#paracord rosary
truedevotiondesign · 9 days
Blue Paracord Rosary with St. Dominic Medal
*Message me to customize your own rosary!*
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qupritsuvwix · 1 year
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ramlightly · 27 days
I wanted to make you aware of these rosaries that are intended for impact play ->
ooooh this is very good information, thank you!
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I wish there was some some bdsm shop that made really durable rosaries that’s could be yanked around without breaking mine always break so easily :(
Theres ones made of paracord! @father-lucius made one here.
I have a regular beaded one that I ran fishing line through because I hung it from my bag for a cosplay and had to put it back together at the end of the day lol
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tinyshe · 2 years
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All you rosary packing prayer warriors, don’t forget to clean and care for your weapons! October is a great reminder month since it is devoted to the rosary but any time is a good time for upkeep and maintenance.
Here are some various links for tips and tricks in maintenance and care (please add more as you have them):
Caring for Your Rosary
Prayer Beads Care 101
Care & Cleaning of Those Beautiful Rosaries
Tips to Care for your Stretch Rosary Bracelet
Paracord Rosaries
How do you clean a sterling silver rosary
How do you clean a metal rosary
How do you clean a stainless steel rosary 
How do you know if a rosary is antique
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yallemagne · 1 year
My brother came over a few days or so ago and like he left some stuff. There’s this lamp but like that’s not important it’s not about the lamp it’s about this rosary hanging on the lamp made of paracord.
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If that isn’t the most US Marine shit I ever done seen. I just keep thinking about it.
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misericordae · 1 year
working in an industry will give you some specific ass opinions. paracord rosaries my beloathed (impossible to put in the hands nicely)
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perditionoverparadise · 10 months
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I decided to try my hand at a knotted paracord rosary so I could have something to carry regularly, and I think it turned out rather nice.
As much as I'd love to have a proper charm at the end, I really didn't want a cross and hopefully the simple gold bead will prevent me from being harassed if other people see it.
I also finished altering a nice little prayer box I found at the secondhand shop, which mostly just involved covering the Bible verse referencing god with a picture of Lucifer. I don't have a picture to share of that but I thought others might find the nature of that alteration as delightfully appropriate as I did.
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karenlacorte · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ❤️ Vintage Red & White Plastic Rosary.
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manenterosari · 10 months
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#RosarioFattoAMano BAMBINO GESU' DI PRAGA I grani in resina 𝐨𝐫𝐨 a rappresentarne la 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚̀, perché Lui è il Re dei Re. Il cordino in paracord 𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐨 a richiamarne la 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐳𝐳𝐚, perché Lui si è fatto in tutto uguale agli uomini fuorché nel peccato. + INFO 👇 https://www.manenterosari.com/negozio-rosari/corona-santo-rosario-bambino-gesu-praga/
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rinielsaerwen · 2 years
St. Michael Paracord Rosary
25% off with discount code: tumblr22
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truedevotiondesign · 4 years
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Shroud of Turin Black Paracord Rosary
Made with a nails crucifix and a Shroud of Turin centerpiece. The inscription reads in Latin "Lord Shine The Light of His countenance upon us"
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mongrelmutt · 3 years
5, 5a, 14, 21?
5) Are you a religious? Nope! lol
5a) Are you otherwise living consecrated life?
Yup! I am in my first year of temporary consecration in a Secular Institute :)
14) Describe your rosary or chotki.
I have two that I use depending on how likely it is to become broken or lost. I have my late Grammy's Rosary for when I'm praying at home or in a local church. The little plastic beads are brown, and the original ones are molded to look like wood (some have been replaced with smooth beads that are a slightly different shade of brown). It has a medal in the shape of the Sacred Heart that says "Place on thy heart one drop of the Precious Blood of Christ and fear nothing -- Pius IX" It has a lot of sentimental value. Grammy and I were close, and she prayed for me to return to the faith, and when I did, she was my Confirmation sponsor. She also had anxiety like i do, and I imagine that quote helped her as much as it has me 💚
For when I'm traveling, hiking, at work, etc. I have a black paracord Rosary with hunter green beads and a St. Francis medal. I got it because I have a bad track record with accidentally breaking Rosaries, and would be heartbroken if Grammy's Rosary suffered a similar fate (for example, the beautiful Rosary she got me for Confirmation is mostly in pieces on a road in Honduras because it got caught on the truck bed and snapped when we went over a bump -- beads flying everywhere! D: )
21) Favorite Catholic Books
-- "Infinite Space, Infinite God" ed. Karina & Robert Fabian (collection of Catholic sci-fi short stories)
-- Chesterton's "Father Brown" stories
-- LotR, the Hobbit, and Roverandom by Tolkien
-- "Swatow: Ursulines in China" by Sr. Irene Mahoney
-- The Rule of St. Angela
-- The writings of St. Francis
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Hey so obviously it won’t even be sent out by Christmas, but I found a priest who is also a friar that makes and sells really incredible rosaries, they are the ones that are made of metal beads and paracord. I wanted to buy a couple people some to send as a “Christmas gift” from our fam (@hissaltandlight).
I don’t think I’ll be able to ship outside of the US, only because he will be shipping them himself and I don’t think he offers it (I know customs for stuff is super annoying right now). But if you would like one just reblog this, if there are like a ton of reblogs I’ll just draw names out of a hat sort of thing. I’ll buy them this evening (when baby is in bed), so any reblogs after 9pm PT (12/22/20) won’t count. You don’t have to have any special reason for wanting it, whether it’s for yourself, for a gift to someone else, it doesn’t really matter. Maybe they will arrive in time for Epiphany!
He’s the one who made my sons momento mori rosary that looks like this:
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The colors of paracord he has available for 5 decade rosaries right now are blue, black, navy, and olive green.
The single decade rosaries he has pink, red plaid, blue, olive green, and black (a momento mori).
Don’t need to be following me or anything just reblog if you want one.
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cntmpltvno1 · 5 years
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My first attempt at making a paracord rosary. I think it came out pretty okay in the end
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manenterosari · 1 year
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Rosario-decina Madonna del Soccorso (acciaio e paracord rosso/blu)
Questa rosario-decina è realizzato in onore della Madonna del Soccorso, uno degli appellativi con cui la Chiesa cattolica venera Maria, Madre di Gesù.La Madonna del Soccorso – anche conosciuta come Madonna della Difesa – è solitamente rappresentata con un bastone nella mano destra mentre è intenta a percuotere un demonio che si rannicchia terrorizzato ai suoi piedi; bastone che la Madonna impugna in difesa di uno o più bambini. 
Questa potente immagine rende immediatamente l’idea di quanto forte sia l’azione di intercessione di Maria in difesa del Maligno. Ed è per questo che abbiamo fatto rientrare questo rosario-decina tra i nostri cosiddetti Rosari di Liberazione, speciali corone che con la loro simbologia vogliono richiamare il tema del combattimento spirituale in opposizione ad ogni influsso e disturbo del Maligno. Fatta a mano nel nostro laboratorio in Roma, questa decina è realizzata con un cordino tecnico di qualità premium, resistente e stabile nel tempo – il Paracord 550 -, che sugli occhielli viene ulteriormente rinforzato da un’impuntura in nano cord da 0,75 mm. I grani dell’Ave e gli anellini sono in acciaio inox. Il Crocifisso è l’esclusivo Crocifisso col Motto di Sant’Antonio. A completamento è stata aggiunta una Medaglia della Madonna del Soccorso.
Resistenti e discreti da portare sempre con sé, questi rosari-decina sono perfetti da tenere in tasca o nella borsa. Questa decina-rosario viene consegnata completa di garanzia (vd. foto). Nella finestra qui sotto è possibile scegliere il colore che si preferisce tra il blu o il rosso, i colori iconografici di Nostra Signora del Soccorso.
⇒ QUI per altre tipologie di decine-rosario
⇒ QUI per altri rosari alla Madonna del Soccorso
⇒ QUI più info sulla Madonna del Soccorso
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