#paralive shingu
A two character request~ With both Chisei and Haruomi <3 <3 The request is what will they do if our FReader artist asks to draw them for her entry to art school after eating at Ramentei,after getting caught in a sudden rain pour xD
Writer's corner: Aww, this is actually adorable. Thank you for requesting about something so cute! qwq♥ I hope you like it! If there's something you want me to change or fix, please, do not hesitate to tell me! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (Buraikan x reader)
Warnings: sfw
⭐𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐧⭐ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
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⭐Chisei would be already sitting at one of Ramentei's table when he would see you entering the place.
⭐Your clothes and hair would be all wet due to the rain and you would breath heavily..
⭐You have surely run.
⭐After greeting Chisei, you would sit next to him while Haruomi would cook something to help you warming up.
⭐I totally imagine Chisei giving you a towel or helping you drying your hair with that.
⭐He would chuckle and show you his cute fangs while doing it.
⭐Then he and Haruomi would ask you why you are there
⭐Your expression would betray you, because you would look kind of excited and impatient to ask Chisei something important
⭐"Huh?! You really decided to try to enter an art school, y/n?! I'm so happy!! I'm sure you'll do great!!"
⭐Chisei would show his excitement and happiness without hiding them, as he would definitely hug you too
⭐In short, he would feel proud of your choice and also share your happiness!
⭐His eyes would open widely after realizing that you actually want to draw him for your entry at the art school..
⭐I literally imagine him changing his mood from excited to surprised all after hearing your words.
⭐He would stop hugging you and chuckling for a few seconds before smiling warmly and slightly blushing
⭐His voice would sound softer and warmer:
⭐"Y-you... you really want to... to draw me for your entry...? Y-you would do it..?"
⭐Of course you would smile in response while holding your bag where you would have surely put your sketch-book.
⭐In a few seconds Chisei would show his happiness and excitement again, nodding and accepting.
⭐"Sure you can draw me! Uhm.. Do you need me to pose for you, or..?"
⭐If you need him to pose as a reference for the drawing, he wouldn't hesitate but do it immediately, in order to help you
⭐Otherwise he would smile and think that.. wow.. you must be very good if you don't need any kind of references!
⭐Let's imagine though that you actually need him to pose for you..
⭐He would do it, sure, but I headcanon that he wouldn't get tired at all!
⭐Chisei would chuckle and start asking how long he had to pose, but not because he's tired, but because he couldn't wait to see the result!
⭐Since it's said that he used to be a pro basketball player, it's hard for me to imagine him as someone who gets tired immediately!
⭐At the sight of the drawing, after all the time you need him to pose for you, he would smile and you would see his eyes glowing in genuine happiness. He would hug you:
⭐"But.. it's amazing!! You're so talented, y/n!! Thank you so much for choosing me!! I really love this drawing.. huh? Will your school keep it? If not.. will you give it to me after the entry?... pleaaaaase."
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⭐As I said for Chisei, Haruomi would be already at Raimentei, cooking and serving customers when he would see you arriving.
⭐He would turn around and look at you, showing a hint of care and softness in his usually cold eyes.
⭐Haruomi would make you sit and then would decide to cook something warm for you
⭐He then would help you drying your hair while mumbling that it had been so reckless of you to go to Raimentei with all that rain
⭐You could have caught a fever or a cold, after all!
⭐And since it's said that Haruomi has some difficulties to express himself through words (but instead he's awesome with lyrics), well..
⭐He would never tell you that he cares about you, but you would notice it through his caring acts
⭐Haruomi then would serve you some warm food, before coming back cooking for other customers.
⭐Occasionally he would give you a look and smile slightly seeing that you are enjoying his food.
⭐As he manages to get some free time, though, he would get closer to you again
⭐"So.. why are you here?"
⭐That's when you would smile and tell him about your decision to finally try and attend an art school
⭐Contrary to how excited Chisei would look, Haruomi would softly smile and cross his arms, showing a hint of pride and happiness through his yellow eyes.
⭐"Oh.. so you finally decided to do it.. Good. I'm glad you did."
⭐He would say with his usual low voice
⭐Even through his coldness, you would get that he's really proud of your choice and that he's sure you will do amazingly!
⭐His expression would change after hearing you asking him the permission to draw him for your entry
⭐I feel like he would show his surprise better than how he shows his feelings normally..
⭐So you would see his eyes widenening while his mouth softly opening..
⭐"W-what?... you want to...?"
⭐His voice would sound lower, barely like a whisper, while he would keep his arms crossed.
⭐Haruomi would understand that you get your sketch-book into your bag, so he would get that you want to draw him the same day
⭐He would sigh and smile softly before coming back working
⭐Alright.. then he would let you draw him, but after he closes Raimentei
⭐After the closing time, he would clean the restaurant tables and then he would fix his white hair, while taking off his apron.
⭐"So.. I guess you need me to pose.."
⭐He would say and, just as Chisei, he would do it without any hesitation, especially if it can be helpful for you
⭐I mean.. Haruomi could seem unfriendly and cold, but he has a golden heart deep inside, and it's shown through his lyrics, where he can literally show his deep self, his true self..
⭐But contrary to Chisei, I feel like Haruomi would get tired soon
⭐I can see him posing but soon starting scratching his back or his beard.
⭐Or even starting yawning loudly.
⭐In short, he couldn't be able to pose and don't move for more than two minutes!
⭐When you finish drawing him, though, he would stand up, cracking his back, before approaching and looking at the drawing for a few seconds still.
⭐His eyes would glow as you would see a small but genuine smile on his face.
⭐"O-oh... This is... great. Thank you..."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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yatonokami · 6 months
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idolstitching · 2 months
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⫽.♡ › renders!┊paraneko illustrations — 2/2 ✂️ ˖ ࣪⭑
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This is the plot of paralive right.
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"You get it, don't you? That Nayuta Yatonokami never existed." "He was always just an illusion that you created."
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I know i said i stop at 4 (sorry!) but i have had another headcannon request for Haruomi and Chisei on how they will react once they fallen for an girl they like,how long they take to tell them,how they dates go and whats there love language (i have ideas on Haruomi's <3 but i would like to know what you will think!)
Writer's corner: You don't have to apologize, sweetheart! I'm more than happy to receive more requests, even if I take some time before posting them (I'm sorry!!). Anyway of course! Here's some relationship headcanons for our dear bois! Tell me if there's something you want me to fix or change, please! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Warnings: sfw
武雷管𝓑𝓤𝓡𝓐𝓘𝓚𝓐𝓝⭐𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬⭐
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⭐Well, it's said that Haruomi has a lot of difficulties communicating and in general expressing his own feelings to people around him..
⭐Unless it's through music, Haruomi can be very misunderstood and seem unfriendly and cold at first
⭐Though he's actually a warm and caring man who has a very sad trauma..
⭐So that's why I think he would take a little bit more than Chisei to confess to his crush
⭐But I don't think he would use his words, BUT his lyrics
⭐Yeah, he would write a song for his crush and then would plan to sing it to her.. Of course in private!!
⭐That's how I think he would confess to mc, surprising her and proving that deep inside he's a warm man
⭐Also about his love language.. well.. since he's a very introverted man- contrary to Chisei- I feel like his main love language wouldn't be the physical one, but the caring actions one!
⭐I think he would prefer to keep physical affection for private situations (so he wouldn't be for PDA, but for a more private sessions of cuddle)
⭐He would definitely let mc caressing his hair, while laying his head on mc's lap adorably after a stressful day
⭐But Haruomi would also be the dominant one sometimes, for sure!
⭐I think it would depend on how he feels at the moment cuddle time arrives!
⭐While about the dates..
⭐I'm sure Haruomi wouldn't opt for something so basical like bringing mc to a restaurant or cooking her something at Raimentei..
⭐...because he would have already daily done it!
⭐On the contrary I'm sure he would organize something romantic, in a place where he can be alone with her
⭐Like bringing her to the park or to the beach at the sunset and then having a kind of picnic
⭐Or maybe even something simpler but more adorable and intimate too, like staying home and watching a movie together
⭐In general I think he would prefer evening dates, not daily ones.
⭐Haruomi would appreciate feeling mc closer to him, especially when he feels like he's alone due to his trauma.
⭐Also, about pet names... I don't know if he would use any, actually
⭐I picture him using mc's name or basic pet names like babe.. nothing more, though.
⭐As an introverted and cold rapper, don't expect sweet words coming from his mouth, unless he's rapping/singing..
⭐But cute caring actions, instead, like helping you with everything- or preparing your lunch/dinner daringly
⭐Haruomi would be the one to dry her hair or to take care of her while you have a fever
⭐He would treat mc like a mum would, in my opinion, showing her his love and care for her through small actions
⭐Mc would never doubt about the truthfulness of Haruomi's feelings, even if he's cold and look kind of unfriendly..
⭐"Oh.. mc, babe.. you've come back.. dinner is ready.. huh? no need to thank me, y'know.."
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⭐Contrary to Haruomi, Chisei looks extroverted and friendly
⭐Especially while smiling and showing his cute fangs, guys.. you cannot think he's a bad person!
⭐Since I picture him as an extroverted person, I really imagine him being quite energetic too
⭐I think so also because it's said that he used to be a basketball player, soo..
⭐Since players (and in general sports people) are strong and energetic, I cannot imagine Chisei being the calm type of guy..
⭐On the contrary, I headcanon him being not chaotic, but energetic enough to cheer people up!
⭐Contrary to Haruomi, then, Chisei would be direct with his words and actions
⭐I bet he would feel nervous to confess his feelings towards mc at first..
⭐But he would get enough courage to do it anyway, without wasting much time!
⭐Once he's sure he likes her in that way, then he wouldn't hesitate but confess his feelings, even in the simplest way ever..
⭐...like going to her and explaining his feelings, using his words.
⭐He would be direct, in short, while talking to mc, even holding her hands too
⭐Because I think Chisei would enjoy cuddles and physical affection a lot!
⭐It'd be his love language most of the time (so he'd be pro to PDA)
⭐Just imagine him walking around with mc while holding her hand and occasionally kissing her forehead, without being ashamed to show to people around his feelings for her
⭐What I think he would love the best is sitting and then holding mc between his arms while letting her head leaning on his own chest. Since Chisei is tall, I think he would enjoy this way to hug mc, especially if she's smaller. He would fangirl deep down, like... "Oh my- she's so adorable! So small.. so cute!!", while smiling showing his cute fangs in the hug
⭐As for dates, well.. I think he would enjoy daily ones!
⭐I don't know why, but I feel Chisei would be the adventurous type of boyfriend, planning to go and wait for mc outside her house and then bring her to places like malls or concerts
⭐Contrary to Haruomi, I feel like he would prefer chaotic but fun places, like even themed parks
⭐I can already imagine him getting on the rollercoaster with mc and screaming all the time happily
⭐100% he'd be the type of boyfriend buying mc cotton candy or plushies, especially if she's small, so he can affectionately mock her for being as small as a baby.
⭐I think mc would never get bored hanging out with Chisei!
⭐He would be the type of guy challenging her in games at the themed park, like those with guns and cans! All of these while laughing adorably, showing his emotions without any problem and proving mc that he has always fun time with her!
⭐As for expressing his feelings, he would do it freely and random. Like, while mc is studying/working from home, he would hug her and whisper: "I love you... A lot, a lot!"
⭐100% the type of guy who would use a pet name to affectionately mock mc!- not the basical ones, in short..
⭐"Aw.. I love you, my cute and small plush! Hey, it's not my fault if you feel soft while hugging.. aw!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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yatonokami · 3 months
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