mean, she’s tough but she’s a total romantic a lot of the time it’s just us.” He admitted easily and then laughed. “Can I do that? I think I could pull it off. Maybe Jack would like that. Means you’d have to wear something close to it too though. Just so you know.”
Lorenzo threw his head back and laughed at his words, shaking his head. “What? Okay, no. I have really good taste in shoes! I got that from dad, so hush.” Lorenzo told his brother with a point of the finger. “I won’t believe it until I see it. But then again, me and her literally wrestle like siblings. So I only get to see that lovely side of her,” he said playfully. “Oh, man. You know, I really think we should go with that one you just looked at, as a matter of fact.”
“Well, thank God.” Theo retorted teasingly and then shrugged again. “Only I get to see more sides of her so don’t feel bad.” He murmured playfully, thought t was too far off from the truth.  He knew that his fiancé wasn’t the most approachable person but still. “Which one? The black one?”
“Well, aren’t you lucky?” Lo asked playfully, rolling his eyes at his brother before he nodded quickly. “Yeah. You look nice in black, even if you wear crazy colors all the time.” He explained with a smirk.
“I am, I know that. And yeah, I rock everything no offense. Crazy colors are cool, you’re not cool enough and that’s something else entirely.” Theo told him through his lighter since it was too easy to make fun of his younger brother.
Lorenzo groaned at his brothers words, leaning over to smack his arm playfully. “Hey, man. Stop bullying me. Rude.” Lo told him with a roll of his eyes, doing his best to hide the smile that started to spread across his lips.
“I’m your brother that’s all I do.” Theo said playfully, shoving his shoulder a little and then following the store employee to the dressing room so they could try out the new suits.”
Lorenzo rolled his eyes playfully at his brother before moving to the dressing room. He stepped inside and put on the suit he’d pulled, looking over himself for a moment before he went to grab his phone to take a picture of himself. He sent it off to T to ask what she thought before stepping out. “I like this one a lot.” Lo told Theo as the woman began taking his measurements.
Theo began trying out every suit. Unlike his brother, he had picked more than one so he just tried and tested all of them, taking pictures to send them to his father and mother to see what they thought of and then finally came out with his favorite so his brother could see it. “That looks pretty good, actually.” He said easily.
“I mean, I should go with a basic one, right? Since it’s your day?” He asked his brother, continuing to look over himself in the mirror as he asked the woman to make a few minor changes to how t fit him. Lo looked up as Theo came out, nodding in approval. “Hey, That one looks really good.” Lorenzo explained sincerely, nodding quickly as he did so.
“Please, wear anything you want. I’m not gonna be one of those people.” Theo said playfully, letting out a soft laugh and then looking down at his phone to see the replies to his texts at just the right time his brothers phone went off, where a text from Theresa came in with a bunch of heart-eyed emojis after he sent her the picture. “Thanks. I actually have this idea to wear this necklace I bought in California a couple of years ago for an accessory that reminds me of Mom. It’s a cross? It would real good with this.”
“Then I will be for you. It’s your day, man.” Lorenzo told his brother genuinely as a grin spread wide cross his lips. Lorenzo moved to grab his phone as t went off, grinning widely at Theresa’s response. He then looked up at his brother as he spoke up again, nodding a little. “Yeah? You already know she’s gonna be a sobbing mess, are you trying to kill the poor woman?” Lo asked playfully because he knew how much it would mean to Mack. “She’ll love that.”
“We both know I’m better looking than you anyway, you can’t outshine me.” Theo replies teasingly since he was more than sure that they would look great no matter what. He chuckled at his brothers words, shrugging a little. “No. I’m just doing something that she would like, thank you.” Theo nodded eagerly, patting his back easily.
“Hey, man. You’d better watch it before you end up with no best man,” Lo replied easily, leaning over to smack his brothers arm playfully. Lo chuckled softly, nodding a little. “Well, she’ll definitely like it. And that’s saying the very least.” He assured his older brother with a grin.
“Please, you love this.” Theo told him easily, sticks his tongue out at his brother and then smiling as he saw their reflection in the mirror. “We are both looking amazing.” He said easily. “You asked Theresa what she bought of the suit?”
“Wrong again,” Lorenzo almost sang, then looking in the mirror. Lo grinned widely st the sight, nodding a little. “Hell yeah,” he replied in agreement before turning to Theresa. “Yeah, she sent a bunch of heart eye emojis.” He said playfully before Theo’s phone went off from several notifications from Mack gushing over their tuxedos.
Theo laughed a little, nodding in approval. “As much of an approval as she could give you, huh? Is she in town or is she back in New Haven?” He asked curiously since it was definitely hard to keep up with where they were in the regular. “Mom approves of both of these by the way. She’s freaking out.”
“Yeah, shes in town. She’s at the hospital with her new niece.” Lorenzo explained with a huge smile across his lips. That’s probably where he was going after this, anyway. Lorenzo chuckled at his brothers words, nodding a little. “I think that seals the deal, mom totally has final say.”
“Ah True. That’s so cool. Isn’t her brother like younger than me anyway?” Theo asked curiously since he had yet to meet anyone apart from Theresa from her family. She was a really cool girl from what he knew. “Exactly. So all we need to do is wait until they do all our measurements and we will be good to go. You know, Jack is doing her dress thing today too. I think with her parents though.”
“Yeah, it’s crazy. But they’re really happy and him and his girlfriend are really excited to be parents. I guess that’s all that matters, right?” Lo asked gently with raised eyebrow. He then nodded at his brothers words, raising an eyebrow. “Aw, the princess is getting her dress today.” Lo cooed, laughing softly as he did so. “It’ll be custom because of Robin, right? That’s so cool.”
“Yeah, for sure. That must be exciting. I don’t think Jack and I would be ready for that and all. But its a baby and babies are good.” He said easily, smiling softly at the thought. From what he knew their families were a lot alike so that was amazing. “Keep that up and she will kick your ass, man.” Theo chuckled, nodding. “Yep. You can get away with just about anything if your mom is a designer.”
“Definitely. Do you want kids eventually, though?” Lorenzo asked curiously as he looked over at his brother. He didn’t really know since he’d never asked. “She’s gonna kick my ass either way for something I say, might as well make it worth it.” Lo replied with a shrug before chuckling softly. “I bet. That’s pretty damn cool.”
“Yeah, if it’s with Jack, yeah, why not? Not now though. She’s starting college after years of kinda giving up on everything and I wanna support her with that, honestly. Imma work on the new album and do a few shows around New York and the states that are close to here so she doesn’t feel like she’s gotta drop her classes for me.” He explained easily as he moved to take off the jacket he’d been trying on. “You’ve got a point. You want kids too?”
Lorenzo nodded in understanding at his brothers words. “Yeah, yeah. Of course. I mean you two are only just getting married after being together forever. Imagine how long it’s gonna take you guys to have kids,” Lo said with a smirk, obviously messing with the eldest Windsor. Lo took of his jacket as well and moved back towards his dressing room, nodding quickly at Theo’s words. “Absolutely.”
“You might be joking but we might be mom and dad’s age and finally be having kids at this rate.” Theo said playfully, letting out a small laugh. He wasn’t in a hurry anyway just wanted to enjoy it all for now. Moving back to his dressing room, Theo changed back into his clothes and smiled. “Really? Have you asked Theresa about that?”
Lorenzo chuckled at Theo’s words and nodded a little. “Hey, nothing wrong with taking your time.” Lo offered with a shrug. He quickly changed back into his clothes before emerging once again, handing his tux over to the woman who was assisting them. “Uh, no. Don’t you think it’s kinda like...soon to bring that up? I don’t wanna scare her away, yanno.”
“Yeah, Maybe. That should be brought when you’re regally serious about being with her for the rest of your life. So if you think it’s too soon, it’s also too soon to think about being with her forever.” Theo told him gently, almost trying to let him understand what he meant about dropping his dreams for her. Sure, Jack and him were sacrificing things but they knew for sure it was what they wanted. Lo and T had already broken up once, he didn’t want his younger brother to regret something like that.
“But like, that’s the thing. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. More jab anything. I just...I don’t know if we can do it. Like, I know it makes me sound like a shitty boyfriend because I don’t have faith in us...but I know what distance does to people,” Lo breathed out sincerely, sounding scared more than anything else. He huffed gently, pushing his hair from his face as he shook his head a little.
Theo frowned slightly, not entirely sure of what his brother meant. “Well, I don’t know much about long distance. But there’s more to it than just love, I feel like?” He asked gently, patting Lorenzo on the back as they approached the counter to explain when they needed the tuxes for and to pay for them. “Do you trust her?” He asked softly.
Lorenzo nodded his head a little, following behind Theo. Lo didn’t want to make this about him, he was just quickly coming to realize how much he appreciated having someone to talk to. He nodded gently as soon as he heard his question. “Of course I do.”
“Then What worries you exactly, bro?” Theo asked more curious than anything else, since he wasn’t exactly sure of what Lorenzo was confused or uncomfortable about. Talking about this was important.
Lorenzo huffed, evidently frustrated. He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, then shaking his head a little. “Forget it, man.” Lo breathed out gently, knowing that he shouldn’t have even brought it up in the first place.
“No, I’m serious. I want to understand. I’m not gonna judge. Like,” Theo shrugged a little, beginning to lead the way out of the store after he paid for their tuxes and made sure they had the right date to deliver them. “Are you scared of distance pulling you apart how? You think you’ll meet someone else? Do you feel like it’s not enough because she isn’t around sometimes when you need her? You think she’ll cheat on you?” He asked gently, not even sounding judgmental at all. Everyone felt insecure sometimes.
Lorenzo’s eyes softened at his brothers words and he began following him out of the store. He took a deep breath, shaking his head slowly. “I’m scared of the distance being too much, either for me or her. I also know...I-I get insecure, yanno? Like I talk to you and mom and dad about it, which I appreciate but at the end of the day...what do you guys really know about it? Not to be mean but it’s like...mom always followed dad. Jack is taking classes online to be with you. It makes me feel so selfish for wanting the same thing with Theresa, because it’s literally why we broke up the first time around, but I just...I want her around, man. I really do. Like, more than anything. To have her there with me and experience everything with me. So, I dunno, I don’t think I’m making sense. I just hate being alone and being so focused on that when I should be happy. Happy that I finally have what I’ve wanted for so long. But it’s hard. I’m alone over there. She is too, which makes me feel so shitty for loathing in my own self pity.” Lo muttered with a shrug.
Theo listened to her younger brother intently, biting down on his bottom lip as he did so. In a way, Theo was the most different to anyone in his family. He was always the more outgoing, less romantic one out of everyone so maybe he could give him a different side to this story. “Okay. So...you think she doesn’t want the same thing is what you mean? You think she doesn’t love you enough? Cause I could understand that. I mean, here you are thinking about dropping everything for her and she hasn’t mentioned that ever, right? So I feel like, it’s understandable to feel that way.” Theo admitted gently as he leaned against his car, taking out a cigarette and lighting it, not even bothering to offer some to his brother because he knew he wasn’t into it. “What did you tell her when you got back together? Like, how did you two get back at it? Did you reach an agreement about that? Did she explain why she wouldn’t do it?”
Hearing his own thoughts come from someone else’s mouth was insane. Because all Lo wanted was to be with Theresa but it felt like the more time that went by, the harder it all got. Lo exhaled gently, leaning against Theo’s car and shoving his hands into his pockets. “Pretty much, yeah. Me saying that to her was her tipping point, though. Right,” Lo breathed out gently. “Not really. I mean...I told her that just being with her would be enough. She told me she didn’t want to look back and see that we were holding each other back. Otherwise, she’s gonna finish college and move out to where I am if she can find a job. She just said...Yale is her dream school and she was set on it before she met me.” Lorenzo explained softly, hoping Theo would find some hidden solution. “Which is fine because...I’ve always been set on Madrid. I guess it goes both ways.”
Theo let it some smoke into the air, nodding a little. “Also understandable. I don’t know. Like, we are so used to being tight. All of us together everywhere. The girlfriends from the guys of the band don’t come with them. I mean, they do a few shows and shot and go back to school. I feel like, it’s not always that you find people willing to let go of their lives like that. If you think about it...mom went with that, she had a lot of emotional issues and shit that kept her from working by herself. Jacklynn had no plans after graduation, so she just decided it was cool to go on the road with me. But your girlfriend...she didn’t have it like that. She had a bunch of things planned, so like, maybe with time she will change her mind. But...I think it’s important that you know that no matter what happens, you are doing what you love. Not everyone is lucky enough to do that.” Theo reminded him softly. “Of worst comes to worse though, if things don’t work out. I just want you to think that this isn’t He end.”
Lorenzo turned his head to look at Theo as he spoke, giving his brother his complete attention. One thing Lorenzo could always counts on when it game to Theo was knowing damn well Theo would tell him how it was. Even if it wasn’t what Lorenzo wanted to hear. Which is what he appreciated most because he just didn’t know what to do. Should he let her go and in time know she would be happy without him? Or continue to do as they had been and hope it would all work out? Lorenzo moved to rub at his eyes as he felt the back of them pinch, doing so quickly before he exhaled slowly. “You’re right. About everything. As always.” He breathed out, letting his hands fall at his sides. Lo let Theo’s words circulate in his mind for a moment before he spoke up again. “So, what would you do? Push through or let her go and let her be happy in time?”
Theo licked his lips and sighed. “I can’t answer that for you, man. Because that depends on how you feel about waiting. Do you think waiting is worth it? Do you think she’s worth it?” Theo asked slowly, smiling a little at his brother to try to make him feel better. “If you think she isn’t and this is a waste of time because you don’t think it will work...well, you gotta let go. You know you’re super young, right? Before Jacklynn and I kissed for the first time, I saw a lot of girls. Went out, you know, just had fun. Not about sex or anything, just did my thing and I’m more than sure Jacklynn did the same. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. If that’s something in your mind, like it’s normal. As long as you don’t play anyone wrong, you know? I’m just saying...it depends on the person individually. Long distance ain’t for you? Then it’s cool. She should understand that and well, you two could talk it out and work it out. So you don’t feel like you’re the only one giving. She’s gotta give too, Lo.” He said softly, trying to explain himself as best as he could.
“I do, yeah.” Lorenzo replied gently. And there he found his answer. He would continue to try and make this whole things work but things were getting harder and harder. When Lo loved, Lo loved hard. Which is exactly what happened with Theresa. He’d fallen so damn hard for her, which is why this whole thing was so difficult. Lorenzo listened to Theo before shaking his head a little. “That’s the thing, I don’t wanna be with anyone else, you know? And I guess that’s where my answer is with this whole thing. I just...I wanna talk to her but last time I did it blew up. I don’t want that again.” Lorenzo mused gently before groaning softly. “Man, I’m sorry. This was supposed to be a happy day with picking your tux and everything. I’m ruining it, aren’t I?”
“Lo. You are overthinking. This is the girl you’re in love with. You gotta trust each other and be honest.” Theo told him easily as if it were the easiest thing in the world though to be fair, Jack and him had struggled a lot with that at the beginning. They were both way more experienced than Lorenzo was though. “If this bothers you so much, you need to talk to her. It might hurt your and her feelings but it’s important that you’re real about all of this, bro. Seriously. If you aren’t honest with each other, then that’s when bad shit will happen. Because you will grow distant and bitter.” Theo explained him gently before grinning. “Ah, it’s fine, dude. You know I’m not that much of a romantic, I feel better knowing I’m helping you out. Besides, all we do these days is wedding stuff, so it’s been a nice break. Don’t tell Jack I said that or she’ll kick my ass though.”
Lorenzo nodded in agreement. He probably was. Overthinking and analyzing was all he seemed to do these days. “Yeah, I will. I definitely will.” Lo confirmed, hoping that he wouldn’t get word vomit again. He prayed not. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Lorenzo let out a laugh at Theo’s words. “My lips are sealed. Thank you. I really appreciate it. I know I can always count on you to set me straight.”
Theo reaches over and patted his brother on the back, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “You’ll figure it out.” He told him easily, letting out a soft laugh and then nodding. “You wanna visit mom and dad? Mom was making some chocolate cake when I came by earlier to drop off some stuff for dad. Or do you want me to take you to the hospital?”
Lorenzo nodded at his brothers words, nodding a small smile. He took a deep breath before nodding eagerly at his offer. “Home, please.” Lo replied immediately. He would go see T later, but he definitely wanted to take advantage of the fact that he was home and could finally spend time with his family.
“Great!” Theo said easily, patting his back once again before he moved to climb into his van. The Windsor’s were that very close family that everyone saw on social media and for the first time in a while they would all be together in town if  Elodie showed up. “
Lorenzo climbed into the car easily, settling against the seat and buckling up. He sighed softly in content, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that he’d talked about everything that had been bothering him.
0 notes
dkarchives-blog · 6 years
Theo and Jacklynn Pick Wedding Bands | Theolynn
Theo was actually looking forward to find their wedding bands. It had been more than a year since they had got engaged, he was sure of it but between touring, Jacklynn trying to figure out if she wanted to do some online classes in college, Theos surgery and everything else it had been hard to really plan out something. No matter how easy going Theo and Jack were, they both knew that they wanted to do this right. A big wedding with their families, all dressed up. This was the love of his life even if he had only found out like three years ago, he knew hat he had always loved Jacklynn Holt. Being them though, they had once again forgot the fact that needed wedding bands to put on for the rest of their lives and now only a month before their wedding, they were at the mall looking for the rings. “Hey, I promise we will get some food after but we need to focus on the rings or else we won’t have them on time.” He said eagerly as he tugged at her hand.
Jacklynn was more excited about this wedding than anyone else could have anticipated. Believe t or not, Jacklynn had always dreamed of a fairytale wedding. Sure, she never thought it would come true until she met Theo but it was all finally happening. She was thrilled. Jacklynn smirked as she heard his words, letting him tug at her hand before she finally followed behind him. "Hey, speak for yourself, dude. I'm actually excited. Not as excited as I am to try cakes, but excited." Jacklynn replied easily.
“I’m not saying you aren’t. But I see your heart eyes when we walked past Starbucks.” Theo said teasingly, waiting until she caught up as he looked around them the entire time, trying to see that jewelry store that his dad had recommended. Aaron knew all about it considering how much jewelry he usually gave Mack on special occasions. “What are we looking for??”
Jacklynn couldn't help but laugh at Theo's words, rolling her eyes playfully. "Hm, you see my heart eyes when I look at you, though?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow before scrunching her face up. "God, I'm getting mushy already." She mumbled more to herself. She followed Theo into the store, looking around slowly. "I want something badass."
Theo smirked a little, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “I do but I don’t wanna embarrass you all the time so I keep quiet about them.” He murmured teasingly, nodding his head. He really had no idea of what they could get but he did know that he wanted it to be as much them as possible. Not something like everyone else got because they definitely weren’t like everyone else. “Me too. Okay, let’s find somebody to talk to over here.”
Jacklynn smirked at his words, squeezing his hand as he leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Aw, you're too sweet." Jacklynn replied playfully, starting to guide him toward where the rings are. There was a woman standing there so Jacklynn figured that she could help them. "Hey, we're looking for rings? But something like...that you don't see everyday, I guess." Jack explained slowly. The woman nodded easily, beginning to guide them over to a specific case where there were some very unusual looking tings. "Holy shit," Jack breathed out as her eyes fixated on a few rings with black diamonds. "Theo, look. Those are so cool."
Theo looked around. He usually wore rings and stuff like accessories but those were usually way easier to pick than something that you should be able to wear for the rest of your life. He stood next to Jack as the lady began showing them all sorts of rings. He didn’t even know some of them existed and looked down as Jack showed him a specific collection. “Yeah, those look damn amazing.” He asked the woman to take them out so they could look at them closely. “Black rings then. What are they made of?” He asked as he picked one up to check it out while the woman explained they were black diamond rings.
Jacklynn looked over them intently, unable to take her eyes off of them. Jack wasn't someone who typically freaked out over things like this. She didn't even care for anything materialistic. But she was in love with these and had to have them. Jack bit down on her bottom lip as the woman began explaining, then looking up at her as she finished. "How much are they?" Jack asked gently only to be met with a price range that she definitely couldn't afford. Theo could, sure. But Jacklynn hated being unemployed and having him pay for everything. She turned to look up at Theo, shaking her head slightly. "We can go look for something cheaper," Jack offered slowly.
Theo wasn’t thinking of the price. He never really had even if he had his own money, his parents had never stopped giving him it either. He had credit cards and so many things hat he never was one to worry about it. But on this special occasion, he wasn’t using his card, it was Robin’a and she had told him that she would cover them. Luckily, the price she had gave him covered them. “We could but you love them.” He said easily, slipping an arm around her waist and smiling a little. “And I have a surprise for you. Your mom called me earlier because she wanted to give us the rings. As a wedding gift.” He said with a wide smile.
Jacklynn leaned into him as he slipped an arm around her waist, shaking her head a little. She opened her mouth to protest before Theo said something that made her eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wait, seriously?" Jacklynn asked in disbelief as she looked up at him, her jaw almost dropping. "Oh my god." She breathed out before shaking her head, running her hand up and down her face. "I don't know what I did to deserve you guys."
“Mhm.” Theo said easily, smiling softly and then nodding towards the collection since they still had to pick one for her and one for himself. “I’m pretty sure that she would approve of one of these but I’m still sending her pictures once we decide.” He said eagerly, giving her side a gentle squeeze as he let go of her to get a better look at all the rings.
Jacklynn groaned playfully at all of them because they were all simply too much. She nodded her head a little, jumping as he squeezed her side. She leaned over the case once again, looking over them almost like a kid in a candy store. "You like the black, though? Or is it too...much?" She asked, turning to look up at him.
“I think the black element is cool. I want mine to be big. Like not thin, just that looks tough I guess. And it being black helps a lot.” Theo said playfully, nodding eagerly and looking down at her engagement ring. “Besides, your engagement ring has a black diamond in it. I just never told you so you wouldn’t ask how much it cost.” He admitted with a small shrug, taking out one of the rings he thought she would like and slipping it on her finger carefully to see how it looked with her engagement ring.
Jacklynn nodded her head easily in agreement, groaning at him. "Dude, you're too much." Jacklynn breathed out, leaning up to peck his lips quickly. "I love you so much." She mumbled against his lips before pulling back. She extended her hand to him so he could slip on the band, her eyes lighting up at the sight. "Oh," she breathed it breathlessly, holding it up to the light. "Wow."
Theo laughed a little, pecking her lips back and smirked at her reaction. It was strange to get a reaction like that from Jacklynn. He knew that much at least. “I know you do.” He watched as she tried the ring. He’d never really been with her when she picked out her clothes or anything so it was cute to see her so excited about all of this wedding related things. “Looks beautiful on you. Reminds me of the lord of the rings or Harry Potter. Oh my god, can I send a picture to Ellie?” He asked quickly, taking his phone out but mostly to send it to Robin who he figured should at least approve of their choice.
Jacklynn smirked at his response. Jacklynn didn't dare take her eyes off of the ring as he put it on, shaking her head in disbelief. She burst out into laughter at Theo's words, rolling her eyes playfully at him. "Wow, way to kill the mood." She replied teasingly, nudging him as she did so. She thought he was adorable. "Oh, yeah. Send it to your mom, too. I wanna know what she thinks." Jacklynn replied eagerly as she extended her hand.
“Hey, you gotta accept it fits their aesthetic.” He said playfully, sending the picture to his mom, sister and future mother in law so they could say what they thought of it before the lady showed him rings for himself. “Damn. Those are insane.” He said quickly, looking back at Jacklynn as he did so and then looking down to see which one he liked best.
"It fits /my/ aesthetic." Jack replied easily, laughing softly as she did so. She watched as he sent the pictures before turning to look at the rings the woman pulled for him. "Oh, that's so badass!" Jacklynn exclaimed excitedly, looking over hen intently. Her eyes scanned over them quickly, peering at Theo to see which one he would pick. "I bet I know which one you're gonna pickkkkk," she sang teasingly.
“It does too. You like that one or do you wanna try more?” He asked easily, taking a moment to check out his options and laughing a little. “Okay. If you already know, why don’t you pick it for me, genius?” Theo asked her teasingly, rolling his eyes at her.
"No, no. I like this one. Like, I really really like it. I love it," Jacklynn replied easily. She smirked as soon as she heard his words, leaning her elbows on the case to look over them once more. She finally pointed to a black ring, then turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "This one."
“Okay. Perfect.” He said excitedly, before he watched as she made up her mind about what she thought he would like. Theo grinned widely as she picked one, which was exactly the one he’d liked since he had seen them and nodded. “Okay, Okay. You might be a little right about this.” He said playfully, taking the ring and slipping it on as he smiled at her. “How does it look?”
Jacklynn grinned widely as he confirmed that she was right, laughing softly as she did so. "Seeee?" She replied teasingly, looking at it intently as he slipped it on. Jacklynn immediately nodded in approval, it was perfect. "I like it a lot. It looks really good on you." Jack breathed out gently, spilling her arm around his back. "But do you like it? You gotta wear it for the rest of your life, you know."
Theo rolled his eyes, setting his arm on her shoulders before he put his hand next to hers to see if the rings matched and taking a picture of that too to send it to their moms and his sister as well. “I love it. I think they look perfect together. Just like us, right?” He asked her and then looked back at the lady to  question her too.
Jacklynn held her hand up next to his, grinning widely at the sight. This was happening and they were doing it their own way. It was a dream come true. "Right," Jack replied easily. Her hand then moved to the opposite side of Theo's face before she leaned up to kiss his cheek several times. "They're so fucking perfect." She mumbled gently.
Theo smiled widely as she kissed his cheek several times, almost giggling. “Oh my God, don’t be gross.” He said teasingly, turning his head to kiss her head smirking a little before he hugged her tightly. “It’s all gonna be perfect just wait.” He said easily a as his phone vibrated from messages from everyone. “Okay, everyone loves them.”
"Mm, being gross is the best part about being the engaged happy couple, though." Jacklynn replied playfully, slipping her arms around his neck as he hugged her tightly. She height difference was humorous but Jacklynn had gotten used to it at this point. "I know it will be." Jack whispered before pulling back as his phone buzzed. She looked at the scene, not being able to help but grin. "Okay, good. I mean, I was getting this one either way but good."
“Hey, you used to think PDA was gross. Where is that girl now?” He asked her playfully, nodding his head since he figured hey would get them no mater what and taking his ring off to give it back to the lady behind the counter. “Alright. We are taking these with us. Sizes are perfect. I assume we can come pick them up in a couple of weeks. We get married in January.” He explained to her, smiling widely as he kept his arm wrapped around Jacklynn while the woman began putting in the details. “You’re gonna be my wife in like, a month. How’s that for exciting?” He murmured as he kissed her cheek.
Jacklynn threw her head back and laughed at his words, rolling her eyes at him. "Right here. I swallowed my pride and realized I might as well show off my hot fiancé and more importantly, that you're /mine/. Like, forever now." Jacklynn told him knowingly as she nodded. Jack handed her ring over, moving her arms down to wrap them around him waist, holding him close. "Hm, I know. I still can't believe we're actually doing this." Jacklynn mumbled, grinning as he kissed her cheek. "You sure you wanna deal with me the rest of your life, Windsor?"
“Wow, what an honor.” Theo said, actually sounding serious this time. He wasn’t dumb, he knew that Jacklynn wasn’t like most girls. The fact that they had reached a point where they talked about this so easily was huge and part of why he knew that getting married now was a good idea. They had been engaged for over a year now, no one could say they weren’t patient. “Why not? We already live together. All we need is to make it official. Like people in church say.” He said playfully. “I gotta make an honest woman out of you, Holt. And yeah, for sure. Not like I wasn’t stuck with you forever before we became a thing. You’ve been around forever.”
Jacklynn nodded at his words, looking up at him intently. "Just like...I don't know how I got so lucky when it comes to you," Jacklynn whispered sincerely. She never thought she would marry anyone, ever, let alone someone as incredible or who loved her as much as Theo. Jack smirked at his words, nodding a little. "Hm, you gotta point." She replied before leaning up to kiss his lips quickly. "I'm really excited. For this whole thing. To pick a dress and all that shit. I've been watching a lot of TLC lately."
"Debatable," Jacklynn mumbled gently. Why did she? More than anyone else, anyway. All she had done so far was cause trouble. Jack immediately laughed at Theo's words, since that was the general gist of most of those shows. "Oh, hell yeah. Total bridezilla. It'll put our love to the test so I hope you're ready, baby." Jacklynn told him teasingly before pecking his lips several times. The woman handed over the order confirmation to Theo, then thanking them for their service. Jack then turned to look up at Theo, "can we go get food now?"
0 notes
dkarchives-blog · 7 years
Jacklynn’s Fight | Theolynn
Theo rolled his eyes, not really caring. "I don't care what she says, she's the one that can't handle rejection. I'm with my girlfriend, someone will point out that I'm not doing anything wrong at some point." He said with a small shrug but it was too late, before he knew it, Jacklynn was out of his grasp and walking past him. "Dammit." Knowing the temper that Jacklynn had and how much of a both the other girl was being, he could only imagine how this would go. "Jack..." He called out after her, hoping that he could get to her somehow.
"Hey!" Jacklynn yelled to get the girls attention, stopping right before her. "Do you have a goddamn problem? Because ever since I got back to my /boyfriend/, all I've heard is some bitter bitch running her mouth about being rejected." Jacklynn spat, looking the girl up and down. The girl seemed bewildered, but clearly, being around her friends was a boost to her ego. "Oh, get the hell away from me." She replied bitterly. Jacklynn opened her mouth to reply, never being one to back down but she didn't even have the chance to do so before the girl had thrown her drink at Jacklynn. Now she was just asking for it. And clearly, she didn't know who she was messing with. And not a second passed that Jacklynn was now wearing the girls drink before she lunged at her. Jacklynn's reflexes had always been quick in situations like these, as soon as she saw the girl raising her arm Jacklynn knew it was over. Now, Jacklynn wasn't one of those girls who just grabbed onto the others hair and pulled. That got her nowhere. Jacklynn hit. Hard. The girl didn't stand a chance, really, not in comparison to just how experienced Jacklynn was. And as far as she was concerned, the girl deserved it. Which meant Jacklynn had no problem hitting the girl anywhere she could, knowing it would only be a matter of seconds before someone could pull her away.
Theo was trying to catch up when Jacklynn and the girl began yelling at each other, which meant that a small circle formed around them and it was easier for Theo to get  there. He stood behind Jacklynn, trying I figure out how he could pull her away but before he could do anything else, the girl threw her drink at Jacklynn. And he knew there was no going back from that. "Fuck." As soon as he saw that the girl tried to keep up with Jacklynn but failed to do so and because he knew how his girlfriend got when she was like this, he took off towards them and wrapped his arms around Jacklynn as tightly as he could, pulling her away from the girl. "Jacklynn! Stop! That's enough!" He yelled over all the noise as he tried his hardest to keep her away. "Stop! We're leaving. Let's get out of here."
"Get the fu--" Jacklynn's first initial instinct was to resist whoever the hell grabbed onto her to pull her away, but she slowed down a little once she realized it was Theo. She squirmed a little in his hold to try and get back at her, but stopped once he saw she had left the girl with a bloody nose as well as a black eye. In addition to several other injuries, of course. "I don't play that shit, bitch." Jacklynn spat at the girl as final parting words before Theo pulled her out of the circle and eventually, out of the venue. Jacklynn huffed, pushing her dark hair from her face and shaking her head a little. She took a few breaths to calm herself down, shaking out her hands since they were definitely hurting after how many times she had hit he girl. She then looked up at Theo, shaking her head a little. "She deserved it." Jacklynn told him, no regret evident in her voice what so ever
Theo let go of Jacklynn only when he was sure that she wouldn't go back in there and sighed loudly, hugging at her words. "She /deserved/ it? That's what you have to say? Seriously?" Theo said, pacing back and forth a little as he tried my to snap at her. "Look at you. And did you see how dm you left her? Jack...you could have hurt her really badly." Theo said pushin his hair off his face and sighing.  "Look at your damn hands...they're almost shaking are you serious right now?"
"Seriously." Jacklynn replied easily, not even hesitating before replying to him. Jacklynn rolled her eyes as Theo said she could have been seriously injured. Jacklynn didn't give a single shit. "Good. The bitch threw her drink at me after talking continuous shit about you. She had it coming." She replied, leaning against the wall of the venue. Sure, she had blood over her hands and they hurt like hell but it was worth it. It was so worth it. "Serious as ever." She replied, nodding a little while she searched her pockets for cigarettes.
Theo crossed his arms over his chest when he saw that she really didn't give a flying fuck about all of this. In truth Jacklynn manner, she didn't regret it or even acted like she had done something wrong. He was far too tired to start another argument that would surely end up being blown out of proportion anyway because she was far too angry. "I can't...I'm going to get something to clean you up. Stay where you are or wait in the van, I'm not in the mood to get you out of another damn fight." Theo said, trying not to be too harsh on her.
Jacklynn nodded a little at his words, taking out her pack of cigarettes and lifting one into her mouth. After tucking the pack away once again, she took out her lighter and lit it to take a single drag from it. She leaned against the nearest wall, leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes. She didn't see why Theo was so annoyed with her. She didn't see the big deal, honestly. The girl deserved it.
Theo was honestly walking from her at that moment to avoid getting into anger argument with her because he knew that she needed his support. She had done it for him in a crazy, very Jacklynn way. So he just kept to buying some bottled water and told the guys to please load everything that they needed to load into his van because he was leaving as soon as he could. After getting a small towel for her knuckles and any other would that she could have and then made his way out of the bar to get back to Jacklynn. "You okay?" He asked softly as he let his eyes go up and down her frame to figure out where else she was hurt.
Jacklynn finished off the cigarette and flicked the bud aside, sighing softly. It wasn't long after that that she saw Theo again. She nodded easily at his words, pushing herself off the wall and wincing a little since her hands were hurting. "I'm fine." She assured him, nodding a little as she did so.
"I don't want you to be better for me. Honestly, you thinking that I deserve better and that you aren't good enough for anything is what bothers me. Because you do all these things because you don't think you're enough or some shit." Theo replied softly, shaking his head but not looking away. He swallowed hard and took a moment to say what he wanted to say. "I knew that you got into fights when I decided to be with you. I knew that you weren't going to take my shit and I knew that we would argue and hate each other sometimes...and I knew that you were into shit that I wasn't into but that doesn't mean I don't want you. I want you. For good. Even if I have to get mad at you for getting into fights, even if I had to clean up your knuckles or any other wound every night for getting into another stupid fight. And I don't like it. I don't like the possibility of you getting hurt or into trouble. I could lose you, Jack. That's what really kisses me off. Here are more to fights than this what if someone hurt you for good? What-what the hell would I do? I'm no asking you to change. I just-I don't want you to regret all of this later. I don't want you to think that this is all there is to you...because there's so much more to you and you dot even know it." Theo said softly, his eyes not moving from hers as he grabbed her hands again.
Jacklynn looked at Theo intently and listened to every word that left his mouth. How had she of all people managed to find someone who loved and adored her as much as Theo did? It was insane. And while she felt like she didn't deserve it or that she wasn't worthy enough of his love, she was entirely too selfish to push him away. Because she loved him. She loved him so damn much. She just wanted to be the girlfriend he deserved. But maybe she was enough as she was. He dated her for a reason after all. "Fuck," Jack muttered, wiping at her eyes before shaking her head a little in disbelief. "I love you, Shakespeare. So fucking much, you know. I'm sorry. Fucking hell. I'm sorry. and I wish I was better with words to let you know how sorry I am but I hope this is enough.."
Theo didn't even know what to do when he saw her wiping at her eyes because she never cried. He had only ever seen her cry once and it was related to her mother. He placed the towel and the empty bottle of water on the drivers seat and wrapped his arm around her neck to pull her closer. "You're stuck with me, Jacklynn Holt. Whether you like it or not." Theo said softly against her, his head leaning against the side of hers. He didn't even care that the guys started loading up some of their instruments into the back of the van and that they could see them, he just focused on his girlfriend. He lifted his hand up to wipe her tears with his thumb, sniffing a little. "Stop apologizing, please. I love you, okay? That's not gonna change. No matter how many fights you get into or how you think that you don't deserve me. You deserve me. You want good things and you're not a bad person." Theo said softly, kissing her temple.
"I do like it, though." Jack replied gently, wrapping her arms tightly around his middle when he pulled her closer. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck and closed her eyes, breathing him in to calm himself down. Jacklynn didn't care that anyone saw. She never did. Theo was he only person who's opinion she cared about. The only one. "You made me cry, you fucker." Jacklynn told him playfully, never being able to stay serious for too long. "I love you, too. So fucking much you have no idea." Jacklynn whispered, rubbing her hand up and down his back slowly.
0 notes
dkarchives-blog · 6 years
Lorenzo and Theo Surprise Mackaron
The drive to the house where their parents lived was pretty okay. Theo made sure to bring some donuts for them to share in case their father had already ate the entire cake by himself and finally parked the van in the familiar entrance. “I think they’re home cause that’s dads car.” He told his brother as they stepped inside since they both had keys. “Mom! I’m homeeee.” Theo sang playfully.
“I would think so,” Lo replied in agreement, following closest behind in agreement. Mack grinned widely as she heard her sons voice, her face lighting up. “In the kitchen! The cake just cooled!” Mack exclaimed, completely oblivious to her younger son being home as well.
Theo walked into the kitchen and hugged his mom tightly. “Smells so good.” He said excitedly, not saying anything about Lorenzo being there since he wanted him to surprise them. “You know Theo is home as soon as there is noise around the house.” Aaron said teasingly, his eyes going wide as soon as he looked past Theo to see their younger soon step into the room. “Lo?!”
“Thank you, sweetheart. Have as much as you want.” Mack hugged Theo back tightly. Honestly, it was weird for Mack having her kids moved out. If it were up to her, they would have stayed at home forever. So nothing made her happier than having them home. She then looked past to see Lorenzo, gasping at the sight. “Lorenzo!” Mack exclaimed before moving to hug her youngest child. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you were coming!” Mack breathed out. Lorenzo hugged his mother back tightly and chuckled, shaking his head a little. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, mom.” Lo explained easily before moving to hug his father quickly.
Theo smiled widely as soon as his parents realized that Lorenzo was in the room, giving them room to hug him tightly as Aaron joined them. “What a surprise, son. Seriously. So happy to have you here. I didn’t know you had a break around this time.” He said excitedly. “What were you two up to anyway?”
Lorenzo nodded his head gently. “I don’t, really. Theresa’s niece was born yesterday so I flew in for that since I promised I would. Theo and I got our tuxedos for the wedding, today. They’re really sharp.” Lorenzo told his father excitedly, pulling his phone out to show Aaron a picture of his. Mack had the biggest smile on her face, moving alongside Theo and resting a hand on his back. “I can’t believe my boys are home.”
“Fuck, really? We didn’t know. Well send some balloons or something.” Aaron replied gently since he was sure that Theresa and her family would appreciate it.  “Oh yeah I saw those. So good, kids. Well done. “ Theo smiled widely at his mother, setting the box of donuts on the counter. “I brought some donuts for us too. In case dad had ate the entire cake by himself.”
Lorenzo chuckled softly, nodding a little. “They’ll appreciate that,” Lorenzo murmured appreciatively as he moved to sit up on the counter next to the donuts. “That’s very sweet of you, Lo. I’m sure it meant a lot to them that you came out for that,” Mack told her son sincerely with a grin before laughing at Theo’s words. “Ah, he knows you too well.” Mack told Aaron with a smirk, unable to help but laugh.
“You know, just for that, I might eat the entire cake next time.” Aaron flicked Theo’s forehead playfully and then nodded at Mack’s words as she mentioned how much it would mean to Theresa’s family that he was there for them. “And everything good with the baby, bro? Is it healthy and stuff?” Theo asked while Aaron began cutting up pieces of cake for everyone.
Lorenzo chuckled at his fathers words, shaking his head a little at Aaron and Theo. “Yeah, totally healthy. They named her Sofia.” Lo explained with a grin. Mack shared a similar smile, nodding easily. “I can’t wait to see pictures. We’ll be sure to send something right over to congratulate them.”
“Cool.” Theo said easily beginning to eat his piece of cake after his father began giving it to everyone in the room. “How’s Ellie, mom? Is she gonna be visiting soon? Cause I think we should all do dinner. All five of us, we could even add Cal, Jack and Theresa but that might actually become a small party.” He said playfully with a small laugh. Aaron patted Lorenzo on the back gently as he leaned against the counter, handing him the cake. “How’s Theresa? I’m assuming she’s in town too?”
Lorenzo took the cake from his father easily, thanking him before he started to eat slowly. “I sure hope so. She’s been traveling with Cal. I can’t even keep up with where she is. She did mention coming home soon, so we definitely should. Especially to spend some time together before the wedding, hm?” Mack suggested gently. Lo nodded gently in agreement with his mother’s words before turning to his father. “She’s good, real good. Yeah, she came up once Scarlett went into labor. I’m sure she’ll have to leave soon, too, though. To get back to school and everything.”
“Yeah that happens. Sounds really good though, I bet she’s happy.” All the Windsor kids had spent most of their lives traveling around because of their parents job. Sometimes they went with Mack, others with Aaron but most of the time the entire family moved everywhere they went together. “That’s good. School treating her well?” Aaron murmured easily.
Mack nodded her head a little. “She sounds the happiest I’ve ever heard her.” Mack told Theo gently before looking over at Lorenzo as he spoke up. “Mhm,” Lo hummed gently as he gave a small nod. Mack raised an eyebrow at her son. “How’s Madrid, love?” Mack pressed on gently and Lorenzo managed a small smile. “It’s good. Even if the team isn’t doing great, coach likes me a lot. Which is good.”
Aaron walked over to his wife to hug her from behind after he finished eating his cake, listening to their kids talk. “I don’t know a lot about sports but I always watch your games. Commentators say you’ve had a good season despite the team being...well, a disaster.” Theo told him easily. Aaron chuckled, rolling his eyes at his eldest. “Madrid always has low seasons, but you have a four year contract with them, Lo. Things are gonna change. If they don’t then a new coach might be on the horizon.”
Mack grinned widely as she felt Aaron’s arms circle around her from behind. She leaned against him, her hands moving to rest on his arms as she hummed softly in content. Lo frowned a little at Theo’s words, shrugging a little. “I mean, when we win...we /really/ win. I just hope that’s enough. We’re getting better...we just need to learn how to play more like a team and not as individuals.” Lorenzo explained gently, looking over at his father with soft eyes.
“Which might take some time but don’t lose hope, okay?” Aaron said gently to his son. The last thing he wanted was for Lorenzo to feel like he’d made the wrong decision. If he didn’t feel like Real was good enough, he would understand though, everyone had a favorite team and while Real had been Aaron’s home for most of his career, if his son wanted something else he understood that. “Are you happy with the team though? How are you feeling, son?”
“I won’t.” Lo replied gently. He’d wanted to play for Real his whole life. He wasn’t going to let a few losses alter all his hard work to be there. Lo nodded quickly at his fathers words. “Really happy with it. They’re all like my brothers, you know? Being in Madrid is just hard cause like..I’m alone, you know?” He said the last part softly.
Aaron frowned a little. He’d only ever been alone for a couple of weeks in Maryland before Mack had joined him once again and it was pretty much terrible so he understood. “Understandable. It���s gonna take a toll on you. Personally, I never had to do it. But was willing to when Mack was trying the music career route.” Aaron told him easily, sighing.
Lorenzo looked at his father as he spoke and nodded as he finished, not really knowing what to say. Mack frowned at her sons words, shaking her head a little. “I was thinking...about getting a vacation home in Madrid. I haven’t talked to you about it yet,” Mack breathed out, looking up at Aaron for a moment before she turned back to her son. “But I loved Madrid when we lived there. The people, the places. I wouldn’t mind having a place where I could go and write for a few weeks out of the year,” Mack mused gently.
Aaron nodded a little as soon as Mack spoke up. He always knew she felt so much better in Madrid that he wasn’t all that surprised. They should have honestly kept their first house there though it was now extremely old. “I know you did. I don’t mind, babe. We should be able to be everywhere we want now that our kids have all left us alone.” Aaron said teasingly. Theo chuckled and patted his brother on the back. “You know that Jack and I will come visit you some time during our honeymoon anyway, so we’ll keep you company.”
Lorenzo’s face lit up at his mother’s words. He’d missed his family the most. Being so far from them was something he’d never experienced before. So hearing that they would be close to him was music to his ears. “Wait, really? You guys would get a house in Madrid?” Lo asked gently in disbelief as he shook his head a little. He looked at his brother, nodding gently. “That would mean the world to me. Seriously.”
“I don’t see why not. We already have one here, and in California. Now Madrid would mean all our favorite places.” Aaron told his son gently, not really minding it. It’s not like they had much to do with their money these days. “I’ll make it happen then, dude.” Theo said excitedly.
“I don’t see why not. We already have one here, and in California. Now Madrid would mean all our favorite places.” Aaron told his son gently, not really minding it. It’s not like they had much to do with their money these days. “I’ll make it happen then, dude.” Theo said excitedly.
Mack nodded her head eagerly at Aaron’s words. “Exactly. Which means we could spend more time with everyone,” Mack explained with a wide grin. Lorenzo’s smile had yet to fade as he nodded quickly. “That sounds awesome. Thank you, guys. It’s weird not having you all around...so I really think that’ll help.”
“Hey, we know it’s tough. You know, your mother and I tried that before you all were born. It was extremely hard, we couldn’t handle it. So we understand that it’s not as easy as most people think it is especially when we are all so close and you’re in a relationship with a girl that’s still here in America.” Aaron could see where his son was coming from but that was part of the reason why he had been adamant about him choosing the right team. Not the biggest team, but the one that let him be where he wanted to be like Aaron had done the very first few years in his career. He’d only ever signed with Real when Mack agreed she was coming with him, of course he would never say that to his son. Mack and him were married and it was different. Lorenzo couldn’t drop everything for a person he wasn’t sure wanted a future with him from what Aaron had seen. “We are trying to be there for all of you as much as we can.”
Lorenzo took a deep breath before nodding in agreement with his father. “Yeah, it’s really hard.” He whispered, shaking his head a little at it all. “It just shouldn’t be so hard to be with someone you love.” He breathed out gently. “Thank you. It really means a lot.” Mack then nodded easily. “Of course, angel. We miss you too, you know? It’s not one sided.”
Aaron frowned a little, leaning his head against Mack’s slowly since he felt sad that his son was alone out there. He knew very well that if He and Mack visited him more often it would help but t wouldn’t fix the problem, because Lorenzo wasn’t homesick, he was in love with Theresa and she was the one person that wouldn’t be able to move there anytime soon. “Sometimes it is kinda hard, son. You may think all is easy in love because of what you’ve seen from your mom and I but we had tough times, we had almost break ups and you can’t even compare our personalities to yours and your girlfriend. She’s way more independent than Mack and I ever were. And you’re way more stubborn than us because it’s like combined.” Aaron said playfully, letting out a soft laugh. “We miss you, your siblings miss you-“ Aaron began before Theo interrupted him. “I don’t miss you that much, but let’s say I do for the sake of this conversation working out.” Theo said teasingly, smirking at his brother. “And I am more than sure that your girlfriend misses you too. It is definitely not one sided.”
Lorenzo listened intently to his father as usual. For as long as Lo could remember, he’d looked up to Aaron. He was the whole reason Lo got hooked on soccer to begin with. So his words meant a lot. Lorenzo nodded, chuckling softly and smacking the back of Theo’s head as he spoke up. “Liar,” Lo replied as he rolled his eyes before his face softened. “Thank you, dad. I really appreciate that. I think it’s just...I gotta et used to it all, you know? And I will. In time. I just need to adjust.” He replied gently before shrugging a little. Mack grinned up at her husband before leaning around to kiss his cheek quickly. “Very well said, baby. I couldn’t agree more.”
Theo almost giggled as he felt the hit to the back of his head, smirking and smiling as he saw their parents interact between them. “Okay, no need to be graphic you two. Please.” He said teasingly, rolling his eyes since he was too used to them being like that. “It’s understandable.” Aaron told his son, all he wanted was for Lorenzo to be happy though. Theresa made him happy most days but lately Lorenzo seemed upset or sad more often than not, he just hoped that Lorenzo could figure out he was still young.
Mack blushed at Theo’s words before raising an eyebrow at her son, “you’re telling me that after over twenty years you’re not used to us yet, Theo?” Mack challenged playfully and Lo couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head a little. “You guys are like teenagers, I swear.” Lo told his parents playfully.
“I try to never get used to gross things, mom. My bad.” Theo let out with a soft laugh. Aaron rolled his eyes at his kids, hugging Mack tightly and kissing her head. “You are a teenager so you’re not one to talk.” Aaron told Lo and then looked back at Theo. “How’s the wedding coming along anyway? You guys doing good?” He asked only for Theo to nod eagerly. “Yeah. Jack is picking out her dress today. She’s really excited her parents are doing that with them.”
Mack laughed at Theo’s words, shaking her head. “Goodness, Theo sometimes when I talk to you it’s literally like I’m talking to your father.” Mack breathed out playfully although it was true. Mack’s face lit up at Theo’s words and she gasped gently. “What?! Without me?! Oh, where’s my phone,” Mack breathed out quickly, entirely too excited.
Theo and Aaron both laughed lightly at Mack’a words, since they both knew that he was right. He took after Aaron way more than anyone else. “Actually, mom, I was gonna ask you to sing with me at the weddings reception. Maybe you could do the vocals and I can play the piano and help with harmonies or something? I have this song I want us to sing.” He said gently since he hadn’t got a moment to talk to her without Jacklynn in the same room. “You wanted to go? I don’t think she knew that.”
Mack’s features softened at her sons words before nodding slowly. “Really? Are you sure, love?” Mack asked gently. She only sang recreationally now, and wouldn’t be offended if it wasn’t what Theo truly wanted. It would be his day, after all. Mack shook her head at her sons words. “Oh, goodness, no. I don’t want to intrude. I just want pictures because I’m nosy.”
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