#paraphillia series
griefabyss69 · 3 months
Paraphillia 06 - Fastlove
Steddie - Rated: E - 15K [ AO3 ] Happy (belated) birthday @jamiethegardener55!! I hope you enjoy it <3 <3 <3
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Stigmatophilia is a term used to describe sexual arousal from body modification, including tattoos and piercings.
Steve gets his ear pierced and gets tripped headfirst into a new fascination - not only with the man who took all of the fear out of his first time, but with the before-middle-and-after of it too.
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Well. Steve doesn't want to stereotype, but he doesn't think any straight guy would say something like that. Though maybe he's met less straight men outside of the suit jacket and starched collared section of society than he'd thought, and needs to tune his gaydar a little better.
"Thanks," he says, pleased, whether it was a gay compliment or a straight one.
"I'll just get you to take a seat, make yourself comfortable," Eddie says, opening a package of gloves. "Do you have a preference for placement?"
Steve gets in the chair, awkward as he has to move around a bit to settle in.
"Uh, not really? The most normal one I guess?" He says, frowning when Eddie gets out a marker. "Whatever looks best to you."
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It's been 3 years since Horacio’s art career was finally got destroyed by his own predatory behaviors and dangerous paraphillias for the past 15 years. For this anniversary, I can show you guys my introduction zine WIP that was supposed to be finished to be copied in black and white only and give away at the local art walk for free, but didn't have much time, so I'll finish it for November.
Here's the 2nd pass of my zine outline after figuring out how to make a full zine with just 10 pages by adding two extra pages to make 12.
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Here's the written zine template, which I should have use google docs earlier to type quicker from my layout. Might as well give typing a script a shot.
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The whole purpose to make this very first official physical zine is the introduction of my mini series on my platforms as free advertisement and becoming the natural evolution from making small handmade sketchbooks since 2021.
More posts will come later today.
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lords-of-dawn · 5 years
"Korivan, What's a teratophile?" Raum asks with a straight face while the two of them were skimming over a series of dataslates. This was undoubtedly Oleander's doing.
The question was followed by a sharp and short series of coughs as Korivan attempted to quietly dispel the recaf that he had just inhaled from his lungs.
When at last the apothecary had re-mastered his ability to breath properly  did he turn his attention to Raum. This was undoubtedly Oleander’s doing. 
 “Well....” He rubbed at the base of his horn, feeling a headache starting to form. “It is a paraphillia. More accurately it is a paraphillia that deals in the attraction to monsters or individuals with monstrous features.  Like the features of a daemonette for instance.” 
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skipygmod · 7 years
Commentary - Why is Spongebob Squarepants currently TERRIBLE
What the hell happened, man? I remember when old and young ones said you were undeniably the best cartoon ever, I remember when they said that you were an improved version of Rocko and Ren & Stimpy.
They used to put you next to icons like Spiderman or Superman, now you’re not what you used to be. What happened? I understand that when a new concept lengthens so much, it stops being what it used to be. But that’s not the problem, Spongebob not only is not what it used to be, it’s just terrible. First the biggest and the most obvious problem is:
Flanderization: What is Flanderization? It is the most desperate resource of every mediocre writter. When a series has been aired for years, and now they’re out of ideas, the medicore writter resorts to turning the characters personalities up to eleven.
I’ll give you an example of what Flanderization is. Picture that I created a character, Totu. Totu is a soccer fan, he practices an hour everyday and values his friends and family. When the show has been airing for 6 years, the original writter leaves and now the medicore writter makes Totu to have soccer as his main trait to the degree of playing soccer naked on his backyard, at dawn, eventhough it’s snowing; sending his friends and family to hell. If they interrupt his soccer practice he’ll probably beat them up, and it’s insinuated that he probably has had sex with his ball and you get the idea.
What it used to be a relative nice and relatable character, now it’s a one-dimensional character, whose representative feauture is Soccer and his hobby is so over the top that it turned out nasty and obnoxious.
Another example of Flanderization is that a character whose favorite food is pie. As the show keeps going, he becomes a pie obsessive. Everytime he appears, he has to do something pie-related. He goes to pie convensions, he wears clothes with pie pictures on them, and he only talks about pie.
To this point is clear what Flanderization is about, and how you noticed, a lot of sitcom series suffer from it. I guess many of you see how this fits perfectly with New Spongebob.
Spongebob, who was a naive, but smart kid, now he’s idiotic as Patrick. Being an idiot never was his trait, he was just naive. He was devoted to his work, because he was a dedicated and industrious person. Now there’s an episode where he falls in love with a fucking hamburger.
He bothered cranky Squidward because of his naiveness and for the most part because he was asking for it before, now it looks like he’s in love with Squidward, he spies on him and even breathes heavily in front of him.
In another episode, Spongebob buys a new pet as company for Gary, that pet transforms into a monster and is about to eat Gary, when Spogebob arrives he nags Gary because he thinks Gary is bothering the other pet.
Spongebob wasn’t that stupid in the past, he was able to recognize danger and he even risked himself to save his friends. This is not funny, it doesn’t fit with the show’s humor. It’s sadistic and maddening to the point of satiation.
What’s with the emphasis in making the characters to act like sadistic assholes? What’s the point of it? Patrick also has his problems, he was an idiot before, he didn’t truly affect anyone. He said dumb things and did harmeless idiocy.
Now Patrick is a danger, he’s no longer an idiot, he’s an asshole.
In this scene Patrick is “helping” Spongebob pouring glue so he can be stuck forever. NO really, he’s actually “helping him”
Everything he does ends up in Spongebob or Squidward getting hurt.
“Hahahaha! How funny, his best friend did this to him” – Current writers.
Making emphasis on how doesn’t Patrick realize on the physical or moral harm he’s doing.
I’m not surprised that the Internet hates him so MUCH right now.
Or even worse, making emphasis on how he doesn’t give a fuck about all of these. New Patrick’s levels of assholeness are so high that many episodes can be considered he’s got a villain status since his only function is to torture the characters. And of course, getting away with it.
It’s not like the good old days where karma existed on the series and whose do bad deeds ended up paying the price. Now the point is that the assholes get away and the innocents end up paying the price.
Sandy of course, her only trait is science. Plankton to this point is now a buffoon that makes Mr. Krabs to look like the real villain of the show. Mr. Krabs’ exaggeration for money is so ridiculous that he chooses a few coins instead of his friends or even his own daughter. It’s not like in the past when he cared for spending time with his daughter, helping her on her prom or spending money for Mrs. Puff or worrying about Spongebob’s health.
No, now Mr. Krabs doesn’t give two shits about them and his fatherhood has been exterminated. Now money is more like a sick paraphillia for him. Squidward, well, he was an embittered individual, now he’s sank on depression and every one of his scenes are amazingly painfull to watch.
Yes, it’s not fake. They’re truly suggesting suicide in “Spongebob Squarepants”
Flanderization is undoubtedly one of the most distinctive problems with new “Spongebob Squarepants” but there are also other problems.
Bad Direction: Spongebob Squarepants’ soundtrack is one of the catchiest of any cartoon, however the direction nowadays are wasting its long music repertory to repeat them over and over again. It’s like they lost the rights of the music and they can only use four tracks instead.
What the flying fuck is that?
The habitants design are getting more stilted and humanoid
some of them don’t look like fishes anymore.
And in general, it feels like the show is not going underwater anymore. The references to maritime stuff are gone and instead of putting coral as trees, now they’re putting normal trees. Its sea vibe is absent.
On the other hand, the animation which is not bad, is no longer expresive or visually fun as it used to. They forgot the visual gags, and have replaced them with grotesque imagery and moments. The reason why Hillenburg wanted a storyboard and script based show, is because he wanted the visual jokes to well represented.
And the 3rd problem with this dog’s breakfast is:
Jokes are slow or they’re not even there: There are new episodes where comedy is non-existant and no joke is happening. Other episodes take their comedy on making Spongebob cry or making other characters scream. It’s not enough to say that it is not funny at all and gets so irritating, meanwhile the old Spongebob, you had joke after joke, with well-made dialogues and visual gags; here jokes take an eternity or basically they’re not present.
I won’t deny that the in the old Spongebob had kinda slow jokes too, but there weren’t moments were Spongebob started to count or cry for TWO whole minutes.
We also have to point out that the majority of its comedy is based on cruelty, grotesque and disgusting stuff, the old Spongebob had grotesque stuff too, but it wasn’t the focus point of every joke.
ALWAYS, but ALWAYS, the SAME THING: There are only three types of episodes in this shit:
 One where the focus is to torture a character, (especially, Squidward) and making emphasys on their pain.2)   An episode with a grotesque premise. For example: Spongebob getting pus out of his zits.3)   Plankton stealing the Krabby Patty formula.
An episode with a grotesque premise. For example: Spongebob getting pus out of his zits.
Plankton stealing the Krabby Patty formula.
Writers seem not interested to try something different. I kid you not that I can’t count the bazillion times that an episode ended in Squidward or Mrs. Puff getting arrested. It’s like the writers can’t think of a different wrap-up.“Oh, we tortured Squidward already, what else can we do? Oh, I know, arrest him for some stupid reason, that can be funny”To this point I’m 100% sure that these writers are apathetic of their job and they hate what they’re doing. And finally the last point and the one I hate the most:
The show reduced itself to be the most mean-spirited, unfair, crudest, cruelest, and darkest as it can be (Dark humour done wrong): Also translated to a Ren & Stimpy wannabe. Everybody in this show is trying to make miserable to each other. Everybody hate their lives, everybody are fucked up on the head,
And the biggest focus in the series is to make you uncomfortable with all the shit the characters has to put up with, now is seeing Patrick hurting Spongebob, seeing Squidward going through physical pain and punnishing the innocent. It’s like the show is trying to be a Ren & Stimpy wannabe.
In Ren & Stimpy, the tortures had to do with situation, here happen just because. Out of nowhere. Without a funny context in the situation. It’s just a show made for making the characters suffer most of the time. I know that Squidward suffered in the old episodes, but mostly was because he was asking for it.
He (Squidward) also had his glory moments like in “Band Geeks”. Now Squidward can’t sit down to relax because Spongebob and Patrick come to burn his eyes out, rip peaces of skin off, and of course ending up getting arrested or homeless.
I really don’t have nothing against sadistic humour, I think it’s funny in many series, but Spongebob Squarepants, whose humour wasn’t focused in that, and it had touching moments, it really feels forced and shocking.
The specific moment when the show started its decline was when “Good Neighbors” premiered. Like I said all the characters in the past had their well-deserved reward and well-deserved punnishment according the karma.
Now in the new episodes, Mrs. Puff and Squidward were in so many death-risk moments that they want to KILL Spongebob. It gets far from funny and it gets uncomfortable, disturbing and ruins the touching moments of the show.
“This is not funny, it’s INSANITY, it’s DISTURBING, seriously, this is not “Drawn Together” or “Family Guy”. This was supposed to be aimed to 8-Years old”
Meanwhile, in another dimmension
Like Mrs. Puff worrying for making Spongebob pass, Squidward felt sorry for making Spongebob cry or even Squidward cryied for Spongebob because he thought he was dead. And even when Squidward gave away his belonging on Christmas to make Spongebob happy
(Go to 9:37) Have in mind that it was SQUIDWARD who said THAT, which makes this triple as touching.
What happened to you, man? I used to be your fan, at the end there’s nothing else to see, another screw-up from Nickelodeon, and another show that doesn’t deserve new episodes, if the 2nd movie is either going to be good or bad, I really don’t know what to think, I hope I do, and it may be the finale, nevertheless, the damage is already done.
(Go to 9:59 of the video)
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griefabyss69 · 6 months
Eternal Rains Will Come - Paraphillia 05 - Dacryphilia
Steddie - Rated: M - 3.1K
[ AO3 ]
Happy belated birthday to @steddieas-shegoes!!! I hope you enjoy it <3 <3 <3
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Dacryphilia (also known as dacrylagnia) is a form of paraphilia in which one is aroused by tears or sobbing. --
Eddie helps Steve out in the kitchen and Steve's impulse control fails him. Excerpt
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"Alright, stop it with the stink eye," Eddie says, and starts to cut the tomato properly. "I'll be on my best behavior."
"Uh-huh," Steve says, flat and dry only to continue the little game they have going on. The one where Steve has to pretend Eddie annoys the shit out of him so he doesn't stick his hands up his shirt. "You're real good at behaving."
Eddie's grin is all dimples as he works, efficiently enough that it's satisfying to watch, even if everything's kind of uneven.
It's getting turned into sauce anyway, so it doesn't matter. Besides, they only have each other to impress.
They prepare the tomatoes, then a green pepper, some garlic and basil to simmer on the side, and…
An onion.
Steve fucking hates chopping onions, so when that's the only thing left, he pretends like he's so busy, sticking his head in the fridge and rearranging shit as if he's actually doing something useful. Eddie's sigh is weary, but he starts to peel it anyway.
"I dunno how the pros do it man," Eddie says, already wincing before he's even got the knife in it. "Maybe their eyes just become immune to this shit?"
Steve gives him a little shrug as he starts heating up oil in the sauce pan. There's a couple smashed cloves of garlic and an open can of tomato paste waiting to kick everything off.
"Maybe they've got industry secrets, or maybe they just need to cry a lot. Robin knows someone who works in a kitchen and from what she hears it's like, hell in there."
Eddie laughs, one side of his mouth all halfhearted about it as he chops the onion in half.
"Yeah, Vecna wouldn't stand a chance as a line cook," he says, continuing to chop.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Still Motion - Paraphillia 01 - Scoptophilia
Steddie - Rated: E - 6.5K
On AO3 here
Tip / Commissions post
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Scoptophilia describes the sexual pleasure that a person derives from looking at prurient objects of eroticism, such as pornography, the nude body, and fetishes.
- Steve poses nude for Eddie so he can do figure sketching from his bed, as Eddie starts to look like he's getting too warm. Of course, it's not the temperature that's getting to him.
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He's not sure why he needed to start off so modest, but that's got to be normal for people, right? He glances over at Eddie, moving his head a bit to see him clearly, and Eddie waves a hand a him.
"Move your head back," he says, distracted as he sketches.
He wants to laugh but he bites it down, just looks back at the wall. Maybe the next pose he does he'll position his head so it's looking right at him, and he can stare at him while he's drawing.
The room is starting to feel a little warm, like Eddie had turned the heat up on purpose for him, which he appreciates even if he doesn't really get cold that easily. He's famously got a lot of blood in his body, and even more famously is a furnace of a guy.
Maybe if he starts sweating it'll give Eddie good practice at drawing it. Water must be really hard to draw since it's clear, like how do you make something show up clear if you're drawing it? Using outlines, he guesses, but that's got to be hard to figure out if it's on top of something that's not clear.
The egg timer goes and he turns, bringing his other leg up to hug both of his legs, resting his chin on them, facing Eddie. It's comfortable, and he's feeling a little sleepy so he turns his head to rest his cheek down instead before Eddie can start drawing and get mad at him for moving.
"Are you cold?" Eddie asks, even though Steve had told him the room was fine like five minutes ago or something.
"Nah," he mumbles, giving him a smile.
Eddie must be feeling the heat in here, since his cheeks are even redder than before. He feels a little disappointed, and realizes that he had been hoping that this was making Eddie flustered.
It wouldn't make any sense if he was, since he was experienced with this kind of nudity; people naked for the sake of art and not for sex. Maybe he can get him flustered in another context.
This new position is nice though, it's easy to hold onto himself and watch Eddie as he works, even if it makes the butterflies that feel just like Eddie's laugh start to mess around in his stomach whenever he looks up and their eyes momentarily meet.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Waves - Paraphillia 03 - Saliromania
Steddie - Rated: E - 4.6K
On AO3 here
Tip / Commissions post
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Saliromania is a fetish that involves pleasure from soiling or disheveling the object of one’s desire, usually an attractive person. It can also involve sexual arousal or satisfaction of soiling or damaging a partner’s clothing. Some individuals may also enjoy the act of being soiled or disheveled themselves.
Steve watches Eddie a lot, finds that Eddie's always got his mouth busy. It's distracting and he's becoming a little bit obsessed with it - to the point where he snaps one day and climbs into Eddie's lap to have his turn with it.
(The working title for this was spit luvrs supreme and I was really tempted to keep that!)
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Eddie's breath huffs against his hand as he starts trying to angle himself so he has better friction, his tongue coming up to tease at one of Steve's fingers, disturbing the spit enough to make it spill out down his chin.
The combined bullseye of Eddie's dick rubbing against his own and seeing the spit starting to drip down to his shirt makes Steve moan in the back of his throat.
Eddie's big eyes go a little wider and he makes another failed attempt at swallowing, eyebrows furrowing, probably worried about how messy he's getting, but Steve gives a warning press against his teeth, holding them open for him. Eddie lets his jaw relax and now it really is just up to Steve, who brings his other hand up to slide two fingers in, pressing against his tongue.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Acceptance and Negation - Paraphillia 02 - Forniphilia
Steddie - Rated: E - 18.7K
On AO3 here
Tip / Commissions post
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Forniphilia is a type of BDSM practice where one partner is turned into a piece of furniture or object for the other partner’s use. This can involve anything from being used as a chair or table, to being transformed into a coat rack or lamp.
Steve loses a bet against Eddie, who gets to order him around all night. It wasn't intended to be a sex thing until Steve discovered something new about himself.
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Steve stands awkwardly in his living room, hands fisted in his jacket pockets, watching as Eddie pretends to think about what he wants him to do, the loser at his beck and call.
"Well," Eddie begins, his grin lighting up his face. "There are so many options, but I don't think you'd know how to cook or clean so I'll spare us both the disaster."
Steve clenches his teeth so he can swallow down the scoff. Now's not the time to egg the guy on, or give him any information about himself, even if he's fucking wrong. Steve's been cooking and cleaning since he was a preteen.
"So, I have you until six in the morning, as agreed."
Steve stares at him, waiting.
"I think I have just the thing," Eddie says, his face relaxing into a softer smile, like he's about to be kind.
It's the same fucking trap that Steve fell for earlier, and he doesn't relax an inch, knowing better by now. Eddie's a great actor, probably is in the drama club or some shit, and Steve was a little bit too willing to have a friendly competition with him earlier, maybe was kinda interested in why he was being so chummy all of a sudden.
He learned his lesson.
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griefabyss69 · 11 months
so take a bite of me, just once - Paraphilia + LARP AU 04 - Odaxelagnia
Steddie - Rated: E - 10.3K
On AO3 here
Tip / Commissions post
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Odaxelagnia is a kink where individuals experience sexual arousal from biting or being bitten.
The door creaks open slowly, the dim lighting from the hall spilling blue tinted into Eddie's lair, a gentle haze of back-light against the warm illumination of the most delicious human he's ever seen.
So obedient, carrying out everything he's asked of him around his Castle, even blindfolding himself just so he's stuck under Eddie's command around others who could break it.
"Give me your hands," he says, a soft order.
Steve lifts his arms, hands palm up for him. Openness and truth, manufactured, but still appreciated.
Eddie's revenge feels less like striking back and more like reverence, but he's satisfied with the mark he's left on Steve anyway.
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"Comfortable?" He asks, trying not to swallow audibly when Steve tips his head back as if he's trying to look up at him.
"Yes, sire," he says, which isn't the right title because Steve's not his vampire offspring, but it still makes his dick twitch.
"You may call me Eddie," he says, letting the impulse to press his thumb against Steve's lips come through. "While under my power, at least."
"Thank you, Eddie," Steve says, a little clumsy.
Eddie takes the chance to push his thumb in a bit, and Steve's mouth drops open to let him. Good fucking God, if this is what Steve feels every time Eddie lets him do something to him, he understands why he puts himself in charge so often.
When Steve sucks on it he almost derails what Eddie has planned, ready to just keep his mouth open and to use it, but he counts to ten and reigns himself in.
He pulls his thumb out and cups Steve's cheek.
"So good for me, aren't you?"
Steve's cheeks are turning pink enough that he can see it in the dim light, and he looks him over, taking in how he's starting to get hard against the fabric of the robe. It must feel amazing against his dick. Eddie kind of wishes he’d tried it on before he brought it.
When Steve is silent, he tightens his grip, he doesn't think it hurts, but it's not gentle either, his thumb digging into his cheekbone.
"That was a question, answer it."
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Philia Series Poll #02!
The first voted prompt of the Philia Series has been chosen!
Endytophilia (clothes/wearing clothes during sex) won! I've already started writing it, I'm excited for how it's turning out.
I've decided that I'm going to complete five fics before starting to post, so I feel better about how slow any updates might be. These are all standalone one-shots, and the two I have fully finished are a lot longer than I intended these to be, so! Who knows how the rest will go.
Continuing with more prompts, I'm here to ask you to vote for your favorite again!
Feel free to ask about my thoughts on any of these!
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
ok final word for the WIP guessing game bc I gotta get ready for work
are you ready for it?
ok here goes
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From Graphoerotica WIP, another paraphillia! (I was worried bc I always use other words when writing LMAO... but luckily Eddie had my back <3 And good luck at work!)
He'd read the things Eddie wrote before, mostly incomprehensible notes for what he assumed was his current DnD campaign in a shorthand he wasn't going to try to decipher. And he'd assumed it was the same thing time until he glances over, seeing his familiar handwriting cramped inside of the huge cock he was drawing. "Eddie!" Eddie looks up, impish and mischievous, tilting his head like a dog. "Yeeees?" The fact that Steve finds this funny doesn't help how he's trying to frown at him in some kind of offense. "Whyyyy," he begins, squinting at him. "Did you draw a penis on my arm?" Eddie bats his eyelashes and twirls the pen in his fingers. "Wanted to."
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
wip friedsday
Wow... if you combine friday and wednesday you can get friendsday friedsday...
Anyway, tagged by the effervescent @steddieas-shegoes to post a paragraph of my WIP! Choosing which one is TOUGH I gotta say, but here we go <3
There's also just something about the vulnerability of sleeping, unlacing the defensive curl of his body until the whole front of him is open, hands resting so casually beside his head like he'd put no thought into it - it drives him fucking crazy. He tugs his sweats down just enough that the top of his pubes are showing, moves around until his shirt scrunches at the bottom to bunch around his waist, and gets into position, elbows up above his shoulders as he lets his leg tilt out to the side. Casual. You can't blame someone for being a gay slut while they're just laying there, asleep. There's no seduction involved, and therefore it's not Eddie's fault if Steve's either turned on about it. And he's putting himself into Steve's hands, trusting him to keep him safe when he falls asleep, even if he desperately wishes he'd undress him and touch him everywhere. Steve wouldn't do that, though. So he just settles for the orchestration of a way to show himself off without getting caught. Plenty of people have rumpled clothes and an open position when they sleep, and if Steve notices the change from acting more like an armadillo under the blankets to the slight arch of his back, he'd likely just think Eddie's gotten used to sleeping beside him now.
From the hypnophilia fic that won't be posted for ages <3 (There's a few ahead of it, at least that's what I've planned) But it won the second poll and I got inspired pretty quickly so I started writing it last week! Tagging @vecnuthy @simplebtromance (unless you've already been tagged then ignore this!) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Hypnophilia WIP!!! 😈😈😈
What that really means is that he and Steve are starting to live in each other's pockets, learning more about each other everyday, getting used to each other's habits and expressions and thoughts. At first, when nobody was visiting either of them - the kids in school, the others in the party doing their job thing or their college thing, and Wayne at work or still dealing with The Aftermath - they would go to their separate rooms, Steve in his cage of plaid nightmares and Eddie in a more neutral guest room, and hang out by themselves. But living together meant they ate together usually, shared enough of the same spaces that their conversations went further than the topsoil of logistics and small talk, starting to get back to that place they'd been headed back when Eddie had learned that Steve was honestly pretty fucking decent. They do their daily physio stretches together, otherwise Steve will forget and Eddie will put them off until "tomorrow", and despite the A/C, Steve always fucking takes his shirt off for them. Sure, it probably helps him, fabric against Eddie's own scars tends to feel a little rough and he knows Steve doesn't like to feel constricted when he's trying to move. And Steve doesn't know exactly what he's doing to him because Eddie will never, ever, tell him.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
For the WIP guessing game:
From LARP AU 04 (and also Paraphillia 04!!! Though what the fetish is is a secret for now!)
"You still good for the whole uh, thing we talked about?" Eddie asks, going for relaxed, but knows he probably seems pretty nervous. "Yeah, I promise I won't make it hard for you," Steve says, smirking up at him. "Well, aside from your cock." It's a joke of a certain caliber that normally would have Eddie scoffing, as if it's not something he would've said himself if he'd gotten there sooner. But he wants this to go well so badly that he just nods, shoots him a little grin, and heads towards the stairs at a pace that doesn't resemble a scared dog. It's normal, confident, human walking.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
For the wip game: touch
More of the hypnophilia WIP!!!!! <3
He goes about trimming his pubes, not taking too much away, just enough to create a nicer transition from his treasure traill to the base of his dick, listening to the muffled sounds of Steve singing in the kitchen, trying not to feel weird about any of it. Again, he's not crossing a line, despite his intentions. He's just. Taking the lid off of a silver platter, and stretching out across it. He'd even put an apple in his mouth if it got Steve to touch him. He cleans up the bathroom and heads into the kitchen like he's up to nothing at all, the trimmed hairs at his pelvis rubbing against his boxers and making him so aware of them.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Last Sentence Tag
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
Thanks @wormdebut for the tag!
Here's a sentence from one of my paraphillia wips <3
He picks up the flashlight and gives the abyss a long look before he whispers a goodbye and heads to his car.
I don't think I know that many people on here LMAO so, if you see this consider yourself tagged! (No pressure ofc)
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